import threading import pytest import os import time import json from time import sleep from pymilvus import connections from chaos.checker import (CreateChecker, InsertFlushChecker, SearchChecker, QueryChecker, IndexChecker, Op) from common.cus_resource_opts import CustomResourceOperations as CusResource from utils.util_log import test_log as log from utils.util_k8s import wait_pods_ready, get_pod_list from chaos import chaos_commons as cc from common.common_type import CaseLabel from chaos import constants from delayed_assert import expect, assert_expectations def assert_statistic(checkers, expectations={}): for k in checkers.keys(): # expect succ if no expectations succ_rate = checkers[k].succ_rate() total = checkers[k].total() average_time = checkers[k].average_time if expectations.get(k, '') == constants.FAIL:"Expect Fail: {str(k)} succ rate {succ_rate}, total: {total}, average time: {average_time:.4f}") expect(succ_rate < 0.49 or total < 2, f"Expect Fail: {str(k)} succ rate {succ_rate}, total: {total}, average time: {average_time:.4f}") else:"Expect Succ: {str(k)} succ rate {succ_rate}, total: {total}, average time: {average_time:.4f}") expect(succ_rate > 0.90 or total > 2, f"Expect Succ: {str(k)} succ rate {succ_rate}, total: {total}, average time: {average_time:.4f}") def record_results(checkers): res = "" for k in checkers.keys(): # expect succ if no expectations succ_rate = checkers[k].succ_rate() total = checkers[k].total() res += f"{str(k)} succ rate {succ_rate}, total: {total}\n" return res class TestChaosBase: expect_create = constants.SUCC expect_insert = constants.SUCC expect_flush = constants.SUCC expect_index = constants.SUCC expect_search = constants.SUCC expect_query = constants.SUCC host = '' port = 19530 _chaos_config = None health_checkers = {} def parser_testcase_config(self, chaos_yaml, chaos_config): # TODO: need a better way (maybe recursion) to parse chaos_config # selector key is located in different depth when chaos config's kind is different # for now, there are two kinds of chaos config: xxChaos and Schedule(applied in pod kill chaos). if chaos_config["kind"] == "Schedule": for k, v in chaos_config["spec"].items(): if "Chaos" in k and "selector" in v.keys(): selector = v["selector"] break else: selector = chaos_config["spec"]["selector"]"chaos target selector: {selector}") tests_yaml = constants.TESTS_CONFIG_LOCATION + 'testcases.yaml' tests_config = cc.gen_experiment_config(tests_yaml) test_collections = tests_config.get('Collections', None) for t in test_collections: test_chaos = t.get('testcase', {}).get('chaos', {}) if test_chaos in chaos_yaml: expects = t.get('testcase', {}).get('expectation', {}).get('cluster_1_node', {}) # get the nums of pods namespace = selector["namespaces"][0] labels_dict = selector["labelSelectors"] labels_list = [] for k,v in labels_dict.items(): labels_list.append(k+"="+v) labels_str = ",".join(labels_list) pods = get_pod_list(namespace, labels_str) # for the cluster_n_node if len(pods) > 1: expects = t.get('testcase', {}).get('expectation', {}).get('cluster_n_node', {})"yaml.expects: {expects}") self.expect_create = expects.get(Op.create.value, constants.SUCC) self.expect_insert = expects.get(Op.insert.value, constants.SUCC) self.expect_flush = expects.get(Op.flush.value, constants.SUCC) self.expect_index = expects.get(Op.index.value, constants.SUCC) self.expect_search = expects.get(, constants.SUCC) self.expect_query = expects.get(Op.query.value, constants.SUCC)"self.expects: create:{self.expect_create}, insert:{self.expect_insert}, " f"flush:{self.expect_flush}, index:{self.expect_index}, " f"search:{self.expect_search}, query:{self.expect_query}") return True return False class TestChaos(TestChaosBase): @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True) def connection(self, host, port): connections.add_connection(default={"host": host, "port": port}) conn = connections.connect(alias='default') if conn is None: raise Exception("no connections") = host self.port = port return conn @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True) def init_health_checkers(self): checkers = { Op.create: CreateChecker(), Op.insert: InsertFlushChecker(), Op.flush: InsertFlushChecker(flush=True), Op.index: IndexChecker(), SearchChecker(), Op.query: QueryChecker() } self.health_checkers = checkers def teardown(self): chaos_res = CusResource(kind=self._chaos_config['kind'], group=constants.CHAOS_GROUP, version=constants.CHAOS_VERSION, namespace=constants.CHAOS_NAMESPACE) meta_name = self._chaos_config.get('metadata', None).get('name', None) chaos_res.delete(meta_name, raise_ex=False) sleep(2)'Alive threads: {threading.enumerate()}') @pytest.mark.tags(CaseLabel.L3) @pytest.mark.parametrize('chaos_yaml', cc.get_chaos_yamls()) def test_chaos(self, chaos_yaml): # start the monitor threads to check the milvus ops"*********************Chaos Test Start**********************")"chaos_yaml: {chaos_yaml}")'default')) cc.start_monitor_threads(self.health_checkers) # parse chaos object chaos_config = cc.gen_experiment_config(chaos_yaml) release_name = constants.RELEASE_NAME"release_name: {release_name}") chaos_config['metadata']['name'] = release_name meta_name = chaos_config.get('metadata', None).get('name', None) chaos_config_str = json.dumps(chaos_config) chaos_config_str = chaos_config_str.replace("milvus-chaos", release_name) chaos_config = json.loads(chaos_config_str) self._chaos_config = chaos_config # cache the chaos config for tear down"chaos_config: {chaos_config}") # parse the test expectations in testcases.yaml if self.parser_testcase_config(chaos_yaml, chaos_config) is False: log.error("Fail to get the testcase info in testcases.yaml") assert False # init report dir_name = "./reports" file_name = f"./reports/{meta_name}.log" if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) # wait 20s sleep(constants.WAIT_PER_OP * 2) # assert statistic:all ops 100% succ"******1st assert before chaos: ") assert_statistic(self.health_checkers) with open(file_name, "a+") as f: ts = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write(f"{meta_name}-{ts}\n") f.write("1st assert before chaos:\n") f.write(record_results(self.health_checkers)) # apply chaos object chaos_res = CusResource(kind=chaos_config['kind'], group=constants.CHAOS_GROUP, version=constants.CHAOS_VERSION, namespace=constants.CHAOS_NAMESPACE) chaos_res.create(chaos_config)"chaos injected")"chaos information: {chaos_res.get(meta_name)}") sleep(constants.WAIT_PER_OP * 2) # reset counting cc.reset_counting(self.health_checkers) # wait 40s sleep(constants.CHAOS_DURATION)'Alive threads: {threading.enumerate()}') # assert statistic"******2nd assert after chaos injected: ") assert_statistic(self.health_checkers, expectations={Op.create: self.expect_create, Op.insert: self.expect_insert, Op.flush: self.expect_flush, Op.index: self.expect_index, self.expect_search, Op.query: self.expect_query }) with open(file_name, "a+") as f: f.write("2nd assert after chaos injected:\n") f.write(record_results(self.health_checkers)) # delete chaos chaos_res.delete(meta_name)"chaos deleted")'Alive threads: {threading.enumerate()}') sleep(2) # wait all pods ready"wait for pods in namespace {constants.CHAOS_NAMESPACE} with label{meta_name}") wait_pods_ready(constants.CHAOS_NAMESPACE, f"{meta_name}")"wait for pods in namespace {constants.CHAOS_NAMESPACE} with label release={meta_name}") wait_pods_ready(constants.CHAOS_NAMESPACE, f"release={meta_name}")"all pods are ready") # reconnect if needed sleep(constants.WAIT_PER_OP * 2) cc.reconnect(connections, alias='default') # reset counting again cc.reset_counting(self.health_checkers) # wait 50s (varies by feature) sleep(constants.WAIT_PER_OP * 5) # assert statistic: all ops success again"******3rd assert after chaos deleted: ") assert_statistic(self.health_checkers) with open(file_name, "a+") as f: f.write("3rd assert after chaos deleted:\n") f.write(record_results(self.health_checkers)) # assert all expectations assert_expectations()"*********************Chaos Test Completed**********************")