// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package querynode import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "sync" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/parser/planparserv2" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/planpb" "go.uber.org/zap" "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/log" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/commonpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/internalpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/querypb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/util/funcutil" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/util/timerecord" ) var _ readTask = (*searchTask)(nil) type searchTask struct { baseReadTask iReq *internalpb.SearchRequest req *querypb.SearchRequest MetricType string PlaceholderGroup []byte NQ int64 OrigNQs []int64 TopK int64 OrigTopKs []int64 Ret *internalpb.SearchResults otherTasks []*searchTask cpuOnce sync.Once plan *planpb.PlanNode qInfo *planpb.QueryInfo } func (s *searchTask) PreExecute(ctx context.Context) error { s.SetStep(TaskStepPreExecute) for _, t := range s.otherTasks { t.SetStep(TaskStepPreExecute) } s.combinePlaceHolderGroups() return nil } func (s *searchTask) init() error { if s.iReq.GetSerializedExprPlan() != nil { s.plan = &planpb.PlanNode{} err := proto.Unmarshal(s.iReq.GetSerializedExprPlan(), s.plan) if err != nil { return err } switch s.plan.GetNode().(type) { case *planpb.PlanNode_VectorAnns: s.qInfo = s.plan.GetVectorAnns().GetQueryInfo() } } return nil } func (s *searchTask) searchOnStreaming() error { // check ctx timeout if !funcutil.CheckCtxValid(s.Ctx()) { return errors.New("search context timeout") } // check if collection has been released, check streaming since it's released first _, err := s.QS.streaming.getCollectionByID(s.CollectionID) if err != nil { return err } s.QS.collection.RLock() // locks the collectionPtr defer s.QS.collection.RUnlock() if _, released := s.QS.collection.getReleaseTime(); released { log.Debug("collection release before search", zap.Int64("collectionID", s.CollectionID)) return fmt.Errorf("retrieve failed, collection has been released, collectionID = %d", s.CollectionID) } searchReq, err2 := newSearchRequest(s.QS.collection, s.req, s.PlaceholderGroup) if err2 != nil { return err2 } defer searchReq.delete() // TODO add context partResults, _, _, sErr := searchStreaming(s.QS.streaming, searchReq, s.CollectionID, s.iReq.GetPartitionIDs(), s.req.GetDmlChannel()) if sErr != nil { log.Debug("failed to search streaming data", zap.Int64("collectionID", s.CollectionID), zap.Error(sErr)) return sErr } defer deleteSearchResults(partResults) return s.reduceResults(searchReq, partResults) } func (s *searchTask) searchOnHistorical() error { // check ctx timeout if !funcutil.CheckCtxValid(s.Ctx()) { return errors.New("search context timeout") } // check if collection has been released, check streaming since it's released first _, err := s.QS.streaming.getCollectionByID(s.CollectionID) if err != nil { return err } s.QS.collection.RLock() // locks the collectionPtr defer s.QS.collection.RUnlock() if _, released := s.QS.collection.getReleaseTime(); released { log.Debug("collection release before search", zap.Int64("collectionID", s.CollectionID)) return fmt.Errorf("retrieve failed, collection has been released, collectionID = %d", s.CollectionID) } segmentIDs := s.req.GetSegmentIDs() searchReq, err2 := newSearchRequest(s.QS.collection, s.req, s.PlaceholderGroup) if err2 != nil { return err2 } defer searchReq.delete() partResults, _, _, err := searchHistorical(s.QS.historical, searchReq, s.CollectionID, nil, segmentIDs) if err != nil { return err } defer deleteSearchResults(partResults) return s.reduceResults(searchReq, partResults) } func (s *searchTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error { if s.DataScope == querypb.DataScope_Streaming { return s.searchOnStreaming() } else if s.DataScope == querypb.DataScope_Historical { return s.searchOnHistorical() } return fmt.Errorf("searchTask do not implement search on all data scope") } func (s *searchTask) Notify(err error) { s.done <- err for i := 0; i < len(s.otherTasks); i++ { s.otherTasks[i].Notify(err) } } func (s *searchTask) estimateCPUUsage() { if s.DataScope == querypb.DataScope_Streaming { // assume growing segments num is 5 s.cpu = int32(s.NQ) * 5 / 2 } else if s.DataScope == querypb.DataScope_Historical { segmentNum := int64(len(s.req.GetSegmentIDs())) s.cpu = int32(s.NQ * segmentNum / 2) } if s.cpu > s.maxCPU { s.cpu = s.maxCPU } } func (s *searchTask) CPUUsage() int32 { s.cpuOnce.Do(func() { s.estimateCPUUsage() }) return s.cpu } // reduceResults reduce search results func (s *searchTask) reduceResults(searchReq *searchRequest, results []*SearchResult) error { isEmpty := len(results) == 0 cnt := 1 + len(s.otherTasks) var t *searchTask s.tr.RecordSpan() if !isEmpty { sInfo := parseSliceInfo(s.OrigNQs, s.OrigTopKs, s.NQ) numSegment := int64(len(results)) blobs, err := reduceSearchResultsAndFillData(searchReq.plan, results, numSegment, sInfo.sliceNQs, sInfo.sliceTopKs) if err != nil { return err } defer deleteSearchResultDataBlobs(blobs) if err != nil { log.Debug("marshal for historical results error", zap.Error(err)) return err } for i := 0; i < cnt; i++ { blob, err := getSearchResultDataBlob(blobs, i) if err != nil { log.Debug("getSearchResultDataBlob for historical results error", zap.Error(err)) return err } bs := make([]byte, len(blob)) copy(bs, blob) if i == 0 { t = s } else { t = s.otherTasks[i-1] } t.Ret = &internalpb.SearchResults{ Status: &commonpb.Status{ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success}, MetricType: s.MetricType, NumQueries: s.OrigNQs[i], TopK: s.OrigTopKs[i], SlicedBlob: bs, SlicedOffset: 1, SlicedNumCount: 1, } } } else { for i := 0; i < cnt; i++ { if i == 0 { t = s } else { t = s.otherTasks[i-1] } t.Ret = &internalpb.SearchResults{ Status: &commonpb.Status{ErrorCode: commonpb.ErrorCode_Success}, MetricType: s.MetricType, NumQueries: s.OrigNQs[i], TopK: s.OrigTopKs[i], SlicedBlob: nil, SlicedOffset: 1, SlicedNumCount: 1, } } } s.reduceDur = s.tr.RecordSpan() return nil } func (s *searchTask) CanMergeWith(t readTask) bool { s2, ok := t.(*searchTask) if !ok { return false } if s.DbID != s2.DbID { return false } if s.CollectionID != s2.CollectionID { return false } if s.QS != s2.QS { return false } if s.iReq.GetDslType() != s2.iReq.GetDslType() { return false } if s.iReq.GetPartitionIDs() == nil { if s2.iReq.GetPartitionIDs() != nil { return false } } if s2.iReq.GetPartitionIDs() == nil { if s.iReq.GetPartitionIDs() != nil { return false } } if !funcutil.SliceSetEqual(s.iReq.GetPartitionIDs(), s2.iReq.GetPartitionIDs()) { return false } if s.req.GetSegmentIDs() == nil { if s2.req.GetSegmentIDs() != nil { return false } } if s2.req.GetSegmentIDs() == nil { if s.req.GetSegmentIDs() != nil { return false } } if !funcutil.SliceSetEqual(s.req.GetSegmentIDs(), s2.req.GetSegmentIDs()) { return false } if !bytes.Equal(s.iReq.GetSerializedExprPlan(), s2.iReq.GetSerializedExprPlan()) { return false } if s.TravelTimestamp != s2.TravelTimestamp { return false } if !planparserv2.CheckPlanNodeIdentical(s.plan, s2.plan) { return false } pre := s.NQ * s.TopK * 1.0 newTopK := s.TopK if newTopK < s2.TopK { newTopK = s2.TopK } after := (s.NQ + s2.NQ) * newTopK if pre == 0 { return false } ratio := float64(after) / float64(pre) if ratio > Params.QueryNodeCfg.TopKMergeRatio { return false } if s.NQ+s2.NQ > Params.QueryNodeCfg.MaxGroupNQ { return false } return true } func (s *searchTask) Merge(t readTask) { src, ok := t.(*searchTask) if !ok { return } newTopK := s.TopK if newTopK < src.TopK { newTopK = src.TopK } s.TopK = newTopK s.OrigTopKs = append(s.OrigTopKs, src.OrigTopKs...) s.OrigNQs = append(s.OrigNQs, src.OrigNQs...) s.NQ += src.NQ s.otherTasks = append(s.otherTasks, src) } // combinePlaceHolderGroups combine all the placeholder groups. func (s *searchTask) combinePlaceHolderGroups() { if len(s.otherTasks) > 0 { ret := &commonpb.PlaceholderGroup{} _ = proto.Unmarshal(s.PlaceholderGroup, ret) for _, t := range s.otherTasks { x := &commonpb.PlaceholderGroup{} _ = proto.Unmarshal(t.PlaceholderGroup, x) ret.Placeholders[0].Values = append(ret.Placeholders[0].Values, x.Placeholders[0].Values...) } s.PlaceholderGroup, _ = proto.Marshal(ret) } } func newSearchTask(ctx context.Context, src *querypb.SearchRequest) (*searchTask, error) { target := &searchTask{ baseReadTask: baseReadTask{ baseTask: baseTask{ done: make(chan error), ctx: ctx, id: src.Req.Base.GetMsgID(), ts: src.Req.Base.GetTimestamp(), }, DbID: src.Req.GetReqID(), CollectionID: src.Req.GetCollectionID(), TravelTimestamp: src.Req.GetTravelTimestamp(), GuaranteeTimestamp: src.Req.GetGuaranteeTimestamp(), TimeoutTimestamp: src.Req.GetTimeoutTimestamp(), tr: timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("searchTask"), DataScope: src.GetScope(), }, iReq: src.Req, req: src, TopK: src.Req.GetTopk(), OrigTopKs: []int64{src.Req.GetTopk()}, NQ: src.Req.GetNq(), OrigNQs: []int64{src.Req.GetNq()}, PlaceholderGroup: src.Req.GetPlaceholderGroup(), MetricType: src.Req.GetMetricType(), } err := target.init() if err != nil { return nil, err } return target, nil }