syntax = "proto3"; package milvus.proto.service; option go_package=""; import "common.proto"; import "schema.proto"; /** * @brief Collection name */ message CollectionName { string collection_name = 1; } /** * @brief Partition name */ message PartitionName { string collection_name = 1; string tag = 2; } /** * @brief Row batch for Insert call */ message RowBatch { string collection_name = 1; string partition_tag = 2; repeated common.Blob row_data = 3; repeated int32 hash_keys = 4; } /** * @brief Placeholder value types */ enum PlaceholderType { NONE = 0; VECTOR_BINARY = 100; VECTOR_FLOAT = 101; } /** * @brief Placeholder value in DSL */ message PlaceholderValue { string tag = 1; PlaceholderType type = 2; // values is a 2d-array, every array contains a vector repeated bytes values = 3; } message PlaceholderGroup { repeated PlaceholderValue placeholders = 1; } /** * @brief Query for Search call */ message Query { string collection_name = 1; repeated string partition_tags = 2; string dsl = 3; // placeholder_group contains the serialized PlaceholderGroup bytes placeholder_group = 4; } /** * @brief String response */ message StringResponse { common.Status status = 1; string value = 2; } /** * @brief Bool response */ message BoolResponse { common.Status status = 1; bool value = 2; } /** * @brief String list response */ message StringListResponse { common.Status status = 1; repeated string values = 2; } /** * @brief Integer list response */ message IntegerListResponse { common.Status status = 1; repeated int64 values = 2; } /** * @brief Range response, [begin, end) */ message IntegerRangeResponse { common.Status status = 1; int64 begin = 2; int64 end = 3; } /** * @brief Response of DescribeCollection */ message CollectionDescription { common.Status status = 1; schema.CollectionSchema schema = 2; repeated common.KeyValuePair statistics = 3; } /** * @brief Response of DescribePartition */ message PartitionDescription { common.Status status = 1; PartitionName name = 2; repeated common.KeyValuePair statistics = 3; } /** * @brief Scores of a query. * The default value of tag is "root". * It corresponds to the final score of each hit. */ message Score { string tag = 1; repeated float values = 2; } /** * @brief Entities hit by query */ message Hits { repeated int64 IDs = 1; repeated common.Blob row_data = 2; repeated Score scores = 3; } /** * @brief Query result */ message QueryResult { common.Status status = 1; repeated Hits hits = 2; }