mirror of https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus.git
Merge pull request #2026 from mileyzjq/code_polish
Fix unused code and clarify paramspull/2046/head
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ TEST_P(IDMAPTest, idmap_serialize) {
TEST_P(IDMAPTest, copy_test) {
TEST_P(IDMAPTest, idmap_copy) {
milvus::knowhere::Config conf{{milvus::knowhere::meta::DIM, dim},
@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ class NSGInterfaceTest : public DataGen, public ::testing::Test {
int64_t MB = 1024 * 1024;
milvus::knowhere::FaissGpuResourceMgr::GetInstance().InitDevice(DEVICEID, MB * 200, MB * 600, 1);
Generate(256, 1000000 / 100, 10);
int nsg_dim = 256;
Generate(nsg_dim, nb, nq);
index_ = std::make_shared<milvus::knowhere::NSG>();
train_conf = milvus::knowhere::Config{{milvus::knowhere::meta::DIM, 256},
@ -82,8 +83,7 @@ TEST_F(NSGInterfaceTest, basic_test) {
ASSERT_ANY_THROW(index_->Query(query_dataset, search_conf));
// train_conf->gpu_id = milvus::knowhere::INVALID_VALUE;
// auto model_invalid_gpu = index_->Train(base_dataset, train_conf);
train_conf[milvus::knowhere::meta::DEVICEID] = DEVICEID;
index_->Train(base_dataset, train_conf);
auto result = index_->Query(query_dataset, search_conf);
@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ TEST_F(NSGInterfaceTest, basic_test) {
ASSERT_EQ(index_->Count(), nb);
ASSERT_EQ(index_->Dim(), dim);
// ASSERT_THROW({ index_->Clone(); }, milvus::knowhere::KnowhereException);
// index_->Add(base_dataset, milvus::knowhere::Config());
// index_->Seal();
// });
TEST_F(NSGInterfaceTest, compare_test) {
@ -149,12 +144,6 @@ TEST_F(NSGInterfaceTest, delete_test) {
auto I_before = result->Get<int64_t*>(milvus::knowhere::meta::IDS);
for (int i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) printf("%5ld ", I_before[i * k + j]);
// search xq with delete
@ -162,193 +151,8 @@ TEST_F(NSGInterfaceTest, delete_test) {
AssertAnns(result_after, nq, k, CheckMode::CHECK_NOT_EQUAL);
auto I_after = result_after->Get<int64_t*>(milvus::knowhere::meta::IDS);
for (int i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) printf("%5ld ", I_after[i * k + j]);
// First vector deleted
for (int i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
ASSERT_NE(I_before[i * k], I_after[i * k]);
// Other results are the same
for (int i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= k / 2; j++) {
ASSERT_EQ(I_before[i * k + j], I_after[i * k + j - 1]);
// TEST(test, ori_nsg) {
// // float* p_data = nullptr;
// size_t rows, dim;
// char* filename = "/mnt/112d53a6-5592-4360-a33b-7fd789456fce/workspace/Data/sift/sift_base.fvecs";
// // loads_data(filename, p_data, rows, dim);
// float* p_data = fvecs_read(filename, &dim, &rows);
// std::string knng_filename =
// "/mnt/112d53a6-5592-4360-a33b-7fd789456fce/workspace/Cellar/anns/efanna_graph/tests/sift.1M.50NN.graph";
// std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> knng;
// Load_nns_graph(knng, knng_filename.c_str());
// // float* search_data = nullptr;
// size_t nq, search_dim;
// char* searchfile = "/mnt/112d53a6-5592-4360-a33b-7fd789456fce/workspace/Data/sift/sift_query.fvecs";
// // loads_data(searchfile, search_data, nq, search_dim);
// float* search_data = fvecs_read(searchfile, &search_dim, &nq);
// assert(search_dim == dim);
// size_t k, nq2;
// char* gtfile = "/mnt/112d53a6-5592-4360-a33b-7fd789456fce/workspace/Data/sift/sift_groundtruth.ivecs";
// int* gt_int = ivecs_read(gtfile, &k, &nq2);
// int64_t* gt = new int64_t[k * nq2];
// for (int i = 0; i < k * nq2; i++) {
// gt[i] = gt_int[i];
// }
// delete[] gt_int;
// std::vector<int64_t> store_ids(rows);
// for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
// store_ids[i] = i;
// }
// int64_t* I = new int64_t[nq * k];
// float* D = new float[nq * k];
//#if 0
// efanna2e::Parameters params;
// params.Set<int64_t>("L", 50);
// params.Set<int64_t>("R", 55);
// params.Set<int64_t>("C", 300);
// auto orinsg = std::make_shared<efanna2e::IndexNSG>(dim, rows, efanna2e::Metric::L2, nullptr);
// orinsg->Load_nn_graph(knng);
// orinsg->Build(rows, (float*)p_data, params);
// efanna2e::Parameters paras;
// paras.Set<unsigned>("L_search", 45);
// paras.Set<unsigned>("P_search",100);
// k = 10;
// std::vector<std::vector<int64_t> > res;
// for (unsigned i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
// std::vector<int64_t> tmp(k);
// orinsg->Search(search_data + i * dim, p_data, k, paras, tmp.data());
// res.push_back(tmp);
// }
// }
// knowhere::algo::BuildParams params;
// params.search_length = 50;
// params.out_degree = 55;
// params.candidate_pool_size = 300;
// auto nsg = std::make_shared<knowhere::algo::NsgIndex>(dim, rows);
//#if 1
// knowhere::FaissGpuResourceMgr::GetInstance().InitDevice(DEVICEID, 1024 * 1024 * 200, 1024 * 1024 * 600, 2);
// auto dataset = generate_dataset(int64_t(rows), int64_t(dim), p_data, store_ids.data());
// auto config = std::make_shared<knowhere::IVFCfg>();
// config->d = dim;
// config->gpu_id = 0;
// config->metric_type = knowhere::METRICTYPE::L2;
// auto preprocess_index = std::make_shared<knowhere::IDMAP>();
// preprocess_index->Train(config);
// preprocess_index->AddWithoutId(dataset, config);
// auto xx = knowhere::cloner::CopyCpuToGpu(preprocess_index, 0, config);
// auto ss = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<knowhere::GPUIDMAP>(xx);
// std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> kng;
// ss->GenGraph(p_data, 50, kng, config);
// nsg->SetKnnGraph(kng);
// knowhere::FaissGpuResourceMgr::GetInstance().Free();
// nsg->SetKnnGraph(knng);
// nsg->Build_with_ids(rows, (float*)p_data, store_ids.data(), params);
// knowhere::algo::SearchParams s_params;
// s_params.search_length = 45;
// nsg->Search(search_data, nq, dim, k, D, I, s_params);
// int n_1 = 0, n_10 = 0, n_100 = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
// int gt_nn = gt[i * k];
// for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
// if (I[i * k + j] == gt_nn) {
// if (j < 1)
// n_1++;
// if (j < 10)
// n_10++;
// if (j < 100)
// n_100++;
// }
// }
// }
// printf("R@1 = %.4f\n", n_1 / float(nq));
// printf("R@10 = %.4f\n", n_10 / float(nq));
// printf("R@100 = %.4f\n", n_100 / float(nq));
// TEST(testxx, test_idmap){
// int k = 50;
// std::string knng_filename =
// "/mnt/112d53a6-5592-4360-a33b-7fd789456fce/workspace/Cellar/anns/efanna_graph/tests/sift.50NN.graph";
// std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> gt_knng;
// Load_nns_graph(gt_knng, knng_filename.c_str());
// size_t rows, dim;
// char* filename =
// "/mnt/112d53a6-5592-4360-a33b-7fd789456fce/workspace/Cellar/anns/efanna_graph/tests/siftsmall/siftsmall_base.fvecs";
// float* p_data = fvecs_read(filename, &dim, &rows);
// std::vector<int64_t> store_ids(rows);
// for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
// store_ids[i] = i;
// }
// knowhere::FaissGpuResourceMgr::GetInstance().InitDevice(DEVICEID, 1024 * 1024 * 200, 1024 * 1024 * 600, 2);
// auto dataset = generate_dataset(int64_t(rows), int64_t(dim), p_data, store_ids.data());
// auto config = std::make_shared<knowhere::IVFCfg>();
// config->d = dim;
// config->gpu_id = 0;
// config->metric_type = knowhere::METRICTYPE::L2;
// auto preprocess_index = std::make_shared<knowhere::IDMAP>();
// preprocess_index->Train(config);
// preprocess_index->AddWithoutId(dataset, config);
// auto xx = knowhere::cloner::CopyCpuToGpu(preprocess_index, 0, config);
// auto ss = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<knowhere::GPUIDMAP>(xx);
// std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> idmap_knng;
// ss->GenGraph(p_data, k, idmap_knng,config);
// knowhere::FaissGpuResourceMgr::GetInstance().Free();
// int n_1 = 0, n_10 = 0, n_100 = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
// int gt_nn = gt_knng[i][0];
// int l_n_1 = 0;
// int l_n_10 = 0;
// int l_n_100 = 0;
// for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
// if (idmap_knng[i][j] == gt_nn) {
// if (j < 1){
// n_1++;
// l_n_1++;
// }
// if (j < 10){
// n_10++;
// l_n_10++;
// }
// if (j < 100){
// n_100++;
// l_n_100++;
// }
// }
// if ((j == k-1) && (l_n_100 == 0)){
// std::cout << "error id: " << i << std::endl;
// }
// }
// }
// printf("R@1 = %.4f\n", n_1 / float(rows));
// printf("R@10 = %.4f\n", n_10 / float(rows));
// printf("R@100 = %.4f\n", n_100 / float(rows));
Reference in New Issue