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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package importutil
import (
// SegmentFilesHolder A struct to hold insert log paths and delta log paths of a segment
type SegmentFilesHolder struct {
segmentID int64 // id of the segment
fieldFiles map[storage.FieldID][]string // mapping of field id and data file path
deltaFiles []string // a list of delta log file path, typically has only one item
// BinlogAdapter Adapter class to process insertlog/deltalog of a backuped segment
// This class do the following works:
// 1. read insert log of each field, then constructs SegmentData in memory.
// 2. read delta log to remove deleted entities(TimeStampField is used to apply or skip the operation).
// 3. split data according to shard number
// 4. call the callFlushFunc function to flush data into new binlog file if data size reaches blockSize.
type BinlogAdapter struct {
ctx context.Context // for canceling parse process
collectionInfo *CollectionInfo // collection details including schema
chunkManager storage.ChunkManager // storage interfaces to read binlog files
callFlushFunc ImportFlushFunc // call back function to flush segment
blockSize int64 // maximum size of a read block(unit:byte)
maxTotalSize int64 // maximum size of in-memory segments(unit:byte)
// a timestamp to define the start time point of restore, data before this time point will be ignored
// set this value to 0, all the data will be imported
// set this value to math.MaxUint64, all the data will be ignored
// the tsStartPoint value must be less/equal than tsEndPoint
tsStartPoint uint64
// a timestamp to define the end time point of restore, data after this time point will be ignored
// set this value to 0, all the data will be ignored
// set this value to math.MaxUint64, all the data will be imported
// the tsEndPoint value must be larger/equal than tsStartPoint
tsEndPoint uint64
func NewBinlogAdapter(ctx context.Context,
collectionInfo *CollectionInfo,
blockSize int64,
maxTotalSize int64,
chunkManager storage.ChunkManager,
flushFunc ImportFlushFunc,
tsStartPoint uint64,
tsEndPoint uint64,
) (*BinlogAdapter, error) {
if collectionInfo == nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: collection schema is nil")
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed("collection schema is nil")
if chunkManager == nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: chunk manager pointer is nil")
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed("chunk manager pointer is nil")
if flushFunc == nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: flush function is nil")
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed("flush function is nil")
adapter := &BinlogAdapter{
ctx: ctx,
collectionInfo: collectionInfo,
chunkManager: chunkManager,
callFlushFunc: flushFunc,
blockSize: blockSize,
maxTotalSize: maxTotalSize,
tsStartPoint: tsStartPoint,
tsEndPoint: tsEndPoint,
// amend the segment size to avoid portential OOM risk
if adapter.blockSize > Params.DataCoordCfg.SegmentMaxSize.GetAsInt64() {
adapter.blockSize = Params.DataCoordCfg.SegmentMaxSize.GetAsInt64()
return adapter, nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) Read(segmentHolder *SegmentFilesHolder) error {
if segmentHolder == nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: segment files holder is nil")
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed("segment files holder is nil")
log.Info("Binlog adapter: read segment", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentHolder.segmentID))
// step 1: verify the file count by collection schema
err := p.verify(segmentHolder)
if err != nil {
return err
// step 2: read the delta log to prepare delete list, and combine lists into one dict
intDeletedList, strDeletedList, err := p.readDeltalogs(segmentHolder)
if err != nil {
return err
// step 3: read binlog files batch by batch
// Assume the collection has 2 fields: a and b
// a has these binlog files: a_1, a_2, a_3 ...
// b has these binlog files: b_1, b_2, b_3 ...
// Then first round read a_1 and b_1, second round read a_2 and b_2, etc...
// deleted list will be used to remove deleted entities
// if accumulate data exceed blockSize, call callFlushFunc to generate new binlog file
batchCount := 0
for _, files := range segmentHolder.fieldFiles {
batchCount = len(files)
// prepare shards in-memory data
shardsData := make([]ShardData, 0, p.collectionInfo.ShardNum)
for i := 0; i < int(p.collectionInfo.ShardNum); i++ {
shardData := initShardData(p.collectionInfo.Schema, p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs)
if shardData == nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: fail to initialize in-memory segment data", zap.Int("shardID", i))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("fail to initialize in-memory segment data for shard id %d", i))
shardsData = append(shardsData, shardData)
// read binlog files batch by batch
primaryKey := p.collectionInfo.PrimaryKey
for i := 0; i < batchCount; i++ {
// batchFiles excludes the primary key field and the timestamp field.
// timestamp field is used to compare the tsEndPoint to skip some rows, no need to pass old timestamp to new segment.
// once a new segment generated, the timestamp field will be re-generated, too.
batchFiles := make(map[storage.FieldID]string)
for fieldID, files := range segmentHolder.fieldFiles {
if fieldID == primaryKey.GetFieldID() || fieldID == common.TimeStampField {
batchFiles[fieldID] = files[i]
log.Info("Binlog adapter: batch files to read", zap.Any("batchFiles", batchFiles))
// read primary keys firstly
primaryLog := segmentHolder.fieldFiles[primaryKey.GetFieldID()][i] // no need to check existence, already verified
log.Info("Binlog adapter: prepare to read primary key binglog",
zap.Int64("pk", primaryKey.GetFieldID()), zap.String("logPath", primaryLog))
intList, strList, err := p.readPrimaryKeys(primaryLog)
if err != nil {
return err
// read timestamps list
timestampLog := segmentHolder.fieldFiles[common.TimeStampField][i] // no need to check existence, already verified
log.Info("Binlog adapter: prepare to read timestamp binglog", zap.Any("logPath", timestampLog))
timestampList, err := p.readTimestamp(timestampLog)
if err != nil {
return err
var shardList []int32
if primaryKey.GetDataType() == schemapb.DataType_Int64 {
// calculate a shard num list by primary keys and deleted entities
shardList, err = p.getShardingListByPrimaryInt64(intList, timestampList, shardsData, intDeletedList)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if primaryKey.GetDataType() == schemapb.DataType_VarChar {
// calculate a shard num list by primary keys and deleted entities
shardList, err = p.getShardingListByPrimaryVarchar(strList, timestampList, shardsData, strDeletedList)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: unsupported primary key type", zap.Int("type", int(primaryKey.GetDataType())))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported primary key type %d, primary key should be int64 or varchar", primaryKey.GetDataType()))
// if shardList is empty, that means all the primary keys have been deleted(or skipped), no need to read other files
if len(shardList) == 0 {
// read other insert logs and use the shardList to do sharding
for fieldID, file := range batchFiles {
// outside context might be canceled(service stop, or future enhancement for canceling import task)
if isCanceled(p.ctx) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: import task was canceled")
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed("import task was canceled")
err = p.readInsertlog(fieldID, file, shardsData, shardList)
if err != nil {
return err
// flush segment whose size exceed blockSize
err = tryFlushBlocks(p.ctx, shardsData, p.collectionInfo.Schema, p.callFlushFunc, p.blockSize, p.maxTotalSize, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// finally, force to flush
return tryFlushBlocks(p.ctx, shardsData, p.collectionInfo.Schema, p.callFlushFunc, p.blockSize, p.maxTotalSize, true)
// verify method verify the schema and binlog files
// 1. each field must have binlog file
// 2. binlog file count of each field must be equal
// 3. the collectionSchema doesn't contain TimeStampField and RowIDField since the import_wrapper excludes them,
// but the segmentHolder.fieldFiles need to contain the two fields.
func (p *BinlogAdapter) verify(segmentHolder *SegmentFilesHolder) error {
if segmentHolder == nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: segment files holder is nil")
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed("segment files holder is nil")
firstFieldFileCount := 0
// each field must have binlog file
for i := 0; i < len(p.collectionInfo.Schema.Fields); i++ {
schema := p.collectionInfo.Schema.Fields[i]
files, ok := segmentHolder.fieldFiles[schema.FieldID]
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: a field has no binlog file", zap.Int64("fieldID", schema.FieldID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("the field %d has no binlog file", schema.FieldID))
if i == 0 {
firstFieldFileCount = len(files)
// the segmentHolder.fieldFiles need to contain RowIDField
_, ok := segmentHolder.fieldFiles[common.RowIDField]
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: the binlog files of RowIDField is missed")
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed("the binlog files of RowIDField is missed")
// the segmentHolder.fieldFiles need to contain TimeStampField
_, ok = segmentHolder.fieldFiles[common.TimeStampField]
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: the binlog files of TimeStampField is missed")
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed("the binlog files of TimeStampField is missed")
// binlog file count of each field must be equal
for _, files := range segmentHolder.fieldFiles {
if firstFieldFileCount != len(files) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: file count of each field must be equal", zap.Int("firstFieldFileCount", firstFieldFileCount))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog file count of each field must be equal, first field files count: %d, other field files count: %d",
firstFieldFileCount, len(files)))
return nil
// readDeltalogs method reads data from deltalog, and convert to a dict
// The deltalog data is a list, to improve performance of next step, we convert it to a dict,
// key is the deleted ID, value is operation timestamp which is used to apply or skip the delete operation.
func (p *BinlogAdapter) readDeltalogs(segmentHolder *SegmentFilesHolder) (map[int64]uint64, map[string]uint64, error) {
deleteLogs, err := p.decodeDeleteLogs(segmentHolder)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if len(deleteLogs) == 0 {
log.Info("Binlog adapter: no deletion for segment", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentHolder.segmentID))
return nil, nil, nil // no deletion
primaryKey := p.collectionInfo.PrimaryKey
if primaryKey.GetDataType() == schemapb.DataType_Int64 {
deletedIDDict := make(map[int64]uint64)
for _, deleteLog := range deleteLogs {
_, exist := deletedIDDict[deleteLog.Pk.GetValue().(int64)]
if !exist || deleteLog.Ts > deletedIDDict[deleteLog.Pk.GetValue().(int64)] {
deletedIDDict[deleteLog.Pk.GetValue().(int64)] = deleteLog.Ts
log.Info("Binlog adapter: count of deleted entities", zap.Int("deletedCount", len(deletedIDDict)))
return deletedIDDict, nil, nil
} else if primaryKey.GetDataType() == schemapb.DataType_VarChar {
deletedIDDict := make(map[string]uint64)
for _, deleteLog := range deleteLogs {
_, exist := deletedIDDict[deleteLog.Pk.GetValue().(string)]
if !exist || deleteLog.Ts > deletedIDDict[deleteLog.Pk.GetValue().(string)] {
deletedIDDict[deleteLog.Pk.GetValue().(string)] = deleteLog.Ts
log.Info("Binlog adapter: count of deleted entities", zap.Int("deletedCount", len(deletedIDDict)))
return nil, deletedIDDict, nil
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: unsupported primary key type", zap.Int("type", int(primaryKey.GetDataType())))
return nil, nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported primary key type %d, primary key should be int64 or varchar", primaryKey.GetDataType()))
// decodeDeleteLogs decodes string array(read from delta log) to storage.DeleteLog array
func (p *BinlogAdapter) decodeDeleteLogs(segmentHolder *SegmentFilesHolder) ([]*storage.DeleteLog, error) {
// step 1: read all delta logs to construct a string array, each string is marshaled from storage.DeleteLog
stringArray := make([]string, 0)
for _, deltalog := range segmentHolder.deltaFiles {
deltaStrings, err := p.readDeltalog(deltalog)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stringArray = append(stringArray, deltaStrings...)
if len(stringArray) == 0 {
return nil, nil // no delete log, return directly
// print out the first deletion information for diagnose purpose
log.Info("Binlog adapter: total deletion count", zap.Int("count", len(stringArray)), zap.String("firstDeletion", stringArray[0]))
// step 2: decode each string to a storage.DeleteLog object
deleteLogs := make([]*storage.DeleteLog, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(stringArray); i++ {
deleteLog, err := p.decodeDeleteLog(stringArray[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// only the ts between tsStartPoint and tsEndPoint is effective
// ignore deletions whose timestamp is larger than the tsEndPoint or less than tsStartPoint
if deleteLog.Ts >= p.tsStartPoint && deleteLog.Ts <= p.tsEndPoint {
deleteLogs = append(deleteLogs, deleteLog)
log.Info("Binlog adapter: deletion count after filtering", zap.Int("count", len(deleteLogs)))
// step 3: verify the current collection primary key type and the delete logs data type
primaryKey := p.collectionInfo.PrimaryKey
for i := 0; i < len(deleteLogs); i++ {
if deleteLogs[i].PkType != int64(primaryKey.GetDataType()) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: delta log data type is not equal to collection's primary key data type",
zap.Int64("deltaDataType", deleteLogs[i].PkType),
zap.Int64("pkDataType", int64(primaryKey.GetDataType())))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("delta log data type %d is not equal to collection's primary key data type %d",
deleteLogs[i].PkType, primaryKey.GetDataType()))
return deleteLogs, nil
// decodeDeleteLog decodes a string to storage.DeleteLog
// Note: the following code is mainly come from data_codec.go, I suppose the code can compatible with old version 2.0
func (p *BinlogAdapter) decodeDeleteLog(deltaStr string) (*storage.DeleteLog, error) {
deleteLog := &storage.DeleteLog{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(deltaStr), deleteLog); err != nil {
// compatible with versions that only support int64 type primary keys
// compatible with fmt.Sprintf("%d,%d", pk, ts)
// compatible error info (unmarshal err invalid character ',' after top-level value)
splits := strings.Split(deltaStr, ",")
if len(splits) != 2 {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: the format of deletion string is incorrect", zap.String("deltaStr", deltaStr))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("the format of deletion string is incorrect, '%s' can not be split", deltaStr))
pk, err := strconv.ParseInt(splits[0], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to parse primary key of deletion string from old version",
zap.String("deltaStr", deltaStr), zap.Error(err))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse primary key of deletion string '%s' from old version, error: %v", deltaStr, err))
deleteLog.Pk = &storage.Int64PrimaryKey{
Value: pk,
deleteLog.PkType = int64(schemapb.DataType_Int64)
deleteLog.Ts, err = strconv.ParseUint(splits[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to parse timestamp of deletion string from old version",
zap.String("deltaStr", deltaStr), zap.Error(err))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse timestamp of deletion string '%s' from old version, error: %v", deltaStr, err))
return deleteLog, nil
// readDeltalog parses a delta log file. Each delta log data type is varchar, marshaled from an array of storage.DeleteLog objects.
func (p *BinlogAdapter) readDeltalog(logPath string) ([]string, error) {
// open the delta log file
binlogFile, err := NewBinlogFile(p.chunkManager)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to initialize binlog file", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to initialize binlog file '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
err = binlogFile.Open(logPath)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to open delta log", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to open delta log '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
defer binlogFile.Close()
// delta log type is varchar, return a string array(marshaled from an array of storage.DeleteLog objects)
data, err := binlogFile.ReadVarchar()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to read delta log", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to read delta log '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
log.Info("Binlog adapter: successfully read deltalog", zap.Int("deleteCount", len(data)))
return data, nil
// readTimestamp method reads data from int64 field, currently we use it to read the timestamp field.
func (p *BinlogAdapter) readTimestamp(logPath string) ([]int64, error) {
// open the log file
binlogFile, err := NewBinlogFile(p.chunkManager)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to initialize binlog file", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to initialize binlog file '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
err = binlogFile.Open(logPath)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to open timestamp log file", zap.String("logPath", logPath))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to open timestamp log file '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
defer binlogFile.Close()
// read int64 data
int64List, err := binlogFile.ReadInt64()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to read timestamp data from log file", zap.String("logPath", logPath))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to read timestamp data from log file '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
log.Info("Binlog adapter: read timestamp from log file", zap.Int("tsCount", len(int64List)))
return int64List, nil
// readPrimaryKeys method reads primary keys from insert log.
func (p *BinlogAdapter) readPrimaryKeys(logPath string) ([]int64, []string, error) {
// open the delta log file
binlogFile, err := NewBinlogFile(p.chunkManager)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to initialize binlog file", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return nil, nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to initialize binlog file '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
err = binlogFile.Open(logPath)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to open primary key binlog", zap.String("logPath", logPath))
return nil, nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to open primary key binlog '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
defer binlogFile.Close()
// primary key can be int64 or varchar, we need to handle the two cases
primaryKey := p.collectionInfo.PrimaryKey
if primaryKey.GetDataType() == schemapb.DataType_Int64 {
idList, err := binlogFile.ReadInt64()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to read int64 primary key from binlog", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return nil, nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to read int64 primary key from binlog '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
log.Info("Binlog adapter: succeed to read int64 primary key binlog", zap.Int("len", len(idList)))
return idList, nil, nil
} else if primaryKey.GetDataType() == schemapb.DataType_VarChar {
idList, err := binlogFile.ReadVarchar()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to read varchar primary key from binlog", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return nil, nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to read varchar primary key from binlog '%s', error: %v", logPath, err))
log.Info("Binlog adapter: succeed to read varchar primary key binlog", zap.Int("len", len(idList)))
return nil, idList, nil
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: unsupported primary key type", zap.Int("type", int(primaryKey.GetDataType())))
return nil, nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported primary key type %d, primary key should be int64 or varchar", primaryKey.GetDataType()))
// getShardingListByPrimaryInt64 method generates a shard id list by primary key(int64) list and deleted list.
// For example, an insert log has 10 rows, the no.3 and no.7 has been deleted, shardNum=2, the shardList could be:
// [0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1]
// Compare timestampList with tsEndPoint to skip some rows.
func (p *BinlogAdapter) getShardingListByPrimaryInt64(primaryKeys []int64,
timestampList []int64,
memoryData []ShardData,
intDeletedList map[int64]uint64,
) ([]int32, error) {
if len(timestampList) != len(primaryKeys) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: primary key length is not equal to timestamp list length",
zap.Int("primaryKeysLen", len(primaryKeys)), zap.Int("timestampLen", len(timestampList)))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("primary key length %d is not equal to timestamp list length %d", len(primaryKeys), len(timestampList)))
log.Info("Binlog adapter: building shard list", zap.Int("pkLen", len(primaryKeys)), zap.Int("tsLen", len(timestampList)))
actualDeleted := 0
excluded := 0
shardList := make([]int32, 0, len(primaryKeys))
primaryKey := p.collectionInfo.PrimaryKey
for i, key := range primaryKeys {
// if this entity's timestamp is greater than the tsEndPoint, or less than tsStartPoint, set shardID = -1 to skip this entity
// timestamp is stored as int64 type in log file, actually it is uint64, compare with uint64
ts := timestampList[i]
if uint64(ts) > p.tsEndPoint || uint64(ts) < p.tsStartPoint {
shardList = append(shardList, -1)
deleteTs, deleted := intDeletedList[key]
// if the key exists in intDeletedList, that means this entity has been deleted
// only skip entity when delete happen after insert
if deleted && deleteTs > uint64(ts) {
shardList = append(shardList, -1) // this entity has been deleted, set shardID = -1 and skip this entity
} else {
hash, _ := typeutil.Hash32Int64(key)
shardID := hash % uint32(p.collectionInfo.ShardNum)
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[primaryKey.GetFieldID()] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check here
// append the entity to primary key's FieldData
field.(*storage.Int64FieldData).Data = append(field.(*storage.Int64FieldData).Data, key)
shardList = append(shardList, int32(shardID))
log.Info("Binlog adapter: succeed to calculate a shard list", zap.Int("actualDeleted", actualDeleted),
zap.Int("excluded", excluded), zap.Int("len", len(shardList)))
return shardList, nil
// getShardingListByPrimaryVarchar method generates a shard id list by primary key(varchar) list and deleted list.
// For example, an insert log has 10 rows, the no.3 and no.7 has been deleted, shardNum=2, the shardList could be:
// [0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1]
func (p *BinlogAdapter) getShardingListByPrimaryVarchar(primaryKeys []string,
timestampList []int64,
memoryData []ShardData,
strDeletedList map[string]uint64,
) ([]int32, error) {
if len(timestampList) != len(primaryKeys) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: primary key length is not equal to timestamp list length",
zap.Int("primaryKeysLen", len(primaryKeys)), zap.Int("timestampLen", len(timestampList)))
return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("primary key length %d is not equal to timestamp list length %d", len(primaryKeys), len(timestampList)))
log.Info("Binlog adapter: building shard list", zap.Int("pkLen", len(primaryKeys)), zap.Int("tsLen", len(timestampList)))
actualDeleted := 0
excluded := 0
shardList := make([]int32, 0, len(primaryKeys))
primaryKey := p.collectionInfo.PrimaryKey
for i, key := range primaryKeys {
// if this entity's timestamp is greater than the tsEndPoint, or less than tsStartPoint, set shardID = -1 to skip this entity
// timestamp is stored as int64 type in log file, actually it is uint64, compare with uint64
ts := timestampList[i]
if uint64(ts) > p.tsEndPoint || uint64(ts) < p.tsStartPoint {
shardList = append(shardList, -1)
deleteTs, deleted := strDeletedList[key]
// if exists in strDeletedList, that means this entity has been deleted
// only skip entity when delete happen after insert
if deleted && deleteTs > uint64(ts) {
shardList = append(shardList, -1) // this entity has been deleted, set shardID = -1 and skip this entity
} else {
hash := typeutil.HashString2Uint32(key)
shardID := hash % uint32(p.collectionInfo.ShardNum)
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[primaryKey.GetFieldID()] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
// append the entity to primary key's FieldData
field.(*storage.StringFieldData).Data = append(field.(*storage.StringFieldData).Data, key)
shardList = append(shardList, int32(shardID))
log.Info("Binlog adapter: succeed to calculate a shard list", zap.Int("actualDeleted", actualDeleted),
zap.Int("excluded", excluded), zap.Int("len", len(shardList)))
return shardList, nil
// Sometimes the fieldID doesn't exist in the memoryData in the following case:
// Use an old backup tool(v0.2.2) to backup a collection of milvus v2.2.9, use a new backup tool to restore the collection
func (p *BinlogAdapter) verifyField(fieldID storage.FieldID, memoryData []ShardData) error {
for _, partitions := range memoryData {
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
_, ok := fields[fieldID]
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: the field ID doesn't exist in collection schema", zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("the field ID %d doesn't exist in collection schema", fieldID))
return nil
// readInsertlog method reads an insert log, and split the data into different shards according to a shard list
// The shardList is a list to tell which row belong to which shard, returned by getShardingListByPrimaryXXX()
// For deleted rows, we say its shard id is -1.
// For example, an insert log has 10 rows, the no.3 and no.7 has been deleted, shardNum=2, the shardList could be:
// [0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1]
// This method put each row into different FieldData according to its shard id and field id,
// so, the no.1, no.5, no.9 will be put into shard_0
// the no.2, no.4, no.6, no.8, no.10 will be put into shard_1
// Note: the row count of insert log need to be equal to length of shardList
func (p *BinlogAdapter) readInsertlog(fieldID storage.FieldID, logPath string,
memoryData []ShardData, shardList []int32,
) error {
err := p.verifyField(fieldID, memoryData)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: could not read binlog file", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("could not read binlog file %s, error: %v", logPath, err))
// open the insert log file
binlogFile, err := NewBinlogFile(p.chunkManager)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to initialize binlog file", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to initialize binlog file %s, error: %v", logPath, err))
err = binlogFile.Open(logPath)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: failed to open insert log", zap.String("logPath", logPath), zap.Error(err))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("failed to open insert log %s, error: %v", logPath, err))
defer binlogFile.Close()
// read data according to data type
switch binlogFile.DataType() {
case schemapb.DataType_Bool:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadBool()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchBoolToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_Int8:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadInt8()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchInt8ToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_Int16:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadInt16()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchInt16ToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_Int32:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadInt32()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchInt32ToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadInt64()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchInt64ToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_Float:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadFloat()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchFloatToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_Double:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadDouble()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchDoubleToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_String, schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadVarchar()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchVarcharToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_JSON:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadJSON()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchBytesToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector:
data, dim, err := binlogFile.ReadBinaryVector()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchBinaryVecToShards(data, dim, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_FloatVector:
data, dim, err := binlogFile.ReadFloatVector()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchFloatVecToShards(data, dim, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
case schemapb.DataType_Array:
data, err := binlogFile.ReadArray()
if err != nil {
return err
err = p.dispatchArrayToShards(data, memoryData, shardList, fieldID)
if err != nil {
return err
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported data type %d", binlogFile.DataType()))
log.Info("Binlog adapter: read data into shard list", zap.Int("dataType", int(binlogFile.DataType())), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchBoolToShards(data []bool, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: bool field row count is not equal to shard list row count %d", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("bool field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: bool field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("bool field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.BoolFieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is bool type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is bool type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchInt8ToShards(data []int8, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: int8 field row count is not equal to shard list row count", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("int8 field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entity according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: int8 field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("int8 field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.Int8FieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is int8 type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is int8 type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchInt16ToShards(data []int16, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: int16 field row count is not equal to shard list row count", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("int16 field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: int16 field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("int16 field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.Int16FieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is int16 type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is int16 type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchInt32ToShards(data []int32, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: int32 field row count is not equal to shard list row count", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("int32 field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: int32 field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("int32 field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.Int32FieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is int32 type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is int32 type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchInt64ToShards(data []int64, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: int64 field row count is not equal to shard list row count", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("int64 field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: int64 field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("int64 field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.Int64FieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is int64 type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is int64 type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchFloatToShards(data []float32, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: float field row count is not equal to shard list row count", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("float field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: float field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("float field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.FloatFieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is float type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is float type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchDoubleToShards(data []float64, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: double field row count is not equal to shard list row count", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("double field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: double field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("double field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.DoubleFieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is double type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is double type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchVarcharToShards(data []string, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: varchar field row count is not equal to shard list row count", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("varchar field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: varchar field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("varchar field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.StringFieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is varchar type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is varchar type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchBytesToShards(data [][]byte, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: JSON field row count is not equal to shard list row count", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("varchar JSON row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: JSON field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("JSON field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.JSONFieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is JSON type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is JSON type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchBinaryVecToShards(data []byte, dim int, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
bytesPerVector := dim / 8
count := len(data) / bytesPerVector
if count != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binary vector field row count is not equal to shard list row count",
zap.Int("dataLen", count), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binary vector field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binary vector field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binary vector field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.BinaryVectorFieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is binary vector type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is binary vector type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
if fieldData.Dim != dim {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binary vector dimension mismatch",
zap.Int("sourceDim", dim), zap.Int("schemaDim", fieldData.Dim))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binary vector dimension %d is not equal to schema dimension %d", dim, fieldData.Dim))
for j := 0; j < bytesPerVector; j++ {
val := data[bytesPerVector*i+j]
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchFloatVecToShards(data []float32, dim int, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
count := len(data) / dim
if count != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: float vector field row count is not equal to shard list row count",
zap.Int("dataLen", count), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("float vector field row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: float vector field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("float vector field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.FloatVectorFieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is float vector type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is float vector type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
if fieldData.Dim != dim {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: float vector dimension mismatch",
zap.Int("sourceDim", dim), zap.Int("schemaDim", fieldData.Dim))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binary vector dimension %d is not equal to schema dimension %d", dim, fieldData.Dim))
for j := 0; j < dim; j++ {
val := data[dim*i+j]
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
return nil
func (p *BinlogAdapter) dispatchArrayToShards(data []*schemapb.ScalarField, memoryData []ShardData,
shardList []int32, fieldID storage.FieldID,
) error {
// verify row count
if len(data) != len(shardList) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: Array field row count is not equal to shard list row count", zap.Int("dataLen", len(data)), zap.Int("shardLen", len(shardList)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("array row count %d is not equal to shard list row count %d", len(data), len(shardList)))
// dispatch entities according to shard list
for i, val := range data {
shardID := shardList[i]
if shardID < 0 {
continue // this entity has been deleted or excluded by timestamp
if shardID >= int32(len(memoryData)) {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: Array field's shard ID is illegal", zap.Int32("shardID", shardID), zap.Int("shardsCount", len(memoryData)))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("array field's shard ID %d is larger than shards number %d", shardID, len(memoryData)))
partitions := memoryData[shardID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check bound here
fields := partitions[p.collectionInfo.PartitionIDs[0]] // NewBinlogAdapter() can ensure only one partition
field := fields[fieldID] // initBlockData() can ensure the existence, no need to check existence here
fieldData, ok := field.(*storage.ArrayFieldData) // avoid data type mismatch between binlog file and schema
if !ok {
log.Warn("Binlog adapter: binlog is array type, unequal to field",
zap.Int64("fieldID", fieldID), zap.Int32("shardID", shardID))
return merr.WrapErrImportFailed(fmt.Sprintf("binlog is array type, unequal to field %d", fieldID))
fieldData.Data = append(fieldData.Data, val)
// TODO @cai: set element type
return nil