package model import ( "" "" "" pb "" "" ) type Collection struct { TenantID string DBID int64 CollectionID int64 Partitions []*Partition Name string Description string AutoID bool Fields []*Field Functions []*Function VirtualChannelNames []string PhysicalChannelNames []string ShardsNum int32 StartPositions []*commonpb.KeyDataPair CreateTime uint64 ConsistencyLevel commonpb.ConsistencyLevel Aliases []string // TODO: deprecate this. Properties []*commonpb.KeyValuePair State pb.CollectionState EnableDynamicField bool } func (c *Collection) Available() bool { return c.State == pb.CollectionState_CollectionCreated } func (c *Collection) Clone() *Collection { return &Collection{ TenantID: c.TenantID, DBID: c.DBID, CollectionID: c.CollectionID, Name: c.Name, Description: c.Description, AutoID: c.AutoID, Fields: CloneFields(c.Fields), Partitions: ClonePartitions(c.Partitions), VirtualChannelNames: common.CloneStringList(c.VirtualChannelNames), PhysicalChannelNames: common.CloneStringList(c.PhysicalChannelNames), ShardsNum: c.ShardsNum, ConsistencyLevel: c.ConsistencyLevel, CreateTime: c.CreateTime, StartPositions: common.CloneKeyDataPairs(c.StartPositions), Aliases: common.CloneStringList(c.Aliases), Properties: common.CloneKeyValuePairs(c.Properties), State: c.State, EnableDynamicField: c.EnableDynamicField, Functions: CloneFunctions(c.Functions), } } func (c *Collection) GetPartitionNum(filterUnavailable bool) int { if !filterUnavailable { return len(c.Partitions) } return lo.CountBy(c.Partitions, func(p *Partition) bool { return p.Available() }) } func (c *Collection) Equal(other Collection) bool { return c.TenantID == other.TenantID && c.DBID == other.DBID && CheckPartitionsEqual(c.Partitions, other.Partitions) && c.Name == other.Name && c.Description == other.Description && c.AutoID == other.AutoID && CheckFieldsEqual(c.Fields, other.Fields) && c.ShardsNum == other.ShardsNum && c.ConsistencyLevel == other.ConsistencyLevel && checkParamsEqual(c.Properties, other.Properties) && c.EnableDynamicField == other.EnableDynamicField } func UnmarshalCollectionModel(coll *pb.CollectionInfo) *Collection { if coll == nil { return nil } // backward compatible for deprecated fields partitions := make([]*Partition, len(coll.PartitionIDs)) for idx := range coll.PartitionIDs { partitions[idx] = &Partition{ PartitionID: coll.PartitionIDs[idx], PartitionName: coll.PartitionNames[idx], PartitionCreatedTimestamp: coll.PartitionCreatedTimestamps[idx], } } return &Collection{ CollectionID: coll.ID, DBID: coll.DbId, Name: coll.Schema.Name, Description: coll.Schema.Description, AutoID: coll.Schema.AutoID, Fields: UnmarshalFieldModels(coll.GetSchema().GetFields()), Partitions: partitions, VirtualChannelNames: coll.VirtualChannelNames, PhysicalChannelNames: coll.PhysicalChannelNames, ShardsNum: coll.ShardsNum, ConsistencyLevel: coll.ConsistencyLevel, CreateTime: coll.CreateTime, StartPositions: coll.StartPositions, State: coll.State, Properties: coll.Properties, EnableDynamicField: coll.Schema.EnableDynamicField, } } // MarshalCollectionModel marshal only collection-related information. // partitions, aliases and fields won't be marshaled. They should be written to newly path. func MarshalCollectionModel(coll *Collection) *pb.CollectionInfo { return marshalCollectionModelWithConfig(coll, newDefaultConfig()) } type config struct { withFields bool withPartitions bool } type Option func(c *config) func newDefaultConfig() *config { return &config{withFields: false, withPartitions: false} } func WithFields() Option { return func(c *config) { c.withFields = true } } func WithPartitions() Option { return func(c *config) { c.withPartitions = true } } func marshalCollectionModelWithConfig(coll *Collection, c *config) *pb.CollectionInfo { if coll == nil { return nil } collSchema := &schemapb.CollectionSchema{ Name: coll.Name, Description: coll.Description, AutoID: coll.AutoID, EnableDynamicField: coll.EnableDynamicField, } if c.withFields { fields := MarshalFieldModels(coll.Fields) collSchema.Fields = fields } collectionPb := &pb.CollectionInfo{ ID: coll.CollectionID, DbId: coll.DBID, Schema: collSchema, CreateTime: coll.CreateTime, VirtualChannelNames: coll.VirtualChannelNames, PhysicalChannelNames: coll.PhysicalChannelNames, ShardsNum: coll.ShardsNum, ConsistencyLevel: coll.ConsistencyLevel, StartPositions: coll.StartPositions, State: coll.State, Properties: coll.Properties, } if c.withPartitions { for _, partition := range coll.Partitions { collectionPb.PartitionNames = append(collectionPb.PartitionNames, partition.PartitionName) collectionPb.PartitionIDs = append(collectionPb.PartitionIDs, partition.PartitionID) collectionPb.PartitionCreatedTimestamps = append(collectionPb.PartitionCreatedTimestamps, partition.PartitionCreatedTimestamp) } } return collectionPb } func MarshalCollectionModelWithOption(coll *Collection, opts ...Option) *pb.CollectionInfo { c := newDefaultConfig() for _, opt := range opts { opt(c) } return marshalCollectionModelWithConfig(coll, c) }