issue: #32995
To speed up the construction and querying of Bloom filters, we chose a
blocked Bloom filter instead of a basic Bloom filter implementation.
WARN: This PR is compatible with old version bf impl, but if fall back
to old milvus version, it may causes bloom filter deserialize failed.
In single Bloom filter test cases with a capacity of 1,000,000 and a
false positive rate (FPR) of 0.001, the blocked Bloom filter is 5 times
faster than the basic Bloom filter in both querying and construction, at
the cost of a 30% increase in memory usage.
- Block BF construct time {"time": "54.128131ms"}
- Block BF size {"size": 3021578}
- Block BF Test cost {"time": "55.407352ms"}
- Basic BF construct time {"time": "210.262183ms"}
- Basic BF size {"size": 2396308}
- Basic BF Test cost {"time": "192.596229ms"}
In multi Bloom filter test cases with a capacity of 100,000, an FPR of
0.001, and 100 Bloom filters, we reuse the primary key locations for all
Bloom filters to avoid repeated hash computations. As a result, the
blocked Bloom filter is also 5 times faster than the basic Bloom filter
in querying.
- Block BF TestLocation cost {"time": "529.97183ms"}
- Basic BF TestLocation cost {"time": "3.197430181s"}
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
See also #32642
`LocationCache` used map to store different locations for different K
which may cause lots of CPU time when get locations many times.
This PR change the implementation of LocationCache to store only the
location for the largest K used to totally remove the map access
See pprof from test of @XuanYang-cn

Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
See also #32642
This PR reuses hash locations for bloom filter prediction utilizing
`storage.Location`, like enhancement #32642.
Also adds a utility struct in storage: `LocationCache` to storage
locations for variable K (numbers of hash functions)
Signed-off-by: Congqi Xia <>
issue: #32530
when try to match segment bloom filter with pk, we can reuse the hash
locations. This PR maintain the max hash Func, and compute hash location
once for all segment, reuse hash location can speed up bf access
Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>