#!/bin/bash set -e # set -x func() { echo "Usage:" echo "test.sh [-t Task] [-m Mode] [-r Release] [-p Password]" echo "Description" echo "Task, the task type of test. reinstall or upgrade" echo "Mode, the mode of milvus deploy. standalone or cluster" echo "Release, the release of milvus. e.g. 2.0.0-rc8" echo "Password, the password of root" exit -1 } echo "check os env" platform='unknown' unamestr=$(uname) if [[ "$unamestr" == 'Linux' ]]; then platform='Linux' elif [[ "$unamestr" == 'Darwin' ]]; then platform='Mac' fi echo "platform: $platform" Task="reinstall" Mode="standalone" Release="v2.0.0-pre-ga" while getopts "hm:t:p:" OPT; do case $OPT in m) Mode="$OPTARG";; t) Task="$OPTARG";; p) Password="$OPTARG";; h) func;; ?) func;; esac done ROOT_FOLDER=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")";pwd) # to export docker-compose logs before exit function error_exit { pushd ${ROOT_FOLDER}/${Deploy_Dir} echo "test failed" current=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") if [ ! -d logs ]; then mkdir logs fi docker-compose ps docker-compose logs > ./logs/${Deploy_Dir}-${Task}-${current}.log 2>&1 echo "log saved to $(pwd)/logs/${Deploy_Dir}-${Task}-${current}.log" popd exit 1 } function replace_image_tag { image_tag=$1 if [ "$platform" == "Mac" ]; then # for mac os sed -i "" "s/milvusdb\/milvus.*/milvusdb\/milvus-dev\:${image_tag}/g" docker-compose.yml else #for linux os sed -i "s/milvusdb\/milvus.*/milvusdb\/milvus-dev\:${image_tag}/g" docker-compose.yml fi } #to check containers all running and minio is healthy function check_healthy { cnt=$(docker-compose ps | grep -E "running|Running|Up|up" | wc -l) healthy=$(docker-compose ps | grep "healthy" | wc -l) time_cnt=0 echo "running num $cnt expect num $Expect" echo "healthy num $healthy expect num $Expect_health" while [[ $cnt -ne $Expect || $healthy -ne 1 ]]; do printf "waiting all containers get running\n" sleep 5 let time_cnt+=5 # if time is greater than 300s, the condition still not satisfied, we regard it as a failure if [ $time_cnt -gt 300 ]; then printf "timeout,there are some issue with deployment!" error_exit fi cnt=$(docker-compose ps | grep -E "running|Running|Up|up" | wc -l) healthy=$(docker-compose ps | grep "healthy" | wc -l) echo "running num $cnt expect num $Expect" echo "healthy num $healthy expect num $Expect_health" done } Deploy_Dir=$Mode Task=$Task Release=$Release pw=$Password echo "mode: $Mode" echo "task: $Task" echo "password: $pw" ## if needed, install dependency #echo "install dependency" #pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt if [ ! -d ${Deploy_Dir} ]; then mkdir ${Deploy_Dir} fi echo "get tag info" python scripts/get_tag.py latest_tag=$(jq -r ".latest_tag" tag_info.json) latest_rc_tag=$(jq -r ".latest_rc_tag" tag_info.json) release_version="v2.0.0-pre-ga" echo $release_version pushd ${Deploy_Dir} # download docker-compose.yml wget https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/releases/download/${release_version}/milvus-${Deploy_Dir}-docker-compose.yml -O docker-compose.yml ls # clean env to deploy a fresh milvus docker-compose down docker-compose ps echo "$pw"| sudo -S rm -rf ./volumes # first deployment if [ "$Task" == "reinstall" ]; then printf "start to deploy latest rc tag milvus\n" replace_image_tag $latest_tag fi if [ "$Task" == "upgrade" ]; then printf "start to deploy previous rc tag milvus\n" replace_image_tag "master-20211225-6177d46" # replace previous rc tag with master-20211225-6177d46 fi cat docker-compose.yml|grep milvusdb Expect=$(grep "container_name" docker-compose.yml | wc -l) Expect_health=$(grep "healthcheck" docker-compose.yml | wc -l) docker-compose up -d check_healthy docker-compose ps popd # test for first deployment printf "test for first deployment\n" if [ "$Task" == "reinstall" ]; then python scripts/action_before_reinstall.py || error_exit fi if [ "$Task" == "upgrade" ]; then python scripts/action_before_upgrade.py || error_exit fi pushd ${Deploy_Dir} # uninstall milvus printf "start to uninstall milvus\n" docker-compose down sleep 10 printf "check all containers removed\n" docker-compose ps # second deployment if [ "$Task" == "reinstall" ]; then printf "start to reinstall milvus\n" #because the task is reinstall, so don't change images tag fi if [ "$Task" == "upgrade" ]; then printf "start to upgrade milvus\n" # because the task is upgrade, so replace image tag to latest, like rc4-->rc5 replace_image_tag $latest_tag fi cat docker-compose.yml|grep milvusdb docker-compose up -d check_healthy docker-compose ps popd # wait for milvus ready sleep 120 # test for second deployment printf "test for second deployment\n" if [ "$Task" == "reinstall" ]; then python scripts/action_after_reinstall.py || error_exit fi if [ "$Task" == "upgrade" ]; then python scripts/action_after_upgrade.py || error_exit fi pushd ${Deploy_Dir} # clean env docker-compose ps docker-compose down sleep 10 docker-compose ps echo "$pw"|sudo -S rm -rf ./volumes popd