package proxy import ( "context" "fmt" "math" "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( SearchTaskName = "SearchTask" SearchLevelKey = "level" // requeryThreshold is the estimated threshold for the size of the search results. // If the number of estimated search results exceeds this threshold, // a second query request will be initiated to retrieve output fields data. // In this case, the first search will not return any output field from QueryNodes. requeryThreshold = 0.5 * 1024 * 1024 radiusKey = "radius" rangeFilterKey = "range_filter" ) type searchTask struct { baseTask Condition ctx context.Context *internalpb.SearchRequest result *milvuspb.SearchResults request *milvuspb.SearchRequest tr *timerecord.TimeRecorder collectionName string schema *schemaInfo requery bool partitionKeyMode bool enableMaterializedView bool mustUsePartitionKey bool resultSizeInsufficient bool isTopkReduce bool isRecallEvaluation bool userOutputFields []string userDynamicFields []string resultBuf *typeutil.ConcurrentSet[*internalpb.SearchResults] partitionIDsSet *typeutil.ConcurrentSet[UniqueID] qc types.QueryCoordClient node types.ProxyComponent lb LBPolicy queryChannelsTs map[string]Timestamp queryInfos []*planpb.QueryInfo relatedDataSize int64 reScorers []reScorer rankParams *rankParams groupScorer func(group *Group) error isIterator bool } func (t *searchTask) CanSkipAllocTimestamp() bool { var consistencyLevel commonpb.ConsistencyLevel useDefaultConsistency := t.request.GetUseDefaultConsistency() if !useDefaultConsistency { // legacy SDK & restful behavior if t.request.GetConsistencyLevel() == commonpb.ConsistencyLevel_Strong && t.request.GetGuaranteeTimestamp() > 0 { return true } consistencyLevel = t.request.GetConsistencyLevel() } else { collID, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(context.Background(), t.request.GetDbName(), t.request.GetCollectionName()) if err != nil { // err is not nil if collection not exists log.Ctx(t.ctx).Warn("search task get collectionID failed, can't skip alloc timestamp", zap.String("collectionName", t.request.GetCollectionName()), zap.Error(err)) return false } collectionInfo, err2 := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionInfo(context.Background(), t.request.GetDbName(), t.request.GetCollectionName(), collID) if err2 != nil { log.Ctx(t.ctx).Warn("search task get collection info failed, can't skip alloc timestamp", zap.String("collectionName", t.request.GetCollectionName()), zap.Error(err)) return false } consistencyLevel = collectionInfo.consistencyLevel } return consistencyLevel != commonpb.ConsistencyLevel_Strong } func (t *searchTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error { ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.ProxyRole).Start(ctx, "Proxy-Search-PreExecute") defer sp.End() t.SearchRequest.IsAdvanced = len(t.request.GetSubReqs()) > 0 t.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_Search t.Base.SourceID = paramtable.GetNodeID() collectionName := t.request.CollectionName t.collectionName = collectionName collID, err := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionID(ctx, t.request.GetDbName(), collectionName) if err != nil { // err is not nil if collection not exists return merr.WrapErrAsInputErrorWhen(err, merr.ErrCollectionNotFound, merr.ErrDatabaseNotFound) } t.SearchRequest.DbID = 0 // todo t.SearchRequest.CollectionID = collID log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(zap.Int64("collID", collID), zap.String("collName", collectionName)) t.schema, err = globalMetaCache.GetCollectionSchema(ctx, t.request.GetDbName(), collectionName) if err != nil { log.Warn("get collection schema failed", zap.Error(err)) return err } t.partitionKeyMode, err = isPartitionKeyMode(ctx, t.request.GetDbName(), collectionName) if err != nil { log.Warn("is partition key mode failed", zap.Error(err)) return err } if t.partitionKeyMode && len(t.request.GetPartitionNames()) != 0 { return errors.New("not support manually specifying the partition names if partition key mode is used") } if t.mustUsePartitionKey && !t.partitionKeyMode { return merr.WrapErrAsInputError(merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("must use partition key in the search request " + "because the mustUsePartitionKey config is true")) } if !t.partitionKeyMode && len(t.request.GetPartitionNames()) > 0 { // translate partition name to partition ids. Use regex-pattern to match partition name. t.SearchRequest.PartitionIDs, err = getPartitionIDs(ctx, t.request.GetDbName(), collectionName, t.request.GetPartitionNames()) if err != nil { log.Warn("failed to get partition ids", zap.Error(err)) return err } } t.request.OutputFields, t.userOutputFields, t.userDynamicFields, err = translateOutputFields(t.request.OutputFields, t.schema, false) if err != nil { log.Warn("translate output fields failed", zap.Error(err)) return err } log.Debug("translate output fields", zap.Strings("output fields", t.request.GetOutputFields())) if t.SearchRequest.GetIsAdvanced() { if len(t.request.GetSubReqs()) > defaultMaxSearchRequest { return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("maximum of ann search requests is %d", defaultMaxSearchRequest)) } } if t.SearchRequest.GetIsAdvanced() { t.rankParams, err = parseRankParams(t.request.GetSearchParams(), t.schema.CollectionSchema) if err != nil { log.Info("parseRankParams failed", zap.Error(err)) return err } } else { t.rankParams = nil } // Manually update nq if not set. nq, err := t.checkNq(ctx) if err != nil { log.Info("failed to check nq", zap.Error(err)) return err } t.SearchRequest.Nq = nq var ignoreGrowing bool // parse common search params for i, kv := range t.request.GetSearchParams() { if kv.GetKey() == IgnoreGrowingKey { ignoreGrowing, err = strconv.ParseBool(kv.GetValue()) if err != nil { return errors.New("parse search growing failed") } t.request.SearchParams = append(t.request.GetSearchParams()[:i], t.request.GetSearchParams()[i+1:]...) break } } t.SearchRequest.IgnoreGrowing = ignoreGrowing outputFieldIDs, err := getOutputFieldIDs(t.schema, t.request.GetOutputFields()) if err != nil { log.Info("fail to get output field ids", zap.Error(err)) return err } t.SearchRequest.OutputFieldsId = outputFieldIDs // Currently, we get vectors by requery. Once we support getting vectors from search, // searches with small result size could no longer need requery. vectorOutputFields := lo.Filter(t.schema.GetFields(), func(field *schemapb.FieldSchema, _ int) bool { return lo.Contains(t.request.GetOutputFields(), field.GetName()) && typeutil.IsVectorType(field.GetDataType()) }) if t.SearchRequest.GetIsAdvanced() { t.requery = len(t.request.OutputFields) > 0 err = t.initAdvancedSearchRequest(ctx) } else { t.requery = len(vectorOutputFields) > 0 err = t.initSearchRequest(ctx) } if err != nil { log.Debug("init search request failed", zap.Error(err)) return err } collectionInfo, err2 := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionInfo(ctx, t.request.GetDbName(), collectionName, t.CollectionID) if err2 != nil { log.Warn("Proxy::searchTask::PreExecute failed to GetCollectionInfo from cache", zap.String("collectionName", collectionName), zap.Int64("collectionID", t.CollectionID), zap.Error(err2)) return err2 } guaranteeTs := t.request.GetGuaranteeTimestamp() var consistencyLevel commonpb.ConsistencyLevel useDefaultConsistency := t.request.GetUseDefaultConsistency() if useDefaultConsistency { consistencyLevel = collectionInfo.consistencyLevel guaranteeTs = parseGuaranteeTsFromConsistency(guaranteeTs, t.BeginTs(), consistencyLevel) } else { consistencyLevel = t.request.GetConsistencyLevel() // Compatibility logic, parse guarantee timestamp if consistencyLevel == 0 && guaranteeTs > 0 { guaranteeTs = parseGuaranteeTs(guaranteeTs, t.BeginTs()) } else { // parse from guarantee timestamp and user input consistency level guaranteeTs = parseGuaranteeTsFromConsistency(guaranteeTs, t.BeginTs(), consistencyLevel) } } t.SearchRequest.GuaranteeTimestamp = guaranteeTs t.SearchRequest.ConsistencyLevel = consistencyLevel if t.isIterator && t.request.GetGuaranteeTimestamp() > 0 { t.MvccTimestamp = t.request.GetGuaranteeTimestamp() t.GuaranteeTimestamp = t.request.GetGuaranteeTimestamp() } if deadline, ok := t.TraceCtx().Deadline(); ok { t.SearchRequest.TimeoutTimestamp = tsoutil.ComposeTSByTime(deadline, 0) } // Set username of this search request for feature like task scheduling. if username, _ := GetCurUserFromContext(ctx); username != "" { t.SearchRequest.Username = username } t.resultBuf = typeutil.NewConcurrentSet[*internalpb.SearchResults]() log.Debug("search PreExecute done.", zap.Uint64("guarantee_ts", guaranteeTs), zap.Bool("use_default_consistency", useDefaultConsistency), zap.Any("consistency level", consistencyLevel), zap.Uint64("timeout_ts", t.SearchRequest.GetTimeoutTimestamp())) return nil } func (t *searchTask) checkNq(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) { var nq int64 if t.SearchRequest.GetIsAdvanced() { // In the context of Advanced Search, it is essential to verify that the number of vectors // for each individual search, denoted as nq, remains consistent. nq = t.request.GetNq() for _, req := range t.request.GetSubReqs() { subNq, err := getNqFromSubSearch(req) if err != nil { return 0, err } req.Nq = subNq if nq == 0 { nq = subNq continue } if subNq != nq { err = merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(nq, subNq, "sub search request nq should be the same") return 0, err } } t.request.Nq = nq } else { var err error nq, err = getNq(t.request) if err != nil { return 0, err } t.request.Nq = nq } // Check if nq is valid: // if err := validateNQLimit(nq); err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s [%d] is invalid, %w", NQKey, nq, err) } return nq, nil } func setQueryInfoIfMvEnable(queryInfo *planpb.QueryInfo, t *searchTask, plan *planpb.PlanNode) error { if t.enableMaterializedView { partitionKeyFieldSchema, err := typeutil.GetPartitionKeyFieldSchema(t.schema.CollectionSchema) if err != nil { log.Ctx(t.ctx).Warn("failed to get partition key field schema", zap.Error(err)) return err } if typeutil.IsFieldDataTypeSupportMaterializedView(partitionKeyFieldSchema) { collInfo, colErr := globalMetaCache.GetCollectionInfo(t.ctx, t.request.GetDbName(), t.collectionName, t.CollectionID) if colErr != nil { log.Ctx(t.ctx).Warn("failed to get collection info", zap.Error(colErr)) return err } if collInfo.partitionKeyIsolation { expr, err := exprutil.ParseExprFromPlan(plan) if err != nil { log.Ctx(t.ctx).Warn("failed to parse expr from plan during MV", zap.Error(err)) return err } err = exprutil.ValidatePartitionKeyIsolation(expr) if err != nil { return err } // force set hints to disable queryInfo.Hints = "disable" } queryInfo.MaterializedViewInvolved = true } else { return errors.New("partition key field data type is not supported in materialized view") } } return nil } func (t *searchTask) initAdvancedSearchRequest(ctx context.Context) error { ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.ProxyRole).Start(ctx, "init advanced search request") defer sp.End() t.partitionIDsSet = typeutil.NewConcurrentSet[UniqueID]() log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(zap.Int64("collID", t.GetCollectionID()), zap.String("collName", t.collectionName)) // fetch search_growing from search param t.SearchRequest.SubReqs = make([]*internalpb.SubSearchRequest, len(t.request.GetSubReqs())) t.queryInfos = make([]*planpb.QueryInfo, len(t.request.GetSubReqs())) for index, subReq := range t.request.GetSubReqs() { plan, queryInfo, offset, _, err := t.tryGeneratePlan(subReq.GetSearchParams(), subReq.GetDsl(), subReq.GetExprTemplateValues()) if err != nil { return err } internalSubReq := &internalpb.SubSearchRequest{ Dsl: subReq.GetDsl(), PlaceholderGroup: subReq.GetPlaceholderGroup(), DslType: subReq.GetDslType(), SerializedExprPlan: nil, Nq: subReq.GetNq(), PartitionIDs: nil, Topk: queryInfo.GetTopk(), Offset: offset, MetricType: queryInfo.GetMetricType(), GroupByFieldId: t.rankParams.GetGroupByFieldId(), GroupSize: t.rankParams.GetGroupSize(), } internalSubReq.FieldId = queryInfo.GetQueryFieldId() // set PartitionIDs for sub search if t.partitionKeyMode { // isolation has tighter constraint, check first mvErr := setQueryInfoIfMvEnable(queryInfo, t, plan) if mvErr != nil { return mvErr } partitionIDs, err2 := t.tryParsePartitionIDsFromPlan(plan) if err2 != nil { return err2 } if len(partitionIDs) > 0 { internalSubReq.PartitionIDs = partitionIDs t.partitionIDsSet.Upsert(partitionIDs...) } } else { internalSubReq.PartitionIDs = t.SearchRequest.GetPartitionIDs() } if t.requery { plan.OutputFieldIds = nil plan.DynamicFields = nil } else { plan.OutputFieldIds = t.SearchRequest.OutputFieldsId plan.DynamicFields = t.userDynamicFields } internalSubReq.SerializedExprPlan, err = proto.Marshal(plan) if err != nil { return err } t.SearchRequest.SubReqs[index] = internalSubReq t.queryInfos[index] = queryInfo log.Debug("proxy init search request", zap.Int64s("plan.OutputFieldIds", plan.GetOutputFieldIds()), zap.Stringer("plan", plan)) // may be very large if large term passed. } t.SearchRequest.GroupByFieldId = t.rankParams.GetGroupByFieldId() t.SearchRequest.GroupSize = t.rankParams.GetGroupSize() // used for requery if t.partitionKeyMode { t.SearchRequest.PartitionIDs = t.partitionIDsSet.Collect() } var err error t.reScorers, err = NewReScorers(ctx, len(t.request.GetSubReqs()), t.request.GetSearchParams()) if err != nil { log.Info("generate reScorer failed", zap.Any("params", t.request.GetSearchParams()), zap.Error(err)) return err } // set up groupScorer for hybridsearch+groupBy groupScorerStr, err := funcutil.GetAttrByKeyFromRepeatedKV(RankGroupScorer, t.request.GetSearchParams()) if err != nil { groupScorerStr = MaxScorer } groupScorer, err := GetGroupScorer(groupScorerStr) if err != nil { return err } t.groupScorer = groupScorer return nil } func (t *searchTask) initSearchRequest(ctx context.Context) error { ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.ProxyRole).Start(ctx, "init search request") defer sp.End() log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(zap.Int64("collID", t.GetCollectionID()), zap.String("collName", t.collectionName)) // fetch search_growing from search param plan, queryInfo, offset, isIterator, err := t.tryGeneratePlan(t.request.GetSearchParams(), t.request.GetDsl(), t.request.GetExprTemplateValues()) if err != nil { return err } t.isIterator = isIterator t.SearchRequest.Offset = offset t.SearchRequest.FieldId = queryInfo.GetQueryFieldId() if t.partitionKeyMode { // isolation has tighter constraint, check first mvErr := setQueryInfoIfMvEnable(queryInfo, t, plan) if mvErr != nil { return mvErr } partitionIDs, err2 := t.tryParsePartitionIDsFromPlan(plan) if err2 != nil { return err2 } if len(partitionIDs) > 0 { t.SearchRequest.PartitionIDs = partitionIDs } } if t.requery { plan.OutputFieldIds = nil } else { plan.OutputFieldIds = t.SearchRequest.OutputFieldsId plan.DynamicFields = t.userDynamicFields } t.SearchRequest.SerializedExprPlan, err = proto.Marshal(plan) if err != nil { return err } metrics.ProxySearchSparseNumNonZeros.WithLabelValues(strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10), t.collectionName).Observe(float64(typeutil.EstimateSparseVectorNNZFromPlaceholderGroup(t.request.PlaceholderGroup, int(t.request.GetNq())))) t.SearchRequest.PlaceholderGroup = t.request.PlaceholderGroup t.SearchRequest.Topk = queryInfo.GetTopk() t.SearchRequest.MetricType = queryInfo.GetMetricType() t.queryInfos = append(t.queryInfos, queryInfo) t.SearchRequest.DslType = commonpb.DslType_BoolExprV1 t.SearchRequest.GroupByFieldId = queryInfo.GroupByFieldId t.SearchRequest.GroupSize = queryInfo.GroupSize log.Debug("proxy init search request", zap.Int64s("plan.OutputFieldIds", plan.GetOutputFieldIds()), zap.Stringer("plan", plan)) // may be very large if large term passed. return nil } func (t *searchTask) tryGeneratePlan(params []*commonpb.KeyValuePair, dsl string, exprTemplateValues map[string]*schemapb.TemplateValue) (*planpb.PlanNode, *planpb.QueryInfo, int64, bool, error) { annsFieldName, err := funcutil.GetAttrByKeyFromRepeatedKV(AnnsFieldKey, params) if err != nil || len(annsFieldName) == 0 { vecFields := typeutil.GetVectorFieldSchemas(t.schema.CollectionSchema) if len(vecFields) == 0 { return nil, nil, 0, false, errors.New(AnnsFieldKey + " not found in schema") } if enableMultipleVectorFields && len(vecFields) > 1 { return nil, nil, 0, false, errors.New("multiple anns_fields exist, please specify a anns_field in search_params") } annsFieldName = vecFields[0].Name } searchInfo := parseSearchInfo(params, t.schema.CollectionSchema, t.rankParams) if searchInfo.parseError != nil { return nil, nil, 0, false, searchInfo.parseError } if searchInfo.collectionID > 0 && searchInfo.collectionID != t.GetCollectionID() { return nil, nil, 0, false, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("collection id:%d in the request is not consistent to that in the search context,"+ "alias or database may have been changed: %d", searchInfo.collectionID, t.GetCollectionID()) } annField := typeutil.GetFieldByName(t.schema.CollectionSchema, annsFieldName) if searchInfo.planInfo.GetGroupByFieldId() != -1 && annField.GetDataType() == schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector { return nil, nil, 0, false, errors.New("not support search_group_by operation based on binary vector column") } searchInfo.planInfo.QueryFieldId = annField.GetFieldID() plan, planErr := planparserv2.CreateSearchPlan(t.schema.schemaHelper, dsl, annsFieldName, searchInfo.planInfo, exprTemplateValues) if planErr != nil { log.Ctx(t.ctx).Warn("failed to create query plan", zap.Error(planErr), zap.String("dsl", dsl), // may be very large if large term passed. zap.String("anns field", annsFieldName), zap.Any("query info", searchInfo.planInfo)) return nil, nil, 0, false, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("failed to create query plan: %v", planErr) } log.Ctx(t.ctx).Debug("create query plan", zap.String("dsl", t.request.Dsl), // may be very large if large term passed. zap.String("anns field", annsFieldName), zap.Any("query info", searchInfo.planInfo)) return plan, searchInfo.planInfo, searchInfo.offset, searchInfo.isIterator, nil } func (t *searchTask) tryParsePartitionIDsFromPlan(plan *planpb.PlanNode) ([]int64, error) { expr, err := exprutil.ParseExprFromPlan(plan) if err != nil { log.Ctx(t.ctx).Warn("failed to parse expr", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } partitionKeys := exprutil.ParseKeys(expr, exprutil.PartitionKey) hashedPartitionNames, err := assignPartitionKeys(t.ctx, t.request.GetDbName(), t.collectionName, partitionKeys) if err != nil { log.Ctx(t.ctx).Warn("failed to assign partition keys", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } if len(hashedPartitionNames) > 0 { // translate partition name to partition ids. Use regex-pattern to match partition name. PartitionIDs, err2 := getPartitionIDs(t.ctx, t.request.GetDbName(), t.collectionName, hashedPartitionNames) if err2 != nil { log.Ctx(t.ctx).Warn("failed to get partition ids", zap.Error(err2)) return nil, err2 } return PartitionIDs, nil } return nil, nil } func (t *searchTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error { ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.ProxyRole).Start(ctx, "Proxy-Search-Execute") defer sp.End() log := log.Ctx(ctx).WithLazy(zap.Int64("nq", t.SearchRequest.GetNq())) tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder(fmt.Sprintf("proxy execute search %d", t.ID())) defer tr.CtxElapse(ctx, "done") err :=, CollectionWorkLoad{ db: t.request.GetDbName(), collectionID: t.SearchRequest.CollectionID, collectionName: t.collectionName, nq: t.Nq, exec: t.searchShard, }) if err != nil { log.Warn("search execute failed", zap.Error(err)) return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to search") } log.Debug("Search Execute done.", zap.Int64("collection", t.GetCollectionID()), zap.Int64s("partitionIDs", t.GetPartitionIDs())) return nil } func getMetricType(toReduceResults []*internalpb.SearchResults) string { metricType := "" if len(toReduceResults) >= 1 { metricType = toReduceResults[0].GetMetricType() } return metricType } func (t *searchTask) reduceResults(ctx context.Context, toReduceResults []*internalpb.SearchResults, nq, topK int64, offset int64, metricType string, queryInfo *planpb.QueryInfo, isAdvance bool) (*milvuspb.SearchResults, error) { ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.ProxyRole).Start(ctx, "reduceResults") defer sp.End() log := log.Ctx(ctx) // Decode all search results validSearchResults, err := decodeSearchResults(ctx, toReduceResults) if err != nil { log.Warn("failed to decode search results", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } if len(validSearchResults) <= 0 { return fillInEmptyResult(nq), nil } // Reduce all search results log.Debug("proxy search post execute reduce", zap.Int64("collection", t.GetCollectionID()), zap.Int64s("partitionIDs", t.GetPartitionIDs()), zap.Int("number of valid search results", len(validSearchResults))) primaryFieldSchema, err := t.schema.GetPkField() if err != nil { log.Warn("failed to get primary field schema", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } var result *milvuspb.SearchResults result, err = reduceSearchResult(ctx, validSearchResults, reduce.NewReduceSearchResultInfo(nq, topK).WithMetricType(metricType).WithPkType(primaryFieldSchema.GetDataType()). WithOffset(offset).WithGroupByField(queryInfo.GetGroupByFieldId()).WithGroupSize(queryInfo.GetGroupSize()).WithAdvance(isAdvance)) if err != nil { log.Warn("failed to reduce search results", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } return result, nil } // find the last bound based on reduced results and metric type // only support nq == 1, for search iterator v2 func getLastBound(result *milvuspb.SearchResults, incomingLastBound *float32, metricType string) float32 { len := len(result.Results.Scores) if len > 0 && result.GetResults().GetNumQueries() == 1 { return result.Results.Scores[len-1] } // if no results found and incoming last bound is not nil, return it if incomingLastBound != nil { return *incomingLastBound } // if no results found and it is the first call, return the closest bound if metric.PositivelyRelated(metricType) { return math.MaxFloat32 } return -math.MaxFloat32 } func (t *searchTask) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error { ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.ProxyRole).Start(ctx, "Proxy-Search-PostExecute") defer sp.End() tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("searchTask PostExecute") defer func() { tr.CtxElapse(ctx, "done") }() log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(zap.Int64("nq", t.SearchRequest.GetNq())) toReduceResults, err := t.collectSearchResults(ctx) if err != nil { log.Warn("failed to collect search results", zap.Error(err)) return err } t.queryChannelsTs = make(map[string]uint64) t.relatedDataSize = 0 isTopkReduce := false isRecallEvaluation := false for _, r := range toReduceResults { if r.GetIsTopkReduce() { isTopkReduce = true } if r.GetIsRecallEvaluation() { isRecallEvaluation = true } t.relatedDataSize += r.GetCostAggregation().GetTotalRelatedDataSize() for ch, ts := range r.GetChannelsMvcc() { t.queryChannelsTs[ch] = ts } } primaryFieldSchema, err := t.schema.GetPkField() if err != nil { log.Warn("failed to get primary field schema", zap.Error(err)) return err } metricType := getMetricType(toReduceResults) // reduce if t.SearchRequest.GetIsAdvanced() { multipleInternalResults := make([][]*internalpb.SearchResults, len(t.SearchRequest.GetSubReqs())) for _, searchResult := range toReduceResults { // if get a non-advanced result, skip all if !searchResult.GetIsAdvanced() { continue } for _, subResult := range searchResult.GetSubResults() { // swallow copy internalResults := &internalpb.SearchResults{ MetricType: subResult.GetMetricType(), NumQueries: subResult.GetNumQueries(), TopK: subResult.GetTopK(), SlicedBlob: subResult.GetSlicedBlob(), SlicedNumCount: subResult.GetSlicedNumCount(), SlicedOffset: subResult.GetSlicedOffset(), IsAdvanced: false, } reqIndex := subResult.GetReqIndex() multipleInternalResults[reqIndex] = append(multipleInternalResults[reqIndex], internalResults) } } multipleMilvusResults := make([]*milvuspb.SearchResults, len(t.SearchRequest.GetSubReqs())) for index, internalResults := range multipleInternalResults { subReq := t.SearchRequest.GetSubReqs()[index] subMetricType := getMetricType(internalResults) result, err := t.reduceResults(t.ctx, internalResults, subReq.GetNq(), subReq.GetTopk(), subReq.GetOffset(), subMetricType, t.queryInfos[index], true) if err != nil { return err } t.reScorers[index].setMetricType(subMetricType) t.reScorers[index].reScore(result) multipleMilvusResults[index] = result } t.result, err = rankSearchResultData(ctx, t.SearchRequest.GetNq(), t.rankParams, primaryFieldSchema.GetDataType(), multipleMilvusResults, t.SearchRequest.GetGroupByFieldId(), t.SearchRequest.GetGroupSize(), t.groupScorer) if err != nil { log.Warn("rank search result failed", zap.Error(err)) return err } } else { t.result, err = t.reduceResults(t.ctx, toReduceResults, t.SearchRequest.GetNq(), t.SearchRequest.GetTopk(), t.SearchRequest.GetOffset(), metricType, t.queryInfos[0], false) if err != nil { return err } } // reduce done, get final result limit := t.SearchRequest.GetTopk() - t.SearchRequest.GetOffset() resultSizeInsufficient := false for _, topk := range t.result.Results.Topks { if topk < limit { resultSizeInsufficient = true break } } t.resultSizeInsufficient = resultSizeInsufficient t.isTopkReduce = isTopkReduce t.isRecallEvaluation = isRecallEvaluation t.result.CollectionName = t.collectionName t.fillInFieldInfo() if t.requery { err = t.Requery(sp) if err != nil { log.Warn("failed to requery", zap.Error(err)) return err } } t.result.Results.OutputFields = t.userOutputFields t.result.CollectionName = t.request.GetCollectionName() t.result.Results.PrimaryFieldName = primaryFieldSchema.GetName() if t.isIterator && len(t.queryInfos) == 1 && t.queryInfos[0] != nil { if iterInfo := t.queryInfos[0].GetSearchIteratorV2Info(); iterInfo != nil { t.result.Results.SearchIteratorV2Results = &schemapb.SearchIteratorV2Results{ Token: iterInfo.GetToken(), LastBound: getLastBound(t.result, iterInfo.LastBound, metricType), } } } if t.isIterator && t.request.GetGuaranteeTimestamp() == 0 { // first page for iteration, need to set up sessionTs for iterator t.result.SessionTs = getMaxMvccTsFromChannels(t.queryChannelsTs, t.BeginTs()) } metrics.ProxyReduceResultLatency.WithLabelValues(strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10), metrics.SearchLabel).Observe(float64(tr.RecordSpan().Milliseconds())) log.Debug("Search post execute done", zap.Int64("collection", t.GetCollectionID()), zap.Int64s("partitionIDs", t.GetPartitionIDs())) return nil } func (t *searchTask) searchShard(ctx context.Context, nodeID int64, qn types.QueryNodeClient, channel string) error { searchReq := typeutil.Clone(t.SearchRequest) searchReq.GetBase().TargetID = nodeID req := &querypb.SearchRequest{ Req: searchReq, DmlChannels: []string{channel}, Scope: querypb.DataScope_All, TotalChannelNum: int32(1), } log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(zap.Int64("collection", t.GetCollectionID()), zap.Int64s("partitionIDs", t.GetPartitionIDs()), zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID), zap.String("channel", channel)) var result *internalpb.SearchResults var err error result, err = qn.Search(ctx, req) if err != nil { log.Warn("QueryNode search return error", zap.Error(err)) globalMetaCache.DeprecateShardCache(t.request.GetDbName(), t.collectionName) return err } if result.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() == commonpb.ErrorCode_NotShardLeader { log.Warn("QueryNode is not shardLeader") globalMetaCache.DeprecateShardCache(t.request.GetDbName(), t.collectionName) return errInvalidShardLeaders } if result.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success { log.Warn("QueryNode search result error", zap.String("reason", result.GetStatus().GetReason())) return errors.Wrapf(merr.Error(result.GetStatus()), "fail to search on QueryNode %d", nodeID) } if t.resultBuf != nil { t.resultBuf.Insert(result) }, result.CostAggregation) return nil } func (t *searchTask) estimateResultSize(nq int64, topK int64) (int64, error) { vectorOutputFields := lo.Filter(t.schema.GetFields(), func(field *schemapb.FieldSchema, _ int) bool { return lo.Contains(t.request.GetOutputFields(), field.GetName()) && typeutil.IsVectorType(field.GetDataType()) }) // Currently, we get vectors by requery. Once we support getting vectors from search, // searches with small result size could no longer need requery. if len(vectorOutputFields) > 0 { return math.MaxInt64, nil } // If no vector field as output, no need to requery. return 0, nil //outputFields := lo.Filter(t.schema.GetFields(), func(field *schemapb.FieldSchema, _ int) bool { // return lo.Contains(t.request.GetOutputFields(), field.GetName()) //}) //sizePerRecord, err := typeutil.EstimateSizePerRecord(&schemapb.CollectionSchema{Fields: outputFields}) //if err != nil { // return 0, err //} //return int64(sizePerRecord) * nq * topK, nil } func (t *searchTask) Requery(span trace.Span) error { queryReq := &milvuspb.QueryRequest{ Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{ MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_Retrieve, Timestamp: t.BeginTs(), }, DbName: t.request.GetDbName(), CollectionName: t.request.GetCollectionName(), ConsistencyLevel: t.SearchRequest.GetConsistencyLevel(), NotReturnAllMeta: t.request.GetNotReturnAllMeta(), Expr: "", OutputFields: t.request.GetOutputFields(), PartitionNames: t.request.GetPartitionNames(), UseDefaultConsistency: false, GuaranteeTimestamp: t.SearchRequest.GuaranteeTimestamp, } pkField, err := typeutil.GetPrimaryFieldSchema(t.schema.CollectionSchema) if err != nil { return err } ids := t.result.GetResults().GetIds() plan := planparserv2.CreateRequeryPlan(pkField, ids) channelsMvcc := make(map[string]Timestamp) for k, v := range t.queryChannelsTs { channelsMvcc[k] = v } qt := &queryTask{ ctx: t.ctx, Condition: NewTaskCondition(t.ctx), RetrieveRequest: &internalpb.RetrieveRequest{ Base: commonpbutil.NewMsgBase( commonpbutil.WithMsgType(commonpb.MsgType_Retrieve), commonpbutil.WithSourceID(paramtable.GetNodeID()), ), ReqID: paramtable.GetNodeID(), PartitionIDs: t.GetPartitionIDs(), // use search partitionIDs }, request: queryReq, plan: plan, qc: t.node.(*Proxy).queryCoord, lb: t.node.(*Proxy).lbPolicy, channelsMvcc: channelsMvcc, fastSkip: true, reQuery: true, } queryResult, err := t.node.(*Proxy).query(t.ctx, qt, span) if err != nil { return err } if queryResult.GetStatus().GetErrorCode() != commonpb.ErrorCode_Success { return merr.Error(queryResult.GetStatus()) } // Reorganize Results. The order of query result ids will be altered and differ from queried ids. // We should reorganize query results to keep the order of original queried ids. For example: // =========================================== // 3 2 5 4 1 (query ids) // || // || (query) // \/ // 4 3 5 1 2 (result ids) // v4 v3 v5 v1 v2 (result vectors) // || // || (reorganize) // \/ // 3 2 5 4 1 (result ids) // v3 v2 v5 v4 v1 (result vectors) // =========================================== _, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.ProxyRole).Start(t.ctx, "reorganizeRequeryResults") defer sp.End() pkFieldData, err := typeutil.GetPrimaryFieldData(queryResult.GetFieldsData(), pkField) if err != nil { return err } offsets := make(map[any]int) for i := 0; i < typeutil.GetPKSize(pkFieldData); i++ { pk := typeutil.GetData(pkFieldData, i) offsets[pk] = i } t.result.Results.FieldsData = make([]*schemapb.FieldData, len(queryResult.GetFieldsData())) for i := 0; i < typeutil.GetSizeOfIDs(ids); i++ { id := typeutil.GetPK(ids, int64(i)) if _, ok := offsets[id]; !ok { return merr.WrapErrInconsistentRequery(fmt.Sprintf("incomplete query result, missing id %s, len(searchIDs) = %d, len(queryIDs) = %d, collection=%d", id, typeutil.GetSizeOfIDs(ids), len(offsets), t.GetCollectionID())) } typeutil.AppendFieldData(t.result.Results.FieldsData, queryResult.GetFieldsData(), int64(offsets[id])) } t.result.Results.FieldsData = lo.Filter(t.result.Results.FieldsData, func(fieldData *schemapb.FieldData, i int) bool { return lo.Contains(t.request.GetOutputFields(), fieldData.GetFieldName()) }) return nil } func (t *searchTask) fillInFieldInfo() { if len(t.request.OutputFields) != 0 && len(t.result.Results.FieldsData) != 0 { for i, name := range t.request.OutputFields { for _, field := range t.schema.Fields { if t.result.Results.FieldsData[i] != nil && field.Name == name { t.result.Results.FieldsData[i].FieldName = field.Name t.result.Results.FieldsData[i].FieldId = field.FieldID t.result.Results.FieldsData[i].Type = field.DataType t.result.Results.FieldsData[i].IsDynamic = field.IsDynamic } } } } } func (t *searchTask) collectSearchResults(ctx context.Context) ([]*internalpb.SearchResults, error) { select { case <-t.TraceCtx().Done(): log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("search task wait to finish timeout!") return nil, fmt.Errorf("search task wait to finish timeout, msgID=%d", t.ID()) default: toReduceResults := make([]*internalpb.SearchResults, 0) log.Ctx(ctx).Debug("all searches are finished or canceled") t.resultBuf.Range(func(res *internalpb.SearchResults) bool { toReduceResults = append(toReduceResults, res) log.Ctx(ctx).Debug("proxy receives one search result", zap.Int64("sourceID", res.GetBase().GetSourceID())) return true }) return toReduceResults, nil } } func decodeSearchResults(ctx context.Context, searchResults []*internalpb.SearchResults) ([]*schemapb.SearchResultData, error) { ctx, sp := otel.Tracer(typeutil.ProxyRole).Start(ctx, "decodeSearchResults") defer sp.End() tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("decodeSearchResults") results := make([]*schemapb.SearchResultData, 0) for _, partialSearchResult := range searchResults { if partialSearchResult.SlicedBlob == nil { continue } var partialResultData schemapb.SearchResultData err := proto.Unmarshal(partialSearchResult.SlicedBlob, &partialResultData) if err != nil { return nil, err } results = append(results, &partialResultData) } tr.CtxElapse(ctx, "decodeSearchResults done") return results, nil } func checkSearchResultData(data *schemapb.SearchResultData, nq int64, topk int64, pkHitNum int) error { if data.NumQueries != nq { return fmt.Errorf("search result's nq(%d) mis-match with %d", data.NumQueries, nq) } if data.TopK != topk { return fmt.Errorf("search result's topk(%d) mis-match with %d", data.TopK, topk) } if len(data.Scores) != pkHitNum { return fmt.Errorf("search result's score length invalid, score length=%d, expectedLength=%d", len(data.Scores), pkHitNum) } return nil } func selectHighestScoreIndex(ctx context.Context, subSearchResultData []*schemapb.SearchResultData, subSearchNqOffset [][]int64, cursors []int64, qi int64) (int, int64) { var ( subSearchIdx = -1 resultDataIdx int64 = -1 ) maxScore := minFloat32 for i := range cursors { if cursors[i] >= subSearchResultData[i].Topks[qi] { continue } sIdx := subSearchNqOffset[i][qi] + cursors[i] sScore := subSearchResultData[i].Scores[sIdx] // Choose the larger score idx or the smaller pk idx with the same score if subSearchIdx == -1 || sScore > maxScore { subSearchIdx = i resultDataIdx = sIdx maxScore = sScore } else if sScore == maxScore { if subSearchIdx == -1 { // A bad case happens where Knowhere returns distance/score == +/-maxFloat32 // by mistake. log.Ctx(ctx).Error("a bad score is returned, something is wrong here!", zap.Float32("score", sScore)) } else if typeutil.ComparePK( typeutil.GetPK(subSearchResultData[i].GetIds(), sIdx), typeutil.GetPK(subSearchResultData[subSearchIdx].GetIds(), resultDataIdx)) { subSearchIdx = i resultDataIdx = sIdx maxScore = sScore } } } return subSearchIdx, resultDataIdx } func (t *searchTask) TraceCtx() context.Context { return t.ctx } func (t *searchTask) ID() UniqueID { return t.Base.MsgID } func (t *searchTask) SetID(uid UniqueID) { t.Base.MsgID = uid } func (t *searchTask) Name() string { return SearchTaskName } func (t *searchTask) Type() commonpb.MsgType { return t.Base.MsgType } func (t *searchTask) BeginTs() Timestamp { return t.Base.Timestamp } func (t *searchTask) EndTs() Timestamp { return t.Base.Timestamp } func (t *searchTask) SetTs(ts Timestamp) { t.Base.Timestamp = ts } func (t *searchTask) OnEnqueue() error { t.Base = commonpbutil.NewMsgBase() t.Base.MsgType = commonpb.MsgType_Search t.Base.SourceID = paramtable.GetNodeID() return nil }