From aa247f192d339b0b34eaa8067110e769b63c235d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "zhenshan.cao" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2024 12:08:13 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] enhance: remove unused code for StorageV2 (#35132)


Signed-off-by: zhenshan.cao <>
 Makefile                                      |  10 +
 go.mod                                        |   2 -
 go.sum                                        |   2 -
 .../core/src/clustering/KmeansClustering.h    |   1 -
 internal/core/src/clustering/file_utils.h     |   1 -
 internal/core/src/exec/CMakeLists.txt         |   2 +-
 internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.cpp       |  98 -----
 internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.h         |  15 -
 internal/core/src/index/CMakeLists.txt        |   2 +-
 internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.cpp |  72 ----
 internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.h   |  15 -
 internal/core/src/index/Index.h               |   9 -
 internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.cpp      | 144 -------
 internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.h        |  25 --
 .../core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.cpp   |  45 +-
 .../core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.h     |  19 +-
 internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.cpp   | 123 ------
 internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.h     |  21 -
 internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.cpp | 124 ------
 internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.h   |  21 -
 internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.cpp   | 101 -----
 internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.h     |  19 -
 internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.cpp    | 318 --------------
 internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.h      |  17 -
 .../core/src/indexbuilder/IndexCreatorBase.h  |   6 -
 internal/core/src/indexbuilder/IndexFactory.h |  36 --
 .../src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.cpp   |  23 -
 .../src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.h     |  20 -
 .../core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.cpp |  19 +-
 .../core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.h   |  13 +-
 internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.cpp    | 126 ------
 internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.h      |   8 -
 internal/core/src/segcore/CMakeLists.txt      |   2 +-
 .../core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.cpp   |  85 ----
 .../core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.h     |   2 -
 internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentInterface.h  |   3 -
 .../core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.cpp    |  53 ---
 internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.h |   2 -
 internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.cpp           |  28 --
 internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.h             |   5 -
 internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.cpp    |  71 ---
 internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.h      |   3 -
 internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.cpp       |  15 -
 internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.h         |   4 -
 internal/core/src/storage/CMakeLists.txt      |   2 -
 .../core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.cpp  | 325 +-------------
 .../core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.h    |  37 +-
 internal/core/src/storage/FileManager.h       |  11 -
 .../core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.cpp   |  53 ---
 .../core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h     |  13 -
 internal/core/src/storage/Util.cpp            | 115 -----
 internal/core/src/storage/Util.h              |  23 -
 internal/core/thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt       |   2 -
 .../thirdparty/milvus-storage/CMakeLists.txt  |  48 ---
 .../milvus-storage_CMakeLists.txt             |  34 --
 .../unittest/test_disk_file_manager_test.cpp  | 100 +----
 internal/core/unittest/test_indexing.cpp      | 260 +----------
 internal/core/unittest/test_scalar_index.cpp  |  25 --
 internal/core/unittest/test_string_index.cpp  | 111 -----
 internal/datacoord/services.go                |  16 -
 internal/datacoord/task_index.go              |  85 +---
 internal/datacoord/task_scheduler_test.go     |  53 +--
 .../compaction/clustering_compactor_test.go   |   2 +-
 internal/datanode/compaction/load_stats.go    |  53 ---
 internal/datanode/importv2/util.go            |   5 -
 .../flushcommon/metacache/storagev2_cache.go  |  70 ---
 .../flushcommon/pipeline/data_sync_service.go |  29 +-
 .../pipeline/data_sync_service_test.go        |   2 +-
 internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer.go   |  77 ----
 .../flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer_test.go   |  28 --
 .../flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_meta_writer.go   |  42 --
 internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_task.go     |   2 +-
 .../syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer.go          | 256 -----------
 .../syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer_test.go     | 366 ----------------
 internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/sync_manager.go  |   1 -
 internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2.go        | 235 ----------
 internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2_test.go   | 403 -----------------
 .../writebuffer/bf_write_buffer.go            |   4 +-
 .../writebuffer/bf_write_buffer_test.go       | 114 +----
 .../writebuffer/l0_write_buffer.go            |   4 +-
 .../writebuffer/l0_write_buffer_test.go       |  23 +-
 internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/manager.go   |   6 +-
 .../flushcommon/writebuffer/manager_test.go   |  11 +-
 .../flushcommon/writebuffer/mock_manager.go   |  27 +-
 .../flushcommon/writebuffer/write_buffer.go   |  33 +-
 .../writebuffer/write_buffer_test.go          |  37 +-
 internal/indexnode/indexnode_service.go       |  14 +-
 internal/indexnode/task_index.go              | 181 --------
 internal/indexnode/task_test.go               | 106 -----
 .../querynodev2/segments/load_index_info.go   |  20 +-
 internal/querynodev2/segments/segment.go      | 198 +--------
 .../querynodev2/segments/segment_interface.go |   2 -
 internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_l0.go   |   5 -
 .../querynodev2/segments/segment_loader.go    | 404 ------------------
 .../segments/segment_loader_test.go           | 156 -------
 internal/querynodev2/server.go                |   6 +-
 .../util/bloomfilter/bloom_filter_test.go     |   2 +-
 .../util/importutilv2/binlog/l0_reader.go     |   2 +-
 internal/util/indexcgowrapper/index.go        |  61 ---
 99 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 5882 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 internal/core/thirdparty/milvus-storage/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 internal/core/thirdparty/milvus-storage/milvus-storage_CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 internal/flushcommon/metacache/storagev2_cache.go
 delete mode 100644 internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer.go
 delete mode 100644 internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer_test.go
 delete mode 100644 internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2.go
 delete mode 100644 internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2_test.go

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 48441d5dba..f3daaff0b6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -335,6 +335,16 @@ test-querycoord:
 	@echo "Running go unittests..."
 	@(env bash $(PWD)/scripts/ -t querycoord)
+generate-mockery-flushcommon: getdeps
+	$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=MetaCache --dir=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/metacache --output=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/metacache --filename=mock_meta_cache.go --with-expecter --structname=MockMetaCache --outpkg=metacache --inpackage
+	$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=SyncManager --dir=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr --output=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr --filename=mock_sync_manager.go --with-expecter --structname=MockSyncManager --outpkg=syncmgr --inpackage
+	$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=MetaWriter --dir=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr --output=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr --filename=mock_meta_writer.go --with-expecter --structname=MockMetaWriter --outpkg=syncmgr --inpackage
+	$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=Serializer --dir=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr --output=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr --filename=mock_serializer.go --with-expecter --structname=MockSerializer --outpkg=syncmgr --inpackage
+	$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=Task --dir=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr --output=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr --filename=mock_task.go --with-expecter --structname=MockTask --outpkg=syncmgr --inpackage
+	$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=WriteBuffer --dir=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer --output=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer --filename=mock_write_buffer.go --with-expecter --structname=MockWriteBuffer --outpkg=writebuffer --inpackage
+	$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=BufferManager --dir=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer --output=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer --filename=mock_manager.go --with-expecter --structname=MockBufferManager --outpkg=writebuffer --inpackage
+	$(INSTALL_PATH)/mockery --name=FlowgraphManager --dir=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/pipeline --output=$(PWD)/internal/flushcommon/pipeline --filename=mock_fgmanager.go --with-expecter --structname=MockFlowgraphManager --outpkg=pipeline --inpackage
 	@echo "Running go unittests..."
 	@(env bash $(PWD)/scripts/ -t metastore)
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 74c5738445..23ae54c6e1 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ require ( v0.0.0-20220617181431-3e7b97febc7f
-require v0.0.0-20231227072638-ebd0b8e56d70
 require ( v1.10.0 v4.2.1
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index 456ac745ed..079d045191 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -608,8 +608,6 @@ v0.0.0-20220624081344-8c5f4212846b h1:TfeY0NxYxZz v0.0.0-20220624081344-8c5f4212846b/go.mod h1:iwW+9cWfIzzDseEBCCeDSN5SD16Tidvy8cwQ7ZY8Qj4= v2.3.4-0.20240717062137-3ffb1db01632 h1:CXig0DNtUsCLzchCFe3PR2KgOdobbz9gK2nSV7195PM= v2.3.4-0.20240717062137-3ffb1db01632/go.mod h1:/6UT4zZl6awVeXLeE7UGDWZvXj3IWkRsh3mqsn0DiAs= v0.0.0-20231227072638-ebd0b8e56d70 h1:Z+sp64fmAOxAG7mU0dfVOXvAXlwRB0c8a96rIM5HevI= v0.0.0-20231227072638-ebd0b8e56d70/go.mod h1:GPETMcTZq1gLY1WA6Na5kiNAKnq8SEMMiVKUZrM3sho= v0.6.10 h1:eqpJjU+/QX0iIhEo3nhOqMNXL+TyInAs1IAHZCrCM/A= v0.6.10/go.mod h1:lQqCkgwDF8YFYjKA+zOheTk1tev2B+bKj5j7+nm8M1w= v0.0.0-20200509001527-cdd76441f9d8 h1:AMFGa4R4MiIpspGNG7Z948v4n35fFGB3RR3G/ry4FWs=
diff --git a/internal/core/src/clustering/KmeansClustering.h b/internal/core/src/clustering/KmeansClustering.h
index bfb7d0e4a1..500613ea0a 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/clustering/KmeansClustering.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/clustering/KmeansClustering.h
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 #include "pb/clustering.pb.h"
 #include "knowhere/cluster/cluster_factory.h"
diff --git a/internal/core/src/clustering/file_utils.h b/internal/core/src/clustering/file_utils.h
index 097d57e84b..f5e8b966c7 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/clustering/file_utils.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/clustering/file_utils.h
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include "storage/ChunkManager.h"
 #include "storage/DataCodec.h"
 #include "storage/Types.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::clustering {
diff --git a/internal/core/src/exec/CMakeLists.txt b/internal/core/src/exec/CMakeLists.txt
index 9b1ca330c7..8e134f5128 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/exec/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/internal/core/src/exec/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ set(MILVUS_EXEC_SRCS
 add_library(milvus_exec STATIC ${MILVUS_EXEC_SRCS})
-target_link_libraries(milvus_exec milvus_common milvus-storage ${CONAN_LIBS})
+target_link_libraries(milvus_exec milvus_common ${CONAN_LIBS})
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.cpp b/internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.cpp
index 3052dce0cd..dd8b703f40 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.cpp
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include "index/ScalarIndex.h"
 #include "index/Utils.h"
 #include "storage/Util.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus {
 namespace index {
@@ -42,20 +41,6 @@ BitmapIndex<T>::BitmapIndex(
-template <typename T>
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : is_built_(false),
-      schema_(file_manager_context.fieldDataMeta.field_schema),
-      space_(space) {
-    if (file_manager_context.Valid()) {
-        file_manager_ = std::make_shared<storage::MemFileManagerImpl>(
-            file_manager_context, space);
-        AssertInfo(file_manager_ != nullptr, "create file manager failed!");
-    }
 template <typename T>
 BitmapIndex<T>::Build(const Config& config) {
@@ -101,32 +86,6 @@ BitmapIndex<T>::Build(size_t n, const T* data) {
     is_built_ = true;
-template <typename T>
-BitmapIndex<T>::BuildV2(const Config& config) {
-    if (is_built_) {
-        return;
-    }
-    auto field_name = file_manager_->GetIndexMeta().field_name;
-    auto reader = space_->ScanData();
-    std::vector<FieldDataPtr> field_datas;
-    for (auto rec = reader->Next(); rec != nullptr; rec = reader->Next()) {
-        if (!rec.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "failed to read data");
-        }
-        auto data = rec.ValueUnsafe();
-        auto total_num_rows = data->num_rows();
-        auto col_data = data->GetColumnByName(field_name);
-        // todo: support nullable index
-        auto field_data = storage::CreateFieldData(
-            DataType(GetDType<T>()), false, 0, total_num_rows);
-        field_data->FillFieldData(col_data);
-        field_datas.push_back(field_data);
-    }
-    BuildWithFieldData(field_datas);
 template <typename T>
@@ -302,21 +261,6 @@ BitmapIndex<T>::Upload(const Config& config) {
     return ret;
-template <typename T>
-BitmapIndex<T>::UploadV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto binary_set = Serialize(config);
-    file_manager_->AddFileV2(binary_set);
-    auto remote_path_to_size = file_manager_->GetRemotePathsToFileSize();
-    BinarySet ret;
-    for (auto& file : remote_path_to_size) {
-        ret.Append(file.first, nullptr, file.second);
-    }
-    return ret;
 template <typename T>
 BitmapIndex<T>::Load(const BinarySet& binary_set, const Config& config) {
@@ -420,48 +364,6 @@ BitmapIndex<T>::LoadWithoutAssemble(const BinarySet& binary_set,
     is_built_ = true;
-template <typename T>
-BitmapIndex<T>::LoadV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto blobs = space_->StatisticsBlobs();
-    std::vector<std::string> index_files;
-    auto prefix = file_manager_->GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefixV2();
-    for (auto& b : blobs) {
-        if (, 0) == 0) {
-            index_files.push_back(;
-        }
-    }
-    std::map<std::string, FieldDataPtr> index_datas{};
-    for (auto& file_name : index_files) {
-        auto res = space_->GetBlobByteSize(file_name);
-        if (!res.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(S3Error, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        auto index_blob_data =
-            std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[res.value()]);
-        auto status = space_->ReadBlob(file_name, index_blob_data.get());
-        if (!status.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(S3Error, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        auto raw_index_blob =
-            storage::DeserializeFileData(index_blob_data, res.value());
-        auto key = file_name.substr(file_name.find_last_of('/') + 1);
-        index_datas[key] = raw_index_blob->GetFieldData();
-    }
-    AssembleIndexDatas(index_datas);
-    BinarySet binary_set;
-    for (auto& [key, data] : index_datas) {
-        auto size = data->Size();
-        auto deleter = [&](uint8_t*) {};  // avoid repeated deconstruction
-        auto buf = std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(
-            (uint8_t*)const_cast<void*>(data->Data()), deleter);
-        binary_set.Append(key, buf, size);
-    }
-    LoadWithoutAssemble(binary_set, config);
 template <typename T>
 BitmapIndex<T>::Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx, const Config& config) {
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.h b/internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.h
index 227e6d1d43..9378ca85de 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/BitmapIndex.h
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include "storage/FileManager.h"
 #include "storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.h"
 #include "storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus {
 namespace index {
@@ -46,10 +45,6 @@ class BitmapIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
         const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context =
-    explicit BitmapIndex(
-        const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-        std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     ~BitmapIndex() override = default;
@@ -61,9 +56,6 @@ class BitmapIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx, const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    LoadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     Count() override {
         return total_num_rows_;
@@ -83,9 +75,6 @@ class BitmapIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     BuildWithFieldData(const std::vector<FieldDataPtr>& datas) override;
-    void
-    BuildV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     const TargetBitmap
     In(size_t n, const T* values) override;
@@ -112,9 +101,6 @@ class BitmapIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Upload(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    BinarySet
-    UploadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     const bool
     HasRawData() const override {
         if (schema_.data_type() == proto::schema::DataType::Array) {
@@ -195,7 +181,6 @@ class BitmapIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     size_t total_num_rows_{0};
     proto::schema::FieldSchema schema_;
     std::shared_ptr<storage::MemFileManagerImpl> file_manager_;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
 }  // namespace index
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/CMakeLists.txt b/internal/core/src/index/CMakeLists.txt
index 3256ab63a0..c4f1012e51 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ set(INDEX_FILES
 add_library(milvus_index SHARED ${INDEX_FILES})
-target_link_libraries(milvus_index milvus_storage milvus-storage tantivy_binding)
+target_link_libraries(milvus_index milvus_storage tantivy_binding)
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.cpp b/internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.cpp
index 628cde37aa..0118039781 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 #include "index/ScalarIndex.h"
 #include "index/Utils.h"
 #include "storage/Util.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus {
 namespace index {
@@ -43,23 +42,6 @@ HybridScalarIndex<T>::HybridScalarIndex(
     internal_index_type_ = ScalarIndexType::NONE;
-template <typename T>
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : is_built_(false),
-      bitmap_index_cardinality_limit_(DEFAULT_BITMAP_INDEX_CARDINALITY_BOUND),
-      file_manager_context_(file_manager_context),
-      space_(space) {
-    if (file_manager_context.Valid()) {
-        mem_file_manager_ = std::make_shared<storage::MemFileManagerImpl>(
-            file_manager_context, space);
-        AssertInfo(mem_file_manager_ != nullptr, "create file manager failed!");
-    }
-    field_type_ = file_manager_context.fieldDataMeta.field_schema.data_type();
-    internal_index_type_ = ScalarIndexType::NONE;
 template <typename T>
 HybridScalarIndex<T>::SelectIndexBuildType(size_t n, const T* values) {
@@ -274,39 +256,6 @@ HybridScalarIndex<T>::Build(const Config& config) {
     is_built_ = true;
-template <typename T>
-HybridScalarIndex<T>::BuildV2(const Config& config) {
-    if (is_built_) {
-        return;
-    }
-    bitmap_index_cardinality_limit_ =
-        GetBitmapCardinalityLimitFromConfig(config);
-    LOG_INFO("config bitmap cardinality limit to {}",
-             bitmap_index_cardinality_limit_);
-    auto field_name = mem_file_manager_->GetIndexMeta().field_name;
-    auto reader = space_->ScanData();
-    std::vector<FieldDataPtr> field_datas;
-    for (auto rec = reader->Next(); rec != nullptr; rec = reader->Next()) {
-        if (!rec.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "failed to read data");
-        }
-        auto data = rec.ValueUnsafe();
-        auto total_num_rows = data->num_rows();
-        auto col_data = data->GetColumnByName(field_name);
-        // todo: support nullable index
-        auto field_data = storage::CreateFieldData(
-            DataType(GetDType<T>()), false, 0, total_num_rows);
-        field_data->FillFieldData(col_data);
-        field_datas.push_back(field_data);
-    }
-    SelectIndexBuildType(field_datas);
-    BuildInternal(field_datas);
-    is_built_ = true;
 template <typename T>
 HybridScalarIndex<T>::Serialize(const Config& config) {
@@ -356,21 +305,6 @@ HybridScalarIndex<T>::Upload(const Config& config) {
     return index_ret;
-template <typename T>
-HybridScalarIndex<T>::UploadV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto internal_index = GetInternalIndex();
-    auto index_ret = internal_index->Upload(config);
-    auto index_type_ret = SerializeIndexType();
-    for (auto& [key, value] : index_type_ret.binary_map_) {
-        index_ret.Append(key, value);
-    }
-    return index_ret;
 template <typename T>
 HybridScalarIndex<T>::DeserializeIndexType(const BinarySet& binary_set) {
@@ -380,12 +314,6 @@ HybridScalarIndex<T>::DeserializeIndexType(const BinarySet& binary_set) {
     internal_index_type_ = static_cast<ScalarIndexType>(index_type);
-template <typename T>
-HybridScalarIndex<T>::LoadV2(const Config& config) {
-    PanicInfo(Unsupported, "HybridScalarIndex LoadV2 not implemented");
 template <typename T>
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.h b/internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.h
index bdd32da41a..22107f2b4b 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/HybridScalarIndex.h
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include "storage/FileManager.h"
 #include "storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.h"
 #include "storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus {
 namespace index {
@@ -46,10 +45,6 @@ class HybridScalarIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
         const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context =
-    explicit HybridScalarIndex(
-        const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-        std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     ~HybridScalarIndex() override = default;
@@ -61,9 +56,6 @@ class HybridScalarIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx, const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    LoadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     Count() override {
         return internal_index_->Count();
@@ -85,9 +77,6 @@ class HybridScalarIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Build(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    BuildV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     const TargetBitmap
     In(size_t n, const T* values) override {
         return internal_index_->In(n, values);
@@ -133,9 +122,6 @@ class HybridScalarIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Upload(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    BinarySet
-    UploadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
@@ -173,7 +159,6 @@ class HybridScalarIndex : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     std::shared_ptr<ScalarIndex<T>> internal_index_{nullptr};
     storage::FileManagerContext file_manager_context_;
     std::shared_ptr<storage::MemFileManagerImpl> mem_file_manager_{nullptr};
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_{nullptr};
 }  // namespace index
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/Index.h b/internal/core/src/index/Index.h
index 7567bf63e3..0061253de6 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/Index.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/Index.h
@@ -44,9 +44,6 @@ class IndexBase {
     virtual void
     Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx, const Config& config = {}) = 0;
-    virtual void
-    LoadV2(const Config& config = {}) = 0;
     virtual void
     BuildWithRawData(size_t n,
                      const void* values,
@@ -58,18 +55,12 @@ class IndexBase {
     virtual void
     Build(const Config& config = {}) = 0;
-    virtual void
-    BuildV2(const Config& Config = {}) = 0;
     virtual int64_t
     Count() = 0;
     virtual BinarySet
     Upload(const Config& config = {}) = 0;
-    virtual BinarySet
-    UploadV2(const Config& config = {}) = 0;
     virtual const bool
     HasRawData() const = 0;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.cpp b/internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.cpp
index cb5656d9eb..a80a643ca8 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.cpp
@@ -78,51 +78,6 @@ IndexFactory::CreatePrimitiveScalarIndex<std::string>(
-template <typename T>
-    const IndexType& index_type,
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-    if (index_type == INVERTED_INDEX_TYPE) {
-        return std::make_unique<InvertedIndexTantivy<T>>(file_manager_context,
-                                                         space);
-    }
-    if (index_type == BITMAP_INDEX_TYPE) {
-        return std::make_unique<BitmapIndex<T>>(file_manager_context, space);
-    }
-    if (index_type == HYBRID_INDEX_TYPE) {
-        return std::make_unique<HybridScalarIndex<T>>(file_manager_context,
-                                                      space);
-    }
-    return CreateScalarIndexSort<T>(file_manager_context, space);
-template <>
-    const IndexType& index_type,
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
-    if (index_type == INVERTED_INDEX_TYPE) {
-        return std::make_unique<InvertedIndexTantivy<std::string>>(
-            file_manager_context, space);
-    }
-    if (index_type == BITMAP_INDEX_TYPE) {
-        return std::make_unique<BitmapIndex<std::string>>(file_manager_context,
-                                                          space);
-    }
-    if (index_type == HYBRID_INDEX_TYPE) {
-        return std::make_unique<HybridScalarIndex<std::string>>(
-            file_manager_context, space);
-    }
-    return CreateStringIndexMarisa(file_manager_context, space);
-    PanicInfo(Unsupported, "unsupported platform");
     const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
@@ -134,19 +89,6 @@ IndexFactory::CreateIndex(
     return CreateScalarIndex(create_index_info, file_manager_context);
-    const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-    if (IsVectorDataType(create_index_info.field_type)) {
-        return CreateVectorIndex(
-            create_index_info, file_manager_context, space);
-    }
-    return CreateScalarIndex(create_index_info, file_manager_context, space);
     DataType data_type,
@@ -307,90 +249,4 @@ IndexFactory::CreateVectorIndex(
-    const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-    auto data_type = create_index_info.field_type;
-    auto index_type = create_index_info.index_type;
-    auto metric_type = create_index_info.metric_type;
-    auto version = create_index_info.index_engine_version;
-    if (knowhere::UseDiskLoad(index_type, version)) {
-        switch (data_type) {
-            case DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT: {
-                return std::make_unique<VectorDiskAnnIndex<float>>(
-                    index_type,
-                    metric_type,
-                    version,
-                    space,
-                    file_manager_context);
-            }
-            case DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT16: {
-                return std::make_unique<VectorDiskAnnIndex<float16>>(
-                    index_type,
-                    metric_type,
-                    version,
-                    space,
-                    file_manager_context);
-            }
-            case DataType::VECTOR_BFLOAT16: {
-                return std::make_unique<VectorDiskAnnIndex<bfloat16>>(
-                    index_type,
-                    metric_type,
-                    version,
-                    space,
-                    file_manager_context);
-            }
-            case DataType::VECTOR_BINARY: {
-                return std::make_unique<VectorDiskAnnIndex<bin1>>(
-                    index_type,
-                    metric_type,
-                    version,
-                    space,
-                    file_manager_context);
-            }
-            case DataType::VECTOR_SPARSE_FLOAT: {
-                return std::make_unique<VectorDiskAnnIndex<float>>(
-                    index_type,
-                    metric_type,
-                    version,
-                    space,
-                    file_manager_context);
-            }
-            default:
-                PanicInfo(
-                    DataTypeInvalid,
-                    fmt::format("invalid data type to build disk index: {}",
-                                data_type));
-        }
-    } else {  // create mem index
-        switch (data_type) {
-            case DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT:
-            case DataType::VECTOR_SPARSE_FLOAT: {
-                return std::make_unique<VectorMemIndex<float>>(
-                    create_index_info, file_manager_context, space);
-            }
-            case DataType::VECTOR_BINARY: {
-                return std::make_unique<VectorMemIndex<bin1>>(
-                    create_index_info, file_manager_context, space);
-            }
-            case DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT16: {
-                return std::make_unique<VectorMemIndex<float16>>(
-                    create_index_info, file_manager_context, space);
-            }
-            case DataType::VECTOR_BFLOAT16: {
-                return std::make_unique<VectorMemIndex<bfloat16>>(
-                    create_index_info, file_manager_context, space);
-            }
-            default:
-                PanicInfo(
-                    DataTypeInvalid,
-                    fmt::format("invalid data type to build mem index: {}",
-                                data_type));
-        }
-    }
 }  // namespace milvus::index
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.h b/internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.h
index 61c5119d4c..db46330a17 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/IndexFactory.h
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 #include "index/ScalarIndexSort.h"
 #include "index/StringIndexMarisa.h"
 #include "index/BoolIndex.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::index {
@@ -56,11 +55,6 @@ class IndexFactory {
     CreateIndex(const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
                 const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context);
-    IndexBasePtr
-    CreateIndex(const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
-                const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-                std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     CreateVectorIndex(const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
                       const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context);
@@ -92,19 +86,6 @@ class IndexFactory {
                       const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context =
-    IndexBasePtr
-    CreateVectorIndex(const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
-                      const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-                      std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
-    IndexBasePtr
-    CreateScalarIndex(const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
-                      const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-                      std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-        PanicInfo(ErrorCode::Unsupported,
-                  "CreateScalarIndexV2 not implemented");
-    }
     // IndexBasePtr
     // CreateIndex(DataType dtype, const IndexType& index_type);
@@ -115,12 +96,6 @@ class IndexFactory {
     CreatePrimitiveScalarIndex(const IndexType& index_type,
                                const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager =
-    template <typename T>
-    ScalarIndexPtr<T>
-    CreatePrimitiveScalarIndex(const IndexType& index_type,
-                               const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager,
-                               std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
 }  // namespace milvus::index
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.cpp b/internal/core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.cpp
index 22a71ed637..e95d107617 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.cpp
@@ -65,11 +65,10 @@ get_tantivy_data_type(const proto::schema::FieldSchema& schema) {
 template <typename T>
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& ctx,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : space_(space), schema_(ctx.fieldDataMeta.field_schema) {
-    mem_file_manager_ = std::make_shared<MemFileManager>(ctx, ctx.space_);
-    disk_file_manager_ = std::make_shared<DiskFileManager>(ctx, ctx.space_);
+    const storage::FileManagerContext& ctx)
+    : schema_(ctx.fieldDataMeta.field_schema) {
+    mem_file_manager_ = std::make_shared<MemFileManager>(ctx);
+    disk_file_manager_ = std::make_shared<DiskFileManager>(ctx);
     auto field =
     auto prefix = disk_file_manager_->GetLocalIndexObjectPrefix();
@@ -139,12 +138,6 @@ InvertedIndexTantivy<T>::Upload(const Config& config) {
     return ret;
-template <typename T>
-InvertedIndexTantivy<T>::UploadV2(const Config& config) {
-    return Upload(config);
 template <typename T>
 InvertedIndexTantivy<T>::Build(const Config& config) {
@@ -156,28 +149,6 @@ InvertedIndexTantivy<T>::Build(const Config& config) {
-template <typename T>
-InvertedIndexTantivy<T>::BuildV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto field_name = mem_file_manager_->GetIndexMeta().field_name;
-    auto reader = space_->ScanData();
-    std::vector<FieldDataPtr> field_datas;
-    for (auto rec = reader->Next(); rec != nullptr; rec = reader->Next()) {
-        if (!rec.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "failed to read data");
-        }
-        auto data = rec.ValueUnsafe();
-        auto total_num_rows = data->num_rows();
-        auto col_data = data->GetColumnByName(field_name);
-        // todo: support nullable index
-        auto field_data = storage::CreateFieldData(
-            DataType(GetDType<T>()), false, 0, total_num_rows);
-        field_data->FillFieldData(col_data);
-        field_datas.push_back(field_data);
-    }
-    BuildWithFieldData(field_datas);
 template <typename T>
 InvertedIndexTantivy<T>::Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx,
@@ -201,14 +172,6 @@ InvertedIndexTantivy<T>::Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx,
     wrapper_ = std::make_shared<TantivyIndexWrapper>(prefix.c_str());
-template <typename T>
-InvertedIndexTantivy<T>::LoadV2(const Config& config) {
-    disk_file_manager_->CacheIndexToDisk();
-    auto prefix = disk_file_manager_->GetLocalIndexObjectPrefix();
-    wrapper_ = std::make_shared<TantivyIndexWrapper>(prefix.c_str());
 inline void
 apply_hits(TargetBitmap& bitset, const RustArrayWrapper& w, bool v) {
     for (size_t j = 0; j < w.array_.len; j++) {
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.h b/internal/core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.h
index faac636df2..14a34ddb3c 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/InvertedIndexTantivy.h
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 #include "tantivy-binding.h"
 #include "tantivy-wrapper.h"
 #include "index/StringIndex.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::index {
@@ -34,13 +33,7 @@ class InvertedIndexTantivy : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     using DiskFileManagerPtr = std::shared_ptr<DiskFileManager>;
     InvertedIndexTantivy() = default;
-    explicit InvertedIndexTantivy(const storage::FileManagerContext& ctx)
-        : InvertedIndexTantivy(ctx, nullptr) {
-    }
-    explicit InvertedIndexTantivy(const storage::FileManagerContext& ctx,
-                                  std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
+    explicit InvertedIndexTantivy(const storage::FileManagerContext& ctx);
@@ -56,9 +49,6 @@ class InvertedIndexTantivy : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx, const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    LoadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
      * deprecated.
      * TODO: why not remove this?
@@ -78,9 +68,6 @@ class InvertedIndexTantivy : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Build(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    BuildV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     Count() override {
         return wrapper_->count();
@@ -102,9 +89,6 @@ class InvertedIndexTantivy : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Upload(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    BinarySet
-    UploadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
      * deprecated, only used in small chunk index.
@@ -196,6 +180,5 @@ class InvertedIndexTantivy : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     MemFileManagerPtr mem_file_manager_;
     DiskFileManagerPtr disk_file_manager_;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
 }  // namespace milvus::index
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.cpp b/internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.cpp
index 842cd13e8f..e2d1bdb17a 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.cpp
@@ -44,73 +44,6 @@ ScalarIndexSort<T>::ScalarIndexSort(
-template <typename T>
-inline ScalarIndexSort<T>::ScalarIndexSort(
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : is_built_(false), data_(), space_(space) {
-    if (file_manager_context.Valid()) {
-        file_manager_ = std::make_shared<storage::MemFileManagerImpl>(
-            file_manager_context, space);
-        AssertInfo(file_manager_ != nullptr, "create file manager failed!");
-    }
-template <typename T>
-inline void
-ScalarIndexSort<T>::BuildV2(const Config& config) {
-    if (is_built_) {
-        return;
-    }
-    auto field_name = file_manager_->GetIndexMeta().field_name;
-    auto reader = space_->ScanData();
-    std::vector<FieldDataPtr> field_datas;
-    for (auto rec = reader->Next(); rec != nullptr; rec = reader->Next()) {
-        if (!rec.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "failed to read data");
-        }
-        auto data = rec.ValueUnsafe();
-        auto total_num_rows = data->num_rows();
-        auto col_data = data->GetColumnByName(field_name);
-        auto nullable =
-            col_data->type()->id() == arrow::Type::NA ? true : false;
-        // will support build scalar index when nullable in the future just skip it
-        // now, not support to build index in nullable field_data
-        // todo: support nullable index
-        AssertInfo(!nullable,
-                   "not support to build index in nullable field_data");
-        auto field_data = storage::CreateFieldData(
-            DataType(GetDType<T>()), nullable, 0, total_num_rows);
-        field_data->FillFieldData(col_data);
-        field_datas.push_back(field_data);
-    }
-    int64_t total_num_rows = 0;
-    for (const auto& data : field_datas) {
-        total_num_rows += data->get_num_rows();
-    }
-    if (total_num_rows == 0) {
-        PanicInfo(DataIsEmpty, "ScalarIndexSort cannot build null values!");
-    }
-    data_.reserve(total_num_rows);
-    int64_t offset = 0;
-    for (const auto& data : field_datas) {
-        auto slice_num = data->get_num_rows();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < slice_num; ++i) {
-            auto value = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(data->RawValue(i));
-            data_.emplace_back(IndexStructure(*value, offset));
-            offset++;
-        }
-    }
-    std::sort(data_.begin(), data_.end());
-    idx_to_offsets_.resize(total_num_rows);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < total_num_rows; ++i) {
-        idx_to_offsets_[data_[i].idx_] = i;
-    }
-    is_built_ = true;
 template <typename T>
 ScalarIndexSort<T>::Build(const Config& config) {
@@ -215,21 +148,6 @@ ScalarIndexSort<T>::Upload(const Config& config) {
     return ret;
-template <typename T>
-ScalarIndexSort<T>::UploadV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto binary_set = Serialize(config);
-    file_manager_->AddFileV2(binary_set);
-    auto remote_paths_to_size = file_manager_->GetRemotePathsToFileSize();
-    BinarySet ret;
-    for (auto& file : remote_paths_to_size) {
-        ret.Append(file.first, nullptr, file.second);
-    }
-    return ret;
 template <typename T>
 ScalarIndexSort<T>::LoadWithoutAssemble(const BinarySet& index_binary,
@@ -277,47 +195,6 @@ ScalarIndexSort<T>::Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx,
     LoadWithoutAssemble(binary_set, config);
-template <typename T>
-ScalarIndexSort<T>::LoadV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto blobs = space_->StatisticsBlobs();
-    std::vector<std::string> index_files;
-    auto prefix = file_manager_->GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefixV2();
-    for (auto& b : blobs) {
-        if (, 0) == 0) {
-            index_files.push_back(;
-        }
-    }
-    std::map<std::string, FieldDataPtr> index_datas{};
-    for (auto& file_name : index_files) {
-        auto res = space_->GetBlobByteSize(file_name);
-        if (!res.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(S3Error, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        auto index_blob_data =
-            std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[res.value()]);
-        auto status = space_->ReadBlob(file_name, index_blob_data.get());
-        if (!status.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(S3Error, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        auto raw_index_blob =
-            storage::DeserializeFileData(index_blob_data, res.value());
-        auto key = file_name.substr(file_name.find_last_of('/') + 1);
-        index_datas[key] = raw_index_blob->GetFieldData();
-    }
-    AssembleIndexDatas(index_datas);
-    BinarySet binary_set;
-    for (auto& [key, data] : index_datas) {
-        auto size = data->Size();
-        auto deleter = [&](uint8_t*) {};  // avoid repeated deconstruction
-        auto buf = std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(
-            (uint8_t*)const_cast<void*>(data->Data()), deleter);
-        binary_set.Append(key, buf, size);
-    }
-    LoadWithoutAssemble(binary_set, config);
 template <typename T>
 const TargetBitmap
 ScalarIndexSort<T>::In(const size_t n, const T* values) {
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.h b/internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.h
index da24dc530b..cee30ca62e 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/ScalarIndexSort.h
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include "index/IndexStructure.h"
 #include "index/ScalarIndex.h"
 #include "storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::index {
@@ -37,10 +36,6 @@ class ScalarIndexSort : public ScalarIndex<T> {
         const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context =
-    explicit ScalarIndexSort(
-        const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-        std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     Serialize(const Config& config) override;
@@ -50,9 +45,6 @@ class ScalarIndexSort : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx, const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    LoadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     Count() override {
         return data_.size();
@@ -69,9 +61,6 @@ class ScalarIndexSort : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Build(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    BuildV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     const TargetBitmap
     In(size_t n, const T* values) override;
@@ -97,8 +86,6 @@ class ScalarIndexSort : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     Upload(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    BinarySet
-    UploadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     const bool
     HasRawData() const override {
@@ -133,7 +120,6 @@ class ScalarIndexSort : public ScalarIndex<T> {
     std::vector<int32_t> idx_to_offsets_;  // used to retrieve.
     std::vector<IndexStructure<T>> data_;
     std::shared_ptr<storage::MemFileManagerImpl> file_manager_;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
 template <typename T>
@@ -148,11 +134,4 @@ CreateScalarIndexSort(const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context =
                           storage::FileManagerContext()) {
     return std::make_unique<ScalarIndexSort<T>>(file_manager_context);
-template <typename T>
-inline ScalarIndexSortPtr<T>
-CreateScalarIndexSort(const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-                      std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-    return std::make_unique<ScalarIndexSort<T>>(file_manager_context, space);
 }  // namespace milvus::index
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.cpp b/internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.cpp
index 3d861793f0..9f3e455781 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
 #include "index/Utils.h"
 #include "index/Index.h"
 #include "storage/Util.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::index {
@@ -48,16 +47,6 @@ StringIndexMarisa::StringIndexMarisa(
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : space_(space) {
-    if (file_manager_context.Valid()) {
-        file_manager_ = std::make_shared<storage::MemFileManagerImpl>(
-            file_manager_context, space_);
-    }
 StringIndexMarisa::Size() {
     return trie_.size();
@@ -68,65 +57,6 @@ valid_str_id(size_t str_id) {
     return str_id >= 0 && str_id != MARISA_INVALID_KEY_ID;
-StringIndexMarisa::BuildV2(const Config& config) {
-    if (built_) {
-        throw std::runtime_error("index has been built");
-    }
-    auto field_name = file_manager_->GetIndexMeta().field_name;
-    auto reader = space_->ScanData();
-    std::vector<FieldDataPtr> field_datas;
-    for (auto rec = reader->Next(); rec != nullptr; rec = reader->Next()) {
-        if (!rec.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "failed to read data");
-        }
-        auto data = rec.ValueUnsafe();
-        auto total_num_rows = data->num_rows();
-        auto col_data = data->GetColumnByName(field_name);
-        auto nullable =
-            col_data->type()->id() == arrow::Type::NA ? true : false;
-        // will support build scalar index when nullable in the future just skip it
-        // now, not support to build index in nullable field_data
-        // todo: support nullable index
-        AssertInfo(!nullable,
-                   "not support to build index in nullable field_data");
-        auto field_data = storage::CreateFieldData(
-            DataType::STRING, nullable, 0, total_num_rows);
-        field_data->FillFieldData(col_data);
-        field_datas.push_back(field_data);
-    }
-    int64_t total_num_rows = 0;
-    // fill key set.
-    marisa::Keyset keyset;
-    for (auto data : field_datas) {
-        auto slice_num = data->get_num_rows();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < slice_num; ++i) {
-            keyset.push_back(
-                (*static_cast<const std::string*>(data->RawValue(i))).c_str());
-        }
-        total_num_rows += slice_num;
-    }
-    // fill str_ids_
-    str_ids_.resize(total_num_rows);
-    int64_t offset = 0;
-    for (auto data : field_datas) {
-        auto slice_num = data->get_num_rows();
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < slice_num; ++i) {
-            auto str_id =
-                lookup(*static_cast<const std::string*>(data->RawValue(i)));
-            AssertInfo(valid_str_id(str_id), "invalid marisa key");
-            str_ids_[offset++] = str_id;
-        }
-    }
-    // fill str_ids_to_offsets_
-    fill_offsets();
-    built_ = true;
 StringIndexMarisa::Build(const Config& config) {
     if (built_) {
@@ -245,20 +175,6 @@ StringIndexMarisa::Upload(const Config& config) {
     return ret;
-StringIndexMarisa::UploadV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto binary_set = Serialize(config);
-    file_manager_->AddFileV2(binary_set);
-    auto remote_paths_to_size = file_manager_->GetRemotePathsToFileSize();
-    BinarySet ret;
-    for (auto& file : remote_paths_to_size) {
-        ret.Append(file.first, nullptr, file.second);
-    }
-    return ret;
 StringIndexMarisa::LoadWithoutAssemble(const BinarySet& set,
                                        const Config& config) {
@@ -322,46 +238,6 @@ StringIndexMarisa::Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx,
     LoadWithoutAssemble(binary_set, config);
-StringIndexMarisa::LoadV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto blobs = space_->StatisticsBlobs();
-    std::vector<std::string> index_files;
-    auto prefix = file_manager_->GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefixV2();
-    for (auto& b : blobs) {
-        if (, 0) == 0) {
-            index_files.push_back(;
-        }
-    }
-    std::map<std::string, FieldDataPtr> index_datas{};
-    for (auto& file_name : index_files) {
-        auto res = space_->GetBlobByteSize(file_name);
-        if (!res.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        auto index_blob_data =
-            std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[res.value()]);
-        auto status = space_->ReadBlob(file_name, index_blob_data.get());
-        if (!status.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        auto raw_index_blob =
-            storage::DeserializeFileData(index_blob_data, res.value());
-        index_datas[file_name] = raw_index_blob->GetFieldData();
-    }
-    AssembleIndexDatas(index_datas);
-    BinarySet binary_set;
-    for (auto& [key, data] : index_datas) {
-        auto size = data->Size();
-        auto deleter = [&](uint8_t*) {};  // avoid repeated deconstruction
-        auto buf = std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(
-            (uint8_t*)const_cast<void*>(data->Data()), deleter);
-        auto file_name = key.substr(key.find_last_of('/') + 1);
-        binary_set.Append(file_name, buf, size);
-    }
-    LoadWithoutAssemble(binary_set, config);
 const TargetBitmap
 StringIndexMarisa::In(size_t n, const std::string* values) {
     TargetBitmap bitset(str_ids_.size());
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.h b/internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.h
index 8b67549db9..c9e91e3217 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/StringIndexMarisa.h
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 #include <map>
 #include <memory>
 #include "storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::index {
@@ -33,10 +32,6 @@ class StringIndexMarisa : public StringIndex {
         const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context =
-    explicit StringIndexMarisa(
-        const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-        std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     Size() override;
@@ -49,9 +44,6 @@ class StringIndexMarisa : public StringIndex {
     Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx, const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    LoadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     Count() override {
         return str_ids_.size();
@@ -71,9 +63,6 @@ class StringIndexMarisa : public StringIndex {
     BuildWithFieldData(const std::vector<FieldDataPtr>& field_datas) override;
-    void
-    BuildV2(const Config& Config = {}) override;
     const TargetBitmap
     In(size_t n, const std::string* values) override;
@@ -98,9 +87,6 @@ class StringIndexMarisa : public StringIndex {
     Upload(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    BinarySet
-    UploadV2(const Config& config = {});
     const bool
     HasRawData() const override {
         return true;
@@ -131,7 +117,6 @@ class StringIndexMarisa : public StringIndex {
     std::map<size_t, std::vector<size_t>> str_ids_to_offsets_;
     bool built_ = false;
     std::shared_ptr<storage::MemFileManagerImpl> file_manager_;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
 using StringIndexMarisaPtr = std::unique_ptr<StringIndexMarisa>;
@@ -142,10 +127,4 @@ CreateStringIndexMarisa(
         storage::FileManagerContext()) {
     return std::make_unique<StringIndexMarisa>(file_manager_context);
-inline StringIndexPtr
-CreateStringIndexMarisa(const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-                        std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-    return std::make_unique<StringIndexMarisa>(file_manager_context, space);
 }  // namespace milvus::index
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.cpp b/internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.cpp
index 73f8cb8b86..5bc7400ebe 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.cpp
@@ -73,45 +73,6 @@ VectorDiskAnnIndex<T>::VectorDiskAnnIndex(
-template <typename T>
-    const IndexType& index_type,
-    const MetricType& metric_type,
-    const IndexVersion& version,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context)
-    : space_(space), VectorIndex(index_type, metric_type) {
-    CheckMetricTypeSupport<T>(metric_type);
-    file_manager_ = std::make_shared<storage::DiskFileManagerImpl>(
-        file_manager_context, file_manager_context.space_);
-    AssertInfo(file_manager_ != nullptr, "create file manager failed!");
-    auto local_chunk_manager =
-        storage::LocalChunkManagerSingleton::GetInstance().GetChunkManager();
-    auto local_index_path_prefix = file_manager_->GetLocalIndexObjectPrefix();
-    // As we have guarded dup-load in QueryNode,
-    // this assertion failed only if the Milvus rebooted in the same pod,
-    // need to remove these files then re-load the segment
-    if (local_chunk_manager->Exist(local_index_path_prefix)) {
-        local_chunk_manager->RemoveDir(local_index_path_prefix);
-    }
-    CheckCompatible(version);
-    local_chunk_manager->CreateDir(local_index_path_prefix);
-    auto diskann_index_pack =
-        knowhere::Pack(std::shared_ptr<knowhere::FileManager>(file_manager_));
-    auto get_index_obj = knowhere::IndexFactory::Instance().Create<T>(
-        GetIndexType(), version, diskann_index_pack);
-    if (get_index_obj.has_value()) {
-        index_ = get_index_obj.value();
-    } else {
-        auto err = get_index_obj.error();
-        if (err == knowhere::Status::invalid_index_error) {
-            PanicInfo(ErrorCode::Unsupported, get_index_obj.what());
-        }
-        PanicInfo(ErrorCode::KnowhereError, get_index_obj.what());
-    }
 template <typename T>
 VectorDiskAnnIndex<T>::Load(const BinarySet& binary_set /* not used */,
@@ -153,21 +114,6 @@ VectorDiskAnnIndex<T>::Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx,
-template <typename T>
-VectorDiskAnnIndex<T>::LoadV2(const Config& config) {
-    knowhere::Json load_config = update_load_json(config);
-    file_manager_->CacheIndexToDisk();
-    auto stat = index_.Deserialize(knowhere::BinarySet(), load_config);
-    if (stat != knowhere::Status::success)
-        PanicInfo(ErrorCode::UnexpectedError,
-                  "failed to Deserialize index, " + KnowhereStatusString(stat));
-    SetDim(index_.Dim());
 template <typename T>
 VectorDiskAnnIndex<T>::Upload(const Config& config) {
@@ -185,53 +131,6 @@ VectorDiskAnnIndex<T>::Upload(const Config& config) {
     return ret;
-template <typename T>
-VectorDiskAnnIndex<T>::UploadV2(const Config& config) {
-    return Upload(config);
-template <typename T>
-VectorDiskAnnIndex<T>::BuildV2(const Config& config) {
-    knowhere::Json build_config;
-    build_config.update(config);
-    auto local_data_path = file_manager_->CacheRawDataToDisk<T>(space_);
-    build_config[DISK_ANN_RAW_DATA_PATH] = local_data_path;
-    auto local_index_path_prefix = file_manager_->GetLocalIndexObjectPrefix();
-    build_config[DISK_ANN_PREFIX_PATH] = local_index_path_prefix;
-    if (GetIndexType() == knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_DISKANN) {
-        auto num_threads = GetValueFromConfig<std::string>(
-            build_config, DISK_ANN_BUILD_THREAD_NUM);
-        AssertInfo(
-            num_threads.has_value(),
-            "param " + std::string(DISK_ANN_BUILD_THREAD_NUM) + "is empty");
-        build_config[DISK_ANN_THREADS_NUM] =
-            std::atoi(num_threads.value().c_str());
-    }
-    auto opt_fields = GetValueFromConfig<OptFieldT>(config, VEC_OPT_FIELDS);
-    if (opt_fields.has_value() && index_.IsAdditionalScalarSupported()) {
-        build_config[VEC_OPT_FIELDS_PATH] =
-            file_manager_->CacheOptFieldToDisk(opt_fields.value());
-        // `partition_key_isolation` is already in the config, so it falls through
-        // into the index Build call directly
-    }
-    build_config.erase("insert_files");
-    build_config.erase(VEC_OPT_FIELDS);
-    index_.Build({}, build_config);
-    auto local_chunk_manager =
-        storage::LocalChunkManagerSingleton::GetInstance().GetChunkManager();
-    auto segment_id = file_manager_->GetFieldDataMeta().segment_id;
-    local_chunk_manager->RemoveDir(
-        storage::GetSegmentRawDataPathPrefix(local_chunk_manager, segment_id));
 template <typename T>
 VectorDiskAnnIndex<T>::Build(const Config& config) {
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.h b/internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.h
index 0fa4256801..d079bab4e5 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/VectorDiskIndex.h
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 #include "index/VectorIndex.h"
 #include "storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::index {
@@ -35,14 +34,6 @@ class VectorDiskAnnIndex : public VectorIndex {
         const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context =
-    explicit VectorDiskAnnIndex(
-        const IndexType& index_type,
-        const MetricType& metric_type,
-        const IndexVersion& version,
-        std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-        const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context =
-            storage::FileManagerContext());
     Serialize(const Config& config) override {  // deprecated
         BinarySet binary_set;
@@ -58,9 +49,6 @@ class VectorDiskAnnIndex : public VectorIndex {
     Upload(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    BinarySet
-    UploadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     Count() override {
         return index_.Count();
@@ -73,9 +61,6 @@ class VectorDiskAnnIndex : public VectorIndex {
     Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx, const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    LoadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     BuildWithDataset(const DatasetPtr& dataset,
                      const Config& config = {}) override;
@@ -83,9 +68,6 @@ class VectorDiskAnnIndex : public VectorIndex {
     Build(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    BuildV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     Query(const DatasetPtr dataset,
           const SearchInfo& search_info,
@@ -119,7 +101,6 @@ class VectorDiskAnnIndex : public VectorIndex {
     knowhere::Index<knowhere::IndexNode> index_;
     std::shared_ptr<storage::DiskFileManagerImpl> file_manager_;
     uint32_t search_beamwidth_ = 8;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
 template <typename T>
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.cpp b/internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.cpp
index 9861222548..0f515a442d 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.cpp
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
 #include "storage/DataCodec.h"
 #include "storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h"
 #include "storage/ThreadPools.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 #include "storage/Util.h"
 #include "monitor/prometheus_client.h"
@@ -83,69 +82,6 @@ VectorMemIndex<T>::VectorMemIndex(
-template <typename T>
-    const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : VectorIndex(create_index_info.index_type, create_index_info.metric_type),
-      space_(space),
-      create_index_info_(create_index_info) {
-    CheckMetricTypeSupport<T>(create_index_info.metric_type);
-    AssertInfo(!is_unsupported(create_index_info.index_type,
-                               create_index_info.metric_type),
-               create_index_info.index_type +
-                   " doesn't support metric: " + create_index_info.metric_type);
-    if (file_manager_context.Valid()) {
-        file_manager_ = std::make_shared<storage::MemFileManagerImpl>(
-            file_manager_context, file_manager_context.space_);
-        AssertInfo(file_manager_ != nullptr, "create file manager failed!");
-    }
-    auto version = create_index_info.index_engine_version;
-    CheckCompatible(version);
-    auto get_index_obj =
-        knowhere::IndexFactory::Instance().Create<T>(GetIndexType(), version);
-    if (get_index_obj.has_value()) {
-        index_ = get_index_obj.value();
-    } else {
-        auto err = get_index_obj.error();
-        if (err == knowhere::Status::invalid_index_error) {
-            PanicInfo(ErrorCode::Unsupported, get_index_obj.what());
-        }
-        PanicInfo(ErrorCode::KnowhereError, get_index_obj.what());
-    }
-template <typename T>
-VectorMemIndex<T>::UploadV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto binary_set = Serialize(config);
-    file_manager_->AddFileV2(binary_set);
-    auto store_version = file_manager_->space()->GetCurrentVersion();
-    std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]> store_version_data(
-        new uint8_t[sizeof(store_version)]);
-    store_version_data[0] = store_version & 0x00000000000000FF;
-    store_version = store_version >> 8;
-    store_version_data[1] = store_version & 0x00000000000000FF;
-    store_version = store_version >> 8;
-    store_version_data[2] = store_version & 0x00000000000000FF;
-    store_version = store_version >> 8;
-    store_version_data[3] = store_version & 0x00000000000000FF;
-    store_version = store_version >> 8;
-    store_version_data[4] = store_version & 0x00000000000000FF;
-    store_version = store_version >> 8;
-    store_version_data[5] = store_version & 0x00000000000000FF;
-    store_version = store_version >> 8;
-    store_version_data[6] = store_version & 0x00000000000000FF;
-    store_version = store_version >> 8;
-    store_version_data[7] = store_version & 0x00000000000000FF;
-    BinarySet ret;
-    ret.Append("index_store_version", store_version_data, 8);
-    return ret;
 template <typename T>
 VectorMemIndex<T>::VectorIterators(const milvus::DatasetPtr dataset,
@@ -202,105 +138,6 @@ VectorMemIndex<T>::Load(const BinarySet& binary_set, const Config& config) {
     LoadWithoutAssemble(binary_set, config);
-template <typename T>
-VectorMemIndex<T>::LoadV2(const Config& config) {
-    if (config.contains(kMmapFilepath)) {
-        return LoadFromFileV2(config);
-    }
-    auto blobs = space_->StatisticsBlobs();
-    std::unordered_set<std::string> pending_index_files;
-    auto index_prefix = file_manager_->GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefixV2();
-    for (auto& blob : blobs) {
-        if (, 0) == 0) {
-            pending_index_files.insert(;
-        }
-    }
-    auto slice_meta_file = index_prefix + "/" + INDEX_FILE_SLICE_META;
-    auto res = space_->GetBlobByteSize(std::string(slice_meta_file));
-    std::map<std::string, FieldDataPtr> index_datas{};
-    if (!res.ok() && !res.status().IsFileNotFound()) {
-        PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "failed to read blob");
-    }
-    bool slice_meta_exist = res.ok();
-    auto read_blob = [&](const std::string& file_name)
-        -> std::unique_ptr<storage::DataCodec> {
-        auto res = space_->GetBlobByteSize(file_name);
-        if (!res.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        auto index_blob_data =
-            std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[res.value()]);
-        auto status = space_->ReadBlob(file_name, index_blob_data.get());
-        if (!status.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        return storage::DeserializeFileData(index_blob_data, res.value());
-    };
-    if (slice_meta_exist) {
-        pending_index_files.erase(slice_meta_file);
-        auto slice_meta_sz = res.value();
-        auto slice_meta_data =
-            std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[slice_meta_sz]);
-        auto status = space_->ReadBlob(slice_meta_file, slice_meta_data.get());
-        if (!status.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "unable to read slice meta");
-        }
-        auto raw_slice_meta =
-            storage::DeserializeFileData(slice_meta_data, slice_meta_sz);
-        Config meta_data = Config::parse(std::string(
-            static_cast<const char*>(raw_slice_meta->GetFieldData()->Data()),
-            raw_slice_meta->GetFieldData()->Size()));
-        for (auto& item : meta_data[META]) {
-            std::string prefix = item[NAME];
-            int slice_num = item[SLICE_NUM];
-            auto total_len = static_cast<size_t>(item[TOTAL_LEN]);
-            // todo: support nullable index
-            auto new_field_data = milvus::storage::CreateFieldData(
-                DataType::INT8, false, 1, total_len);
-            for (auto i = 0; i < slice_num; ++i) {
-                std::string file_name =
-                    index_prefix + "/" + GenSlicedFileName(prefix, i);
-                auto raw_index_blob = read_blob(file_name);
-                new_field_data->FillFieldData(
-                    raw_index_blob->GetFieldData()->Data(),
-                    raw_index_blob->GetFieldData()->Size());
-                pending_index_files.erase(file_name);
-            }
-            AssertInfo(
-                new_field_data->IsFull(),
-                "index len is inconsistent after disassemble and assemble");
-            index_datas[prefix] = new_field_data;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!pending_index_files.empty()) {
-        for (auto& file_name : pending_index_files) {
-            auto raw_index_blob = read_blob(file_name);
-            index_datas.insert({file_name, raw_index_blob->GetFieldData()});
-        }
-    }
-    LOG_INFO("construct binary set...");
-    BinarySet binary_set;
-    for (auto& [key, data] : index_datas) {
-        LOG_INFO("add index data to binary set: {}", key);
-        auto size = data->Size();
-        auto deleter = [&](uint8_t*) {};  // avoid repeated deconstruction
-        auto buf = std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(
-            (uint8_t*)const_cast<void*>(data->Data()), deleter);
-        auto file_name = key.substr(key.find_last_of('/') + 1);
-        binary_set.Append(file_name, buf, size);
-    }
-    LOG_INFO("load index into Knowhere...");
-    LoadWithoutAssemble(binary_set, config);
-    LOG_INFO("load vector index done");
 template <typename T>
 VectorMemIndex<T>::Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx,
@@ -442,58 +279,6 @@ VectorMemIndex<T>::BuildWithDataset(const DatasetPtr& dataset,
-template <typename T>
-VectorMemIndex<T>::BuildV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto field_name = create_index_info_.field_name;
-    auto field_type = create_index_info_.field_type;
-    auto dim = create_index_info_.dim;
-    auto reader = space_->ScanData();
-    std::vector<FieldDataPtr> field_datas;
-    for (auto rec : *reader) {
-        if (!rec.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(IndexBuildError,
-                      "failed to read data: {}",
-                      rec.status().ToString());
-        }
-        auto data = rec.ValueUnsafe();
-        if (data == nullptr) {
-            break;
-        }
-        auto total_num_rows = data->num_rows();
-        auto col_data = data->GetColumnByName(field_name);
-        // todo: support nullable index
-        auto field_data =
-            storage::CreateFieldData(field_type, false, dim, total_num_rows);
-        field_data->FillFieldData(col_data);
-        field_datas.push_back(field_data);
-    }
-    int64_t total_size = 0;
-    int64_t total_num_rows = 0;
-    for (const auto& data : field_datas) {
-        total_size += data->Size();
-        total_num_rows += data->get_num_rows();
-        AssertInfo(dim == 0 || dim == data->get_dim(),
-                   "inconsistent dim value between field datas!");
-    }
-    auto buf = std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[total_size]);
-    int64_t offset = 0;
-    for (auto data : field_datas) {
-        std::memcpy(buf.get() + offset, data->Data(), data->Size());
-        offset += data->Size();
-        data.reset();
-    }
-    field_datas.clear();
-    Config build_config;
-    build_config.update(config);
-    build_config.erase("insert_files");
-    auto dataset = GenDataset(total_num_rows, dim, buf.get());
-    BuildWithDataset(dataset, build_config);
 template <typename T>
 VectorMemIndex<T>::Build(const Config& config) {
@@ -852,109 +637,6 @@ void VectorMemIndex<T>::LoadFromFile(const Config& config) {
-template <typename T>
-VectorMemIndex<T>::LoadFromFileV2(const Config& config) {
-    auto filepath = GetValueFromConfig<std::string>(config, kMmapFilepath);
-    AssertInfo(filepath.has_value(), "mmap filepath is empty when load index");
-    std::filesystem::create_directories(
-        std::filesystem::path(filepath.value()).parent_path());
-    auto file = File::Open(filepath.value(), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR);
-    auto blobs = space_->StatisticsBlobs();
-    std::unordered_set<std::string> pending_index_files;
-    auto index_prefix = file_manager_->GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefixV2();
-    for (auto& blob : blobs) {
-        if (, 0) == 0) {
-            pending_index_files.insert(;
-        }
-    }
-    auto slice_meta_file = index_prefix + "/" + INDEX_FILE_SLICE_META;
-    auto res = space_->GetBlobByteSize(std::string(slice_meta_file));
-    if (!res.ok() && !res.status().IsFileNotFound()) {
-        PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "failed to read blob");
-    }
-    bool slice_meta_exist = res.ok();
-    auto read_blob = [&](const std::string& file_name)
-        -> std::unique_ptr<storage::DataCodec> {
-        auto res = space_->GetBlobByteSize(file_name);
-        if (!res.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        auto index_blob_data =
-            std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[res.value()]);
-        auto status = space_->ReadBlob(file_name, index_blob_data.get());
-        if (!status.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "unable to read index blob");
-        }
-        return storage::DeserializeFileData(index_blob_data, res.value());
-    };
-    if (slice_meta_exist) {
-        pending_index_files.erase(slice_meta_file);
-        auto slice_meta_sz = res.value();
-        auto slice_meta_data =
-            std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[slice_meta_sz]);
-        auto status = space_->ReadBlob(slice_meta_file, slice_meta_data.get());
-        if (!status.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "unable to read slice meta");
-        }
-        auto raw_slice_meta =
-            storage::DeserializeFileData(slice_meta_data, slice_meta_sz);
-        Config meta_data = Config::parse(std::string(
-            static_cast<const char*>(raw_slice_meta->GetFieldData()->Data()),
-            raw_slice_meta->GetFieldData()->Size()));
-        for (auto& item : meta_data[META]) {
-            std::string prefix = item[NAME];
-            int slice_num = item[SLICE_NUM];
-            auto total_len = static_cast<size_t>(item[TOTAL_LEN]);
-            for (auto i = 0; i < slice_num; ++i) {
-                std::string file_name =
-                    index_prefix + "/" + GenSlicedFileName(prefix, i);
-                auto raw_index_blob = read_blob(file_name);
-                auto written =
-                    file.Write(raw_index_blob->GetFieldData()->Data(),
-                               raw_index_blob->GetFieldData()->Size());
-                pending_index_files.erase(file_name);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (!pending_index_files.empty()) {
-        for (auto& file_name : pending_index_files) {
-            auto raw_index_blob = read_blob(file_name);
-            file.Write(raw_index_blob->GetFieldData()->Data(),
-                       raw_index_blob->GetFieldData()->Size());
-        }
-    }
-    file.Close();
-    LOG_INFO("load index into Knowhere...");
-    auto conf = config;
-    conf.erase(kMmapFilepath);
-    conf[kEnableMmap] = true;
-    auto stat = index_.DeserializeFromFile(filepath.value(), conf);
-    if (stat != knowhere::Status::success) {
-        PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken,
-                  "failed to Deserialize index: {}",
-                  KnowhereStatusString(stat));
-    }
-    auto dim = index_.Dim();
-    this->SetDim(index_.Dim());
-    auto ok = unlink(filepath->data());
-    AssertInfo(ok == 0,
-               "failed to unlink mmap index file {}: {}",
-               filepath.value(),
-               strerror(errno));
-    LOG_INFO("load vector index done");
 template class VectorMemIndex<float>;
 template class VectorMemIndex<bin1>;
 template class VectorMemIndex<float16>;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.h b/internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.h
index 6d04020f55..637c96879a 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/index/VectorMemIndex.h
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include "knowhere/index/index_factory.h"
 #include "index/VectorIndex.h"
 #include "storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 #include "index/IndexInfo.h"
 namespace milvus::index {
@@ -40,9 +39,6 @@ class VectorMemIndex : public VectorIndex {
         const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context =
-    explicit VectorMemIndex(const CreateIndexInfo& create_index_info,
-                            const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager,
-                            std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     Serialize(const Config& config) override;
@@ -52,9 +48,6 @@ class VectorMemIndex : public VectorIndex {
     Load(milvus::tracer::TraceContext ctx, const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    LoadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     BuildWithDataset(const DatasetPtr& dataset,
                      const Config& config = {}) override;
@@ -62,9 +55,6 @@ class VectorMemIndex : public VectorIndex {
     Build(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    void
-    BuildV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     AddWithDataset(const DatasetPtr& dataset, const Config& config) override;
@@ -91,9 +81,6 @@ class VectorMemIndex : public VectorIndex {
     Upload(const Config& config = {}) override;
-    BinarySet
-    UploadV2(const Config& config = {}) override;
     VectorIterators(const DatasetPtr dataset,
                     const knowhere::Json& json,
@@ -107,14 +94,10 @@ class VectorMemIndex : public VectorIndex {
     LoadFromFile(const Config& config);
-    void
-    LoadFromFileV2(const Config& config);
     Config config_;
     knowhere::Index<knowhere::IndexNode> index_;
     std::shared_ptr<storage::MemFileManagerImpl> file_manager_;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
     CreateIndexInfo create_index_info_;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/IndexCreatorBase.h b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/IndexCreatorBase.h
index 940b70e077..b6a2ac44b2 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/IndexCreatorBase.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/IndexCreatorBase.h
@@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ class IndexCreatorBase {
     virtual void
     Build() = 0;
-    virtual void
-    BuildV2() = 0;
     virtual milvus::BinarySet
     Serialize() = 0;
@@ -38,9 +35,6 @@ class IndexCreatorBase {
     virtual BinarySet
     Upload() = 0;
-    virtual BinarySet
-    UploadV2() = 0;
 using IndexCreatorBasePtr = std::unique_ptr<IndexCreatorBase>;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/IndexFactory.h b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/IndexFactory.h
index 1e2cc53f38..6aa0b48302 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/IndexFactory.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/IndexFactory.h
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 #include "indexbuilder/type_c.h"
 #include "storage/Types.h"
 #include "storage/FileManager.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::indexbuilder {
@@ -74,41 +73,6 @@ class IndexFactory {
                           fmt::format("invalid type is {}", invalid_dtype_msg));
-    IndexCreatorBasePtr
-    CreateIndex(DataType type,
-                const std::string& field_name,
-                const int64_t dim,
-                Config& config,
-                const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-                std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-        auto invalid_dtype_msg =
-            std::string("invalid data type: ") + std::to_string(int(type));
-        switch (type) {
-            case DataType::BOOL:
-            case DataType::INT8:
-            case DataType::INT16:
-            case DataType::INT32:
-            case DataType::INT64:
-            case DataType::FLOAT:
-            case DataType::DOUBLE:
-            case DataType::VARCHAR:
-            case DataType::STRING:
-                return CreateScalarIndex(
-                    type, config, file_manager_context, space);
-            case DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT:
-            case DataType::VECTOR_BINARY:
-            case DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT16:
-            case DataType::VECTOR_BFLOAT16:
-            case DataType::VECTOR_SPARSE_FLOAT:
-                return std::make_unique<VecIndexCreator>(
-                    type, field_name, dim, config, file_manager_context, space);
-            default:
-                PanicInfo(ErrorCode::DataTypeInvalid, invalid_dtype_msg);
-        }
-    }
 }  // namespace milvus::indexbuilder
diff --git a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.cpp b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.cpp
index 566e36c5c6..855be14760 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.cpp
@@ -36,18 +36,6 @@ ScalarIndexCreator::ScalarIndexCreator(
         index_info, file_manager_context);
-    DataType dtype,
-    Config& config,
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : config_(config), dtype_(dtype) {
-    milvus::index::CreateIndexInfo index_info;
-    index_info.field_type = dtype_;
-    index_info.index_type = index_type();
-    index_ = index::IndexFactory::GetInstance().CreateIndex(
-        index_info, file_manager_context, std::move(space));
 ScalarIndexCreator::Build(const milvus::DatasetPtr& dataset) {
     auto size = dataset->GetRows();
@@ -60,11 +48,6 @@ ScalarIndexCreator::Build() {
-ScalarIndexCreator::BuildV2() {
-    index_->BuildV2(config_);
 ScalarIndexCreator::Serialize() {
     return index_->Serialize(config_);
@@ -84,10 +67,4 @@ BinarySet
 ScalarIndexCreator::Upload() {
     return index_->Upload();
-ScalarIndexCreator::UploadV2() {
-    return index_->UploadV2();
 }  // namespace milvus::indexbuilder
diff --git a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.h b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.h
index 8ca9071eff..2ac34050f0 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/ScalarIndexCreator.h
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 #include <common/CDataType.h>
 #include "index/Index.h"
 #include "index/ScalarIndex.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::indexbuilder {
@@ -27,19 +26,12 @@ class ScalarIndexCreator : public IndexCreatorBase {
                        Config& config,
                        const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context);
-    ScalarIndexCreator(DataType data_type,
-                       Config& config,
-                       const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-                       std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     Build(const milvus::DatasetPtr& dataset) override;
     Build() override;
-    void
-    BuildV2() override;
     Serialize() override;
@@ -49,9 +41,6 @@ class ScalarIndexCreator : public IndexCreatorBase {
     Upload() override;
-    BinarySet
-    UploadV2() override;
@@ -72,13 +61,4 @@ CreateScalarIndex(DataType dtype,
     return std::make_unique<ScalarIndexCreator>(
         dtype, config, file_manager_context);
-inline ScalarIndexCreatorPtr
-CreateScalarIndex(DataType dtype,
-                  Config& config,
-                  const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-                  std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-    return std::make_unique<ScalarIndexCreator>(
-        dtype, config, file_manager_context, space);
 }  // namespace milvus::indexbuilder
diff --git a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.cpp b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.cpp
index 41caefd8af..789f10caa4 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.cpp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ VecIndexCreator::VecIndexCreator(
     DataType data_type,
     Config& config,
     const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context)
-    : VecIndexCreator(data_type, "", 0, config, file_manager_context, nullptr) {
+    : VecIndexCreator(data_type, "", 0, config, file_manager_context) {
@@ -32,9 +32,8 @@ VecIndexCreator::VecIndexCreator(
     const std::string& field_name,
     const int64_t dim,
     Config& config,
-    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : config_(config), data_type_(data_type), space_(std::move(space)) {
+    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context)
+    : config_(config), data_type_(data_type) {
     index::CreateIndexInfo index_info;
     index_info.field_type = data_type_;
     index_info.index_type = index::GetIndexTypeFromConfig(config_);
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ VecIndexCreator::VecIndexCreator(
     index_info.dim = dim;
     index_ = index::IndexFactory::GetInstance().CreateIndex(
-        index_info, file_manager_context, space_);
+        index_info, file_manager_context);
     AssertInfo(index_ != nullptr,
                "[VecIndexCreator]Index is null after create index");
@@ -65,11 +64,6 @@ VecIndexCreator::Build() {
-VecIndexCreator::BuildV2() {
-    index_->BuildV2(config_);
 VecIndexCreator::Serialize() {
     return index_->Serialize(config_);
@@ -95,11 +89,6 @@ VecIndexCreator::Upload() {
     return index_->Upload();
-VecIndexCreator::UploadV2() {
-    return index_->UploadV2();
 VecIndexCreator::CleanLocalData() {
     auto vector_index = dynamic_cast<index::VectorIndex*>(index_.get());
diff --git a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.h b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.h
index 2973f4f3b3..d8d605f321 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/VecIndexCreator.h
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 #include "index/VectorIndex.h"
 #include "index/IndexInfo.h"
 #include "storage/Types.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::indexbuilder {
@@ -37,17 +36,14 @@ class VecIndexCreator : public IndexCreatorBase {
                     const std::string& field_name,
                     const int64_t dim,
                     Config& config,
-                    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context,
-                    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
+                    const storage::FileManagerContext& file_manager_context);
     Build(const milvus::DatasetPtr& dataset) override;
     Build() override;
-    void
-    BuildV2() override;
     Serialize() override;
@@ -65,9 +61,6 @@ class VecIndexCreator : public IndexCreatorBase {
     Upload() override;
-    BinarySet
-    UploadV2() override;
@@ -76,8 +69,6 @@ class VecIndexCreator : public IndexCreatorBase {
     milvus::index::IndexBasePtr index_ = nullptr;
     Config config_;
     DataType data_type_;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
 }  // namespace milvus::indexbuilder
diff --git a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.cpp b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.cpp
index 48e461fd01..fa045a527b 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "fmt/core.h"
 #include "indexbuilder/type_c.h"
 #include "log/Log.h"
-#include "storage/options.h"
 #ifdef __linux__
 #include <malloc.h>
@@ -31,7 +30,6 @@
 #include "index/Utils.h"
 #include "pb/index_cgo_msg.pb.h"
 #include "storage/Util.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 #include "index/Meta.h"
 using namespace milvus;
@@ -234,107 +232,6 @@ CreateIndex(CIndex* res_index,
-CreateIndexV2(CIndex* res_index,
-              const uint8_t* serialized_build_index_info,
-              const uint64_t len) {
-    try {
-        auto build_index_info =
-            std::make_unique<milvus::proto::indexcgo::BuildIndexInfo>();
-        auto res =
-            build_index_info->ParseFromArray(serialized_build_index_info, len);
-        AssertInfo(res, "Unmarshall build index info failed");
-        auto field_type =
-            static_cast<DataType>(build_index_info->field_schema().data_type());
-        milvus::index::CreateIndexInfo index_info;
-        index_info.field_type = field_type;
-        index_info.dim = build_index_info->dim();
-        auto storage_config =
-            get_storage_config(build_index_info->storage_config());
-        auto config = get_config(build_index_info);
-        // get index type
-        auto index_type = milvus::index::GetValueFromConfig<std::string>(
-            config, "index_type");
-        AssertInfo(index_type.has_value(), "index type is empty");
-        index_info.index_type = index_type.value();
-        auto engine_version = build_index_info->current_index_version();
-        index_info.index_engine_version = engine_version;
-        config[milvus::index::INDEX_ENGINE_VERSION] =
-            std::to_string(engine_version);
-        // get metric type
-        if (milvus::IsVectorDataType(field_type)) {
-            auto metric_type = milvus::index::GetValueFromConfig<std::string>(
-                config, "metric_type");
-            AssertInfo(metric_type.has_value(), "metric type is empty");
-            index_info.metric_type = metric_type.value();
-        }
-        milvus::storage::FieldDataMeta field_meta{
-            build_index_info->collectionid(),
-            build_index_info->partitionid(),
-            build_index_info->segmentid(),
-            build_index_info->field_schema().fieldid(),
-            build_index_info->field_schema()};
-        milvus::storage::IndexMeta index_meta{
-            build_index_info->segmentid(),
-            build_index_info->field_schema().fieldid(),
-            build_index_info->buildid(),
-            build_index_info->index_version(),
-            "",
-            build_index_info->field_schema().name(),
-            field_type,
-            build_index_info->dim(),
-        };
-        auto store_space = milvus_storage::Space::Open(
-            build_index_info->store_path(),
-            milvus_storage::Options{nullptr,
-                                    build_index_info->store_version()});
-        AssertInfo(store_space.ok() && store_space.has_value(),
-                   "create space failed: {}",
-                   store_space.status().ToString());
-        auto index_space = milvus_storage::Space::Open(
-            build_index_info->index_store_path(),
-            milvus_storage::Options{.schema = store_space.value()->schema()});
-        AssertInfo(index_space.ok() && index_space.has_value(),
-                   "create space failed: {}",
-                   index_space.status().ToString());
-        LOG_INFO("init space success");
-        auto chunk_manager =
-            milvus::storage::CreateChunkManager(storage_config);
-        milvus::storage::FileManagerContext fileManagerContext(
-            field_meta,
-            index_meta,
-            chunk_manager,
-            std::move(index_space.value()));
-        auto index =
-            milvus::indexbuilder::IndexFactory::GetInstance().CreateIndex(
-                field_type,
-                build_index_info->field_schema().name(),
-                build_index_info->dim(),
-                config,
-                fileManagerContext,
-                std::move(store_space.value()));
-        index->BuildV2();
-        *res_index = index.release();
-        return milvus::SuccessCStatus();
-    } catch (SegcoreError& e) {
-        auto status = CStatus();
-        status.error_code = e.get_error_code();
-        status.error_msg = strdup(e.what());
-        return status;
-    } catch (std::exception& e) {
-        return milvus::FailureCStatus(&e);
-    }
 DeleteIndex(CIndex index) {
     auto status = CStatus();
@@ -823,29 +720,6 @@ SerializeIndexAndUpLoad(CIndex index, CBinarySet* c_binary_set) {
     return status;
-SerializeIndexAndUpLoadV2(CIndex index, CBinarySet* c_binary_set) {
-    auto status = CStatus();
-    try {
-        AssertInfo(
-            index,
-            "failed to serialize index to binary set, passed index was null");
-        auto real_index =
-            reinterpret_cast<milvus::indexbuilder::IndexCreatorBase*>(index);
-        auto binary =
-            std::make_unique<knowhere::BinarySet>(real_index->UploadV2());
-        *c_binary_set = binary.release();
-        status.error_code = Success;
-        status.error_msg = "";
-    } catch (std::exception& e) {
-        status.error_code = UnexpectedError;
-        status.error_msg = strdup(e.what());
-    }
-    return status;
 AppendOptionalFieldDataPath(CBuildIndexInfo c_build_index_info,
                             const int64_t field_id,
diff --git a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.h b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.h
index 53ce5552fe..ce94d68e8f 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/indexbuilder/index_c.h
@@ -128,14 +128,6 @@ AppendOptionalFieldDataPath(CBuildIndexInfo c_build_index_info,
 SerializeIndexAndUpLoad(CIndex index, CBinarySet* c_binary_set);
-SerializeIndexAndUpLoadV2(CIndex index, CBinarySet* c_binary_set);
-CreateIndexV2(CIndex* res_index,
-              const uint8_t* serialized_build_index_info,
-              const uint64_t len);
 AppendIndexStorageInfo(CBuildIndexInfo c_build_index_info,
                        const char* c_data_store_path,
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/CMakeLists.txt b/internal/core/src/segcore/CMakeLists.txt
index b783afb361..378240aee9 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ set(SEGCORE_FILES
 add_library(milvus_segcore SHARED ${SEGCORE_FILES})
-target_link_libraries(milvus_segcore milvus_query milvus_bitset milvus_exec ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS} milvus-storage milvus_futures)
+target_link_libraries(milvus_segcore milvus_query milvus_bitset milvus_exec ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS} milvus_futures)
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.cpp b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.cpp
index 9e65293868..dabe2f5029 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.cpp
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
 #include "storage/RemoteChunkManagerSingleton.h"
 #include "storage/Util.h"
 #include "storage/ThreadPools.h"
-#include "storage/options.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::segcore {
@@ -280,89 +278,6 @@ SegmentGrowingImpl::LoadFieldData(const LoadFieldDataInfo& infos) {
                                              reserved_offset + num_rows);
-SegmentGrowingImpl::LoadFieldDataV2(const LoadFieldDataInfo& infos) {
-    // schema don't include system field
-    AssertInfo(infos.field_infos.size() == schema_->size() + 2,
-               "lost some field data when load for growing segment");
-    AssertInfo(infos.field_infos.find(TimestampFieldID.get()) !=
-                   infos.field_infos.end(),
-               "timestamps field data should be included");
-    AssertInfo(
-        infos.field_infos.find(RowFieldID.get()) != infos.field_infos.end(),
-        "rowID field data should be included");
-    auto primary_field_id =
-        schema_->get_primary_field_id().value_or(FieldId(-1));
-    AssertInfo(primary_field_id.get() != INVALID_FIELD_ID, "Primary key is -1");
-    AssertInfo(infos.field_infos.find(primary_field_id.get()) !=
-                   infos.field_infos.end(),
-               "primary field data should be included");
-    size_t num_rows = storage::GetNumRowsForLoadInfo(infos);
-    auto reserved_offset = PreInsert(num_rows);
-    for (auto& [id, info] : infos.field_infos) {
-        auto field_id = FieldId(id);
-        auto field_data_info = FieldDataInfo(field_id.get(), num_rows);
-        auto& pool =
-            ThreadPools::GetThreadPool(milvus::ThreadPoolPriority::MIDDLE);
-        auto res = milvus_storage::Space::Open(
-            infos.url, milvus_storage::Options{nullptr, infos.storage_version});
-        AssertInfo(res.ok(), "init space failed");
-        std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space = std::move(res.value());
-        auto load_future = pool.Submit(
-            LoadFieldDatasFromRemote2, space, schema_, field_data_info);
-        auto field_data =
-            milvus::storage::CollectFieldDataChannel(;
-        if (field_id == TimestampFieldID) {
-            // step 2: sort timestamp
-            // query node already guarantees that the timestamp is ordered, avoid field data copy in c++
-            // step 3: fill into Segment.ConcurrentVector
-            insert_record_.timestamps_.set_data_raw(reserved_offset,
-                                                    field_data);
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (field_id == RowFieldID) {
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (!indexing_record_.SyncDataWithIndex(field_id)) {
-            insert_record_.get_data_base(field_id)->set_data_raw(
-                reserved_offset, field_data);
-        }
-        if (segcore_config_.get_enable_interim_segment_index()) {
-            auto offset = reserved_offset;
-            for (auto& data : field_data) {
-                auto row_count = data->get_num_rows();
-                indexing_record_.AppendingIndex(
-                    offset, row_count, field_id, data, insert_record_);
-                offset += row_count;
-            }
-        }
-        try_remove_chunks(field_id);
-        if (field_id == primary_field_id) {
-            insert_record_.insert_pks(field_data);
-        }
-        // update average row data size
-        auto field_meta = (*schema_)[field_id];
-        if (IsVariableDataType(field_meta.get_data_type())) {
-            SegmentInternalInterface::set_field_avg_size(
-                field_id,
-                num_rows,
-                storage::GetByteSizeOfFieldDatas(field_data));
-        }
-        // update the mem size
-        stats_.mem_size += storage::GetByteSizeOfFieldDatas(field_data);
-    }
-    // step 5: update small indexes
-    insert_record_.ack_responder_.AddSegment(reserved_offset,
-                                             reserved_offset + num_rows);
 SegmentGrowingImpl::Delete(int64_t reserved_begin,
                            int64_t size,
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.h b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.h
index e5000b9c08..37eaff6cb4 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentGrowingImpl.h
@@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ class SegmentGrowingImpl : public SegmentGrowing {
     LoadFieldData(const LoadFieldDataInfo& info) override;
-    void
-    LoadFieldDataV2(const LoadFieldDataInfo& info) override;
     RemoveDuplicatePkRecords() override;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentInterface.h b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentInterface.h
index 3b8ec4af0a..958fe73127 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentInterface.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentInterface.h
@@ -115,9 +115,6 @@ class SegmentInterface {
     virtual void
     LoadFieldData(const LoadFieldDataInfo& info) = 0;
-    virtual void
-    LoadFieldDataV2(const LoadFieldDataInfo& info) = 0;
     virtual void
     RemoveDuplicatePkRecords() = 0;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.cpp b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.cpp
index 56925b8e8d..3d1c215b75 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.cpp
@@ -281,59 +281,6 @@ SegmentSealedImpl::LoadFieldData(const LoadFieldDataInfo& load_info) {
-SegmentSealedImpl::LoadFieldDataV2(const LoadFieldDataInfo& load_info) {
-    // TODO(SPARSE): support storage v2
-    // NOTE: lock only when data is ready to avoid starvation
-    // only one field for now, parallel load field data in golang
-    size_t num_rows = storage::GetNumRowsForLoadInfo(load_info);
-    for (auto& [id, info] : load_info.field_infos) {
-        AssertInfo(info.row_count > 0, "The row count of field data is 0");
-        auto field_id = FieldId(id);
-        auto insert_files = info.insert_files;
-        auto field_data_info =
-            FieldDataInfo(field_id.get(), num_rows, load_info.mmap_dir_path);
-        LOG_INFO("segment {} loads field {} with num_rows {}",
-                 this->get_segment_id(),
-                 field_id.get(),
-                 num_rows);
-        auto parallel_degree = static_cast<uint64_t>(
->set_capacity(parallel_degree * 2);
-        auto& pool =
-            ThreadPools::GetThreadPool(milvus::ThreadPoolPriority::MIDDLE);
-        // auto load_future = pool.Submit(
-        //     LoadFieldDatasFromRemote, insert_files,;
-        auto res = milvus_storage::Space::Open(
-            load_info.url,
-            milvus_storage::Options{nullptr, load_info.storage_version});
-        AssertInfo(res.ok(),
-                   fmt::format("init space failed: {}, error: {}",
-                               load_info.url,
-                               res.status().ToString()));
-        std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space = std::move(res.value());
-        auto load_future = pool.Submit(
-            LoadFieldDatasFromRemote2, space, schema_, field_data_info);
-        LOG_INFO("segment {} submits load field {} task to thread pool",
-                 this->get_segment_id(),
-                 field_id.get());
-        if (load_info.mmap_dir_path.empty() ||
-            SystemProperty::Instance().IsSystem(field_id)) {
-            LoadFieldData(field_id, field_data_info);
-        } else {
-            MapFieldData(field_id, field_data_info);
-        }
-        LOG_INFO("segment {} loads field {} done",
-                 this->get_segment_id(),
-                 field_id.get());
-    }
 SegmentSealedImpl::RemoveDuplicatePkRecords() {
     std::unique_lock lck(mutex_);
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.h b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.h
index 79ed3f136e..2059ba1c6d 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/SegmentSealedImpl.h
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ class SegmentSealedImpl : public SegmentSealed {
     LoadIndex(const LoadIndexInfo& info) override;
     LoadFieldData(const LoadFieldDataInfo& info) override;
-    void
-    LoadFieldDataV2(const LoadFieldDataInfo& info) override;
     // erase duplicate records when sealed segment loaded done
     RemoveDuplicatePkRecords() override;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.cpp b/internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.cpp
index c874de7a84..a9ff746c2a 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.cpp
@@ -780,35 +780,7 @@ ReverseDataFromIndex(const index::IndexBase* index,
     return data_array;
-LoadFieldDatasFromRemote2(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-                          SchemaPtr schema,
-                          FieldDataInfo& field_data_info) {
-    auto reader = space->ScanData();
-    for (auto rec = reader->Next(); rec != nullptr; rec = reader->Next()) {
-        if (!rec.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(DataFormatBroken, "failed to read data");
-        }
-        auto data = rec.ValueUnsafe();
-        auto total_num_rows = data->num_rows();
-        for (auto& field : schema->get_fields()) {
-            if (field.second.get_id().get() != field_data_info.field_id) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            auto col_data =
-                data->GetColumnByName(field.second.get_name().get());
-            auto field_data = storage::CreateFieldData(
-                field.second.get_data_type(),
-                field.second.is_nullable(),
-                field.second.is_vector() ? field.second.get_dim() : 0,
-                total_num_rows);
-            field_data->FillFieldData(col_data);
-  >push(field_data);
-        }
-    }
 // init segcore storage config first, and create default remote chunk manager
 // segcore use default remote chunk manager to load data from minio/s3
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.h b/internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.h
index 51e9cf0d1b..5f308074a4 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/Utils.h
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include "log/Log.h"
 #include "segcore/DeletedRecord.h"
 #include "segcore/InsertRecord.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::segcore {
@@ -119,10 +118,6 @@ void
 LoadFieldDatasFromRemote(const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files,
                          FieldDataChannelPtr channel);
-LoadFieldDatasFromRemote2(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-                          SchemaPtr schema,
-                          FieldDataInfo& field_data_info);
  * Returns an index pointing to the first element in the range [first, last) such that `value < element` is true
  * (i.e. that is strictly greater than value), or last if no such element is found.
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.cpp b/internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.cpp
index 3df3a92879..0db7f7e3ec 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.cpp
@@ -318,77 +318,6 @@ AppendIndexV2(CTraceContext c_trace, CLoadIndexInfo c_load_index_info) {
-AppendIndexV3(CLoadIndexInfo c_load_index_info) {
-    try {
-        auto load_index_info =
-            (milvus::segcore::LoadIndexInfo*)c_load_index_info;
-        auto& index_params = load_index_info->index_params;
-        auto field_type = load_index_info->field_type;
-        milvus::index::CreateIndexInfo index_info;
-        index_info.field_type = load_index_info->field_type;
-        // get index type
-        AssertInfo(index_params.find("index_type") != index_params.end(),
-                   "index type is empty");
-        index_info.index_type ="index_type");
-        // get metric type
-        if (milvus::IsVectorDataType(field_type)) {
-            AssertInfo(index_params.find("metric_type") != index_params.end(),
-                       "metric type is empty for vector index");
-            index_info.metric_type ="metric_type");
-        }
-        milvus::storage::FieldDataMeta field_meta{
-            load_index_info->collection_id,
-            load_index_info->partition_id,
-            load_index_info->segment_id,
-            load_index_info->field_id};
-        milvus::storage::IndexMeta index_meta{load_index_info->segment_id,
-                                              load_index_info->field_id,
-                                              load_index_info->index_build_id,
-                                              load_index_info->index_version};
-        auto config = milvus::index::ParseConfigFromIndexParams(
-            load_index_info->index_params);
-        auto res = milvus_storage::Space::Open(
-            load_index_info->uri,
-            milvus_storage::Options{nullptr,
-                                    load_index_info->index_store_version});
-        AssertInfo(res.ok(), "init space failed");
-        std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space = std::move(res.value());
-        milvus::storage::FileManagerContext fileManagerContext(
-            field_meta, index_meta, nullptr, space);
-        load_index_info->index =
-            milvus::index::IndexFactory::GetInstance().CreateIndex(
-                index_info, fileManagerContext, space);
-        if (!load_index_info->mmap_dir_path.empty() &&
-            load_index_info->index->IsMmapSupported()) {
-            auto filepath =
-                std::filesystem::path(load_index_info->mmap_dir_path) /
-                std::to_string(load_index_info->segment_id) /
-                std::to_string(load_index_info->field_id) /
-                std::to_string(load_index_info->index_id);
-            config[kMmapFilepath] = filepath.string();
-        }
-        load_index_info->index->LoadV2(config);
-        auto status = CStatus();
-        status.error_code = milvus::Success;
-        status.error_msg = "";
-        return status;
-    } catch (std::exception& e) {
-        auto status = CStatus();
-        status.error_code = milvus::UnexpectedError;
-        status.error_msg = strdup(e.what());
-        return status;
-    }
 AppendIndexFilePath(CLoadIndexInfo c_load_index_info, const char* c_file_path) {
     try {
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.h b/internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.h
index 8755aa7396..db0108dcd7 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/load_index_c.h
@@ -62,9 +62,6 @@ AppendIndexFilePath(CLoadIndexInfo c_load_index_info, const char* file_path);
 AppendIndexV2(CTraceContext c_trace, CLoadIndexInfo c_load_index_info);
-AppendIndexV3(CLoadIndexInfo c_load_index_info);
 AppendIndexEngineVersionToLoadInfo(CLoadIndexInfo c_load_index_info,
                                    int32_t index_engine_version);
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.cpp b/internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.cpp
index d8e8421f46..f45d58ad2a 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 #include "storage/Util.h"
 #include "futures/Future.h"
 #include "futures/Executor.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 //////////////////////////////    common interfaces    //////////////////////////////
@@ -339,20 +338,6 @@ RemoveDuplicatePkRecords(CSegmentInterface c_segment) {
-LoadFieldDataV2(CSegmentInterface c_segment,
-                CLoadFieldDataInfo c_load_field_data_info) {
-    try {
-        auto segment =
-            reinterpret_cast<milvus::segcore::SegmentInterface*>(c_segment);
-        AssertInfo(segment != nullptr, "segment conversion failed");
-        auto load_info = (LoadFieldDataInfo*)c_load_field_data_info;
-        segment->LoadFieldDataV2(*load_info);
-        return milvus::SuccessCStatus();
-    } catch (std::exception& e) {
-        return milvus::FailureCStatus(&e);
-    }
 // just for test
 LoadFieldRawData(CSegmentInterface c_segment,
diff --git a/internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.h b/internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.h
index 2e579961d7..827ff5a831 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/segcore/segment_c.h
@@ -102,10 +102,6 @@ CStatus
 LoadFieldData(CSegmentInterface c_segment,
               CLoadFieldDataInfo load_field_data_info);
-LoadFieldDataV2(CSegmentInterface c_segment,
-                CLoadFieldDataInfo load_field_data_info);
 RemoveDuplicatePkRecords(CSegmentInterface c_segment);
diff --git a/internal/core/src/storage/CMakeLists.txt b/internal/core/src/storage/CMakeLists.txt
index aa4b02f640..11cd21c5d9 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/storage/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/internal/core/src/storage/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ if (DEFINED AZURE_BUILD_DIR)
             "-L${AZURE_BUILD_DIR} -lblob-chunk-manager"
-            milvus-storage
@@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ if (DEFINED AZURE_BUILD_DIR)
 else ()
     target_link_libraries(milvus_storage PUBLIC
-            milvus-storage
diff --git a/internal/core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.cpp b/internal/core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.cpp
index 34332f5240..919c218b1f 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.cpp
@@ -45,16 +45,6 @@
 #include "storage/Util.h"
 namespace milvus::storage {
-    const FileManagerContext& fileManagerContext,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : FileManagerImpl(fileManagerContext.fieldDataMeta,
-                      fileManagerContext.indexMeta),
-      space_(space) {
-    rcm_ = fileManagerContext.chunkManagerPtr;
     const FileManagerContext& fileManagerContext)
     : FileManagerImpl(fileManagerContext.fieldDataMeta,
@@ -78,39 +68,10 @@ std::string
 DiskFileManagerImpl::GetRemoteIndexPath(const std::string& file_name,
                                         int64_t slice_num) const {
     std::string remote_prefix;
-    if (space_ != nullptr) {
-        remote_prefix = GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefixV2();
-    } else {
-        remote_prefix = GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefix();
-    }
+    remote_prefix = GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefix();
     return remote_prefix + "/" + file_name + "_" + std::to_string(slice_num);
-    const std::string& local_file_name,
-    const std::vector<int64_t>& local_file_offsets,
-    const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files,
-    const std::vector<int64_t>& remote_file_sizes) {
-    auto local_chunk_manager =
-        LocalChunkManagerSingleton::GetInstance().GetChunkManager();
-    for (int64_t i = 0; i < remote_files.size(); ++i) {
-        auto buf =
-            std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[remote_file_sizes[i]]);
-        local_chunk_manager->Read(local_file_name,
-                                  local_file_offsets[i],
-                                  buf.get(),
-                                  remote_file_sizes[i]);
-        auto status =
-            space_->WriteBlob(remote_files[i], buf.get(), remote_file_sizes[i]);
-        if (!status.ok()) {
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    return true;
 DiskFileManagerImpl::AddFile(const std::string& file) noexcept {
     auto local_chunk_manager =
@@ -204,85 +165,17 @@ DiskFileManagerImpl::AddBatchIndexFiles(
     std::map<std::string, int64_t> res;
-    if (space_ != nullptr) {
-        res = PutIndexData(space_,
-                           data_slices,
-                           remote_file_sizes,
-                           remote_files,
-                           field_meta_,
-                           index_meta_);
-    } else {
-        res = PutIndexData(rcm_.get(),
-                           data_slices,
-                           remote_file_sizes,
-                           remote_files,
-                           field_meta_,
-                           index_meta_);
-    }
+    res = PutIndexData(rcm_.get(),
+                       data_slices,
+                       remote_file_sizes,
+                       remote_files,
+                       field_meta_,
+                       index_meta_);
     for (auto& re : res) {
         remote_paths_to_size_[re.first] = re.second;
-DiskFileManagerImpl::CacheIndexToDisk() {
-    auto blobs = space_->StatisticsBlobs();
-    std::vector<std::string> remote_files;
-    for (auto& blob : blobs) {
-        remote_files.push_back(;
-    }
-    auto local_chunk_manager =
-        LocalChunkManagerSingleton::GetInstance().GetChunkManager();
-    std::map<std::string, std::vector<int>> index_slices;
-    for (auto& file_path : remote_files) {
-        auto pos = file_path.find_last_of("_");
-        index_slices[file_path.substr(0, pos)].emplace_back(
-            std::stoi(file_path.substr(pos + 1)));
-    }
-    for (auto& slices : index_slices) {
-        std::sort(slices.second.begin(), slices.second.end());
-    }
-    auto EstimateParallelDegree = [&](const std::string& file) -> uint64_t {
-        auto fileSize = space_->GetBlobByteSize(file);
-        return uint64_t(DEFAULT_FIELD_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT / fileSize.value());
-    };
-    for (auto& slices : index_slices) {
-        auto prefix = slices.first;
-        auto local_index_file_name =
-            GetLocalIndexObjectPrefix() +
-            prefix.substr(prefix.find_last_of('/') + 1);
-        local_chunk_manager->CreateFile(local_index_file_name);
-        int64_t offset = 0;
-        std::vector<std::string> batch_remote_files;
-        uint64_t max_parallel_degree = INT_MAX;
-        for (int& iter : slices.second) {
-            if (batch_remote_files.size() == max_parallel_degree) {
-                auto next_offset = CacheBatchIndexFilesToDiskV2(
-                    batch_remote_files, local_index_file_name, offset);
-                offset = next_offset;
-                batch_remote_files.clear();
-            }
-            auto origin_file = prefix + "_" + std::to_string(iter);
-            if (batch_remote_files.size() == 0) {
-                // Use first file size as average size to estimate
-                max_parallel_degree = EstimateParallelDegree(origin_file);
-            }
-            batch_remote_files.push_back(origin_file);
-        }
-        if (batch_remote_files.size() > 0) {
-            auto next_offset = CacheBatchIndexFilesToDiskV2(
-                batch_remote_files, local_index_file_name, offset);
-            offset = next_offset;
-            batch_remote_files.clear();
-        }
-        local_paths_.emplace_back(local_index_file_name);
-    }
     const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files) {
@@ -329,111 +222,6 @@ DiskFileManagerImpl::CacheIndexToDisk(
-    const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files,
-    const std::string& local_file_name,
-    uint64_t local_file_init_offfset) {
-    auto local_chunk_manager =
-        LocalChunkManagerSingleton::GetInstance().GetChunkManager();
-    auto index_datas = GetObjectData(rcm_.get(), remote_files);
-    int batch_size = remote_files.size();
-    AssertInfo(index_datas.size() == batch_size,
-               "inconsistent file num and index data num!");
-    uint64_t offset = local_file_init_offfset;
-    for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) {
-        auto index_data = index_datas[i].get()->GetFieldData();
-        auto index_size = index_data->Size();
-        auto uint8_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(const_cast<void*>(index_data->Data()));
-        local_chunk_manager->Write(
-            local_file_name, offset, uint8_data, index_size);
-        offset += index_size;
-    }
-    return offset;
-    const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files,
-    const std::string& local_file_name,
-    uint64_t local_file_init_offfset) {
-    auto local_chunk_manager =
-        LocalChunkManagerSingleton::GetInstance().GetChunkManager();
-    auto index_datas = GetObjectData(space_, remote_files);
-    int batch_size = remote_files.size();
-    AssertInfo(index_datas.size() == batch_size,
-               "inconsistent file num and index data num!");
-    uint64_t offset = local_file_init_offfset;
-    for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; ++i) {
-        auto index_data = index_datas[i];
-        auto index_size = index_data->Size();
-        auto uint8_data =
-            reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(const_cast<void*>(index_data->Data()));
-        local_chunk_manager->Write(
-            local_file_name, offset, uint8_data, index_size);
-        offset += index_size;
-    }
-    return offset;
-template <typename DataType>
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space) {
-    auto segment_id = GetFieldDataMeta().segment_id;
-    auto field_id = GetFieldDataMeta().field_id;
-    auto local_chunk_manager =
-        LocalChunkManagerSingleton::GetInstance().GetChunkManager();
-    auto local_data_path = storage::GenFieldRawDataPathPrefix(
-                               local_chunk_manager, segment_id, field_id) +
-                           "raw_data";
-    local_chunk_manager->CreateFile(local_data_path);
-    // file format
-    // num_rows(uint32) | dim(uint32) | index_data ([]uint8_t)
-    uint32_t num_rows = 0;
-    uint32_t dim = 0;
-    int64_t write_offset = sizeof(num_rows) + sizeof(dim);
-    auto reader = space->ScanData();
-    for (auto rec : *reader) {
-        if (!rec.ok()) {
-            PanicInfo(IndexBuildError,
-                      fmt::format("failed to read data: {}",
-                                  rec.status().ToString()));
-        }
-        auto data = rec.ValueUnsafe();
-        if (data == nullptr) {
-            break;
-        }
-        auto total_num_rows = data->num_rows();
-        num_rows += total_num_rows;
-        auto col_data = data->GetColumnByName(index_meta_.field_name);
-        auto field_data = storage::CreateFieldData(
-            index_meta_.field_type, false, index_meta_.dim, total_num_rows);
-        field_data->FillFieldData(col_data);
-        dim = field_data->get_dim();
-        auto data_size =
-            field_data->get_num_rows() * milvus::GetVecRowSize<DataType>(dim);
-        local_chunk_manager->Write(local_data_path,
-                                   write_offset,
-                                   const_cast<void*>(field_data->Data()),
-                                   data_size);
-        write_offset += data_size;
-    }
-    // write num_rows and dim value to file header
-    write_offset = 0;
-    local_chunk_manager->Write(
-        local_data_path, write_offset, &num_rows, sizeof(num_rows));
-    write_offset += sizeof(num_rows);
-    local_chunk_manager->Write(
-        local_data_path, write_offset, &dim, sizeof(dim));
-    return local_data_path;
 SortByPath(std::vector<std::string>& paths) {
@@ -682,92 +470,6 @@ WriteOptFieldsIvfMeta(
     write_offset += sizeof(num_of_fields);
-// write optional scalar fields ivf info in the following format without space among them
-// | (meta)
-// | version (uint8_t) | num_of_fields (uint32_t) |
-// | (field_0)
-// | field_id (int64_t) | num_of_unique_field_data (uint32_t)
-// | size_0 (uint32_t) | offset_0 (uint32_t)...
-// | size_1 | offset_0, offset_1, ...
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space, OptFieldT& fields_map) {
-    const uint32_t num_of_fields = fields_map.size();
-    if (0 == num_of_fields) {
-        return "";
-    } else if (num_of_fields > 1) {
-        PanicInfo(
-            ErrorCode::NotImplemented,
-            "vector index build with multiple fields is not supported yet");
-    }
-    if (nullptr == space) {
-        LOG_ERROR("Failed to cache optional field. Space is null");
-        return "";
-    }
-    auto segment_id = GetFieldDataMeta().segment_id;
-    auto vec_field_id = GetFieldDataMeta().field_id;
-    auto local_chunk_manager =
-        LocalChunkManagerSingleton::GetInstance().GetChunkManager();
-    auto local_data_path = storage::GenFieldRawDataPathPrefix(
-                               local_chunk_manager, segment_id, vec_field_id) +
-                           std::string(VEC_OPT_FIELDS);
-    local_chunk_manager->CreateFile(local_data_path);
-    uint64_t write_offset = 0;
-    WriteOptFieldsIvfMeta(
-        local_chunk_manager, local_data_path, num_of_fields, write_offset);
-    std::unordered_set<int64_t> actual_field_ids;
-    auto reader = space->ScanData();
-    for (auto& [field_id, tup] : fields_map) {
-        const auto& field_name = std::get<0>(tup);
-        const auto& field_type = std::get<1>(tup);
-        std::vector<FieldDataPtr> field_datas;
-        for (auto rec : *reader) {
-            if (!rec.ok()) {
-                PanicInfo(IndexBuildError,
-                          fmt::format("failed to read optional field data: {}",
-                                      rec.status().ToString()));
-            }
-            auto data = rec.ValueUnsafe();
-            if (data == nullptr) {
-                break;
-            }
-            auto total_num_rows = data->num_rows();
-            if (0 == total_num_rows) {
-                LOG_WARN("optional field {} has no data", field_name);
-                return "";
-            }
-            auto col_data = data->GetColumnByName(field_name);
-            auto field_data =
-                storage::CreateFieldData(field_type, false, 1, total_num_rows);
-            field_data->FillFieldData(col_data);
-            field_datas.emplace_back(field_data);
-        }
-        if (WriteOptFieldIvfData(field_type,
-                                 field_id,
-                                 local_chunk_manager,
-                                 local_data_path,
-                                 field_datas,
-                                 write_offset)) {
-            actual_field_ids.insert(field_id);
-        }
-    }
-    if (actual_field_ids.size() != num_of_fields) {
-        write_offset = 0;
-        WriteOptFieldsIvfMeta(local_chunk_manager,
-                              local_data_path,
-                              actual_field_ids.size(),
-                              write_offset);
-        if (actual_field_ids.empty()) {
-            return "";
-        }
-    }
-    return local_data_path;
 DiskFileManagerImpl::CacheOptFieldToDisk(OptFieldT& fields_map) {
     const uint32_t num_of_fields = fields_map.size();
@@ -904,17 +606,4 @@ DiskFileManagerImpl::CacheRawDataToDisk<bfloat16>(
 template std::string
     std::vector<std::string> remote_files);
-template std::string
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
-template std::string
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
-template std::string
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
-template std::string
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
 }  // namespace milvus::storage
diff --git a/internal/core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.h b/internal/core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.h
index b059f8399d..fe212f6c7f 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.h
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
 #include "storage/IndexData.h"
 #include "storage/FileManager.h"
 #include "storage/ChunkManager.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 #include "common/Consts.h"
 namespace milvus::storage {
@@ -35,9 +33,6 @@ class DiskFileManagerImpl : public FileManagerImpl {
     explicit DiskFileManagerImpl(const FileManagerContext& fileManagerContext);
-    explicit DiskFileManagerImpl(const FileManagerContext& fileManagerContext,
-                                 std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     virtual ~DiskFileManagerImpl();
     virtual bool
@@ -77,19 +72,6 @@ class DiskFileManagerImpl : public FileManagerImpl {
     CacheIndexToDisk(const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files);
-    void
-    CacheIndexToDisk();
-    uint64_t
-    CacheBatchIndexFilesToDisk(const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files,
-                               const std::string& local_file_name,
-                               uint64_t local_file_init_offfset);
-    uint64_t
-    CacheBatchIndexFilesToDiskV2(const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files,
-                                 const std::string& local_file_name,
-                                 uint64_t local_file_init_offfset);
     AddBatchIndexFiles(const std::string& local_file_name,
                        const std::vector<int64_t>& local_file_offsets,
@@ -100,27 +82,12 @@ class DiskFileManagerImpl : public FileManagerImpl {
     CacheRawDataToDisk(std::vector<std::string> remote_files);
-    template <typename DataType>
-    std::string
-    CacheRawDataToDisk(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     CacheOptFieldToDisk(OptFieldT& fields_map);
-    std::string
-    CacheOptFieldToDisk(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-                        OptFieldT& fields_map);
-    virtual bool
-    AddFileUsingSpace(const std::string& local_file_name,
-                      const std::vector<int64_t>& local_file_offsets,
-                      const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files,
-                      const std::vector<int64_t>& remote_file_sizes);
     GetRemoteIndexPrefix() const {
-        return space_ != nullptr ? GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefixV2()
-                                 : GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefix();
+        return GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefix();
@@ -141,8 +108,6 @@ class DiskFileManagerImpl : public FileManagerImpl {
     // remote file path
     std::map<std::string, int64_t> remote_paths_to_size_;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
 using DiskANNFileManagerImplPtr = std::shared_ptr<DiskFileManagerImpl>;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/storage/FileManager.h b/internal/core/src/storage/FileManager.h
index 816beb2e8a..87f94a1b40 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/storage/FileManager.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/storage/FileManager.h
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include "log/Log.h"
 #include "storage/ChunkManager.h"
 #include "storage/Types.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::storage {
@@ -40,15 +39,6 @@ struct FileManagerContext {
           chunkManagerPtr(chunkManagerPtr) {
-    FileManagerContext(const FieldDataMeta& fieldDataMeta,
-                       const IndexMeta& indexMeta,
-                       const ChunkManagerPtr& chunkManagerPtr,
-                       std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-        : fieldDataMeta(fieldDataMeta),
-          indexMeta(indexMeta),
-          chunkManagerPtr(chunkManagerPtr),
-          space_(space) {
-    }
     Valid() const {
         return chunkManagerPtr != nullptr;
@@ -57,7 +47,6 @@ struct FileManagerContext {
     FieldDataMeta fieldDataMeta;
     IndexMeta indexMeta;
     ChunkManagerPtr chunkManagerPtr;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
 #define FILEMANAGER_TRY try {
diff --git a/internal/core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.cpp b/internal/core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.cpp
index 80bc90bb2e..a920708bf5 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.cpp
@@ -26,15 +26,6 @@
 namespace milvus::storage {
-    const FileManagerContext& fileManagerContext,
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space)
-    : FileManagerImpl(fileManagerContext.fieldDataMeta,
-                      fileManagerContext.indexMeta),
-      space_(space) {
-    rcm_ = fileManagerContext.chunkManagerPtr;
     const FileManagerContext& fileManagerContext)
     : FileManagerImpl(fileManagerContext.fieldDataMeta,
@@ -91,50 +82,6 @@ MemFileManagerImpl::AddFile(const BinarySet& binary_set) {
     return true;
-MemFileManagerImpl::AddFileV2(const BinarySet& binary_set) {
-    std::vector<const uint8_t*> data_slices;
-    std::vector<int64_t> slice_sizes;
-    std::vector<std::string> slice_names;
-    auto AddBatchIndexFiles = [&]() {
-        auto res = PutIndexData(space_,
-                                data_slices,
-                                slice_sizes,
-                                slice_names,
-                                field_meta_,
-                                index_meta_);
-        for (auto& [file, size] : res) {
-            remote_paths_to_size_[file] = size;
-        }
-    };
-    auto remotePrefix = GetRemoteIndexObjectPrefixV2();
-    int64_t batch_size = 0;
-    for (auto iter = binary_set.binary_map_.begin();
-         iter != binary_set.binary_map_.end();
-         iter++) {
-        if (batch_size >= DEFAULT_FIELD_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT) {
-            AddBatchIndexFiles();
-            data_slices.clear();
-            slice_sizes.clear();
-            slice_names.clear();
-            batch_size = 0;
-        }
-        data_slices.emplace_back(iter->second->data.get());
-        slice_sizes.emplace_back(iter->second->size);
-        slice_names.emplace_back(remotePrefix + "/" + iter->first);
-        batch_size += iter->second->size;
-    }
-    if (data_slices.size() > 0) {
-        AddBatchIndexFiles();
-    }
-    return true;
 MemFileManagerImpl::LoadFile(const std::string& filename) noexcept {
     return true;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h b/internal/core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h
index 1349cbeb41..8fffc1b387 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/storage/MemFileManagerImpl.h
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #include "storage/IndexData.h"
 #include "storage/FileManager.h"
 #include "storage/ChunkManager.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::storage {
@@ -33,9 +32,6 @@ class MemFileManagerImpl : public FileManagerImpl {
     explicit MemFileManagerImpl(const FileManagerContext& fileManagerContext);
-    MemFileManagerImpl(const FileManagerContext& fileManagerContext,
-                       std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space);
     virtual bool
     LoadFile(const std::string& filename) noexcept;
@@ -63,14 +59,6 @@ class MemFileManagerImpl : public FileManagerImpl {
     AddFile(const BinarySet& binary_set);
-    bool
-    AddFileV2(const BinarySet& binary_set);
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space>
-    space() const {
-        return space_;
-    }
     std::map<std::string, int64_t>
     GetRemotePathsToFileSize() const {
         return remote_paths_to_size_;
@@ -79,7 +67,6 @@ class MemFileManagerImpl : public FileManagerImpl {
     // remote file path
     std::map<std::string, int64_t> remote_paths_to_size_;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space_;
 using MemFileManagerImplPtr = std::shared_ptr<MemFileManagerImpl>;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/storage/Util.cpp b/internal/core/src/storage/Util.cpp
index badfa00719..d8710d1126 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/storage/Util.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/src/storage/Util.cpp
@@ -516,22 +516,6 @@ DownloadAndDecodeRemoteFile(ChunkManager* chunk_manager,
     return DeserializeFileData(buf, fileSize);
-DownloadAndDecodeRemoteFileV2(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-                              const std::string& file) {
-    auto fileSize = space->GetBlobByteSize(file);
-    if (!fileSize.ok()) {
-        PanicInfo(FileReadFailed, fileSize.status().ToString());
-    }
-    auto buf = std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[fileSize.value()]);
-    auto status = space->ReadBlob(file, buf.get());
-    if (!status.ok()) {
-        PanicInfo(FileReadFailed, status.ToString());
-    }
-    return DeserializeFileData(buf, fileSize.value());
 std::pair<std::string, size_t>
 EncodeAndUploadIndexSlice(ChunkManager* chunk_manager,
                           uint8_t* buf,
@@ -551,27 +535,6 @@ EncodeAndUploadIndexSlice(ChunkManager* chunk_manager,
     return std::make_pair(std::move(object_key), serialized_index_size);
-std::pair<std::string, size_t>
-EncodeAndUploadIndexSlice2(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-                           uint8_t* buf,
-                           int64_t batch_size,
-                           IndexMeta index_meta,
-                           FieldDataMeta field_meta,
-                           std::string object_key) {
-    // todo: support nullable index
-    auto field_data = CreateFieldData(DataType::INT8, false);
-    field_data->FillFieldData(buf, batch_size);
-    auto indexData = std::make_shared<IndexData>(field_data);
-    indexData->set_index_meta(index_meta);
-    indexData->SetFieldDataMeta(field_meta);
-    auto serialized_index_data = indexData->serialize_to_remote_file();
-    auto serialized_index_size = serialized_index_data.size();
-    auto status = space->WriteBlob(
-        object_key,, serialized_index_size);
-    AssertInfo(status.ok(), "write to space error: {}", status.ToString());
-    return std::make_pair(std::move(object_key), serialized_index_size);
 std::pair<std::string, size_t>
 EncodeAndUploadFieldSlice(ChunkManager* chunk_manager,
                           void* buf,
@@ -609,36 +572,6 @@ GetObjectData(ChunkManager* remote_chunk_manager,
     return futures;
-GetObjectData(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-              const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files) {
-    auto& pool = ThreadPools::GetThreadPool(milvus::ThreadPoolPriority::HIGH);
-    std::vector<std::future<std::unique_ptr<DataCodec>>> futures;
-    for (auto& file : remote_files) {
-        futures.emplace_back(
-            pool.Submit(DownloadAndDecodeRemoteFileV2, space, file));
-    }
-    std::vector<FieldDataPtr> datas;
-    std::exception_ptr first_exception = nullptr;
-    for (auto& future : futures) {
-        try {
-            auto res = future.get();
-            datas.emplace_back(res->GetFieldData());
-        } catch (...) {
-            if (!first_exception) {
-                first_exception = std::current_exception();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    ReleaseArrowUnused();
-    if (first_exception) {
-        std::rethrow_exception(first_exception);
-    }
-    return datas;
 std::map<std::string, int64_t>
 PutIndexData(ChunkManager* remote_chunk_manager,
              const std::vector<const uint8_t*>& data_slices,
@@ -687,54 +620,6 @@ PutIndexData(ChunkManager* remote_chunk_manager,
     return remote_paths_to_size;
-std::map<std::string, int64_t>
-PutIndexData(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-             const std::vector<const uint8_t*>& data_slices,
-             const std::vector<int64_t>& slice_sizes,
-             const std::vector<std::string>& slice_names,
-             FieldDataMeta& field_meta,
-             IndexMeta& index_meta) {
-    auto& pool = ThreadPools::GetThreadPool(milvus::ThreadPoolPriority::MIDDLE);
-    std::vector<std::future<std::pair<std::string, size_t>>> futures;
-    AssertInfo(data_slices.size() == slice_sizes.size(),
-               "inconsistent data slices size {} with slice sizes {}",
-               data_slices.size(),
-               slice_sizes.size());
-    AssertInfo(data_slices.size() == slice_names.size(),
-               "inconsistent data slices size {} with slice names size {}",
-               data_slices.size(),
-               slice_names.size());
-    for (int64_t i = 0; i < data_slices.size(); ++i) {
-        futures.push_back(pool.Submit(EncodeAndUploadIndexSlice2,
-                                      space,
-                                      const_cast<uint8_t*>(data_slices[i]),
-                                      slice_sizes[i],
-                                      index_meta,
-                                      field_meta,
-                                      slice_names[i]));
-    }
-    std::map<std::string, int64_t> remote_paths_to_size;
-    std::exception_ptr first_exception = nullptr;
-    for (auto& future : futures) {
-        try {
-            auto res = future.get();
-            remote_paths_to_size[res.first] = res.second;
-        } catch (...) {
-            if (!first_exception) {
-                first_exception = std::current_exception();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    ReleaseArrowUnused();
-    if (first_exception) {
-        std::rethrow_exception(first_exception);
-    }
-    return remote_paths_to_size;
 GetTotalNumRowsForFieldDatas(const std::vector<FieldDataPtr>& field_datas) {
     int64_t count = 0;
diff --git a/internal/core/src/storage/Util.h b/internal/core/src/storage/Util.h
index d92bb7d577..7d18c72220 100644
--- a/internal/core/src/storage/Util.h
+++ b/internal/core/src/storage/Util.h
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
 #include "storage/ChunkManager.h"
 #include "storage/DataCodec.h"
 #include "storage/Types.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 namespace milvus::storage {
@@ -89,10 +88,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<DataCodec>
 DownloadAndDecodeRemoteFile(ChunkManager* chunk_manager,
                             const std::string& file);
-DownloadAndDecodeRemoteFileV2(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-                              const std::string& file);
 std::pair<std::string, size_t>
 EncodeAndUploadIndexSlice(ChunkManager* chunk_manager,
                           uint8_t* buf,
@@ -102,13 +97,6 @@ EncodeAndUploadIndexSlice(ChunkManager* chunk_manager,
                           std::string object_key);
 std::pair<std::string, size_t>
-EncodeAndUploadIndexSlice2(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-                           uint8_t* buf,
-                           int64_t batch_size,
-                           IndexMeta index_meta,
-                           FieldDataMeta field_meta,
-                           std::string object_key);
-std::pair<std::string, size_t>
 EncodeAndUploadFieldSlice(ChunkManager* chunk_manager,
                           void* buf,
                           int64_t element_count,
@@ -120,10 +108,6 @@ std::vector<std::future<std::unique_ptr<DataCodec>>>
 GetObjectData(ChunkManager* remote_chunk_manager,
               const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files);
-GetObjectData(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-              const std::vector<std::string>& remote_files);
 std::map<std::string, int64_t>
 PutIndexData(ChunkManager* remote_chunk_manager,
              const std::vector<const uint8_t*>& data_slices,
@@ -132,13 +116,6 @@ PutIndexData(ChunkManager* remote_chunk_manager,
              FieldDataMeta& field_meta,
              IndexMeta& index_meta);
-std::map<std::string, int64_t>
-PutIndexData(std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space,
-             const std::vector<const uint8_t*>& data_slices,
-             const std::vector<int64_t>& slice_sizes,
-             const std::vector<std::string>& slice_names,
-             FieldDataMeta& field_meta,
-             IndexMeta& index_meta);
 GetTotalNumRowsForFieldDatas(const std::vector<FieldDataPtr>& field_datas);
diff --git a/internal/core/thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt b/internal/core/thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt
index eb1806ac50..5fe44881ad 100644
--- a/internal/core/thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/internal/core/thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ if (USE_OPENDAL)
 if (LINUX)
diff --git a/internal/core/thirdparty/milvus-storage/CMakeLists.txt b/internal/core/thirdparty/milvus-storage/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a67a7cae82..0000000000
--- a/internal/core/thirdparty/milvus-storage/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
-# is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
-# or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-message(STATUS "Building milvus-storage-${MILVUS_STORAGE_VERSION} from source")
-# message(FATAL_ERROR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/milvus-storage.patch)
-# set(milvus-storage-patch git apply --ignore-whitespace ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/milvus-storage.patch)
-        milvus-storage
-        GIT_REPOSITORY  ""
-        SOURCE_DIR      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/milvus-storage-src
-        BINARY_DIR      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/milvus-storage-build
-        SOURCE_SUBDIR   cpp
-        PATCH_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/milvus-storage_CMakeLists.txt <SOURCE_DIR>/cpp/CMakeLists.txt
-# target_compile_features(milvus-storage PUBLIC cxx_std_20)
-# FetchContent_GetProperties( milvus-storage )
-# if ( NOT milvus-storage_POPULATED )
-#     FetchContent_Populate( milvus-storage)
-#     # Adding the following target:
-#     add_subdirectory( ${milvus-storage_SOURCE_DIR}/cpp
-#                       ${milvus-storage_BINARY_DIR} )
-# endif()
-# message(FATAL_ERROR ${milvus-storage_SOURCE_DIR}  ${milvus-storage_BINARY_DIR})
-# get prometheus COMPILE_OPTIONS
-# get_property( var DIRECTORY "${milvus-storage_SOURCE_DIR}" PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS )
-message( STATUS "milvus-storage src compile options: ${var}" )
diff --git a/internal/core/thirdparty/milvus-storage/milvus-storage_CMakeLists.txt b/internal/core/thirdparty/milvus-storage/milvus-storage_CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 135765c99e..0000000000
--- a/internal/core/thirdparty/milvus-storage/milvus-storage_CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0)
-project(milvus-storage VERSION 0.1.0)
-option(WITH_UT "Build the testing tree." ON)
-option(WITH_ASAN "Build with address sanitizer." OFF)
-option(USE_OPENDAL "Build with opendal." OFF)
-  add_compile_definitions(MILVUS_OPENDAL)
-find_package(Boost REQUIRED)
-find_package(Arrow REQUIRED)
-find_package(Protobuf REQUIRED)
-find_package(glog REQUIRED)
-find_package(AWSSDK REQUIRED)
-file(GLOB_RECURSE SRC_FILES src/*.cpp src/*.cc)
-add_library(milvus-storage ${SRC_FILES})
-target_include_directories(milvus-storage PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/milvus-storage ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src)
-target_link_libraries(milvus-storage PUBLIC arrow::arrow Boost::boost protobuf::protobuf AWS::aws-sdk-cpp-core glog::glog)
-  target_link_libraries(milvus-storage PUBLIC opendal)
-if (WITH_UT)
-  enable_testing()
-  add_subdirectory(test)
diff --git a/internal/core/unittest/test_disk_file_manager_test.cpp b/internal/core/unittest/test_disk_file_manager_test.cpp
index 9f2251baa4..565e063b6d 100644
--- a/internal/core/unittest/test_disk_file_manager_test.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/unittest/test_disk_file_manager_test.cpp
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@
 #include "storage/InsertData.h"
 #include "storage/ThreadPool.h"
 #include "storage/Types.h"
-#include "storage/options.h"
-#include "storage/schema.h"
-#include "storage/space.h"
 #include "storage/Util.h"
 #include "storage/DiskFileManagerImpl.h"
 #include "storage/LocalChunkManagerSingleton.h"
@@ -285,62 +282,6 @@ PrepareInsertData(const int64_t opt_field_data_range) -> std::string {
     return path;
-PrepareInsertDataSpace(const int64_t opt_field_data_range)
-    -> std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space>> {
-    std::string path = kOptFieldPath + "space/" + std::to_string(kOptFieldId);
-    arrow::FieldVector arrow_fields{
-        arrow::field("pk", arrow::int64()),
-        arrow::field("ts", arrow::int64()),
-        arrow::field(kOptFieldName, arrow::int64()),
-        arrow::field("vec", arrow::fixed_size_binary(1))};
-    auto arrow_schema = std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(arrow_fields);
-    milvus_storage::SchemaOptions schema_options = {
-        .primary_column = "pk", .version_column = "ts", .vector_column = "vec"};
-    auto schema =
-        std::make_shared<milvus_storage::Schema>(arrow_schema, schema_options);
-    boost::filesystem::remove_all(path);
-    boost::filesystem::create_directories(path);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(schema->Validate().ok());
-    auto opt_space = milvus_storage::Space::Open(
-        "file://" + boost::filesystem::canonical(path).string(),
-        milvus_storage::Options{schema});
-    EXPECT_TRUE(opt_space.has_value());
-    auto space = std::move(opt_space.value());
-    const auto data = PrepareRawFieldData<int64_t>(opt_field_data_range);
-    arrow::Int64Builder pk_builder;
-    arrow::Int64Builder ts_builder;
-    arrow::NumericBuilder<arrow::Int64Type> scalar_builder;
-    arrow::FixedSizeBinaryBuilder vec_builder(arrow::fixed_size_binary(1));
-    const uint8_t kByteZero = 0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < kEntityCnt; ++i) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(pk_builder.Append(i).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(ts_builder.Append(i).ok());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(vec_builder.Append(&kByteZero).ok());
-    }
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < kEntityCnt; ++i) {
-        EXPECT_TRUE(scalar_builder.Append(data[i]).ok());
-    }
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> pk_array;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(pk_builder.Finish(&pk_array).ok());
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> ts_array;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(ts_builder.Finish(&ts_array).ok());
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> scalar_array;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(scalar_builder.Finish(&scalar_array).ok());
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> vec_array;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(vec_builder.Finish(&vec_array).ok());
-    auto batch =
-        arrow::RecordBatch::Make(arrow_schema,
-                                 kEntityCnt,
-                                 {pk_array, ts_array, scalar_array, vec_array});
-    milvus_storage::WriteOption write_opt = {kEntityCnt};
-    space->Write(*arrow::RecordBatchReader::Make({batch}, arrow_schema)
-                      .ValueOrDie()
-                      .get(),
-                 write_opt);
-    return {path, std::move(space)};
 template <DataType DT>
 PrepareOptionalField(const std::shared_ptr<DiskFileManagerImpl>& file_manager,
@@ -400,47 +341,24 @@ CheckOptFieldCorrectness(
 }  // namespace
-TEST_F(DiskAnnFileManagerTest, CacheOptFieldToDiskFieldEmpty) {
-    auto file_manager = CreateFileManager(cm_);
-    {
-        const auto& [insert_file_space_path, space] =
-            PrepareInsertDataSpace(kOptFieldDataRange);
-        OptFieldT opt_fields;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(file_manager->CacheOptFieldToDisk(opt_fields).empty());
-        EXPECT_TRUE(
-            file_manager->CacheOptFieldToDisk(space, opt_fields).empty());
-    }
-    {
-        auto opt_fileds =
-            PrepareOptionalField<DataType::INT64>(file_manager, "");
-        auto res = file_manager->CacheOptFieldToDisk(nullptr, opt_fileds);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(res.empty());
-    }
 TEST_F(DiskAnnFileManagerTest, CacheOptFieldToDiskOptFieldMoreThanOne) {
     auto file_manager = CreateFileManager(cm_);
     const auto insert_file_path =
         PrepareInsertData<DataType::INT64, int64_t>(kOptFieldDataRange);
-    const auto& [insert_file_space_path, space] =
-        PrepareInsertDataSpace(kOptFieldDataRange);
     OptFieldT opt_fields =
         PrepareOptionalField<DataType::INT64>(file_manager, insert_file_path);
     opt_fields[kOptFieldId + 1] = {
-        kOptFieldName + "second", DataType::INT64, {insert_file_space_path}};
+        kOptFieldName + "second", DataType::INT64, {insert_file_path}};
     EXPECT_THROW(file_manager->CacheOptFieldToDisk(opt_fields), SegcoreError);
-    EXPECT_THROW(file_manager->CacheOptFieldToDisk(space, opt_fields),
-                 SegcoreError);
 TEST_F(DiskAnnFileManagerTest, CacheOptFieldToDiskSpaceCorrect) {
     auto file_manager = CreateFileManager(cm_);
-    const auto& [insert_file_path, space] =
-        PrepareInsertDataSpace(kOptFieldDataRange);
+    const auto insert_file_path =
+        PrepareInsertData<DataType::INT64, int64_t>(kOptFieldDataRange);
     auto opt_fileds =
         PrepareOptionalField<DataType::INT64>(file_manager, insert_file_path);
-    auto res = file_manager->CacheOptFieldToDisk(space, opt_fileds);
+    auto res = file_manager->CacheOptFieldToDisk(opt_fileds);
@@ -477,12 +395,4 @@ TEST_F(DiskAnnFileManagerTest, CacheOptFieldToDiskOnlyOneCategory) {
         auto res = file_manager->CacheOptFieldToDisk(opt_fileds);
-    {
-        const auto& [insert_file_path, space] = PrepareInsertDataSpace(1);
-        auto opt_fileds = PrepareOptionalField<DataType::INT64>(
-            file_manager, insert_file_path);
-        auto res = file_manager->CacheOptFieldToDisk(space, opt_fileds);
-        ASSERT_TRUE(res.empty());
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/internal/core/unittest/test_indexing.cpp b/internal/core/unittest/test_indexing.cpp
index 9d4afc53ae..8631c67778 100644
--- a/internal/core/unittest/test_indexing.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/unittest/test_indexing.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 #include "index/IndexFactory.h"
 #include "common/QueryResult.h"
 #include "segcore/Types.h"
-#include "storage/options.h"
 #include "test_utils/indexbuilder_test_utils.h"
 #include "test_utils/storage_test_utils.h"
 #include "test_utils/DataGen.h"
@@ -916,261 +915,4 @@ TEST(Indexing, SearchDiskAnnWithBFloat16) {
     SearchResult result;
     EXPECT_NO_THROW(vec_index->Query(xq_dataset, search_info, nullptr, result));
-//class IndexTestV2
-//    : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<Param, int64_t, bool>> {
-// protected:
-//    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema>
-//    TestSchema(int vec_size) {
-//        arrow::FieldVector fields;
-//        fields.push_back(arrow::field("pk", arrow::int64()));
-//        fields.push_back(arrow::field("ts", arrow::int64()));
-//        fields.push_back(
-//            arrow::field("vec", arrow::fixed_size_binary(vec_size)));
-//        return std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(fields);
-//    }
-//    std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatchReader>
-//    TestRecords(int vec_size, GeneratedData& dataset) {
-//        arrow::Int64Builder pk_builder;
-//        arrow::Int64Builder ts_builder;
-//        arrow::FixedSizeBinaryBuilder vec_builder(
-//            arrow::fixed_size_binary(vec_size));
-//        if (!is_binary) {
-//            xb_data = dataset.get_col<float>(milvus::FieldId(100));
-//            auto data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(;
-//            for (auto i = 0; i < NB; ++i) {
-//                EXPECT_TRUE(pk_builder.Append(i).ok());
-//                EXPECT_TRUE(ts_builder.Append(i).ok());
-//                EXPECT_TRUE(vec_builder.Append(data + i * vec_size).ok());
-//            }
-//        } else {
-//            xb_bin_data = dataset.get_col<uint8_t>(milvus::FieldId(100));
-//            for (auto i = 0; i < NB; ++i) {
-//                EXPECT_TRUE(pk_builder.Append(i).ok());
-//                EXPECT_TRUE(ts_builder.Append(i).ok());
-//                EXPECT_TRUE(
-//                    vec_builder.Append( + i * vec_size).ok());
-//            }
-//        }
-//        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> pk_array;
-//        EXPECT_TRUE(pk_builder.Finish(&pk_array).ok());
-//        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> ts_array;
-//        EXPECT_TRUE(ts_builder.Finish(&ts_array).ok());
-//        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> vec_array;
-//        EXPECT_TRUE(vec_builder.Finish(&vec_array).ok());
-//        auto schema = TestSchema(vec_size);
-//        auto rec_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(
-//            schema, NB, {pk_array, ts_array, vec_array});
-//        auto reader =
-//            arrow::RecordBatchReader::Make({rec_batch}, schema).ValueOrDie();
-//        return reader;
-//    }
-//    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space>
-//    TestSpace(int vec_size, GeneratedData& dataset) {
-//        auto arrow_schema = TestSchema(vec_size);
-//        auto schema_options = std::make_shared<milvus_storage::SchemaOptions>();
-//        schema_options->primary_column = "pk";
-//        schema_options->version_column = "ts";
-//        schema_options->vector_column = "vec";
-//        auto schema = std::make_shared<milvus_storage::Schema>(arrow_schema,
-//                                                               schema_options);
-//        EXPECT_TRUE(schema->Validate().ok());
-//        auto space_res = milvus_storage::Space::Open(
-//            "file://" + boost::filesystem::canonical(temp_path).string(),
-//            milvus_storage::Options{schema});
-//        EXPECT_TRUE(space_res.has_value());
-//        auto space = std::move(space_res.value());
-//        auto rec = TestRecords(vec_size, dataset);
-//        auto write_opt = milvus_storage::WriteOption{NB};
-//        space->Write(rec.get(), &write_opt);
-//        return std::move(space);
-//    }
-//    void
-//    SetUp() override {
-//        temp_path = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path() /
-//                    boost::filesystem::unique_path();
-//        boost::filesystem::create_directory(temp_path);
-//        storage_config_ = get_default_local_storage_config();
-//        auto param = GetParam();
-//        index_type = std::get<0>(param).first;
-//        metric_type = std::get<0>(param).second;
-//        file_slice_size = std::get<1>(param);
-//        enable_mmap = index_type != knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_DISKANN &&
-//                      std::get<2>(param);
-//        if (enable_mmap) {
-//            mmap_file_path = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path() /
-//                             boost::filesystem::unique_path();
-//        }
-//        NB = 3000;
-//        // try to reduce the test time,
-//        // but the large dataset is needed for the case below.
-//        auto test_name = std::string(
-//            testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name());
-//        if (test_name == "Mmap" &&
-//            index_type == knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_HNSW) {
-//            NB = 270000;
-//        }
-//        build_conf = generate_build_conf(index_type, metric_type);
-//        load_conf = generate_load_conf(index_type, metric_type, NB);
-//        search_conf = generate_search_conf(index_type, metric_type);
-//        range_search_conf = generate_range_search_conf(index_type, metric_type);
-//        std::map<knowhere::MetricType, bool> is_binary_map = {
-//            {knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IDMAP, false},
-//            {knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IVFPQ, false},
-//            {knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IVFFLAT, false},
-//            {knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IVFSQ8, false},
-//            {knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_BIN_IVFFLAT, true},
-//            {knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_BIN_IDMAP, true},
-//            {knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_HNSW, false},
-//            {knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_DISKANN, false},
-//        };
-//        is_binary = is_binary_map[index_type];
-//        int vec_size;
-//        if (is_binary) {
-//            vec_size = DIM / 8;
-//            vec_field_data_type = milvus::DataType::VECTOR_BINARY;
-//        } else {
-//            vec_size = DIM * 4;
-//            vec_field_data_type = milvus::DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT;
-//        }
-//        auto dataset = GenDataset(NB, metric_type, is_binary);
-//        space = TestSpace(vec_size, dataset);
-//        if (!is_binary) {
-//            xb_data = dataset.get_col<float>(milvus::FieldId(100));
-//            xq_dataset = knowhere::GenDataSet(
-//                NQ, DIM, + DIM * query_offset);
-//        } else {
-//            xb_bin_data = dataset.get_col<uint8_t>(milvus::FieldId(100));
-//            xq_dataset = knowhere::GenDataSet(
-//                NQ, DIM, + DIM * query_offset);
-//        }
-//    }
-//    void
-//    TearDown() override {
-//        boost::filesystem::remove_all(temp_path);
-//        if (enable_mmap) {
-//            boost::filesystem::remove_all(mmap_file_path);
-//        }
-//    }
-// protected:
-//    std::string index_type, metric_type;
-//    bool is_binary;
-//    milvus::Config build_conf;
-//    milvus::Config load_conf;
-//    milvus::Config search_conf;
-//    milvus::Config range_search_conf;
-//    milvus::DataType vec_field_data_type;
-//    knowhere::DataSetPtr xb_dataset;
-//    FixedVector<float> xb_data;
-//    FixedVector<uint8_t> xb_bin_data;
-//    knowhere::DataSetPtr xq_dataset;
-//    int64_t query_offset = 100;
-//    int64_t NB = 3000;
-//    StorageConfig storage_config_;
-//    boost::filesystem::path temp_path;
-//    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space;
-//    int64_t file_slice_size = DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE_SLICE_SIZE;
-//    bool enable_mmap;
-//    boost::filesystem::path mmap_file_path;
-//    IndexTypeParameters,
-//    IndexTestV2,
-//    testing::Combine(
-//        ::testing::Values(
-//            std::pair(knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IDMAP,
-//                      knowhere::metric::L2),
-//            std::pair(knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IVFPQ,
-//                      knowhere::metric::L2),
-//            std::pair(knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IVFFLAT,
-//                      knowhere::metric::L2),
-//            std::pair(knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_IVFSQ8,
-//                      knowhere::metric::L2),
-//            std::pair(knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_BIN_IVFFLAT,
-//                      knowhere::metric::JACCARD),
-//            std::pair(knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_FAISS_BIN_IDMAP,
-//                      knowhere::metric::JACCARD),
-//#ifdef BUILD_DISK_ANN
-//            std::pair(knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_DISKANN, knowhere::metric::L2),
-//            std::pair(knowhere::IndexEnum::INDEX_HNSW, knowhere::metric::L2)),
-//        testing::Values(DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE_SLICE_SIZE, 5000L),
-//        testing::Bool()));
-//TEST_P(IndexTestV2, BuildAndQuery) {
-//    FILE_SLICE_SIZE = file_slice_size;
-//    milvus::index::CreateIndexInfo create_index_info;
-//    create_index_info.index_type = index_type;
-//    create_index_info.metric_type = metric_type;
-//    create_index_info.field_type = vec_field_data_type;
-//    create_index_info.field_name = "vec";
-//    create_index_info.dim = DIM;
-//    create_index_info.index_engine_version =
-//        knowhere::Version::GetCurrentVersion().VersionNumber();
-//    index::IndexBasePtr index;
-//    milvus::storage::FieldDataMeta field_data_meta{1, 2, 3, 100};
-//    milvus::storage::IndexMeta index_meta{.segment_id = 3,
-//                                          .field_id = 100,
-//                                          .build_id = 1000,
-//                                          .index_version = 1,
-//                                          .field_name = "vec",
-//                                          .field_type = vec_field_data_type,
-//                                          .dim = DIM};
-//    auto chunk_manager = milvus::storage::CreateChunkManager(storage_config_);
-//    milvus::storage::FileManagerContext file_manager_context(
-//        field_data_meta, index_meta, chunk_manager, space);
-//    index = milvus::index::IndexFactory::GetInstance().CreateIndex(
-//        create_index_info, file_manager_context, space);
-//    auto build_conf = generate_build_conf(index_type, metric_type);
-//    index->BuildV2(build_conf);
-//    milvus::index::IndexBasePtr new_index;
-//    milvus::index::VectorIndex* vec_index = nullptr;
-//    auto binary_set = index->UploadV2();
-//    index.reset();
-//    new_index = milvus::index::IndexFactory::GetInstance().CreateIndex(
-//        create_index_info, file_manager_context, space);
-//    vec_index = dynamic_cast<milvus::index::VectorIndex*>(new_index.get());
-//    load_conf = generate_load_conf(index_type, metric_type, 0);
-//    if (enable_mmap) {
-//        load_conf[kMmapFilepath] = mmap_file_path.string();
-//    }
-//    ASSERT_NO_THROW(vec_index->LoadV2(load_conf));
-//    EXPECT_EQ(vec_index->Count(), NB);
-//    EXPECT_EQ(vec_index->GetDim(), DIM);
-//    milvus::SearchInfo search_info;
-//    search_info.topk_ = K;
-//    search_info.metric_type_ = metric_type;
-//    search_info.search_params_ = search_conf;
-//    auto result = vec_index->Query(xq_dataset, search_info, nullptr);
-//    EXPECT_EQ(result->total_nq_, NQ);
-//    EXPECT_EQ(result->unity_topK_, K);
-//    EXPECT_EQ(result->distances_.size(), NQ * K);
-//    EXPECT_EQ(result->seg_offsets_.size(), NQ * K);
-//    if (!is_binary) {
-//        EXPECT_EQ(result->seg_offsets_[0], query_offset);
-//    }
-//    search_info.search_params_ = range_search_conf;
-//    vec_index->Query(xq_dataset, search_info, nullptr);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/internal/core/unittest/test_scalar_index.cpp b/internal/core/unittest/test_scalar_index.cpp
index 2d3e6bb213..d620628541 100644
--- a/internal/core/unittest/test_scalar_index.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/unittest/test_scalar_index.cpp
@@ -301,31 +301,6 @@ TestRecords(int vec_size, GeneratedData& dataset, std::vector<T>& scalars) {
     return reader;
-template <typename T>
-TestSpace(boost::filesystem::path& temp_path,
-          int vec_size,
-          GeneratedData& dataset,
-          std::vector<T>& scalars) {
-    auto arrow_schema = TestSchema<T>(vec_size);
-    milvus_storage::SchemaOptions schema_options{
-        .primary_column = "pk", .version_column = "ts", .vector_column = "vec"};
-    auto schema =
-        std::make_shared<milvus_storage::Schema>(arrow_schema, schema_options);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(schema->Validate().ok());
-    auto space_res = milvus_storage::Space::Open(
-        "file://" + boost::filesystem::canonical(temp_path).string(),
-        milvus_storage::Options{schema});
-    EXPECT_TRUE(space_res.has_value());
-    auto space = std::move(space_res.value());
-    auto rec = TestRecords<T>(vec_size, dataset, scalars);
-    auto write_opt = milvus_storage::WriteOption{nb};
-    space->Write(*rec, write_opt);
-    return std::move(space);
 template <>
 struct TypedScalarIndexTestV2<int8_t>::Helper {
     using C = arrow::Int8Type;
diff --git a/internal/core/unittest/test_string_index.cpp b/internal/core/unittest/test_string_index.cpp
index bd006a5caf..c9d91481cb 100644
--- a/internal/core/unittest/test_string_index.cpp
+++ b/internal/core/unittest/test_string_index.cpp
@@ -349,116 +349,5 @@ TEST_F(StringIndexMarisaTest, BaseIndexCodec) {
-using milvus::segcore::GeneratedData;
-class StringIndexMarisaTestV2 : public StringIndexBaseTest {
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::Schema>
-    TestSchema(int vec_size) {
-        arrow::FieldVector fields;
-        fields.push_back(arrow::field("pk", arrow::int64()));
-        fields.push_back(arrow::field("ts", arrow::int64()));
-        fields.push_back(arrow::field("scalar", arrow::utf8()));
-        fields.push_back(
-            arrow::field("vec", arrow::fixed_size_binary(vec_size)));
-        return std::make_shared<arrow::Schema>(fields);
-    }
-    std::shared_ptr<arrow::RecordBatchReader>
-    TestRecords(int vec_size,
-                GeneratedData& dataset,
-                std::vector<std::string>& scalars) {
-        arrow::Int64Builder pk_builder;
-        arrow::Int64Builder ts_builder;
-        arrow::StringBuilder scalar_builder;
-        arrow::FixedSizeBinaryBuilder vec_builder(
-            arrow::fixed_size_binary(vec_size));
-        auto xb_data = dataset.get_col<float>(milvus::FieldId(100));
-        auto data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(;
-        for (auto i = 0; i < nb; ++i) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(pk_builder.Append(i).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(ts_builder.Append(i).ok());
-            EXPECT_TRUE(vec_builder.Append(data + i * vec_size).ok());
-        }
-        for (auto& v : scalars) {
-            EXPECT_TRUE(scalar_builder.Append(v).ok());
-        }
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> pk_array;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(pk_builder.Finish(&pk_array).ok());
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> ts_array;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(ts_builder.Finish(&ts_array).ok());
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> scalar_array;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(scalar_builder.Finish(&scalar_array).ok());
-        std::shared_ptr<arrow::Array> vec_array;
-        EXPECT_TRUE(vec_builder.Finish(&vec_array).ok());
-        auto schema = TestSchema(vec_size);
-        auto rec_batch = arrow::RecordBatch::Make(
-            schema, nb, {pk_array, ts_array, scalar_array, vec_array});
-        auto reader =
-            arrow::RecordBatchReader::Make({rec_batch}, schema).ValueOrDie();
-        return reader;
-    }
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space>
-    TestSpace(int vec_size,
-              GeneratedData& dataset,
-              std::vector<std::string>& scalars) {
-        auto arrow_schema = TestSchema(vec_size);
-        milvus_storage::SchemaOptions schema_options{.primary_column = "pk",
-                                                     .version_column = "ts",
-                                                     .vector_column = "vec"};
-        auto schema = std::make_shared<milvus_storage::Schema>(arrow_schema,
-                                                               schema_options);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(schema->Validate().ok());
-        auto space_res = milvus_storage::Space::Open(
-            "file://" + boost::filesystem::canonical(temp_path).string(),
-            milvus_storage::Options{schema});
-        EXPECT_TRUE(space_res.has_value());
-        auto space = std::move(space_res.value());
-        auto rec = TestRecords(vec_size, dataset, scalars);
-        auto write_opt = milvus_storage::WriteOption{nb};
-        space->Write(*rec, write_opt);
-        return std::move(space);
-    }
-    void
-    SetUp() override {
-        StringIndexBaseTest::SetUp();
-        temp_path = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path() /
-                    boost::filesystem::unique_path();
-        boost::filesystem::create_directory(temp_path);
-        auto vec_size = DIM * 4;
-        auto vec_field_data_type = milvus::DataType::VECTOR_FLOAT;
-        auto dataset = ::GenDataset(nb, knowhere::metric::L2, false);
-        space = TestSpace(vec_size, dataset, strs);
-    }
-    void
-    TearDown() override {
-        boost::filesystem::remove_all(temp_path);
-    }
- protected:
-    boost::filesystem::path temp_path;
-    std::shared_ptr<milvus_storage::Space> space;
-TEST_F(StringIndexMarisaTestV2, Base) {
-    auto storage_config = get_default_local_storage_config();
-    auto chunk_manager = milvus::storage::CreateChunkManager(storage_config);
-    milvus::storage::FileManagerContext file_manager_context(
-        {}, {.field_name = "scalar"}, chunk_manager, space);
-    auto index =
-        milvus::index::CreateStringIndexMarisa(file_manager_context, space);
-    index->BuildV2();
-    index->UploadV2();
-    auto new_index =
-        milvus::index::CreateStringIndexMarisa(file_manager_context, space);
-    new_index->LoadV2();
-    ASSERT_EQ(strs.size(), index->Count());
 }  // namespace index
 }  // namespace milvus
diff --git a/internal/datacoord/services.go b/internal/datacoord/services.go
index 513a9fdeea..b5f15505d7 100644
--- a/internal/datacoord/services.go
+++ b/internal/datacoord/services.go
@@ -543,10 +543,6 @@ func (s *Server) SaveBinlogPaths(ctx context.Context, req *datapb.SaveBinlogPath
 		UpdateCheckPointOperator(req.GetSegmentID(), req.GetCheckPoints()),
-	if Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-		operators = append(operators, UpdateStorageVersionOperator(req.GetSegmentID(), req.GetStorageVersion()))
-	}
 	// Update segment info in memory and meta.
 	if err := s.meta.UpdateSegmentsInfo(operators...); err != nil {
 		log.Error("save binlog and checkpoints failed", zap.Error(err))
@@ -882,18 +878,6 @@ func (s *Server) GetRecoveryInfoV2(ctx context.Context, req *datapb.GetRecoveryI
-		if Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-			segmentInfos = append(segmentInfos, &datapb.SegmentInfo{
-				ID:            segment.ID,
-				PartitionID:   segment.PartitionID,
-				CollectionID:  segment.CollectionID,
-				InsertChannel: segment.InsertChannel,
-				NumOfRows:     segment.NumOfRows,
-				Level:         segment.GetLevel(),
-			})
-			continue
-		}
 		binlogs := segment.GetBinlogs()
 		if len(binlogs) == 0 && segment.GetLevel() != datapb.SegmentLevel_L0 {
diff --git a/internal/datacoord/task_index.go b/internal/datacoord/task_index.go
index bf3b87b80f..ab23f656a1 100644
--- a/internal/datacoord/task_index.go
+++ b/internal/datacoord/task_index.go
@@ -25,10 +25,8 @@ import (
-	""
-	itypeutil ""
@@ -201,68 +199,27 @@ func (it *indexBuildTask) PreCheck(ctx context.Context, dependency *taskSchedule
-	if Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-		storePath, err := itypeutil.GetStorageURI(params.Params.CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), params.Params.CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), segment.GetID())
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("failed to get storage uri", zap.Error(err))
-			it.SetState(indexpb.JobState_JobStateInit, err.Error())
-			return true
-		}
-		indexStorePath, err := itypeutil.GetStorageURI(params.Params.CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), params.Params.CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue()+"/index", segment.GetID())
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("failed to get storage uri", zap.Error(err))
-			it.SetState(indexpb.JobState_JobStateInit, err.Error())
-			return true
-		}
-		it.req = &indexpb.CreateJobRequest{
-			ClusterID:             Params.CommonCfg.ClusterPrefix.GetValue(),
-			IndexFilePrefix:       path.Join(dependency.chunkManager.RootPath(), common.SegmentIndexPath),
-			BuildID:               it.taskID,
-			IndexVersion:          segIndex.IndexVersion + 1,
-			StorageConfig:         storageConfig,
-			IndexParams:           indexParams,
-			TypeParams:            typeParams,
-			NumRows:               segIndex.NumRows,
-			CurrentIndexVersion:   dependency.indexEngineVersionManager.GetCurrentIndexEngineVersion(),
-			CollectionID:          segment.GetCollectionID(),
-			PartitionID:           segment.GetPartitionID(),
-			SegmentID:             segment.GetID(),
-			FieldID:               fieldID,
-			FieldName:             field.GetName(),
-			FieldType:             field.GetDataType(),
-			StorePath:             storePath,
-			StoreVersion:          segment.GetStorageVersion(),
-			IndexStorePath:        indexStorePath,
-			Dim:                   int64(dim),
-			DataIds:               binlogIDs,
-			OptionalScalarFields:  optionalFields,
-			Field:                 field,
-			PartitionKeyIsolation: partitionKeyIsolation,
-		}
-	} else {
-		it.req = &indexpb.CreateJobRequest{
-			ClusterID:             Params.CommonCfg.ClusterPrefix.GetValue(),
-			IndexFilePrefix:       path.Join(dependency.chunkManager.RootPath(), common.SegmentIndexPath),
-			BuildID:               it.taskID,
-			IndexVersion:          segIndex.IndexVersion + 1,
-			StorageConfig:         storageConfig,
-			IndexParams:           indexParams,
-			TypeParams:            typeParams,
-			NumRows:               segIndex.NumRows,
-			CurrentIndexVersion:   dependency.indexEngineVersionManager.GetCurrentIndexEngineVersion(),
-			CollectionID:          segment.GetCollectionID(),
-			PartitionID:           segment.GetPartitionID(),
-			SegmentID:             segment.GetID(),
-			FieldID:               fieldID,
-			FieldName:             field.GetName(),
-			FieldType:             field.GetDataType(),
-			Dim:                   int64(dim),
-			DataIds:               binlogIDs,
-			OptionalScalarFields:  optionalFields,
-			Field:                 field,
-			PartitionKeyIsolation: partitionKeyIsolation,
-		}
+	it.req = &indexpb.CreateJobRequest{
+		ClusterID:             Params.CommonCfg.ClusterPrefix.GetValue(),
+		IndexFilePrefix:       path.Join(dependency.chunkManager.RootPath(), common.SegmentIndexPath),
+		BuildID:               it.taskID,
+		IndexVersion:          segIndex.IndexVersion + 1,
+		StorageConfig:         storageConfig,
+		IndexParams:           indexParams,
+		TypeParams:            typeParams,
+		NumRows:               segIndex.NumRows,
+		CurrentIndexVersion:   dependency.indexEngineVersionManager.GetCurrentIndexEngineVersion(),
+		CollectionID:          segment.GetCollectionID(),
+		PartitionID:           segment.GetPartitionID(),
+		SegmentID:             segment.GetID(),
+		FieldID:               fieldID,
+		FieldName:             field.GetName(),
+		FieldType:             field.GetDataType(),
+		Dim:                   int64(dim),
+		DataIds:               binlogIDs,
+		OptionalScalarFields:  optionalFields,
+		Field:                 field,
+		PartitionKeyIsolation: partitionKeyIsolation,
 	log.Ctx(ctx).Info("index task pre check successfully", zap.Int64("taskID", it.GetTaskID()))
diff --git a/internal/datacoord/task_scheduler_test.go b/internal/datacoord/task_scheduler_test.go
index 8281023efd..dd6994e904 100644
--- a/internal/datacoord/task_scheduler_test.go
+++ b/internal/datacoord/task_scheduler_test.go
@@ -911,15 +911,6 @@ func (s *taskSchedulerSuite) Test_scheduler() {
 		defer paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableMaterializedView.SwapTempValue("false")
-	s.Run("test scheduler with indexBuilderV2", func() {
-		paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("true")
-		defer paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("false")
-		paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableMaterializedView.SwapTempValue("true")
-		defer paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableMaterializedView.SwapTempValue("false")
-		s.scheduler(handler)
-	})
 func (s *taskSchedulerSuite) Test_analyzeTaskFailCase() {
@@ -1289,26 +1280,11 @@ func (s *taskSchedulerSuite) Test_indexTaskFailCase() {
 		defer paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableMaterializedView.SwapTempValue("False")
-		err := Params.Save("", "fake")
-		defer Params.Reset("")
-		Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("True")
-		defer Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("False")
 		// get collection info failed --> init
 		handler.EXPECT().GetCollection(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, errors.New("mock error")).Once()
-		// partition key field is nil, get collection info failed  --> init
-		handler.EXPECT().GetCollection(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(&collectionInfo{
-			ID: collID,
-			Schema: &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
-				Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
-					{FieldID: s.fieldID, Name: "vec", TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "10"}}},
-				},
-			},
-		}, nil).Once()
-		handler.EXPECT().GetCollection(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, errors.New("mock error")).Once()
 		// get collection info success, get dim failed --> init
 		handler.EXPECT().GetCollection(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(&collectionInfo{
 			ID: collID,
@@ -1318,38 +1294,11 @@ func (s *taskSchedulerSuite) Test_indexTaskFailCase() {
 					{FieldID: s.fieldID, Name: "vec"},
-		}, nil).Twice()
-		// peek client success, update version success, get collection info success, get dim success, get storage uri failed --> init
-		s.NoError(err)
-		handler.EXPECT().GetCollection(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, i int64) (*collectionInfo, error) {
-			return &collectionInfo{
-				ID: collID,
-				Schema: &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
-					Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
-						{FieldID: 100, Name: "pk", IsPrimaryKey: true, IsPartitionKey: true, DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64},
-						{FieldID: s.fieldID, Name: "vec", TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "10"}}},
-					},
-				},
-			}, nil
-		}).Twice()
-		s.NoError(err)
+		}, nil).Once()
 		// assign failed --> retry
 		workerManager.EXPECT().PickClient().Return(s.nodeID, in).Once()
 		catalog.EXPECT().AlterSegmentIndexes(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
-		handler.EXPECT().GetCollection(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).RunAndReturn(func(ctx context.Context, i int64) (*collectionInfo, error) {
-			Params.Reset("")
-			return &collectionInfo{
-				ID: collID,
-				Schema: &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
-					Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
-						{FieldID: 100, Name: "pk", IsPrimaryKey: true, IsPartitionKey: true, DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64},
-						{FieldID: s.fieldID, Name: "vec", TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "10"}}},
-					},
-				},
-			}, nil
-		}).Once()
 		in.EXPECT().CreateJobV2(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, errors.New("mock error")).Once()
 		// retry --> init
diff --git a/internal/datanode/compaction/clustering_compactor_test.go b/internal/datanode/compaction/clustering_compactor_test.go
index b98e97192e..98ee467340 100644
--- a/internal/datanode/compaction/clustering_compactor_test.go
+++ b/internal/datanode/compaction/clustering_compactor_test.go
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ import (
-	""
+	""
diff --git a/internal/datanode/compaction/load_stats.go b/internal/datanode/compaction/load_stats.go
index a762a60135..9961ba2c17 100644
--- a/internal/datanode/compaction/load_stats.go
+++ b/internal/datanode/compaction/load_stats.go
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ import (
-	""
-	""
@@ -113,54 +111,3 @@ func LoadStats(ctx context.Context, chunkManager storage.ChunkManager, schema *s
 	log.Info("Successfully load pk stats", zap.Any("time", time.Since(startTs)), zap.Uint("size", size))
 	return result, nil
-func LoadStatsV2(storageCache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, segment *datapb.SegmentInfo, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) ([]*storage.PkStatistics, error) {
-	space, err := storageCache.GetOrCreateSpace(segment.ID, syncmgr.SpaceCreatorFunc(segment.ID, schema, storageCache.ArrowSchema()))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	getResult := func(stats []*storage.PrimaryKeyStats) []*storage.PkStatistics {
-		result := make([]*storage.PkStatistics, 0, len(stats))
-		for _, stat := range stats {
-			pkStat := &storage.PkStatistics{
-				PkFilter: stat.BF,
-				MinPK:    stat.MinPk,
-				MaxPK:    stat.MaxPk,
-			}
-			result = append(result, pkStat)
-		}
-		return result
-	}
-	blobs := space.StatisticsBlobs()
-	deserBlobs := make([]*storage.Blob, 0)
-	for _, b := range blobs {
-		if b.Name == storage.CompoundStatsType.LogIdx() {
-			blobData := make([]byte, b.Size)
-			_, err = space.ReadBlob(b.Name, blobData)
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			stats, err := storage.DeserializeStatsList(&storage.Blob{Value: blobData})
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			return getResult(stats), nil
-		}
-	}
-	for _, b := range blobs {
-		blobData := make([]byte, b.Size)
-		_, err = space.ReadBlob(b.Name, blobData)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		deserBlobs = append(deserBlobs, &storage.Blob{Value: blobData})
-	}
-	stats, err := storage.DeserializeStats(deserBlobs)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return getResult(stats), nil
diff --git a/internal/datanode/importv2/util.go b/internal/datanode/importv2/util.go
index c2679e3037..d88305d856 100644
--- a/internal/datanode/importv2/util.go
+++ b/internal/datanode/importv2/util.go
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import (
-	""
@@ -52,10 +51,6 @@ func NewSyncTask(ctx context.Context,
 	insertData *storage.InsertData,
 	deleteData *storage.DeleteData,
 ) (syncmgr.Task, error) {
-	if params.Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-		return nil, merr.WrapErrImportFailed("storage v2 is not supported") // TODO: dyh, resolve storage v2
-	}
 	metaCache := metaCaches[vchannel]
 	if _, ok := metaCache.GetSegmentByID(segmentID); !ok {
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/metacache/storagev2_cache.go b/internal/flushcommon/metacache/storagev2_cache.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e11fe5f60..0000000000
--- a/internal/flushcommon/metacache/storagev2_cache.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
-// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package metacache
-import (
-	"sync"
-	""
-	""
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
-type StorageV2Cache struct {
-	arrowSchema *arrow.Schema
-	spaceMu     sync.Mutex
-	spaces      map[int64]*milvus_storage.Space
-func (s *StorageV2Cache) ArrowSchema() *arrow.Schema {
-	return s.arrowSchema
-func (s *StorageV2Cache) GetOrCreateSpace(segmentID int64, creator func() (*milvus_storage.Space, error)) (*milvus_storage.Space, error) {
-	s.spaceMu.Lock()
-	defer s.spaceMu.Unlock()
-	space, ok := s.spaces[segmentID]
-	if ok {
-		return space, nil
-	}
-	space, err := creator()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	s.spaces[segmentID] = space
-	return space, nil
-// only for unit test
-func (s *StorageV2Cache) SetSpace(segmentID int64, space *milvus_storage.Space) {
-	s.spaceMu.Lock()
-	defer s.spaceMu.Unlock()
-	s.spaces[segmentID] = space
-func NewStorageV2Cache(schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) (*StorageV2Cache, error) {
-	arrowSchema, err := typeutil.ConvertToArrowSchema(schema.Fields)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &StorageV2Cache{
-		arrowSchema: arrowSchema,
-		spaces:      make(map[int64]*milvus_storage.Space),
-	}, nil
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/pipeline/data_sync_service.go b/internal/flushcommon/pipeline/data_sync_service.go
index 0e12ad64ce..ba60584445 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/pipeline/data_sync_service.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/pipeline/data_sync_service.go
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import (
-	""
@@ -129,12 +128,12 @@ func (dsService *DataSyncService) GetMetaCache() metacache.MetaCache {
 	return dsService.metacache
-func getMetaCacheWithTickler(initCtx context.Context, params *util.PipelineParams, info *datapb.ChannelWatchInfo, tickler *util.Tickler, unflushed, flushed []*datapb.SegmentInfo, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache) (metacache.MetaCache, error) {
+func getMetaCacheWithTickler(initCtx context.Context, params *util.PipelineParams, info *datapb.ChannelWatchInfo, tickler *util.Tickler, unflushed, flushed []*datapb.SegmentInfo) (metacache.MetaCache, error) {
 	tickler.SetTotal(int32(len(unflushed) + len(flushed)))
-	return initMetaCache(initCtx, storageV2Cache, params.ChunkManager, info, tickler, unflushed, flushed)
+	return initMetaCache(initCtx, params.ChunkManager, info, tickler, unflushed, flushed)
-func initMetaCache(initCtx context.Context, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, chunkManager storage.ChunkManager, info *datapb.ChannelWatchInfo, tickler interface{ Inc() }, unflushed, flushed []*datapb.SegmentInfo) (metacache.MetaCache, error) {
+func initMetaCache(initCtx context.Context, chunkManager storage.ChunkManager, info *datapb.ChannelWatchInfo, tickler interface{ Inc() }, unflushed, flushed []*datapb.SegmentInfo) (metacache.MetaCache, error) {
 	// tickler will update addSegment progress to watchInfo
 	futures := make([]*conc.Future[any], 0, len(unflushed)+len(flushed))
 	segmentPks := typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, []*storage.PkStatistics]()
@@ -152,11 +151,7 @@ func initMetaCache(initCtx context.Context, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2C
 			future := io.GetOrCreateStatsPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
 				var stats []*storage.PkStatistics
 				var err error
-				if params.Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-					stats, err = compaction.LoadStatsV2(storageV2Cache, segment, info.GetSchema())
-				} else {
-					stats, err = compaction.LoadStats(initCtx, chunkManager, info.GetSchema(), segment.GetID(), segment.GetStatslogs())
-				}
+				stats, err = compaction.LoadStats(initCtx, chunkManager, info.GetSchema(), segment.GetID(), segment.GetStatslogs())
 				if err != nil {
 					return nil, err
@@ -190,7 +185,7 @@ func initMetaCache(initCtx context.Context, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2C
 	return metacache, nil
-func getServiceWithChannel(initCtx context.Context, params *util.PipelineParams, info *datapb.ChannelWatchInfo, metacache metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, unflushed, flushed []*datapb.SegmentInfo) (*DataSyncService, error) {
+func getServiceWithChannel(initCtx context.Context, params *util.PipelineParams, info *datapb.ChannelWatchInfo, metacache metacache.MetaCache, unflushed, flushed []*datapb.SegmentInfo) (*DataSyncService, error) {
 	var (
 		channelName  = info.GetVchan().GetChannelName()
 		collectionID = info.GetVchan().GetCollectionID()
@@ -204,7 +199,7 @@ func getServiceWithChannel(initCtx context.Context, params *util.PipelineParams,
 		serverID:     params.Session.ServerID,
-	err := params.WriteBufferManager.Register(channelName, metacache, storageV2Cache,
+	err := params.WriteBufferManager.Register(channelName, metacache,
 		writebuffer.WithMetaWriter(syncmgr.BrokerMetaWriter(params.Broker, config.serverID)),
 	if err != nil {
@@ -287,21 +282,13 @@ func NewDataSyncService(initCtx context.Context, pipelineParams *util.PipelinePa
 		return nil, err
-	var storageCache *metacache.StorageV2Cache
-	if params.Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-		storageCache, err = metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(info.Schema)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	}
 	// init metaCache meta
-	metaCache, err := getMetaCacheWithTickler(initCtx, pipelineParams, info, tickler, unflushedSegmentInfos, flushedSegmentInfos, storageCache)
+	metaCache, err := getMetaCacheWithTickler(initCtx, pipelineParams, info, tickler, unflushedSegmentInfos, flushedSegmentInfos)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
-	return getServiceWithChannel(initCtx, pipelineParams, info, metaCache, storageCache, unflushedSegmentInfos, flushedSegmentInfos)
+	return getServiceWithChannel(initCtx, pipelineParams, info, metaCache, unflushedSegmentInfos, flushedSegmentInfos)
 func NewDataSyncServiceWithMetaCache(metaCache metacache.MetaCache) *DataSyncService {
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/pipeline/data_sync_service_test.go b/internal/flushcommon/pipeline/data_sync_service_test.go
index 9a5f3c2b1c..357fbbcf4a 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/pipeline/data_sync_service_test.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/pipeline/data_sync_service_test.go
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ func TestGetChannelWithTickler(t *testing.T) {
-	metaCache, err := getMetaCacheWithTickler(context.TODO(), pipelineParams, info, util.NewTickler(), unflushed, flushed, nil)
+	metaCache, err := getMetaCacheWithTickler(context.TODO(), pipelineParams, info, util.NewTickler(), unflushed, flushed)
 	assert.NoError(t, err)
 	assert.NotNil(t, metaCache)
 	assert.Equal(t, int64(1), metaCache.Collection())
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer.go b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer.go
index 97933988dd..19853f329d 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer.go
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
 // MetaWriter is the interface for SyncManager to write segment sync meta.
 type MetaWriter interface {
 	UpdateSync(context.Context, *SyncTask) error
-	UpdateSyncV2(*SyncTaskV2) error
 	DropChannel(context.Context, string) error
@@ -138,82 +137,6 @@ func (b *brokerMetaWriter) UpdateSync(ctx context.Context, pack *SyncTask) error
 	return nil
-func (b *brokerMetaWriter) UpdateSyncV2(pack *SyncTaskV2) error {
-	checkPoints := []*datapb.CheckPoint{}
-	// only current segment checkpoint info,
-	segment, ok := pack.metacache.GetSegmentByID(pack.segmentID)
-	if !ok {
-		return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotFound(pack.segmentID)
-	}
-	checkPoints = append(checkPoints, &datapb.CheckPoint{
-		SegmentID: pack.segmentID,
-		NumOfRows: segment.FlushedRows() + pack.batchSize,
-		Position:  pack.checkpoint,
-	})
-	startPos := lo.Map(pack.metacache.GetSegmentsBy(metacache.WithSegmentState(commonpb.SegmentState_Growing, commonpb.SegmentState_Flushing),
-		metacache.WithStartPosNotRecorded()), func(info *metacache.SegmentInfo, _ int) *datapb.SegmentStartPosition {
-		return &datapb.SegmentStartPosition{
-			SegmentID:     info.SegmentID(),
-			StartPosition: info.StartPosition(),
-		}
-	})
-	log.Info("SaveBinlogPath",
-		zap.Int64("SegmentID", pack.segmentID),
-		zap.Int64("CollectionID", pack.collectionID),
-		zap.Any("startPos", startPos),
-		zap.Any("checkPoints", checkPoints),
-		zap.String("vChannelName", pack.channelName),
-	)
-	req := &datapb.SaveBinlogPathsRequest{
-		Base: commonpbutil.NewMsgBase(
-			commonpbutil.WithSourceID(b.serverID),
-		),
-		SegmentID:    pack.segmentID,
-		CollectionID: pack.collectionID,
-		CheckPoints:    checkPoints,
-		StorageVersion: pack.storageVersion,
-		StartPositions: startPos,
-		Flushed:        pack.isFlush,
-		Dropped:        pack.isDrop,
-		Channel:        pack.channelName,
-	}
-	err := retry.Do(context.Background(), func() error {
-		err :=, req)
-		// Segment not found during stale segment flush. Segment might get compacted already.
-		// Stop retry and still proceed to the end, ignoring this error.
-		if !pack.isFlush && errors.Is(err, merr.ErrSegmentNotFound) {
-			log.Warn("stale segment not found, could be compacted",
-				zap.Int64("segmentID", pack.segmentID))
-			log.Warn("failed to SaveBinlogPaths",
-				zap.Int64("segmentID", pack.segmentID),
-				zap.Error(err))
-			return nil
-		}
-		// meta error, datanode handles a virtual channel does not belong here
-		if errors.IsAny(err, merr.ErrSegmentNotFound, merr.ErrChannelNotFound) {
-			log.Warn("meta error found, skip sync and start to drop virtual channel", zap.String("channel", pack.channelName))
-			return nil
-		}
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	}, b.opts...)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warn("failed to SaveBinlogPaths",
-			zap.Int64("segmentID", pack.segmentID),
-			zap.Error(err))
-	}
-	return err
 func (b *brokerMetaWriter) DropChannel(ctx context.Context, channelName string) error {
 	err := retry.Handle(ctx, func() (bool, error) {
 		status, err :=, &datapb.DropVirtualChannelRequest{
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer_test.go b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer_test.go
index 6266d13cee..479b9fb375 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer_test.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/meta_writer_test.go
@@ -67,34 +67,6 @@ func (s *MetaWriterSuite) TestReturnError() {
-func (s *MetaWriterSuite) TestNormalSaveV2() {
-, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
-	bfs := metacache.NewBloomFilterSet()
-	seg := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{}, bfs)
-	metacache.UpdateNumOfRows(1000)(seg)
-	s.metacache.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(mock.Anything).Return(seg, true)
-	s.metacache.EXPECT().GetSegmentsBy(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]*metacache.SegmentInfo{seg})
-	task := NewSyncTaskV2()
-	task.WithMetaCache(s.metacache)
-	err := s.writer.UpdateSyncV2(task)
-	s.NoError(err)
-func (s *MetaWriterSuite) TestReturnErrorV2() {
-, mock.Anything).Return(errors.New("mocked"))
-	bfs := metacache.NewBloomFilterSet()
-	seg := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{}, bfs)
-	metacache.UpdateNumOfRows(1000)(seg)
-	s.metacache.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(mock.Anything).Return(seg, true)
-	s.metacache.EXPECT().GetSegmentsBy(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]*metacache.SegmentInfo{seg})
-	task := NewSyncTaskV2()
-	task.WithMetaCache(s.metacache)
-	err := s.writer.UpdateSyncV2(task)
-	s.Error(err)
 func TestMetaWriter(t *testing.T) {
 	suite.Run(t, new(MetaWriterSuite))
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_meta_writer.go b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_meta_writer.go
index 7d64d0fe59..bacc91649a 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_meta_writer.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_meta_writer.go
@@ -107,48 +107,6 @@ func (_c *MockMetaWriter_UpdateSync_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(context.Context,
 	return _c
-// UpdateSyncV2 provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
-func (_m *MockMetaWriter) UpdateSyncV2(_a0 *SyncTaskV2) error {
-	ret := _m.Called(_a0)
-	var r0 error
-	if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(*SyncTaskV2) error); ok {
-		r0 = rf(_a0)
-	} else {
-		r0 = ret.Error(0)
-	}
-	return r0
-// MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call is a *mock.Call that shadows Run/Return methods with type explicit version for method 'UpdateSyncV2'
-type MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call struct {
-	*mock.Call
-// UpdateSyncV2 is a helper method to define mock.On call
-//   - _a0 *SyncTaskV2
-func (_e *MockMetaWriter_Expecter) UpdateSyncV2(_a0 interface{}) *MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call {
-	return &MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("UpdateSyncV2", _a0)}
-func (_c *MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call) Run(run func(_a0 *SyncTaskV2)) *MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call {
-	_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
-		run(args[0].(*SyncTaskV2))
-	})
-	return _c
-func (_c *MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call {
-	_c.Call.Return(_a0)
-	return _c
-func (_c *MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(*SyncTaskV2) error) *MockMetaWriter_UpdateSyncV2_Call {
-	_c.Call.Return(run)
-	return _c
 // NewMockMetaWriter creates a new instance of MockMetaWriter. It also registers a testing interface on the mock and a cleanup function to assert the mocks expectations.
 // The first argument is typically a *testing.T value.
 func NewMockMetaWriter(t interface {
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_task.go b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_task.go
index 7f4f59b7a1..6087e5ba3e 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_task.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/mock_task.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Code generated by mockery v2.30.1. DO NOT EDIT.
+// Code generated by mockery v2.32.4. DO NOT EDIT.
 package syncmgr
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer.go b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8147daad94..0000000000
--- a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
-// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package syncmgr
-import (
-	"context"
-	"fmt"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	iTypeutil ""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-type storageV2Serializer struct {
-	*storageV1Serializer
-	arrowSchema    *arrow.Schema
-	storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache
-	inCodec        *storage.InsertCodec
-	metacache      metacache.MetaCache
-func NewStorageV2Serializer(
-	storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache,
-	allocator allocator.Interface,
-	metacache metacache.MetaCache,
-	metaWriter MetaWriter,
-) (*storageV2Serializer, error) {
-	v1Serializer, err := NewStorageSerializer(allocator, metacache, metaWriter)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &storageV2Serializer{
-		storageV1Serializer: v1Serializer,
-		storageV2Cache:      storageV2Cache,
-		arrowSchema:         storageV2Cache.ArrowSchema(),
-		metacache:           metacache,
-	}, nil
-func (s *storageV2Serializer) EncodeBuffer(ctx context.Context, pack *SyncPack) (Task, error) {
-	task := NewSyncTaskV2()
-	tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("storage_serializer_v2")
-	metricSegLevel := pack.level.String()
-	space, err := s.storageV2Cache.GetOrCreateSpace(pack.segmentID, SpaceCreatorFunc(pack.segmentID, s.schema, s.arrowSchema))
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warn("failed to get or create space", zap.Error(err))
-		return nil, err
-	}
- = space
-	if len(pack.insertData) > 0 {
-		insertReader, err := s.serializeInsertData(pack)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Warn("failed to serialize insert data with storagev2", zap.Error(err))
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		task.reader = insertReader
-		singlePKStats, batchStatsBlob, err := s.serializeStatslog(pack)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Warn("failed to serialized statslog", zap.Error(err))
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		task.statsBlob = batchStatsBlob
-		s.metacache.UpdateSegments(metacache.RollStats(singlePKStats), metacache.WithSegmentIDs(pack.segmentID))
-	}
-	if pack.isFlush {
-		if pack.level != datapb.SegmentLevel_L0 {
-			mergedStatsBlob, err := s.serializeMergedPkStats(pack)
-			if err != nil {
-				log.Warn("failed to serialize merged stats log", zap.Error(err))
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			task.mergedStatsBlob = mergedStatsBlob
-		}
-		task.WithFlush()
-	}
-	if pack.deltaData != nil {
-		deltaReader, err := s.serializeDeltaData(pack)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Warn("failed to serialize delta data", zap.Error(err))
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		task.deleteReader = deltaReader
-	}
-	if pack.isDrop {
-		task.WithDrop()
-	}
-	s.setTaskMeta(task, pack)
-	metrics.DataNodeEncodeBufferLatency.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID()), metricSegLevel).Observe(float64(tr.RecordSpan().Milliseconds()))
-	return task, nil
-func (s *storageV2Serializer) setTaskMeta(task *SyncTaskV2, pack *SyncPack) {
-	task.WithCollectionID(pack.collectionID).
-		WithPartitionID(pack.partitionID).
-		WithChannelName(pack.channelName).
-		WithSegmentID(pack.segmentID).
-		WithBatchSize(pack.batchSize).
-		WithSchema(s.metacache.Schema()).
-		WithStartPosition(pack.startPosition).
-		WithCheckpoint(pack.checkpoint).
-		WithLevel(pack.level).
-		WithTimeRange(pack.tsFrom, pack.tsTo).
-		WithMetaCache(s.metacache).
-		WithMetaWriter(s.metaWriter).
-		WithFailureCallback(func(err error) {
-			// TODO could change to unsub channel in the future
-			panic(err)
-		})
-func (s *storageV2Serializer) serializeInsertData(pack *SyncPack) (array.RecordReader, error) {
-	builder := array.NewRecordBuilder(memory.DefaultAllocator, s.arrowSchema)
-	defer builder.Release()
-	for _, chunk := range pack.insertData {
-		if err := iTypeutil.BuildRecord(builder, chunk, s.schema.GetFields()); err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	}
-	rec := builder.NewRecord()
-	defer rec.Release()
-	itr, err := array.NewRecordReader(s.arrowSchema, []arrow.Record{rec})
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	itr.Retain()
-	return itr, nil
-func (s *storageV2Serializer) serializeDeltaData(pack *SyncPack) (array.RecordReader, error) {
-	fields := make([]*schemapb.FieldSchema, 0, 2)
-	tsField := &schemapb.FieldSchema{
-		FieldID:  common.TimeStampField,
-		Name:     common.TimeStampFieldName,
-		DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64,
-	}
-	fields = append(fields, s.pkField, tsField)
-	deltaArrowSchema, err := iTypeutil.ConvertToArrowSchema(fields)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	builder := array.NewRecordBuilder(memory.DefaultAllocator, deltaArrowSchema)
-	defer builder.Release()
-	switch s.pkField.GetDataType() {
-	case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
-		pb := builder.Field(0).(*array.Int64Builder)
-		for _, pk := range pack.deltaData.Pks {
-			pb.Append(pk.GetValue().(int64))
-		}
-	case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
-		pb := builder.Field(0).(*array.StringBuilder)
-		for _, pk := range pack.deltaData.Pks {
-			pb.Append(pk.GetValue().(string))
-		}
-	default:
-		return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalidMsg("unexpected pk type %v", s.pkField.GetDataType())
-	}
-	for _, ts := range pack.deltaData.Tss {
-		builder.Field(1).(*array.Int64Builder).Append(int64(ts))
-	}
-	rec := builder.NewRecord()
-	defer rec.Release()
-	reader, err := array.NewRecordReader(deltaArrowSchema, []arrow.Record{rec})
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	reader.Retain()
-	return reader, nil
-func SpaceCreatorFunc(segmentID int64, collSchema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, arrowSchema *arrow.Schema) func() (*milvus_storage.Space, error) {
-	return func() (*milvus_storage.Space, error) {
-		url, err := iTypeutil.GetStorageURI(params.Params.CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), params.Params.CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), segmentID)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		pkSchema, err := typeutil.GetPrimaryFieldSchema(collSchema)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		vecSchema, err := typeutil.GetVectorFieldSchema(collSchema)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		space, err := milvus_storage.Open(
-			url,
-			options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().
-				SetSchema(schema.NewSchema(
-					arrowSchema,
-					&schema.SchemaOptions{
-						PrimaryColumn: pkSchema.Name,
-						VectorColumn:  vecSchema.Name,
-						VersionColumn: common.TimeStampFieldName,
-					},
-				)).
-				Build(),
-		)
-		return space, err
-	}
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer_test.go b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 27ccedb9ee..0000000000
--- a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/storage_v2_serializer_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
-// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package syncmgr
-import (
-	"context"
-	"fmt"
-	"math/rand"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-type StorageV2SerializerSuite struct {
-	suite.Suite
-	collectionID int64
-	partitionID  int64
-	segmentID    int64
-	channelName  string
-	schema         *schemapb.CollectionSchema
-	storageCache   *metacache.StorageV2Cache
-	mockAllocator  *allocator.MockAllocator
-	mockCache      *metacache.MockMetaCache
-	mockMetaWriter *MockMetaWriter
-	serializer *storageV2Serializer
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) SetupSuite() {
-	paramtable.Get().Init(paramtable.NewBaseTable())
-	s.collectionID = rand.Int63n(100) + 1000
-	s.partitionID = rand.Int63n(100) + 2000
-	s.segmentID = rand.Int63n(1000) + 10000
-	s.channelName = fmt.Sprintf("by-dev-rootcoord-dml0_%d_v1", s.collectionID)
-	s.schema = &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
-		Name: "sync_task_test_col",
-		Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
-			{FieldID: common.RowIDField, DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64, Name: common.RowIDFieldName},
-			{FieldID: common.TimeStampField, DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64, Name: common.TimeStampFieldName},
-			{
-				FieldID:      100,
-				Name:         "pk",
-				DataType:     schemapb.DataType_Int64,
-				IsPrimaryKey: true,
-			},
-			{
-				FieldID:  101,
-				Name:     "vector",
-				DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector,
-				TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
-					{Key: common.DimKey, Value: "128"},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-	}
-	s.mockAllocator = allocator.NewMockAllocator(s.T())
-	s.mockCache = metacache.NewMockMetaCache(s.T())
-	s.mockMetaWriter = NewMockMetaWriter(s.T())
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) SetupTest() {
-	storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.schema)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	s.storageCache = storageCache
-	s.mockCache.EXPECT().Collection().Return(s.collectionID)
-	s.mockCache.EXPECT().Schema().Return(s.schema)
-	s.serializer, err = NewStorageV2Serializer(storageCache, s.mockAllocator, s.mockCache, s.mockMetaWriter)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) getSpace() *milvus_storage.Space {
-	tmpDir := s.T().TempDir()
-	space, err := milvus_storage.Open(fmt.Sprintf("file:///%s", tmpDir), options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().
-		SetSchema(schema.NewSchema(s.storageCache.ArrowSchema(), &schema.SchemaOptions{
-			PrimaryColumn: "pk", VectorColumn: "vector", VersionColumn: common.TimeStampFieldName,
-		})).Build())
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	return space
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) getBasicPack() *SyncPack {
-	pack := &SyncPack{}
-	pack.WithCollectionID(s.collectionID).
-		WithPartitionID(s.partitionID).
-		WithSegmentID(s.segmentID).
-		WithChannelName(s.channelName).
-		WithCheckpoint(&msgpb.MsgPosition{
-			Timestamp:   1000,
-			ChannelName: s.channelName,
-		})
-	return pack
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) getEmptyInsertBuffer() *storage.InsertData {
-	buf, err := storage.NewInsertData(s.schema)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	return buf
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) getInsertBuffer() *storage.InsertData {
-	buf := s.getEmptyInsertBuffer()
-	// generate data
-	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
-		data := make(map[storage.FieldID]any)
-		data[common.RowIDField] = int64(i + 1)
-		data[common.TimeStampField] = int64(i + 1)
-		data[100] = int64(i + 1)
-		vector := lo.RepeatBy(128, func(_ int) float32 {
-			return rand.Float32()
-		})
-		data[101] = vector
-		err := buf.Append(data)
-		s.Require().NoError(err)
-	}
-	return buf
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) getDeleteBuffer() *storage.DeleteData {
-	buf := &storage.DeleteData{}
-	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
-		pk := storage.NewInt64PrimaryKey(int64(i + 1))
-		ts := tsoutil.ComposeTSByTime(time.Now(), 0)
-		buf.Append(pk, ts)
-	}
-	return buf
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) getDeleteBufferZeroTs() *storage.DeleteData {
-	buf := &storage.DeleteData{}
-	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
-		pk := storage.NewInt64PrimaryKey(int64(i + 1))
-		buf.Append(pk, 0)
-	}
-	return buf
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) getBfs() *metacache.BloomFilterSet {
-	bfs := metacache.NewBloomFilterSet()
-	fd, err := storage.NewFieldData(schemapb.DataType_Int64, &schemapb.FieldSchema{
-		FieldID:      101,
-		Name:         "ID",
-		IsPrimaryKey: true,
-		DataType:     schemapb.DataType_Int64,
-	}, 16)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	ids := []int64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
-	for _, id := range ids {
-		err = fd.AppendRow(id)
-		s.Require().NoError(err)
-	}
-	bfs.UpdatePKRange(fd)
-	return bfs
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) TestSerializeInsert() {
-	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
-	defer cancel()
-	s.storageCache.SetSpace(s.segmentID, s.getSpace())
-	s.Run("no_data", func() {
-		pack := s.getBasicPack()
-		pack.WithTimeRange(50, 100)
-		pack.WithDrop()
-		task, err := s.serializer.EncodeBuffer(ctx, pack)
-		s.NoError(err)
-		taskV1, ok := task.(*SyncTaskV2)
-		s.Require().True(ok)
-		s.Equal(s.collectionID, taskV1.collectionID)
-		s.Equal(s.partitionID, taskV1.partitionID)
-		s.Equal(s.channelName, taskV1.channelName)
-		s.Equal(&msgpb.MsgPosition{
-			Timestamp:   1000,
-			ChannelName: s.channelName,
-		}, taskV1.checkpoint)
-		s.EqualValues(50, taskV1.tsFrom)
-		s.EqualValues(100, taskV1.tsTo)
-		s.True(taskV1.isDrop)
-	})
-	s.Run("empty_insert_data", func() {
-		pack := s.getBasicPack()
-		pack.WithTimeRange(50, 100)
-		pack.WithInsertData([]*storage.InsertData{s.getEmptyInsertBuffer()}).WithBatchSize(0)
-		_, err := s.serializer.EncodeBuffer(ctx, pack)
-		s.Error(err)
-	})
-	s.Run("with_normal_data", func() {
-		pack := s.getBasicPack()
-		pack.WithTimeRange(50, 100)
-		pack.WithInsertData([]*storage.InsertData{s.getInsertBuffer()}).WithBatchSize(10)
-		s.mockCache.EXPECT().UpdateSegments(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return().Once()
-		task, err := s.serializer.EncodeBuffer(ctx, pack)
-		s.NoError(err)
-		taskV2, ok := task.(*SyncTaskV2)
-		s.Require().True(ok)
-		s.Equal(s.collectionID, taskV2.collectionID)
-		s.Equal(s.partitionID, taskV2.partitionID)
-		s.Equal(s.channelName, taskV2.channelName)
-		s.Equal(&msgpb.MsgPosition{
-			Timestamp:   1000,
-			ChannelName: s.channelName,
-		}, taskV2.checkpoint)
-		s.EqualValues(50, taskV2.tsFrom)
-		s.EqualValues(100, taskV2.tsTo)
-		s.NotNil(taskV2.reader)
-		s.NotNil(taskV2.statsBlob)
-	})
-	s.Run("with_flush_segment_not_found", func() {
-		pack := s.getBasicPack()
-		pack.WithFlush()
-		s.mockCache.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(s.segmentID).Return(nil, false).Once()
-		_, err := s.serializer.EncodeBuffer(ctx, pack)
-		s.Error(err)
-	})
-	s.Run("with_flush", func() {
-		pack := s.getBasicPack()
-		pack.WithTimeRange(50, 100)
-		pack.WithInsertData([]*storage.InsertData{s.getInsertBuffer()}).WithBatchSize(10)
-		pack.WithFlush()
-		bfs := s.getBfs()
-		segInfo := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{}, bfs)
-		metacache.UpdateNumOfRows(1000)(segInfo)
-		s.mockCache.EXPECT().UpdateSegments(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Run(func(action metacache.SegmentAction, filters ...metacache.SegmentFilter) {
-			action(segInfo)
-		}).Return().Once()
-		s.mockCache.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(s.segmentID).Return(segInfo, true).Once()
-		task, err := s.serializer.EncodeBuffer(ctx, pack)
-		s.NoError(err)
-		taskV2, ok := task.(*SyncTaskV2)
-		s.Require().True(ok)
-		s.Equal(s.collectionID, taskV2.collectionID)
-		s.Equal(s.partitionID, taskV2.partitionID)
-		s.Equal(s.channelName, taskV2.channelName)
-		s.Equal(&msgpb.MsgPosition{
-			Timestamp:   1000,
-			ChannelName: s.channelName,
-		}, taskV2.checkpoint)
-		s.EqualValues(50, taskV2.tsFrom)
-		s.EqualValues(100, taskV2.tsTo)
-		s.NotNil(taskV2.mergedStatsBlob)
-	})
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) TestSerializeDelete() {
-	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
-	defer cancel()
-	s.Run("serialize_failed", func() {
-		pkField := s.serializer.pkField
-		s.serializer.pkField = &schemapb.FieldSchema{}
-		defer func() {
-			s.serializer.pkField = pkField
-		}()
-		pack := s.getBasicPack()
-		pack.WithDeleteData(s.getDeleteBufferZeroTs())
-		pack.WithTimeRange(50, 100)
-		_, err := s.serializer.EncodeBuffer(ctx, pack)
-		s.Error(err)
-	})
-	s.Run("serialize_failed_bad_pk", func() {
-		pkField := s.serializer.pkField
-		s.serializer.pkField = &schemapb.FieldSchema{
-			DataType: schemapb.DataType_Array,
-		}
-		defer func() {
-			s.serializer.pkField = pkField
-		}()
-		pack := s.getBasicPack()
-		pack.WithDeleteData(s.getDeleteBufferZeroTs())
-		pack.WithTimeRange(50, 100)
-		_, err := s.serializer.EncodeBuffer(ctx, pack)
-		s.Error(err)
-	})
-	s.Run("serialize_normal", func() {
-		pack := s.getBasicPack()
-		pack.WithDeleteData(s.getDeleteBuffer())
-		pack.WithTimeRange(50, 100)
-		task, err := s.serializer.EncodeBuffer(ctx, pack)
-		s.NoError(err)
-		taskV2, ok := task.(*SyncTaskV2)
-		s.Require().True(ok)
-		s.Equal(s.collectionID, taskV2.collectionID)
-		s.Equal(s.partitionID, taskV2.partitionID)
-		s.Equal(s.channelName, taskV2.channelName)
-		s.Equal(&msgpb.MsgPosition{
-			Timestamp:   1000,
-			ChannelName: s.channelName,
-		}, taskV2.checkpoint)
-		s.EqualValues(50, taskV2.tsFrom)
-		s.EqualValues(100, taskV2.tsTo)
-		s.NotNil(taskV2.deleteReader)
-	})
-func (s *StorageV2SerializerSuite) TestBadSchema() {
-	mockCache := metacache.NewMockMetaCache(s.T())
-	mockCache.EXPECT().Collection().Return(s.collectionID).Once()
-	mockCache.EXPECT().Schema().Return(&schemapb.CollectionSchema{}).Once()
-	_, err := NewStorageV2Serializer(s.storageCache, s.mockAllocator, mockCache, s.mockMetaWriter)
-	s.Error(err)
-func TestStorageV2Serializer(t *testing.T) {
-	suite.Run(t, new(StorageV2SerializerSuite))
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/sync_manager.go b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/sync_manager.go
index bbf56d46f1..cac7d76827 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/sync_manager.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/sync_manager.go
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ func (mgr *syncManager) SyncData(ctx context.Context, task Task, callbacks ...fu
 	switch t := task.(type) {
 	case *SyncTask:
-	case *SyncTaskV2:
 	return mgr.safeSubmitTask(ctx, task, callbacks...)
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2.go b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 820ded3a0c..0000000000
--- a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
-// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package syncmgr
-import (
-	"context"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-type SyncTaskV2 struct {
-	*SyncTask
-	arrowSchema    *arrow.Schema
-	reader         array.RecordReader
-	statsBlob      *storage.Blob
-	deleteReader   array.RecordReader
-	storageVersion int64
-	space          *milvus_storage.Space
-	failureCallback func(err error)
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) getLogger() *log.MLogger {
-	return log.Ctx(context.Background()).With(
-		zap.Int64("collectionID", t.collectionID),
-		zap.Int64("partitionID", t.partitionID),
-		zap.Int64("segmentID", t.segmentID),
-		zap.String("channel", t.channelName),
-	)
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) handleError(err error) {
-	if t.failureCallback != nil {
-		t.failureCallback(err)
-	}
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
-	log := t.getLogger()
-	var err error
-	_, ok := t.metacache.GetSegmentByID(t.segmentID)
-	if !ok {
-		log.Warn("failed to sync data, segment not found in metacache")
-		t.handleError(err)
-		return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotFound(t.segmentID)
-	}
-	if err = t.writeSpace(); err != nil {
-		t.handleError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	if err = t.writeMeta(); err != nil {
-		t.handleError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	actions := []metacache.SegmentAction{metacache.FinishSyncing(t.batchSize)}
-	switch {
-	case t.isDrop:
-		actions = append(actions, metacache.UpdateState(commonpb.SegmentState_Dropped))
-	case t.isFlush:
-		actions = append(actions, metacache.UpdateState(commonpb.SegmentState_Flushed))
-	}
-	t.metacache.UpdateSegments(metacache.MergeSegmentAction(actions...), metacache.WithSegmentIDs(t.segmentID))
-	return nil
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) writeSpace() error {
-	defer func() {
-		if t.reader != nil {
-			t.reader.Release()
-		}
-		if t.deleteReader != nil {
-			t.deleteReader.Release()
-		}
-	}()
-	txn :=
-	if t.reader != nil {
-		txn.Write(t.reader, &options.DefaultWriteOptions)
-	}
-	if t.deleteReader != nil {
-		txn.Delete(t.deleteReader)
-	}
-	if t.statsBlob != nil {
-		txn.WriteBlob(t.statsBlob.Value, t.statsBlob.Key, false)
-	}
-	return txn.Commit()
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) writeMeta() error {
-	t.storageVersion =
-	return t.metaWriter.UpdateSyncV2(t)
-func NewSyncTaskV2() *SyncTaskV2 {
-	return &SyncTaskV2{
-		SyncTask: NewSyncTask(),
-	}
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithChunkManager(cm storage.ChunkManager) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.chunkManager = cm
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithAllocator(allocator allocator.Interface) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.allocator = allocator
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithStartPosition(start *msgpb.MsgPosition) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.startPosition = start
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithCheckpoint(cp *msgpb.MsgPosition) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.checkpoint = cp
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithCollectionID(collID int64) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.collectionID = collID
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithPartitionID(partID int64) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.partitionID = partID
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithSegmentID(segID int64) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.segmentID = segID
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithChannelName(chanName string) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.channelName = chanName
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithSchema(schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.schema = schema
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithTimeRange(from, to typeutil.Timestamp) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.tsFrom, t.tsTo = from, to
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithFlush() *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.isFlush = true
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithDrop() *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.isDrop = true
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithMetaCache(metacache metacache.MetaCache) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.metacache = metacache
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithMetaWriter(metaWriter MetaWriter) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.metaWriter = metaWriter
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithWriteRetryOptions(opts ...retry.Option) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.writeRetryOpts = opts
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithFailureCallback(callback func(error)) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.failureCallback = callback
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithBatchSize(batchSize int64) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.batchSize = batchSize
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithSpace(space *milvus_storage.Space) *SyncTaskV2 {
- = space
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithArrowSchema(arrowSchema *arrow.Schema) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.arrowSchema = arrowSchema
-	return t
-func (t *SyncTaskV2) WithLevel(level datapb.SegmentLevel) *SyncTaskV2 {
-	t.level = level
-	return t
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2_test.go b/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ee82e259b..0000000000
--- a/internal/flushcommon/syncmgr/taskv2_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
-// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package syncmgr
-import (
-	"context"
-	"fmt"
-	"math/rand"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-type SyncTaskSuiteV2 struct {
-	suite.Suite
-	collectionID int64
-	partitionID  int64
-	segmentID    int64
-	channelName  string
-	metacache   *metacache.MockMetaCache
-	allocator   *allocator.MockGIDAllocator
-	schema      *schemapb.CollectionSchema
-	arrowSchema *arrow.Schema
-	broker      *broker.MockBroker
-	space *milvus_storage.Space
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) SetupSuite() {
-	paramtable.Get().Init(paramtable.NewBaseTable())
-	s.collectionID = 100
-	s.partitionID = 101
-	s.segmentID = 1001
-	s.channelName = "by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_100v0"
-	s.schema = &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
-		Name: "sync_task_test_col",
-		Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
-			{FieldID: common.RowIDField, Name: common.RowIDFieldName, DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64},
-			{FieldID: common.TimeStampField, Name: common.TimeStampFieldName, DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64},
-			{
-				FieldID:      100,
-				Name:         "pk",
-				DataType:     schemapb.DataType_Int64,
-				IsPrimaryKey: true,
-			},
-			{
-				FieldID:  101,
-				Name:     "vector",
-				DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector,
-				TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{
-					{Key: common.DimKey, Value: "128"},
-				},
-			},
-		},
-	}
-	arrowSchema, err := typeutil.ConvertToArrowSchema(s.schema.Fields)
-	s.NoError(err)
-	s.arrowSchema = arrowSchema
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) SetupTest() {
-	s.allocator = allocator.NewMockGIDAllocator()
-	s.allocator.AllocF = func(count uint32) (int64, int64, error) {
-		return time.Now().Unix(), int64(count), nil
-	}
-	s.allocator.AllocOneF = func() (allocator.UniqueID, error) {
-		return time.Now().Unix(), nil
-	}
- = broker.NewMockBroker(s.T())
-	s.metacache = metacache.NewMockMetaCache(s.T())
-	tmpDir := s.T().TempDir()
-	space, err := milvus_storage.Open(fmt.Sprintf("file:///%s", tmpDir), options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().
-		SetSchema(schema.NewSchema(s.arrowSchema, &schema.SchemaOptions{
-			PrimaryColumn: "pk", VectorColumn: "vector", VersionColumn: common.TimeStampFieldName,
-		})).Build())
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
- = space
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) getEmptyInsertBuffer() *storage.InsertData {
-	buf, err := storage.NewInsertData(s.schema)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	return buf
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) getInsertBuffer() *storage.InsertData {
-	buf := s.getEmptyInsertBuffer()
-	// generate data
-	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
-		data := make(map[storage.FieldID]any)
-		data[common.RowIDField] = int64(i + 1)
-		data[common.TimeStampField] = int64(i + 1)
-		data[100] = int64(i + 1)
-		vector := lo.RepeatBy(128, func(_ int) float32 {
-			return rand.Float32()
-		})
-		data[101] = vector
-		err := buf.Append(data)
-		s.Require().NoError(err)
-	}
-	return buf
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) getDeleteBuffer() *storage.DeleteData {
-	buf := &storage.DeleteData{}
-	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
-		pk := storage.NewInt64PrimaryKey(int64(i + 1))
-		ts := tsoutil.ComposeTSByTime(time.Now(), 0)
-		buf.Append(pk, ts)
-	}
-	return buf
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) getDeleteBufferZeroTs() *storage.DeleteData {
-	buf := &storage.DeleteData{}
-	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
-		pk := storage.NewInt64PrimaryKey(int64(i + 1))
-		buf.Append(pk, 0)
-	}
-	return buf
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) getSuiteSyncTask() *SyncTaskV2 {
-	pack := &SyncPack{}
-	pack.WithCollectionID(s.collectionID).
-		WithPartitionID(s.partitionID).
-		WithSegmentID(s.segmentID).
-		WithChannelName(s.channelName).
-		WithCheckpoint(&msgpb.MsgPosition{
-			Timestamp:   1000,
-			ChannelName: s.channelName,
-		})
-	pack.WithInsertData([]*storage.InsertData{s.getInsertBuffer()}).WithBatchSize(10)
-	pack.WithDeleteData(s.getDeleteBuffer())
-	storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.schema)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	s.metacache.EXPECT().Collection().Return(s.collectionID)
-	s.metacache.EXPECT().Schema().Return(s.schema)
-	serializer, err := NewStorageV2Serializer(storageCache, s.allocator, s.metacache, nil)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	task, err := serializer.EncodeBuffer(context.Background(), pack)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	taskV2, ok := task.(*SyncTaskV2)
-	s.Require().True(ok)
-	taskV2.WithMetaCache(s.metacache)
-	return taskV2
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) TestRunNormal() {
-	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
-	defer cancel()
-, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
-	bfs := metacache.NewBloomFilterSet()
-	fd, err := storage.NewFieldData(schemapb.DataType_Int64, &schemapb.FieldSchema{
-		FieldID:      101,
-		Name:         "ID",
-		IsPrimaryKey: true,
-		DataType:     schemapb.DataType_Int64,
-	}, 16)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	ids := []int64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
-	for _, id := range ids {
-		err = fd.AppendRow(id)
-		s.Require().NoError(err)
-	}
-	bfs.UpdatePKRange(fd)
-	seg := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{}, bfs)
-	metacache.UpdateNumOfRows(1000)(seg)
-	s.metacache.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(mock.Anything).Return(seg, true)
-	s.metacache.EXPECT().GetSegmentsBy(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]*metacache.SegmentInfo{seg})
-	s.metacache.EXPECT().UpdateSegments(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return()
-	s.Run("without_insert_delete", func() {
-		task := s.getSuiteSyncTask()
-		task.WithMetaWriter(BrokerMetaWriter(, 1))
-		task.WithTimeRange(50, 100)
-		task.WithCheckpoint(&msgpb.MsgPosition{
-			ChannelName: s.channelName,
-			MsgID:       []byte{1, 2, 3, 4},
-			Timestamp:   100,
-		})
-		err := task.Run(ctx)
-		s.NoError(err)
-	})
-	s.Run("with_insert_delete_cp", func() {
-		task := s.getSuiteSyncTask()
-		task.WithTimeRange(50, 100)
-		task.WithMetaWriter(BrokerMetaWriter(, 1))
-		task.WithCheckpoint(&msgpb.MsgPosition{
-			ChannelName: s.channelName,
-			MsgID:       []byte{1, 2, 3, 4},
-			Timestamp:   100,
-		})
-		err := task.Run(ctx)
-		s.NoError(err)
-	})
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) TestBuildRecord() {
-	fieldSchemas := []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
-		{FieldID: 1, Name: "field0", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Bool},
-		{FieldID: 2, Name: "field1", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int8},
-		{FieldID: 3, Name: "field2", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int16},
-		{FieldID: 4, Name: "field3", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int32},
-		{FieldID: 5, Name: "field4", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64},
-		{FieldID: 6, Name: "field5", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Float},
-		{FieldID: 7, Name: "field6", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Double},
-		{FieldID: 8, Name: "field7", DataType: schemapb.DataType_String},
-		{FieldID: 9, Name: "field8", DataType: schemapb.DataType_VarChar},
-		{FieldID: 10, Name: "field9", DataType: schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector, TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "8"}}},
-		{FieldID: 11, Name: "field10", DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector, TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "4"}}},
-		{FieldID: 12, Name: "field11", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Array, ElementType: schemapb.DataType_Int32},
-		{FieldID: 13, Name: "field12", DataType: schemapb.DataType_JSON},
-		{FieldID: 14, Name: "field12", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector, TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "4"}}},
-	}
-	schema, err := typeutil.ConvertToArrowSchema(fieldSchemas)
-	s.NoError(err)
-	b := array.NewRecordBuilder(memory.NewGoAllocator(), schema)
-	defer b.Release()
-	data := &storage.InsertData{
-		Data: map[int64]storage.FieldData{
-			1:  &storage.BoolFieldData{Data: []bool{true, false}},
-			2:  &storage.Int8FieldData{Data: []int8{3, 4}},
-			3:  &storage.Int16FieldData{Data: []int16{3, 4}},
-			4:  &storage.Int32FieldData{Data: []int32{3, 4}},
-			5:  &storage.Int64FieldData{Data: []int64{3, 4}},
-			6:  &storage.FloatFieldData{Data: []float32{3, 4}},
-			7:  &storage.DoubleFieldData{Data: []float64{3, 4}},
-			8:  &storage.StringFieldData{Data: []string{"3", "4"}},
-			9:  &storage.StringFieldData{Data: []string{"3", "4"}},
-			10: &storage.BinaryVectorFieldData{Data: []byte{0, 255}, Dim: 8},
-			11: &storage.FloatVectorFieldData{
-				Data: []float32{4, 5, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7},
-				Dim:  4,
-			},
-			12: &storage.ArrayFieldData{
-				ElementType: schemapb.DataType_Int32,
-				Data: []*schemapb.ScalarField{
-					{
-						Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
-							IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{Data: []int32{3, 2, 1}},
-						},
-					},
-					{
-						Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
-							IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{Data: []int32{6, 5, 4}},
-						},
-					},
-				},
-			},
-			13: &storage.JSONFieldData{
-				Data: [][]byte{
-					[]byte(`{"batch":2}`),
-					[]byte(`{"key":"world"}`),
-				},
-			},
-			14: &storage.Float16VectorFieldData{
-				Data: []byte{0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255},
-				Dim:  4,
-			},
-		},
-	}
-	err = typeutil.BuildRecord(b, data, fieldSchemas)
-	s.NoError(err)
-	s.EqualValues(2, b.NewRecord().NumRows())
-func (s *SyncTaskSuiteV2) TestBuildRecordNullable() {
-	fieldSchemas := []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
-		{FieldID: 1, Name: "field0", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Bool},
-		{FieldID: 2, Name: "field1", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int8},
-		{FieldID: 3, Name: "field2", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int16},
-		{FieldID: 4, Name: "field3", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int32},
-		{FieldID: 5, Name: "field4", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64},
-		{FieldID: 6, Name: "field5", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Float},
-		{FieldID: 7, Name: "field6", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Double},
-		{FieldID: 8, Name: "field7", DataType: schemapb.DataType_String},
-		{FieldID: 9, Name: "field8", DataType: schemapb.DataType_VarChar},
-		{FieldID: 10, Name: "field9", DataType: schemapb.DataType_BinaryVector, TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "8"}}},
-		{FieldID: 11, Name: "field10", DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector, TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "4"}}},
-		{FieldID: 12, Name: "field11", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Array, ElementType: schemapb.DataType_Int32},
-		{FieldID: 13, Name: "field12", DataType: schemapb.DataType_JSON},
-		{FieldID: 14, Name: "field12", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Float16Vector, TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "4"}}},
-	}
-	schema, err := typeutil.ConvertToArrowSchema(fieldSchemas)
-	s.NoError(err)
-	b := array.NewRecordBuilder(memory.NewGoAllocator(), schema)
-	defer b.Release()
-	data := &storage.InsertData{
-		Data: map[int64]storage.FieldData{
-			1:  &storage.BoolFieldData{Data: []bool{true, false}, ValidData: []bool{true, true}},
-			2:  &storage.Int8FieldData{Data: []int8{3, 4}, ValidData: []bool{true, true}},
-			3:  &storage.Int16FieldData{Data: []int16{3, 4}, ValidData: []bool{true, true}},
-			4:  &storage.Int32FieldData{Data: []int32{3, 4}, ValidData: []bool{true, true}},
-			5:  &storage.Int64FieldData{Data: []int64{3, 4}, ValidData: []bool{true, true}},
-			6:  &storage.FloatFieldData{Data: []float32{3, 4}, ValidData: []bool{true, true}},
-			7:  &storage.DoubleFieldData{Data: []float64{3, 4}, ValidData: []bool{true, true}},
-			8:  &storage.StringFieldData{Data: []string{"3", "4"}, ValidData: []bool{true, true}},
-			9:  &storage.StringFieldData{Data: []string{"3", "4"}, ValidData: []bool{true, true}},
-			10: &storage.BinaryVectorFieldData{Data: []byte{0, 255}, Dim: 8},
-			11: &storage.FloatVectorFieldData{
-				Data: []float32{4, 5, 6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7},
-				Dim:  4,
-			},
-			12: &storage.ArrayFieldData{
-				ElementType: schemapb.DataType_Int32,
-				Data: []*schemapb.ScalarField{
-					{
-						Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
-							IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{Data: []int32{3, 2, 1}},
-						},
-					},
-					{
-						Data: &schemapb.ScalarField_IntData{
-							IntData: &schemapb.IntArray{Data: []int32{6, 5, 4}},
-						},
-					},
-				},
-				ValidData: []bool{true, true},
-			},
-			13: &storage.JSONFieldData{
-				Data: [][]byte{
-					[]byte(`{"batch":2}`),
-					[]byte(`{"key":"world"}`),
-				},
-				ValidData: []bool{true, true},
-			},
-			14: &storage.Float16VectorFieldData{
-				Data: []byte{0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255},
-				Dim:  4,
-			},
-		},
-	}
-	err = typeutil.BuildRecord(b, data, fieldSchemas)
-	s.NoError(err)
-	s.EqualValues(2, b.NewRecord().NumRows())
-func TestSyncTaskV2(t *testing.T) {
-	suite.Run(t, new(SyncTaskSuiteV2))
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/bf_write_buffer.go b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/bf_write_buffer.go
index b8ecf6ffa8..3fcb5df30d 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/bf_write_buffer.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/bf_write_buffer.go
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ type bfWriteBuffer struct {
 	metacache metacache.MetaCache
-func NewBFWriteBuffer(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, syncMgr syncmgr.SyncManager, option *writeBufferOption) (WriteBuffer, error) {
-	base, err := newWriteBufferBase(channel, metacache, storageV2Cache, syncMgr, option)
+func NewBFWriteBuffer(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, syncMgr syncmgr.SyncManager, option *writeBufferOption) (WriteBuffer, error) {
+	base, err := newWriteBufferBase(channel, metacache, syncMgr, option)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/bf_write_buffer_test.go b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/bf_write_buffer_test.go
index ef4ea6b97a..b8ec5a0c23 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/bf_write_buffer_test.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/bf_write_buffer_test.go
@@ -13,16 +13,11 @@ import (
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
@@ -41,7 +36,6 @@ type BFWriteBufferSuite struct {
 	metacacheInt64    *metacache.MockMetaCache
 	metacacheVarchar  *metacache.MockMetaCache
 	broker            *broker.MockBroker
-	storageV2Cache    *metacache.StorageV2Cache
 func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) SetupSuite() {
@@ -89,10 +83,6 @@ func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) SetupSuite() {
-	storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collInt64Schema)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	s.storageV2Cache = storageCache
 func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) composeInsertMsg(segmentID int64, rowCount int, dim int, pkType schemapb.DataType) ([]int64, *msgstream.InsertMsg) {
@@ -201,16 +191,11 @@ func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) SetupTest() {
 	s.metacacheVarchar.EXPECT().Collection().Return(s.collID).Maybe() = broker.NewMockBroker(s.T())
-	var err error
-	s.storageV2Cache, err = metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collInt64Schema)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
 func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) TestBufferData() {
 	s.Run("normal_run_int64", func() {
-		storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collInt64Schema)
-		s.Require().NoError(err)
-		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheInt64, storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
+		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheInt64, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
 		seg := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: 1000}, metacache.NewBloomFilterSet())
@@ -237,9 +222,7 @@ func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) TestBufferData() {
 	s.Run("normal_run_varchar", func() {
-		storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collVarcharSchema)
-		s.Require().NoError(err)
-		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheVarchar, storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
+		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheVarchar, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
 		seg := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: 1000}, metacache.NewBloomFilterSet())
@@ -261,9 +244,7 @@ func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) TestBufferData() {
 	s.Run("int_pk_type_not_match", func() {
-		storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collInt64Schema)
-		s.Require().NoError(err)
-		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheInt64, storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
+		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheInt64, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
 		seg := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: 1000}, metacache.NewBloomFilterSet())
@@ -281,9 +262,7 @@ func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) TestBufferData() {
 	s.Run("varchar_pk_not_match", func() {
-		storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collVarcharSchema)
-		s.Require().NoError(err)
-		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheVarchar, storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
+		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheVarchar, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
 		seg := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: 1000}, metacache.NewBloomFilterSet())
@@ -305,7 +284,7 @@ func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) TestAutoSync() {
 	paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().DataNodeCfg.FlushInsertBufferSize.Key, "1")
 	s.Run("normal_auto_sync", func() {
-		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheInt64, nil, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
+		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheInt64, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
 			syncPolicies: []SyncPolicy{
@@ -340,92 +319,11 @@ func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) TestAutoSync() {
-func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) TestBufferDataWithStorageV2() {
-	params.Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("true")
-	defer paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("false")
-	params.Params.CommonCfg.StorageScheme.SwapTempValue("file")
-	tmpDir := s.T().TempDir()
-	arrowSchema, err := typeutil.ConvertToArrowSchema(s.collInt64Schema.Fields)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	space, err := milvus_storage.Open(fmt.Sprintf("file:///%s", tmpDir), options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().
-		SetSchema(schema.NewSchema(arrowSchema, &schema.SchemaOptions{
-			PrimaryColumn: "pk", VectorColumn: "vector", VersionColumn: common.TimeStampFieldName,
-		})).Build())
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	s.storageV2Cache.SetSpace(1000, space)
-	wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheInt64, s.storageV2Cache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
-	s.NoError(err)
-	seg := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: 1000}, metacache.NewBloomFilterSet())
-	s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().GetSegmentsBy(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]*metacache.SegmentInfo{seg})
-	s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(int64(1000)).Return(nil, false)
-	s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().AddSegment(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return()
-	s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().UpdateSegments(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return()
-	pks, msg := s.composeInsertMsg(1000, 10, 128, schemapb.DataType_Int64)
-	delMsg := s.composeDeleteMsg(lo.Map(pks, func(id int64, _ int) storage.PrimaryKey { return storage.NewInt64PrimaryKey(id) }))
-	err = wb.BufferData([]*msgstream.InsertMsg{msg}, []*msgstream.DeleteMsg{delMsg}, &msgpb.MsgPosition{Timestamp: 100}, &msgpb.MsgPosition{Timestamp: 200})
-	s.NoError(err)
-func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) TestAutoSyncWithStorageV2() {
-	params.Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("true")
-	defer paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("false")
-	paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().DataNodeCfg.FlushInsertBufferSize.Key, "1")
-	tmpDir := s.T().TempDir()
-	arrowSchema, err := typeutil.ConvertToArrowSchema(s.collInt64Schema.Fields)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	space, err := milvus_storage.Open(fmt.Sprintf("file:///%s", tmpDir), options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().
-		SetSchema(schema.NewSchema(arrowSchema, &schema.SchemaOptions{
-			PrimaryColumn: "pk", VectorColumn: "vector", VersionColumn: common.TimeStampFieldName,
-		})).Build())
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	s.storageV2Cache.SetSpace(1002, space)
-	s.Run("normal_auto_sync", func() {
-		wb, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacacheInt64, s.storageV2Cache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
-			syncPolicies: []SyncPolicy{
-				GetFullBufferPolicy(),
-				GetSyncStaleBufferPolicy(paramtable.Get().DataNodeCfg.SyncPeriod.GetAsDuration(time.Second)),
-				GetSealedSegmentsPolicy(s.metacacheInt64),
-			},
-		})
-		s.NoError(err)
-		seg := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: 1000}, metacache.NewBloomFilterSet())
-		seg1 := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: 1002}, metacache.NewBloomFilterSet())
-		segCompacted := metacache.NewSegmentInfo(&datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: 1000}, metacache.NewBloomFilterSet())
-		s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().GetSegmentsBy(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]*metacache.SegmentInfo{seg, segCompacted})
-		s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(int64(1000)).Return(nil, false).Once()
-		s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(int64(1000)).Return(seg, true).Once()
-		s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(int64(1002)).Return(seg1, true)
-		s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().GetSegmentIDsBy(mock.Anything).Return([]int64{1002})
-		s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().AddSegment(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return()
-		s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().UpdateSegments(mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return()
-		s.metacacheInt64.EXPECT().UpdateSegments(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return()
-		s.syncMgr.EXPECT().SyncData(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil)
-		pks, msg := s.composeInsertMsg(1000, 10, 128, schemapb.DataType_Int64)
-		delMsg := s.composeDeleteMsg(lo.Map(pks, func(id int64, _ int) storage.PrimaryKey { return storage.NewInt64PrimaryKey(id) }))
-		metrics.DataNodeFlowGraphBufferDataSize.Reset()
-		err = wb.BufferData([]*msgstream.InsertMsg{msg}, []*msgstream.DeleteMsg{delMsg}, &msgpb.MsgPosition{Timestamp: 100}, &msgpb.MsgPosition{Timestamp: 200})
-		s.NoError(err)
-		value, err := metrics.DataNodeFlowGraphBufferDataSize.GetMetricWithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID()), fmt.Sprint(s.metacacheInt64.Collection()))
-		s.NoError(err)
-		s.MetricsEqual(value, 0)
-	})
 func (s *BFWriteBufferSuite) TestCreateFailure() {
 	metacache := metacache.NewMockMetaCache(s.T())
-	_, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, metacache, s.storageV2Cache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
+	_, err := NewBFWriteBuffer(s.channelName, metacache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{})
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/l0_write_buffer.go b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/l0_write_buffer.go
index 12f3dc9841..67647a6255 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/l0_write_buffer.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/l0_write_buffer.go
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ type l0WriteBuffer struct {
 	idAllocator allocator.Interface
-func NewL0WriteBuffer(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, syncMgr syncmgr.SyncManager, option *writeBufferOption) (WriteBuffer, error) {
+func NewL0WriteBuffer(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, syncMgr syncmgr.SyncManager, option *writeBufferOption) (WriteBuffer, error) {
 	if option.idAllocator == nil {
 		return nil, merr.WrapErrServiceInternal("id allocator is nil when creating l0 write buffer")
-	base, err := newWriteBufferBase(channel, metacache, storageV2Cache, syncMgr, option)
+	base, err := newWriteBufferBase(channel, metacache, syncMgr, option)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/l0_write_buffer_test.go b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/l0_write_buffer_test.go
index 6fb1239e8b..ebb4985598 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/l0_write_buffer_test.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/l0_write_buffer_test.go
@@ -28,13 +28,12 @@ import (
 type L0WriteBufferSuite struct {
-	channelName  string
-	collID       int64
-	collSchema   *schemapb.CollectionSchema
-	syncMgr      *syncmgr.MockSyncManager
-	metacache    *metacache.MockMetaCache
-	allocator    *allocator.MockGIDAllocator
-	storageCache *metacache.StorageV2Cache
+	channelName string
+	collID      int64
+	collSchema  *schemapb.CollectionSchema
+	syncMgr     *syncmgr.MockSyncManager
+	metacache   *metacache.MockMetaCache
+	allocator   *allocator.MockGIDAllocator
 func (s *L0WriteBufferSuite) SetupSuite() {
@@ -61,10 +60,6 @@ func (s *L0WriteBufferSuite) SetupSuite() {
 	s.channelName = "by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0v0"
-	storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collSchema)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	s.storageCache = storageCache
 func (s *L0WriteBufferSuite) composeInsertMsg(segmentID int64, rowCount int, dim int, pkType schemapb.DataType) ([]int64, *msgstream.InsertMsg) {
@@ -173,7 +168,7 @@ func (s *L0WriteBufferSuite) SetupTest() {
 func (s *L0WriteBufferSuite) TestBufferData() {
 	s.Run("normal_run", func() {
-		wb, err := NewL0WriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
+		wb, err := NewL0WriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
 			idAllocator: s.allocator,
@@ -202,7 +197,7 @@ func (s *L0WriteBufferSuite) TestBufferData() {
 	s.Run("pk_type_not_match", func() {
-		wb, err := NewL0WriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
+		wb, err := NewL0WriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
 			idAllocator: s.allocator,
@@ -225,7 +220,7 @@ func (s *L0WriteBufferSuite) TestCreateFailure() {
 	metacache := metacache.NewMockMetaCache(s.T())
-	_, err := NewL0WriteBuffer(s.channelName, metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
+	_, err := NewL0WriteBuffer(s.channelName, metacache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
 		idAllocator: s.allocator,
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/manager.go b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/manager.go
index ff76da80d9..028c8e5503 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/manager.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/manager.go
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import (
 //go:generate mockery --name=BufferManager --structname=MockBufferManager --output=./  --filename=mock_manager.go --with-expecter --inpackage
 type BufferManager interface {
 	// Register adds a WriteBuffer with provided schema & options.
-	Register(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, opts ...WriteBufferOption) error
+	Register(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, opts ...WriteBufferOption) error
 	// SealSegments notifies writeBuffer corresponding to provided channel to seal segments.
 	// which will cause segment start flush procedure.
 	SealSegments(ctx context.Context, channel string, segmentIDs []int64) error
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ func (m *bufferManager) Stop() {
 // Register a new WriteBuffer for channel.
-func (m *bufferManager) Register(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, opts ...WriteBufferOption) error {
+func (m *bufferManager) Register(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, opts ...WriteBufferOption) error {
 	defer m.mut.Unlock()
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ func (m *bufferManager) Register(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache,
 	if ok {
 		return merr.WrapErrChannelReduplicate(channel)
-	buf, err := NewWriteBuffer(channel, metacache, storageV2Cache, m.syncMgr, opts...)
+	buf, err := NewWriteBuffer(channel, metacache, m.syncMgr, opts...)
 	if err != nil {
 		return err
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/manager_test.go b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/manager_test.go
index a1004b479f..63cb015657 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/manager_test.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/manager_test.go
@@ -73,13 +73,10 @@ func (s *ManagerSuite) SetupTest() {
 func (s *ManagerSuite) TestRegister() {
 	manager := s.manager
-	storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collSchema)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	err = manager.Register(s.channelName, s.metacache, storageCache, WithIDAllocator(s.allocator))
+	err := manager.Register(s.channelName, s.metacache, WithIDAllocator(s.allocator))
-	err = manager.Register(s.channelName, s.metacache, storageCache, WithIDAllocator(s.allocator))
+	err = manager.Register(s.channelName, s.metacache, WithIDAllocator(s.allocator))
 	s.ErrorIs(err, merr.ErrChannelReduplicate)
@@ -183,9 +180,7 @@ func (s *ManagerSuite) TestRemoveChannel() {
 	s.Run("remove_channel", func() {
-		storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collSchema)
-		s.Require().NoError(err)
-		err = manager.Register(s.channelName, s.metacache, storageCache, WithIDAllocator(s.allocator))
+		err := manager.Register(s.channelName, s.metacache, WithIDAllocator(s.allocator))
 		s.NotPanics(func() {
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/mock_manager.go b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/mock_manager.go
index 9c2e1490a0..d58830cc1e 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/mock_manager.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/mock_manager.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Code generated by mockery v2.30.1. DO NOT EDIT.
+// Code generated by mockery v2.32.4. DO NOT EDIT.
 package writebuffer
@@ -278,20 +278,20 @@ func (_c *MockBufferManager_NotifyCheckpointUpdated_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(
 	return _c
-// Register provides a mock function with given fields: channel, _a1, storageV2Cache, opts
-func (_m *MockBufferManager) Register(channel string, _a1 metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, opts ...WriteBufferOption) error {
+// Register provides a mock function with given fields: channel, _a1, opts
+func (_m *MockBufferManager) Register(channel string, _a1 metacache.MetaCache, opts ...WriteBufferOption) error {
 	_va := make([]interface{}, len(opts))
 	for _i := range opts {
 		_va[_i] = opts[_i]
 	var _ca []interface{}
-	_ca = append(_ca, channel, _a1, storageV2Cache)
+	_ca = append(_ca, channel, _a1)
 	_ca = append(_ca, _va...)
 	ret := _m.Called(_ca...)
 	var r0 error
-	if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string, metacache.MetaCache, *metacache.StorageV2Cache, ...WriteBufferOption) error); ok {
-		r0 = rf(channel, _a1, storageV2Cache, opts...)
+	if rf, ok := ret.Get(0).(func(string, metacache.MetaCache, ...WriteBufferOption) error); ok {
+		r0 = rf(channel, _a1, opts...)
 	} else {
 		r0 = ret.Error(0)
@@ -307,22 +307,21 @@ type MockBufferManager_Register_Call struct {
 // Register is a helper method to define mock.On call
 //   - channel string
 //   - _a1 metacache.MetaCache
-//   - storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache
 //   - opts ...WriteBufferOption
-func (_e *MockBufferManager_Expecter) Register(channel interface{}, _a1 interface{}, storageV2Cache interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *MockBufferManager_Register_Call {
+func (_e *MockBufferManager_Expecter) Register(channel interface{}, _a1 interface{}, opts ...interface{}) *MockBufferManager_Register_Call {
 	return &MockBufferManager_Register_Call{Call: _e.mock.On("Register",
-		append([]interface{}{channel, _a1, storageV2Cache}, opts...)...)}
+		append([]interface{}{channel, _a1}, opts...)...)}
-func (_c *MockBufferManager_Register_Call) Run(run func(channel string, _a1 metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, opts ...WriteBufferOption)) *MockBufferManager_Register_Call {
+func (_c *MockBufferManager_Register_Call) Run(run func(channel string, _a1 metacache.MetaCache, opts ...WriteBufferOption)) *MockBufferManager_Register_Call {
 	_c.Call.Run(func(args mock.Arguments) {
-		variadicArgs := make([]WriteBufferOption, len(args)-3)
-		for i, a := range args[3:] {
+		variadicArgs := make([]WriteBufferOption, len(args)-2)
+		for i, a := range args[2:] {
 			if a != nil {
 				variadicArgs[i] = a.(WriteBufferOption)
-		run(args[0].(string), args[1].(metacache.MetaCache), args[2].(*metacache.StorageV2Cache), variadicArgs...)
+		run(args[0].(string), args[1].(metacache.MetaCache), variadicArgs...)
 	return _c
@@ -332,7 +331,7 @@ func (_c *MockBufferManager_Register_Call) Return(_a0 error) *MockBufferManager_
 	return _c
-func (_c *MockBufferManager_Register_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string, metacache.MetaCache, *metacache.StorageV2Cache, ...WriteBufferOption) error) *MockBufferManager_Register_Call {
+func (_c *MockBufferManager_Register_Call) RunAndReturn(run func(string, metacache.MetaCache, ...WriteBufferOption) error) *MockBufferManager_Register_Call {
 	return _c
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/write_buffer.go b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/write_buffer.go
index 7788465af5..acd679583e 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/write_buffer.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/write_buffer.go
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import (
-	""
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ func (c *checkpointCandidates) GetEarliestWithDefault(def *checkpointCandidate)
 	return result
-func NewWriteBuffer(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, syncMgr syncmgr.SyncManager, opts ...WriteBufferOption) (WriteBuffer, error) {
+func NewWriteBuffer(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, syncMgr syncmgr.SyncManager, opts ...WriteBufferOption) (WriteBuffer, error) {
 	option := defaultWBOption(metacache)
 	for _, opt := range opts {
@@ -108,9 +107,9 @@ func NewWriteBuffer(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cach
 	switch option.deletePolicy {
 	case DeletePolicyBFPkOracle:
-		return NewBFWriteBuffer(channel, metacache, storageV2Cache, syncMgr, option)
+		return NewBFWriteBuffer(channel, metacache, syncMgr, option)
 	case DeletePolicyL0Delta:
-		return NewL0WriteBuffer(channel, metacache, storageV2Cache, syncMgr, option)
+		return NewL0WriteBuffer(channel, metacache, syncMgr, option)
 		return nil, merr.WrapErrParameterInvalid("valid delete policy config", option.deletePolicy)
@@ -140,34 +139,23 @@ type writeBufferBase struct {
 	checkpoint     *msgpb.MsgPosition
 	flushTimestamp *atomic.Uint64
-	storagev2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache
 	// pre build logger
 	logger        *log.MLogger
 	cpRatedLogger *log.MLogger
-func newWriteBufferBase(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, storageV2Cache *metacache.StorageV2Cache, syncMgr syncmgr.SyncManager, option *writeBufferOption) (*writeBufferBase, error) {
+func newWriteBufferBase(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, syncMgr syncmgr.SyncManager, option *writeBufferOption) (*writeBufferBase, error) {
 	flushTs := atomic.NewUint64(nonFlushTS)
 	flushTsPolicy := GetFlushTsPolicy(flushTs, metacache)
 	option.syncPolicies = append(option.syncPolicies, flushTsPolicy)
 	var serializer syncmgr.Serializer
 	var err error
-	if params.Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-		serializer, err = syncmgr.NewStorageV2Serializer(
-			storageV2Cache,
-			option.idAllocator,
-			metacache,
-			option.metaWriter,
-		)
-	} else {
-		serializer, err = syncmgr.NewStorageSerializer(
-			option.idAllocator,
-			metacache,
-			option.metaWriter,
-		)
-	}
+	serializer, err = syncmgr.NewStorageSerializer(
+		option.idAllocator,
+		metacache,
+		option.metaWriter,
+	)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, err
@@ -201,7 +189,6 @@ func newWriteBufferBase(channel string, metacache metacache.MetaCache, storageV2
 		syncCheckpoint:   newCheckpointCandiates(),
 		syncPolicies:     option.syncPolicies,
 		flushTimestamp:   flushTs,
-		storagev2Cache:   storageV2Cache,
 	wb.logger = log.With(zap.Int64("collectionID", wb.collectionID),
@@ -660,8 +647,6 @@ func (wb *writeBufferBase) Close(ctx context.Context, drop bool) {
 		switch t := syncTask.(type) {
 		case *syncmgr.SyncTask:
-		case *syncmgr.SyncTaskV2:
-			t.WithDrop()
 		f := wb.syncMgr.SyncData(ctx, syncTask, func(err error) error {
diff --git a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/write_buffer_test.go b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/write_buffer_test.go
index 09e5084161..f9812a9558 100644
--- a/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/write_buffer_test.go
+++ b/internal/flushcommon/writebuffer/write_buffer_test.go
@@ -22,13 +22,12 @@ import (
 type WriteBufferSuite struct {
-	collID       int64
-	channelName  string
-	collSchema   *schemapb.CollectionSchema
-	wb           *writeBufferBase
-	syncMgr      *syncmgr.MockSyncManager
-	metacache    *metacache.MockMetaCache
-	storageCache *metacache.StorageV2Cache
+	collID      int64
+	channelName string
+	collSchema  *schemapb.CollectionSchema
+	wb          *writeBufferBase
+	syncMgr     *syncmgr.MockSyncManager
+	metacache   *metacache.MockMetaCache
 func (s *WriteBufferSuite) SetupSuite() {
@@ -47,14 +46,12 @@ func (s *WriteBufferSuite) SetupSuite() {
 func (s *WriteBufferSuite) SetupTest() {
-	storageCache, err := metacache.NewStorageV2Cache(s.collSchema)
-	s.Require().NoError(err)
-	s.storageCache = storageCache
 	s.syncMgr = syncmgr.NewMockSyncManager(s.T())
 	s.metacache = metacache.NewMockMetaCache(s.T())
-	s.wb, err = newWriteBufferBase(s.channelName, s.metacache, storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
+	var err error
+	s.wb, err = newWriteBufferBase(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
 		pkStatsFactory: func(vchannel *datapb.SegmentInfo) *metacache.BloomFilterSet {
 			return metacache.NewBloomFilterSet()
@@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestDefaultOption() {
 	s.Run("default BFPkOracle", func() {
 		paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().DataCoordCfg.EnableLevelZeroSegment.Key, "false")
 		defer paramtable.Get().Reset(paramtable.Get().DataCoordCfg.EnableLevelZeroSegment.Key)
-		wb, err := NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr)
+		wb, err := NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr)
 		_, ok := wb.(*bfWriteBuffer)
@@ -75,7 +72,7 @@ func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestDefaultOption() {
 	s.Run("default L0Delta policy", func() {
 		paramtable.Get().Save(paramtable.Get().DataCoordCfg.EnableLevelZeroSegment.Key, "true")
 		defer paramtable.Get().Reset(paramtable.Get().DataCoordCfg.EnableLevelZeroSegment.Key)
-		wb, err := NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, WithIDAllocator(allocator.NewMockGIDAllocator()))
+		wb, err := NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, WithIDAllocator(allocator.NewMockGIDAllocator()))
 		_, ok := wb.(*l0WriteBuffer)
@@ -83,18 +80,18 @@ func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestDefaultOption() {
 func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestWriteBufferType() {
-	wb, err := NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, WithDeletePolicy(DeletePolicyBFPkOracle))
+	wb, err := NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, WithDeletePolicy(DeletePolicyBFPkOracle))
 	_, ok := wb.(*bfWriteBuffer)
-	wb, err = NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, WithDeletePolicy(DeletePolicyL0Delta), WithIDAllocator(allocator.NewMockGIDAllocator()))
+	wb, err = NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, WithDeletePolicy(DeletePolicyL0Delta), WithIDAllocator(allocator.NewMockGIDAllocator()))
 	_, ok = wb.(*l0WriteBuffer)
-	_, err = NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, WithDeletePolicy(""))
+	_, err = NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, WithDeletePolicy(""))
@@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestFlushSegments() {
 	s.metacache.EXPECT().UpdateSegments(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return()
 	s.metacache.EXPECT().GetSegmentByID(mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil, true)
-	wb, err := NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, WithDeletePolicy(DeletePolicyBFPkOracle))
+	wb, err := NewWriteBuffer(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, WithDeletePolicy(DeletePolicyBFPkOracle))
 	err = wb.SealSegments(context.Background(), []int64{segmentID})
@@ -265,7 +262,7 @@ func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestGetCheckpoint() {
 func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestSyncSegmentsError() {
-	wb, err := newWriteBufferBase(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
+	wb, err := newWriteBufferBase(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
 		pkStatsFactory: func(vchannel *datapb.SegmentInfo) *metacache.BloomFilterSet {
 			return metacache.NewBloomFilterSet()
@@ -298,7 +295,7 @@ func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestSyncSegmentsError() {
 func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestEvictBuffer() {
-	wb, err := newWriteBufferBase(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
+	wb, err := newWriteBufferBase(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
 		pkStatsFactory: func(vchannel *datapb.SegmentInfo) *metacache.BloomFilterSet {
 			return metacache.NewBloomFilterSet()
@@ -367,7 +364,7 @@ func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestEvictBuffer() {
 func (s *WriteBufferSuite) TestDropPartitions() {
-	wb, err := newWriteBufferBase(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.storageCache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
+	wb, err := newWriteBufferBase(s.channelName, s.metacache, s.syncMgr, &writeBufferOption{
 		pkStatsFactory: func(vchannel *datapb.SegmentInfo) *metacache.BloomFilterSet {
 			return metacache.NewBloomFilterSet()
diff --git a/internal/indexnode/indexnode_service.go b/internal/indexnode/indexnode_service.go
index e1eee6280c..cdc8f76901 100644
--- a/internal/indexnode/indexnode_service.go
+++ b/internal/indexnode/indexnode_service.go
@@ -97,12 +97,7 @@ func (i *IndexNode) CreateJob(ctx context.Context, req *indexpb.CreateJobRequest
 		metrics.IndexNodeBuildIndexTaskCounter.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID()), metrics.FailLabel).Inc()
 		return merr.Status(err), nil
-	var task task
-	if Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-		task = newIndexBuildTaskV2(taskCtx, taskCancel, req, i)
-	} else {
-		task = newIndexBuildTask(taskCtx, taskCancel, req, cm, i)
-	}
+	task := newIndexBuildTask(taskCtx, taskCancel, req, cm, i)
 	ret := merr.Success()
 	if err := i.sched.TaskQueue.Enqueue(task); err != nil {
 		log.Warn("IndexNode failed to schedule",
@@ -327,12 +322,7 @@ func (i *IndexNode) CreateJobV2(ctx context.Context, req *indexpb.CreateJobV2Req
 			metrics.IndexNodeBuildIndexTaskCounter.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID()), metrics.FailLabel).Inc()
 			return merr.Status(err), nil
-		var task task
-		if Params.CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-			task = newIndexBuildTaskV2(taskCtx, taskCancel, indexRequest, i)
-		} else {
-			task = newIndexBuildTask(taskCtx, taskCancel, indexRequest, cm, i)
-		}
+		task := newIndexBuildTask(taskCtx, taskCancel, indexRequest, cm, i)
 		ret := merr.Success()
 		if err := i.sched.TaskQueue.Enqueue(task); err != nil {
 			log.Warn("IndexNode failed to schedule",
diff --git a/internal/indexnode/task_index.go b/internal/indexnode/task_index.go
index bc3843cc4a..1848fdd693 100644
--- a/internal/indexnode/task_index.go
+++ b/internal/indexnode/task_index.go
@@ -43,187 +43,6 @@ import (
-type indexBuildTaskV2 struct {
-	*indexBuildTask
-func newIndexBuildTaskV2(ctx context.Context,
-	cancel context.CancelFunc,
-	req *indexpb.CreateJobRequest,
-	node *IndexNode,
-) *indexBuildTaskV2 {
-	t := &indexBuildTaskV2{
-		indexBuildTask: &indexBuildTask{
-			ident:  fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", req.GetClusterID(), req.GetBuildID()),
-			cancel: cancel,
-			ctx:    ctx,
-			req:    req,
-			tr:     timerecord.NewTimeRecorder(fmt.Sprintf("IndexBuildID: %d, ClusterID: %s", req.GetBuildID(), req.GetClusterID())),
-			node:   node,
-		},
-	}
-	t.parseParams()
-	return t
-func (it *indexBuildTaskV2) parseParams() {
-	// fill field for requests before v2.5.0
-	if it.req.GetField() == nil || it.req.GetField().GetDataType() == schemapb.DataType_None {
-		it.req.Field = &schemapb.FieldSchema{
-			FieldID:  it.req.GetFieldID(),
-			Name:     it.req.GetFieldName(),
-			DataType: it.req.GetFieldType(),
-		}
-	}
-func (it *indexBuildTaskV2) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
-	log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(zap.String("clusterID", it.req.GetClusterID()), zap.Int64("buildID", it.req.GetBuildID()),
-		zap.Int64("collection", it.req.GetCollectionID()), zap.Int64("segmentID", it.req.GetSegmentID()),
-		zap.Int32("currentIndexVersion", it.req.GetCurrentIndexVersion()))
-	indexType := it.newIndexParams[common.IndexTypeKey]
-	if indexType == indexparamcheck.IndexDISKANN {
-		// check index node support disk index
-		if !Params.IndexNodeCfg.EnableDisk.GetAsBool() {
-			log.Warn("IndexNode don't support build disk index",
-				zap.String("index type", it.newIndexParams[common.IndexTypeKey]),
-				zap.Bool("enable disk", Params.IndexNodeCfg.EnableDisk.GetAsBool()))
-			return merr.WrapErrIndexNotSupported("disk index")
-		}
-		// check load size and size of field data
-		localUsedSize, err := indexcgowrapper.GetLocalUsedSize(paramtable.Get().LocalStorageCfg.Path.GetValue())
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Warn("IndexNode get local used size failed")
-			return err
-		}
-		fieldDataSize, err := estimateFieldDataSize(it.req.GetDim(), it.req.GetNumRows(), it.req.GetField().GetDataType())
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Warn("IndexNode get local used size failed")
-			return err
-		}
-		usedLocalSizeWhenBuild := int64(float64(fieldDataSize)*diskUsageRatio) + localUsedSize
-		maxUsedLocalSize := int64(Params.IndexNodeCfg.DiskCapacityLimit.GetAsFloat() * Params.IndexNodeCfg.MaxDiskUsagePercentage.GetAsFloat())
-		if usedLocalSizeWhenBuild > maxUsedLocalSize {
-			log.Warn("IndexNode don't has enough disk size to build disk ann index",
-				zap.Int64("usedLocalSizeWhenBuild", usedLocalSizeWhenBuild),
-				zap.Int64("maxUsedLocalSize", maxUsedLocalSize))
-			return merr.WrapErrServiceDiskLimitExceeded(float32(usedLocalSizeWhenBuild), float32(maxUsedLocalSize))
-		}
-		err = indexparams.SetDiskIndexBuildParams(it.newIndexParams, int64(fieldDataSize))
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Warn("failed to fill disk index params", zap.Error(err))
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	storageConfig := &indexcgopb.StorageConfig{
-		Address:          it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetAddress(),
-		AccessKeyID:      it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetAccessKeyID(),
-		SecretAccessKey:  it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetSecretAccessKey(),
-		UseSSL:           it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetUseSSL(),
-		BucketName:       it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetBucketName(),
-		RootPath:         it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetRootPath(),
-		UseIAM:           it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetUseIAM(),
-		IAMEndpoint:      it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetIAMEndpoint(),
-		StorageType:      it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetStorageType(),
-		UseVirtualHost:   it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetUseVirtualHost(),
-		Region:           it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetRegion(),
-		CloudProvider:    it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetCloudProvider(),
-		RequestTimeoutMs: it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetRequestTimeoutMs(),
-		SslCACert:        it.req.GetStorageConfig().GetSslCACert(),
-	}
-	optFields := make([]*indexcgopb.OptionalFieldInfo, 0, len(it.req.GetOptionalScalarFields()))
-	for _, optField := range it.req.GetOptionalScalarFields() {
-		optFields = append(optFields, &indexcgopb.OptionalFieldInfo{
-			FieldID:   optField.GetFieldID(),
-			FieldName: optField.GetFieldName(),
-			FieldType: optField.GetFieldType(),
-			DataPaths: optField.GetDataPaths(),
-		})
-	}
-	buildIndexParams := &indexcgopb.BuildIndexInfo{
-		ClusterID:             it.req.GetClusterID(),
-		BuildID:               it.req.GetBuildID(),
-		CollectionID:          it.req.GetCollectionID(),
-		PartitionID:           it.req.GetPartitionID(),
-		SegmentID:             it.req.GetSegmentID(),
-		IndexVersion:          it.req.GetIndexVersion(),
-		CurrentIndexVersion:   it.req.GetCurrentIndexVersion(),
-		NumRows:               it.req.GetNumRows(),
-		Dim:                   it.req.GetDim(),
-		IndexFilePrefix:       it.req.GetIndexFilePrefix(),
-		InsertFiles:           it.req.GetDataPaths(),
-		FieldSchema:           it.req.GetField(),
-		StorageConfig:         storageConfig,
-		IndexParams:           mapToKVPairs(it.newIndexParams),
-		TypeParams:            mapToKVPairs(it.newTypeParams),
-		StorePath:             it.req.GetStorePath(),
-		StoreVersion:          it.req.GetStoreVersion(),
-		IndexStorePath:        it.req.GetIndexStorePath(),
-		OptFields:             optFields,
-		PartitionKeyIsolation: it.req.GetPartitionKeyIsolation(),
-	}
-	var err error
-	it.index, err = indexcgowrapper.CreateIndexV2(ctx, buildIndexParams)
-	if err != nil {
-		if it.index != nil && it.index.CleanLocalData() != nil {
-			log.Warn("failed to clean cached data on disk after build index failed")
-		}
-		log.Warn("failed to build index", zap.Error(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	buildIndexLatency :=
-	metrics.IndexNodeKnowhereBuildIndexLatency.WithLabelValues(strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10)).Observe(float64(buildIndexLatency.Milliseconds()))
-	log.Info("Successfully build index")
-	return nil
-func (it *indexBuildTaskV2) PostExecute(ctx context.Context) error {
-	log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(zap.String("clusterID", it.req.GetClusterID()), zap.Int64("buildID", it.req.GetBuildID()),
-		zap.Int64("collection", it.req.GetCollectionID()), zap.Int64("segmentID", it.req.GetSegmentID()),
-		zap.Int32("currentIndexVersion", it.req.GetCurrentIndexVersion()))
-	gcIndex := func() {
-		if err := it.index.Delete(); err != nil {
-			log.Warn("IndexNode indexBuildTask Execute CIndexDelete failed", zap.Error(err))
-		}
-	}
-	version, err := it.index.UpLoadV2()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warn("failed to upload index", zap.Error(err))
-		gcIndex()
-		return err
-	}
-	encodeIndexFileDur :="index serialize and upload done")
-	metrics.IndexNodeEncodeIndexFileLatency.WithLabelValues(strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10)).Observe(encodeIndexFileDur.Seconds())
-	// early release index for gc, and we can ensure that Delete is idempotent.
-	gcIndex()
-	// use serialized size before encoding
-	var serializedSize uint64
-	saveFileKeys := make([]string, 0)
-	it.node.storeIndexFilesAndStatisticV2(it.req.GetClusterID(), it.req.GetBuildID(), saveFileKeys, serializedSize, it.req.GetCurrentIndexVersion(), version)
-	log.Debug("save index files done", zap.Strings("IndexFiles", saveFileKeys))
-	saveIndexFileDur :=
-	metrics.IndexNodeSaveIndexFileLatency.WithLabelValues(strconv.FormatInt(paramtable.GetNodeID(), 10)).Observe(saveIndexFileDur.Seconds())
-"index building all done")
-	log.Info("Successfully save index files")
-	return nil
 // IndexBuildTask is used to record the information of the index tasks.
 type indexBuildTask struct {
 	ident  string
diff --git a/internal/indexnode/task_test.go b/internal/indexnode/task_test.go
index 28de64275f..6deacd5f7e 100644
--- a/internal/indexnode/task_test.go
+++ b/internal/indexnode/task_test.go
@@ -20,21 +20,14 @@ import (
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
-	""
-	""
@@ -139,105 +132,6 @@ func TestIndexBuildTask(t *testing.T) {
 	suite.Run(t, new(IndexBuildTaskSuite))
-type IndexBuildTaskV2Suite struct {
-	suite.Suite
-	schema      *schemapb.CollectionSchema
-	arrowSchema *arrow.Schema
-	space       *milvus_storage.Space
-func (suite *IndexBuildTaskV2Suite) SetupSuite() {
-	paramtable.Init()
-func (suite *IndexBuildTaskV2Suite) SetupTest() {
-	suite.schema = &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
-		Name:        "test",
-		Description: "test",
-		AutoID:      false,
-		Fields: []*schemapb.FieldSchema{
-			{FieldID: 1, Name: "pk", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64, IsPrimaryKey: true},
-			{FieldID: 2, Name: "ts", DataType: schemapb.DataType_Int64},
-			{FieldID: 3, Name: "vec", DataType: schemapb.DataType_FloatVector, TypeParams: []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "1"}}},
-		},
-	}
-	var err error
-	suite.arrowSchema, err = typeutil.ConvertToArrowSchema(suite.schema.Fields)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	tmpDir := suite.T().TempDir()
-	opt := options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().
-		SetSchema(schema.NewSchema(
-			suite.arrowSchema,
-			&schema.SchemaOptions{
-				PrimaryColumn: "pk",
-				VectorColumn:  "vec",
-				VersionColumn: "ts",
-			})).
-		Build()
-, err = milvus_storage.Open("file://"+tmpDir, opt)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	b := array.NewRecordBuilder(memory.DefaultAllocator, suite.arrowSchema)
-	defer b.Release()
-	b.Field(0).(*array.Int64Builder).AppendValues([]int64{1}, nil)
-	b.Field(1).(*array.Int64Builder).AppendValues([]int64{1}, nil)
-	fb := b.Field(2).(*array.FixedSizeBinaryBuilder)
-	fb.Reserve(1)
-	fb.Append([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4})
-	rec := b.NewRecord()
-	defer rec.Release()
-	reader, err := array.NewRecordReader(suite.arrowSchema, []arrow.Record{rec})
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	err =, &options.DefaultWriteOptions)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-func (suite *IndexBuildTaskV2Suite) TestBuildIndex() {
-	req := &indexpb.CreateJobRequest{
-		BuildID:      1,
-		IndexVersion: 1,
-		IndexID:      0,
-		IndexName:    "",
-		IndexParams:  []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: common.IndexTypeKey, Value: "FLAT"}, {Key: common.MetricTypeKey, Value: metric.L2}, {Key: common.DimKey, Value: "1"}},
-		TypeParams:   []*commonpb.KeyValuePair{{Key: "dim", Value: "1"}},
-		NumRows:      10,
-		StorageConfig: &indexpb.StorageConfig{
-			RootPath:    "/tmp/milvus/data",
-			StorageType: "local",
-		},
-		CollectionID:   1,
-		PartitionID:    1,
-		SegmentID:      1,
-		FieldID:        3,
-		FieldName:      "vec",
-		FieldType:      schemapb.DataType_FloatVector,
-		StorePath:      "file://" +,
-		StoreVersion:,
-		IndexStorePath: "file://" +,
-		Dim:            4,
-		OptionalScalarFields: []*indexpb.OptionalFieldInfo{
-			{FieldID: 1, FieldName: "pk", FieldType: 5, DataIds: []int64{0}},
-		},
-	}
-	task := newIndexBuildTaskV2(context.Background(), nil, req, NewIndexNode(context.Background(), dependency.NewDefaultFactory(true)))
-	var err error
-	err = task.PreExecute(context.Background())
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	err = task.Execute(context.Background())
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	err = task.PostExecute(context.Background())
-	suite.NoError(err)
-func TestIndexBuildTaskV2Suite(t *testing.T) {
-	suite.Run(t, new(IndexBuildTaskV2Suite))
 type AnalyzeTaskSuite struct {
 	schema       *schemapb.CollectionSchema
diff --git a/internal/querynodev2/segments/load_index_info.go b/internal/querynodev2/segments/load_index_info.go
index f733d8c181..5b9a072d02 100644
--- a/internal/querynodev2/segments/load_index_info.go
+++ b/internal/querynodev2/segments/load_index_info.go
@@ -222,13 +222,9 @@ func (li *LoadIndexInfo) appendIndexData(ctx context.Context, indexKeys []string
 	var status C.CStatus
 	GetLoadPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
-		if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-			status = C.AppendIndexV3(li.cLoadIndexInfo)
-		} else {
-			traceCtx := ParseCTraceContext(ctx)
-			status = C.AppendIndexV2(traceCtx.ctx, li.cLoadIndexInfo)
-			runtime.KeepAlive(traceCtx)
-		}
+		traceCtx := ParseCTraceContext(ctx)
+		status = C.AppendIndexV2(traceCtx.ctx, li.cLoadIndexInfo)
+		runtime.KeepAlive(traceCtx)
 		return nil, nil
@@ -265,13 +261,9 @@ func (li *LoadIndexInfo) finish(ctx context.Context, info *cgopb.LoadIndexInfo)
 	_, _ = GetLoadPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
-		if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-			status = C.AppendIndexV3(li.cLoadIndexInfo)
-		} else {
-			traceCtx := ParseCTraceContext(ctx)
-			status = C.AppendIndexV2(traceCtx.ctx, li.cLoadIndexInfo)
-			runtime.KeepAlive(traceCtx)
-		}
+		traceCtx := ParseCTraceContext(ctx)
+		status = C.AppendIndexV2(traceCtx.ctx, li.cLoadIndexInfo)
+		runtime.KeepAlive(traceCtx)
 		return nil, nil
diff --git a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment.go b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment.go
index dd3ca8eb27..3941a3ed01 100644
--- a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment.go
+++ b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment.go
@@ -29,12 +29,10 @@ import "C"
 import (
-	"io"
-	""
@@ -44,8 +42,6 @@ import (
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
@@ -55,7 +51,6 @@ import (
-	typeutil_internal ""
@@ -259,7 +254,6 @@ type LocalSegment struct {
 	lastDeltaTimestamp *atomic.Uint64
 	fields             *typeutil.ConcurrentMap[int64, *FieldInfo]
 	fieldIndexes       *typeutil.ConcurrentMap[int64, *IndexedFieldInfo]
-	space              *milvus_storage.Space
 func NewSegment(ctx context.Context,
@@ -336,76 +330,6 @@ func NewSegment(ctx context.Context,
 	return segment, nil
-func NewSegmentV2(
-	ctx context.Context,
-	collection *Collection,
-	segmentType SegmentType,
-	version int64,
-	loadInfo *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo,
-) (Segment, error) {
-	/*
-		CSegmentInterface
-		NewSegment(CCollection collection, uint64_t segment_id, SegmentType seg_type);
-	*/
-	if loadInfo.GetLevel() == datapb.SegmentLevel_L0 {
-		return NewL0Segment(collection, segmentType, version, loadInfo)
-	}
-	base, err := newBaseSegment(collection, segmentType, version, loadInfo)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	var segmentPtr C.CSegmentInterface
-	var status C.CStatus
-	var locker *state.LoadStateLock
-	switch segmentType {
-	case SegmentTypeSealed:
-		status = C.NewSegment(collection.collectionPtr, C.Sealed, C.int64_t(loadInfo.GetSegmentID()), &segmentPtr)
-		locker = state.NewLoadStateLock(state.LoadStateOnlyMeta)
-	case SegmentTypeGrowing:
-		status = C.NewSegment(collection.collectionPtr, C.Growing, C.int64_t(loadInfo.GetSegmentID()), &segmentPtr)
-		locker = state.NewLoadStateLock(state.LoadStateDataLoaded)
-	default:
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal segment type %d when create segment %d", segmentType, loadInfo.GetSegmentID())
-	}
-	if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "NewSegmentFailed"); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	log.Info("create segment",
-		zap.Int64("collectionID", loadInfo.GetCollectionID()),
-		zap.Int64("partitionID", loadInfo.GetPartitionID()),
-		zap.Int64("segmentID", loadInfo.GetSegmentID()),
-		zap.String("segmentType", segmentType.String()))
-	url, err := typeutil_internal.GetStorageURI(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), loadInfo.GetSegmentID())
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	space, err := milvus_storage.Open(url, options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().SetVersion(loadInfo.GetStorageVersion()).Build())
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	segment := &LocalSegment{
-		baseSegment:        base,
-		ptrLock:            locker,
-		ptr:                segmentPtr,
-		lastDeltaTimestamp: atomic.NewUint64(0),
-		fields:             typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *FieldInfo](),
-		fieldIndexes:       typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *IndexedFieldInfo](),
-		space:              space,
-		memSize:            atomic.NewInt64(-1),
-		rowNum:             atomic.NewInt64(-1),
-		insertCount:        atomic.NewInt64(0),
-	}
-	if err := segment.initializeSegment(); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return segment, nil
 func (s *LocalSegment) initializeSegment() error {
 	loadInfo := s.loadInfo.Load()
 	indexedFieldInfos, fieldBinlogs := separateIndexAndBinlog(loadInfo)
@@ -932,18 +856,7 @@ func (s *LocalSegment) LoadMultiFieldData(ctx context.Context) error {
 	var status C.CStatus
 	GetLoadPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
-		if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-			uri, err := typeutil_internal.GetStorageURI(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), s.ID())
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			loadFieldDataInfo.appendURI(uri)
-			loadFieldDataInfo.appendStorageVersion(
-			status = C.LoadFieldDataV2(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
-		} else {
-			status = C.LoadFieldData(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
-		}
+		status = C.LoadFieldData(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
 		return nil, nil
 	if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "LoadMultiFieldData failed",
@@ -1019,18 +932,7 @@ func (s *LocalSegment) LoadFieldData(ctx context.Context, fieldID int64, rowCoun
 	var status C.CStatus
 	GetLoadPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
 		log.Info("submitted loadFieldData task to load pool")
-		if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-			uri, err := typeutil_internal.GetStorageURI(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), s.ID())
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			loadFieldDataInfo.appendURI(uri)
-			loadFieldDataInfo.appendStorageVersion(
-			status = C.LoadFieldDataV2(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
-		} else {
-			status = C.LoadFieldData(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
-		}
+		status = C.LoadFieldData(s.ptr, loadFieldDataInfo.cLoadFieldDataInfo)
 		return nil, nil
 	if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "LoadFieldData failed",
@@ -1046,95 +948,6 @@ func (s *LocalSegment) LoadFieldData(ctx context.Context, fieldID int64, rowCoun
 	return nil
-func (s *LocalSegment) LoadDeltaData2(ctx context.Context, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) error {
-	deleteReader, err :=
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if !deleteReader.Schema().HasField(common.TimeStampFieldName) {
-		return fmt.Errorf("can not read timestamp field in space")
-	}
-	pkFieldSchema, err := typeutil.GetPrimaryFieldSchema(schema)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	ids := &schemapb.IDs{}
-	var pkint64s []int64
-	var pkstrings []string
-	var tss []int64
-	for deleteReader.Next() {
-		rec := deleteReader.Record()
-		indices := rec.Schema().FieldIndices(common.TimeStampFieldName)
-		tss = append(tss, rec.Column(indices[0]).(*array.Int64).Int64Values()...)
-		indices = rec.Schema().FieldIndices(pkFieldSchema.Name)
-		switch pkFieldSchema.DataType {
-		case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
-			pkint64s = append(pkint64s, rec.Column(indices[0]).(*array.Int64).Int64Values()...)
-		case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
-			columnData := rec.Column(indices[0]).(*array.String)
-			for i := 0; i < columnData.Len(); i++ {
-				pkstrings = append(pkstrings, columnData.Value(i))
-			}
-		default:
-			return fmt.Errorf("unknown data type %v", pkFieldSchema.DataType)
-		}
-	}
-	if err := deleteReader.Err(); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
-		return err
-	}
-	switch pkFieldSchema.DataType {
-	case schemapb.DataType_Int64:
-		ids.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_IntId{
-			IntId: &schemapb.LongArray{
-				Data: pkint64s,
-			},
-		}
-	case schemapb.DataType_VarChar:
-		ids.IdField = &schemapb.IDs_StrId{
-			StrId: &schemapb.StringArray{
-				Data: pkstrings,
-			},
-		}
-	default:
-		return fmt.Errorf("unknown data type %v", pkFieldSchema.DataType)
-	}
-	idsBlob, err := proto.Marshal(ids)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if len(tss) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	loadInfo := C.CLoadDeletedRecordInfo{
-		timestamps:        unsafe.Pointer(&tss[0]),
-		primary_keys:      (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&idsBlob[0])),
-		primary_keys_size: C.uint64_t(len(idsBlob)),
-		row_count:         C.int64_t(len(tss)),
-	}
-	/*
-		CStatus
-		LoadDeletedRecord(CSegmentInterface c_segment, CLoadDeletedRecordInfo deleted_record_info)
-	*/
-	var status C.CStatus
-	GetDynamicPool().Submit(func() (any, error) {
-		status = C.LoadDeletedRecord(s.ptr, loadInfo)
-		return nil, nil
-	}).Await()
-	if err := HandleCStatus(ctx, &status, "LoadDeletedRecord failed"); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	log.Info("load deleted record done",
-		zap.Int("rowNum", len(tss)),
-		zap.String("segmentType", s.Type().String()))
-	return nil
 func (s *LocalSegment) AddFieldDataInfo(ctx context.Context, rowCount int64, fields []*datapb.FieldBinlog) error {
 	if !s.ptrLock.RLockIf(state.IsNotReleased) {
 		return merr.WrapErrSegmentNotLoaded(s.ID(), "segment released")
@@ -1331,13 +1144,6 @@ func (s *LocalSegment) LoadIndex(ctx context.Context, indexInfo *querypb.FieldIn
 		IndexStoreVersion:  indexInfo.GetIndexStoreVersion(),
-	if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-		uri, err := typeutil_internal.GetStorageURI(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), s.ID())
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		indexInfoProto.Uri = uri
-	}
 	newLoadIndexInfoSpan := tr.RecordSpan()
 	// 2.
diff --git a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_interface.go b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_interface.go
index 9489f87b32..164395b206 100644
--- a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_interface.go
+++ b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_interface.go
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
-	""
@@ -79,7 +78,6 @@ type Segment interface {
 	Insert(ctx context.Context, rowIDs []int64, timestamps []typeutil.Timestamp, record *segcorepb.InsertRecord) error
 	Delete(ctx context.Context, primaryKeys []storage.PrimaryKey, timestamps []typeutil.Timestamp) error
 	LoadDeltaData(ctx context.Context, deltaData *storage.DeleteData) error
-	LoadDeltaData2(ctx context.Context, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) error // storageV2
 	LastDeltaTimestamp() uint64
 	Release(ctx context.Context, opts ...releaseOption)
diff --git a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_l0.go b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_l0.go
index 8a41f5316a..5119e64c66 100644
--- a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_l0.go
+++ b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_l0.go
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import (
-	""
@@ -161,10 +160,6 @@ func (s *L0Segment) LoadDeltaData(ctx context.Context, deltaData *storage.Delete
 	return nil
-func (s *L0Segment) LoadDeltaData2(ctx context.Context, schema *schemapb.CollectionSchema) error {
-	return merr.WrapErrServiceInternal("not implemented")
 func (s *L0Segment) DeleteRecords() ([]storage.PrimaryKey, []uint64) {
 	defer s.dataGuard.RUnlock()
diff --git a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_loader.go b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_loader.go
index 97db9173d4..0b455ec1cf 100644
--- a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_loader.go
+++ b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_loader.go
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import "C"
 import (
-	"io"
@@ -43,14 +42,11 @@ import (
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
-	typeutil_internal ""
@@ -126,406 +122,6 @@ type resourceEstimateFactor struct {
 	deltaDataExpansionFactor float64
-type segmentLoaderV2 struct {
-	*segmentLoader
-func NewLoaderV2(
-	manager *Manager,
-	cm storage.ChunkManager,
-) *segmentLoaderV2 {
-	return &segmentLoaderV2{
-		segmentLoader: NewLoader(manager, cm),
-	}
-func (loader *segmentLoaderV2) LoadDelta(ctx context.Context, collectionID int64, segment Segment) error {
-	collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(collectionID)
-	if collection == nil {
-		err := merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(collectionID)
-		log.Warn("failed to get collection while loading delta", zap.Error(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	return segment.LoadDeltaData2(ctx, collection.Schema())
-func (loader *segmentLoaderV2) Load(ctx context.Context,
-	collectionID int64,
-	segmentType SegmentType,
-	version int64,
-	segments ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo,
-) ([]Segment, error) {
-	log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
-		zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
-		zap.String("segmentType", segmentType.String()),
-	)
-	if len(segments) == 0 {
-		log.Info("no segment to load")
-		return nil, nil
-	}
-	// Filter out loaded & loading segments
-	infos := loader.prepare(ctx, segmentType, segments...)
-	defer loader.unregister(infos...)
-	log = log.With(
-		zap.Int64s("requestSegments", lo.Map(segments, func(s *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) int64 { return s.GetSegmentID() })),
-		zap.Int64s("preparedSegments", lo.Map(infos, func(s *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) int64 { return s.GetSegmentID() })),
-	)
-	// continue to wait other task done
-	log.Info("start loading...", zap.Int("segmentNum", len(segments)), zap.Int("afterFilter", len(infos)))
-	// Check memory & storage limit
-	requestResourceResult, err := loader.requestResource(ctx, infos...)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warn("request resource failed", zap.Error(err))
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	defer loader.freeRequest(requestResourceResult.Resource)
-	newSegments := typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, Segment]()
-	loaded := typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, Segment]()
-	defer func() {
-		newSegments.Range(func(_ int64, s Segment) bool {
-			s.Release(context.Background())
-			return true
-		})
-		debug.FreeOSMemory()
-	}()
-	for _, info := range infos {
-		loadInfo := info
-		collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(loadInfo.GetCollectionID())
-		if collection == nil {
-			err := merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(loadInfo.GetCollectionID())
-			log.Warn("failed to get collection", zap.Error(err))
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		segment, err := NewSegmentV2(ctx, collection, segmentType, version, loadInfo)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Warn("load segment failed when create new segment",
-				zap.Int64("partitionID", loadInfo.GetPartitionID()),
-				zap.Int64("segmentID", loadInfo.GetSegmentID()),
-				zap.Error(err),
-			)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		newSegments.Insert(loadInfo.GetSegmentID(), segment)
-	}
-	loadSegmentFunc := func(idx int) error {
-		loadInfo := infos[idx]
-		partitionID := loadInfo.PartitionID
-		segmentID := loadInfo.SegmentID
-		segment, _ := newSegments.Get(segmentID)
-		metrics.QueryNodeLoadSegmentConcurrency.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID()), "LoadSegment").Inc()
-		defer metrics.QueryNodeLoadSegmentConcurrency.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID()), "LoadSegment").Dec()
-		tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("loadDurationPerSegment")
-		var err error
-		if loadInfo.GetLevel() == datapb.SegmentLevel_L0 {
-			err = loader.LoadDelta(ctx, collectionID, segment)
-		} else {
-			err = loader.LoadSegment(ctx, segment.(*LocalSegment), loadInfo)
-		}
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Warn("load segment failed when load data into memory",
-				zap.Int64("partitionID", partitionID),
-				zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
-				zap.Error(err),
-			)
-			return err
-		}
-		loader.manager.Segment.Put(ctx, segmentType, segment)
-		newSegments.GetAndRemove(segmentID)
-		loaded.Insert(segmentID, segment)
-		log.Info("load segment done", zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID))
-		loader.notifyLoadFinish(loadInfo)
-		metrics.QueryNodeLoadSegmentLatency.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID())).Observe(float64(tr.ElapseSpan().Milliseconds()))
-		return nil
-	}
-	// Start to load,
-	// Make sure we can always benefit from concurrency, and not spawn too many idle goroutines
-	log.Info("start to load segments in parallel",
-		zap.Int("segmentNum", len(infos)),
-		zap.Int("concurrencyLevel", requestResourceResult.ConcurrencyLevel))
-	err = funcutil.ProcessFuncParallel(len(infos),
-		requestResourceResult.ConcurrencyLevel, loadSegmentFunc, "loadSegmentFunc")
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warn("failed to load some segments", zap.Error(err))
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	// Wait for all segments loaded
-	segmentIDs := lo.Map(segments, func(info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) int64 { return info.GetSegmentID() })
-	if err := loader.waitSegmentLoadDone(ctx, segmentType, segmentIDs, version); err != nil {
-		log.Warn("failed to wait the filtered out segments load done", zap.Error(err))
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	log.Info("all segment load done")
-	var result []Segment
-	loaded.Range(func(_ int64, s Segment) bool {
-		result = append(result, s)
-		return true
-	})
-	return result, nil
-func (loader *segmentLoaderV2) LoadBloomFilterSet(ctx context.Context, collectionID int64, version int64, infos ...*querypb.SegmentLoadInfo) ([]*pkoracle.BloomFilterSet, error) {
-	log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
-		zap.Int64("collectionID", collectionID),
-		zap.Int64s("segmentIDs", lo.Map(infos, func(info *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo, _ int) int64 {
-			return info.GetSegmentID()
-		})),
-	)
-	segmentNum := len(infos)
-	if segmentNum == 0 {
-		log.Info("no segment to load")
-		return nil, nil
-	}
-	collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(collectionID)
-	if collection == nil {
-		err := merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(collectionID)
-		log.Warn("failed to get collection while loading segment", zap.Error(err))
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	log.Info("start loading remote...", zap.Int("segmentNum", segmentNum))
-	loadedBfs := typeutil.NewConcurrentSet[*pkoracle.BloomFilterSet]()
-	// TODO check memory for bf size
-	loadRemoteFunc := func(idx int) error {
-		loadInfo := infos[idx]
-		partitionID := loadInfo.PartitionID
-		segmentID := loadInfo.SegmentID
-		bfs := pkoracle.NewBloomFilterSet(segmentID, partitionID, commonpb.SegmentState_Sealed)
-		log.Info("loading bloom filter for remote...")
-		err := loader.loadBloomFilter(ctx, segmentID, bfs, loadInfo.StorageVersion)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Warn("load remote segment bloom filter failed",
-				zap.Int64("partitionID", partitionID),
-				zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
-				zap.Error(err),
-			)
-			return err
-		}
-		loadedBfs.Insert(bfs)
-		return nil
-	}
-	err := funcutil.ProcessFuncParallel(segmentNum, segmentNum, loadRemoteFunc, "loadRemoteFunc")
-	if err != nil {
-		// no partial success here
-		log.Warn("failed to load remote segment", zap.Error(err))
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return loadedBfs.Collect(), nil
-func (loader *segmentLoaderV2) loadBloomFilter(ctx context.Context, segmentID int64, bfs *pkoracle.BloomFilterSet,
-	storeVersion int64,
-) error {
-	log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
-		zap.Int64("segmentID", segmentID),
-	)
-	startTs := time.Now()
-	url, err := typeutil_internal.GetStorageURI(paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.GetValue(), paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.GetValue(), segmentID)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	space, err := milvus_storage.Open(url, options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().SetVersion(storeVersion).Build())
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	statsBlobs := space.StatisticsBlobs()
-	blobs := []*storage.Blob{}
-	for _, statsBlob := range statsBlobs {
-		blob := make([]byte, statsBlob.Size)
-		_, err := space.ReadBlob(statsBlob.Name, blob)
-		if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
-			return err
-		}
-		blobs = append(blobs, &storage.Blob{Value: blob})
-	}
-	var stats []*storage.PrimaryKeyStats
-	stats, err = storage.DeserializeStats(blobs)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Warn("failed to deserialize stats", zap.Error(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	var size uint
-	for _, stat := range stats {
-		pkStat := &storage.PkStatistics{
-			PkFilter: stat.BF,
-			MinPK:    stat.MinPk,
-			MaxPK:    stat.MaxPk,
-		}
-		size += stat.BF.Cap()
-		bfs.AddHistoricalStats(pkStat)
-	}
-	log.Info("Successfully load pk stats", zap.Duration("time", time.Since(startTs)), zap.Uint("size", size), zap.Int("BFNum", len(stats)))
-	return nil
-func (loader *segmentLoaderV2) LoadSegment(ctx context.Context,
-	seg Segment,
-	loadInfo *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo,
-) (err error) {
-	segment := seg.(*LocalSegment)
-	// TODO: we should create a transaction-like api to load segment for segment interface,
-	// but not do many things in segment loader.
-	stateLockGuard, err := segment.StartLoadData()
-	// segment can not do load now.
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		// segment is already loaded.
-		// TODO: if stateLockGuard is nil, we should not call LoadSegment anymore.
-		// but current Load is not clear enough to do an actual state transition, keep previous logic to avoid introduced bug.
-		if stateLockGuard != nil {
-			stateLockGuard.Done(err)
-		}
-	}()
-	log := log.Ctx(ctx).With(
-		zap.Int64("collectionID", segment.Collection()),
-		zap.Int64("partitionID", segment.Partition()),
-		zap.String("shard", segment.Shard().VirtualName()),
-		zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.ID()),
-	)
-	log.Info("start loading segment files",
-		zap.Int64("rowNum", loadInfo.GetNumOfRows()),
-		zap.String("segmentType", segment.Type().String()))
-	collection := loader.manager.Collection.Get(segment.Collection())
-	if collection == nil {
-		err := merr.WrapErrCollectionNotFound(segment.Collection())
-		log.Warn("failed to get collection while loading segment", zap.Error(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	// pkField := GetPkField(collection.Schema())
-	// TODO(xige-16): Optimize the data loading process and reduce data copying
-	// for now, there will be multiple copies in the process of data loading into segCore
-	defer debug.FreeOSMemory()
-	if segment.Type() == SegmentTypeSealed {
-		fieldsMap := typeutil.NewConcurrentMap[int64, *schemapb.FieldSchema]()
-		for _, field := range collection.Schema().GetFields() {
-			fieldsMap.Insert(field.FieldID, field)
-		}
-		// fieldID2IndexInfo := make(map[int64]*querypb.FieldIndexInfo)
-		indexedFieldInfos := make(map[int64]*IndexedFieldInfo)
-		for _, indexInfo := range loadInfo.IndexInfos {
-			if indexInfo.GetIndexStoreVersion() > 0 {
-				fieldID := indexInfo.FieldID
-				fieldInfo := &IndexedFieldInfo{
-					IndexInfo: indexInfo,
-				}
-				indexedFieldInfos[fieldID] = fieldInfo
-				fieldsMap.Remove(fieldID)
-				// fieldID2IndexInfo[fieldID] = indexInfo
-			}
-		}
-		if err := segment.AddFieldDataInfo(ctx, loadInfo.GetNumOfRows(), loadInfo.GetBinlogPaths()); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		log.Info("load fields...",
-			zap.Int("fieldNum", fieldsMap.Len()),
-			zap.Int64s("indexedFields", lo.Keys(indexedFieldInfos)),
-		)
-		schemaHelper, err := typeutil.CreateSchemaHelper(collection.Schema())
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("segmentLoader.LoadIndex")
-		if err := loader.loadFieldsIndex(ctx, schemaHelper, segment, loadInfo.GetNumOfRows(), indexedFieldInfos); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		metrics.QueryNodeLoadIndexLatency.WithLabelValues(fmt.Sprint(paramtable.GetNodeID())).Observe(float64(tr.ElapseSpan().Milliseconds()))
-		if err := loader.loadSealedSegmentFields(ctx, segment, fieldsMap, loadInfo.GetNumOfRows()); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		//
-		// legacy entry num = 0
-		if err := loader.patchEntryNumber(ctx, segment, loadInfo); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	} else {
-		if err := segment.LoadMultiFieldData(ctx); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	// load statslog if it's growing segment
-	if segment.segmentType == SegmentTypeGrowing {
-		log.Info("loading statslog...")
-		// pkStatsBinlogs, logType := loader.filterPKStatsBinlogs(loadInfo.Statslogs, pkField.GetFieldID())
-		err := loader.loadBloomFilter(ctx, segment.ID(), segment.bloomFilterSet, loadInfo.StorageVersion)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	log.Info("loading delta...")
-	return loader.LoadDelta(ctx, segment.Collection(), segment)
-func (loader *segmentLoaderV2) LoadLazySegment(ctx context.Context,
-	segment Segment,
-	loadInfo *querypb.SegmentLoadInfo,
-) (err error) {
-	return merr.ErrOperationNotSupported
-func (loader *segmentLoaderV2) loadSealedSegmentFields(ctx context.Context, segment *LocalSegment, fields *typeutil.ConcurrentMap[int64, *schemapb.FieldSchema], rowCount int64) error {
-	runningGroup, _ := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
-	fields.Range(func(fieldID int64, field *schemapb.FieldSchema) bool {
-		runningGroup.Go(func() error {
-			return segment.LoadFieldData(ctx, fieldID, rowCount, nil, false)
-		})
-		return true
-	})
-	err := runningGroup.Wait()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	log.Ctx(ctx).Info("load field binlogs done for sealed segment",
-		zap.Int64("collection", segment.Collection()),
-		zap.Int64("segment", segment.ID()),
-		zap.String("segmentType", segment.Type().String()))
-	return nil
 func NewLoader(
 	manager *Manager,
 	cm storage.ChunkManager,
diff --git a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_loader_test.go b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_loader_test.go
index 03c53cce32..ebb282d50e 100644
--- a/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_loader_test.go
+++ b/internal/querynodev2/segments/segment_loader_test.go
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ import (
-	""
-	""
-	""
@@ -33,14 +30,10 @@ import (
-	milvus_storage ""
-	""
-	""
-	""
@@ -911,152 +904,3 @@ func TestSegmentLoader(t *testing.T) {
 	suite.Run(t, &SegmentLoaderSuite{})
 	suite.Run(t, &SegmentLoaderDetailSuite{})
-type SegmentLoaderV2Suite struct {
-	suite.Suite
-	loader *segmentLoaderV2
-	// Dependencies
-	manager      *Manager
-	rootPath     string
-	chunkManager storage.ChunkManager
-	// Data
-	collectionID int64
-	partitionID  int64
-	segmentID    int64
-	schema       *schemapb.CollectionSchema
-	segmentNum   int
-func (suite *SegmentLoaderV2Suite) SetupSuite() {
-	paramtable.Init()
-	suite.rootPath = suite.T().Name()
-	suite.collectionID = rand.Int63()
-	suite.partitionID = rand.Int63()
-	suite.segmentID = rand.Int63()
-	suite.segmentNum = 5
-func (suite *SegmentLoaderV2Suite) SetupTest() {
-	paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("true")
-	// Dependencies
-	suite.manager = NewManager()
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	// TODO:: cpp chunk manager not support local chunk manager
-	// suite.chunkManager = storage.NewLocalChunkManager(storage.RootPath(
-	//	fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/milvus-ut/%d", rand.Int63())))
-	chunkManagerFactory := storage.NewTestChunkManagerFactory(paramtable.Get(), suite.rootPath)
-	suite.chunkManager, _ = chunkManagerFactory.NewPersistentStorageChunkManager(ctx)
-	suite.loader = NewLoaderV2(suite.manager, suite.chunkManager)
-	initcore.InitRemoteChunkManager(paramtable.Get())
-	// Data
-	suite.schema = GenTestCollectionSchema("test", schemapb.DataType_Int64, false)
-	indexMeta := GenTestIndexMeta(suite.collectionID, suite.schema)
-	loadMeta := &querypb.LoadMetaInfo{
-		LoadType:     querypb.LoadType_LoadCollection,
-		CollectionID: suite.collectionID,
-		PartitionIDs: []int64{suite.partitionID},
-	}
-	suite.manager.Collection.PutOrRef(suite.collectionID, suite.schema, indexMeta, loadMeta)
-func (suite *SegmentLoaderV2Suite) TearDownTest() {
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	for i := 0; i < suite.segmentNum; i++ {
-		suite.manager.Segment.Remove(context.Background(), suite.segmentID+int64(i), querypb.DataScope_All)
-	}
-	suite.chunkManager.RemoveWithPrefix(ctx, suite.rootPath)
-	paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.SwapTempValue("false")
-func (suite *SegmentLoaderV2Suite) TestLoad() {
-	tmpDir := suite.T().TempDir()
-	paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StorageScheme.SwapTempValue("file")
-	paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.StoragePathPrefix.SwapTempValue(tmpDir)
-	ctx := context.Background()
-	msgLength := 4
-	arrowSchema, err := typeutil.ConvertToArrowSchema(suite.schema.Fields)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	opt := options.NewSpaceOptionBuilder().
-		SetSchema(schema.NewSchema(
-			arrowSchema,
-			&schema.SchemaOptions{
-				PrimaryColumn: "int64Field",
-				VectorColumn:  "floatVectorField",
-				VersionColumn: "Timestamp",
-			})).
-		Build()
-	uri, err := typeutil.GetStorageURI("file", tmpDir, suite.segmentID)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	space, err := milvus_storage.Open(uri, opt)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	b := array.NewRecordBuilder(memory.DefaultAllocator, arrowSchema)
-	defer b.Release()
-	insertData, err := genInsertData(msgLength, suite.schema)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	err = typeutil.BuildRecord(b, insertData, suite.schema.Fields)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	rec := b.NewRecord()
-	defer rec.Release()
-	reader, err := array.NewRecordReader(arrowSchema, []arrow.Record{rec})
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	err = space.Write(reader, &options.DefaultWriteOptions)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	collMeta := genCollectionMeta(suite.collectionID, suite.partitionID, suite.schema)
-	inCodec := storage.NewInsertCodecWithSchema(collMeta)
-	statsLog, err := inCodec.SerializePkStatsByData(insertData)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	err = space.WriteBlob(statsLog.Value, statsLog.Key, false)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	dschema := space.Manifest().GetSchema().DeleteSchema()
-	dbuilder := array.NewRecordBuilder(memory.DefaultAllocator, dschema)
-	defer dbuilder.Release()
-	dbuilder.Field(0).(*array.Int64Builder).AppendValues([]int64{1, 2}, nil)
-	dbuilder.Field(1).(*array.Int64Builder).AppendValues([]int64{100, 200}, nil)
-	drec := dbuilder.NewRecord()
-	defer drec.Release()
-	dreader, err := array.NewRecordReader(dschema, []arrow.Record{drec})
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	err = space.Delete(dreader)
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	segments, err := suite.loader.Load(ctx, suite.collectionID, SegmentTypeSealed, 0, &querypb.SegmentLoadInfo{
-		SegmentID:      suite.segmentID,
-		PartitionID:    suite.partitionID,
-		CollectionID:   suite.collectionID,
-		NumOfRows:      int64(msgLength),
-		StorageVersion: 3,
-		InsertChannel:  fmt.Sprintf("by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_%dv0", suite.collectionID),
-	})
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	_, err = suite.loader.LoadBloomFilterSet(ctx, suite.collectionID, 0, &querypb.SegmentLoadInfo{
-		SegmentID:      suite.segmentID,
-		PartitionID:    suite.partitionID,
-		CollectionID:   suite.collectionID,
-		NumOfRows:      int64(msgLength),
-		StorageVersion: 3,
-		InsertChannel:  fmt.Sprintf("by-dev-rootcoord-dml_0_%dv0", suite.collectionID),
-	})
-	suite.NoError(err)
-	segment := segments[0]
-	suite.EqualValues(4, segment.InsertCount())
-	suite.Equal(int64(msgLength-2), segment.RowNum())
-func TestSegmentLoaderV2(t *testing.T) {
-	suite.Run(t, &SegmentLoaderV2Suite{})
diff --git a/internal/querynodev2/server.go b/internal/querynodev2/server.go
index e048c94b35..508eb6e484 100644
--- a/internal/querynodev2/server.go
+++ b/internal/querynodev2/server.go
@@ -348,11 +348,7 @@ func (node *QueryNode) Init() error {
 		node.subscribingChannels = typeutil.NewConcurrentSet[string]()
 		node.unsubscribingChannels = typeutil.NewConcurrentSet[string]()
 		node.manager = segments.NewManager()
-		if paramtable.Get().CommonCfg.EnableStorageV2.GetAsBool() {
-			node.loader = segments.NewLoaderV2(node.manager, node.chunkManager)
-		} else {
-			node.loader = segments.NewLoader(node.manager, node.chunkManager)
-		}
+		node.loader = segments.NewLoader(node.manager, node.chunkManager)
 		node.dispClient = msgdispatcher.NewClient(node.factory, typeutil.QueryNodeRole, node.GetNodeID())
 		// init pipeline manager
diff --git a/internal/util/bloomfilter/bloom_filter_test.go b/internal/util/bloomfilter/bloom_filter_test.go
index df65ecffbd..44d78fa075 100644
--- a/internal/util/bloomfilter/bloom_filter_test.go
+++ b/internal/util/bloomfilter/bloom_filter_test.go
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import (
-	""
+	""
 func TestPerformance(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/internal/util/importutilv2/binlog/l0_reader.go b/internal/util/importutilv2/binlog/l0_reader.go
index cdf75b0643..ca45c27388 100644
--- a/internal/util/importutilv2/binlog/l0_reader.go
+++ b/internal/util/importutilv2/binlog/l0_reader.go
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import (
-	""
+	""
diff --git a/internal/util/indexcgowrapper/index.go b/internal/util/indexcgowrapper/index.go
index 523a2ac1ec..f2458e1c86 100644
--- a/internal/util/indexcgowrapper/index.go
+++ b/internal/util/indexcgowrapper/index.go
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ type CodecIndex interface {
 	Delete() error
 	CleanLocalData() error
 	UpLoad() (map[string]int64, error)
-	UpLoadV2() (int64, error)
 var _ CodecIndex = (*CgoIndex)(nil)
@@ -127,35 +126,6 @@ func CreateIndex(ctx context.Context, buildIndexInfo *indexcgopb.BuildIndexInfo)
 	return index, nil
-func CreateIndexV2(ctx context.Context, buildIndexInfo *indexcgopb.BuildIndexInfo) (CodecIndex, error) {
-	buildIndexInfoBlob, err := proto.Marshal(buildIndexInfo)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Ctx(ctx).Warn("marshal buildIndexInfo failed",
-			zap.String("clusterID", buildIndexInfo.GetClusterID()),
-			zap.Int64("buildID", buildIndexInfo.GetBuildID()),
-			zap.Error(err))
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	var indexPtr C.CIndex
-	status := C.CreateIndexV2(&indexPtr, (*C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&buildIndexInfoBlob[0])), (C.uint64_t)(len(buildIndexInfoBlob)))
-	if err := HandleCStatus(&status, "failed to create index"); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	index := &CgoIndex{
-		indexPtr: indexPtr,
-		close:    false,
-	}
-	runtime.SetFinalizer(index, func(index *CgoIndex) {
-		if index != nil && !index.close {
-			log.Error("there is leakage in index object, please check.")
-		}
-	})
-	return index, nil
 // TODO: this seems to be used only for test. We should mark the method
 // name with ForTest, or maybe move to test file.
 func (index *CgoIndex) Build(dataset *Dataset) error {
@@ -426,34 +396,3 @@ func (index *CgoIndex) UpLoad() (map[string]int64, error) {
 	return res, nil
-func (index *CgoIndex) UpLoadV2() (int64, error) {
-	var cBinarySet C.CBinarySet
-	status := C.SerializeIndexAndUpLoadV2(index.indexPtr, &cBinarySet)
-	defer func() {
-		if cBinarySet != nil {
-			C.DeleteBinarySet(cBinarySet)
-		}
-	}()
-	if err := HandleCStatus(&status, "failed to serialize index and upload index"); err != nil {
-		return -1, err
-	}
-	buffer, err := GetBinarySetValue(cBinarySet, "index_store_version")
-	if err != nil {
-		return -1, err
-	}
-	var version int64
-	version = int64(buffer[7])
-	version = (version << 8) + int64(buffer[6])
-	version = (version << 8) + int64(buffer[5])
-	version = (version << 8) + int64(buffer[4])
-	version = (version << 8) + int64(buffer[3])
-	version = (version << 8) + int64(buffer[2])
-	version = (version << 8) + int64(buffer[1])
-	version = (version << 8) + int64(buffer[0])
-	return version, nil