OSPP 2024 project:
- parser (planparserv2)
- add CallExpr in planparserv2/Plan.g4
- update parser_visitor and show_visitor
- grpc protobuf
- add CallExpr in plan.proto
- execution (`core/src/exec`)
- add `CallExpr` `ValueExpr` and `ColumnExpr` (both logical and
physical) for function call and function parameters
- function factory (`core/src/exec/expression/function`)
- create a global hashmap when starting milvus (see server.go)
- the global hashmap stores function signatures and their function
pointers, the CallExpr in execution engine can get the function pointer
by function signature.
- custom functions
- empty(string)
- starts_with(string, string)
- add cpp/go unittests and E2E tests
closes: #36559
Signed-off-by: Yinzuo Jiang <jiangyinzuo@foxmail.com>
Native support for Google cloud storage using the Google Cloud Storage
libraries. Authentication is performed using GCS service account
credentials JSON.
Currently, Milvus supports Google Cloud Storage using S3-compatible APIs
via the AWS SDK. This approach has the following limitations:
1. Overhead: Translating requests between S3-compatible APIs and GCS can
introduce additional overhead.
2. Compatibility Limitations: Some features of the original S3 API may
not fully translate or work as expected with GCS.
To address these limitations, This enhancement is needed.
Related Issue: #36212
This pr would not affect milvus functionality by now.
It implments a Chunk memory layout that looks like
We maybe move offsets to the beginning and add null bitmaps later but
not in this PR.
And mmap test will also be added in another PR.
Signed-off-by: sunby <sunbingyi1992@gmail.com>
add scalar filtering and vector search latency metrics to distinguish
the cost of scalar filtering.
To add metrics in query chain, add a monitor module and move the metric
files from original storage module.
issue: #34780
Signed-off-by: xianliang.li <xianliang.li@zilliz.com>
issue: #29892
This PR
1. Pass Materialized View (MV) search information obtained from the
expression parsing planning procedure to Knowhere. It only performs when
MV is enabled and the partition key is involved in the expression. The
search information includes:
1. Touched field_id and the count of related categories in the
expression. E.g., `color == red && color == blue` yields `field_id ->
2. Whether the expression only includes AND (&&) logical operator,
default `true`.
3. Whether the expression has NOT (!) operator, default `false`.
4. Store if turning on MV on the proxy to eliminate reading from
paramtable for every search request.
5. Renames to MV.
## Rebuttals
1. Did not write in `ExtractInfoPlanNodeVisitor` since the new scalar
framework was introduced and this part might be removed in the future.
2. Currently only interested in `==` and `in` expression, `string` data
type, anything else is a bonus.
3. Leave handling expressions like `F == A || F == A` for future works
of the optimizer.
## Detailed MV Info

Signed-off-by: Patrick Weizhi Xu <weizhi.xu@zilliz.com>
This PR adds the ability to search/get sparse float vectors in segcore,
and added unit tests by modifying lots of existing tests into
parameterized ones.
Signed-off-by: Buqian Zheng <zhengbuqian@gmail.com>
issue: #29988
This pr adds full-support for wildcard pattern matching from end to end.
Before this pr, the users can only use prefix match in their expression,
for example, "like 'prefix%'". With this pr, more flexible syntax can be
To do so, this pr makes these changes:
- 1. support regex query both on index and raw data;
- 2. translate the pattern matching to regex query, so that it can be
handled by the regex query logic;
- 3. loose the limit of the expression parsing, which allows general
pattern matching syntax;
With the support of regex query in segcore backend, we can also add
mysql-like `REGEXP` syntax later easily.
Signed-off-by: longjiquan <jiquan.long@zilliz.com>
related: #25324
Search GroupBy function, used to aggregate result entities based on a
specific scalar column.
several points to mention:
1. Temporarliy, the whole groupby is implemented separated from
iterative expr framework **for the first period**
2. In the long term, the groupBy operation will be incorporated into the
iterative expr framework:https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/pull/28166
3. This pr includes some unrelated mocked interface regarding alterIndex
due to some unworth-to-mention reasons. All these un-associated content
will be removed before the final pr is merged. This version of pr is
only for review
4. All other related details were commented in the files comparison
Signed-off-by: MrPresent-Han <chun.han@zilliz.com>
issue: #29672
the storage account need privileges of actions
`Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/containers/blobs/*` at
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <min.li@zilliz.com>
issue: https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/issues/27704
Add inverted index for some data types in Milvus. This index type can
save a lot of memory compared to loading all data into RAM and speed up
the term query and range query.
Supported: `INT8`, `INT16`, `INT32`, `INT64`, `FLOAT`, `DOUBLE`, `BOOL`
and `VARCHAR`.
Not supported: `ARRAY` and `JSON`.
- The inverted index for `VARCHAR` is not designed to serve full-text
search now. We will treat every row as a whole keyword instead of
tokenizing it into multiple terms.
- The inverted index don't support retrieval well, so if you create
inverted index for field, those operations which depend on the raw data
will fallback to use chunk storage, which will bring some performance
loss. For example, comparisons between two columns and retrieval of
output fields.
The inverted index is very easy to be used.
Taking below collection as an example:
fields = [
FieldSchema(name="pk", dtype=DataType.VARCHAR, is_primary=True, auto_id=False, max_length=100),
FieldSchema(name="int8", dtype=DataType.INT8),
FieldSchema(name="int16", dtype=DataType.INT16),
FieldSchema(name="int32", dtype=DataType.INT32),
FieldSchema(name="int64", dtype=DataType.INT64),
FieldSchema(name="float", dtype=DataType.FLOAT),
FieldSchema(name="double", dtype=DataType.DOUBLE),
FieldSchema(name="bool", dtype=DataType.BOOL),
FieldSchema(name="varchar", dtype=DataType.VARCHAR, max_length=1000),
FieldSchema(name="random", dtype=DataType.DOUBLE),
FieldSchema(name="embeddings", dtype=DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, dim=dim),
schema = CollectionSchema(fields)
collection = Collection("demo", schema)
Then we can simply create inverted index for field via:
index_type = "INVERTED"
collection.create_index("int8", {"index_type": index_type})
collection.create_index("int16", {"index_type": index_type})
collection.create_index("int32", {"index_type": index_type})
collection.create_index("int64", {"index_type": index_type})
collection.create_index("float", {"index_type": index_type})
collection.create_index("double", {"index_type": index_type})
collection.create_index("bool", {"index_type": index_type})
collection.create_index("varchar", {"index_type": index_type})
Then, term query and range query on the field can be speed up
automatically by the inverted index:
result = collection.query(expr='int64 in [1, 2, 3]', output_fields=["pk"])
result = collection.query(expr='int64 < 5', output_fields=["pk"])
result = collection.query(expr='int64 > 2997', output_fields=["pk"])
result = collection.query(expr='1 < int64 < 5', output_fields=["pk"])
Signed-off-by: longjiquan <jiquan.long@zilliz.com>