import os import logging import numpy as np import sklearn.preprocessing import h5py import random from itertools import product from pymilvus import DataType from milvus_benchmark import config logger = logging.getLogger("milvus_benchmark.runners.utils") DELETE_INTERVAL_TIME = 2 VECTORS_PER_FILE = 1000000 SIFT_VECTORS_PER_FILE = 100000 BINARY_VECTORS_PER_FILE = 2000000 MAX_NQ = 10001 FILE_PREFIX = "binary_" WARM_TOP_K = 1 WARM_NQ = 1 DEFAULT_DIM = 512 DEFAULT_METRIC_TYPE = "L2" RANDOM_SRC_DATA_DIR = config.RAW_DATA_DIR + 'random/' SIFT_SRC_DATA_DIR = config.RAW_DATA_DIR + 'sift1b/' DEEP_SRC_DATA_DIR = config.RAW_DATA_DIR + 'deep1b/' JACCARD_SRC_DATA_DIR = config.RAW_DATA_DIR + 'jaccard/' HAMMING_SRC_DATA_DIR = config.RAW_DATA_DIR + 'hamming/' STRUCTURE_SRC_DATA_DIR = config.RAW_DATA_DIR + 'structure/' BINARY_SRC_DATA_DIR = config.RAW_DATA_DIR + 'binary/' SIFT_SRC_GROUNDTRUTH_DATA_DIR = SIFT_SRC_DATA_DIR + 'gnd' DEFAULT_F_FIELD_NAME = 'float_vector' DEFAULT_B_FIELD_NAME = 'binary_vector' DEFAULT_INT_FIELD_NAME = 'int64' DEFAULT_FLOAT_FIELD_NAME = 'float' DEFAULT_DOUBLE_FIELD_NAME = "double" GROUNDTRUTH_MAP = { "1000000": "idx_1M.ivecs", "2000000": "idx_2M.ivecs", "5000000": "idx_5M.ivecs", "10000000": "idx_10M.ivecs", "20000000": "idx_20M.ivecs", "50000000": "idx_50M.ivecs", "100000000": "idx_100M.ivecs", "200000000": "idx_200M.ivecs", "500000000": "idx_500M.ivecs", "1000000000": "idx_1000M.ivecs", } METRIC_MAP = { "l2": "L2", "ip": "IP", "jaccard": "JACCARD", "hamming": "HAMMING", "sub": "SUBSTRUCTURE", "super": "SUPERSTRUCTURE" } def get_len_vectors_per_file(data_type, dimension): if data_type == "random": if dimension == 512: vectors_per_file = VECTORS_PER_FILE elif dimension == 4096: vectors_per_file = 100000 elif dimension == 16384: vectors_per_file = 10000 else: raise Exception("dimension: %s not supported" % str(dimension)) elif data_type == "sift": vectors_per_file = SIFT_VECTORS_PER_FILE elif data_type in ["binary"]: vectors_per_file = BINARY_VECTORS_PER_FILE elif data_type == "local": vectors_per_file = SIFT_VECTORS_PER_FILE else: raise Exception("data_type: %s not supported" % data_type) return vectors_per_file def get_vectors_from_binary(nq, dimension, data_type): # use the first file, nq should be less than VECTORS_PER_FILE 10001 if nq > MAX_NQ: raise Exception("Over size nq") if data_type == "local": return generate_vectors(nq, dimension) elif data_type == "random": file_name = RANDOM_SRC_DATA_DIR + 'query_%d.npy' % dimension elif data_type == "sift": file_name = SIFT_SRC_DATA_DIR + 'query.npy' elif data_type == "deep": file_name = DEEP_SRC_DATA_DIR + 'query.npy' elif data_type == "binary": file_name = BINARY_SRC_DATA_DIR + 'query.npy' else: raise Exception("There is no corresponding file for this data type %s." % str(data_type)) data = np.load(file_name) vectors = data[0:nq].tolist() return vectors def generate_vectors(nb, dim): return [[random.random() for _ in range(dim)] for _ in range(nb)] def generate_values(data_type, vectors, ids): values = None if data_type in [DataType.INT32, DataType.INT64]: values = ids elif data_type in [DataType.FLOAT, DataType.DOUBLE]: values = [(i + 0.0) for i in ids] elif data_type in [DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, DataType.BINARY_VECTOR]: values = vectors return values def generate_entities(info, vectors, ids=None): entities = [] for field in info["fields"]: # if field["name"] == "_id": # continue field_type = field["type"] entities.append( {"name": field["name"], "type": field_type, "values": generate_values(field_type, vectors, ids)}) return entities def metric_type_trans(metric_type): if metric_type in METRIC_MAP.keys(): return METRIC_MAP[metric_type] else: raise Exception("metric_type: %s not in METRIC_MAP" % metric_type) def get_dataset(hdf5_file_path): """ Determine whether hdf5 file exists, and return the content of hdf5 file """ if not os.path.exists(hdf5_file_path): raise Exception("%s not existed" % hdf5_file_path) dataset = h5py.File(hdf5_file_path) return dataset def get_default_field_name(data_type=DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR): """ Return field name according to data type """ if data_type == DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR: field_name = DEFAULT_F_FIELD_NAME elif data_type == DataType.BINARY_VECTOR: field_name = DEFAULT_B_FIELD_NAME elif data_type == DataType.INT64: field_name = DEFAULT_INT_FIELD_NAME elif data_type == DataType.FLOAT: field_name = DEFAULT_FLOAT_FIELD_NAME else: logger.error(data_type) raise Exception("Not supported data type") return field_name def get_vector_type(data_type): """ Return vector type according to data type """ vector_type = '' if data_type in ["random", "sift", "deep", "glove", "local"]: vector_type = DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR elif data_type in ["binary"]: vector_type = DataType.BINARY_VECTOR else: raise Exception("Data type: %s not defined" % data_type) return vector_type def get_vector_type_from_metric(metric_type): if metric_type in ["hamming", "jaccard"]: vector_type = DataType.BINARY_VECTOR else: vector_type = DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR return vector_type def normalize(metric_type, X): if metric_type == "ip":"Set normalize for metric_type: %s" % metric_type) X = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(X, axis=1, norm='l2') X = X.astype(np.float32) elif metric_type == "l2": X = X.astype(np.float32) elif metric_type in ["jaccard", "hamming", "sub", "super"]: tmp = [] for item in X: new_vector = bytes(np.packbits(item, axis=-1).tolist()) tmp.append(new_vector) X = tmp return X def generate_combinations(args): if isinstance(args, list): args = [el if isinstance(el, list) else [el] for el in args] return [list(x) for x in product(*args)] elif isinstance(args, dict): flat = [] for k, v in args.items(): if isinstance(v, list): flat.append([(k, el) for el in v]) else: flat.append([(k, v)]) return [dict(x) for x in product(*flat)] else: raise TypeError("No args handling exists for %s" % type(args).__name__) def gen_file_name(idx, dimension, data_type): s = "%05d" % idx fname = FILE_PREFIX + str(dimension) + "d_" + s + ".npy" if data_type == "random": fname = RANDOM_SRC_DATA_DIR + fname elif data_type == "sift": fname = SIFT_SRC_DATA_DIR + fname elif data_type == "deep": fname = DEEP_SRC_DATA_DIR + fname elif data_type == "jaccard": fname = JACCARD_SRC_DATA_DIR + fname elif data_type == "hamming": fname = HAMMING_SRC_DATA_DIR + fname elif data_type == "sub" or data_type == "super": fname = STRUCTURE_SRC_DATA_DIR + fname return fname def get_recall_value(true_ids, result_ids): """ Use the intersection length true_ids: neighbors taken from the dataset result_ids: ids returned by query """ sum_radio = 0.0 for index, item in enumerate(result_ids): # tmp = set(item).intersection(set(flat_id_list[index])) # Get the value of true_ids and the returned value to do the intersection tmp = set(true_ids[index]).intersection(set(item)) # Add up each ratio sum_radio = sum_radio + len(tmp) / len(item) # logger.debug(sum_radio) # Calculate the average ratio and take three digits after the decimal point return round(sum_radio / len(result_ids), 3) def get_ground_truth_ids(collection_size): fname = GROUNDTRUTH_MAP[str(collection_size)] fname = SIFT_SRC_GROUNDTRUTH_DATA_DIR + "/" + fname a = np.fromfile(fname, dtype='int32') d = a[0] true_ids = a.reshape(-1, d + 1)[:, 1:].copy() return true_ids def normalize(metric_type, X): if metric_type == "ip":"Set normalize for metric_type: %s" % metric_type) X = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(X, axis=1, norm='l2') X = X.astype(np.float32) elif metric_type == "l2": X = X.astype(np.float32) elif metric_type in ["jaccard", "hamming", "sub", "super"]: tmp = [] for item in X: new_vector = bytes(np.packbits(item, axis=-1).tolist()) tmp.append(new_vector) X = tmp return X