# Create Collection `Milvus 2.0` uses `Collection` to represent a set of data, like `Table` in a traditional database. User can create or drop `Collection`. This article introduces the execution path of `CreateCollection`, at the end of this article, you should know which components are involved in `CreateCollection`. The execution flow of `CreateCollection` is shown in the following figure: ![create_collection](./graphs/dml_create_collection.png) 1. Firstly, `SDK` starts a `CreateCollection` request to `Proxy` via `Grpc`, the `proto` is defined as follows: ```proto service MilvusService { ... rpc CreateCollection(CreateCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {} ... } message CreateCollectionRequest { // Not useful for now common.MsgBase base = 1; // Not useful for now string db_name = 2; // The unique collection name in milvus.(Required) string collection_name = 3; // The serialized `schema.CollectionSchema`(Required) bytes schema = 4; // Once set, no modification is allowed (Optional) // https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/issues/6690 int32 shards_num = 5; } message CollectionSchema { string name = 1; string description = 2; bool autoID = 3; // deprecated later, keep compatible with c++ part now repeated FieldSchema fields = 4; } ``` 1. When received the `CreateCollection` request, the `Proxy` would wrap this request into `CreateCollectionTask`, and pushes this task into `DdTaskQueue` queue. After that, `Proxy` would call `WaitToFinish` method to wait until the task is finished. ```go type task interface { TraceCtx() context.Context ID() UniqueID // return ReqID SetID(uid UniqueID) // set ReqID Name() string Type() commonpb.MsgType BeginTs() Timestamp EndTs() Timestamp SetTs(ts Timestamp) OnEnqueue() error PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error Execute(ctx context.Context) error PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error WaitToFinish() error Notify(err error) } type createCollectionTask struct { Condition *milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest ctx context.Context rootCoord types.RootCoord result *commonpb.Status schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema } ``` 2. There is a background service in `Proxy`, this service would get the `CreateCollectionTask` from `DdTaskQueue`, and execute it in three phases. - `PreExecute`, do some static checking at this phase, such as check if `Collection Name` and `Field Name` are legal, if there are duplicate columns, etc. - `Execute`, at this phase, `Proxy` would send `CreateCollection` request to `RootCoord` via `Grpc`, and wait for response, the `proto` is defined as follows: ```proto service RootCoord { ... rpc CreateCollection(milvus.CreateCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status){} ... } ``` - `PostExecute`, `CreateCollectonTask` does nothing at this phase, and return directly. 3. `RootCoord` would wrap the `CreateCollection` request into `CreateCollectionReqTask`, and then call function `executeTask`. `executeTask` would return until the `context` is done or `CreateCollectionReqTask.Execute` is returned. ```go type reqTask interface { Ctx() context.Context Type() commonpb.MsgType Execute(ctx context.Context) error Core() *Core } type CreateCollectionReqTask struct { baseReqTask Req *milvuspb.CreateCollectionRequest } ``` 4. `CreateCollectionReqTask.Execute` would alloc `CollecitonID` and default `PartitionID`, and set `Virtual Channel` and `Physical Channel`, which are used by `MsgStream`, then write the `Collection`'s meta into `metaTable` 5. After `Collection`'s meta writing into `metaTable`, `Milvus` would consider this collection has been created successfully. 6. `RootCoord` would alloc a timestamp from `TSO` before writing `Collection`'s meta into `metaTable`, and this timestamp is considered as the point when the collection was created 7. At last `RootCoord` will send a message of `CreateCollectionRequest` into `MsgStream`, and other components, who have subscribed to the `MsgStream`, would be notified. The `Proto` of `CreateCollectionRequest` is defined as follow: ```proto message CreateCollectionRequest { common.MsgBase base = 1; string db_name = 2; string collectionName = 3; string partitionName = 4; int64 dbID = 5; int64 collectionID = 6; int64 partitionID = 7; // `schema` is the serialized `schema.CollectionSchema` bytes schema = 8; repeated string virtualChannelNames = 9; repeated string physicalChannelNames = 10; } ``` 8. After all these operations, `RootCoord` would update the internal timestamp and return, so the `Proxy` would get the response. _Notes:_ 1. In the `Proxy`, all `DDL` requests will be wrapped into `task`, and push the `task` into `DdTaskQueue`, the background service will read a new `task` from `DdTaskQueue` only when the previous one is finished. So all the `DDL` requests are executed serially on the `Proxy` 2. In the `RootCoord`, all `DDL` requests will be wrapped into `reqTask`, but there is no task queue, so the `DDL` requests will be executed in parallel on `RootCoord`.