// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Zilliz. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License // is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express // or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License #include #include #include #include #include #include "faiss/utils/distances.h" #include "knowhere/index/vector_index/IndexIVF.h" #include "knowhere/index/vector_offset_index/IndexIVF_NM.h" #include "query/SearchBruteForce.h" #include "segcore/Reduce.h" #include "test_utils/DataGen.h" #include "test_utils/Timer.h" using namespace milvus; using namespace milvus::segcore; namespace { template auto generate_data(int N) { std::vector raw_data; std::vector timestamps; std::vector uids; std::default_random_engine er(42); std::uniform_real_distribution<> distribution(0.0, 1.0); std::default_random_engine ei(42); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { uids.push_back(10 * N + i); timestamps.push_back(0); // append vec std::vector vec(DIM); for (auto& x : vec) { x = distribution(er); } raw_data.insert(raw_data.end(), std::begin(vec), std::end(vec)); } return std::make_tuple(raw_data, timestamps, uids); } } // namespace TEST(Indexing, SmartBruteForce) { constexpr int N = 100000; constexpr int DIM = 16; constexpr int TOPK = 10; auto [raw_data, timestamps, uids] = generate_data(N); auto total_count = DIM * TOPK; auto raw = (const float*)raw_data.data(); AssertInfo(raw, "wtf"); constexpr int64_t queries = 3; auto heap = faiss::float_maxheap_array_t{}; auto query_data = raw; std::vector final_uids(total_count, -1); std::vector final_dis(total_count, std::numeric_limits::max()); for (int beg = 0; beg < N; beg += TestChunkSize) { std::vector buf_uids(total_count, -1); std::vector buf_dis(total_count, std::numeric_limits::max()); faiss::float_maxheap_array_t buf = {queries, TOPK, buf_uids.data(), buf_dis.data()}; auto end = beg + TestChunkSize; if (end > N) { end = N; } auto nsize = end - beg; auto src_data = raw + beg * DIM; faiss::knn_L2sqr(query_data, src_data, DIM, queries, nsize, &buf, nullptr); for (auto& x : buf_uids) { x = uids[x + beg]; } merge_into(queries, TOPK, final_dis.data(), final_uids.data(), buf_dis.data(), buf_uids.data()); } for (int qn = 0; qn < queries; ++qn) { for (int kn = 0; kn < TOPK; ++kn) { auto index = qn * TOPK + kn; std::cout << final_uids[index] << "->" << final_dis[index] << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } } TEST(Indexing, Naive) { constexpr int N = 10000; constexpr int DIM = 16; constexpr int TOPK = 10; auto [raw_data, timestamps, uids] = generate_data(N); auto index = knowhere::VecIndexFactory::GetInstance().CreateVecIndex(knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IVFPQ, knowhere::IndexMode::MODE_CPU); auto conf = knowhere::Config{ {knowhere::meta::DIM, DIM}, {knowhere::meta::TOPK, TOPK}, {knowhere::IndexParams::nlist, 100}, {knowhere::IndexParams::nprobe, 4}, {knowhere::IndexParams::m, 4}, {knowhere::IndexParams::nbits, 8}, {knowhere::Metric::TYPE, knowhere::Metric::L2}, {knowhere::meta::DEVICEID, 0}, }; // auto ds = knowhere::GenDataset(N, DIM, raw_data.data()); // auto ds2 = knowhere::GenDatasetWithIds(N / 2, DIM, raw_data.data() + // sizeof(float[DIM]) * N / 2, uids.data() + N / 2); // NOTE: you must train first and then add // index->Train(ds, conf); // index->Train(ds2, conf); // index->AddWithoutIds(ds, conf); // index->Add(ds2, conf); std::vector datasets; std::vector> ftrashs; auto raw = raw_data.data(); for (int beg = 0; beg < N; beg += TestChunkSize) { auto end = beg + TestChunkSize; if (end > N) { end = N; } std::vector ft(raw + DIM * beg, raw + DIM * end); auto ds = knowhere::GenDataset(end - beg, DIM, ft.data()); datasets.push_back(ds); ftrashs.push_back(std::move(ft)); // // NOTE: you must train first and then add // index->Train(ds, conf); // index->Add(ds, conf); } for (auto& ds : datasets) { index->Train(ds, conf); } for (auto& ds : datasets) { index->AddWithoutIds(ds, conf); } auto bitmap = BitsetType(N, false); // exclude the first for (int i = 0; i < N / 2; ++i) { bitmap.set(i); } // index->SetBlacklist(bitmap); BitsetView view = bitmap; auto query_ds = knowhere::GenDataset(1, DIM, raw_data.data()); auto final = index->Query(query_ds, conf, view); auto ids = final->Get(knowhere::meta::IDS); auto distances = final->Get(knowhere::meta::DISTANCE); for (int i = 0; i < TOPK; ++i) { if (ids[i] < N / 2) { std::cout << "WRONG: "; } std::cout << ids[i] << "->" << distances[i] << std::endl; } } TEST(Indexing, IVFFlat) { constexpr int N = 100000; constexpr int NQ = 10; constexpr int DIM = 16; constexpr int TOPK = 5; constexpr int NLIST = 128; constexpr int NPROBE = 16; Timer timer; auto [raw_data, timestamps, uids] = generate_data(N); std::cout << "generate data: " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; auto indexing = std::make_shared(); auto conf = knowhere::Config{{knowhere::meta::DIM, DIM}, {knowhere::meta::TOPK, TOPK}, {knowhere::IndexParams::nlist, NLIST}, {knowhere::IndexParams::nprobe, NPROBE}, {knowhere::Metric::TYPE, knowhere::Metric::L2}, {knowhere::meta::DEVICEID, 0}}; auto database = knowhere::GenDataset(N, DIM, raw_data.data()); std::cout << "init ivf " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; indexing->Train(database, conf); std::cout << "train ivf " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; indexing->AddWithoutIds(database, conf); std::cout << "insert ivf " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; EXPECT_EQ(indexing->Count(), N); EXPECT_EQ(indexing->Dim(), DIM); auto dataset = knowhere::GenDataset(NQ, DIM, raw_data.data() + DIM * 4200); auto result = indexing->Query(dataset, conf, nullptr); std::cout << "query ivf " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; auto ids = result->Get(knowhere::meta::IDS); auto dis = result->Get(knowhere::meta::DISTANCE); for (int i = 0; i < std::min(NQ * TOPK, 100); ++i) { std::cout << ids[i] << "->" << dis[i] << std::endl; } } TEST(Indexing, IVFFlatNM) { constexpr int N = 100000; constexpr int NQ = 10; constexpr int DIM = 16; constexpr int TOPK = 5; constexpr int NLIST = 128; constexpr int NPROBE = 16; Timer timer; auto [raw_data, timestamps, uids] = generate_data(N); std::cout << "generate data: " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; auto indexing = std::make_shared(); auto conf = knowhere::Config{{knowhere::meta::DIM, DIM}, {knowhere::meta::TOPK, TOPK}, {knowhere::IndexParams::nlist, NLIST}, {knowhere::IndexParams::nprobe, NPROBE}, {knowhere::Metric::TYPE, knowhere::Metric::L2}, {knowhere::meta::DEVICEID, 0}}; auto database = knowhere::GenDataset(N, DIM, raw_data.data()); std::cout << "init ivf_nm " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; indexing->Train(database, conf); std::cout << "train ivf_nm " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; indexing->AddWithoutIds(database, conf); std::cout << "insert ivf_nm " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; indexing->SetIndexSize(NQ * DIM * sizeof(float)); knowhere::BinarySet bs = indexing->Serialize(conf); knowhere::BinaryPtr bptr = std::make_shared(); bptr->data = std::shared_ptr((uint8_t*)raw_data.data(), [&](uint8_t*) {}); bptr->size = DIM * N * sizeof(float); bs.Append(RAW_DATA, bptr); indexing->Load(bs); EXPECT_EQ(indexing->Count(), N); EXPECT_EQ(indexing->Dim(), DIM); auto dataset = knowhere::GenDataset(NQ, DIM, raw_data.data() + DIM * 4200); auto result = indexing->Query(dataset, conf, nullptr); std::cout << "query ivf_nm " << timer.get_step_seconds() << " seconds" << std::endl; auto ids = result->Get(knowhere::meta::IDS); auto dis = result->Get(knowhere::meta::DISTANCE); for (int i = 0; i < std::min(NQ * TOPK, 100); ++i) { std::cout << ids[i] << "->" << dis[i] << std::endl; } } TEST(Indexing, BinaryBruteForce) { int64_t N = 100000; int64_t num_queries = 10; int64_t topk = 5; int64_t round_decimal = 3; int64_t dim = 8192; auto result_count = topk * num_queries; auto schema = std::make_shared(); auto vec_fid = schema->AddDebugField("vecbin", DataType::VECTOR_BINARY, dim, MetricType::METRIC_Jaccard); auto i64_fid = schema->AddDebugField("age", DataType::INT64); auto dataset = DataGen(schema, N, 10); auto bin_vec = dataset.get_col(vec_fid); auto query_data = 1024 * dim / 8 + bin_vec.data(); query::dataset::SearchDataset search_dataset{ faiss::MetricType::METRIC_Jaccard, // num_queries, // topk, // round_decimal, dim, // query_data // }; auto sub_result = query::BinarySearchBruteForce(search_dataset, bin_vec.data(), N, nullptr); SearchResult sr; sr.num_queries_ = num_queries; sr.topk_ = topk; sr.seg_offsets_ = std::move(sub_result.mutable_seg_offsets()); sr.distances_ = std::move(sub_result.mutable_distances()); auto json = SearchResultToJson(sr); std::cout << json.dump(2); #ifdef __linux__ auto ref = json::parse(R"( [ [ [ "1024->0.000000", "48942->0.642000", "18494->0.644000", "68225->0.644000", "93557->0.644000" ], [ "1025->0.000000", "73557->0.641000", "53086->0.643000", "9737->0.643000", "62855->0.644000" ], [ "1026->0.000000", "62904->0.644000", "46758->0.644000", "57969->0.645000", "98113->0.646000" ], [ "1027->0.000000", "92446->0.638000", "96034->0.640000", "92129->0.644000", "45887->0.644000" ], [ "1028->0.000000", "22992->0.643000", "73903->0.644000", "19969->0.645000", "65178->0.645000" ], [ "1029->0.000000", "19776->0.641000", "15166->0.642000", "85470->0.642000", "16730->0.643000" ], [ "1030->0.000000", "55939->0.640000", "84253->0.643000", "31958->0.644000", "11667->0.646000" ], [ "1031->0.000000", "89536->0.637000", "61622->0.638000", "9275->0.639000", "91403->0.640000" ], [ "1032->0.000000", "69504->0.642000", "23414->0.644000", "48770->0.645000", "23231->0.645000" ], [ "1033->0.000000", "33540->0.636000", "25310->0.640000", "18576->0.640000", "73729->0.642000" ] ] ] )"); #else // for mac auto ref = json::parse(R"( [ [ [ "1024->0.000000", "59169->0.645000", "98548->0.646000", "3356->0.646000", "90373->0.647000" ], [ "1025->0.000000", "61245->0.638000", "95271->0.639000", "31087->0.639000", "31549->0.640000" ], [ "1026->0.000000", "65225->0.648000", "35750->0.648000", "14971->0.649000", "75385->0.649000" ], [ "1027->0.000000", "70158->0.640000", "27076->0.640000", "3407->0.641000", "59527->0.641000" ], [ "1028->0.000000", "45757->0.645000", "3356->0.645000", "77230->0.646000", "28690->0.647000" ], [ "1029->0.000000", "13291->0.642000", "24960->0.643000", "83770->0.643000", "88244->0.643000" ], [ "1030->0.000000", "96807->0.641000", "39920->0.643000", "62943->0.644000", "12603->0.644000" ], [ "1031->0.000000", "65769->0.648000", "60493->0.648000", "48738->0.648000", "4353->0.648000" ], [ "1032->0.000000", "57827->0.637000", "8213->0.638000", "22221->0.639000", "23328->0.640000" ], [ "1033->0.000000", "676->0.645000", "91430->0.646000", "85353->0.646000", "6014->0.646000" ] ] ] )"); #endif auto json_str = json.dump(2); auto ref_str = ref.dump(2); ASSERT_EQ(json_str, ref_str); }