import logging logger = logging.getLogger("milvus_benchmark.parser") def operations_parser(operations): """ Get the type and params of test """ if not operations: raise Exception("No operations in suite defined") for run_type, run_params in operations.items(): logger.debug(run_type) return run_type, run_params return False, False def collection_parser(collection_name): """ Resolve the collection name to obtain the corresponding configuration e.g.: sift_1m_128_l2 sift: type of data set 1m: size of the data inserted in the collection 128: vector dimension l2: metric type """ tmp = collection_name.split("_") # if len(tmp) != 5: # return None data_type = tmp[0] collection_size_unit = tmp[1][-1] collection_size = tmp[1][0:-1] if collection_size_unit == "w": collection_size = int(collection_size) * 10000 elif collection_size_unit == "m": collection_size = int(collection_size) * 1000000 elif collection_size_unit == "b": collection_size = int(collection_size) * 1000000000 dimension = int(tmp[2]) metric_type = str(tmp[3]) return data_type, collection_size, dimension, metric_type def parse_ann_collection_name(collection_name): """ Analyze the collection name of the accuracy test and obtain the corresponding configuration e.g.: sift_128_euclidean """ data_type = collection_name.split("_")[0] dimension = int(collection_name.split("_")[1]) metric = collection_name.split("_")[2] # metric = collection_name.attrs['distance'] # dimension = len(collection_name["train"][0]) metric_type = '' if metric == "euclidean": metric_type = "l2" elif metric == "angular": metric_type = "ip" elif metric == "jaccard": metric_type = "jaccard" elif metric == "hamming": metric_type = "hamming" return data_type, dimension, metric_type def search_params_parser(param): """ Parser params of search interface and return top_ks, nqs, nprobes""" # parse top-k, set default value if top-k not in param if "top_ks" not in param: top_ks = [10] else: top_ks = param["top_ks"] if isinstance(top_ks, int): top_ks = [top_ks] elif isinstance(top_ks, list): top_ks = list(top_ks) else: logger.warning("Invalid format top-ks: %s" % str(top_ks)) # parse nqs, set default value if nq not in param if "nqs" not in param: nqs = [10] else: nqs = param["nqs"] if isinstance(nqs, int): nqs = [nqs] elif isinstance(nqs, list): nqs = list(nqs) else: logger.warning("Invalid format nqs: %s" % str(nqs)) # parse nprobes if "nprobes" not in param: nprobes = [1] else: nprobes = param["nprobes"] if isinstance(nprobes, int): nprobes = [nprobes] elif isinstance(nprobes, list): nprobes = list(nprobes) else: logger.warning("Invalid format nprobes: %s" % str(nprobes)) return top_ks, nqs, nprobes