// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package datanode import ( "context" "sync" "sync/atomic" "go.uber.org/zap" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/log" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/msgstream" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/commonpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/datapb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/internalpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/rootcoord" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/util/flowgraph" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/util/trace" "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go" ) // make sure ddNode implements flowgraph.Node var _ flowgraph.Node = (*ddNode)(nil) // ddNode filters messages from message streams. // // ddNode recives all the messages from message stream dml channels, including insert messages, // delete messages and ddl messages like CreateCollectionMsg. // // ddNode filters insert messages according to the `flushedSegment` and `FilterThreshold`. // If the timestamp of the insert message is earlier than `FilterThreshold`, ddNode will // filter out the insert message for those who belong to `flushedSegment` // // When receiving a `DropCollection` message, ddNode will send a signal to DataNode `BackgroundGC` // goroutinue, telling DataNode to release the resources of this perticular flow graph. // // After the filtering process, ddNode passes all the valid insert messages and delete message // to the following flow graph node, which in DataNode is `insertBufferNode` type ddNode struct { BaseNode collectionID UniqueID segID2SegInfo sync.Map // segment ID to *SegmentInfo flushedSegments []*datapb.SegmentInfo droppedSegments []*datapb.SegmentInfo vchannelName string deltaMsgStream msgstream.MsgStream dropMode atomic.Value compactionExecutor *compactionExecutor } // Name returns node name, implementing flowgraph.Node func (ddn *ddNode) Name() string { return "ddNode" } // Operate handles input messages, implementing flowgrpah.Node func (ddn *ddNode) Operate(in []Msg) []Msg { // log.Debug("DDNode Operating") if len(in) != 1 { log.Warn("Invalid operate message input in ddNode", zap.Int("input length", len(in))) return []Msg{} } msMsg, ok := in[0].(*MsgStreamMsg) if !ok { log.Warn("Type assertion failed for MsgStreamMsg") return []Msg{} } var spans []opentracing.Span for _, msg := range msMsg.TsMessages() { sp, ctx := trace.StartSpanFromContext(msg.TraceCtx()) spans = append(spans, sp) msg.SetTraceCtx(ctx) } if load := ddn.dropMode.Load(); load != nil && load.(bool) { log.Debug("ddNode in dropMode", zap.String("vchannel name", ddn.vchannelName), zap.Int64("collection ID", ddn.collectionID)) return []Msg{} } var fgMsg = flowGraphMsg{ insertMessages: make([]*msgstream.InsertMsg, 0), timeRange: TimeRange{ timestampMin: msMsg.TimestampMin(), timestampMax: msMsg.TimestampMax(), }, startPositions: make([]*internalpb.MsgPosition, 0), endPositions: make([]*internalpb.MsgPosition, 0), dropCollection: false, } var forwardMsgs []msgstream.TsMsg for _, msg := range msMsg.TsMessages() { switch msg.Type() { case commonpb.MsgType_DropCollection: if msg.(*msgstream.DropCollectionMsg).GetCollectionID() == ddn.collectionID { log.Info("Receiving DropCollection msg", zap.Any("collectionID", ddn.collectionID), zap.String("vChannelName", ddn.vchannelName)) ddn.dropMode.Store(true) log.Debug("Stop compaction of vChannel", zap.String("vChannelName", ddn.vchannelName)) ddn.compactionExecutor.stopExecutingtaskByVChannelName(ddn.vchannelName) fgMsg.dropCollection = true } case commonpb.MsgType_Insert: imsg := msg.(*msgstream.InsertMsg) if imsg.CollectionID != ddn.collectionID { log.Warn("filter invalid InsertMsg, collection mis-match", zap.Int64("Get collID", imsg.CollectionID), zap.Int64("Expected collID", ddn.collectionID)) continue } if msg.EndTs() < FilterThreshold { log.Info("Filtering Insert Messages", zap.Uint64("Message endts", msg.EndTs()), zap.Uint64("FilterThreshold", FilterThreshold), ) if ddn.filterFlushedSegmentInsertMessages(imsg) { continue } } log.Debug("DDNode receive insert messages", zap.Int("numRows", len(imsg.GetRowIDs())), zap.String("vChannelName", ddn.vchannelName)) fgMsg.insertMessages = append(fgMsg.insertMessages, imsg) case commonpb.MsgType_Delete: dmsg := msg.(*msgstream.DeleteMsg) log.Debug("DDNode receive delete messages", zap.Int("num", len(dmsg.GetPrimaryKeys())), zap.String("vChannelName", ddn.vchannelName)) for i := 0; i < len(dmsg.PrimaryKeys); i++ { dmsg.HashValues = append(dmsg.HashValues, uint32(0)) } forwardMsgs = append(forwardMsgs, dmsg) if dmsg.CollectionID != ddn.collectionID { log.Warn("filter invalid DeleteMsg, collection mis-match", zap.Int64("Get collID", dmsg.CollectionID), zap.Int64("Expected collID", ddn.collectionID)) continue } fgMsg.deleteMessages = append(fgMsg.deleteMessages, dmsg) } } err := ddn.forwardDeleteMsg(forwardMsgs, msMsg.TimestampMin(), msMsg.TimestampMax()) if err != nil { // TODO: proper deal with error log.Warn("DDNode forward delete msg failed", zap.String("vChannelName", ddn.vchannelName), zap.Error(err)) } fgMsg.startPositions = append(fgMsg.startPositions, msMsg.StartPositions()...) fgMsg.endPositions = append(fgMsg.endPositions, msMsg.EndPositions()...) for _, sp := range spans { sp.Finish() } return []Msg{&fgMsg} } func (ddn *ddNode) filterFlushedSegmentInsertMessages(msg *msgstream.InsertMsg) bool { if ddn.isFlushed(msg.GetSegmentID()) || ddn.isDropped(msg.GetSegmentID()) { return true } if si, ok := ddn.segID2SegInfo.Load(msg.GetSegmentID()); ok { if msg.EndTs() <= si.(*datapb.SegmentInfo).GetDmlPosition().GetTimestamp() { return true } ddn.segID2SegInfo.Delete(msg.GetSegmentID()) } return false } func (ddn *ddNode) isFlushed(segmentID UniqueID) bool { for _, s := range ddn.flushedSegments { if s.ID == segmentID { return true } } return false } func (ddn *ddNode) isDropped(segID UniqueID) bool { for _, droppedSegment := range ddn.droppedSegments { if droppedSegment.GetID() == segID { return true } } return false } func (ddn *ddNode) forwardDeleteMsg(msgs []msgstream.TsMsg, minTs Timestamp, maxTs Timestamp) error { if len(msgs) != 0 { var msgPack = msgstream.MsgPack{ Msgs: msgs, BeginTs: minTs, EndTs: maxTs, } if err := ddn.deltaMsgStream.Produce(&msgPack); err != nil { return err } } if err := ddn.sendDeltaTimeTick(maxTs); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (ddn *ddNode) sendDeltaTimeTick(ts Timestamp) error { msgPack := msgstream.MsgPack{} baseMsg := msgstream.BaseMsg{ BeginTimestamp: ts, EndTimestamp: ts, HashValues: []uint32{0}, } timeTickResult := internalpb.TimeTickMsg{ Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{ MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_TimeTick, MsgID: 0, Timestamp: ts, SourceID: Params.DataNodeCfg.NodeID, }, } timeTickMsg := &msgstream.TimeTickMsg{ BaseMsg: baseMsg, TimeTickMsg: timeTickResult, } msgPack.Msgs = append(msgPack.Msgs, timeTickMsg) if err := ddn.deltaMsgStream.Produce(&msgPack); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (ddn *ddNode) Close() { if ddn.deltaMsgStream != nil { ddn.deltaMsgStream.Close() } } func newDDNode(ctx context.Context, collID UniqueID, vchanInfo *datapb.VchannelInfo, msFactory msgstream.Factory, compactor *compactionExecutor) *ddNode { baseNode := BaseNode{} baseNode.SetMaxQueueLength(Params.DataNodeCfg.FlowGraphMaxQueueLength) baseNode.SetMaxParallelism(Params.DataNodeCfg.FlowGraphMaxParallelism) fs := make([]*datapb.SegmentInfo, 0, len(vchanInfo.GetFlushedSegments())) fs = append(fs, vchanInfo.GetFlushedSegments()...) log.Debug("ddNode add flushed segment", zap.Int64("collectionID", vchanInfo.GetCollectionID()), zap.Int("No. Segment", len(vchanInfo.GetFlushedSegments())), ) deltaStream, err := msFactory.NewMsgStream(ctx) if err != nil { log.Error(err.Error()) return nil } pChannelName := rootcoord.ToPhysicalChannel(vchanInfo.ChannelName) deltaChannelName, err := rootcoord.ConvertChannelName(pChannelName, Params.DataNodeCfg.DmlChannelName, Params.DataNodeCfg.DeltaChannelName) if err != nil { log.Error(err.Error()) return nil } deltaStream.SetRepackFunc(msgstream.DefaultRepackFunc) deltaStream.AsProducer([]string{deltaChannelName}) log.Debug("datanode AsProducer", zap.String("DeltaChannelName", deltaChannelName)) var deltaMsgStream msgstream.MsgStream = deltaStream deltaMsgStream.Start() dd := &ddNode{ BaseNode: baseNode, collectionID: collID, flushedSegments: fs, droppedSegments: vchanInfo.GetDroppedSegments(), vchannelName: vchanInfo.ChannelName, deltaMsgStream: deltaMsgStream, compactionExecutor: compactor, } dd.dropMode.Store(false) for _, us := range vchanInfo.GetUnflushedSegments() { dd.segID2SegInfo.Store(us.GetID(), us) } log.Debug("ddNode add unflushed segment", zap.Int64("collectionID", collID), zap.Int("No. Segment", len(vchanInfo.GetUnflushedSegments())), ) return dd }