mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
306 lines
13 KiB
306 lines
13 KiB
pipeline {
options {
timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') // timeout on this stage
agent {
kubernetes {
label "milvus-chaos-test"
defaultContainer 'main'
yamlFile "build/ci/jenkins/pod/chaos-test.yaml"
customWorkspace '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace'
// idle 5 minutes to wait clean up tasks
idleMinutes 5
description: 'Chaos Test Type',
name: 'chaos_type',
choices: ['pod-kill', 'pod-failure', 'mem-stress', 'network-latency', 'network-partition', 'io-latency']
description: 'Chaos Test Target: \
mem-stress: datanode, etcd, indexnode, minio, proxy, kakfa, querynode, standalone \
io-fault & io-latency: minio, kafka, etcd ',
name: 'pod_name',
choices: ["datacoord", "datanode", "indexcoord", "indexnode", "proxy", "kafka", "querycoord", "querynode", "rootcoord", "etcd", "minio"]
description: 'Chaos Test Task',
name: 'chaos_task',
choices: ['chaos-test', 'data-consist-test']
description: 'Image Repository',
name: 'image_repository',
defaultValue: 'registry.milvus.io/milvus/milvus'
description: 'Image Tag',
name: 'image_tag',
defaultValue: 'master-latest'
description: 'Pod Nums',
name: 'pod_nums',
defaultValue: '1'
description: 'Keep Env',
name: 'keep_env',
defaultValue: 'false'
environment {
ARTIFACTS = "${env.WORKSPACE}/_artifacts"
RELEASE_NAME = "${params.pod_name}-${params.chaos_type}-${env.BUILD_ID}"
NAMESPACE = "chaos-testing"
stages {
stage ('Install Dependency') {
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client') {
script {
sh "pip install -r requirements.txt --trusted-host https://test.pypi.org"
stage ('Modify Milvus chart values') {
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos') {
script {
sh "yq -i '.kafka.enabled = true' cluster-values.yaml"
sh "yq -i '.pulsar.enabled = false' cluster-values.yaml"
sh "cat cluster-values.yaml"
stage ('Deploy Milvus') {
options {
timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES') // timeout on this stage
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos/scripts') {
script {
def image_tag_modified = ""
if ("${params.image_tag}" == "master-latest") {
image_tag_modified = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'bash ../../../../scripts/docker_image_find_tag.sh -n milvusdb/milvus-dev -t master-latest -f master- -F -L -q').trim()
else {
image_tag_modified = "${params.image_tag}"
sh "echo ${image_tag_modified}"
sh "echo ${params.chaos_type}"
sh "docker pull ${params.image_repository}:${image_tag_modified}"
sh "helm repo add milvus https://milvus-io.github.io/milvus-helm"
sh "helm repo update"
if ("${params.pod_name}" == "standalone"){
IMAGE_TAG="${image_tag_modified}" \
REPOSITORY="${params.image_repository}" \
bash install_milvus_standalone.sh
IMAGE_TAG="${image_tag_modified}" \
REPOSITORY="${params.image_repository}" \
bash install_milvus_cluster.sh
sh "kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=${env.RELEASE_NAME} -n ${env.NAMESPACE} --timeout=360s"
sh "kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod -l release=${env.RELEASE_NAME} -n ${env.NAMESPACE} --timeout=360s"
sh "kubectl get pods -o wide|grep ${env.RELEASE_NAME}"
stage ('Run e2e test before chaos') {
options {
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') // timeout on this stage
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos') {
script {
def host = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "kubectl get svc/${env.RELEASE_NAME}-milvus -o jsonpath=\"{.spec.clusterIP}\"").trim()
sh "pytest -s -v ../testcases/test_e2e.py --host $host --log-cli-level=INFO --capture=no"
stage ('Run hello_milvus before chaos') {
options {
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') // timeout on this stage
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos') {
script {
def host = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "kubectl get svc/${env.RELEASE_NAME}-milvus -o jsonpath=\"{.spec.clusterIP}\"").trim()
sh "python3 scripts/hello_milvus.py --host $host"
stage ('Run chaos test'){
options {
timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') // timeout on this stage
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos') {
script {
POD_NAME="${params.pod_name}" \
CHAOS_TYPE="${params.chaos_type}" \
bash scripts/modify_config.sh
if ("${params.chaos_task}" == "chaos-test"){
def host = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "kubectl get svc/${env.RELEASE_NAME}-milvus -o jsonpath=\"{.spec.clusterIP}\"").trim()
sh "pytest -s -v test_chaos.py --host $host --log-cli-level=INFO --capture=no || echo 'chaos test fail' "
if ("${params.chaos_task}" == "data-consist-test"){
def host = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "kubectl get svc/${env.RELEASE_NAME}-milvus -o jsonpath=\"{.spec.clusterIP}\"").trim()
sh "pytest -s -v test_chaos_data_consist.py --host $host --log-cli-level=INFO --capture=no || echo "chaos test fail" "
echo "chaos test done"
sh "kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=${env.RELEASE_NAME} -n ${env.NAMESPACE} --timeout=360s"
sh "kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod -l release=${env.RELEASE_NAME} -n ${env.NAMESPACE} --timeout=360s"
sh "kubectl get pods -o wide|grep ${env.RELEASE_NAME}"
stage ('result analysis') {
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos/reports') {
script {
echo "result analysis"
sh "cat ${env.RELEASE_NAME}.log || echo 'no log file'"
stage ('run e2e test after chaos') {
options {
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') // timeout on this stage
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos') {
script {
def host = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "kubectl get svc/${env.RELEASE_NAME}-milvus -o jsonpath=\"{.spec.clusterIP}\"").trim()
sh "pytest -s -v ../testcases/test_e2e.py --host $host --log-cli-level=INFO --capture=no"
sh "kubectl get pods -o wide|grep ${env.RELEASE_NAME}"
stage ('Run hello_milvus after chaos') {
options {
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') // timeout on this stage
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos') {
script {
def host = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "kubectl get svc/${env.RELEASE_NAME}-milvus -o jsonpath=\"{.spec.clusterIP}\"").trim()
sh "python3 scripts/hello_milvus.py --host $host"
sh "kubectl get pods -o wide|grep ${env.RELEASE_NAME}"
stage ('Verify all collections after chaos') {
options {
timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES') // timeout on this stage
steps {
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos') {
script {
def host = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "kubectl get svc/${env.RELEASE_NAME}-milvus -o jsonpath=\"{.spec.clusterIP}\"").trim()
sh "python3 scripts/verify_all_collections.py --host $host"
sh "kubectl get pods -o wide|grep ${env.RELEASE_NAME}"
post {
always {
echo 'upload logs'
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos') {
script {
echo "get pod status"
sh "kubectl get pods -o wide|grep ${env.RELEASE_NAME} || true"
echo "collecte logs"
sh "bash ../../scripts/export_log_k8s.sh ${env.NAMESPACE} ${env.RELEASE_NAME} k8s_log/${env.RELEASE_NAME} || true"
sh "tar -zcvf artifacts-${env.RELEASE_NAME}-pytest-logs.tar.gz /tmp/ci_logs/ --remove-files || true"
sh "tar -zcvf artifacts-${env.RELEASE_NAME}-server-logs.tar.gz k8s_log/ --remove-files || true"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "artifacts-${env.RELEASE_NAME}-pytest-logs.tar.gz", allowEmptyArchive: true
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "artifacts-${env.RELEASE_NAME}-server-logs.tar.gz", allowEmptyArchive: true
if ("${params.keep_env}" == "false"){
sh "bash scripts/uninstall_milvus.sh ${env.RELEASE_NAME}"
success {
echo 'I succeeeded!'
container('main') {
dir ('tests/python_client/chaos/scripts') {
script {
sh "bash uninstall_milvus.sh ${env.RELEASE_NAME} || true"
unstable {
echo 'I am unstable :/'
failure {
echo 'I failed :('
changed {
echo 'Things were different before...'