// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package datacoord import ( "bytes" "context" "path" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/common" "github.com/cockroachdb/errors" minio "github.com/minio/minio-go/v7" "github.com/minio/minio-go/v7/pkg/credentials" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-proto/go-api/v2/commonpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-proto/go-api/v2/msgpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-proto/go-api/v2/schemapb" kvmocks "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/kv/mocks" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/metastore" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/metastore/kv/datacoord" catalogmocks "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/metastore/mocks" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/metastore/model" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/mocks" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/datapb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/indexpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/storage" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/funcutil" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/paramtable" ) func Test_garbageCollector_basic(t *testing.T) { bucketName := `datacoord-ut` + strings.ToLower(funcutil.RandomString(8)) rootPath := `gc` + funcutil.RandomString(8) //TODO change to Params cli, _, _, _, _, err := initUtOSSEnv(bucketName, rootPath, 0) require.NoError(t, err) meta, err := newMemoryMeta() assert.NoError(t, err) t.Run("normal gc", func(t *testing.T) { gc := newGarbageCollector(meta, newMockHandler(), GcOption{ cli: cli, enabled: true, checkInterval: time.Millisecond * 10, missingTolerance: time.Hour * 24, dropTolerance: time.Hour * 24, }) gc.start() time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 20) assert.NotPanics(t, func() { gc.close() }) }) t.Run("with nil cli", func(t *testing.T) { gc := newGarbageCollector(meta, newMockHandler(), GcOption{ cli: nil, enabled: true, checkInterval: time.Millisecond * 10, missingTolerance: time.Hour * 24, dropTolerance: time.Hour * 24, }) assert.NotPanics(t, func() { gc.start() }) assert.NotPanics(t, func() { gc.close() }) }) } func validateMinioPrefixElements(t *testing.T, cli *minio.Client, bucketName string, prefix string, elements []string) { var current []string for info := range cli.ListObjects(context.TODO(), bucketName, minio.ListObjectsOptions{Prefix: prefix, Recursive: true}) { current = append(current, info.Key) } assert.ElementsMatch(t, elements, current) } func Test_garbageCollector_scan(t *testing.T) { bucketName := `datacoord-ut` + strings.ToLower(funcutil.RandomString(8)) rootPath := `gc` + funcutil.RandomString(8) //TODO change to Params cli, inserts, stats, delta, others, err := initUtOSSEnv(bucketName, rootPath, 4) require.NoError(t, err) meta, err := newMemoryMeta() assert.NoError(t, err) t.Run("key is reference", func(t *testing.T) { gc := newGarbageCollector(meta, newMockHandler(), GcOption{ cli: cli, enabled: true, checkInterval: time.Minute * 30, missingTolerance: time.Hour * 24, dropTolerance: time.Hour * 24, }) gc.scan() validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentInsertLogPath), inserts) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentStatslogPath), stats) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentDeltaLogPath), delta) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, `indexes`), others) gc.close() }) t.Run("missing all but save tolerance", func(t *testing.T) { gc := newGarbageCollector(meta, newMockHandler(), GcOption{ cli: cli, enabled: true, checkInterval: time.Minute * 30, missingTolerance: time.Hour * 24, dropTolerance: time.Hour * 24, }) gc.scan() validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentInsertLogPath), inserts) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentStatslogPath), stats) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentDeltaLogPath), delta) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, `indexes`), others) gc.close() }) t.Run("hit, no gc", func(t *testing.T) { segment := buildSegment(1, 10, 100, "ch", false) segment.State = commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed segment.Binlogs = []*datapb.FieldBinlog{getFieldBinlogPaths(0, inserts[0])} segment.Statslogs = []*datapb.FieldBinlog{getFieldBinlogPaths(0, stats[0])} segment.Deltalogs = []*datapb.FieldBinlog{getFieldBinlogPaths(0, delta[0])} err = meta.AddSegment(context.TODO(), segment) require.NoError(t, err) gc := newGarbageCollector(meta, newMockHandler(), GcOption{ cli: cli, enabled: true, checkInterval: time.Minute * 30, missingTolerance: time.Hour * 24, dropTolerance: time.Hour * 24, }) gc.start() gc.scan() validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentInsertLogPath), inserts) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentStatslogPath), stats) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentDeltaLogPath), delta) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, `indexes`), others) gc.close() }) t.Run("dropped gc one", func(t *testing.T) { segment := buildSegment(1, 10, 100, "ch", false) segment.State = commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped segment.DroppedAt = uint64(time.Now().Add(-time.Hour).UnixNano()) segment.Binlogs = []*datapb.FieldBinlog{getFieldBinlogPaths(0, inserts[0])} segment.Statslogs = []*datapb.FieldBinlog{getFieldBinlogPaths(0, stats[0])} segment.Deltalogs = []*datapb.FieldBinlog{getFieldBinlogPaths(0, delta[0])} err = meta.AddSegment(context.TODO(), segment) require.NoError(t, err) gc := newGarbageCollector(meta, newMockHandler(), GcOption{ cli: cli, enabled: true, checkInterval: time.Minute * 30, missingTolerance: time.Hour * 24, dropTolerance: 0, }) gc.clearEtcd() validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentInsertLogPath), inserts[1:]) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentStatslogPath), stats[1:]) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentDeltaLogPath), delta[1:]) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, `indexes`), others) gc.close() }) t.Run("missing gc all", func(t *testing.T) { gc := newGarbageCollector(meta, newMockHandler(), GcOption{ cli: cli, enabled: true, checkInterval: time.Minute * 30, missingTolerance: 0, dropTolerance: 0, }) gc.start() gc.scan() gc.clearEtcd() // bad path shall remains since datacoord cannot determine file is garbage or not if path is not valid validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentInsertLogPath), inserts[1:2]) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentStatslogPath), stats[1:2]) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentDeltaLogPath), delta[1:2]) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, `indexes`), others) gc.close() }) t.Run("list object with error", func(t *testing.T) { gc := newGarbageCollector(meta, newMockHandler(), GcOption{ cli: cli, enabled: true, checkInterval: time.Minute * 30, missingTolerance: 0, dropTolerance: 0, }) gc.start() gc.scan() // bad path shall remains since datacoord cannot determine file is garbage or not if path is not valid validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentInsertLogPath), inserts[1:2]) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentStatslogPath), stats[1:2]) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, common.SegmentDeltaLogPath), delta[1:2]) validateMinioPrefixElements(t, cli.Client, bucketName, path.Join(rootPath, `indexes`), others) gc.close() }) cleanupOSS(cli.Client, bucketName, rootPath) } // initialize unit test sso env func initUtOSSEnv(bucket, root string, n int) (mcm *storage.MinioChunkManager, inserts []string, stats []string, delta []string, other []string, err error) { paramtable.Init() cli, err := minio.New(Params.MinioCfg.Address.GetValue(), &minio.Options{ Creds: credentials.NewStaticV4(Params.MinioCfg.AccessKeyID.GetValue(), Params.MinioCfg.SecretAccessKey.GetValue(), ""), Secure: Params.MinioCfg.UseSSL.GetAsBool(), }) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } has, err := cli.BucketExists(context.TODO(), bucket) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } if !has { err = cli.MakeBucket(context.TODO(), bucket, minio.MakeBucketOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } } inserts = make([]string, 0, n) stats = make([]string, 0, n) delta = make([]string, 0, n) other = make([]string, 0, n) content := []byte("test") for i := 0; i < n; i++ { reader := bytes.NewReader(content) // collID/partID/segID/fieldID/fileName // [str]/id/id/string/string var token string if i == 1 { token = path.Join(strconv.Itoa(i), strconv.Itoa(i), "error-seg-id", funcutil.RandomString(8), funcutil.RandomString(8)) } else { token = path.Join(strconv.Itoa(1+i), strconv.Itoa(10+i), strconv.Itoa(100+i), funcutil.RandomString(8), funcutil.RandomString(8)) } // insert filePath := path.Join(root, common.SegmentInsertLogPath, token) info, err := cli.PutObject(context.TODO(), bucket, filePath, reader, int64(len(content)), minio.PutObjectOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } inserts = append(inserts, info.Key) // stats filePath = path.Join(root, common.SegmentStatslogPath, token) info, err = cli.PutObject(context.TODO(), bucket, filePath, reader, int64(len(content)), minio.PutObjectOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } stats = append(stats, info.Key) // delta if i == 1 { token = path.Join(strconv.Itoa(i), strconv.Itoa(i), "error-seg-id", funcutil.RandomString(8)) } else { token = path.Join(strconv.Itoa(1+i), strconv.Itoa(10+i), strconv.Itoa(100+i), funcutil.RandomString(8)) } filePath = path.Join(root, common.SegmentDeltaLogPath, token) info, err = cli.PutObject(context.TODO(), bucket, filePath, reader, int64(len(content)), minio.PutObjectOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } delta = append(delta, info.Key) // other filePath = path.Join(root, `indexes`, token) info, err = cli.PutObject(context.TODO(), bucket, filePath, reader, int64(len(content)), minio.PutObjectOptions{}) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err } other = append(other, info.Key) } mcm = &storage.MinioChunkManager{ Client: cli, } mcm.SetVar(bucket, root) return mcm, inserts, stats, delta, other, nil } func cleanupOSS(cli *minio.Client, bucket, root string) { ch := cli.ListObjects(context.TODO(), bucket, minio.ListObjectsOptions{Prefix: root, Recursive: true}) cli.RemoveObjects(context.TODO(), bucket, ch, minio.RemoveObjectsOptions{}) cli.RemoveBucket(context.TODO(), bucket) } func createMetaForRecycleUnusedIndexes(catalog metastore.DataCoordCatalog) *meta { var ( ctx = context.Background() collID = UniqueID(100) //partID = UniqueID(200) fieldID = UniqueID(300) indexID = UniqueID(400) ) return &meta{ RWMutex: sync.RWMutex{}, ctx: ctx, catalog: catalog, collections: nil, segments: nil, channelCPs: nil, chunkManager: nil, indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{ collID: { indexID: { TenantID: "", CollectionID: collID, FieldID: fieldID, IndexID: indexID, IndexName: "_default_idx", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, TypeParams: nil, IndexParams: nil, IsAutoIndex: false, UserIndexParams: nil, }, indexID + 1: { TenantID: "", CollectionID: collID, FieldID: fieldID + 1, IndexID: indexID + 1, IndexName: "_default_idx_101", IsDeleted: true, CreateTime: 0, TypeParams: nil, IndexParams: nil, IsAutoIndex: false, UserIndexParams: nil, }, }, collID + 1: { indexID + 10: { TenantID: "", CollectionID: collID + 1, FieldID: fieldID + 10, IndexID: indexID + 10, IndexName: "index", IsDeleted: true, CreateTime: 10, TypeParams: nil, IndexParams: nil, IsAutoIndex: false, UserIndexParams: nil, }, }, }, buildID2SegmentIndex: nil, } } func TestGarbageCollector_recycleUnusedIndexes(t *testing.T) { t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) { catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t) catalog.On("DropIndex", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, ).Return(nil) gc := &garbageCollector{ meta: createMetaForRecycleUnusedIndexes(catalog), } gc.recycleUnusedIndexes() }) t.Run("fail", func(t *testing.T) { catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t) catalog.On("DropIndex", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, ).Return(errors.New("fail")) gc := &garbageCollector{ meta: createMetaForRecycleUnusedIndexes(catalog), } gc.recycleUnusedIndexes() }) } func createMetaForRecycleUnusedSegIndexes(catalog metastore.DataCoordCatalog) *meta { var ( ctx = context.Background() collID = UniqueID(100) partID = UniqueID(200) //fieldID = UniqueID(300) indexID = UniqueID(400) segID = UniqueID(500) ) return &meta{ RWMutex: sync.RWMutex{}, ctx: ctx, catalog: catalog, collections: nil, segments: &SegmentsInfo{ segments: map[UniqueID]*SegmentInfo{ segID: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "", NumOfRows: 1026, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed, }, segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{ indexID: { SegmentID: segID, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 1026, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID, NodeID: 1, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"}, IndexSize: 0, WriteHandoff: false, }, }, }, segID + 1: { SegmentInfo: nil, segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{ indexID: { SegmentID: segID + 1, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 1026, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID + 1, NodeID: 1, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"}, IndexSize: 0, WriteHandoff: false, }, }, }, }, }, channelCPs: nil, chunkManager: nil, indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{}, buildID2SegmentIndex: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{ buildID: { SegmentID: segID, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 1026, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID, NodeID: 1, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"}, IndexSize: 0, WriteHandoff: false, }, buildID + 1: { SegmentID: segID + 1, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 1026, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID + 1, NodeID: 1, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"}, IndexSize: 0, WriteHandoff: false, }, }, } } func TestGarbageCollector_recycleUnusedSegIndexes(t *testing.T) { t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) { catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t) catalog.On("DropSegmentIndex", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, ).Return(nil) gc := &garbageCollector{ meta: createMetaForRecycleUnusedSegIndexes(catalog), } gc.recycleUnusedSegIndexes() }) t.Run("fail", func(t *testing.T) { catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t) catalog.On("DropSegmentIndex", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, ).Return(errors.New("fail")) gc := &garbageCollector{ meta: createMetaForRecycleUnusedSegIndexes(catalog), } gc.recycleUnusedSegIndexes() }) } func createMetaTableForRecycleUnusedIndexFiles(catalog *datacoord.Catalog) *meta { var ( ctx = context.Background() collID = UniqueID(100) partID = UniqueID(200) //fieldID = UniqueID(300) indexID = UniqueID(400) segID = UniqueID(500) buildID = UniqueID(600) ) return &meta{ RWMutex: sync.RWMutex{}, ctx: ctx, catalog: catalog, collections: nil, segments: &SegmentsInfo{ segments: map[UniqueID]*SegmentInfo{ segID: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "", NumOfRows: 1026, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed, }, segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{ indexID: { SegmentID: segID, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 1026, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID, NodeID: 1, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"}, IndexSize: 0, WriteHandoff: false, }, }, }, segID + 1: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID + 1, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "", NumOfRows: 1026, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed, }, segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{ indexID: { SegmentID: segID + 1, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 1026, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID + 1, NodeID: 1, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_InProgress, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, IndexFileKeys: nil, IndexSize: 0, WriteHandoff: false, }, }, }, }, }, indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{ collID: { indexID: { TenantID: "", CollectionID: collID, FieldID: fieldID, IndexID: indexID, IndexName: "_default_idx", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, TypeParams: nil, IndexParams: nil, IsAutoIndex: false, UserIndexParams: nil, }, }, }, buildID2SegmentIndex: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{ buildID: { SegmentID: segID, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 1026, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID, NodeID: 1, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"}, IndexSize: 0, WriteHandoff: false, }, buildID + 1: { SegmentID: segID + 1, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 1026, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID + 1, NodeID: 1, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_InProgress, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 10, IndexFileKeys: nil, IndexSize: 0, WriteHandoff: false, }, }, } } func TestGarbageCollector_recycleUnusedIndexFiles(t *testing.T) { t.Run("success", func(t *testing.T) { cm := &mocks.ChunkManager{} cm.EXPECT().RootPath().Return("root") cm.EXPECT().ListWithPrefix(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]string{"a/b/c/", "a/b/600/", "a/b/601/", "a/b/602/"}, nil, nil) cm.EXPECT().RemoveWithPrefix(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil) cm.EXPECT().Remove(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil) gc := &garbageCollector{ meta: createMetaTableForRecycleUnusedIndexFiles(&datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: kvmocks.NewMetaKv(t)}), option: GcOption{ cli: cm, }, } gc.recycleUnusedIndexFiles() }) t.Run("list fail", func(t *testing.T) { cm := &mocks.ChunkManager{} cm.EXPECT().RootPath().Return("root") cm.EXPECT().ListWithPrefix(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, nil, errors.New("error")) gc := &garbageCollector{ meta: createMetaTableForRecycleUnusedIndexFiles(&datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: kvmocks.NewMetaKv(t)}), option: GcOption{ cli: cm, }, } gc.recycleUnusedIndexFiles() }) t.Run("remove fail", func(t *testing.T) { cm := &mocks.ChunkManager{} cm.EXPECT().RootPath().Return("root") cm.EXPECT().Remove(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(errors.New("error")) cm.EXPECT().ListWithPrefix(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]string{"a/b/c/", "a/b/600/", "a/b/601/", "a/b/602/"}, nil, nil) cm.EXPECT().RemoveWithPrefix(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil) gc := &garbageCollector{ meta: createMetaTableForRecycleUnusedIndexFiles(&datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: kvmocks.NewMetaKv(t)}), option: GcOption{ cli: cm, }, } gc.recycleUnusedIndexFiles() }) t.Run("remove with prefix fail", func(t *testing.T) { cm := &mocks.ChunkManager{} cm.EXPECT().RootPath().Return("root") cm.EXPECT().Remove(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(errors.New("error")) cm.EXPECT().ListWithPrefix(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]string{"a/b/c/", "a/b/600/", "a/b/601/", "a/b/602/"}, nil, nil) cm.EXPECT().RemoveWithPrefix(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(errors.New("error")) gc := &garbageCollector{ meta: createMetaTableForRecycleUnusedIndexFiles(&datacoord.Catalog{MetaKv: kvmocks.NewMetaKv(t)}), option: GcOption{ cli: cm, }, } gc.recycleUnusedIndexFiles() }) } func TestGarbageCollector_clearETCD(t *testing.T) { catalog := catalogmocks.NewDataCoordCatalog(t) catalog.On("ChannelExists", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, ).Return(true) catalog.On("DropChannelCheckpoint", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, ).Return(nil).Maybe() catalog.On("CreateSegmentIndex", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, ).Return(nil) catalog.On("AlterSegmentIndexes", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, ).Return(nil) catalog.On("DropSegment", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, ).Return(nil) m := &meta{ catalog: catalog, channelCPs: map[string]*msgpb.MsgPosition{ "dmlChannel": { Timestamp: 1000, }, }, segments: &SegmentsInfo{ map[UniqueID]*SegmentInfo{ segID: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "dmlChannel", NumOfRows: 5000, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped, MaxRowNum: 65536, DroppedAt: 0, DmlPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{ Timestamp: 900, }, }, segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{ indexID: { SegmentID: segID, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 5000, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID, NodeID: 0, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 0, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"}, IndexSize: 1024, WriteHandoff: false, }, }, }, segID + 1: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID + 1, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "dmlChannel", NumOfRows: 5000, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped, MaxRowNum: 65536, DroppedAt: 0, DmlPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{ Timestamp: 900, }, }, segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{ indexID: { SegmentID: segID + 1, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 5000, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID + 1, NodeID: 0, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 0, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file3", "file4"}, IndexSize: 1024, WriteHandoff: false, }, }, }, segID + 2: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID + 2, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "dmlChannel", NumOfRows: 10000, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped, MaxRowNum: 65536, DroppedAt: 10, DmlPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{ Timestamp: 900, }, CompactionFrom: []int64{segID, segID + 1}, }, segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{}, }, segID + 3: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID + 3, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "dmlChannel", NumOfRows: 2000, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped, MaxRowNum: 65536, DroppedAt: 10, DmlPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{ Timestamp: 900, }, CompactionFrom: nil, }, segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{}, }, segID + 4: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID + 4, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "dmlChannel", NumOfRows: 12000, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed, MaxRowNum: 65536, DroppedAt: 10, DmlPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{ Timestamp: 900, }, CompactionFrom: []int64{segID + 2, segID + 3}, }, segmentIndexes: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{}, }, segID + 5: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID + 5, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "dmlChannel", NumOfRows: 2000, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped, MaxRowNum: 65535, DroppedAt: 0, CompactionFrom: nil, DmlPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{ Timestamp: 1200, }, }, }, segID + 6: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID + 6, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "dmlChannel", NumOfRows: 2000, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped, MaxRowNum: 65535, DroppedAt: uint64(time.Now().Add(time.Hour).UnixNano()), CompactionFrom: nil, DmlPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{ Timestamp: 900, }, Compacted: true, }, }, // compacted and child is GCed, dml pos is big than channel cp segID + 7: { SegmentInfo: &datapb.SegmentInfo{ ID: segID + 7, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, InsertChannel: "dmlChannel", NumOfRows: 2000, State: commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped, MaxRowNum: 65535, DroppedAt: 0, CompactionFrom: nil, DmlPosition: &msgpb.MsgPosition{ Timestamp: 1200, }, Compacted: true, }, }, }, }, buildID2SegmentIndex: map[UniqueID]*model.SegmentIndex{ buildID: { SegmentID: segID, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 5000, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID, NodeID: 0, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 0, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2"}, IndexSize: 1024, WriteHandoff: false, }, buildID + 1: { SegmentID: segID + 1, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 5000, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID + 1, NodeID: 0, IndexVersion: 1, IndexState: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, FailReason: "", IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 0, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file3", "file4"}, IndexSize: 1024, WriteHandoff: false, }, }, indexes: map[UniqueID]map[UniqueID]*model.Index{ collID: { indexID: { TenantID: "", CollectionID: collID, FieldID: fieldID, IndexID: indexID, IndexName: indexName, IsDeleted: false, CreateTime: 0, TypeParams: nil, IndexParams: nil, IsAutoIndex: false, UserIndexParams: nil, }, }, }, collections: map[UniqueID]*collectionInfo{ collID: { ID: collID, Schema: &schemapb.CollectionSchema{ Name: "", Description: "", AutoID: false, Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{ { FieldID: fieldID, Name: "", IsPrimaryKey: false, Description: "", DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector, TypeParams: nil, IndexParams: nil, AutoID: false, State: 0, }, }, }, Partitions: nil, StartPositions: nil, Properties: nil, }, }, } cm := &mocks.ChunkManager{} cm.EXPECT().Remove(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil) gc := &garbageCollector{ option: GcOption{ cli: &mocks.ChunkManager{}, dropTolerance: 1, }, meta: m, handler: newMockHandlerWithMeta(m), } gc.clearEtcd() /* A B \ / C D \ / E E: flushed, not indexed, should not be GCed D: dropped, not indexed, should not be GCed, since E is not GCed C: dropped, not indexed, should not be GCed, since E is not GCed A: dropped, indexed, should not be GCed, since C is not indexed B: dropped, indexed, should not be GCed, since C is not indexed F: dropped, compcated is false, should not be GCed, since dml position is larger than channel cp G: dropped, compacted is true, missing child info, should be GCed since dml pos is less than channel cp, FAST GC do not wait drop tolerance H: dropped, compacted is true, missing child info, should not be GCed since dml pos is larger than channel cp conclusion: only G is GCed. */ segA := gc.meta.GetSegment(segID) assert.NotNil(t, segA) segB := gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 1) assert.NotNil(t, segB) segC := gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 2) assert.NotNil(t, segC) segD := gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 3) assert.NotNil(t, segD) segE := gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 4) assert.NotNil(t, segE) segF := gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 5) assert.NotNil(t, segF) segG := gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 6) assert.Nil(t, segG) segH := gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 7) assert.NotNil(t, segH) err := gc.meta.AddSegmentIndex(&model.SegmentIndex{ SegmentID: segID + 4, CollectionID: collID, PartitionID: partID, NumRows: 12000, IndexID: indexID, BuildID: buildID + 4, }) assert.NoError(t, err) err = gc.meta.FinishTask(&indexpb.IndexTaskInfo{ BuildID: buildID + 4, State: commonpb.IndexState_Finished, IndexFileKeys: []string{"file1", "file2", "file3", "file4"}, SerializedSize: 10240, FailReason: "", }) assert.NoError(t, err) gc.clearEtcd() /* A: processed prior to C, C is not GCed yet and C is not indexed, A is not GCed in this turn B: processed prior to C, C is not GCed yet and C is not indexed, B is not GCed in this turn E: flushed, indexed, should not be GCed C: dropped, not indexed, should be GCed since E is indexed D: dropped, not indexed, should be GCed since E is indexed */ segC = gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 2) assert.Nil(t, segC) segD = gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 3) assert.Nil(t, segD) gc.clearEtcd() /* A: compacted became false due to C is GCed already, A should be GCed since dropTolernace is meet B: compacted became false due to C is GCed already, B should be GCed since dropTolerance is meet */ segA = gc.meta.GetSegment(segID) assert.Nil(t, segA) segB = gc.meta.GetSegment(segID + 1) assert.Nil(t, segB) }