pull_request_rules: - name: Add needs-dco label when DCO check failed conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - -status-success=DCO actions: label: remove: - dco-passed add: - needs-dco comment: message: | @{{author}} Thanks for your contribution. Please submit with DCO, see the contributing guide https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#developer-certificate-of-origin-dco. - name: Add dco-passed label when DCO check passed conditions: - or: - base=master - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - base=sql_beta - status-success=DCO actions: label: remove: - needs-dco add: - dco-passed - name: Test passed for code changed-master conditions: - or: - base=sql_beta - base=master - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - 'status-success=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Code Checker MacOS 12' - 'status-success=Code Checker Amazonlinux 2023' - 'status-success=cpu-e2e' - 'status-success=codecov/patch' - 'status-success=codecov/project' actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Test passed for code changed -2.2.* conditions: - base~=^2(\.\d+){2}$ - 'status-success=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Code Checker MacOS 12' - 'status-success=Code Checker CentOS 7' - 'status-success=cpu-e2e' - 'status-success=codecov/patch' - 'status-success=codecov/project' actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Test passed for tests changed conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - -files~=^(?!tests\/python_client).+ - 'status-success=cpu-e2e' actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Test passed for docs changed only conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - -files~=^(?!.*\.(md)).*$ actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Test passed for non go or c++ code changed conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - -files~=^(?=.*((\.(go|h|cpp)|CMakeLists.txt|conanfile\.*))).*$ - 'status-success=cpu-e2e' actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Test passed for go unittest code changed-master conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - 'status-success=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Code Checker MacOS 12' - 'status-success=Code Checker Amazonlinux 2023' - 'status-success=UT for Go (20.04)' - or: - -files~=^(?!pkg\/.*_test\.go).*$ - -files~=^(?!internal\/.*_test\.go).*$ actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Test passed for go unittest code changed -2.2.* conditions: - base~=^2\.2\.\d+$ - 'status-success=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Code Checker MacOS 12' - 'status-success=Code Checker CentOS 7' - -files~=^(?!internal\/.*_test\.go).*$ actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Test passed for mergify changed conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - -files~=^(?!\.github\/mergify\.yml).*$ actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Test passed for title skip e2e conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - title~=\[skip e2e\] - label=kind/enhancement - -files~=^(?=.*((\.(go|h|cpp)|CMakeLists.txt))).*$ actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Blocking PR if missing a related issue or doesn't have kind/enhancement label conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - and: - -body~=\#[0-9]{1,6}(\s+|$) - -body~=https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/issues/[0-9]{1,6}(\s+|$) - and: - label=kind/enhancement - or: - label=size/L - label=size/XL - label=size/XXL - -label=kind/doc - -label=kind/test - -title~=\[automated\] actions: label: add: - do-not-merge/missing-related-issue comment: message: | @{{author}} Please associate the related issue to the body of your Pull Request. (eg. “issue: #”) - name: Dismiss block label if related issue be added into PR conditions: - or: - and: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - or: - body~=\#[0-9]{1,6}(\s+|$) - body~=https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/issues/[0-9]{1,6}(\s+|$) - and: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - and: - label=kind/enhancement - -label=size/L - -label=size/XL - -label=size/XXL actions: label: remove: - do-not-merge/missing-related-issue - name: Blocking PR if missing a related master PR or doesn't have kind/branch-feature label conditions: - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - and: - -body~=pr\:\ \#[0-9]{1,6}(\s+|$) - -body~=https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pull/[0-9]{1,6}(\s+|$) - -label=kind/branch-feature - -title~=\[automated\] actions: label: add: - do-not-merge/missing-related-pr comment: message: | @{{author}} Please associate the related pr of master to the body of your Pull Request. (eg. “pr: #”) - name: Dismiss block label if related pr be added into PR conditions: - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - or: - body~=pr\:\ \#[0-9]{1,6}(\s+|$) - body~=https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pull/[0-9]{1,6}(\s+|$) - label=kind/branch-feature actions: label: remove: - do-not-merge/missing-related-pr - name: Dismiss block label if automated create PR conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - title~=\[automated\] actions: label: remove: - do-not-merge/missing-related-issue - do-not-merge/missing-related-pr - name: Test passed for skip e2e-master conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - title~=\[skip e2e\] - 'status-success=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Code Checker MacOS 12' - 'status-success=Code Checker Amazonlinux 2023' - files~=^(?=.*((\.(go|h|cpp)|CMakeLists.txt))).*$ actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Test passed for skip e2e - 2.2.* conditions: - base~=^2\.2\.\d+$ - title~=\[skip e2e\] - 'status-success=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success=Code Checker MacOS 12' - 'status-success=Code Checker CentOS 7' - files~=^(?=.*((\.(go|h|cpp)|CMakeLists.txt))).*$ actions: label: add: - ci-passed - name: Assign the 'lgtm' and 'approved' labels following the successful testing of the 'Update Knowhere Commit' conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - 'title~=Update Knowhere Commit' - label=ci-passed actions: label: add: - lgtm - approved - name: Remove ci-passed label when status for code checker or ut is not success-master conditions: - label!=manual-pass - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - files~=^(?=.*((\.(go|h|cpp)|CMakeLists.txt))).*$ - or: - 'status-success!=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success!=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success!=Code Checker MacOS 12' - 'status-success!=Code Checker Amazonlinux 2023' actions: label: remove: - ci-passed - name: Remove ci-passed label when status for code checker or ut is not success-2.2.* conditions: - label!=manual-pass - base~=^2\.2\.\d+$ - files~=^(?=.*((\.(go|h|cpp)|CMakeLists.txt))).*$ - or: - 'status-success!=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success!=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'status-success!=Code Checker MacOS 12' - 'status-success!=Code Checker CentOS 7' actions: label: remove: - ci-passed - name: Remove ci-passed label when status for jenkins job is not success conditions: - label!=manual-pass - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - -title~=\[skip e2e\] - files~=^(?!(.*_test\.go|.*\.md)).*$ - 'status-success!=cpu-e2e' actions: label: remove: - ci-passed - name: Add comment when jenkins job failed conditions: - or: - base=master - base=sql_beta - base~=^2(\.\d+){1,2}$ - 'check-failure=cpu-e2e' actions: comment: message: | @{{author}} E2e jenkins job failed, comment `/run-cpu-e2e` can trigger the job again. - name: Add comment when code checker or ut failed -master conditions: - or: - base=master - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - base=sql_beta - or: - 'check-failure=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'check-failure=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' actions: comment: message: | @{{author}} ut workflow job failed, comment `rerun ut` can trigger the job again. - name: Add comment when code checker or ut failed -2.2.* conditions: - base~=^2\.2\.\d+$ - or: - 'check-failure=Code Checker AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' - 'check-failure=Build and test AMD64 Ubuntu 20.04' actions: comment: message: | @{{author}} ut workflow job failed, comment `rerun ut` can trigger the job again. - name: Add 'do-not-merge/invalid-pr-format' label for invalid PR titles conditions: - or: - base=master - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - or: - '-title~=^(feat:|enhance:|fix:|test:|doc:|auto:|\[automated\])' - body=^$ actions: label: add: - do-not-merge/invalid-pr-format comment: message: | @{{author}} **Invalid PR Title Format Detected** Your PR submission does not adhere to our required standards. To ensure clarity and consistency, please meet the following criteria: 1. **Title Format:** The PR title must begin with one of these prefixes: - `feat:` for introducing a new feature. - `fix:` for bug fixes. - `enhance:` for improvements to existing functionality. - `test`: for add tests to existing functionality. - `doc`: for modifying documentation. - `auto`: for the pull request from bot. 2. **Description Requirement:** The PR must include a non-empty description, detailing the changes and their impact. **Required Title Structure:** ``` [Type]: [Description of the PR] ``` Where `Type` is one of `feat`, `fix`, `enhance`, `test` or `doc`. **Example:** ``` enhance: improve search performance significantly ``` Please review and update your PR to comply with these guidelines. - name: Remove 'do-not-merge/invalid-pr-format' label for valid PRs conditions: - or: - base=master - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - 'title~=^(feat:|enhance:|fix:|test:|doc:|auto:|\[automated\])' - '-body=^$' - 'label=do-not-merge/invalid-pr-format' actions: label: remove: - do-not-merge/invalid-pr-format - name: Label bug fix PRs conditions: - or: - base=master - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - 'title~=^fix:' actions: label: add: - kind/bug - name: Label feature PRs conditions: - or: - base=master - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - 'title~=^feat:' actions: label: add: - kind/feature - name: Label enhancement PRs conditions: - or: - base=master - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - 'title~=^enhance:' actions: label: add: - kind/enhancement - name: Label test PRs conditions: - or: - base=master - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - 'title~=^test:' actions: label: add: - kind/test - name: Label doc PRs conditions: - or: - base=master - base~=^2\.3(\.\d+){0,1}$ - 'title~=^doc:' actions: label: add: - kind/doc