#!/bin/bash # Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Exit immediately for non zero status # set -e # Print commands set -x MILVUS_HELM_REPO="https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus-helm.git" MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME="${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME:-milvus-testing}" MILVUS_CLUSTER_ENABLED="${MILVUS_CLUSTER_ENABLED:-false}" MILVUS_IMAGE_REPO="${MILVUS_IMAGE_REPO:-milvusdb/milvus}" MILVUS_IMAGE_TAG="${MILVUS_IMAGE_TAG:-latest}" MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE="${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE:-default}" # Increase timeout from 500 to 800 because pulsar has one more node now MILVUS_INSTALL_TIMEOUT="${MILVUS_INSTALL_TIMEOUT:-800s}" # Delete any previous Milvus cluster echo "Deleting previous Milvus cluster with name=${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" if ! (helm uninstall -n "${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE}" "${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" > /dev/null 2>&1); then echo "No existing Milvus cluster with name ${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}. Continue..." else MILVUS_LABELS1="app.kubernetes.io/instance=${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" MILVUS_LABELS2="release=${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" kubectl delete pvc -n "${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE}" $(kubectl get pvc -n "${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE}" -l "${MILVUS_LABELS1}" -o jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{.metadata.name} ') || true kubectl delete pvc -n "${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE}" $(kubectl get pvc -n "${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE}" -l "${MILVUS_LABELS2}" -o jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{.metadata.name} ') || true fi if [[ "${TEST_ENV}" == "kind-metallb" ]]; then MILVUS_SERVICE_TYPE="${MILVUS_SERVICE_TYPE:-LoadBalancer}" else MILVUS_SERVICE_TYPE="${MILVUS_SERVICE_TYPE:-ClusterIP}" fi if [[ -n "${DISABLE_KIND:-}" ]]; then # Use cluster IP to deploy milvus when kinD cluster is removed MILVUS_SERVICE_TYPE="ClusterIP" fi # Get Milvus Chart from git # if [[ ! -d "${MILVUS_HELM_CHART_PATH:-}" ]]; then # TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" # git clone --depth=1 -b "${MILVUS_HELM_BRANCH:-master}" "${MILVUS_HELM_REPO}" "${TMP_DIR}" # MILVUS_HELM_CHART_PATH="${TMP_DIR}/charts/milvus" # fi # Use helm repo to install milvus charts helm repo add milvus https://milvus-io.github.io/milvus-helm/ helm repo update MILVUS_HELM_CHART_PATH="milvus/milvus" # Create namespace when it does not exist kubectl create namespace "${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true echo "[debug] cluster type is ${MILVUS_SERVICE_TYPE}" if [[ "${MILVUS_CLUSTER_ENABLED}" == "true" ]]; then helm install --wait --timeout "${MILVUS_INSTALL_TIMEOUT}" \ --set image.all.repository="${MILVUS_IMAGE_REPO}" \ --set image.all.tag="${MILVUS_IMAGE_TAG}" \ --set image.all.pullPolicy="${MILVUS_PULL_POLICY:-Always}" \ --set cluster.enabled="${MILVUS_CLUSTER_ENABLED}" \ --set service.type="${MILVUS_SERVICE_TYPE}" \ --set pulsar.broker.replicaCount=2 \ --set pulsar.broker.podMonitor.enabled=true \ --set pulsar.proxy.podMonitor.enabled=true \ --namespace "${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE}" \ "${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" \ ${@:-} "${MILVUS_HELM_CHART_PATH}" else helm install --wait --timeout "${MILVUS_INSTALL_TIMEOUT}" \ --set image.all.repository="${MILVUS_IMAGE_REPO}" \ --set image.all.tag="${MILVUS_IMAGE_TAG}" \ --set image.all.pullPolicy="${MILVUS_PULL_POLICY:-Always}" \ --set cluster.enabled="${MILVUS_CLUSTER_ENABLED}" \ --set pulsar.enabled=false \ --set minio.mode=standalone \ --set etcd.replicaCount=1 \ --set service.type="${MILVUS_SERVICE_TYPE}" \ --namespace "${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE}" \ "${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}" \ ${@:-} "${MILVUS_HELM_CHART_PATH}" fi exitcode=$? # List pod list & pvc list before exit after helm install kubectl get pods -n ${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE} -o wide | grep "${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-" restart_pods=$(kubectl get pods -n ${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE} | grep "${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-" | grep 'ago)' | awk '{print $1}') for restart_pod in ${restart_pods} do reason=$(kubectl get pod ${restart_pod} -n milvus-ci -o json | jq .status.containerStatuses[0].lastState.terminated.reason ) restart_count=$(kubectl get pod ${restart_pod} -n milvus-ci -o json | jq .status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount ) echo "${restart_pod} restarts ${restart_count}, last terminateed reason is ${reason}" done kubectl get pvc -n ${MILVUS_HELM_NAMESPACE} | grep "${MILVUS_HELM_RELEASE_NAME}-" | awk '{$3=null;print $0}' exit ${exitcode}