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# Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Related configuration of etcd, used to store Milvus metadata.
- localhost:2379
rootPath: by-dev # The root path where data is stored in etcd
metaSubPath: meta # metaRootPath = rootPath + '/' + metaSubPath
kvSubPath: kv # kvRootPath = rootPath + '/' + kvSubPath
# path is one of:
# - "default" as os.Stderr,
# - "stderr" as os.Stderr,
# - "stdout" as os.Stdout,
# - file path to append server logs to.
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/logs/etcd.log
path: stdout
level: info # Only supports debug, info, warn, error, panic, or fatal. Default 'info'.
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: true
embed: false # Whether to enable embedded Etcd (an in-process EtcdServer).
# Embedded Etcd only.
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/etcdData/
dir: default.etcd
enabled: false # Whether to support ETCD secure connection mode
tlsCert: /path/to/etcd-client.pem # path to your cert file
tlsKey: /path/to/etcd-client-key.pem # path to your key file
tlsCACert: /path/to/ca.pem # path to your CACert file
# TLS min version
# Optional values: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3。
# We recommend using version 1.2 and above
tlsMinVersion: 1.3
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/data/
path: /var/lib/milvus/data/
# Related configuration of minio, which is responsible for data persistence for Milvus.
address: localhost # Address of MinIO/S3
port: 9000 # Port of MinIO/S3
accessKeyID: minioadmin # accessKeyID of MinIO/S3
secretAccessKey: minioadmin # MinIO/S3 encryption string
useSSL: false # Access to MinIO/S3 with SSL
bucketName: "a-bucket" # Bucket name in MinIO/S3
rootPath: files # The root path where the message is stored in MinIO/S3
# Milvus supports three MQ: rocksmq(based on RockDB), Pulsar and Kafka, which should be reserved in config what you use.
# There is a note about enabling priority if we config multiple mq in this file
# 1. standalone(local) mode: rockskmq(default) > Pulsar > Kafka
# 2. cluster mode: Pulsar(default) > Kafka (rocksmq is unsupported)
# Related configuration of pulsar, used to manage Milvus logs of recent mutation operations, output streaming log, and provide log publish-subscribe services.
address: localhost # Address of pulsar
port: 6650 # Port of pulsar
maxMessageSize: 5242880 # 5 * 1024 * 1024 Bytes, Maximum size of each message in pulsar.
# If you want to enable kafka, needs to comment the pulsar configs
# brokerList: localhost1:9092,localhost2:9092,localhost3:9092
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/rdb_data
path: /var/lib/milvus/rdb_data # The path where the message is stored in rocksmq
rocksmqPageSize: 2147483648 # 2 GB, 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes, The size of each page of messages in rocksmq
retentionTimeInMinutes: 10080 # 7 days, 7 * 24 * 60 minutes, The retention time of the message in rocksmq.
retentionSizeInMB: 8192 # 8 GB, 8 * 1024 MB, The retention size of the message in rocksmq.
# Related configuration of rootCoord, used to handle data definition language (DDL) and data control language (DCL) requests
address: localhost
port: 53100
dmlChannelNum: 256 # The number of dml channels created at system startup
maxPartitionNum: 4096 # Maximum number of partitions in a collection
minSegmentSizeToEnableIndex: 1024 # It's a threshold. When the segment size is less than this value, the segment will not be indexed
# (in seconds) Duration after which an import task will expire (be killed). Default 3600 seconds (1 hour).
# Note: If default value is to be changed, change also the default in: internal/util/paramtable/component_param.go
importTaskExpiration: 3600
# (in seconds) Milvus will keep the record of import tasks for at least `importTaskRetention` seconds. Default 86400
# seconds (24 hours).
# Note: If default value is to be changed, change also the default in: internal/util/paramtable/component_param.go
importTaskRetention: 86400
# (in seconds) Check an import task's segment loading state in queryNodes every `importSegmentStateCheckInterval`
# seconds. Default 10 seconds.
# Note: If default value is to be changed, change also the default in: internal/util/paramtable/component_param.go
importSegmentStateCheckInterval: 10
# (in seconds) Maximum time to wait for segments in a single import task to be loaded in queryNodes.
# Default 60 seconds (1 minute).
# Note: If default value is to be changed, change also the default in: internal/util/paramtable/component_param.go
importSegmentStateWaitLimit: 60
# (in seconds) Check the building status of a task's segments' indices every `importIndexCheckInterval` seconds.
# Default 300 seconds (5 minutes).
# Note: If default value is to be changed, change also the default in: internal/util/paramtable/component_param.go
importIndexCheckInterval: 300
# (in seconds) Maximum time to wait for indices to be built on a single import task's segments.
# Default 1200 seconds (20 minutes).
# Note: If default value is to be changed, change also the default in: internal/util/paramtable/component_param.go
importIndexWaitLimit: 1200
# Related configuration of proxy, used to validate client requests and reduce the returned results.
port: 19530
internalPort: 19529
enabled: true # Whether to enable the http server
debug_mode: false # Whether to enable http server debug mode
port: 8080 # Whether to enable the http server
readTimeout: 30000 # 30000 ms http read timeout
writeTimeout: 30000 # 30000 ms http write timeout
timeTickInterval: 200 # ms, the interval that proxy synchronize the time tick
bufSize: 512
maxNameLength: 255 # Maximum length of name for a collection or alias
maxFieldNum: 256 # Maximum number of fields in a collection
maxDimension: 32768 # Maximum dimension of a vector
maxShardNum: 256 # Maximum number of shards in a collection
maxTaskNum: 1024 # max task number of proxy task queue
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: false
ginLogging: true # Whether to produce gin logs.
# Related configuration of queryCoord, used to manage topology and load balancing for the query nodes, and handoff from growing segments to sealed segments.
address: localhost
port: 19531
autoHandoff: true # Enable auto handoff
autoBalance: true # Enable auto balance
overloadedMemoryThresholdPercentage: 90 # The threshold percentage that memory overload
balanceIntervalSeconds: 60
memoryUsageMaxDifferencePercentage: 30
# Related configuration of queryNode, used to run hybrid search between vector and scalar data.
cacheSize: 32 # GB, default 32 GB, `cacheSize` is the memory used for caching data for faster query. The `cacheSize` must be less than system memory size.
gracefulTime: 0 # Minimum time before the newly inserted data can be searched (in ms)
port: 21123
publishInterval: 1000 # Interval for querynode to report node information (milliseconds)
maxQueueLength: 1024 # Maximum length of task queue in flowgraph
maxParallelism: 1024 # Maximum number of tasks executed in parallel in the flowgraph
recvBufSize: 512 # msgPack channel buffer size
pulsarBufSize: 512 # pulsar channel buffer size
recvBufSize: 64 # msgPack channel buffer size
# Segcore will divide a segment into multiple chunks to enbale small index
chunkRows: 32768 # The number of vectors in a chunk.
# Note: we have disabled segment small index since @2022.05.12. So below related configurations won't work.
# We won't create small index for growing segments and search on these segments will directly use bruteforce scan.
nlist: 256 # small index nlist, recommend to set sqrt(chunkRows), must smaller than chunkRows/8
nprobe: 16 # nprobe to search small index, based on your accuracy requirement, must smaller than nlist
enabled: true
memoryLimit: 2147483648 # 2 GB, 2 * 1024 *1024 *1024
address: localhost
port: 31000
port: 21121
address: localhost
port: 13333
enableCompaction: true # Enable data segment compression
enableGarbageCollection: false
maxSize: 512 # Maximum size of a segment in MB
sealProportion: 0.75 # It's the minimum proportion for a segment which can be sealed
assignmentExpiration: 2000 # The time of the assignment expiration in ms
maxLife: 86400 # The max lifetime of segment in seconds, 24*60*60
enableAutoCompaction: true
interval: 3600 # gc interval in seconds
missingTolerance: 86400 # file meta missing tolerance duration in seconds, 60*24
dropTolerance: 86400 # file belongs to dropped entity tolerance duration in seconds, 60*24
port: 21124
maxQueueLength: 1024 # Maximum length of task queue in flowgraph
maxParallelism: 1024 # Maximum number of tasks executed in parallel in the flowgraph
# Max buffer size to flush for a single segment.
insertBufSize: 16777216 # Bytes, 16 MB
# Configures the system log output.
level: info # Only supports debug, info, warn, error, panic, or fatal. Default 'info'.
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: /tmp/milvus/logs
rootPath: "" # default to stdout, stderr
maxSize: 300 # MB
maxAge: 10 # Maximum time for log retention in day.
maxBackups: 20
format: text # text/json
level: WARNING
serverMaxRecvSize: 2147483647 # math.MaxInt32
serverMaxSendSize: 2147483647 # math.MaxInt32
clientMaxRecvSize: 104857600 # 100 MB, 100 * 1024 * 1024
clientMaxSendSize: 104857600 # 100 MB, 100 * 1024 * 1024
dialTimeout: 5000
keepAliveTime: 10000
keepAliveTimeout: 3000
# Configure the proxy tls enable.
serverPemPath: configs/cert/server.pem
serverKeyPath: configs/cert/server.key
caPemPath: configs/cert/ca.pem
# Channel name generation rule: ${namePrefix}-${ChannelIdx}
cluster: "by-dev"
rootCoordTimeTick: "rootcoord-timetick"
rootCoordStatistics: "rootcoord-statistics"
rootCoordDml: "rootcoord-dml"
rootCoordDelta: "rootcoord-delta"
search: "search"
searchResult: "searchResult"
queryTimeTick: "queryTimeTick"
queryNodeStats: "query-node-stats"
# Cmd for loadIndex, flush, etc...
cmd: "cmd"
dataCoordStatistic: "datacoord-statistics-channel"
dataCoordTimeTick: "datacoord-timetick-channel"
dataCoordSegmentInfo: "segment-info-channel"
# Sub name generation rule: ${subNamePrefix}-${NodeID}
rootCoordSubNamePrefix: "rootCoord"
proxySubNamePrefix: "proxy"
queryNodeSubNamePrefix: "queryNode"
dataNodeSubNamePrefix: "dataNode"
dataCoordSubNamePrefix: "dataCoord"
defaultPartitionName: "_default" # default partition name for a collection
defaultIndexName: "_default_idx" # default index name
retentionDuration: 432000 # 5 days in seconds
entityExpiration: -1 # Entity expiration in seconds, CAUTION make sure entityExpiration >= retentionDuration and -1 means never expire
# Default value: auto
# Valid values: [auto, avx512, avx2, avx, sse4_2]
# This configuration is only used by querynode and indexnode, it selects CPU instruction set for Searching and Index-building.
simdType: auto
indexSliceSize: 4 # MB
# please adjust in embedded Milvus: local
storageType: minio
authorizationEnabled: false
tlsEnabled: false