@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from pymilvus_orm.default_config import DefaultConfig
from base.client_base import TestcaseBase
from utils.util_log import test_log as log
from common.common_type import *
from check.param_check import *
class TestConnectionParams(TestcaseBase):
@ -13,80 +14,114 @@ class TestConnectionParams(TestcaseBase):
The author : Ting.Wang
@pytest.mark.skip("No check for **kwargs")
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Issue #5684")
def test_connection_kwargs_param_check(self):
def test_connection_add_connection_kwargs_param_check(self):
target: test **kwargs of connection
target: test **kwargs of add_connection
method: passing wrong parameters of **kwargs
expected: assert response is error
# No check for **kwargs
res = self.connection_wrap.add_connection(_kwargs=[1, 2])
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(_kwargs=[1, 2])
res = self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias='default')
assert res[0] == {}
# get addr of default alias
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Issue #5723")
def test_connection_connect_kwargs_param_check(self):
target: test **kwargs of connect
method: passing wrong parameters of **kwargs
expected: assert response is error
# get addr of default alias
# No check for **kwargs
res = self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, _kwargs=[1, 2])
assert res[0].args[0] == "Fail connecting to server on localhost:19530. Timeout"
assert "Fail connecting to server" in res[0].args[0]
@pytest.mark.skip("No check for alias")
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Feature #5725")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("alias", get_invalid_strs)
def test_connection_create_alias_param_check(self, alias):
def test_connection_connect_alias_param_check(self, alias):
target: test create connection with wrong params of alias
method: create connection with wrong params of alias
target: test connect passes wrong params of alias
method: connect passes wrong params of alias
expected: assert response is error
# No check for alias
res = self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=alias)
@pytest.mark.skip("No check for alias")
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Feature #5725")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("alias", get_invalid_strs)
def test_connection_get_alias_param_check(self, alias):
target: test get connection with wrong params of alias
method: get connection with wrong params of alias
target: test get connection passes wrong params of alias
method: get connection passes wrong params of alias
expected: assert response is error
# not check for alias
res = self.connection_wrap.get_connection(alias=alias)
@pytest.mark.skip("No check for alias")
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Feature #5725")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("alias", get_invalid_strs)
def test_connection_get_addr_alias_param_check(self, alias):
target: test get connection addr with wrong params of alias
method: get connection addr with wrong params of alias
target: test get connection addr passes wrong params of alias
method: get connection addr passes wrong params of alias
expected: assert response is error
# not check for alias
res = self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=alias)
@pytest.mark.skip("No check for alias")
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Feature #5725")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("alias", get_invalid_strs)
def test_connection_remove_alias_param_check(self, alias):
target: test remove connection with wrong params of alias
method: remove connection with wrong params of alias
target: test remove connection passes wrong params of alias
method: remove connection passes wrong params of alias
expected: assert response is error
# not check for alias
res = self.connection_wrap.remove_connection(alias=alias)
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Feature #5725")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("alias", get_invalid_strs)
def test_connection_disconnect_alias_param_check(self, alias):
target: test disconnect passes wrong params of alias
method: disconnect passes wrong params of alias
expected: assert response is error
# not check for alias
res = self.connection_wrap.disconnect(alias=alias)
class TestConnectionOperation(TestcaseBase):
@ -94,202 +129,574 @@ class TestConnectionOperation(TestcaseBase):
The author : Ting.Wang
def test_connection_configure_repeat(self, host, port):
def test_connection_add_wrong_format(self):
target: test connection configure four times
method: connection configure twice with the same params
expected: assert the configuration is successful
target: test add_connection, regardless of whether the connection exists
method: add existing and non-existing configurations at the same time
expected: list_connections include the configured connections
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={"host": host, "port": port}, dev={"host": host, "port": port})
assert self.connection_wrap.list_connections()[0] == [('default', None), ('dev', None)]
assert self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias='default')[0] == {"host": host, "port": port}
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={"host": host, "port": port}, dev={"host": host, "port": port})
assert self.connection_wrap.list_connections()[0] == [('default', None), ('dev', None)]
# add connections
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(alias1={"host": "localhost", "port": "1"},
alias2={"port": "-1", "host": "hostlocal"},
testing={"": ""})
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default1={"host": host, "port": port})
assert self.connection_wrap.list_connections()[0] == [('default', None), ('dev', None), ('default1', None)]
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None),
('alias1', None), ('alias2', None),
('testing', None)]})
assert self.connection_wrap.list_connections()[0] == [('default', None), ('dev', None), ('default1', None)]
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': 'localhost', 'port': '19530'}})
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="alias1", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"host": "localhost", "port": "1"}})
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="alias2", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"host": "hostlocal", "port": "-1"}})
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="testing", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"": ""}})
def test_connection_add_more(self):
target: test add_connection passes in multiple parameters
method: add two params of add_connection
expected: added to the connection list successfully
# add connections
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(alias1={"host": "localhost", "port": "1"},
alias2={"host": "", "port": "123"})
# get the object of alias
self.connection_wrap.get_connection(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"value_content": None})
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None),
('alias1', None), ('alias2', None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': 'localhost', 'port': '19530'}})
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="alias1", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"host": "localhost", "port": "1"}})
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="alias2", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"host": "", "port": "123"}})
def test_connection_add_single_more(self):
target: test add connections separately
method: add_connection twice
expected: added to the connection list successfully
# add connections
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(alias1={"host": "localhost", "port": "1"})
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(alias2={"host": "", "port": "123"})
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None),
('alias1', None), ('alias2', None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': 'localhost', 'port': '19530'}})
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="alias1", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"host": "localhost", "port": "1"}})
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="alias2", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
"dict_content": {"host": "", "port": "123"}})
def test_connection_add_default(self):
target: add_connection passes default params successfully
method: add_connection passes default params
expected: response of add_connection is normal
# add connections
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={'host': 'localhost', 'port': '19530'})
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={'port': '19530', 'host': 'localhost'})
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': 'localhost', 'port': '19530'}})
def test_connection_add_cover_default(self):
target: add a connection to override the default connection
method: add_connection passes alias of default and different configure
expected: the configuration was successfully overwritten
# get all addr of default alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': 'localhost', 'port': '19530'}})
# add connections
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={'host': '', 'port': '12345'})
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': '', 'port': '12345'}})
def test_connection_get_addr_not_exist(self):
target: get addr of alias that is not exist and return {}
method: get_connection_addr passes alias that is not exist
expected: response of get_connection_addr is None
# get an addr that not exist and return {}
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=Not_Exist, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {}})
@pytest.mark.skip("The maximum number of add_connection is not set")
def test_connection_add_max(self):
The maximum number of add_connection is not set
def test_connection_add_after_connect(self, host, port):
target: add_connect passes different params after normal connect
method: normal connection then add_connect passes different params
expected: add_connect failed
# create connection that param of alias is not exist
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias="test_alias_name", host=host, port=port, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result)
# add connection with diff params after that alias has been created
err_msg = "alias of 'test_alias_name' already creating connections, "\
+ "but the configure is not the same as passed in."
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(test_alias_name={"host": "localhost", "port": "1"},
check_items={"err_code": -1, "err_msg": err_msg})
# add connection with the same params
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(test_alias_name={"host": host, "port": port})
def test_connection_add_after_default_connect(self, host, port):
target: add_connect passes different params after normal connect passes default alias
method: normal connection then add_connect passes different params
expected: add_connect failed
# create connection that param of alias is default
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, host=host, port=port,
# add connection after that alias has been created
err_msg = "alias of 'test_alias_name' already creating connections, " \
+ "but the configure is not the same as passed in."
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={"host": "localhost", "port": "1"},
check_items={"err_code": -1, "err_msg": err_msg})
# add connection with the same params
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(test_alias_name={"host": host, "port": port})
def test_connection_add_after_disconnect(self, host, port):
target: add_connect after normal connect、disconnect
method: normal connect, disconnect then add connect passes the same alias
expected: add_connect successfully
# create connection that param of alias is not exist
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias="test_alias_name", host=host, port=port, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result)
# disconnect alias is exist
# get an addr that is exist
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="test_alias_name", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"host": host, "port": port}})
# add connection after that alias has been disconnected
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(test_alias_name={"host": "localhost", "port": "1"})
# get an addr that is exist
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="test_alias_name", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"host": "localhost", "port": "1"}})
def test_connection_add_after_remove(self, host, port):
target: add_connect after normal connect、remove_connection
method: normal connect, remove_connection then add connect passes the same alias
expected: add_connect successfully
# create connection that param of alias is not exist
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias="test_alias_name", host=host, port=port, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result)
# disconnect alias is exist
# get an addr that is not exist
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="test_alias_name", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {}})
# add connection after that alias has been disconnected
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(test_alias_name={"host": "localhost", "port": "1"})
# get an addr that is exist
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias="test_alias_name", check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"host": "localhost", "port": "1"}})
def test_connection_connect_alias_not_exist(self):
target: connect passes alias that is not exist and raise error
method: connect passes alias that is not exist
expected: response of connect is error
# create connection that param of alias is not exist
err_msg = "You need to pass in the configuration of the connection named '%s'" % Not_Exist
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=Not_Exist, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items={"err_code": -1,
"err_msg": err_msg})
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': "localhost", 'port': "19530"}})
def test_connection_connect_default_alias_invalid(self, port):
target: connect passes configure is not exist and raise error
method: connect passes configure is not exist
expected: response of connect is error
# add invalid default connection
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={'host': "host", 'port': port})
# using default alias to create connection, the connection does not exist
err_msg = "Fail connecting to server on localhost:19530. Timeout"
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res,
check_items={"err_code": -1, "err_msg": err_msg})
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': "host", 'port': port}})
@ pytest.mark.tags(CaseLabel.L3)
def test_connection_connect_default_alias_effective(self, host, port):
target: connect passes useful configure that adds by add_connect
method: connect passes configure that add by add_connect
expected: connect successfully
# add a valid default connection
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={'host': host, 'port': port})
# successfully created default connection
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result)
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING,
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': host, 'port': port}})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("connect_name", [DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING])
def test_connection_connect_repeat(self, host, port, connect_name):
target: connect twice and return the same object
method: connect twice
expected: return the same object of connect
# add a valid default connection
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={'host': host, 'port': port})
# successfully created default connection
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=connect_name, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result)
# get the object of alias
res_obj1 = self.connection_wrap.get_connection(alias=connect_name, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"value_content": Connect_Object_Name})[0]
# connect twice with the same params
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=connect_name, host=host, port=port,
# get the object of alias
res_obj2 = self.connection_wrap.get_connection(alias=connect_name, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"value_content": Connect_Object_Name})[0]
# check the response of the same alias is equal
assert res_obj1 == res_obj2
# connect twice with the different params
err_msg = "The connection named default already creating," \
+ " but passed parameters don't match the configured parameters,"
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=connect_name, host="host", port=port,
check_task=CheckTasks.err_res, check_items={"err_code": -1, "err_msg": err_msg})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("connect_name", [DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, "test_alias_nme"])
def test_connection_connect_params(self, host, port, connect_name):
target: connect directly via parameters and return the object of connect successfully
method: connect directly via parameters
expected: response of connect is Milvus object
# successfully created default connection
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=connect_name, host=host, port=port, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result)
# get the object of alias
self.connection_wrap.get_connection(alias=connect_name, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"value_content": Connect_Object_Name})
# list all connections and check the response
list_content = [(connect_name, Connect_Object_Name)] if connect_name is DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING else\
[(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None), (connect_name, Connect_Object_Name)]
check_items={"list_content": list_content})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=connect_name, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': host, 'port': port}})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("connect_name", [DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, "test_alias_nme"])
def test_connection_connect_wrong_params(self, host, port, connect_name):
target: connect directly via wrong parameters and raise error
method: connect directly via wrong parameters
expected: response of connect is error
# created connection with wrong connect name
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=connect_name, ip=host, port=port, check_task=CheckTasks.err_res,
check_items={"err_code": -1,
"err_msg": "Param is not complete. Please invoke as follow:"})
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
dict_content = {'host': host, 'port': port} if connect_name == DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING else {}
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=connect_name, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": dict_content})
@pytest.mark.parametrize("connect_name", [DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, Not_Exist])
def test_connection_disconnect_not_exist(self, connect_name):
target: disconnect passes alias that is not exist
method: disconnect passes alias that is not exist
expected: check connection list is normal
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
# disconnect alias is not exist
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {"host": "localhost", "port": "19530"}})
def test_connection_disconnect_after_default_connect(self, host, port):
target: disconnect default connect and check result
method: disconnect default connect
expected: the connection was successfully terminated
# add a valid default connection
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={'host': host, 'port': port})
# successfully created default connection
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result)
# get the object of alias
self.connection_wrap.get_connection(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"value_content": Connect_Object_Name})
# disconnect alias is exist
# get the object of alias
self.connection_wrap.get_connection(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"value_content": None})
# disconnect twice
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': host, 'port': port}})
def test_connection_disconnect_after_connect(self, host, port):
target: disconnect test connect and check result
method: disconnect test connect
expected: the connection was successfully terminated
test_alias_name = "test_alias_name"
# add a valid default connection
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(test_alias_name={'host': host, 'port': port})
# successfully created default connection
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=test_alias_name, host=host, port=port,
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None),
(test_alias_name, Connect_Object_Name)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=test_alias_name, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': host, 'port': port}})
# disconnect alias is exist
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None),
(test_alias_name, None)]})
# get all addr of alias and check the response
self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias=test_alias_name, check_task=CheckTasks.check_connection_result,
check_items={"dict_content": {'host': host, 'port': port}})
def test_connection_remove_connection_not_exist(self):
target: test remove connection that is not exist
method: 1、remove connection that is not exist
2、create connection with default alias
3、remove connection that is not exist
expected: assert alias of Not_exist is not exist
target: remove connection that is not exist and check result
method: remove connection that is not exist
expected: connection list is normal
res = self.connection_wrap.remove_connection(alias=Not_Exist, check_res="")
assert res[0].args[0] == "There is no connection with alias '%s'." % Not_Exist
# remove the connection that is not exist
res = self.connection_wrap.remove_connection(alias=Not_Exist, check_res="")
assert res[0].args[0] == "There is no connection with alias '%s'." % Not_Exist
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]})
def test_connection_remove_connection_repeat(self):
def test_connection_remove_default_alias(self):
target: test remove connection twice
method: remove connection twice
expected: assert the second response is an error
target: remove default alias connect and check result
method: remove default alias connect
expected: list connection and return {}
# remove the connection that is not exist
res = self.connection_wrap.remove_connection(alias='default', check_res='')
assert res[0].args[0] == "There is no connection with alias 'default'."
# list all connections and check the response
check_items={"list_content": []})
def test_connection_normal_remove_connection_repeat(self, host, port):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("connect_name", [DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, "test_alias_name"])
def test_connection_remove_after_connect(self, host, port, connect_name):
target: test remove connection twice
method: remove connection twice
expected: assert the responses are True
target: remove connection after connect and check result
method: remove connection after connect
expected: addr is None, response of list_connection still included that configure
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={"host": host, "port": port}, dev={"host": host, "port": port})
res = self.connection_wrap.get_connection_addr(alias='default')
assert res[0]["host"] == host
assert res[0]["port"] == port
# successfully created default connection
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=connect_name, host=host, port=port,
# remove the connection that is not exist
# get the object of alias
check_items={"value_content": None})
# list all connections and check the response
list_content = [] if connect_name == DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING else [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]
check_items={"list_content": list_content})
def test_connection_remove_connection_100_repeat(self):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("connect_name", [DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, "test_alias_name"])
def test_connection_remove_after_disconnect(self, host, port, connect_name):
target: test delete the same connection 100 times
method: delete the same connection 100 times
expected: assert the remaining 99 delete errors
target: remove connection after disconnect and check result
method: remove connection after disconnect
expected: response of list_connection not included that configure
for i in range(100):
res = self.connection_wrap.remove_connection(alias='default', check_res='')
assert res[0].args[0] == "There is no connection with alias 'default'."
# successfully created default connection
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=connect_name, host=host, port=port,
def test_connection_configure_remove_connection(self, host, port):
target: test remove configure alias
method: remove configure alias
expected: assert res is err
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={"host": host, "port": port})
alias_name = 'default'
# disconnect alias is exist
res = self.connection_wrap.remove_connection(alias=alias_name, check_res='')
assert res[0].args[0] == "There is no connection with alias '%s'." % alias_name
# remove connection
@pytest.mark.skip("error res")
def test_connection_create_connection_remove_configure(self, host, port):
target: test create connection before remove configure
method: create connection before reset configure
expected: assert res
alias_name = "default"
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=alias_name, host=host, port=port)
# remove twice connection
@pytest.mark.skip("error res")
def test_connection_create_connection_reset_configure(self, host, port):
target: test params of create connection are different with configure
method: params of create connection are different with configure
expected: assert res
alias_name = "default"
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=alias_name, host=host, port=port)
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={'host': host, 'port': port})
@pytest.mark.skip("res needs to be confirmed")
def test_connection_create_connection_diff_configure(self, host, port):
target: test params of create connection are different with configure
method: params of create connection are different with configure
expected: assert res
# error
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={"host": 'host', "port": port})
res = self.connection_wrap.connect(alias="default", host=host, port=port, check_task='')
res = self.connection_wrap.connect(alias="default", host=host, port=port, check_task='')
def test_connection_create_connection_repeat(self, host, port):
target: test create connection twice
method: create connection twice
expected: res is True
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias='default', host=host, port=port)
def test_connection_create_connection_not_exist(self, port):
target: test create connection is not exist
method: create connection with not exist link
expected: assert res is wrong
self.connection_wrap.get_connection(alias='default', check_res=CheckTasks.false)
res = self.connection_wrap.connect(alias="default", host='host', port=port, check_task='')
assert res[0].args[0] == "Fail connecting to server on host:19530. Timeout"
def test_connection_create_remove(self, host, port):
target: test create and remove connection twice
method: create and remove connection twice
expected: assert res is correct
alias_name = "default"
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=alias_name, host=host, port=port)
self.connection_wrap.get_connection(alias=alias_name, check_res=CheckTasks.false)
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias=alias_name, host=host, port=port)
def test_connection_list_configure(self, host, port):
target: test list connection of configure
method: list connection of configure
expected: assert res is correct
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={"host": host, "port": port}, dev={"host": host, "port": port})
assert self.connection_wrap.list_connections()[0] == ['default', 'dev']
@pytest.mark.skip("Behavior to be determined")
def test_connection_list_create_configure(self, host, port):
target: test list connection of configure
method: list connection of configure
expected: assert res is correct
self.connection_wrap.connect(alias="default1", host=host, port=port)
self.connection_wrap.add_connection(default={"host": host, "port": port}, dev={"host": host, "port": port})
assert self.connection_wrap.list_connections()[0] == ['default', 'dev']
# list all connections and check the response
list_content = [] if connect_name == DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING else [(DefaultConfig.DEFAULT_USING, None)]
check_items={"list_content": list_content})