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// distributed with this work for additional information
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package kv

import (
	clientv3 "go.etcd.io/etcd/client/v3"


// CompareFailedError is a helper type for checking MetaKv CompareAndSwap series func error type
type CompareFailedError struct {
	internalError error

// Error implements error interface
func (e *CompareFailedError) Error() string {
	return e.internalError.Error()

// NewCompareFailedError wraps error into NewCompareFailedError
func NewCompareFailedError(err error) error {
	return &CompareFailedError{internalError: err}

// BaseKV contains base operations of kv. Include save, load and remove.
type BaseKV interface {
	Load(key string) (string, error)
	MultiLoad(keys []string) ([]string, error)
	LoadWithPrefix(key string) ([]string, []string, error)
	Save(key, value string) error
	MultiSave(kvs map[string]string) error
	Remove(key string) error
	MultiRemove(keys []string) error
	RemoveWithPrefix(key string) error
	Has(key string) (bool, error)
	HasPrefix(prefix string) (bool, error)

// TxnKV contains extra txn operations of kv. The extra operations is transactional.
//go:generate mockery --name=TxnKV --with-expecter
type TxnKV interface {
	MultiSaveAndRemove(saves map[string]string, removals []string, preds ...predicates.Predicate) error
	MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix(saves map[string]string, removals []string, preds ...predicates.Predicate) error

// MetaKv is TxnKV for metadata. It should save data with lease.
//go:generate mockery --name=MetaKv --with-expecter
type MetaKv interface {
	GetPath(key string) string
	LoadWithPrefix(key string) ([]string, []string, error)
	CompareVersionAndSwap(key string, version int64, target string) (bool, error)
	WalkWithPrefix(prefix string, paginationSize int, fn func([]byte, []byte) error) error

// WatchKV is watchable MetaKv. As of today(2023/06/24), it's coupled with etcd.
//go:generate mockery --name=WatchKV --with-expecter
type WatchKV interface {
	Watch(key string) clientv3.WatchChan
	WatchWithPrefix(key string) clientv3.WatchChan
	WatchWithRevision(key string, revision int64) clientv3.WatchChan

// SnapShotKV is TxnKV for snapshot data. It must save timestamp.
//go:generate mockery --name=SnapShotKV --with-expecter
type SnapShotKV interface {
	Save(key string, value string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error
	Load(key string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) (string, error)
	MultiSave(kvs map[string]string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error
	LoadWithPrefix(key string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) ([]string, []string, error)
	MultiSaveAndRemoveWithPrefix(saves map[string]string, removals []string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error