// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package querycoordv2 import ( "context" "fmt" "sync" "time" "github.com/cockroachdb/errors" "github.com/samber/lo" "go.uber.org/zap" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-proto/go-api/v2/commonpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-proto/go-api/v2/milvuspb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/querypb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/querycoordv2/job" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/querycoordv2/meta" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/querycoordv2/session" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/querycoordv2/task" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/querycoordv2/utils" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/log" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/hardware" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/merr" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/metricsinfo" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/paramtable" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/typeutil" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/uniquegenerator" ) // checkAnyReplicaAvailable checks if the collection has enough distinct available shards. These shards // may come from different replica group. We only need these shards to form a replica that serves query // requests. func (s *Server) checkAnyReplicaAvailable(collectionID int64) bool { for _, replica := range s.meta.ReplicaManager.GetByCollection(collectionID) { isAvailable := true for _, node := range replica.GetNodes() { if s.nodeMgr.Get(node) == nil { isAvailable = false break } } if isAvailable { return true } } return false } func (s *Server) getCollectionSegmentInfo(collection int64) []*querypb.SegmentInfo { segments := s.dist.SegmentDistManager.GetByCollection(collection) currentTargetSegmentsMap := s.targetMgr.GetHistoricalSegmentsByCollection(collection, meta.CurrentTarget) infos := make(map[int64]*querypb.SegmentInfo) for _, segment := range segments { if _, existCurrentTarget := currentTargetSegmentsMap[segment.GetID()]; !existCurrentTarget { //if one segment exists in distMap but doesn't exist in currentTargetMap //in order to guarantee that get segment request launched by sdk could get //consistent result, for example //sdk insert three segments:A, B, D, then A + B----compact--> C //In this scenario, we promise that clients see either 2 segments(C,D) or 3 segments(A, B, D) //rather than 4 segments(A, B, C, D), in which query nodes are loading C but have completed loading process log.Info("filtered segment being in the intermediate status", zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.GetID())) continue } info, ok := infos[segment.GetID()] if !ok { info = &querypb.SegmentInfo{} infos[segment.GetID()] = info } utils.MergeMetaSegmentIntoSegmentInfo(info, segment) } return lo.Values(infos) } // parseBalanceRequest parses the load balance request, // returns the collection, replica, and segments func (s *Server) balanceSegments(ctx context.Context, req *querypb.LoadBalanceRequest, replica *meta.Replica) error { srcNode := req.GetSourceNodeIDs()[0] dstNodeSet := typeutil.NewUniqueSet(req.GetDstNodeIDs()...) if dstNodeSet.Len() == 0 { outboundNodes := s.meta.ResourceManager.CheckOutboundNodes(replica) availableNodes := lo.Filter(replica.Replica.GetNodes(), func(node int64, _ int) bool { stop, err := s.nodeMgr.IsStoppingNode(node) if err != nil { return false } return !outboundNodes.Contain(node) && !stop }) dstNodeSet.Insert(availableNodes...) } dstNodeSet.Remove(srcNode) toBalance := typeutil.NewSet[*meta.Segment]() // Only balance segments in targets segments := s.dist.SegmentDistManager.GetByCollectionAndNode(req.GetCollectionID(), srcNode) segments = lo.Filter(segments, func(segment *meta.Segment, _ int) bool { return s.targetMgr.GetHistoricalSegment(segment.GetCollectionID(), segment.GetID(), meta.CurrentTarget) != nil }) allSegments := make(map[int64]*meta.Segment) for _, segment := range segments { allSegments[segment.GetID()] = segment } if len(req.GetSealedSegmentIDs()) == 0 { toBalance.Insert(segments...) } else { for _, segmentID := range req.GetSealedSegmentIDs() { segment, ok := allSegments[segmentID] if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("segment %d not found in source node %d", segmentID, srcNode) } toBalance.Insert(segment) } } log := log.With( zap.Int64("collectionID", req.GetCollectionID()), zap.Int64("srcNodeID", srcNode), zap.Int64s("destNodeIDs", dstNodeSet.Collect()), ) plans := s.balancer.AssignSegment(req.GetCollectionID(), toBalance.Collect(), dstNodeSet.Collect()) tasks := make([]task.Task, 0, len(plans)) for _, plan := range plans { log.Info("manually balance segment...", zap.Int64("destNodeID", plan.To), zap.Int64("segmentID", plan.Segment.GetID()), ) task, err := task.NewSegmentTask(ctx, Params.QueryCoordCfg.SegmentTaskTimeout.GetAsDuration(time.Millisecond), req.GetBase().GetMsgID(), req.GetCollectionID(), replica.GetID(), task.NewSegmentAction(plan.To, task.ActionTypeGrow, plan.Segment.GetInsertChannel(), plan.Segment.GetID()), task.NewSegmentAction(srcNode, task.ActionTypeReduce, plan.Segment.GetInsertChannel(), plan.Segment.GetID()), ) if err != nil { log.Warn("create segment task for balance failed", zap.Int64("collection", req.GetCollectionID()), zap.Int64("replica", replica.GetID()), zap.String("channel", plan.Segment.InsertChannel), zap.Int64("from", srcNode), zap.Int64("to", plan.To), zap.Error(err), ) continue } err = s.taskScheduler.Add(task) if err != nil { task.Cancel(err) return err } tasks = append(tasks, task) } return task.Wait(ctx, Params.QueryCoordCfg.SegmentTaskTimeout.GetAsDuration(time.Millisecond), tasks...) } // TODO(dragondriver): add more detail metrics func (s *Server) getSystemInfoMetrics( ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest) (string, error) { clusterTopology := metricsinfo.QueryClusterTopology{ Self: metricsinfo.QueryCoordInfos{ BaseComponentInfos: metricsinfo.BaseComponentInfos{ Name: metricsinfo.ConstructComponentName(typeutil.QueryCoordRole, paramtable.GetNodeID()), HardwareInfos: metricsinfo.HardwareMetrics{ IP: s.session.Address, CPUCoreCount: hardware.GetCPUNum(), CPUCoreUsage: hardware.GetCPUUsage(), Memory: hardware.GetMemoryCount(), MemoryUsage: hardware.GetUsedMemoryCount(), Disk: hardware.GetDiskCount(), DiskUsage: hardware.GetDiskUsage(), }, SystemInfo: metricsinfo.DeployMetrics{}, CreatedTime: paramtable.GetCreateTime().String(), UpdatedTime: paramtable.GetUpdateTime().String(), Type: typeutil.QueryCoordRole, ID: paramtable.GetNodeID(), }, SystemConfigurations: metricsinfo.QueryCoordConfiguration{ SearchChannelPrefix: Params.CommonCfg.QueryCoordSearch.GetValue(), SearchResultChannelPrefix: Params.CommonCfg.QueryCoordSearchResult.GetValue(), }, }, ConnectedNodes: make([]metricsinfo.QueryNodeInfos, 0), } metricsinfo.FillDeployMetricsWithEnv(&clusterTopology.Self.SystemInfo) nodesMetrics := s.tryGetNodesMetrics(ctx, req, s.nodeMgr.GetAll()...) s.fillMetricsWithNodes(&clusterTopology, nodesMetrics) coordTopology := metricsinfo.QueryCoordTopology{ Cluster: clusterTopology, Connections: metricsinfo.ConnTopology{ Name: metricsinfo.ConstructComponentName(typeutil.QueryCoordRole, paramtable.GetNodeID()), // TODO(dragondriver): fill ConnectedComponents if necessary ConnectedComponents: []metricsinfo.ConnectionInfo{}, }, } resp, err := metricsinfo.MarshalTopology(coordTopology) if err != nil { return "", err } return resp, nil } func (s *Server) fillMetricsWithNodes(topo *metricsinfo.QueryClusterTopology, nodeMetrics []*metricResp) { for _, metric := range nodeMetrics { if metric.err != nil { log.Warn("invalid metrics of query node was found", zap.Error(metric.err)) topo.ConnectedNodes = append(topo.ConnectedNodes, metricsinfo.QueryNodeInfos{ BaseComponentInfos: metricsinfo.BaseComponentInfos{ HasError: true, ErrorReason: metric.err.Error(), // Name doesn't matter here because we can't get it when error occurs, using address as the Name? Name: "", ID: int64(uniquegenerator.GetUniqueIntGeneratorIns().GetInt()), }, }) continue } if metric.resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success { log.Warn("invalid metrics of query node was found", zap.Any("error_code", metric.resp.GetStatus().GetErrorCode()), zap.Any("error_reason", metric.resp.GetStatus().GetReason())) topo.ConnectedNodes = append(topo.ConnectedNodes, metricsinfo.QueryNodeInfos{ BaseComponentInfos: metricsinfo.BaseComponentInfos{ HasError: true, ErrorReason: metric.resp.GetStatus().GetReason(), Name: metric.resp.ComponentName, ID: int64(uniquegenerator.GetUniqueIntGeneratorIns().GetInt()), }, }) continue } infos := metricsinfo.QueryNodeInfos{} err := metricsinfo.UnmarshalComponentInfos(metric.resp.Response, &infos) if err != nil { log.Warn("invalid metrics of query node was found", zap.Error(err)) topo.ConnectedNodes = append(topo.ConnectedNodes, metricsinfo.QueryNodeInfos{ BaseComponentInfos: metricsinfo.BaseComponentInfos{ HasError: true, ErrorReason: err.Error(), Name: metric.resp.ComponentName, ID: int64(uniquegenerator.GetUniqueIntGeneratorIns().GetInt()), }, }) continue } topo.ConnectedNodes = append(topo.ConnectedNodes, infos) } } type metricResp struct { resp *milvuspb.GetMetricsResponse err error } func (s *Server) tryGetNodesMetrics(ctx context.Context, req *milvuspb.GetMetricsRequest, nodes ...*session.NodeInfo) []*metricResp { wg := sync.WaitGroup{} ret := make([]*metricResp, 0, len(nodes)) retCh := make(chan *metricResp, len(nodes)) for _, node := range nodes { node := node wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() resp, err := s.cluster.GetMetrics(ctx, node.ID(), req) if err != nil { log.Warn("failed to get metric from QueryNode", zap.Int64("nodeID", node.ID())) return } retCh <- &metricResp{ resp: resp, err: err, } }() } wg.Wait() close(retCh) for resp := range retCh { ret = append(ret, resp) } return ret } func (s *Server) fillReplicaInfo(replica *meta.Replica, withShardNodes bool) (*milvuspb.ReplicaInfo, error) { info := &milvuspb.ReplicaInfo{ ReplicaID: replica.GetID(), CollectionID: replica.GetCollectionID(), NodeIds: replica.GetNodes(), ResourceGroupName: replica.GetResourceGroup(), NumOutboundNode: s.meta.GetOutgoingNodeNumByReplica(replica), } channels := s.targetMgr.GetDmChannelsByCollection(replica.GetCollectionID(), meta.CurrentTarget) if len(channels) == 0 { msg := "failed to get channels, collection not loaded" log.Warn(msg) return nil, merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(replica.GetCollectionID(), msg) } var segments []*meta.Segment if withShardNodes { segments = s.dist.SegmentDistManager.GetByCollection(replica.GetCollectionID()) } for _, channel := range channels { leader, ok := s.dist.ChannelDistManager.GetShardLeader(replica, channel.GetChannelName()) var leaderInfo *session.NodeInfo if ok { leaderInfo = s.nodeMgr.Get(leader) } if leaderInfo == nil { msg := fmt.Sprintf("failed to get shard leader for shard %s, the collection not loaded or leader is offline", channel) log.Warn(msg) return nil, utils.WrapError(msg, session.WrapErrNodeNotFound(leader)) } shard := &milvuspb.ShardReplica{ LeaderID: leader, LeaderAddr: leaderInfo.Addr(), DmChannelName: channel.GetChannelName(), NodeIds: []int64{leader}, } if withShardNodes { shardNodes := lo.FilterMap(segments, func(segment *meta.Segment, _ int) (int64, bool) { if replica.Contains(segment.Node) { return segment.Node, true } return 0, false }) shard.NodeIds = typeutil.NewUniqueSet(shardNodes...).Collect() } info.ShardReplicas = append(info.ShardReplicas, shard) } return info, nil } func errCode(err error) commonpb.ErrorCode { if errors.Is(err, job.ErrLoadParameterMismatched) { return commonpb.ErrorCode_IllegalArgument } return commonpb.ErrorCode_UnexpectedError } func checkNodeAvailable(nodeID int64, info *session.NodeInfo) error { if info == nil { return WrapErrNodeOffline(nodeID) } else if time.Since(info.LastHeartbeat()) > Params.QueryCoordCfg.HeartbeatAvailableInterval.GetAsDuration(time.Millisecond) { return WrapErrNodeHeartbeatOutdated(nodeID, info.LastHeartbeat()) } return nil } func filterDupLeaders(replicaManager *meta.ReplicaManager, leaders map[int64]*meta.LeaderView) map[int64]*meta.LeaderView { type leaderID struct { ReplicaID int64 Shard string } newLeaders := make(map[leaderID]*meta.LeaderView) for _, view := range leaders { replica := replicaManager.GetByCollectionAndNode(view.CollectionID, view.ID) if replica == nil { continue } id := leaderID{replica.GetID(), view.Channel} if old, ok := newLeaders[id]; ok && old.Version > view.Version { continue } newLeaders[id] = view } result := make(map[int64]*meta.LeaderView) for _, v := range newLeaders { result[v.ID] = v } return result }