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fix: [cherry-pick] Clear DN unknown compaction tasks (#30972)
If DC restarted, those unkonwn compaction tasks will never get call back in DN, so that the segments in the compaction task will be locked, unable to sync and compaction again, blocking cp advance and compaction executing. See also: #30137 pr: #30850 Signed-off-by: yangxuan <xuan.yang@zilliz.com>pull/30986/head
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ import (
// TODO this num should be determined by resources of datanode, for now, we set to a fixed value for simple
@ -336,67 +338,90 @@ func (c *compactionPlanHandler) updateCompaction(ts Timestamp) error {
// for DC might add new task while GetCompactionState.
executingTasks := c.getTasksByState(executing)
timeoutTasks := c.getTasksByState(timeout)
planStates := c.sessions.GetCompactionState()
planStates := c.sessions.GetCompactionPlanResults()
cachedPlans := []int64{}
defer c.mu.Unlock()
for _, task := range executingTasks {
stateResult, ok := planStates[task.plan.PlanID]
state := stateResult.GetState()
log := log.With(zap.Int64("planID", task.plan.PlanID), zap.Int64("nodeID", task.dataNodeID))
// stateResult, ok := planStates[task.plan.PlanID]
// state := stateResult.GetState()
planID := task.plan.PlanID
// check whether the state of CompactionPlan is working
if ok {
if state == commonpb.CompactionState_Completed {
log.Info("compaction completed", zap.Int64("planID", planID), zap.Int64("nodeID", task.dataNodeID))
err := c.completeCompaction(stateResult.GetResult())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("fail to complete compaction", zap.Int64("planID", planID), zap.Int64("nodeID", task.dataNodeID), zap.Error(err))
// check wether the CompactionPlan is timeout
if state == commonpb.CompactionState_Executing && !c.isTimeout(ts, task.plan.GetStartTime(), task.plan.GetTimeoutInSeconds()) {
log.Warn("compaction timeout",
zap.Int64("planID", task.plan.PlanID),
zap.Int64("nodeID", task.dataNodeID),
zap.Uint64("startTime", task.plan.GetStartTime()),
zap.Uint64("now", ts),
c.plans[planID] = c.plans[planID].shadowClone(setState(timeout))
cachedPlans = append(cachedPlans, planID)
if nodePlan, ok := planStates[planID]; ok {
planResult := nodePlan.B
log.Info("compaction failed", zap.Int64("planID", task.plan.PlanID), zap.Int64("nodeID", task.dataNodeID))
c.plans[planID] = c.plans[planID].shadowClone(setState(failed))
c.setSegmentsCompacting(task.plan, false)
switch planResult.GetState() {
case commonpb.CompactionState_Completed:
log.Info("start to complete compaction")
if err := c.completeCompaction(planResult.GetResult()); err != nil {
log.Warn("fail to complete compaction", zap.Error(err))
case commonpb.CompactionState_Executing:
if c.isTimeout(ts, task.plan.GetStartTime(), task.plan.GetTimeoutInSeconds()) {
log.Warn("compaction timeout",
zap.Int32("timeout in seconds", task.plan.GetTimeoutInSeconds()),
zap.Uint64("startTime", task.plan.GetStartTime()),
zap.Uint64("now", ts),
c.plans[planID] = c.plans[planID].shadowClone(setState(timeout))
} else {
log.Info("compaction failed")
c.plans[planID] = c.plans[planID].shadowClone(setState(failed))
c.setSegmentsCompacting(task.plan, false)
// Timeout tasks will be timeout and failed in DataNode
// need to wait for DataNode reporting failure and
// clean the status.
for _, task := range timeoutTasks {
stateResult, ok := planStates[task.plan.PlanID]
planID := task.plan.PlanID
log := log.With(zap.Int64("planID", task.plan.PlanID), zap.Int64("nodeID", task.dataNodeID))
if !ok {
log.Info("compaction failed for timeout", zap.Int64("planID", task.plan.PlanID), zap.Int64("nodeID", task.dataNodeID))
planID := task.plan.PlanID
cachedPlans = append(cachedPlans, planID)
if nodePlan, ok := planStates[task.plan.PlanID]; ok {
if nodePlan.B.GetState() == commonpb.CompactionState_Executing {
log.RatedInfo(1, "compaction timeout in DataCoord yet DataNode is still running")
} else {
// compaction task in DC but not found in DN means the compactino plan has failed
log.Info("compaction failed for timeout")
c.plans[planID] = c.plans[planID].shadowClone(setState(failed))
c.setSegmentsCompacting(task.plan, false)
// DataNode will check if plan's are timeout but not as sensitive as DataCoord,
// just wait another round.
if ok && stateResult.GetState() == commonpb.CompactionState_Executing {
log.Info("compaction timeout in DataCoord yet DataNode is still running",
zap.Int64("planID", planID),
zap.Int64("nodeID", task.dataNodeID))
// Compaction plans in DN but not in DC are unknown plans, need to notify DN to clear it.
// No locks needed, because no changes in DC memeory
completedPlans := lo.PickBy(planStates, func(planID int64, planState *typeutil.Pair[int64, *datapb.CompactionStateResult]) bool {
return planState.B.GetState() == commonpb.CompactionState_Completed
unkonwnPlansInWorker, _ := lo.Difference(lo.Keys(completedPlans), cachedPlans)
for _, planID := range unkonwnPlansInWorker {
if nodeUnKnownPlan, ok := completedPlans[planID]; ok {
nodeID := nodeUnKnownPlan.A
log := log.With(zap.Int64("planID", planID), zap.Int64("nodeID", nodeID))
// Sync segments without CompactionFrom segmentsIDs to make sure DN clear the task
// without changing the meta
req := &datapb.SyncSegmentsRequest{
PlanID: planID,
log.Info("compaction syncing unknown plan with node")
if err := c.sessions.SyncSegments(nodeID, req); err != nil {
log.Warn("compaction failed to sync segments with node", zap.Error(err))
return err
return nil
@ -795,6 +795,7 @@ func Test_compactionPlanHandler_updateCompaction(t *testing.T) {
{PlanID: 3, State: commonpb.CompactionState_Completed, Result: &datapb.CompactionResult{PlanID: 3}},
{PlanID: 4, State: commonpb.CompactionState_Executing},
{PlanID: 6, State: commonpb.CompactionState_Executing},
{PlanID: 7, State: commonpb.CompactionState_Completed, Result: &datapb.CompactionResult{PlanID: 7}},
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ type SessionManager interface {
SyncSegments(nodeID int64, req *datapb.SyncSegmentsRequest) error
Import(ctx context.Context, nodeID int64, itr *datapb.ImportTaskRequest)
AddImportSegment(ctx context.Context, nodeID int64, req *datapb.AddImportSegmentRequest) (*datapb.AddImportSegmentResponse, error)
GetCompactionState() map[int64]*datapb.CompactionStateResult
GetCompactionPlanResults() map[int64]*typeutil.Pair[int64, *datapb.CompactionStateResult]
CheckHealth(ctx context.Context) error
@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ func (c *SessionManagerImpl) execImport(ctx context.Context, nodeID int64, itr *
log.Info("success to import", zap.Int64("node", nodeID), zap.Any("import task", itr))
func (c *SessionManagerImpl) GetCompactionState() map[int64]*datapb.CompactionStateResult {
func (c *SessionManagerImpl) GetCompactionPlanResults() map[int64]*typeutil.Pair[int64, *datapb.CompactionStateResult] {
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
ctx := context.Background()
plans := typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *datapb.CompactionStateResult]()
plans := typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *typeutil.Pair[int64, *datapb.CompactionStateResult]]()
for nodeID, s := range c.sessions.data {
@ -293,15 +293,16 @@ func (c *SessionManagerImpl) GetCompactionState() map[int64]*datapb.CompactionSt
for _, rst := range resp.GetResults() {
plans.Insert(rst.PlanID, rst)
nodeRst := typeutil.NewPair(nodeID, rst)
plans.Insert(rst.PlanID, &nodeRst)
}(nodeID, s)
rst := make(map[int64]*datapb.CompactionStateResult)
plans.Range(func(planID int64, result *datapb.CompactionStateResult) bool {
rst := make(map[int64]*typeutil.Pair[int64, *datapb.CompactionStateResult])
plans.Range(func(planID int64, result *typeutil.Pair[int64, *datapb.CompactionStateResult]) bool {
rst[planID] = result
return true
@ -341,20 +341,22 @@ func (node *DataNode) GetCompactionState(ctx context.Context, req *datapb.Compac
func (node *DataNode) SyncSegments(ctx context.Context, req *datapb.SyncSegmentsRequest) (*commonpb.Status, error) {
log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
zap.Int64("planID", req.GetPlanID()),
zap.Int64("nodeID", paramtable.GetNodeID()),
zap.Int64("targetSegmentID", req.GetCompactedTo()),
zap.Int64s("compactedFrom", req.GetCompactedFrom()),
log.Info("DataNode receives SyncSegments",
zap.Int64("numOfRows", req.GetNumOfRows()),
log.Info("DataNode receives SyncSegments")
if err := merr.CheckHealthy(node.GetStateCode()); err != nil {
log.Warn("DataNode.SyncSegments failed", zap.Int64("nodeId", paramtable.GetNodeID()), zap.Error(err))
log.Warn("DataNode.SyncSegments failed", zap.Error(err))
return merr.Status(err), nil
if len(req.GetCompactedFrom()) <= 0 {
return merr.Status(merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid(">0", "0", "compacted from segments shouldn't be empty")), nil
log.Info("SyncSegments with empty compactedFrom, clearing the plan")
node.compactionExecutor.injectDone(req.GetPlanID(), false)
return merr.Success(), nil
var (
@ -760,19 +760,24 @@ func (s *DataNodeServicesSuite) TestSyncSegments() {
s3.segmentID: &s3,
s.Run("invalid compacted from", func() {
s.Run("empty compactedFrom", func() {
req := &datapb.SyncSegmentsRequest{
CompactedTo: 400,
NumOfRows: 100,
req.CompactedFrom = []UniqueID{}
status, err := s.node.SyncSegments(s.ctx, req)
req.CompactedFrom = []UniqueID{101, 201}
status, err = s.node.SyncSegments(s.ctx, req)
s.Run("invalid compacted from", func() {
req := &datapb.SyncSegmentsRequest{
CompactedTo: 400,
NumOfRows: 100,
CompactedFrom: []UniqueID{101, 201},
status, err := s.node.SyncSegments(s.ctx, req)
Reference in New Issue