@Library('jenkins-shared-library@tekton') _ def pod = libraryResource 'io/milvus/pod/tekton-4am.yaml' def milvus_helm_chart_version = '4.2.8' pipeline { options { skipDefaultCheckout true parallelsAlwaysFailFast() buildDiscarder logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '30') preserveStashes(buildCount: 5) disableConcurrentBuilds(abortPrevious: true) timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS') throttleJobProperty( categories: ['cpu-e2e'], throttleEnabled: true, throttleOption: 'category' ) } environment { LOKI_ADDR = 'http://loki-1-loki-distributed-gateway.loki.svc.cluster.local' LOKI_CLIENT_RETRIES = 3 } agent { kubernetes { cloud '4am' yaml pod } } stages { stage('meta') { steps { container('jnlp') { script { isPr = env.CHANGE_ID != null gitMode = isPr ? 'merge' : 'fetch' gitBaseRef = isPr ? "$env.CHANGE_TARGET" : "$env.BRANCH_NAME" get_helm_release_name = tekton.helm_release_name client: 'py', changeId: "${env.CHANGE_ID}", buildId:"${env.BUILD_ID}" } } } } stage('build') { steps { container('tkn') { script { def job_name = tekton.run arch: 'amd64', isPr: isPr, gitMode: gitMode , gitBaseRef: gitBaseRef, pullRequestNumber: "$env.CHANGE_ID", suppress_suffix_of_image_tag: true, make_cmd: 'make clean && make install USE_ASAN=ON use_disk_index=ON', images: '["milvus","pytest","helm"]' milvus_image_tag = tekton.query_result job_name, 'milvus-image-tag' pytest_image = tekton.query_result job_name, 'pytest-image-fqdn' helm_image = tekton.query_result job_name, 'helm-image-fqdn' } } } post { always { container('tkn') { script { tekton.sure_stop() } } } } } stage('E2E Test') { matrix { agent { kubernetes { cloud '4am' // 'milvus' template defined a ephemeral volume used for pytest result archiving // pvc name would be -volume-0 inheritFrom 'milvus' yaml pod } } axes { axis { name 'milvus_deployment_option' values 'standalone', 'distributed', 'standalone-kafka-mmap' } } stages { stage('E2E Test') { steps { container('tkn') { script { def helm_release_name = get_helm_release_name milvus_deployment_option // pvc name would be -volume-0, used for pytest result archiving def pvc = env.JENKINS_AGENT_NAME + '-volume-0' tekton.pytest helm_release_name: helm_release_name, pvc: pvc, milvus_helm_version: milvus_helm_chart_version, ciMode: 'e2e', milvus_image_tag: milvus_image_tag, pytest_image: pytest_image, helm_image: helm_image, milvus_deployment_option: milvus_deployment_option, verbose: 'false' } } } post { always { container('tkn') { script { tekton.sure_stop() } } container('archive') { script { def helm_release_name = get_helm_release_name milvus_deployment_option tekton.archive milvus_deployment_option: milvus_deployment_option, release_name: helm_release_name , change_id: env.CHANGE_ID, build_id: env.BUILD_ID } } container('jnlp') { script { tekton.archive_pytest_logs(milvus_deployment_option) } } } } } } } } } }