package importutil import ( "bufio" "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "strconv" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( TempFilesPath = "/tmp/milvus_test/import/" ) type MockChunkManager struct { size int64 } func (mc *MockChunkManager) Path(filePath string) (string, error) { return "", nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) Reader(filePath string) (storage.FileReader, error) { return nil, nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) Write(filePath string, content []byte) error { return nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) MultiWrite(contents map[string][]byte) error { return nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) Exist(filePath string) (bool, error) { return true, nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) Read(filePath string) ([]byte, error) { return nil, nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) MultiRead(filePaths []string) ([][]byte, error) { return nil, nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) ListWithPrefix(prefix string) ([]string, error) { return nil, nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) ReadWithPrefix(prefix string) ([]string, [][]byte, error) { return nil, nil, nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) ReadAt(filePath string, off int64, length int64) ([]byte, error) { return nil, nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) Mmap(filePath string) (*mmap.ReaderAt, error) { return nil, nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) Size(filePath string) (int64, error) { return mc.size, nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) Remove(filePath string) error { return nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) MultiRemove(filePaths []string) error { return nil } func (mc *MockChunkManager) RemoveWithPrefix(prefix string) error { return nil } func Test_NewImportWrapper(t *testing.T) { f := dependency.NewDefaultFactory(true) ctx := context.Background() cm, err := f.NewVectorStorageChunkManager(ctx) assert.NoError(t, err) wrapper := NewImportWrapper(ctx, nil, 2, 1, nil, cm, nil, nil, nil) assert.Nil(t, wrapper) schema := &schemapb.CollectionSchema{ Name: "schema", Description: "schema", AutoID: true, Fields: make([]*schemapb.FieldSchema, 0), } schema.Fields = append(schema.Fields, sampleSchema().Fields...) schema.Fields = append(schema.Fields, &schemapb.FieldSchema{ FieldID: 106, Name: common.RowIDFieldName, IsPrimaryKey: true, AutoID: false, Description: "int64", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64, }) wrapper = NewImportWrapper(ctx, schema, 2, 1, nil, cm, nil, nil, nil) assert.NotNil(t, wrapper) err = wrapper.Cancel() assert.Nil(t, err) } func Test_ImportRowBased(t *testing.T) { f := dependency.NewDefaultFactory(true) ctx := context.Background() cm, err := f.NewVectorStorageChunkManager(ctx) assert.NoError(t, err) idAllocator := newIDAllocator(ctx, t) content := []byte(`{ "rows":[ {"field_bool": true, "field_int8": 10, "field_int16": 101, "field_int32": 1001, "field_int64": 10001, "field_float": 3.14, "field_double": 1.56, "field_string": "hello world", "field_binary_vector": [254, 0], "field_float_vector": [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4]}, {"field_bool": false, "field_int8": 11, "field_int16": 102, "field_int32": 1002, "field_int64": 10002, "field_float": 3.15, "field_double": 2.56, "field_string": "hello world", "field_binary_vector": [253, 0], "field_float_vector": [2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4]}, {"field_bool": true, "field_int8": 12, "field_int16": 103, "field_int32": 1003, "field_int64": 10003, "field_float": 3.16, "field_double": 3.56, "field_string": "hello world", "field_binary_vector": [252, 0], "field_float_vector": [3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4]}, {"field_bool": false, "field_int8": 13, "field_int16": 104, "field_int32": 1004, "field_int64": 10004, "field_float": 3.17, "field_double": 4.56, "field_string": "hello world", "field_binary_vector": [251, 0], "field_float_vector": [4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4]}, {"field_bool": true, "field_int8": 14, "field_int16": 105, "field_int32": 1005, "field_int64": 10005, "field_float": 3.18, "field_double": 5.56, "field_string": "hello world", "field_binary_vector": [250, 0], "field_float_vector": [5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4]} ] }`) filePath := TempFilesPath + "rows_1.json" err = cm.Write(filePath, content) assert.NoError(t, err) defer cm.RemoveWithPrefix("") rowCount := 0 flushFunc := func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardNum int) error { count := 0 for _, data := range fields { assert.Less(t, 0, data.RowNum()) if count == 0 { count = data.RowNum() } else { assert.Equal(t, count, data.RowNum()) } } rowCount += count return nil } // success case importResult := &rootcoordpb.ImportResult{ Status: &commonpb.Status{ ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, }, TaskId: 1, DatanodeId: 1, State: commonpb.ImportState_ImportStarted, Segments: make([]int64, 0), AutoIds: make([]int64, 0), RowCount: 0, } reportFunc := func(res *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) error { return nil } wrapper := NewImportWrapper(ctx, sampleSchema(), 2, 1, idAllocator, cm, flushFunc, importResult, reportFunc) files := make([]string, 0) files = append(files, filePath) err = wrapper.Import(files, true, false) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 5, rowCount) assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted, importResult.State) // parse error content = []byte(`{ "rows":[ {"field_bool": true, "field_int8": false, "field_int16": 101, "field_int32": 1001, "field_int64": 10001, "field_float": 3.14, "field_double": 1.56, "field_string": "hello world", "field_binary_vector": [254, 0], "field_float_vector": [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4]}, ] }`) filePath = TempFilesPath + "rows_2.json" err = cm.Write(filePath, content) assert.NoError(t, err) importResult.State = commonpb.ImportState_ImportStarted wrapper = NewImportWrapper(ctx, sampleSchema(), 2, 1, idAllocator, cm, flushFunc, importResult, reportFunc) files = make([]string, 0) files = append(files, filePath) err = wrapper.Import(files, true, false) assert.NotNil(t, err) assert.NotEqual(t, commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted, importResult.State) // file doesn't exist files = make([]string, 0) files = append(files, "/dummy/dummy.json") err = wrapper.Import(files, true, false) assert.NotNil(t, err) } func Test_ImportColumnBased_json(t *testing.T) { f := dependency.NewDefaultFactory(true) ctx := context.Background() cm, err := f.NewVectorStorageChunkManager(ctx) assert.NoError(t, err) defer cm.RemoveWithPrefix("") idAllocator := newIDAllocator(ctx, t) content := []byte(`{ "field_bool": [true, false, true, true, true], "field_int8": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "field_int16": [100, 101, 102, 103, 104], "field_int32": [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004], "field_int64": [10000, 10001, 10002, 10003, 10004], "field_float": [3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18], "field_double": [5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5], "field_string": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], "field_binary_vector": [ [254, 1], [253, 2], [252, 3], [251, 4], [250, 5] ], "field_float_vector": [ [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4], [2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4], [3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4], [4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4], [5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4] ] }`) filePath := TempFilesPath + "columns_1.json" err = cm.Write(filePath, content) assert.NoError(t, err) rowCount := 0 flushFunc := func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardNum int) error { count := 0 for _, data := range fields { assert.Less(t, 0, data.RowNum()) if count == 0 { count = data.RowNum() } else { assert.Equal(t, count, data.RowNum()) } } rowCount += count return nil } // success case importResult := &rootcoordpb.ImportResult{ Status: &commonpb.Status{ ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, }, TaskId: 1, DatanodeId: 1, State: commonpb.ImportState_ImportStarted, Segments: make([]int64, 0), AutoIds: make([]int64, 0), RowCount: 0, } reportFunc := func(res *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) error { return nil } wrapper := NewImportWrapper(ctx, sampleSchema(), 2, 1, idAllocator, cm, flushFunc, importResult, reportFunc) files := make([]string, 0) files = append(files, filePath) err = wrapper.Import(files, false, false) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 5, rowCount) assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted, importResult.State) // parse error content = []byte(`{ "field_bool": [true, false, true, true, true] }`) filePath = TempFilesPath + "rows_2.json" err = cm.Write(filePath, content) assert.NoError(t, err) importResult.State = commonpb.ImportState_ImportStarted wrapper = NewImportWrapper(ctx, sampleSchema(), 2, 1, idAllocator, cm, flushFunc, importResult, reportFunc) files = make([]string, 0) files = append(files, filePath) err = wrapper.Import(files, false, false) assert.NotNil(t, err) assert.NotEqual(t, commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted, importResult.State) // file doesn't exist files = make([]string, 0) files = append(files, "/dummy/dummy.json") err = wrapper.Import(files, false, false) assert.NotNil(t, err) } func Test_ImportColumnBased_StringKey(t *testing.T) { f := dependency.NewDefaultFactory(true) ctx := context.Background() cm, err := f.NewVectorStorageChunkManager(ctx) assert.NoError(t, err) defer cm.RemoveWithPrefix("") idAllocator := newIDAllocator(ctx, t) content := []byte(`{ "uid": ["Dm4aWrbNzhmjwCTEnCJ9LDPO2N09sqysxgVfbH9Zmn3nBzmwsmk0eZN6x7wSAoPQ", "RP50U0d2napRjXu94a8oGikWgklvVsXFurp8RR4tHGw7N0gk1b7opm59k3FCpyPb", "oxhFkQitWPPw0Bjmj7UQcn4iwvS0CU7RLAC81uQFFQjWtOdiB329CPyWkfGSeYfE", "sxoEL4Mpk1LdsyXhbNm059UWJ3CvxURLCQczaVI5xtBD4QcVWTDFUW7dBdye6nbn", "g33Rqq2UQSHPRHw5FvuXxf5uGEhIAetxE6UuXXCJj0hafG8WuJr1ueZftsySCqAd"], "int_scalar": [9070353, 8505288, 4392660, 7927425, 9288807], "float_scalar": [0.9798043638085004, 0.937913432198687, 0.32381232630490264, 0.31074026464844895, 0.4953578200336135], "string_scalar": ["ShQ44OX0z8kGpRPhaXmfSsdH7JHq5DsZzu0e2umS1hrWG0uONH2RIIAdOECaaXir", "Ld4b0avxathBdNvCrtm3QsWO1pYktUVR7WgAtrtozIwrA8vpeactNhJ85CFGQnK5", "EmAlB0xdQcxeBtwlZJQnLgKodiuRinynoQtg0eXrjkq24dQohzSm7Bx3zquHd3kO", "fdY2beCvs1wSws0Gb9ySD92xwfEfJpX5DQgsWoISylBAoYOcXpRaqIJoXYS4g269", "6f8Iv1zQAGksj5XxMbbI5evTrYrB8fSFQ58jl0oU7Z4BpA81VsD2tlWqkhfoBNa7"], "bool_scalar": [true, false, true, false, false], "vectors": [ [0.5040062902126952, 0.8297619818664708, 0.20248342801564806, 0.12834786423659314], [0.528232122836893, 0.6916116750653186, 0.41443762522548705, 0.26624344144792056], [0.7978693027281338, 0.12394906726785092, 0.42431962903815285, 0.4098707807351914], [0.3716157812069954, 0.006981281113265229, 0.9007003458552365, 0.22492634316191004], [0.5921374209648096, 0.04234832587925662, 0.7803878096531548, 0.1964045837884633] ] }`) filePath := TempFilesPath + "columns_2.json" err = cm.Write(filePath, content) assert.NoError(t, err) rowCount := 0 flushFunc := func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardNum int) error { count := 0 for _, data := range fields { assert.Less(t, 0, data.RowNum()) if count == 0 { count = data.RowNum() } else { assert.Equal(t, count, data.RowNum()) } } rowCount += count return nil } // success case importResult := &rootcoordpb.ImportResult{ Status: &commonpb.Status{ ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, }, TaskId: 1, DatanodeId: 1, State: commonpb.ImportState_ImportStarted, Segments: make([]int64, 0), AutoIds: make([]int64, 0), RowCount: 0, } reportFunc := func(res *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) error { return nil } wrapper := NewImportWrapper(ctx, strKeySchema(), 2, 1, idAllocator, cm, flushFunc, importResult, reportFunc) files := make([]string, 0) files = append(files, filePath) err = wrapper.Import(files, false, false) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 5, rowCount) assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted, importResult.State) } func Test_ImportColumnBased_numpy(t *testing.T) { f := dependency.NewDefaultFactory(true) ctx := context.Background() cm, err := f.NewVectorStorageChunkManager(ctx) assert.NoError(t, err) defer cm.RemoveWithPrefix("") idAllocator := newIDAllocator(ctx, t) content := []byte(`{ "field_bool": [true, false, true, true, true], "field_int8": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], "field_int16": [100, 101, 102, 103, 104], "field_int32": [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004], "field_int64": [10000, 10001, 10002, 10003, 10004], "field_float": [3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18], "field_double": [5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5], "field_string": ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] }`) files := make([]string, 0) filePath := TempFilesPath + "scalar_fields.json" err = cm.Write(filePath, content) assert.NoError(t, err) files = append(files, filePath) filePath = TempFilesPath + "field_binary_vector.npy" bin := [][2]uint8{{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}, {7, 8}, {9, 10}} content, err = CreateNumpyData(bin) assert.Nil(t, err) log.Debug("content", zap.Any("c", content)) err = cm.Write(filePath, content) assert.NoError(t, err) files = append(files, filePath) filePath = TempFilesPath + "field_float_vector.npy" flo := [][4]float32{{1, 2, 3, 4}, {3, 4, 5, 6}, {5, 6, 7, 8}, {7, 8, 9, 10}, {9, 10, 11, 12}} content, err = CreateNumpyData(flo) assert.Nil(t, err) log.Debug("content", zap.Any("c", content)) err = cm.Write(filePath, content) assert.NoError(t, err) files = append(files, filePath) rowCount := 0 flushFunc := func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardNum int) error { count := 0 for _, data := range fields { assert.Less(t, 0, data.RowNum()) if count == 0 { count = data.RowNum() } else { assert.Equal(t, count, data.RowNum()) } } rowCount += count return nil } // success case importResult := &rootcoordpb.ImportResult{ Status: &commonpb.Status{ ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, }, TaskId: 1, DatanodeId: 1, State: commonpb.ImportState_ImportStarted, Segments: make([]int64, 0), AutoIds: make([]int64, 0), RowCount: 0, } reportFunc := func(res *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) error { return nil } wrapper := NewImportWrapper(ctx, sampleSchema(), 2, 1, idAllocator, cm, flushFunc, importResult, reportFunc) err = wrapper.Import(files, false, false) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 5, rowCount) assert.Equal(t, commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted, importResult.State) // parse error content = []byte(`{ "field_bool": [true, false, true, true, true] }`) filePath = TempFilesPath + "rows_2.json" err = cm.Write(filePath, content) assert.NoError(t, err) wrapper = NewImportWrapper(ctx, sampleSchema(), 2, 1, idAllocator, cm, flushFunc, importResult, reportFunc) files = make([]string, 0) files = append(files, filePath) err = wrapper.Import(files, false, false) assert.NotNil(t, err) assert.NotEqual(t, commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted, importResult.State) // file doesn't exist files = make([]string, 0) files = append(files, "/dummy/dummy.json") err = wrapper.Import(files, false, false) assert.NotNil(t, err) } func perfSchema(dim int) *schemapb.CollectionSchema { schema := &schemapb.CollectionSchema{ Name: "schema", Description: "schema", AutoID: true, Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{ { FieldID: 101, Name: "ID", IsPrimaryKey: true, AutoID: false, Description: "int64", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64, }, { FieldID: 102, Name: "Vector", IsPrimaryKey: false, Description: "float_vector", DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector, TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{ {Key: "dim", Value: strconv.Itoa(dim)}, }, }, }, } return schema } func Test_ImportRowBased_perf(t *testing.T) { f := dependency.NewDefaultFactory(true) ctx := context.Background() cm, err := f.NewVectorStorageChunkManager(ctx) assert.NoError(t, err) defer cm.RemoveWithPrefix("") idAllocator := newIDAllocator(ctx, t) tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("row-based parse performance") type Entity struct { ID int64 Vector []float32 } type Entities struct { Rows []*Entity } // change these parameters to test different cases dim := 128 rowCount := 10000 shardNum := 2 segmentSize := 512 // unit: MB // generate rows data entities := &Entities{ Rows: make([]*Entity, 0), } for i := 0; i < rowCount; i++ { entity := &Entity{ ID: int64(i), Vector: make([]float32, 0, dim), } for k := 0; k < dim; k++ { entity.Vector = append(entity.Vector, float32(i)+3.1415926) } entities.Rows = append(entities.Rows, entity) } tr.Record("generate " + strconv.Itoa(rowCount) + " rows") // generate a json file filePath := TempFilesPath + "row_perf.json" func() { var b bytes.Buffer bw := bufio.NewWriter(&b) encoder := json.NewEncoder(bw) err = encoder.Encode(entities) assert.Nil(t, err) err = bw.Flush() assert.NoError(t, err) err = cm.Write(filePath, b.Bytes()) assert.NoError(t, err) }() tr.Record("generate large json file " + filePath) // parse the json file parseCount := 0 flushFunc := func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardNum int) error { count := 0 for _, data := range fields { assert.Less(t, 0, data.RowNum()) if count == 0 { count = data.RowNum() } else { assert.Equal(t, count, data.RowNum()) } } parseCount += count return nil } schema := perfSchema(dim) importResult := &rootcoordpb.ImportResult{ Status: &commonpb.Status{ ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, }, TaskId: 1, DatanodeId: 1, State: commonpb.ImportState_ImportStarted, Segments: make([]int64, 0), AutoIds: make([]int64, 0), RowCount: 0, } reportFunc := func(res *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) error { return nil } wrapper := NewImportWrapper(ctx, schema, int32(shardNum), int64(segmentSize), idAllocator, cm, flushFunc, importResult, reportFunc) files := make([]string, 0) files = append(files, filePath) err = wrapper.Import(files, true, false) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, rowCount, parseCount) tr.Record("parse large json file " + filePath) } func Test_ImportColumnBased_perf(t *testing.T) { f := dependency.NewDefaultFactory(true) ctx := context.Background() cm, err := f.NewVectorStorageChunkManager(ctx) assert.NoError(t, err) defer cm.RemoveWithPrefix("") idAllocator := newIDAllocator(ctx, t) tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("column-based parse performance") type IDCol struct { ID []int64 } type VectorCol struct { Vector [][]float32 } // change these parameters to test different cases dim := 128 rowCount := 10000 shardNum := 2 segmentSize := 512 // unit: MB // generate rows data ids := &IDCol{ ID: make([]int64, 0, rowCount), } vectors := &VectorCol{ Vector: make([][]float32, 0, rowCount), } for i := 0; i < rowCount; i++ { ids.ID = append(ids.ID, int64(i)) vector := make([]float32, 0, dim) for k := 0; k < dim; k++ { vector = append(vector, float32(i)+3.1415926) } vectors.Vector = append(vectors.Vector, vector) } tr.Record("generate " + strconv.Itoa(rowCount) + " rows") // generate json files saveFileFunc := func(filePath string, data interface{}) error { var b bytes.Buffer bw := bufio.NewWriter(&b) encoder := json.NewEncoder(bw) err = encoder.Encode(data) assert.Nil(t, err) err = bw.Flush() assert.NoError(t, err) err = cm.Write(filePath, b.Bytes()) assert.NoError(t, err) return nil } filePath1 := TempFilesPath + "ids.json" err = saveFileFunc(filePath1, ids) assert.Nil(t, err) tr.Record("generate large json file " + filePath1) filePath2 := TempFilesPath + "vectors.json" err = saveFileFunc(filePath2, vectors) assert.Nil(t, err) tr.Record("generate large json file " + filePath2) // parse the json file parseCount := 0 flushFunc := func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardNum int) error { count := 0 for _, data := range fields { assert.Less(t, 0, data.RowNum()) if count == 0 { count = data.RowNum() } else { assert.Equal(t, count, data.RowNum()) } } parseCount += count return nil } schema := perfSchema(dim) importResult := &rootcoordpb.ImportResult{ Status: &commonpb.Status{ ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success, }, TaskId: 1, DatanodeId: 1, State: commonpb.ImportState_ImportStarted, Segments: make([]int64, 0), AutoIds: make([]int64, 0), RowCount: 0, } reportFunc := func(res *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) error { return nil } wrapper := NewImportWrapper(ctx, schema, int32(shardNum), int64(segmentSize), idAllocator, cm, flushFunc, importResult, reportFunc) files := make([]string, 0) files = append(files, filePath1) files = append(files, filePath2) err = wrapper.Import(files, false, false) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, rowCount, parseCount) tr.Record("parse large json files: " + filePath1 + "," + filePath2) } func Test_FileValidation(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() cm := &MockChunkManager{ size: 1, } idAllocator := newIDAllocator(ctx, t) schema := perfSchema(128) shardNum := 2 segmentSize := 512 // unit: MB wrapper := NewImportWrapper(ctx, schema, int32(shardNum), int64(segmentSize), idAllocator, cm, nil, nil, nil) // duplicate files var files = [2]string{"1.npy", "1.npy"} err := wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], false) assert.NotNil(t, err) err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], true) assert.NotNil(t, err) // unsupported file name files[0] = "a/1.npy" files[1] = "b/1.npy" err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], true) assert.NotNil(t, err) err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], false) assert.NotNil(t, err) // unsupported file type files[0] = "1" files[1] = "1" err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], true) assert.NotNil(t, err) err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], false) assert.NotNil(t, err) // valid cases files[0] = "1.json" files[1] = "2.json" err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], true) assert.Nil(t, err) files[1] = "2.npy" err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], false) assert.Nil(t, err) // empty file cm = &MockChunkManager{ size: 0, } wrapper = NewImportWrapper(ctx, schema, int32(shardNum), int64(segmentSize), idAllocator, cm, nil, nil, nil) err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], true) assert.NotNil(t, err) err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], false) assert.NotNil(t, err) // file size exceed limit cm = &MockChunkManager{ size: MaxFileSize + 1, } wrapper = NewImportWrapper(ctx, schema, int32(shardNum), int64(segmentSize), idAllocator, cm, nil, nil, nil) err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], true) assert.NotNil(t, err) err = wrapper.fileValidation(files[:], false) assert.NotNil(t, err) }