syntax = "proto3"; package milvus.proto.etcd; option go_package=""; import "common.proto"; import "schema.proto"; // this proto only used to describe object that will persist into etcd message IndexInfo { string index_name = 1; int64 indexID = 2; repeated common.KeyValuePair index_params = 3; bool deleted = 4; uint64 create_time = 5; } message FieldIndexInfo{ int64 filedID = 1; int64 indexID = 2; } enum CollectionState { CollectionCreated = 0; CollectionCreating = 1; CollectionDropping = 2; CollectionDropped = 3; } enum PartitionState { PartitionCreated = 0; PartitionCreating = 1; PartitionDropping = 2; PartitionDropped = 3; } enum AliasState { AliasCreated = 0; AliasCreating = 1; AliasDropping = 2; AliasDropped = 3; } message CollectionInfo { int64 ID = 1; schema.CollectionSchema schema = 2; uint64 create_time = 3; // deprecate repeated int64 partitionIDs = 4; // deprecate repeated string partitionNames = 5; // deprecat repeated FieldIndexInfo field_indexes = 6; repeated string virtual_channel_names = 7; repeated string physical_channel_names = 8; // deprecate repeated uint64 partition_created_timestamps = 9; int32 shards_num = 10; repeated common.KeyDataPair start_positions = 11; common.ConsistencyLevel consistency_level = 12; CollectionState state = 13; // To keep compatible with older version, default state is `Created`. } message PartitionInfo { int64 partitionID = 1; string partitionName = 2; uint64 partition_created_timestamp = 3; int64 collection_id = 4; PartitionState state = 5; // To keep compatible with older version, default state is `Created`. } message AliasInfo { string alias_name = 1; int64 collection_id = 2; uint64 created_time = 3; AliasState state = 4; // To keep compatible with older version, default state is `Created`. } message SegmentIndexInfo { int64 collectionID = 1; int64 partitionID = 2; int64 segmentID = 3; int64 fieldID = 4; int64 indexID = 5; int64 buildID = 6; bool enable_index = 7; uint64 create_time = 8; } // TODO move to proto files of interprocess communication message CollectionMeta { int64 ID=1; schema.CollectionSchema schema=2; uint64 create_time=3; repeated int64 segmentIDs=4; repeated string partition_tags=5; repeated int64 partitionIDs=6; } message CredentialInfo { string username = 1; // encrypted by bcrypt (for higher security level) string encrypted_password = 2; string tenant = 3; bool is_super = 4; // encrypted by sha256 (for good performance in cache mapping) string sha256_password = 5; }