issue: #34123
Benchmark case: The benchmark run the go benchmark function
`BenchmarkDeltalogFormat` which is put in the Files changed. It tests
the performance of serializing and deserializing from two different data
formats under a 10 million delete log dataset.
Metrics: The benchmarks measure the average time taken per operation
(ns/op), memory allocated per operation (MB/op), and the number of
memory allocations per operation (allocs/op).
| Test Name | Avg Time (ns/op) | Time Comparison | Memory Allocation
(MB/op) | Memory Comparison | Allocation Count (allocs/op) | Allocation
Comparison |
| one_string_format_reader | 2,781,990,000 | Baseline | 2,422 | Baseline
| 20,336,539 | Baseline |
| pk_ts_separate_format_reader | 480,682,639 | -82.72% | 1,765 | -27.14%
| 20,396,958 | +0.30% |
| one_string_format_writer | 5,483,436,041 | Baseline | 13,900 |
Baseline | 70,057,473 | Baseline |
| pk_and_ts_separate_format_writer| 798,591,584 | -85.43% | 2,178 |
-84.34% | 30,270,488 | -56.78% |
Both read and write operations show significant improvements in both
speed and memory allocation.
Signed-off-by: shaoting-huang <>