@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Using Python 3.x
import urllib . request
import urllib . error
from pathlib import Path
import requests
import json
from urllib . parse import urlparse
import markdown
import os
from os . path import join , getsize
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from sys import platform
import argparse
class LinksFromMarkdown ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , repository ) :
self . dictionary = repository
def extract_links_from_markdown ( self , repository ) :
if platform == " linux " or platform == " linux2 " :
# linux
link_file = " ../link_reports/ " + " extracted_links.json "
dirName = " ../link_reports "
elif platform == " darwin " :
# OS X
link_file = " ../link_reports/ " + " extracted_links.json "
dirName = " ../link_reports "
elif platform == " win32 " :
# Windows...
link_file = " .. \\ link_reports \\ " + " extracted_links.json "
dirName = " .. \\ link_reports "
# repository = "D:\\GithubRepo\\docs-master\\docs-master"
try :
# Create target Directory
os . mkdir ( dirName )
print ( " Directory " , dirName , " Created " )
except FileExistsError :
print ( " Directory " , dirName , " already exists " )
md_files = [ ]
for root , dirs , files in os . walk ( repository ) :
# print(root, "consumes", end=" ")
# print(sum(getsize(join(root, name)) for name in files), end=" ")
# print("bytes in", len(files), "non-directory files")
if len ( files ) != 0 :
# print(files)
for file in files :
if file . endswith ( " .md " ) or file . endswith ( " .MD " ) or file . endswith ( " .mD " ) or file . endswith ( " .Md " ) :
md_files . append ( join ( root , file ) )
# elif file.endswith(".png") or file.endswith(".PNG"):
# pics.append((join(root, file)))
# print(md_files)
# print(pics)
a_href_list = [ ]
for md_file in md_files :
with open ( md_file , " r " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
html = markdown . markdown ( f . read ( ) )
# print(html)
soup = BeautifulSoup ( html , " lxml " )
a_hrefs = [ ( x . get ( ' href ' ) ) for x in soup . find_all ( " a " ) ]
a_href_list . append ( a_hrefs )
# print(a_hrefs)
# print(md_file)
# Generates a dictionary that indicates each MD file and links extracted from the MD file
dictionary = dict ( zip ( md_files , a_href_list ) )
with open ( link_file , " w+ " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
json . dump ( dictionary , f )
return link_file
# print(dictionary)
class CheckExtractedLinksFromMarkdown ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , link_file ) :
self . link_file = link_file
def check_extracted_links ( self , link_file ) :
if platform == " linux " or platform == " linux2 " :
# linux
report_name = " ../link_reports/ " + " link_validation_report.html "
elif platform == " darwin " :
# OS X
report_name = " ../link_reports/ " + " link_validation_report.html "
elif platform == " win32 " :
# Windows...
report_name = " .. \\ link_reports \\ " + " link_validation_report.html "
html_code = """ <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset= " UTF-8 " ><title>Link Validation Detailed Report</title></head><body><h1>Link Validation Detailed Report</h1> """
with open ( link_file , " r " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
json_text = f . read ( )
link_dict = json . loads ( json_text )
# If the report file exists, remove the file.
text_file = Path ( report_name )
if text_file . is_file ( ) :
os . remove ( report_name )
with open ( report_name , " w+ " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write ( html_code )
# Iterate over all MD files
# key ---> MD file location
# value ---> An array of links in the MD file, including internet links and file links
invalid_counter = 0
for key in link_dict . keys ( ) :
head_code = " "
table_code = " "
if link_dict . get ( key ) == [ ] :
with open ( report_name , " a " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write ( """ <h2>Checking links in """ + key )
f . write ( """ <p style= " color:green " >This markdown file does not contain any links.</p> """ )
else :
head_code = """ <table border= " 1 " ><tr><th>Link</th><th>Status</th><th>Markdown File</th></tr> """
with open ( report_name , " a " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write ( """ <h2>Checking links in """ + key )
f . write ( head_code )
# Iterate over all links in each MD file
for link in link_dict . get ( key ) :
# Check internet links: http,https
try :
assert type ( link ) is str
except AssertionError as e :
invalid_counter = invalid_counter + 1
a_row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td>Invalid Link Number """ + str ( invalid_counter ) + """ </td><td> """ + """ This link is not string, which indicates that your MD file may not be well-formed. """ + """ </td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
with open ( report_name , " a " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write ( a_row_code )
# MD files that are not well-formed may raise exceptions. If parentheses are not correctly escaped, a NoneType object may be returned
if link . startswith ( " http:// " ) or link . startswith ( " https:// " ) :
try :
link_response = requests . get ( link , timeout = 60 )
status_code = link_response . status_code
# Informational responses (100– 199),
# Successful responses (200– 299),
# Redirects (300– 399),
# Client errors (400– 499),
# and Server errors (500– 599).
if status_code in range ( 200 , 299 ) :
# For links that do not contain hashes
if " # " not in link :
row_code = """ <tr class= " success " bgcolor= " #32CD32 " ><td> """ + """ <a href= \" """ + link + """ \" > """ + link + """ </a> """ + """ </td><td> """ + str ( status_code ) + """ </td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
# For links that contain hashes
else :
try :
# Acquire the url after "#"
headers = {
' User-Agent ' : ' Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0 ' }
req = urllib . request . Request ( url = str (
urlparse ( link ) . scheme + " :// " + urlparse ( link ) . netloc + urlparse ( link ) . path ) , headers = headers )
response = urllib . request . urlopen ( req , data = None )
html_code = response . read ( )
soup = BeautifulSoup ( html_code . decode ( " utf-8 " ) , " lxml " )
a_hash = soup . find ( " a " , { " id " : str ( urlparse ( link ) . fragment ) } )
h1_hash = soup . find ( " h1 " , { " id " : str ( urlparse ( link ) . fragment ) } )
h2_hash = soup . find ( " h2 " , { " id " : str ( urlparse ( link ) . fragment ) } )
h3_hash = soup . find ( " h3 " , { " id " : str ( urlparse ( link ) . fragment ) } )
h4_hash = soup . find ( " h4 " , { " id " : str ( urlparse ( link ) . fragment ) } )
h5_hash = soup . find ( " h5 " , { " id " : str ( urlparse ( link ) . fragment ) } )
h6_hash = soup . find ( " h6 " , { " id " : str ( urlparse ( link ) . fragment ) } )
div_hash = soup . find ( " div " , { " id " : str ( urlparse ( link ) . fragment ) } )
if ( None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None ) != (
a_hash , h1_hash , h2_hash , h3_hash , h4_hash , h5_hash , h6_hash , div_hash ) :
row_code = """ <tr class= " success " bgcolor= " #32CD32 " ><td> """ + """ <a href= \" """ + link + """ \" > """ + link + """ </a> """ + """ </td><td> """ + str (
status_code ) + """ </td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
else :
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + """ <a href= \" """ + link + """ \" > """ + link + """ </a> """ + """ </td><td> """ + str (
status_code ) + """ The URL looks good but the anchor link does not work or is not using an anchor tag. """ + """ </td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """ """ </td></tr> """
except urllib . error . HTTPError as http_error :
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + """ <a href= \" """ + link + """ \" > """ + link + """ </a> """ + """ </td><td> """ + str (
status_code ) + """ """ + str ( http_error ) + """ The URL looks good but the page then returns an HTTP error.</td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
except urllib . error . URLError as url_error :
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + """ <a href= \" """ + link + """ \" > """ + link + """ </a> """ + """ </td><td> """ + str (
status_code ) + """ """ + str ( url_error ) + """ The URL looks good but the page then returns a URL error.</td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
elif status_code in range ( 400 , 599 ) :
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + """ <a href= \" """ + link + """ \" > """ + link + """ </a> """ + """ </td><td> """ + str (
status_code ) + """ </td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
except requests . exceptions . Timeout as timeout_error :
print ( timeout_error )
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + """ <a href= \" """ + link + """ \" > """ + link + """ </a> """ + """ </td><td> """ + str (
timeout_error ) + """ </td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
except requests . exceptions . ConnectionError as connection_error :
print ( connection_error )
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + """ <a href= \" """ + link + """ \" > """ + link + """ </a> """ + """ </td><td> """ + str (
connection_error ) + """ </td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
except requests . exceptions . HTTPError as http_error :
print ( http_error )
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + """ <a href= \" """ + link + """ \" > """ + link + """ </a> """ + """ </td><td> """ + str (
http_error ) + """ </td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
# elif link.startswith("mailto:"):
# Check MD file links
# File path formats on Windows systems from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/io/file-path-formats
# C:\Documents\Newsletters\Summer2018.pdf An absolute file path from the root of drive C:
# \Program Files\Custom Utilities\StringFinder.exe An absolute path from the root of the current drive.
# 2018\January.xlsx A relative path to a file in a subdirectory of the current directory.
# ..\Publications\TravelBrochure.pdf A relative path to file in a directory that is a peer of the current directory.
# C:\Projects\apilibrary\apilibrary.sln An absolute path to a file from the root of drive C:
# C:Projects\apilibrary\apilibrary.sln A relative path from the current directory of the C: drive.
# We do not use absolute path formats in MD files and path formats are not likely to be from the root of the current drive. So here are possible formats:
# 2018\January.md
# ..\Publications\TravelBrochure.md
# Check if file exists
elif link . endswith ( " .md " ) or link . endswith ( " .MD " ) or link . endswith ( " .mD " ) or link . endswith ( " .Md " ) :
# A relative path to file in a directory that is a peer of the current directory.
if link . startswith ( " .. \\ " ) :
# Get the absolute location of the linked md
cur_direct = os . path . dirname ( key )
final_direct = os . path . dirname ( cur_direct )
linked_md = os . path . join ( final_direct , link )
# Check if the linked md exists
if Path ( linked_md ) . is_file ( ) :
row_code = """ <tr class= " success " bgcolor= " #32CD32 " ><td> """ + link + """ </td><td>The file link looks good.</td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
else :
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + link + """ </td><td>The file link is broken.</td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
# A relative path to a file in a subdirectory of the current directory.
else :
# Get the absolute location of the linked md
cur_direct = os . path . dirname ( key )
linked_md = os . path . join ( cur_direct , link )
# Check if the linked md exists
if Path ( linked_md ) . is_file ( ) :
row_code = """ <tr class= " success " bgcolor= " #32CD32 " ><td> """ + link + """ </td><td>The file link looks good.</td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
else :
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + link + """ </td><td>The file link is broken.</td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
elif link . startswith ( " # " ) :
# Validate if anchors correctly show in the MD file
with open ( key , " r " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
md_text = f . read ( )
# print(str(md_text))
reg = re . compile ( str ( " # " + " \ s* " + link [ 1 : ] ) )
if """ <a name= \" """ + link [ 1 : ] + """ \" > """ in str ( md_text ) or len ( re . findall ( reg , str ( md_text ) ) ) == 2 :
row_code = """ <tr class= " success " bgcolor= " #32CD32 " ><td> """ + link + """ </td><td>The anchor link looks good.</td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
else :
row_code = """ <tr class= " fail " bgcolor= " #FF0000 " ><td> """ + link + """ </td><td>The anchor link is broken.</td><td> """ + key + """ </td></tr> """
# Writes row_code for the link to the table
with open ( report_name , " a " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write ( row_code )
# print(row_code)
# Writes the end of the table for the key
with open ( report_name , " a " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write ( " </table> " )
print ( " Completed link checking for " + key )
with open ( report_name , " a " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write ( " </body></html> " )
print ( " Completed link checking for all markdown files " )
return report_name
class GenerateReportSummary ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , report_name ) :
self . report_name = report_name
def generate_report_summary ( self , report_name ) :
if platform == " linux " or platform == " linux2 " :
# linux
summary_name = " ../link_reports/ " + " link_validation_summary.html "
elif platform == " darwin " :
# OS X
summary_name = " ../link_reports/ " + " link_validation_summary.html "
elif platform == " win32 " :
# Windows...
summary_name = " .. \\ link_reports \\ " + " link_validation_summary.html "
# Use BeautifulSoup to read this report and return statistics
with open ( report_name , " r " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
html_code = f . read ( )
soup = BeautifulSoup ( html_code , " lxml " )
failed_links_rows = soup . find_all ( " tr " , { " class " : " fail " } )
fail_count = len ( failed_links_rows )
success_links_rows = soup . find_all ( " tr " , { " class " : " success " } )
pass_count = len ( success_links_rows )
for failed_links_row in failed_links_rows :
del failed_links_row . attrs [ " bgcolor " ]
# print(type(failed_links_rows))
# Write report summary to another HTML file
with open ( summary_name , " w+ " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write (
""" <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset= " UTF-8 " ><title>Link Validation Report Summary</title></head><body><h1>Link Validation Report Summary</h1> """ )
f . write ( """ <p><strong>The number of failed links:</strong> """ + str ( fail_count ) + """ . <strong>The number of passed links:</strong> """ + str ( pass_count ) + """ <strong>Pass rate:</strong> """ + str ( float ( pass_count / ( pass_count + fail_count ) ) * 100 ) + ' % ' )
f . write ( """ <p>Click the button to sort the table by parent page:</p>
< p > < button onclick = " sortTable() " > Sort < / button > < / p > """ )
f . write ( """ <script>
function sortTable ( ) {
var table , rows , switching , i , x , y , shouldSwitch ;
table = document . getElementById ( " myTable " ) ;
switching = true ;
/ * Make a loop that will continue until
no switching has been done : * /
while ( switching ) {
/ / start by saying : no switching is done :
switching = false ;
rows = table . rows ;
/ * Loop through all table rows ( except the
first , which contains table headers ) : * /
for ( i = 1 ; i < ( rows . length - 1 ) ; i + + ) {
/ / start by saying there should be no switching :
shouldSwitch = false ;
/ * Get the two elements you want to compare ,
one from current row and one from the next : * /
x = rows [ i ] . getElementsByTagName ( " TD " ) [ 0 ] ;
y = rows [ i + 1 ] . getElementsByTagName ( " TD " ) [ 0 ] ;
/ / check if the two rows should switch place :
if ( x . innerHTML . toLowerCase ( ) > y . innerHTML . toLowerCase ( ) ) {
/ / if so , mark as a switch and break the loop :
shouldSwitch = true ;
break ;
if ( shouldSwitch ) {
/ * If a switch has been marked , make the switch
and mark that a switch has been done : * /
rows [ i ] . parentNode . insertBefore ( rows [ i + 1 ] , rows [ i ] ) ;
switching = true ;
< / script > """ )
f . write (
""" <table id= " myTable " border= " 1 " ><tr><th>Failed Links</th><th>Status Code</th><th>Parent Page</th></tr> """ )
for failed_link in set ( failed_links_rows ) :
f . write ( str ( failed_link ) )
f . write (
""" </table><p> """ + """ Refer to <a href= \" """ + report_name + """ \" >this link</a> for detailed report. """ + """ </p></body></html> """ )
# Create the parser
my_parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' Check the links for all markdown files of a folder ' )
# Add the arguments
my_parser . add_argument ( ' Path ' ,
metavar = ' path ' ,
type = str ,
help = ' The path to the repository that contains all markdown files. ' )
# Execute the parse_args() method
args = my_parser . parse_args ( )
repository = args . Path
# Get link JSON file
LinksFromMarkdown_Milvus = LinksFromMarkdown ( repository )
link_file = LinksFromMarkdown_Milvus . extract_links_from_markdown ( repository )
# Generate link validation report
CheckExtractedLinksFromMarkdown_Milvus = CheckExtractedLinksFromMarkdown ( link_file )
report_name = CheckExtractedLinksFromMarkdown_Milvus . check_extracted_links ( link_file )
# Generate report summary
GenerateReportSummary_Milvus = GenerateReportSummary ( report_name )
GenerateReportSummary_Milvus . generate_report_summary ( report_name )