## Appendix B. API Reference

In this section, we introduce the RPCs of milvus service. A brief description of the RPCs is listed as follows.

| RPC                     | description                                                                                   |
| :---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| CreateCollection        | create a collection based on schema statement                                                 |
| DropCollection          | drop a collection                                                                             |
| HasCollection           | check whether a collection exists                                                             |
| LoadCollection          | load collection to memory for future search                                                   |
| ReleaseCollection       | release the collection from memory                                                            |
| DescribeCollection      | show a collection's schema and its descriptive statistics                                     |
| GetCollectionStatistics | show a collection's statistics                                                                |
| ShowCollections         | list all collections                                                                          |
| CreatePartition         | create a partition                                                                            |
| DropPartition           | drop a partition                                                                              |
| HasPartition            | check whether a partition exists                                                              |
| LoadPartition           | load partition to memory for future search                                                   |
| ReleasePartitions       | release partitions from memory                                                                |
| GetPartitionStatistics  | show a partition's statistics                                                                 |
| ShowPartitions          | list a collection's all partitions                                                            |
| CreateIndex             | create an index for a field in the collection                                                    |
| DescribeIndex           | get index details for a field in the collection                                               |
| GetIndexStates          | get build index state                                                                         |
| DropIndex               | drop a specific index for a field in the collection                                           |
| Insert                  | insert a batch of rows into a collection or a partition                                       |
| Search                  | query the columns of a collection or a partition with ANNS statements and boolean expressions |
| Flush                   | Perform persistent storage of data in memory                                                  |

**MsgBase** is a base struct in each request.

message MsgBase {
  MsgType msg_type = 1;
  int64  msgID = 2;
  uint64 timestamp = 3;
  int64 sourceID = 4;

**MsgType** is the enum to distinguish different message types in message queue, such as insert msg, search msg, etc. **msgID** is the unique id identifier of message. **timestamp** is the time when this message was generated. **sourceID** is the unique id identifier of the source.

#### 3.1 Definition Requests

###### 3.1.1 CreateCollection


rpc CreateCollection(CreateCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status){}


Create a collection through CreateCollectionRequest.


- **CreateCollectionRequest**

CreateCollectionRequest struct is shown as follows:

message CreateCollectionRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  // `schema` is the serialized `schema.CollectionSchema`
  bytes schema = 4;

message CollectionSchema {
  string name = 1;
  string description = 2;
  bool autoID = 3;
  repeated FieldSchema fields = 4;

CreateCollectionRequest contains **MsgBase**, **db_name**, **collection_name** and serialized collection schema **schema**. **db_name** contains only a string named **collection_name**. Collection with the same collection_name is going to be created.

Collection schema contains all the base information of a collection including **collection name**, **description**, **autoID** and **fields**. Collection description is defined by the database manager to describe the collection. **autoID** determines whether the ID of each row of data is user-defined. If **autoID** is true, our system will generate a unique ID for each data. If **autoID** is false, users need to give each entity an ID when inserting.

**Fields** is a list of **FieldSchema**. Each schema should include Field **name**, **description**, **dataType**, **type_params** and **index_params**.

FieldSchema struct is shown as follows:

message FieldSchema {
  int64 fieldID = 1;
  string name = 2;
  bool is_primary_key = 3;
  string description = 4;
  DataType data_type = 5;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair type_params = 6;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair index_params = 7;

**Field schema** contains all the base information of a field including **fieldID**, **name**, **description**, **data_type**, **type_params** and **index_params**. **data_type** is an enum type to distinguish different data types. Total enum is shown in the last of this doc

**type_params** contains the detailed information of data_type. For example, vector data type should include dimension information. You can give a pair of <dim, 8> to let the field store an 8-dimension vector.

**index_params**:For fast search, you build an index for the field. You specify detailed index information for a field. Detailed information about index can be seen in chapter 2.2.3


- **common.Status**

message Status {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

###### 3.1.2 DropCollection


rpc DropCollection(DropCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}


This method is used to delete collection.


- **DropCollectionRequest**

DropCollectionRequest struct is shown as follows:

message DropCollectionRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;

Collection with the same **collection_name** is going to be deleted.


- **common.Status**

message Status {
  ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

###### 3.1.3 HasCollection


rpc HasCollection(HasCollectionRequest) returns (BoolResponse) {}


This method is used to test collection existence.


- **HasCollectionRequest**

HasCollectionRequest struct is shown as follows:

message HasCollectionRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;

The server finds the collection through **collection_name** and checks whether the collection exists.


- **BoolResponse**

message BoolResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  bool value = 2;

**status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

**value** represents whether the collection exists. If collection exists, value will be true. If collection doesn't exist, value will be false.

###### 3.1.4 LoadCollection


rpc LoadCollection(LoadCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}


This method is used to load collection.


- **LoadCollectionRequest**

LoadCollectionRequest struct is shown as follows:

message LoadCollectionRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;

Collection with the same **collection_name** is going to be loaded to memory.


- **common.Status**

message Status {
  ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

###### 3.1.5 ReleaseCollection


rpc ReleaseCollection(ReleaseCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}


This method is used to release collection.


- **ReleaseCollectionRequest**

ReleaseCollectionRequest struct is shown as follows:

message ReleaseCollectionRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;

Collection with the same **collection_name** is going to be released from memory.


- **common.Status**

message Status {
  ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

###### 3.1.6 DescribeCollection


 rpc DescribeCollection(DescribeCollectionRequest) returns (CollectionDescription) {}


This method is used to get collection schema.


- **DescribeCollectionRequest**

DescribeCollectionRequest struct is shown as follows:

message DescribeCollectionRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  int64 collectionID = 4;

The server finds the collection through **collection_name** and gets detailed collection information. And **collectionID** is for internal component to get collection details.


- **DescribeCollectionResponse**

message DescribeCollectionResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  schema.CollectionSchema schema = 2;
  int64 collectionID = 3;

**status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

**schema** is collection schema same as the collection schema in [CreateCollection](#311-createcollection).

###### 3.1.7 GetCollectionStatistics


 rpc GetCollectionStatistics(GetCollectionStatisticsRequest) returns (GetCollectionStatisticsResponse) {}


This method is used to get collection statistics.


- **GetCollectionStatisticsRequest**

GetCollectionStatisticsRequest struct is shown as follows:

message GetCollectionStatisticsRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;

The server finds the collection through **collection_name** and gets detailed collection statistics.


- **GetCollectionStatisticsResponse**

message GetCollectionStatisticsResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair stats = 2;

**status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the error details.

**stats** is a map saving different statistics. For example, you can get row_count of a collection with key 'row_count'.

###### 3.1.8 ShowCollections


rpc ShowCollections(ShowCollectionsRequest) returns (ShowCollectionsResponse) {}


This method is used to get collection schema.

**Parameters:** None


- **ShowCollectionsResponse**

message ShowCollectionsResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  repeated string collection_names = 2;

**status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the error details.

**collection_names** is a list contains all collections' names.

###### 3.1.9 CreatePartition


rpc CreatePartition(CreatePartitionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}


This method is used to create a partition


- **CreatePartitionRequest**

CreatePartitionRequest struct is shown as follows:

message CreatePartitionRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  string partition_name = 4;

The server creates partition with the **partition_name** in collection with name of **collection_name**

- **Returns:**

- **common.Status**

message Status {
  ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

###### 3.1.10 DropPartition


rpc DropPartition(DropPartitionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}


This method is used to drop partition.


- **DropPartitionRequest**

DropPartitionRequest struct is shown as follows:

message DropPartitionRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  string partition_name = 4;

Drop partition with the same **partition_name** in collection with **collection_name** is going to be deleted.


- **common.Status**

message Status {
  ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

###### 3.1.11 HasPartition


rpc HasPartition(HasPartitionRequest) returns (BoolResponse) {}


This method is used to test partition existence.


- **HasPartitionRequest**

HasPartitionRequest struct is shown as follows:

message HasPartitionRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  string partition_name = 4;

Partition with the same **partition_name** is going to be tested whether it is in collection with **collection_name**.


- **BoolResponse**

message BoolResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  bool value = 2;

**status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

**value** represents whether the partition exists. If partition exists, value will be true. If partition doesn't exist, value will be false.

###### 3.1.12 LoadPartitions


rpc LoadPartitions(LoadPartitionsRequest) returns (common.Status) {}


This method is used to load collection.


- **LoadPartitionsRequest**

LoadPartitionsRequest struct is shown as follows:

message LoadPartitionsRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  repeated string partition_names = 4;

**partition_names** is a list of partition_name. These partitions in collection with the **collection_name** are going to be loaded to memory.


- **common.Status**

message Status {
  ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

###### 3.1.13 ReleasePartitions


rpc ReleasePartitions(ReleasePartitionsRequest) returns (common.Status) {}


This method is used to release partition.


- **ReleasePartitionsRequest**

ReleasePartitionsRequest struct is shown as follows:

message ReleasePartitionsRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  repeated string partition_names = 4;

**partition_names** is a list of partition_name. These partitions in collection with the **collection_name** are going to be released from memory.


- **common.Status**

message Status {
  ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

###### 3.1.14 GetPartitionStatistics


 rpc GetPartitionStatistics(GetPartitionStatisticsRequest) returns (GetPartitionStatisticsResponse) {}


This method is used to get partition statistics.


- **GetPartitionStatisticsRequest**

GetPartitionStatisticsRequest struct is shown as follows:

message GetPartitionStatisticsRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  string partition_name = 4;

The server finds the partition through **partition_name** in collection with **collection_name** and gets detailed partition statistics.


- **GetCollectionStatisticsResponse**

message GetPartitionStatisticsResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair stats = 2;

**status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

**stats** is a map saving different statistics. For example, you can get row_count of a partition with key 'row_count'.

###### 3.1.15 ShowPartitions


rpc ShowPartitions(ShowPartitionsRequest) returns (StringListResponse) {}


This method is used to get partition descriptions.


- **ShowPartitionsRequest**

ShowPartitionsRequest struct is shown as follows:

message ShowPartitionsRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  int64 collectionID = 4;

Partitions in the collection with **collection_name** are going to be listed.


- **StringListResponse**

message ShowPartitionsResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  repeated string partition_names = 2;
  repeated int64 partitionIDs = 3;

**status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

**partition_names** is a list contains all partitions' name.
**partitionIDs** is a list contains all partitions' ids. And the index of a partition in **partition_names** and **partitionIDs** are same.

#### 3.2 Manipulation Requests

###### 3.2.1 Insert


rpc Insert(InsertRequest) returns (InsertResponse){}


Insert a batch of rows into a collection or a partition


- **InsertRequest**

InsertRequest struct is shown as follows:

message InsertRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  string partition_name = 4;
  repeated common.Blob row_data = 5;
  repeated uint32 hash_keys = 6;

message Blob {
  bytes value = 1;

Insert a batch of **row_data** into collection with **collection_name** and partition with **partition_name**. Blob contains bytes of value.


- **common.Status**

message InsertResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  int64 rowID_begin = 2;
  int64 rowID_end = 3;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

**rowID_begin** and **rowID_end** are the ID of inserted values.

###### 3.2.2 Delete

- DeleteByID

#### 3.3 Query

#### 3.3 Index

###### 3.3.1 CreateIndex


rpc CreateIndex(CreateIndexRequest) returns (common.Status){}


Create an index for a collection.


- **CreateIndexRequest**

CreateIndexRequest struct is shown as follows:

message CreateIndexRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  string field_name = 4;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair extra_params = 5;

CreateIndex for the field with **field_name** in collection with **collection_name**.

**extra_params**:For fast search, you build index for field. You specify detailed index information for a field. Detailed information about index can be seen in chapter 2.2.3


- **common.Status**

message Status {
  ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe error detail.

###### 3.3.2 DescribeIndex


rpc DescribeIndex(DescribeIndexRequest) returns (common.Status){}


Get an index detailed info


- **DescribeIndexRequest**

DescribeIndexRequest struct is shown as follows:

message DescribeIndexRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  string field_name = 4;
  string index_name = 5;

Get details of an index for the field with **field_name** in collection with **collection_name**.

**index_name**: A field can create multiple indexes. And you can drop a specific index through index_name.


- **common.Status**

message DescribeIndexResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  repeated IndexDescription index_descriptions = 2;

message IndexDescription {
  string index_name = 1;
  int64 indexID = 2;
  repeated common.KeyValuePair params = 3;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe error detail.

**index_descriptions** is a list of index descriptions. If index_name is specific in request, the list length will be 0. Otherwise, if index_name is empty, the response will return all indexes in the field of a collection.

**params**:For fast search, you build index for field. You specify detailed index information for a field. Detailed information about index can be seen in chapter 2.2.3

###### 3.3.3 GetIndexStates


rpc GetIndexStates(GetIndexStatesRequest) returns (GetIndexStatesRequest){}


Get index build progress info.


- **GetIndexStatesRequest**

GetIndexStatesRequest struct is shown as follows:

message GetIndexStatesRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  string field_name = 4;
  string index_name = 5;

Get index build progress info for the field with **field_name** in collection with **collection_name**.

**index_name**: A field can create multiple indexes. And you can get specific index state through index_name.


- **common.Status**

message GetIndexStatesResponse {
  common.Status status = 1;
  common.IndexState state = 2;

enum IndexState {
  IndexStateNone = 0;
  Unissued = 1;
  InProgress = 2;
  Finished = 3;
  Failed = 4;
  Deleted = 5;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.

**index state** is an enum type to distinguish the different processes in the index building process.

###### 3.3.4 DropIndex


rpc DropIndex(DropIndexRequest) returns (common.Status){}


Drop an index for a collection.


- **DropIndexRequest**

DropIndexRequest struct is shown as follows:

message DropIndexRequest {
  common.MsgBase base = 1;
  string db_name = 2;
  string collection_name = 3;
  string field_name = 4;
  string index_name = 5;

DropIndex for the field with **field_name** in collection with **collection_name**.

**index_name**: A field can create multiple indexes. And you can drop specific index through index_name.


- **common.Status**

message Status {
  ErrorCode error_code = 1;
  string reason = 2;

**Status** represents the server error code. It doesn't contain grpc error but contains the server error code. We can get the executing result in common status. **error_code** is an enum type to distinguish the executing error type. The total Errorcode is shown in the last of this code. And the **reason** field is a string to describe the detailed error.