// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Zilliz. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License // is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. package paramtable import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "time" "go.uber.org/atomic" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/config" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/funcutil" ) type ParamItem struct { Key string // which should be named as "A.B.C" Version string Doc string DefaultValue string FallbackKeys []string PanicIfEmpty bool Export bool Formatter func(originValue string) string Forbidden bool manager *config.Manager // for unittest. tempValue atomic.Pointer[string] } func (pi *ParamItem) Init(manager *config.Manager) { pi.manager = manager if pi.Forbidden { pi.manager.ForbidUpdate(pi.Key) } } // Get original value with error func (pi *ParamItem) get() (string, error) { // For unittest. if s := pi.tempValue.Load(); s != nil { return *s, nil } if pi.manager == nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("manager is nil %s", pi.Key)) } ret, err := pi.manager.GetConfig(pi.Key) if err != nil { for _, key := range pi.FallbackKeys { ret, err = pi.manager.GetConfig(key) if err == nil { break } } } if err != nil { ret = pi.DefaultValue } if pi.Formatter != nil { ret = pi.Formatter(ret) } if ret == "" && pi.PanicIfEmpty { panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s is empty", pi.Key)) } return ret, err } // SetTempValue set the value for this ParamItem, // Once value set, ParamItem will use the value instead of underlying config manager. // Usage: should only use for unittest, swap empty string will remove the value. func (pi *ParamItem) SwapTempValue(s string) *string { if s == "" { return pi.tempValue.Swap(nil) } pi.manager.EvictCachedValue(pi.Key) return pi.tempValue.Swap(&s) } func (pi *ParamItem) GetValue() string { v, _ := pi.get() return v } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsStrings() []string { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if strings, ok := val.([]string); ok { return strings } } realStrs := getAsStrings(pi.GetValue()) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, realStrs) return realStrs } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsBool() bool { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if boolVal, ok := val.(bool); ok { return boolVal } } boolVal := getAsBool(pi.GetValue()) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, boolVal) return boolVal } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsInt() int { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if intVal, ok := val.(int); ok { return intVal } } intVal := getAsInt(pi.GetValue()) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, intVal) return intVal } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsInt32() int32 { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if int32Val, ok := val.(int32); ok { return int32Val } } int32Val := int32(getAsInt64(pi.GetValue())) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, int32Val) return int32Val } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsUint() uint { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if uintVal, ok := val.(uint); ok { return uintVal } } uintVal := uint(getAsUint64(pi.GetValue())) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, uintVal) return uintVal } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsUint32() uint32 { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if uint32Val, ok := val.(uint32); ok { return uint32Val } } uint32Val := uint32(getAsUint64(pi.GetValue())) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, uint32Val) return uint32Val } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsUint64() uint64 { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if uint64Val, ok := val.(uint64); ok { return uint64Val } } uint64Val := getAsUint64(pi.GetValue()) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, uint64Val) return uint64Val } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsUint16() uint16 { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if uint16Val, ok := val.(uint16); ok { return uint16Val } } uint16Val := uint16(getAsUint64(pi.GetValue())) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, uint16Val) return uint16Val } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsInt64() int64 { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if int64Val, ok := val.(int64); ok { return int64Val } } int64Val := getAsInt64(pi.GetValue()) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, int64Val) return int64Val } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsFloat() float64 { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if floatVal, ok := val.(float64); ok { return floatVal } } floatVal := getAsFloat(pi.GetValue()) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, floatVal) return floatVal } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsDuration(unit time.Duration) time.Duration { if val, exist := pi.manager.GetCachedValue(pi.Key); exist { if durationVal, ok := val.(time.Duration); ok { return durationVal } } durationVal := getAsDuration(pi.GetValue(), unit) pi.manager.SetCachedValue(pi.Key, durationVal) return durationVal } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsJSONMap() map[string]string { return getAndConvert(pi.GetValue(), funcutil.JSONToMap, nil) } func (pi *ParamItem) GetAsRoleDetails() map[string](map[string]([](map[string]string))) { return getAndConvert(pi.GetValue(), funcutil.JSONToRoleDetails, nil) } type CompositeParamItem struct { Items []*ParamItem Format func(map[string]string) string } func (cpi *CompositeParamItem) GetValue() string { kvs := make(map[string]string, len(cpi.Items)) for _, v := range cpi.Items { kvs[v.Key] = v.GetValue() } return cpi.Format(kvs) } type ParamGroup struct { KeyPrefix string // which should be named as "A.B." Version string Doc string Export bool GetFunc func() map[string]string manager *config.Manager } func (pg *ParamGroup) Init(manager *config.Manager) { pg.manager = manager } func (pg *ParamGroup) GetValue() map[string]string { if pg.GetFunc != nil { return pg.GetFunc() } values := pg.manager.GetBy(config.WithPrefix(pg.KeyPrefix), config.RemovePrefix(pg.KeyPrefix)) return values } func ParseAsStings(v string) []string { return getAsStrings(v) } func getAsStrings(v string) []string { return getAndConvert(v, func(value string) ([]string, error) { return strings.Split(value, ","), nil }, []string{}) } func getAsBool(v string) bool { return getAndConvert(v, strconv.ParseBool, false) } func getAsInt(v string) int { return getAndConvert(v, strconv.Atoi, 0) } func getAsInt64(v string) int64 { return getAndConvert(v, func(value string) (int64, error) { return strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) }, 0) } func getAsUint64(v string) uint64 { return getAndConvert(v, func(value string) (uint64, error) { return strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64) }, 0) } func getAsFloat(v string) float64 { return getAndConvert(v, func(value string) (float64, error) { return strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64) }, 0.0) } func getAsDuration(v string, unit time.Duration) time.Duration { return getAndConvert(v, func(value string) (time.Duration, error) { v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64) if err != nil { fv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64) return time.Duration(fv * float64(unit)), err } return time.Duration(v) * unit, err }, 0) } func getAndConvert[T any](v string, converter func(input string) (T, error), defaultValue T) T { t, err := converter(v) if err != nil { return defaultValue } return t } type RuntimeParamItem struct { value atomic.Value } func (rpi *RuntimeParamItem) GetValue() any { return rpi.value.Load() } func (rpi *RuntimeParamItem) GetAsString() string { value, ok := rpi.value.Load().(string) if !ok { return "" } return value } func (rpi *RuntimeParamItem) GetAsTime() time.Time { value, ok := rpi.value.Load().(time.Time) if !ok { return time.Time{} } return value } func (rpi *RuntimeParamItem) GetAsInt64() int64 { value, ok := rpi.value.Load().(int64) if !ok { return 0 } return value } func (rpi *RuntimeParamItem) SetValue(value any) { rpi.value.Store(value) }