issue: #35821
After collection loaded, if we need to increase/decrease collection's
replica, we need to release and load it again.
milvus offers 4 solution to update loaded collection's replica, this PR
aims to dynamic change the replica number without release, and after
replica number changed, milvus will execute load replica or release
replica in async, and the replica loaded status can be checked by
getReplicas API.
Notice that if set too much replicas than querynode can afford,the new
replica won't be loaded successfully until enough querynode joins.
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #33103
when try to do stopping balance for stopping query node, balancer will
try to get node list from replica.GetNodes, then check whether node is
stopping, if so, stopping balance will be triggered for this replica.
after the replica refactor, replica.GetNodes only return rwNodes, and
the stopping node maintains in roNodes, so balancer couldn't find
replica which contains stopping node, and stopping balance for replica
won't be triggered, then query node will stuck forever due to
segment/channel doesn't move out.
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #32910
* split replica's node list to channels when create replicas
* balance nodes among channels when node change happens
* implement channel level balance, let balance happens in channel level
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
issue: #30647
- ReplicaManager manage read only node now, and always do persistent of
node distribution of replica.
- All segment/channel checker using ReplicaManager to get read-only node
or read-write node, but not ResourceManager.
- ReplicaManager promise that only apply unique querynode to one replica
in same collection now (replicas in same collection never hold same
querynode at same time).
- ReplicaManager promise that fairly node count assignment policy if
multi replicas of collection is assigned to one resource group.
- Move some parameters check into ReplicaManager to avoid data race.
- Allow transfer replica to resource group that already load replica of
same collection
- Allow transfer node between resource groups that load replica of same
Signed-off-by: chyezh <>