mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
Merge branch 'branch-0.4.0' into 'branch-0.4.0'
add staging test stage See merge request megasearch/milvus!426 Former-commit-id: 19be6fd04c2b62fb44f3a848faef0d0bed38da74pull/191/head
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
try {
def result = sh script: "helm status ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", returnStatus: true
if (!result) {
sh "helm del --purge ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
} catch (exc) {
def result = sh script: "helm status ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", returnStatus: true
if (!result) {
sh "helm del --purge ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
throw exc
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
try {
sh 'helm init --client-only --skip-refresh --stable-repo-url https://kubernetes.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/charts'
sh 'helm repo add milvus https://registry.zilliz.com/chartrepo/milvus'
sh 'helm repo update'
dir ("milvus-helm") {
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "${SEMVER}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${params.GIT_USER}", url: "git@", name: 'origin', refspec: "+refs/heads/${SEMVER}:refs/remotes/origin/${SEMVER}"]]])
dir ("milvus/milvus-gpu") {
sh "helm install --wait --timeout 300 --set engine.image.repository="zilliz.azurecr.cn/milvus/engine" --set engine.image.tag=${DOCKER_VERSION} --set expose.type=loadBalancer --name ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER} -f ci/values.yaml --namespace milvus-1 --version 0.4.0 ."
} catch (exc) {
echo 'Helm running failed!'
sh "helm del --purge ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
throw exc
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ timeout(time: 40, unit: 'MINUTES') {
dir ("${PROJECT_NAME}_test") {
dir ("${PROJECT_NAME}_test") {
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "${SEMVER}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${params.GIT_USER}", url: "git@", name: 'origin', refspec: "+refs/heads/${SEMVER}:refs/remotes/origin/${SEMVER}"]]])
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "${SEMVER}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${params.GIT_USER}", url: "git@", name: 'origin', refspec: "+refs/heads/${SEMVER}:refs/remotes/origin/${SEMVER}"]]])
sh 'python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt'
sh 'python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt'
sh "pytest . --alluredir=test_out --ip ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-milvus-gpu-engine.milvus-1.svc.cluster.local"
sh "pytest . --alluredir="test_out/dev/single/sqlite" --ip ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-milvus-gpu-engine.milvus-1.svc.cluster.local"
// mysql database backend test
// mysql database backend test
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ timeout(time: 40, unit: 'MINUTES') {
dir ("milvus-helm") {
dir ("milvus-helm") {
dir ("milvus/milvus-gpu") {
dir ("milvus/milvus-gpu") {
sh "helm install --wait --timeout 300 --set engine.image.tag=${DOCKER_VERSION} --set expose.type=clusterIP --name ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER} -f ci/db_backend/mysql_values.yaml --namespace milvus-2 --version 0.3.1 ."
sh "helm install --wait --timeout 300 --set engine.image.tag=${DOCKER_VERSION} --set expose.type=clusterIP --name ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER} -f ci/db_backend/mysql_values.yaml --namespace milvus-2 --version 0.4.0 ."
dir ("${PROJECT_NAME}_test") {
dir ("${PROJECT_NAME}_test") {
sh "pytest . --alluredir=test_out --ip ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-milvus-gpu-engine.milvus-2.svc.cluster.local"
sh "pytest . --alluredir="test_out/dev/single/mysql" --ip ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-milvus-gpu-engine.milvus-2.svc.cluster.local"
} catch (exc) {
} catch (exc) {
echo 'Milvus Test Failed !'
echo 'Milvus Test Failed !'
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
timeout(time: 40, unit: 'MINUTES') {
try {
dir ("${PROJECT_NAME}_test") {
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "${SEMVER}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${params.GIT_USER}", url: "git@", name: 'origin', refspec: "+refs/heads/${SEMVER}:refs/remotes/origin/${SEMVER}"]]])
sh 'python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt'
def service_ip = sh (script: "kubectl get svc --namespace milvus-1 ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-milvus-gpu-engine --template \"{{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress}}{{.ip}}{{end}}\"",returnStdout: true).trim()
sh "pytest . --alluredir="test_out/staging/single/sqlite" --ip ${service_ip}"
// mysql database backend test
load "${env.WORKSPACE}/ci/jenkinsfile/cleanup_staging.groovy"
if (!fileExists('milvus-helm')) {
dir ("milvus-helm") {
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: "${SEMVER}"]], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: "${params.GIT_USER}", url: "git@", name: 'origin', refspec: "+refs/heads/${SEMVER}:refs/remotes/origin/${SEMVER}"]]])
dir ("milvus-helm") {
dir ("milvus/milvus-gpu") {
sh "helm install --wait --timeout 300 --set engine.image.repository="zilliz.azurecr.cn/milvus/engine" --set engine.image.tag=${DOCKER_VERSION} --set expose.type=loadBalancer --name ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER} -f ci/db_backend/mysql_values.yaml --namespace milvus-2 --version 0.4.0 ."
dir ("${PROJECT_NAME}_test") {
def service_ip = sh (script: "kubectl get svc --namespace milvus-2 ${env.JOB_NAME}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-milvus-gpu-engine --template \"{{range .status.loadBalancer.ingress}}{{.ip}}{{end}}\"",returnStdout: true).trim()
sh "pytest . --alluredir="test_out/staging/single/mysql" --ip ${service_ip}"
} catch (exc) {
echo 'Milvus Test Failed !'
throw exc
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') {
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') {
dir ("${PROJECT_NAME}_test") {
dir ("${PROJECT_NAME}_test") {
if (fileExists('test_out')) {
if (fileExists('test_out/dev')) {
def fileTransfer = load "${env.WORKSPACE}/ci/function/file_transfer.groovy"
def fileTransfer = load "${env.WORKSPACE}/ci/function/file_transfer.groovy"
fileTransfer.FileTransfer("test_out/", "${PROJECT_NAME}/test/${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_ID}", 'nas storage')
fileTransfer.FileTransfer("test_out/dev/", "${PROJECT_NAME}/test/${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_ID}", 'nas storage')
if (currentBuild.resultIsBetterOrEqualTo('SUCCESS')) {
if (currentBuild.resultIsBetterOrEqualTo('SUCCESS')) {
echo "Milvus Dev Test Out Viewer \"${PROJECT_NAME}/test/${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_ID}\""
echo "Milvus Dev Test Out Viewer \"${PROJECT_NAME}/test/${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_ID}\""
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') {
dir ("${PROJECT_NAME}_test") {
if (fileExists('test_out/staging')) {
def fileTransfer = load "${env.WORKSPACE}/ci/function/file_transfer.groovy"
fileTransfer.FileTransfer("test_out/staging/", "${PROJECT_NAME}/test/${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_ID}", 'nas storage')
if (currentBuild.resultIsBetterOrEqualTo('SUCCESS')) {
echo "Milvus Dev Test Out Viewer \"${PROJECT_NAME}/test/${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_ID}\""
} else {
error("Milvus Dev Test Out directory don't exists!")
@ -208,17 +208,17 @@ spec:
success {
success {
script {
script {
echo "Milvus Single Node CI/CD success !"
echo "Milvus Deploy to Dev Single Node CI/CD success !"
aborted {
aborted {
script {
script {
echo "Milvus Single Node CI/CD aborted !"
echo "Milvus Deploy to Dev Single Node CI/CD aborted !"
failure {
failure {
script {
script {
echo "Milvus Single Node CI/CD failure !"
echo "Milvus Deploy to Dev Single Node CI/CD failure !"
@ -300,17 +300,114 @@ spec:
success {
success {
script {
script {
echo "Milvus Cluster CI/CD success !"
echo "Milvus Deploy to Dev Cluster CI/CD success !"
aborted {
aborted {
script {
script {
echo "Milvus Cluster CI/CD aborted !"
echo "Milvus Deploy to Dev Cluster CI/CD aborted !"
failure {
failure {
script {
script {
echo "Milvus Cluster CI/CD failure !"
echo "Milvus Deploy to Dev Cluster CI/CD failure !"
stage("Deploy to Staging") {
parallel {
stage("Single Node") {
agent {
kubernetes {
label 'dev-test'
defaultContainer 'jnlp'
yaml """
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
app: milvus
componet: test
- name: milvus-testframework
image: registry.zilliz.com/milvus/milvus-test:v0.2
- cat
tty: true
- name: kubeconf
mountPath: /root/.kube/
readOnly: true
- name: kubeconf
secretName: aks-gpu-cluster-config
stages {
stage("Deploy to Staging") {
steps {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: 'Deloy to Staging') {
container('milvus-testframework') {
script {
load "${env.WORKSPACE}/ci/jenkinsfile/deploy2staging.groovy"
stage("Staging Test") {
steps {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: 'Staging Test') {
container('milvus-testframework') {
script {
load "${env.WORKSPACE}/ci/jenkinsfile/staging_test.groovy"
load "${env.WORKSPACE}/ci/jenkinsfile/upload_staging_test_out.groovy"
stage ("Cleanup Staging") {
steps {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: 'Cleanup Staging') {
container('milvus-testframework') {
script {
load "${env.WORKSPACE}/ci/jenkinsfile/cleanup_staging.groovy"
post {
always {
container('milvus-testframework') {
script {
load "${env.WORKSPACE}/ci/jenkinsfile/cleanup_staging.groovy"
success {
script {
echo "Milvus Deploy to Staging Single Node CI/CD success !"
aborted {
script {
echo "Milvus Deploy to Staging Single Node CI/CD aborted !"
failure {
script {
echo "Milvus Deploy to Staging Single Node CI/CD failure !"
Reference in New Issue