// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package datanode import ( "context" "errors" "testing" "time" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/util/retry" "github.com/bits-and-blooms/bloom/v3" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/common" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/mq/msgstream" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/proto/schemapb" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/storage" "github.com/milvus-io/milvus/internal/util/flowgraph" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" ) var deleteNodeTestDir = "/tmp/milvus_test/deleteNode" type mockReplica struct { Replica newSegments map[UniqueID]*Segment normalSegments map[UniqueID]*Segment flushedSegments map[UniqueID]*Segment compactedSegments map[UniqueID]*Segment } var _ Replica = (*mockReplica)(nil) func newMockReplica() *mockReplica { return &mockReplica{ newSegments: make(map[int64]*Segment), normalSegments: make(map[int64]*Segment), flushedSegments: make(map[int64]*Segment), compactedSegments: make(map[int64]*Segment), } } func (replica *mockReplica) listCompactedSegmentIDs() map[UniqueID][]UniqueID { return make(map[UniqueID][]UniqueID) } func (replica *mockReplica) removeSegments(segIDs ...UniqueID) {} func (replica *mockReplica) filterSegments(channelName string, partitionID UniqueID) []*Segment { results := make([]*Segment, 0) for _, value := range replica.newSegments { results = append(results, value) } for _, value := range replica.normalSegments { results = append(results, value) } for _, value := range replica.flushedSegments { results = append(results, value) } return results } func (replica *mockReplica) getCollectionID() UniqueID { return 0 } func (replica *mockReplica) getCollectionSchema(collectionID UniqueID, ts Timestamp) (*schemapb.CollectionSchema, error) { if ts == 0 { return nil, errors.New("mocked error") } return &schemapb.CollectionSchema{}, nil } func (replica *mockReplica) getCollectionAndPartitionID(segID UniqueID) (collID, partitionID UniqueID, err error) { if segID == -1 { return -1, -1, errors.New("mocked error") } return 0, 1, nil } func (replica *mockReplica) hasSegment(segID UniqueID, countFlushed bool) bool { _, has := replica.newSegments[segID] if has { return true } _, has = replica.normalSegments[segID] if has { return true } if !countFlushed { return false } _, has = replica.flushedSegments[segID] return has } func TestFlowGraphDeleteNode_newDeleteNode(te *testing.T) { tests := []struct { ctx context.Context config *nodeConfig description string }{ {context.Background(), &nodeConfig{}, "pointer of SegmentReplica"}, } for _, test := range tests { te.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) { dn, err := newDeleteNode(test.ctx, nil, make(chan string, 1), test.config) assert.Nil(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, dn) assert.Equal(t, "deleteNode-"+dn.channelName, dn.Name()) dn.Close() }) } } func genMockReplica(segIDs []int64, pks []primaryKey, chanName string) *mockReplica { buf := make([]byte, 8) filter0 := bloom.NewWithEstimates(1000000, 0.01) for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { switch pks[i].Type() { case schemapb.DataType_Int64: common.Endian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(pks[i].(*int64PrimaryKey).Value)) filter0.Add(buf) case schemapb.DataType_VarChar: filter0.AddString(pks[i].(*varCharPrimaryKey).Value) } } filter1 := bloom.NewWithEstimates(1000000, 0.01) for i := 3; i < 5; i++ { switch pks[i].Type() { case schemapb.DataType_Int64: common.Endian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(pks[i].(*int64PrimaryKey).Value)) filter1.Add(buf) case schemapb.DataType_VarChar: filter1.AddString(pks[i].(*varCharPrimaryKey).Value) } } seg0 := &Segment{ segmentID: segIDs[0], channelName: chanName, pkFilter: filter0, } seg1 := &Segment{ segmentID: segIDs[1], channelName: chanName, pkFilter: filter0, } seg2 := &Segment{ segmentID: segIDs[2], channelName: chanName, pkFilter: filter0, } seg3 := &Segment{ segmentID: segIDs[3], channelName: chanName, pkFilter: filter1, } seg4 := &Segment{ segmentID: segIDs[4], channelName: chanName, pkFilter: filter1, } seg5 := &Segment{ segmentID: segIDs[4], channelName: "test_error", pkFilter: filter1, } replica := newMockReplica() replica.newSegments[segIDs[0]] = seg0 replica.newSegments[segIDs[1]] = seg1 replica.normalSegments[segIDs[2]] = seg2 replica.normalSegments[segIDs[3]] = seg3 replica.flushedSegments[segIDs[4]] = seg4 replica.flushedSegments[segIDs[4]] = seg5 return replica } func TestFlowGraphDeleteNode_Operate(t *testing.T) { t.Run("Test deleteNode Operate invalid Msg", func(te *testing.T) { invalidInTests := []struct { in []Msg desc string }{ {[]Msg{}, "Invalid input length == 0"}, {[]Msg{&flowGraphMsg{}, &flowGraphMsg{}, &flowGraphMsg{}}, "Invalid input length == 3"}, {[]Msg{&flowGraphMsg{}}, "Invalid input length == 1 but input message is not msgStreamMsg"}, {[]Msg{&flowgraph.MsgStreamMsg{}}, "Invalid input length == 1 but input message is not flowGraphMsg"}, } for _, test := range invalidInTests { te.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) { dn := deleteNode{} rt := dn.Operate(test.in) assert.Empty(t, rt) }) } }) const ( chanName = "channel-test" ) var ( segIDs = []int64{11, 22, 33, 44, 55} int64Pks = []primaryKey{ newInt64PrimaryKey(3), newInt64PrimaryKey(17), newInt64PrimaryKey(44), newInt64PrimaryKey(190), newInt64PrimaryKey(425), } varCharPks = []primaryKey{ newVarCharPrimaryKey("ab"), newVarCharPrimaryKey("ac"), newVarCharPrimaryKey("bcd"), newVarCharPrimaryKey("gggg"), newVarCharPrimaryKey("milvus"), } tss = []uint64{1, 1, 1, 1, 1} ) cm := storage.NewLocalChunkManager(storage.RootPath(deleteNodeTestDir)) defer cm.RemoveWithPrefix("") t.Run("Test get segment by varChar primary keys", func(te *testing.T) { replica := genMockReplica(segIDs, varCharPks, chanName) fm := NewRendezvousFlushManager(NewAllocatorFactory(), cm, replica, func(*segmentFlushPack) {}, emptyFlushAndDropFunc) c := &nodeConfig{ replica: replica, allocator: &allocator{}, vChannelName: chanName, } dn, err := newDeleteNode(context.Background(), fm, make(chan string, 1), c) assert.Nil(t, err) segID2Pks, _ := dn.filterSegmentByPK(0, varCharPks, tss) expected := map[int64][]primaryKey{ segIDs[0]: varCharPks[0:3], segIDs[1]: varCharPks[0:3], segIDs[2]: varCharPks[0:3], segIDs[3]: varCharPks[3:5], segIDs[4]: varCharPks[3:5], } for segmentID, expectedPks := range expected { filterPks := segID2Pks[segmentID] assert.Equal(t, len(expectedPks), len(filterPks)) for index, pk := range expectedPks { assert.Equal(t, true, pk.EQ(filterPks[index])) } } }) replica := genMockReplica(segIDs, int64Pks, chanName) fm := NewRendezvousFlushManager(NewAllocatorFactory(), cm, replica, func(*segmentFlushPack) {}, emptyFlushAndDropFunc) t.Run("Test get segment by int64 primary keys", func(te *testing.T) { c := &nodeConfig{ replica: replica, allocator: &allocator{}, vChannelName: chanName, } dn, err := newDeleteNode(context.Background(), fm, make(chan string, 1), c) assert.Nil(t, err) segID2Pks, _ := dn.filterSegmentByPK(0, int64Pks, tss) expected := map[int64][]primaryKey{ segIDs[0]: int64Pks[0:3], segIDs[1]: int64Pks[0:3], segIDs[2]: int64Pks[0:3], segIDs[3]: int64Pks[3:5], segIDs[4]: int64Pks[3:5], } for segmentID, expectedPks := range expected { filterPks := segID2Pks[segmentID] assert.Equal(t, len(expectedPks), len(filterPks)) for index, pk := range expectedPks { assert.Equal(t, true, pk.EQ(filterPks[index])) } } }) t.Run("Test deleteNode Operate valid Msg with failure", func(te *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second) defer cancel() chanName := "datanode-test-FlowGraphDeletenode-operate" testPath := "/test/datanode/root/meta" assert.NoError(t, clearEtcd(testPath)) Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath = testPath c := &nodeConfig{ replica: replica, allocator: NewAllocatorFactory(), vChannelName: chanName, } delNode, err := newDeleteNode(ctx, fm, make(chan string, 1), c) assert.Nil(te, err) msg := genFlowGraphDeleteMsg(int64Pks, chanName) msg.segmentsToFlush = segIDs // this will fail since ts = 0 will trigger mocked error var fgMsg flowgraph.Msg = &msg delNode.Operate([]flowgraph.Msg{fgMsg}) }) t.Run("Test deleteNode Operate valid Msg with failure", func(te *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second) defer cancel() chanName := "datanode-test-FlowGraphDeletenode-operate" testPath := "/test/datanode/root/meta" assert.NoError(t, clearEtcd(testPath)) Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath = testPath c := &nodeConfig{ replica: replica, allocator: NewAllocatorFactory(), vChannelName: chanName, } delNode, err := newDeleteNode(ctx, fm, make(chan string, 1), c) assert.Nil(te, err) msg := genFlowGraphDeleteMsg(int64Pks, chanName) msg.segmentsToFlush = segIDs msg.endPositions[0].Timestamp = 100 // set to normal timestamp var fgMsg flowgraph.Msg = &msg delNode.Operate([]flowgraph.Msg{fgMsg}) msg.deleteMessages = []*msgstream.DeleteMsg{} // send again shall trigger empty buffer flush delNode.Operate([]flowgraph.Msg{fgMsg}) }) t.Run("Test deleteNode Operate valid with dropCollection", func(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second) defer cancel() chanName := "datanode-test-FlowGraphDeletenode-operate" testPath := "/test/datanode/root/meta" assert.NoError(t, clearEtcd(testPath)) Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath = testPath c := &nodeConfig{ replica: replica, allocator: NewAllocatorFactory(), vChannelName: chanName, } sig := make(chan string, 1) delNode, err := newDeleteNode(ctx, fm, sig, c) assert.Nil(t, err) msg := genFlowGraphDeleteMsg(int64Pks, chanName) msg.segmentsToFlush = segIDs msg.endPositions[0].Timestamp = 100 // set to normal timestamp msg.dropCollection = true assert.NotPanics(t, func() { fm.startDropping() delNode.Operate([]flowgraph.Msg{&msg}) }) timer := time.NewTimer(time.Millisecond) select { case <-timer.C: t.FailNow() case <-sig: } }) t.Run("Test deleteNode Operate flushDelData failed", func(te *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second) defer cancel() chanName := "datanode-test-FlowGraphDeletenode-operate" testPath := "/test/datanode/root/meta" assert.NoError(t, clearEtcd(testPath)) Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath = testPath c := &nodeConfig{ replica: &mockReplica{}, allocator: NewAllocatorFactory(), vChannelName: chanName, } delNode, err := newDeleteNode(ctx, fm, make(chan string, 1), c) assert.Nil(te, err) msg := genFlowGraphDeleteMsg(int64Pks, chanName) msg.segmentsToFlush = []UniqueID{-1} delNode.delBuf.Store(UniqueID(-1), &DelDataBuf{}) delNode.flushManager = &mockFlushManager{ returnError: true, } var fgMsg flowgraph.Msg = &msg flowGraphRetryOpt = retry.Attempts(1) assert.Panics(te, func() { delNode.Operate([]flowgraph.Msg{fgMsg}) }) }) t.Run("Test issue#18565", func(t *testing.T) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second) defer cancel() chanName := "datanode-test-FlowGraphDeletenode-issue18565" testPath := "/test/datanode/root/meta" assert.NoError(t, clearEtcd(testPath)) Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath = testPath replica := &SegmentReplica{ newSegments: make(map[UniqueID]*Segment), normalSegments: make(map[UniqueID]*Segment), flushedSegments: make(map[UniqueID]*Segment), compactedSegments: make(map[UniqueID]*Segment), } c := &nodeConfig{ replica: replica, allocator: NewAllocatorFactory(), vChannelName: chanName, } delNode, err := newDeleteNode(ctx, fm, make(chan string, 1), c) assert.Nil(t, err) compactedSegment := UniqueID(10020987) replica.compactedSegments[compactedSegment] = &Segment{ segmentID: compactedSegment, compactedTo: 100, } msg := genFlowGraphDeleteMsg(int64Pks, chanName) msg.deleteMessages = []*msgstream.DeleteMsg{} msg.segmentsToFlush = []UniqueID{compactedSegment} delNode.delBuf.Store(compactedSegment, &DelDataBuf{delData: &DeleteData{}}) delNode.flushManager = NewRendezvousFlushManager(&allocator{}, cm, replica, func(*segmentFlushPack) {}, emptyFlushAndDropFunc) var fgMsg flowgraph.Msg = &msg flowGraphRetryOpt = retry.Attempts(1) assert.NotPanics(t, func() { delNode.Operate([]flowgraph.Msg{fgMsg}) }) _, ok := delNode.delBuf.Load(100) assert.False(t, ok) _, ok = delNode.delBuf.Load(compactedSegment) assert.False(t, ok) }) } func TestFlowGraphDeleteNode_showDelBuf(t *testing.T) { cm := storage.NewLocalChunkManager(storage.RootPath(deleteNodeTestDir)) defer cm.RemoveWithPrefix("") fm := NewRendezvousFlushManager(NewAllocatorFactory(), cm, &mockReplica{}, func(*segmentFlushPack) {}, emptyFlushAndDropFunc) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second) defer cancel() chanName := "datanode-test-FlowGraphDeletenode-showDelBuf" testPath := "/test/datanode/root/meta" assert.NoError(t, clearEtcd(testPath)) Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath = testPath c := &nodeConfig{ replica: &mockReplica{}, allocator: NewAllocatorFactory(), vChannelName: chanName, } delNode, err := newDeleteNode(ctx, fm, make(chan string, 1), c) require.NoError(t, err) tests := []struct { seg UniqueID numRows int64 }{ {111, 10}, {112, 10}, {113, 1}, } for _, test := range tests { delBuf := newDelDataBuf() delBuf.updateSize(test.numRows) delNode.delBuf.Store(test.seg, delBuf) } delNode.showDelBuf([]UniqueID{111, 112, 113}, 100) } func TestFlowGraphDeleteNode_updateCompactedSegments(t *testing.T) { cm := storage.NewLocalChunkManager(storage.RootPath(deleteNodeTestDir)) defer cm.RemoveWithPrefix("") fm := NewRendezvousFlushManager(NewAllocatorFactory(), cm, &mockReplica{}, func(*segmentFlushPack) {}, emptyFlushAndDropFunc) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second) defer cancel() chanName := "datanode-test-FlowGraphDeletenode-showDelBuf" testPath := "/test/datanode/root/meta" assert.NoError(t, clearEtcd(testPath)) Params.EtcdCfg.MetaRootPath = testPath replica := SegmentReplica{ newSegments: make(map[UniqueID]*Segment), normalSegments: make(map[UniqueID]*Segment), flushedSegments: make(map[UniqueID]*Segment), compactedSegments: make(map[UniqueID]*Segment), } c := &nodeConfig{ replica: &replica, allocator: NewAllocatorFactory(), vChannelName: chanName, } delNode, err := newDeleteNode(ctx, fm, make(chan string, 1), c) require.NoError(t, err) tests := []struct { description string segIDsInBuffer []UniqueID compactedToIDs []UniqueID compactedFromIDs []UniqueID expectedSegsRemain []UniqueID }{ {"zero segments", []UniqueID{}, []UniqueID{}, []UniqueID{}, []UniqueID{}}, {"segment no compaction", []UniqueID{100, 101}, []UniqueID{}, []UniqueID{}, []UniqueID{100, 101}}, {"segment compacted not in buffer", []UniqueID{100, 101}, []UniqueID{200}, []UniqueID{103}, []UniqueID{100, 101}}, {"segment compacted in buffer one", []UniqueID{100, 101}, []UniqueID{201}, []UniqueID{100}, []UniqueID{101, 201}}, {"segment compacted in buffer all-1", []UniqueID{100, 101}, []UniqueID{201, 201}, []UniqueID{100, 101}, []UniqueID{201}}, {"segment compacted in buffer all-2", []UniqueID{100, 101}, []UniqueID{201, 202}, []UniqueID{100, 101}, []UniqueID{201, 202}}, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) { for _, seg := range test.segIDsInBuffer { delBuf := newDelDataBuf() delNode.delBuf.Store(seg, delBuf) } for i, seg := range test.compactedFromIDs { replica.compactedSegments[seg] = &Segment{ segmentID: seg, compactedTo: test.compactedToIDs[i], } } delNode.updateCompactedSegments() for _, remain := range test.expectedSegsRemain { _, ok := delNode.delBuf.Load(remain) assert.True(t, ok) } var count int delNode.delBuf.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool { count++ return true }) assert.Equal(t, len(test.expectedSegsRemain), count) }) } }