## 6. Proxy #### 6.0 Proxy Service API ```protobuf message Credential { string address //TODO: we should add keys/tokens here } message ProxyInfo { common.Status string address int32 port } service ProxyService { rpc RegisterLink(Credential) returns (ProxyInfo){} //TODO: call IAM } ``` #### 6.1 Proxy Instance ```go type Proxy struct { servicepb.UnimplementedMilvusServiceServer masterClient mpb.MasterClient timeTick *timeTick ttStream *MessageStream scheduler *taskScheduler tsAllocator *TimestampAllocator ReqIdAllocator *IdAllocator RowIdAllocator *IdAllocator SegIdAssigner *segIdAssigner } func (proxy *Proxy) Start() error func NewProxy(ctx context.Context) *Proxy ``` #### Global Parameter Table ```go type GlobalParamsTable struct { } func (*paramTable GlobalParamsTable) ProxyId() int64 func (*paramTable GlobalParamsTable) ProxyAddress() string func (*paramTable GlobalParamsTable) MasterAddress() string func (*paramTable GlobalParamsTable) PulsarAddress() string func (*paramTable GlobalParamsTable) TimeTickTopic() string func (*paramTable GlobalParamsTable) InsertTopics() []string func (*paramTable GlobalParamsTable) QueryTopic() string func (*paramTable GlobalParamsTable) QueryResultTopics() []string func (*paramTable GlobalParamsTable) Init() error var ProxyParamTable GlobalParamsTable ``` #### 6.2 Task ``` go type task interface { Id() int64 // return ReqId PreExecute() error Execute() error PostExecute() error WaitToFinish() error Notify() error } ``` * Base Task ```go type baseTask struct { Type ReqType ReqId int64 Ts Timestamp ProxyId int64 } func (task *baseTask) PreExecute() error func (task *baseTask) Execute() error func (task *baseTask) PostExecute() error func (task *baseTask) WaitToFinish() error func (task *baseTask) Notify() error ``` * Insert Task Take insertTask as an example: ```go type insertTask struct { baseTask SegIdAssigner *segIdAssigner RowIdAllocator *IdAllocator rowBatch *RowBatch } func (task *InsertTask) Execute() error func (task *InsertTask) WaitToFinish() error func (task *InsertTask) Notify() error ``` #### 6.2 Task Scheduler * Base Task Queue ```go type baseTaskQueue struct { unissuedTasks *List activeTasks map[int64]*task utLock sync.Mutex // lock for UnissuedTasks atLock sync.Mutex // lock for ActiveTasks } func (queue *baseTaskQueue) AddUnissuedTask(task *task) func (queue *baseTaskQueue) FrontUnissuedTask() *task func (queue *baseTaskQueue) PopUnissuedTask(id int64) *task func (queue *baseTaskQueue) AddActiveTask(task *task) func (queue *baseTaskQueue) PopActiveTask(id int64) *task func (queue *baseTaskQueue) TaskDoneTest(ts Timestamp) bool ``` *AddUnissuedTask(task \*task)* will put a new task into *unissuedTasks*, while maintaining the list by timestamp order. *TaskDoneTest(ts Timestamp)* will check both *unissuedTasks* and *unissuedTasks*. If no task found before *ts*, then the function returns *true*, indicates that all the tasks before *ts* are completed. * Data Definition Task Queue ```go type ddTaskQueue struct { baseTaskQueue lock sync.Mutex } func (queue *ddTaskQueue) Enqueue(task *task) error func newDdTaskQueue() *ddTaskQueue ``` Data definition tasks (i.e. *CreateCollectionTask*) will be put into *DdTaskQueue*. If a task is enqueued, *Enqueue(task \*task)* will set *Ts*, *ReqId*, *ProxyId*, then push it into *queue*. The timestamps of the enqueued tasks should be strictly monotonically increasing. As *Enqueue(task \*task)* will be called in parallel, setting timestamp and queue insertion need to be done atomically. * Data Manipulation Task Queue ```go type dmTaskQueue struct { baseTaskQueue } func (queue *dmTaskQueue) Enqueue(task *task) error func newDmTaskQueue() *dmTaskQueue ``` Insert tasks and delete tasks will be put into *DmTaskQueue*. If a *insertTask* is enqueued, *Enqueue(task \*task)* will set *Ts*, *ReqId*, *ProxyId*, *SegIdAssigner*, *RowIdAllocator*, then push it into *queue*. The *SegIdAssigner* and *RowIdAllocator* will later be used in the task's execution phase. * Data Query Task Queue ```go type dqTaskQueue struct { baseTaskQueue } func (queue *dqTaskQueue) Enqueue(task *task) error func newDqTaskQueue() *dqTaskQueue ``` Queries will be put into *DqTaskQueue*. * Task Scheduler ``` go type taskScheduler struct { DdQueue *ddTaskQueue DmQueue *dmTaskQueue DqQueue *dqTaskQueue tsAllocator *TimestampAllocator ReqIdAllocator *IdAllocator } func (sched *taskScheduler) scheduleDdTask() *task func (sched *taskScheduler) scheduleDmTask() *task func (sched *taskScheduler) scheduleDqTask() *task func (sched *taskScheduler) Start() error func (sched *taskScheduler) TaskDoneTest(ts Timestamp) bool func newTaskScheduler(ctx context.Context, tsAllocator *TimestampAllocator, ReqIdAllocator *IdAllocator) *taskScheduler ``` *scheduleDdTask()* selects tasks in a FIFO manner, thus time order is garanteed. The policy of *scheduleDmTask()* should target on throughput, not tasks' time order. Note that the time order of the tasks' execution will later be garanteed by the timestamp & time tick mechanism. The policy of *scheduleDqTask()* should target on throughput. It should also take visibility into consideration. For example, if an insert task and a query arrive in a same time tick and the query comes after insert, the query should be scheduled in the next tick thus the query can see the insert. *TaskDoneTest(ts Timestamp)* will check all the three task queues. If no task found before *ts*, then the function returns *true*, indicates that all the tasks before *ts* are completed. * Statistics ```go // ActiveComponent interfaces func (sched *taskScheduler) Id() String func (sched *taskScheduler) Status() Status func (sched *taskScheduler) Clean() Status func (sched *taskScheduler) Restart() Status func (sched *taskScheduler) heartbeat() // protobuf message taskSchedulerHeartbeat { string id uint64 dd_queue_length uint64 dm_queue_length uint64 dq_queue_length uint64 num_dd_done uint64 num_dm_done uint64 num_dq_done } ``` #### 6.3 Time Tick * Time Tick ``` go type timeTick struct { lastTick Timestamp currentTick Timestamp wallTick Timestamp tickStep Timestamp syncInterval Timestamp tsAllocator *TimestampAllocator scheduler *taskScheduler ttStream *MessageStream ctx context.Context } func (tt *timeTick) Start() error func (tt *timeTick) synchronize() error func newTimeTick(ctx context.Context, tickStep Timestamp, syncInterval Timestamp, tsAllocator *TimestampAllocator, scheduler *taskScheduler, ttStream *MessageStream) *timeTick ``` *Start()* will enter a loop. On each *tickStep*, it tries to send a *TIME_TICK* typed *TsMsg* into *ttStream*. After each *syncInterval*, it sychronizes its *wallTick* with *tsAllocator* by calling *synchronize()*. When *currentTick + tickStep < wallTick* holds, it will update *currentTick* with *wallTick* on next tick. Otherwise, it will update *currentTick* with *currentTick + tickStep*. * Statistics ```go // ActiveComponent interfaces func (tt *timeTick) ID() String func (tt *timeTick) Status() Status func (tt *timeTick) Clean() Status func (tt *timeTick) Restart() Status func (tt *timeTick) heartbeat() // protobuf message TimeTickHeartbeat { string id uint64 last_tick } ```