issue: #33285
- register streaming coord service into datacoord.
- add new streaming node role.
- add global static switch to enable streaming service or not.
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
1. Move the common modules of streamingNode and dataNode to flushcommon
2. Add new GetVChannels interface for rootcoord
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
issue: #31224#34374
for query api:
1. param filter is not requried
2. param limit is useless while outputFields = [count(*)]
add hook about grpc call
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
Due to the removal of injection and syncSegments from the compaction, we
need to ensure that no compaction is successfully executed during the
rolling upgrade. This PR renames Compaction to CompactionV2, with the
following effects:
- New datacoord + old datanode: Utilizes the CompactionV2 interface,
resulting in the datanode error "CompactionV2 not implemented," causing
compaction to fail;
- Old datacoord + new datanode: Utilizes the CompactionV1 interface,
resulting in the datanode error "CompactionV1 not implemented," causing
compaction to fail.
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
issue: #32698
This PR add two rest api for component stop and status check:
1. `/management/stop?role=querynode` can stop the specified component
2. `/management/check/ready?role=rootcoord` can check whether the target
component is serviceable
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #33099#32837#32419
1. len(search result) may be nq * topk, we need return all rather than
2. the in restful response payload keep the same with milvus error code
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #29419
also re-enabled an e2e test using restful api, which is previously
disabled due to
In restful api, the accepted json formats of sparse float vector are:
* `{"indices": [1, 100, 1000], "values": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]}`
* {"1": 0.1, "100": 0.2, "1000": 0.3}
for accepted indice and value range, see
Signed-off-by: Buqian Zheng <>
issue: #33220
use dbName as part of privilege entity, so
1. grant / revoke a privilege need dbName
2. we can describe the privileges of the role which belong to one
special database
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
Query slot of compaction in datanode, and transfer the control logic for
limiting compaction tasks from datacoord to the datanode.
Signed-off-by: bigsheeper <>
Set `UseDefaultConsistency` to true so that restv2 read API shall use
collection consistency level setting correctly.
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
issue: #32466
this PR enhance that when shard location changed, update proxy's shard
leader cache. in case of query node failover case, proxy can find
replica recover
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #32225#31978#32360
1. v1 can only accept one vector, but v2 accept list of vectors #32225
2. cannot get dbName from AliasReq #31978
3. enhance: [restful v2]support config DB-Name in the http header #32360
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #30647
- Add declarative resource group api
- Add config for resource group management
- Resource group recovery enhancement
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>
issue: #31176
1. cannot get dbName correctly while describe alias #31978
2. return a valid json string even if the user doesn't have the whole
privileges to describe collection #31635
3. rename IndexParam.IndexConfig to IndexParam.Params
4. FieldSchema.ElementTypeParams, IndexParam.Params can not only accept
Signed-off-by: PowderLi <>
issue: #29507
Notice that api_testonly.go files should be guarded by compiler tag
`test`, so that production build rules don't compile them and these APIs
don't get misused.
Signed-off-by: yiwangdr <>
issue: #29261
This PR Add restful api for devops to execute rolling upgrade, including
suspend/resume balance and manual transfer segments/channels.
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>