#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )" SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")" [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located done ROOT_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )/.." && pwd )" # ignore Minio,S3 unittes MILVUS_DIR="${ROOT_DIR}/internal/" echo "Run go unittest under $MILVUS_DIR" go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/allocator/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/kv/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/msgstream/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/storage" -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/tso/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/util/dablooms/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/util/funcutil/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/util/mqclient/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/util/paramtable/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/util/retry/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/util/rocksmq/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/util/sessionutil/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/util/trace/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/util/typeutil/..." -failfast # TODO: remove to distributed #go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/proxy/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/datanode/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/indexnode/..." -failfast go test -race -cover "${MILVUS_DIR}/querynode/..." -failfast go test -race -cover -v "${MILVUS_DIR}/distributed/rootcoord" -failfast go test -race -cover -v "${MILVUS_DIR}/rootcoord" -failfast go test -race -cover -v "${MILVUS_DIR}/datacoord/..." -failfast go test -race -cover -v "${MILVUS_DIR}/indexcoord/..." -failfast