package metastore import ( "context" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) //go:generate mockery --name=RootCoordCatalog type RootCoordCatalog interface { CreateDatabase(ctx context.Context, db *model.Database, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error DropDatabase(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error ListDatabases(ctx context.Context, ts typeutil.Timestamp) ([]*model.Database, error) AlterDatabase(ctx context.Context, newDB *model.Database, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error CreateCollection(ctx context.Context, collectionInfo *model.Collection, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error GetCollectionByID(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, ts typeutil.Timestamp, collectionID typeutil.UniqueID) (*model.Collection, error) GetCollectionByName(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, collectionName string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) (*model.Collection, error) ListCollections(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, ts typeutil.Timestamp) ([]*model.Collection, error) CollectionExists(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, collectionID typeutil.UniqueID, ts typeutil.Timestamp) bool DropCollection(ctx context.Context, collectionInfo *model.Collection, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error AlterCollection(ctx context.Context, oldColl *model.Collection, newColl *model.Collection, alterType AlterType, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error CreatePartition(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, partition *model.Partition, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error DropPartition(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, collectionID typeutil.UniqueID, partitionID typeutil.UniqueID, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error AlterPartition(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, oldPart *model.Partition, newPart *model.Partition, alterType AlterType, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error CreateAlias(ctx context.Context, alias *model.Alias, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error DropAlias(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, alias string, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error AlterAlias(ctx context.Context, alias *model.Alias, ts typeutil.Timestamp) error ListAliases(ctx context.Context, dbID int64, ts typeutil.Timestamp) ([]*model.Alias, error) // GetCredential gets the credential info for the username, returns error if no credential exists for this username. GetCredential(ctx context.Context, username string) (*model.Credential, error) // CreateCredential creates credential by Username and EncryptedPassword in crediential. Please make sure credential.Username isn't empty before calling this API. Credentials already exists will be altered. CreateCredential(ctx context.Context, credential *model.Credential) error // AlterCredential does exactly the same as CreateCredential AlterCredential(ctx context.Context, credential *model.Credential) error // DropCredential removes the credential of this username DropCredential(ctx context.Context, username string) error // ListCredentials gets all usernames. ListCredentials(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) // CreateRole creates role by the entity for the tenant. Please make sure the tenent and entity.Name aren't empty. Empty entity.Name may end up with deleting all roles // Returns common.IgnorableError if the role already existes CreateRole(ctx context.Context, tenant string, entity *milvuspb.RoleEntity) error // DropRole removes a role by name DropRole(ctx context.Context, tenant string, roleName string) error // AlterUserRole changes the role of a user for the tenant. Please make sure the userEntity.Name and roleEntity.Name aren't empty before calling this API. // Returns common.IgnorableError // - if user has the role when AddUserToRole // - if user doen't have the role when RemoveUserFromRole AlterUserRole(ctx context.Context, tenant string, userEntity *milvuspb.UserEntity, roleEntity *milvuspb.RoleEntity, operateType milvuspb.OperateUserRoleType) error // ListRole returns lists of RoleResults for the tenant // Returns all role results if entity is nill // Returns only role results if entity.Name is provided // Returns UserInfo inside each RoleResult if includeUserInfo is True ListRole(ctx context.Context, tenant string, entity *milvuspb.RoleEntity, includeUserInfo bool) ([]*milvuspb.RoleResult, error) // ListUser returns list of UserResults for the tenant // Returns all users if entity is nill // Returns the specific user if enitity is provided // Returns RoleInfo inside each UserResult if includeRoleInfo is True ListUser(ctx context.Context, tenant string, entity *milvuspb.UserEntity, includeRoleInfo bool) ([]*milvuspb.UserResult, error) // AlterGrant grants or revokes a grant of a role to an object, according to the operateType. // Please make sure entity and operateType are valid before calling this API AlterGrant(ctx context.Context, tenant string, entity *milvuspb.GrantEntity, operateType milvuspb.OperatePrivilegeType) error // DeleteGrant deletes all the grant for a role. // Please make sure the role.Name isn't empty before call this API. DeleteGrant(ctx context.Context, tenant string, role *milvuspb.RoleEntity) error // ListGrant lists all grant infos accoording to entity for the tenant // Please make sure entity valid before calling this API ListGrant(ctx context.Context, tenant string, entity *milvuspb.GrantEntity) ([]*milvuspb.GrantEntity, error) ListPolicy(ctx context.Context, tenant string) ([]string, error) // List all user role pair in string for the tenant // For example []string{"user1/role1"} ListUserRole(ctx context.Context, tenant string) ([]string, error) ListCredentialsWithPasswd(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) BackupRBAC(ctx context.Context, tenant string) (*milvuspb.RBACMeta, error) RestoreRBAC(ctx context.Context, tenant string, meta *milvuspb.RBACMeta) error GetPrivilegeGroup(ctx context.Context, groupName string) (*milvuspb.PrivilegeGroupInfo, error) DropPrivilegeGroup(ctx context.Context, groupName string) error SavePrivilegeGroup(ctx context.Context, data *milvuspb.PrivilegeGroupInfo) error ListPrivilegeGroups(ctx context.Context) ([]*milvuspb.PrivilegeGroupInfo, error) Close() } type AlterType int32 const ( ADD AlterType = iota DELETE MODIFY ) func (t AlterType) String() string { switch t { case ADD: return "ADD" case DELETE: return "DELETE" case MODIFY: return "MODIFY" } return "" } type BinlogsIncrement struct { Segment *datapb.SegmentInfo } //go:generate mockery --name=DataCoordCatalog --with-expecter type DataCoordCatalog interface { ListSegments(ctx context.Context) ([]*datapb.SegmentInfo, error) AddSegment(ctx context.Context, segment *datapb.SegmentInfo) error // TODO Remove this later, we should update flush segments info for each segment separately, so far we still need transaction AlterSegments(ctx context.Context, newSegments []*datapb.SegmentInfo, binlogs ...BinlogsIncrement) error SaveDroppedSegmentsInBatch(ctx context.Context, segments []*datapb.SegmentInfo) error DropSegment(ctx context.Context, segment *datapb.SegmentInfo) error MarkChannelAdded(ctx context.Context, channel string) error MarkChannelDeleted(ctx context.Context, channel string) error ShouldDropChannel(ctx context.Context, channel string) bool ChannelExists(ctx context.Context, channel string) bool DropChannel(ctx context.Context, channel string) error ListChannelCheckpoint(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*msgpb.MsgPosition, error) SaveChannelCheckpoint(ctx context.Context, vChannel string, pos *msgpb.MsgPosition) error SaveChannelCheckpoints(ctx context.Context, positions []*msgpb.MsgPosition) error DropChannelCheckpoint(ctx context.Context, vChannel string) error CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, index *model.Index) error ListIndexes(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.Index, error) AlterIndexes(ctx context.Context, newIndexes []*model.Index) error DropIndex(ctx context.Context, collID, dropIdxID typeutil.UniqueID) error CreateSegmentIndex(ctx context.Context, segIdx *model.SegmentIndex) error ListSegmentIndexes(ctx context.Context) ([]*model.SegmentIndex, error) AlterSegmentIndexes(ctx context.Context, newSegIdxes []*model.SegmentIndex) error DropSegmentIndex(ctx context.Context, collID, partID, segID, buildID typeutil.UniqueID) error SaveImportJob(job *datapb.ImportJob) error ListImportJobs() ([]*datapb.ImportJob, error) DropImportJob(jobID int64) error SavePreImportTask(task *datapb.PreImportTask) error ListPreImportTasks() ([]*datapb.PreImportTask, error) DropPreImportTask(taskID int64) error SaveImportTask(task *datapb.ImportTaskV2) error ListImportTasks() ([]*datapb.ImportTaskV2, error) DropImportTask(taskID int64) error GcConfirm(ctx context.Context, collectionID, partitionID typeutil.UniqueID) bool ListCompactionTask(ctx context.Context) ([]*datapb.CompactionTask, error) SaveCompactionTask(ctx context.Context, task *datapb.CompactionTask) error DropCompactionTask(ctx context.Context, task *datapb.CompactionTask) error ListAnalyzeTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]*indexpb.AnalyzeTask, error) SaveAnalyzeTask(ctx context.Context, task *indexpb.AnalyzeTask) error DropAnalyzeTask(ctx context.Context, taskID typeutil.UniqueID) error ListPartitionStatsInfos(ctx context.Context) ([]*datapb.PartitionStatsInfo, error) SavePartitionStatsInfo(ctx context.Context, info *datapb.PartitionStatsInfo) error DropPartitionStatsInfo(ctx context.Context, info *datapb.PartitionStatsInfo) error SaveCurrentPartitionStatsVersion(ctx context.Context, collID, partID int64, vChannel string, currentVersion int64) error GetCurrentPartitionStatsVersion(ctx context.Context, collID, partID int64, vChannel string) (int64, error) DropCurrentPartitionStatsVersion(ctx context.Context, collID, partID int64, vChannel string) error ListStatsTasks(ctx context.Context) ([]*indexpb.StatsTask, error) SaveStatsTask(ctx context.Context, task *indexpb.StatsTask) error DropStatsTask(ctx context.Context, taskID typeutil.UniqueID) error } type QueryCoordCatalog interface { SaveCollection(collection *querypb.CollectionLoadInfo, partitions ...*querypb.PartitionLoadInfo) error SavePartition(info ...*querypb.PartitionLoadInfo) error SaveReplica(replicas ...*querypb.Replica) error GetCollections() ([]*querypb.CollectionLoadInfo, error) GetPartitions() (map[int64][]*querypb.PartitionLoadInfo, error) GetReplicas() ([]*querypb.Replica, error) ReleaseCollection(collection int64) error ReleasePartition(collection int64, partitions ...int64) error ReleaseReplicas(collectionID int64) error ReleaseReplica(collection int64, replicas ...int64) error SaveResourceGroup(rgs ...*querypb.ResourceGroup) error RemoveResourceGroup(rgName string) error GetResourceGroups() ([]*querypb.ResourceGroup, error) SaveCollectionTargets(target ...*querypb.CollectionTarget) error RemoveCollectionTarget(collectionID int64) error GetCollectionTargets() (map[int64]*querypb.CollectionTarget, error) } // StreamingCoordCataLog is the interface for streamingcoord catalog type StreamingCoordCataLog interface { // physical channel watch related // ListPChannel list all pchannels on milvus. ListPChannel(ctx context.Context) ([]*streamingpb.PChannelMeta, error) // SavePChannel save a pchannel info to metastore. SavePChannels(ctx context.Context, info []*streamingpb.PChannelMeta) error } // StreamingNodeCataLog is the interface for streamingnode catalog type StreamingNodeCataLog interface { ListSegmentAssignment(ctx context.Context, pChannelName string) ([]*streamingpb.SegmentAssignmentMeta, error) SaveSegmentAssignments(ctx context.Context, pChannelName string, infos []*streamingpb.SegmentAssignmentMeta) error }