syntax = "proto3"; package; option go_package = ""; import "common.proto"; import "internal.proto"; import "milvus.proto"; import "schema.proto"; // TODO: import google/protobuf/empty.proto message Empty {} enum SegmentType { New = 0; Normal = 1; Flushed = 2; } service DataCoord { rpc GetComponentStates(internal.GetComponentStatesRequest) returns (internal.ComponentStates) {} rpc GetTimeTickChannel(internal.GetTimeTickChannelRequest) returns(milvus.StringResponse) {} rpc GetStatisticsChannel(internal.GetStatisticsChannelRequest) returns(milvus.StringResponse){} rpc Flush(FlushRequest) returns (FlushResponse) {} rpc AssignSegmentID(AssignSegmentIDRequest) returns (AssignSegmentIDResponse) {} rpc GetSegmentInfo(GetSegmentInfoRequest) returns (GetSegmentInfoResponse) {} rpc GetSegmentStates(GetSegmentStatesRequest) returns (GetSegmentStatesResponse) {} rpc GetInsertBinlogPaths(GetInsertBinlogPathsRequest) returns (GetInsertBinlogPathsResponse) {} rpc GetCollectionStatistics(GetCollectionStatisticsRequest) returns (GetCollectionStatisticsResponse) {} rpc GetPartitionStatistics(GetPartitionStatisticsRequest) returns (GetPartitionStatisticsResponse) {} rpc GetSegmentInfoChannel(GetSegmentInfoChannelRequest) returns (milvus.StringResponse){} rpc SaveBinlogPaths(SaveBinlogPathsRequest) returns (common.Status){} rpc GetRecoveryInfo(GetRecoveryInfoRequest) returns (GetRecoveryInfoResponse){} rpc GetFlushedSegments(GetFlushedSegmentsRequest) returns(GetFlushedSegmentsResponse){} rpc GetSegmentsByStates(GetSegmentsByStatesRequest) returns(GetSegmentsByStatesResponse){} rpc ShowConfigurations(internal.ShowConfigurationsRequest) returns (internal.ShowConfigurationsResponse){} // rpc GetMetrics(milvus.GetMetricsRequest) returns (milvus.GetMetricsResponse) {} rpc ManualCompaction(milvus.ManualCompactionRequest) returns (milvus.ManualCompactionResponse) {} rpc GetCompactionState(milvus.GetCompactionStateRequest) returns (milvus.GetCompactionStateResponse) {} rpc GetCompactionStateWithPlans(milvus.GetCompactionPlansRequest) returns (milvus.GetCompactionPlansResponse) {} rpc WatchChannels(WatchChannelsRequest) returns (WatchChannelsResponse) {} rpc GetFlushState(milvus.GetFlushStateRequest) returns (milvus.GetFlushStateResponse) {} rpc DropVirtualChannel(DropVirtualChannelRequest) returns (DropVirtualChannelResponse) {} rpc SetSegmentState(SetSegmentStateRequest) returns (SetSegmentStateResponse) {} // rpc Import(ImportTaskRequest) returns (ImportTaskResponse) {} rpc UpdateSegmentStatistics(UpdateSegmentStatisticsRequest) returns (common.Status) {} rpc AcquireSegmentLock(AcquireSegmentLockRequest) returns (common.Status) {} rpc ReleaseSegmentLock(ReleaseSegmentLockRequest) returns (common.Status) {} rpc SaveImportSegment(SaveImportSegmentRequest) returns(common.Status) {} rpc UnsetIsImportingState(UnsetIsImportingStateRequest) returns(common.Status) {} rpc MarkSegmentsDropped(MarkSegmentsDroppedRequest) returns(common.Status) {} } service DataNode { rpc GetComponentStates(internal.GetComponentStatesRequest) returns (internal.ComponentStates) {} rpc GetStatisticsChannel(internal.GetStatisticsChannelRequest) returns (milvus.StringResponse) {} rpc WatchDmChannels(WatchDmChannelsRequest) returns (common.Status) {} rpc FlushSegments(FlushSegmentsRequest) returns(common.Status) {} rpc ShowConfigurations(internal.ShowConfigurationsRequest) returns (internal.ShowConfigurationsResponse){} // rpc GetMetrics(milvus.GetMetricsRequest) returns (milvus.GetMetricsResponse) {} rpc Compaction(CompactionPlan) returns (common.Status) {} rpc GetCompactionState(CompactionStateRequest) returns (CompactionStateResponse) {} rpc SyncSegments(SyncSegmentsRequest) returns (common.Status) {} // rpc Import(ImportTaskRequest) returns(common.Status) {} rpc ResendSegmentStats(ResendSegmentStatsRequest) returns(ResendSegmentStatsResponse) {} rpc AddImportSegment(AddImportSegmentRequest) returns(AddImportSegmentResponse) {} } message FlushRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 dbID = 2; repeated int64 segmentIDs = 3; int64 collectionID = 4; } message FlushResponse { common.Status status = 1; int64 dbID = 2; int64 collectionID = 3; repeated int64 segmentIDs = 4; // newly sealed segments repeated int64 flushSegmentIDs = 5; // old flushed segment int64 timeOfSeal = 6; } message SegmentIDRequest { uint32 count = 1; string channel_name = 2; int64 collectionID = 3; int64 partitionID = 4; bool isImport = 5; // Indicate whether this request comes from a bulk load task. int64 importTaskID = 6; // Needed for segment lock. } message AssignSegmentIDRequest { int64 nodeID = 1; string peer_role = 2; repeated SegmentIDRequest segmentIDRequests = 3; } message SegmentIDAssignment { int64 segID = 1; string channel_name = 2; uint32 count = 3; int64 collectionID = 4; int64 partitionID = 5; uint64 expire_time = 6; common.Status status = 7; } message AssignSegmentIDResponse { repeated SegmentIDAssignment segIDAssignments = 1; common.Status status = 2; } message GetSegmentStatesRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; repeated int64 segmentIDs = 2; } message SegmentStateInfo { int64 segmentID = 1; common.SegmentState state = 2; internal.MsgPosition start_position = 3; internal.MsgPosition end_position = 4; common.Status status = 5; } message GetSegmentStatesResponse { common.Status status = 1; repeated SegmentStateInfo states = 2; } message GetSegmentInfoRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; repeated int64 segmentIDs = 2; bool includeUnHealthy =3; } message GetSegmentInfoResponse { common.Status status = 1; repeated SegmentInfo infos = 2; } message GetInsertBinlogPathsRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 segmentID = 2; } message GetInsertBinlogPathsResponse { repeated int64 fieldIDs = 1; repeated internal.StringList paths = 2; common.Status status = 3; } message GetCollectionStatisticsRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 dbID = 2; int64 collectionID = 3; } message GetCollectionStatisticsResponse { repeated common.KeyValuePair stats = 1; common.Status status = 2; } message GetPartitionStatisticsRequest{ common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 dbID = 2; int64 collectionID = 3; repeated int64 partitionIDs = 4; } message GetPartitionStatisticsResponse { repeated common.KeyValuePair stats = 1; common.Status status = 2; } message GetSegmentInfoChannelRequest { } message AcquireSegmentLockRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 nodeID = 2; repeated int64 segmentIDs = 3; int64 taskID = 4; } message ReleaseSegmentLockRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 nodeID = 2; repeated int64 segmentIDs = 3; int64 taskID = 4; } message VchannelInfo { int64 collectionID = 1; string channelName = 2; internal.MsgPosition seek_position = 3; repeated SegmentInfo unflushedSegments = 4; // deprecated, keep it for compatibility repeated SegmentInfo flushedSegments = 5; // deprecated, keep it for compatibility repeated SegmentInfo dropped_segments = 6; // deprecated, keep it for compatibility repeated int64 unflushedSegmentIds = 7; repeated int64 flushedSegmentIds = 8; repeated int64 dropped_segmentIds = 9; } message WatchDmChannelsRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; repeated VchannelInfo vchannels = 2; } message FlushSegmentsRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 dbID = 2; int64 collectionID = 3; repeated int64 segmentIDs = 4; // segments to flush repeated int64 markSegmentIDs = 5; // segments to clean buffer and mark segment position, but NOT flushed } message SegmentMsg{ common.MsgBase base = 1; SegmentInfo segment = 2; } message CollectionInfo { int64 ID = 1; schema.CollectionSchema schema = 2; repeated int64 partitions = 3; repeated common.KeyDataPair start_positions = 4; } message SegmentInfo { int64 ID = 1; int64 collectionID = 2; int64 partitionID = 3; string insert_channel = 4; int64 num_of_rows = 5; common.SegmentState state = 6; int64 max_row_num = 7; uint64 last_expire_time = 8; internal.MsgPosition start_position = 9; internal.MsgPosition dml_position = 10; // binlogs consist of insert binlogs repeated FieldBinlog binlogs = 11; repeated FieldBinlog statslogs = 12; // deltalogs consists of delete binlogs. FieldID is not used yet since delete is always applied on primary key repeated FieldBinlog deltalogs = 13; bool createdByCompaction = 14; repeated int64 compactionFrom = 15; uint64 dropped_at = 16; // timestamp when segment marked drop // A flag indicating if: // (1) this segment is created by bulk load, and // (2) the bulk load task that creates this segment has not yet reached `ImportCompleted` state. bool is_importing = 17; } message SegmentStartPosition { internal.MsgPosition start_position = 1; int64 segmentID = 2; } message SaveBinlogPathsRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 segmentID = 2; int64 collectionID = 3; repeated FieldBinlog field2BinlogPaths = 4; repeated CheckPoint checkPoints = 5; repeated SegmentStartPosition start_positions = 6; bool flushed = 7; repeated FieldBinlog field2StatslogPaths = 8; repeated FieldBinlog deltalogs = 9; bool dropped = 10; bool importing = 11; } message CheckPoint { int64 segmentID = 1; internal.MsgPosition position = 2; int64 num_of_rows = 3; } message DeltaLogInfo { uint64 record_entries = 1; uint64 timestamp_from = 2; uint64 timestamp_to = 3; string delta_log_path = 4; int64 delta_log_size = 5; } message DataNodeTtMsg { common.MsgBase base =1; string channel_name = 2; uint64 timestamp = 3; repeated SegmentStats segments_stats = 4; } message SegmentStats { int64 SegmentID = 1; int64 NumRows = 2; } enum ChannelWatchState { Uncomplete = 0; // deprecated, keep it for compatibility Complete = 1; // deprecated, keep it for compatibility ToWatch = 2; WatchSuccess = 3; WatchFailure = 4; ToRelease = 5; ReleaseSuccess = 6; ReleaseFailure = 7; } message ChannelStatus { string name = 1; ChannelWatchState state=2; int64 collectionID = 3; } message DataNodeInfo { string address = 1; int64 version = 2; repeated ChannelStatus channels = 3; } message SegmentBinlogs { int64 segmentID = 1; repeated FieldBinlog fieldBinlogs = 2; int64 num_of_rows = 3; repeated FieldBinlog statslogs = 4; repeated FieldBinlog deltalogs = 5; string insert_channel = 6; } message FieldBinlog{ int64 fieldID = 1; repeated Binlog binlogs = 2; } message Binlog { int64 entries_num = 1; uint64 timestamp_from = 2; uint64 timestamp_to = 3; // deprecated string log_path = 4; int64 log_size = 5; int64 logID = 6; } message GetRecoveryInfoResponse { common.Status status = 1; repeated VchannelInfo channels = 2; repeated SegmentBinlogs binlogs = 3; } message GetRecoveryInfoRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 collectionID = 2; int64 partitionID = 3; } message GetSegmentsByStatesRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 collectionID = 2; int64 partitionID = 3; repeated common.SegmentState states = 4; } message GetSegmentsByStatesResponse { common.Status status = 1; repeated int64 segments = 2; } message GetFlushedSegmentsRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 collectionID = 2; int64 partitionID = 3; } message GetFlushedSegmentsResponse { common.Status status = 1; repeated int64 segments = 2; } message SegmentFlushCompletedMsg { common.MsgBase base = 1; SegmentInfo segment = 2; } message ChannelWatchInfo { VchannelInfo vchan= 1; int64 startTs = 2; ChannelWatchState state = 3; // the timeout ts, datanode shall do nothing after it // if the timeout is not set(= 0), original infinite retry logic shall be applied int64 timeoutTs = 4; } enum CompactionType { UndefinedCompaction = 0; reserved 1; MergeCompaction = 2; MixCompaction = 3; } message CompactionStateRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; } message SyncSegmentsRequest { int64 planID = 1; int64 compacted_to = 2; int64 num_of_rows = 3; repeated int64 compacted_from = 4; repeated FieldBinlog stats_logs = 5; } message CompactionSegmentBinlogs { int64 segmentID = 1; repeated FieldBinlog fieldBinlogs = 2; repeated FieldBinlog field2StatslogPaths = 3; repeated FieldBinlog deltalogs = 4; string insert_channel = 5; } message CompactionPlan { int64 planID = 1; repeated CompactionSegmentBinlogs segmentBinlogs = 2; uint64 start_time = 3; int32 timeout_in_seconds = 4; CompactionType type = 5; uint64 timetravel = 6; string channel = 7; } message CompactionResult { int64 planID = 1; int64 segmentID = 2; int64 num_of_rows = 3; repeated FieldBinlog insert_logs = 4; repeated FieldBinlog field2StatslogPaths = 5; repeated FieldBinlog deltalogs = 6; } message CompactionStateResult { int64 planID = 1; common.CompactionState state = 2; CompactionResult result = 3; } message CompactionStateResponse { common.Status status = 1; repeated CompactionStateResult results = 2; } // Deprecated message SegmentFieldBinlogMeta { int64 fieldID = 1; string binlog_path = 2; } message WatchChannelsRequest { int64 collectionID = 1; repeated string channelNames = 2; repeated common.KeyDataPair start_positions = 3; } message WatchChannelsResponse { common.Status status = 1; } message SetSegmentStateRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 segment_id = 2; common.SegmentState new_state = 3; } message SetSegmentStateResponse { common.Status status = 1; } message DropVirtualChannelRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; string channel_name = 2; repeated DropVirtualChannelSegment segments = 3; } message DropVirtualChannelSegment { int64 segmentID = 1; int64 collectionID = 2; repeated FieldBinlog field2BinlogPaths = 3; repeated FieldBinlog field2StatslogPaths = 4; repeated FieldBinlog deltalogs = 5; internal.MsgPosition startPosition = 6; internal.MsgPosition checkPoint = 7; int64 numOfRows = 8; } message DropVirtualChannelResponse { common.Status status = 1; } message ImportTask { common.Status status = 1; int64 collection_id = 2; // target collection ID int64 partition_id = 3; // target partition ID repeated string channel_names = 4; // target channel names of the collection. bool row_based = 5; // the file is row-based or column-based int64 task_id = 6; // id of the task repeated string files = 7; // file paths to be imported repeated common.KeyValuePair infos = 8; // extra information about the task, bucket, etc. } message ImportTaskState { common.ImportState stateCode = 1; // Import state code. repeated int64 segments = 2; // Ids of segments created in import task. repeated int64 row_ids = 3; // Row IDs for the newly inserted rows. int64 row_count = 4; // # of rows added in the import task. string error_message = 5; // Error message for the failed task. } message ImportTaskInfo { int64 id = 1; // Task ID. int64 request_id = 2 [deprecated = true]; // Request ID of the import task. int64 datanode_id = 3; // ID of DataNode that processes the task. int64 collection_id = 4; // Collection ID for the import task. int64 partition_id = 5; // Partition ID for the import task. repeated string channel_names = 6; // Names of channels for the collection. string bucket = 7; // Bucket for the import task. bool row_based = 8; // Boolean indicating whether import files are row-based or column-based. repeated string files = 9; // A list of files to import. int64 create_ts = 10; // Timestamp when the import task is created. ImportTaskState state = 11; // State of the import task. string collection_name = 12; // Collection name for the import task. string partition_name = 13; // Partition name for the import task. } message ImportTaskResponse { common.Status status = 1; int64 datanode_id = 2; // which datanode takes this task } message ImportTaskRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; ImportTask import_task = 2; // Target import task. repeated int64 working_nodes = 3; // DataNodes that are currently working. } message UpdateSegmentStatisticsRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; repeated SegmentStats stats = 2; } message ResendSegmentStatsRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; } message ResendSegmentStatsResponse { common.Status status = 1; repeated int64 seg_resent = 2; } message AddImportSegmentRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 segment_id = 2; string channel_name = 3; int64 collection_id = 4; int64 partition_id = 5; int64 row_num = 6; repeated FieldBinlog stats_log = 7; } message AddImportSegmentResponse { common.Status status = 1; bytes channel_pos = 2; } message SaveImportSegmentRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 segment_id = 2; string channel_name = 3; int64 collection_id = 4; int64 partition_id = 5; int64 row_num = 6; SaveBinlogPathsRequest save_binlog_path_req = 7; bytes dml_position_id = 8; } message UnsetIsImportingStateRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; repeated int64 segment_ids = 2; // IDs of segments whose `isImport` states need to be unset. } message MarkSegmentsDroppedRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; repeated int64 segment_ids = 2; // IDs of segments that needs to be marked as `dropped`. } message SegmentReferenceLock { int64 taskID = 1; int64 nodeID = 2; repeated int64 segmentIDs = 3; }