package task import ( "context" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" . "" "" "" "" ) func Wait(ctx context.Context, timeout time.Duration, tasks ...Task) error { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout) defer cancel() var err error go func() { for _, task := range tasks { err = task.Wait() if err != nil { cancel() break } } cancel() }() <-ctx.Done() return err } // GetTaskType returns the task's type, // for now, only 3 types; // - only 1 grow action -> Grow // - only 1 reduce action -> Reduce // - 1 grow action, and ends with 1 reduce action -> Move func GetTaskType(task Task) Type { if len(task.Actions()) > 1 { return TaskTypeMove } else if task.Actions()[0].Type() == ActionTypeGrow { return TaskTypeGrow } else { return TaskTypeReduce } } func packLoadSegmentRequest( task *SegmentTask, action Action, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, loadMeta *querypb.LoadMetaInfo, loadInfo *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, deltaPositions []*internalpb.MsgPosition, ) *querypb.LoadSegmentsRequest { return &querypb.LoadSegmentsRequest{ Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{ MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_LoadSegments, MsgID: task.SourceID(), }, Infos: []*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo{loadInfo}, Schema: schema, LoadMeta: loadMeta, CollectionID: task.CollectionID(), ReplicaID: task.ReplicaID(), DeltaPositions: deltaPositions, DstNodeID: action.Node(), Version: time.Now().UnixNano(), NeedTransfer: true, } } func packReleaseSegmentRequest(task *SegmentTask, action *SegmentAction) *querypb.ReleaseSegmentsRequest { return &querypb.ReleaseSegmentsRequest{ Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{ MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_ReleaseSegments, MsgID: task.SourceID(), }, NodeID: action.Node(), CollectionID: task.CollectionID(), SegmentIDs: []int64{task.SegmentID()}, Scope: action.Scope(), Shard: action.Shard(), NeedTransfer: false, } } func packLoadMeta(loadType querypb.LoadType, collectionID int64, partitions ...int64) *querypb.LoadMetaInfo { return &querypb.LoadMetaInfo{ LoadType: loadType, CollectionID: collectionID, PartitionIDs: partitions, } } func packSubDmChannelRequest( task *ChannelTask, action Action, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, loadMeta *querypb.LoadMetaInfo, channel *meta.DmChannel, ) *querypb.WatchDmChannelsRequest { return &querypb.WatchDmChannelsRequest{ Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{ MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_WatchDmChannels, MsgID: task.SourceID(), }, NodeID: action.Node(), CollectionID: task.CollectionID(), Infos: []*datapb.VchannelInfo{channel.VchannelInfo}, Schema: schema, LoadMeta: loadMeta, ReplicaID: task.ReplicaID(), } } func fillSubDmChannelRequest( ctx context.Context, req *querypb.WatchDmChannelsRequest, broker meta.Broker, ) error { segmentIDs := typeutil.NewUniqueSet() for _, vchannel := range req.GetInfos() { segmentIDs.Insert(vchannel.GetFlushedSegmentIds()...) segmentIDs.Insert(vchannel.GetUnflushedSegmentIds()...) segmentIDs.Insert(vchannel.GetDroppedSegmentIds()...) } if segmentIDs.Len() == 0 { return nil } resp, err := broker.GetSegmentInfo(ctx, segmentIDs.Collect()...) if err != nil { return err } segmentInfos := make(map[int64]*datapb.SegmentInfo) for _, info := range resp { segmentInfos[info.GetID()] = info } req.SegmentInfos = segmentInfos return nil } func packUnsubDmChannelRequest(task *ChannelTask, action Action) *querypb.UnsubDmChannelRequest { return &querypb.UnsubDmChannelRequest{ Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{ MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_UnsubDmChannel, MsgID: task.SourceID(), }, NodeID: action.Node(), CollectionID: task.CollectionID(), ChannelName: task.Channel(), } } func getShardLeader(replicaMgr *meta.ReplicaManager, distMgr *meta.DistributionManager, collectionID, nodeID int64, channel string) (int64, bool) { replica := replicaMgr.GetByCollectionAndNode(collectionID, nodeID) if replica == nil { return 0, false } return distMgr.GetShardLeader(replica, channel) } func getSegmentDeltaPositions(ctx context.Context, targetMgr *meta.TargetManager, broker meta.Broker, collectionID, partitionID int64, channel string) ([]*internalpb.MsgPosition, error) { deltaChannelName, err := funcutil.ConvertChannelName(channel, Params.CommonCfg.RootCoordDml, Params.CommonCfg.RootCoordDelta) if err != nil { return nil, err } // vchannels, _, err := broker.GetRecoveryInfo(ctx, collectionID, partitionID) // if err != nil { // return nil, err // } deltaChannels := make([]*datapb.VchannelInfo, 0) for _, info := range targetMgr.GetDmChannelsByCollection(collectionID) { deltaChannelInfo, err := generatDeltaChannelInfo(info.VchannelInfo) if err != nil { return nil, err } if deltaChannelInfo.ChannelName == deltaChannelName { deltaChannels = append(deltaChannels, deltaChannelInfo) } } deltaChannels = mergeWatchDeltaChannelInfo(deltaChannels) return lo.Map(deltaChannels, func(channel *datapb.VchannelInfo, _ int) *internalpb.MsgPosition { return channel.GetSeekPosition() }), nil } func generatDeltaChannelInfo(info *datapb.VchannelInfo) (*datapb.VchannelInfo, error) { deltaChannelName, err := funcutil.ConvertChannelName(info.ChannelName, Params.CommonCfg.RootCoordDml, Params.CommonCfg.RootCoordDelta) if err != nil { return nil, err } deltaChannel := proto.Clone(info).(*datapb.VchannelInfo) deltaChannel.ChannelName = deltaChannelName deltaChannel.UnflushedSegmentIds = nil deltaChannel.FlushedSegmentIds = nil deltaChannel.DroppedSegmentIds = nil return deltaChannel, nil } func mergeWatchDeltaChannelInfo(infos []*datapb.VchannelInfo) []*datapb.VchannelInfo { minPositions := make(map[string]int) for index, info := range infos { _, ok := minPositions[info.ChannelName] if !ok { minPositions[info.ChannelName] = index } minTimeStampIndex := minPositions[info.ChannelName] if info.SeekPosition.GetTimestamp() < infos[minTimeStampIndex].SeekPosition.GetTimestamp() { minPositions[info.ChannelName] = index } } var result []*datapb.VchannelInfo for _, index := range minPositions { result = append(result, infos[index]) } return result }