// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package rootcoord import ( "context" "fmt" "github.com/cockroachdb/errors" "go.uber.org/zap" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-proto/go-api/v2/commonpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus-proto/go-api/v2/milvuspb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/metastore/model" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/util/proxyutil" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/log" pb "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/proto/etcdpb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/merr" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pkg/util/typeutil" ) type dropCollectionTask struct { baseTask Req *milvuspb.DropCollectionRequest } func (t *dropCollectionTask) validate(ctx context.Context) error { if err := CheckMsgType(t.Req.GetBase().GetMsgType(), commonpb.MsgType_DropCollection); err != nil { return err } if t.core.meta.IsAlias(ctx, t.Req.GetDbName(), t.Req.GetCollectionName()) { return fmt.Errorf("cannot drop the collection via alias = %s", t.Req.CollectionName) } return nil } func (t *dropCollectionTask) Prepare(ctx context.Context) error { return t.validate(ctx) } func (t *dropCollectionTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) error { // use max ts to check if latest collection exists. // we cannot handle case that // dropping collection with `ts1` but a collection exists in catalog with newer ts which is bigger than `ts1`. // fortunately, if ddls are promised to execute in sequence, then everything is OK. The `ts1` will always be latest. collMeta, err := t.core.meta.GetCollectionByName(ctx, t.Req.GetDbName(), t.Req.GetCollectionName(), typeutil.MaxTimestamp) if errors.Is(err, merr.ErrCollectionNotFound) || errors.Is(err, merr.ErrDatabaseNotFound) { // make dropping collection idempotent. log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("drop non-existent collection", zap.String("collection", t.Req.GetCollectionName()), zap.String("database", t.Req.GetDbName())) return nil } if err != nil { return err } // meta cache of all aliases should also be cleaned. aliases := t.core.meta.ListAliasesByID(ctx, collMeta.CollectionID) ts := t.GetTs() return executeDropCollectionTaskSteps(ctx, t.core, collMeta, t.Req.GetDbName(), aliases, t.Req.GetBase().GetReplicateInfo().GetIsReplicate(), ts) } func (t *dropCollectionTask) GetLockerKey() LockerKey { collection := t.core.getCollectionIDStr(t.ctx, t.Req.GetDbName(), t.Req.GetCollectionName(), 0) return NewLockerKeyChain( NewClusterLockerKey(false), NewDatabaseLockerKey(t.Req.GetDbName(), false), NewCollectionLockerKey(collection, true), ) } func executeDropCollectionTaskSteps(ctx context.Context, core *Core, col *model.Collection, dbName string, alias []string, isReplicate bool, ts Timestamp, ) error { redoTask := newBaseRedoTask(core.stepExecutor) redoTask.AddSyncStep(&expireCacheStep{ baseStep: baseStep{core: core}, dbName: dbName, collectionNames: append(alias, col.Name), collectionID: col.CollectionID, ts: ts, opts: []proxyutil.ExpireCacheOpt{proxyutil.SetMsgType(commonpb.MsgType_DropCollection)}, }) redoTask.AddSyncStep(&changeCollectionStateStep{ baseStep: baseStep{core: core}, collectionID: col.CollectionID, state: pb.CollectionState_CollectionDropping, ts: ts, }) redoTask.AddAsyncStep(&releaseCollectionStep{ baseStep: baseStep{core: core}, collectionID: col.CollectionID, }) redoTask.AddAsyncStep(&dropIndexStep{ baseStep: baseStep{core: core}, collID: col.CollectionID, partIDs: nil, }) redoTask.AddAsyncStep(&deleteCollectionDataStep{ baseStep: baseStep{core: core}, coll: col, isSkip: isReplicate, }) redoTask.AddAsyncStep(&removeDmlChannelsStep{ baseStep: baseStep{core: core}, pChannels: col.PhysicalChannelNames, }) redoTask.AddAsyncStep(newConfirmGCStep(core, col.CollectionID, allPartition)) redoTask.AddAsyncStep(&deleteCollectionMetaStep{ baseStep: baseStep{core: core}, collectionID: col.CollectionID, // This ts is less than the ts when we notify data nodes to drop collection, but it's OK since we have already // marked this collection as deleted. If we want to make this ts greater than the notification's ts, we should // wrap a step who will have these three children and connect them with ts. ts: ts, }) return redoTask.Execute(ctx) }