mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
1209 lines
36 KiB
1209 lines
36 KiB
// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package proxy
import (
const (
CreateIndexTaskName = "CreateIndexTask"
AlterIndexTaskName = "AlterIndexTask"
DescribeIndexTaskName = "DescribeIndexTask"
DropIndexTaskName = "DropIndexTask"
GetIndexStateTaskName = "GetIndexStateTask"
GetIndexBuildProgressTaskName = "GetIndexBuildProgressTask"
AutoIndexName = common.AutoIndexName
DimKey = common.DimKey
IsSparseKey = common.IsSparseKey
type createIndexTask struct {
req *milvuspb.CreateIndexRequest
ctx context.Context
rootCoord types.RootCoordClient
datacoord types.DataCoordClient
result *commonpb.Status
replicateMsgStream msgstream.MsgStream
isAutoIndex bool
newIndexParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair
newTypeParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair
newExtraParams []*commonpb.KeyValuePair
collectionID UniqueID
functionSchema *schemapb.FunctionSchema
fieldSchema *schemapb.FieldSchema
userAutoIndexMetricTypeSpecified bool
func (cit *createIndexTask) TraceCtx() context.Context {
return cit.ctx
func (cit *createIndexTask) ID() UniqueID {
return cit.req.GetBase().GetMsgID()
func (cit *createIndexTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
cit.req.GetBase().MsgID = uid
func (cit *createIndexTask) Name() string {
return CreateIndexTaskName
func (cit *createIndexTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return cit.req.GetBase().GetMsgType()
func (cit *createIndexTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return cit.req.GetBase().GetTimestamp()
func (cit *createIndexTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return cit.req.GetBase().GetTimestamp()
func (cit *createIndexTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
cit.req.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (cit *createIndexTask) OnEnqueue() error {
if cit.req.Base == nil {
cit.req.Base = commonpbutil.NewMsgBase()
cit.req.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_CreateIndex
cit.req.Base.SourceID = paramtable.GetNodeID()
return nil
func wrapUserIndexParams(metricType string) []*commonpb.KeyValuePair {
return []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
Key: common.IndexTypeKey,
Value: AutoIndexName,
Key: common.MetricTypeKey,
Value: metricType,
func (cit *createIndexTask) parseFunctionParamsToIndex(indexParamsMap map[string]string) error {
if !cit.fieldSchema.GetIsFunctionOutput() {
return nil
switch cit.functionSchema.GetType() {
case schemapb.FunctionType_Unknown:
return fmt.Errorf("unknown function type encountered")
case schemapb.FunctionType_BM25:
// set default BM25 params if not provided in index params
if _, ok := indexParamsMap["bm25_k1"]; !ok {
indexParamsMap["bm25_k1"] = "1.2"
if _, ok := indexParamsMap["bm25_b"]; !ok {
indexParamsMap["bm25_b"] = "0.75"
if _, ok := indexParamsMap["bm25_avgdl"]; !ok {
indexParamsMap["bm25_avgdl"] = "100"
if metricType, ok := indexParamsMap["metric_type"]; !ok {
indexParamsMap["metric_type"] = metric.BM25
} else if metricType != metric.BM25 {
return fmt.Errorf("index metric type of BM25 function output field must be BM25, got %s", metricType)
return nil
return nil
func (cit *createIndexTask) parseIndexParams() error {
cit.newExtraParams = cit.req.GetExtraParams()
isVecIndex := typeutil.IsVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType)
indexParamsMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, kv := range cit.req.GetExtraParams() {
if kv.Key == common.IndexParamsKey {
params, err := funcutil.JSONToMap(kv.Value)
if err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range params {
indexParamsMap[k] = v
} else {
indexParamsMap[kv.Key] = kv.Value
if err := ValidateAutoIndexMmapConfig(isVecIndex, indexParamsMap); err != nil {
return err
specifyIndexType, exist := indexParamsMap[common.IndexTypeKey]
if exist && specifyIndexType != "" {
if err := indexparamcheck.ValidateMmapIndexParams(specifyIndexType, indexParamsMap); err != nil {
log.Ctx(cit.ctx).Warn("Invalid mmap type params", zap.String(common.IndexTypeKey, specifyIndexType), zap.Error(err))
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("invalid mmap type params", err.Error())
checker, err := indexparamcheck.GetIndexCheckerMgrInstance().GetChecker(specifyIndexType)
// not enable hybrid index for user, used in milvus internally
if err != nil || indexparamcheck.IsHYBRIDChecker(checker) {
log.Ctx(cit.ctx).Warn("Failed to get index checker", zap.String(common.IndexTypeKey, specifyIndexType))
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("valid index", fmt.Sprintf("invalid index type: %s", specifyIndexType))
if !isVecIndex {
specifyIndexType, exist := indexParamsMap[common.IndexTypeKey]
autoIndexEnable := Params.AutoIndexConfig.ScalarAutoIndexEnable.GetAsBool()
if autoIndexEnable || !exist || specifyIndexType == AutoIndexName {
getPrimitiveIndexType := func(dataType schemapb.DataType) string {
if typeutil.IsBoolType(dataType) {
return Params.AutoIndexConfig.ScalarBoolIndexType.GetValue()
} else if typeutil.IsIntegerType(dataType) {
return Params.AutoIndexConfig.ScalarIntIndexType.GetValue()
} else if typeutil.IsFloatingType(dataType) {
return Params.AutoIndexConfig.ScalarFloatIndexType.GetValue()
return Params.AutoIndexConfig.ScalarVarcharIndexType.GetValue()
indexType, err := func() (string, error) {
dataType := cit.fieldSchema.DataType
if typeutil.IsPrimitiveType(dataType) {
return getPrimitiveIndexType(dataType), nil
} else if typeutil.IsArrayType(dataType) {
return getPrimitiveIndexType(cit.fieldSchema.ElementType), nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("create auto index on type:%s is not supported", dataType.String())
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("supported field", err.Error())
indexParamsMap[common.IndexTypeKey] = indexType
cit.isAutoIndex = true
} else {
specifyIndexType, exist := indexParamsMap[common.IndexTypeKey]
if Params.AutoIndexConfig.Enable.GetAsBool() { // `enable` only for cloud instance.
log.Info("create index trigger AutoIndex",
zap.String("original type", specifyIndexType),
zap.String("final type", Params.AutoIndexConfig.AutoIndexTypeName.GetValue()))
metricType, metricTypeExist := indexParamsMap[common.MetricTypeKey]
if typeutil.IsDenseFloatVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType) {
// override float vector index params by autoindex
for k, v := range Params.AutoIndexConfig.IndexParams.GetAsJSONMap() {
indexParamsMap[k] = v
} else if typeutil.IsSparseFloatVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType) {
// override sparse float vector index params by autoindex
for k, v := range Params.AutoIndexConfig.SparseIndexParams.GetAsJSONMap() {
indexParamsMap[k] = v
} else if typeutil.IsBinaryVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType) {
// override binary vector index params by autoindex
for k, v := range Params.AutoIndexConfig.BinaryIndexParams.GetAsJSONMap() {
indexParamsMap[k] = v
if metricTypeExist {
// make the users' metric type first class citizen.
indexParamsMap[common.MetricTypeKey] = metricType
cit.userAutoIndexMetricTypeSpecified = true
} else { // behavior change after 2.2.9, adapt autoindex logic here.
useAutoIndex := func(autoIndexConfig map[string]string) {
fields := make([]zap.Field, 0, len(autoIndexConfig))
for k, v := range autoIndexConfig {
indexParamsMap[k] = v
fields = append(fields, zap.String(k, v))
log.Ctx(cit.ctx).Info("AutoIndex triggered", fields...)
handle := func(numberParams int, autoIndexConfig map[string]string) error {
// empty case.
if len(indexParamsMap) == numberParams {
// though we already know there must be metric type, how to make this safer to avoid crash?
metricType := autoIndexConfig[common.MetricTypeKey]
cit.newExtraParams = wrapUserIndexParams(metricType)
return nil
metricType, metricTypeExist := indexParamsMap[common.MetricTypeKey]
if len(indexParamsMap) > numberParams+1 {
return fmt.Errorf("only metric type can be passed when use AutoIndex")
if len(indexParamsMap) == numberParams+1 {
if !metricTypeExist {
return fmt.Errorf("only metric type can be passed when use AutoIndex")
// only metric type is passed.
cit.newExtraParams = wrapUserIndexParams(metricType)
// make the users' metric type first class citizen.
indexParamsMap[common.MetricTypeKey] = metricType
cit.userAutoIndexMetricTypeSpecified = true
return nil
var config map[string]string
if typeutil.IsDenseFloatVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType) {
// override float vector index params by autoindex
config = Params.AutoIndexConfig.IndexParams.GetAsJSONMap()
} else if typeutil.IsSparseFloatVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType) {
// override sparse float vector index params by autoindex
config = Params.AutoIndexConfig.SparseIndexParams.GetAsJSONMap()
} else if typeutil.IsBinaryVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType) {
// override binary vector index params by autoindex
config = Params.AutoIndexConfig.BinaryIndexParams.GetAsJSONMap()
if !exist {
if err := handle(0, config); err != nil {
return err
} else if specifyIndexType == AutoIndexName {
if err := handle(1, config); err != nil {
return err
// fill index param for Functions
if err := cit.parseFunctionParamsToIndex(indexParamsMap); err != nil {
return err
indexType, exist := indexParamsMap[common.IndexTypeKey]
if !exist {
return fmt.Errorf("IndexType not specified")
// index parameters defined in the YAML file are merged with the user-provided parameters during create stage
if Params.KnowhereConfig.Enable.GetAsBool() {
var err error
indexParamsMap, err = Params.KnowhereConfig.MergeIndexParams(indexType, paramtable.BuildStage, indexParamsMap)
if err != nil {
return err
if vecindexmgr.GetVecIndexMgrInstance().IsDiskANN(indexType) {
err := indexparams.FillDiskIndexParams(Params, indexParamsMap)
if err != nil {
return err
metricType, metricTypeExist := indexParamsMap[common.MetricTypeKey]
if !metricTypeExist {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("valid index params", "invalid index params", "metric type not set for vector index")
if typeutil.IsDenseFloatVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType) {
if !funcutil.SliceContain(indexparamcheck.FloatVectorMetrics, metricType) {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("valid index params", "invalid index params", "float vector index does not support metric type: "+metricType)
} else if typeutil.IsSparseFloatVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType) {
if metricType != metric.IP && metricType != metric.BM25 {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("valid index params", "invalid index params", "only IP&BM25 is the supported metric type for sparse index")
if metricType == metric.BM25 && cit.functionSchema.GetType() != schemapb.FunctionType_BM25 {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("valid index params", "invalid index params", "only BM25 Function output field support BM25 metric type")
} else if typeutil.IsBinaryVectorType(cit.fieldSchema.DataType) {
if !funcutil.SliceContain(indexparamcheck.BinaryVectorMetrics, metricType) {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("valid index params", "invalid index params", "binary vector index does not support metric type: "+metricType)
err := checkTrain(cit.fieldSchema, indexParamsMap)
if err != nil {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("valid index params", "invalid index params", err.Error())
typeParams := cit.fieldSchema.GetTypeParams()
typeParamsMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, pair := range typeParams {
typeParamsMap[pair.Key] = pair.Value
for k, v := range indexParamsMap {
// Currently, it is required that type_params and index_params do not have same keys.
if k == DimKey || k == common.MaxLengthKey {
delete(indexParamsMap, k)
cit.newIndexParams = append(cit.newIndexParams, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: k, Value: v})
for k, v := range typeParamsMap {
if _, ok := indexParamsMap[k]; ok {
cit.newTypeParams = append(cit.newTypeParams, &commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: k, Value: v})
return nil
func (cit *createIndexTask) getIndexedFieldAndFunction(ctx context.Context) error {
schema, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionSchema(ctx, cit.req.GetDbName(), cit.req.GetCollectionName())
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get collection schema", zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get collection schema: %s", err)
field, err := schema.schemaHelper.GetFieldFromName(cit.req.GetFieldName())
if err != nil {
log.Error("create index on non-exist field", zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create index on non-exist field: %s", cit.req.GetFieldName())
if field.IsFunctionOutput {
function, err := schema.schemaHelper.GetFunctionByOutputField(field)
if err != nil {
log.Error("create index failed, cannot find function of function output field", zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("create index failed, cannot find function of function output field: %s", cit.req.GetFieldName())
cit.functionSchema = function
cit.fieldSchema = field
return nil
func fillDimension(field *schemapb.FieldSchema, indexParams map[string]string) error {
if !typeutil.IsVectorType(field.GetDataType()) {
return nil
params := make([]*commonpb.KeyValuePair, 0, len(field.GetTypeParams())+len(field.GetIndexParams()))
params = append(params, field.GetTypeParams()...)
params = append(params, field.GetIndexParams()...)
dimensionInSchema, err := funcutil.GetAttrByKeyFromRepeatedKV(DimKey, params)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("dimension not found in schema")
dimension, exist := indexParams[DimKey]
if exist {
if dimensionInSchema != dimension {
return fmt.Errorf("dimension mismatch, dimension in schema: %s, dimension: %s", dimensionInSchema, dimension)
} else {
indexParams[DimKey] = dimensionInSchema
return nil
func checkTrain(field *schemapb.FieldSchema, indexParams map[string]string) error {
indexType := indexParams[common.IndexTypeKey]
if indexType == indexparamcheck.IndexHybrid {
_, exist := indexParams[common.BitmapCardinalityLimitKey]
if !exist {
indexParams[common.BitmapCardinalityLimitKey] = paramtable.Get().AutoIndexConfig.BitmapCardinalityLimit.GetValue()
checker, err := indexparamcheck.GetIndexCheckerMgrInstance().GetChecker(indexType)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to get index checker", zap.String(common.IndexTypeKey, indexType))
return fmt.Errorf("invalid index type: %s", indexType)
if typeutil.IsVectorType(field.DataType) && indexType != indexparamcheck.AutoIndex {
exist := CheckVecIndexWithDataTypeExist(indexType, field.DataType)
if !exist {
return fmt.Errorf("data type %s can't build with this index %s", schemapb.DataType_name[int32(field.GetDataType())], indexType)
isSparse := typeutil.IsSparseFloatVectorType(field.DataType)
if !isSparse {
if err := fillDimension(field, indexParams); err != nil {
return err
if err := checker.CheckValidDataType(indexType, field); err != nil {
log.Info("create index with invalid data type", zap.Error(err), zap.String("data_type", field.GetDataType().String()))
return err
if err := checker.CheckTrain(field.DataType, indexParams); err != nil {
log.Info("create index with invalid parameters", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
func (cit *createIndexTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
collName := cit.req.GetCollectionName()
collID, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(ctx, cit.req.GetDbName(), collName)
if err != nil {
return err
cit.collectionID = collID
if err = validateIndexName(cit.req.GetIndexName()); err != nil {
return err
err = cit.getIndexedFieldAndFunction(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// check index param, not accurate, only some static rules
err = cit.parseIndexParams()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (cit *createIndexTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
log.Ctx(ctx).Info("proxy create index", zap.Int64("collectionID", cit.collectionID), zap.Int64("fieldID", cit.fieldSchema.GetFieldID()),
zap.String("indexName", cit.req.GetIndexName()), zap.Any("typeParams", cit.fieldSchema.GetTypeParams()),
zap.Any("indexParams", cit.req.GetExtraParams()),
zap.Any("newExtraParams", cit.newExtraParams),
var err error
req := &indexpb.CreateIndexRequest{
CollectionID: cit.collectionID,
FieldID: cit.fieldSchema.GetFieldID(),
IndexName: cit.req.GetIndexName(),
TypeParams: cit.newTypeParams,
IndexParams: cit.newIndexParams,
IsAutoIndex: cit.isAutoIndex,
UserIndexParams: cit.newExtraParams,
Timestamp: cit.BeginTs(),
UserAutoindexMetricTypeSpecified: cit.userAutoIndexMetricTypeSpecified,
cit.result, err = cit.datacoord.CreateIndex(ctx, req)
if err = merr.CheckRPCCall(cit.result, err); err != nil {
return err
SendReplicateMessagePack(ctx, cit.replicateMsgStream, cit.req)
return nil
func (cit *createIndexTask) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
type alterIndexTask struct {
req *milvuspb.AlterIndexRequest
ctx context.Context
datacoord types.DataCoordClient
querycoord types.QueryCoordClient
result *commonpb.Status
replicateMsgStream msgstream.MsgStream
collectionID UniqueID
func (t *alterIndexTask) TraceCtx() context.Context {
return t.ctx
func (t *alterIndexTask) ID() UniqueID {
return t.req.GetBase().GetMsgID()
func (t *alterIndexTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
t.req.GetBase().MsgID = uid
func (t *alterIndexTask) Name() string {
return CreateIndexTaskName
func (t *alterIndexTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return t.req.GetBase().GetMsgType()
func (t *alterIndexTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return t.req.GetBase().GetTimestamp()
func (t *alterIndexTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return t.req.GetBase().GetTimestamp()
func (t *alterIndexTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
t.req.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (t *alterIndexTask) OnEnqueue() error {
if t.req.Base == nil {
t.req.Base = commonpbutil.NewMsgBase()
t.req.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_AlterIndex
t.req.Base.SourceID = paramtable.GetNodeID()
return nil
func (t *alterIndexTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
if len(t.req.GetDeleteKeys()) > 0 && len(t.req.GetExtraParams()) > 0 {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("cannot provide both DeleteKeys and ExtraParams")
if len(t.req.GetExtraParams()) > 0 {
for _, param := range t.req.GetExtraParams() {
if !indexparams.IsConfigableIndexParam(param.GetKey()) {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("%s is not a configable index proptery", param.GetKey())
} else if len(t.req.GetDeleteKeys()) > 0 {
for _, param := range t.req.GetDeleteKeys() {
if !indexparams.IsConfigableIndexParam(param) {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("%s is not a configable index proptery", param)
collName := t.req.GetCollectionName()
collection, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(ctx, t.req.GetDbName(), collName)
if err != nil {
return err
t.collectionID = collection
if len(t.req.GetIndexName()) == 0 {
return merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("index name is empty")
if err = validateIndexName(t.req.GetIndexName()); err != nil {
return err
// TODO fubang should implement it when the alter index is reconstructed
// typeParams := funcutil.KeyValuePair2Map(t.req.GetExtraParams())
// if err = ValidateAutoIndexMmapConfig(typeParams); err != nil {
// return err
// }
loaded, err := isCollectionLoaded(ctx, t.querycoord, collection)
if err != nil {
return err
if loaded {
return merr.WrapErrCollectionLoaded(collName, "can't alter index on loaded collection, please release the collection first")
return nil
func (t *alterIndexTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.String("collection", t.req.GetCollectionName()),
zap.String("indexName", t.req.GetIndexName()),
zap.Any("params", t.req.GetExtraParams()),
zap.Any("deletekeys", t.req.GetDeleteKeys()),
log.Info("alter index")
var err error
req := &indexpb.AlterIndexRequest{
CollectionID: t.collectionID,
IndexName: t.req.GetIndexName(),
Params: t.req.GetExtraParams(),
DeleteKeys: t.req.GetDeleteKeys(),
t.result, err = t.datacoord.AlterIndex(ctx, req)
if err = merr.CheckRPCCall(t.result, err); err != nil {
return err
SendReplicateMessagePack(ctx, t.replicateMsgStream, t.req)
return nil
func (t *alterIndexTask) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
type describeIndexTask struct {
ctx context.Context
datacoord types.DataCoordClient
result *milvuspb.DescribeIndexResponse
collectionID UniqueID
func (dit *describeIndexTask) TraceCtx() context.Context {
return dit.ctx
func (dit *describeIndexTask) ID() UniqueID {
return dit.Base.MsgID
func (dit *describeIndexTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
dit.Base.MsgID = uid
func (dit *describeIndexTask) Name() string {
return DescribeIndexTaskName
func (dit *describeIndexTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return dit.Base.MsgType
func (dit *describeIndexTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return dit.Base.Timestamp
func (dit *describeIndexTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return dit.Base.Timestamp
func (dit *describeIndexTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
dit.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (dit *describeIndexTask) OnEnqueue() error {
dit.Base = commonpbutil.NewMsgBase()
dit.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_DescribeIndex
dit.Base.SourceID = paramtable.GetNodeID()
return nil
func (dit *describeIndexTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := validateCollectionName(dit.CollectionName); err != nil {
return err
collID, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(ctx, dit.GetDbName(), dit.CollectionName)
if err != nil {
return err
dit.collectionID = collID
return nil
func (dit *describeIndexTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
schema, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionSchema(ctx, dit.GetDbName(), dit.GetCollectionName())
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get collection schema", zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get collection schema: %s", err)
resp, err := dit.datacoord.DescribeIndex(ctx, &indexpb.DescribeIndexRequest{CollectionID: dit.collectionID, IndexName: dit.IndexName, Timestamp: dit.Timestamp})
if err != nil {
return err
dit.result = &milvuspb.DescribeIndexResponse{}
dit.result.Status = resp.GetStatus()
err = merr.Error(resp.GetStatus())
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, merr.ErrIndexNotFound) && len(dit.GetIndexName()) == 0 {
err = merr.WrapErrIndexNotFoundForCollection(dit.GetCollectionName())
dit.result.Status = merr.Status(err)
return err
for _, indexInfo := range resp.IndexInfos {
field, err := schema.schemaHelper.GetFieldFromID(indexInfo.FieldID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get collection field", zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get collection field: %d", indexInfo.FieldID)
params := indexInfo.GetUserIndexParams()
if params == nil {
metricType, err := funcutil.GetAttrByKeyFromRepeatedKV(MetricTypeKey, indexInfo.GetIndexParams())
if err == nil {
params = wrapUserIndexParams(metricType)
desc := &milvuspb.IndexDescription{
IndexName: indexInfo.GetIndexName(),
IndexID: indexInfo.GetIndexID(),
FieldName: field.Name,
Params: params,
IndexedRows: indexInfo.GetIndexedRows(),
TotalRows: indexInfo.GetTotalRows(),
PendingIndexRows: indexInfo.GetPendingIndexRows(),
State: indexInfo.GetState(),
IndexStateFailReason: indexInfo.GetIndexStateFailReason(),
dit.result.IndexDescriptions = append(dit.result.IndexDescriptions, desc)
return err
func (dit *describeIndexTask) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
type getIndexStatisticsTask struct {
ctx context.Context
datacoord types.DataCoordClient
result *milvuspb.GetIndexStatisticsResponse
nodeID int64
collectionID UniqueID
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) TraceCtx() context.Context {
return dit.ctx
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) ID() UniqueID {
return dit.Base.MsgID
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
dit.Base.MsgID = uid
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) Name() string {
return DescribeIndexTaskName
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return dit.Base.MsgType
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return dit.Base.Timestamp
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return dit.Base.Timestamp
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
dit.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) OnEnqueue() error {
dit.Base = commonpbutil.NewMsgBase()
dit.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_GetIndexStatistics
dit.Base.SourceID = paramtable.GetNodeID()
return nil
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := validateCollectionName(dit.CollectionName); err != nil {
return err
collID, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(ctx, dit.GetDbName(), dit.CollectionName)
if err != nil {
return err
dit.collectionID = collID
return nil
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
schema, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionSchema(ctx, dit.GetDbName(), dit.GetCollectionName())
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get collection schema", zap.String("collection_name", dit.GetCollectionName()), zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get collection schema: %s", dit.GetCollectionName())
schemaHelper := schema.schemaHelper
resp, err := dit.datacoord.GetIndexStatistics(ctx, &indexpb.GetIndexStatisticsRequest{
CollectionID: dit.collectionID, IndexName: dit.IndexName,
if err := merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err); err != nil {
return err
dit.result = &milvuspb.GetIndexStatisticsResponse{}
dit.result.Status = resp.GetStatus()
for _, indexInfo := range resp.IndexInfos {
field, err := schemaHelper.GetFieldFromID(indexInfo.FieldID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get collection field", zap.Int64("field_id", indexInfo.FieldID), zap.Error(err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get collection field: %d", indexInfo.FieldID)
params := indexInfo.GetUserIndexParams()
if params == nil {
params = indexInfo.GetIndexParams()
desc := &milvuspb.IndexDescription{
IndexName: indexInfo.GetIndexName(),
IndexID: indexInfo.GetIndexID(),
FieldName: field.Name,
Params: params,
IndexedRows: indexInfo.GetIndexedRows(),
TotalRows: indexInfo.GetTotalRows(),
State: indexInfo.GetState(),
IndexStateFailReason: indexInfo.GetIndexStateFailReason(),
dit.result.IndexDescriptions = append(dit.result.IndexDescriptions, desc)
return err
func (dit *getIndexStatisticsTask) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
type dropIndexTask struct {
ctx context.Context
dataCoord types.DataCoordClient
queryCoord types.QueryCoordClient
result *commonpb.Status
collectionID UniqueID
replicateMsgStream msgstream.MsgStream
func (dit *dropIndexTask) TraceCtx() context.Context {
return dit.ctx
func (dit *dropIndexTask) ID() UniqueID {
return dit.Base.MsgID
func (dit *dropIndexTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
dit.Base.MsgID = uid
func (dit *dropIndexTask) Name() string {
return DropIndexTaskName
func (dit *dropIndexTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return dit.Base.MsgType
func (dit *dropIndexTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return dit.Base.Timestamp
func (dit *dropIndexTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return dit.Base.Timestamp
func (dit *dropIndexTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
dit.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (dit *dropIndexTask) OnEnqueue() error {
if dit.Base == nil {
dit.Base = commonpbutil.NewMsgBase()
dit.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_DropIndex
dit.Base.SourceID = paramtable.GetNodeID()
return nil
func (dit *dropIndexTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
collName, fieldName := dit.CollectionName, dit.FieldName
if err := validateCollectionName(collName); err != nil {
return err
if fieldName != "" {
if err := validateFieldName(fieldName); err != nil {
return err
collID, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(ctx, dit.GetDbName(), dit.CollectionName)
if err != nil {
return err
dit.collectionID = collID
loaded, err := isCollectionLoaded(ctx, dit.queryCoord, collID)
if err != nil {
return err
if loaded {
return errors.New("index cannot be dropped, collection is loaded, please release it first")
return nil
func (dit *dropIndexTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
ctxLog := log.Ctx(ctx)
ctxLog.Info("proxy drop index", zap.Int64("collID", dit.collectionID),
zap.String("field_name", dit.FieldName),
zap.String("index_name", dit.IndexName),
zap.String("db_name", dit.DbName),
var err error
dit.result, err = dit.dataCoord.DropIndex(ctx, &indexpb.DropIndexRequest{
CollectionID: dit.collectionID,
PartitionIDs: nil,
IndexName: dit.IndexName,
DropAll: false,
if err = merr.CheckRPCCall(dit.result, err); err != nil {
ctxLog.Warn("drop index failed", zap.Error(err))
return err
SendReplicateMessagePack(ctx, dit.replicateMsgStream, dit.DropIndexRequest)
return nil
func (dit *dropIndexTask) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
// Deprecated: use describeIndexTask instead
type getIndexBuildProgressTask struct {
ctx context.Context
rootCoord types.RootCoordClient
dataCoord types.DataCoordClient
result *milvuspb.GetIndexBuildProgressResponse
collectionID UniqueID
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) TraceCtx() context.Context {
return gibpt.ctx
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) ID() UniqueID {
return gibpt.Base.MsgID
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
gibpt.Base.MsgID = uid
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) Name() string {
return GetIndexBuildProgressTaskName
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return gibpt.Base.MsgType
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return gibpt.Base.Timestamp
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return gibpt.Base.Timestamp
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
gibpt.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) OnEnqueue() error {
gibpt.Base = commonpbutil.NewMsgBase()
gibpt.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_GetIndexBuildProgress
gibpt.Base.SourceID = paramtable.GetNodeID()
return nil
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := validateCollectionName(gibpt.CollectionName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
collectionName := gibpt.CollectionName
collectionID, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(ctx, gibpt.GetDbName(), collectionName)
if err != nil { // err is not nil if collection not exists
return err
gibpt.collectionID = collectionID
resp, err := gibpt.dataCoord.GetIndexBuildProgress(ctx, &indexpb.GetIndexBuildProgressRequest{
CollectionID: collectionID,
IndexName: gibpt.IndexName,
if err = merr.CheckRPCCall(resp, err); err != nil {
return err
gibpt.result = &milvuspb.GetIndexBuildProgressResponse{
Status: resp.Status,
TotalRows: resp.GetTotalRows(),
IndexedRows: resp.GetIndexedRows(),
return nil
func (gibpt *getIndexBuildProgressTask) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
// Deprecated: use describeIndexTask instead
type getIndexStateTask struct {
ctx context.Context
dataCoord types.DataCoordClient
rootCoord types.RootCoordClient
result *milvuspb.GetIndexStateResponse
collectionID UniqueID
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) TraceCtx() context.Context {
return gist.ctx
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) ID() UniqueID {
return gist.Base.MsgID
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) {
gist.Base.MsgID = uid
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) Name() string {
return GetIndexStateTaskName
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType {
return gist.Base.MsgType
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) BeginTs() Timestamp {
return gist.Base.Timestamp
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) EndTs() Timestamp {
return gist.Base.Timestamp
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) {
gist.Base.Timestamp = ts
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) OnEnqueue() error {
gist.Base = commonpbutil.NewMsgBase()
gist.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_GetIndexState
gist.Base.SourceID = paramtable.GetNodeID()
return nil
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
if err := validateCollectionName(gist.CollectionName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
collectionID, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(ctx, gist.GetDbName(), gist.CollectionName)
if err != nil {
return err
state, err := gist.dataCoord.GetIndexState(ctx, &indexpb.GetIndexStateRequest{
CollectionID: collectionID,
IndexName: gist.IndexName,
if err = merr.CheckRPCCall(state, err); err != nil {
return err
gist.result = &milvuspb.GetIndexStateResponse{
Status: merr.Success(),
State: state.GetState(),
FailReason: state.GetFailReason(),
return nil
func (gist *getIndexStateTask) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil