import os class LogConfig: def __init__(self): self.log_debug = "" self.log_err = "" self.log_info = "" self.get_default_config() @staticmethod def get_env_variable(var="CI_LOG_PATH"): """ get log path for testing """ try: log_path = os.environ[var] return str(log_path) except Exception as e: log_path = "/tmp/ci_logs/" print("[get_env_variable] failed to get environment variables : %s, use default path : %s" % (str(e), log_path)) return log_path @staticmethod def create_path(log_path): if not os.path.isdir(str(log_path)): print("[create_path] folder(%s) is not exist." % log_path) print("[create_path] create path now...") os.makedirs(log_path) def get_default_config(self): """ Make sure the path exists """ log_dir = self.get_env_variable() self.log_debug = "%s/ci_test_log.debug" % log_dir self.log_info = "%s/ci_test_log.log" % log_dir self.log_err = "%s/ci_test_log.err" % log_dir self.create_path(log_dir) log_config = LogConfig()