# Illustration Collection TTL(Time to Live ) is the expiration time attribute on the collection. The expired data will not be queried or searched and clean up with the GC mechanism. # Manipulation We provide a property of collection level to config TTL: `collection.ttl.seconds`. There is a priority for the collection TTL configuration, attempting to get the `collection.ttl.seconds` from the collection properties first . If the configuration does not exist within the properties, then read `common.entityExpiration` from milvus.yaml, the collection TTL will not be set when the above steps fail. ## Set TTL for a new collection The following example is set TTL to 15 seconds: ```python collection = Collection(name=name,vschema=schema,properties={"collection.ttl.seconds": 15}) ``` ## Set TTL for an old collection The following example is modifying TTL to 1800 seconds: ```python collection.set_properties(properties={"collection.ttl.seconds": 1800}) ``` The above examples use Python SDK . If you want to know more details, please refer to example.py.