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-## What is Milvus
-As an open source vector database, Milvus is easy-to-use, highly reliable, robust, and blazing fast. Adopted by over 600 organizations and institutions worldwide, Milvus empowers applications in a variety of fields, including image processing, computer vision, natural language processing, voice recognition, recommender systems, drug discovery, and more.
-The following is Milvus architecture:
-For more detailed introduction of Milvus and its architecture, see [Milvus overview](https://www.milvus.io/docs/overview.md). See Milvus [release notes](https://www.milvus.io/docs/release_notes.md) to keep up-to-date with its releases and updates.
-Milvus is an incubation-stage project at [LF AI & Data Foundation](https://lfaidata.foundation/).
-## Get started
-### Install Milvus
-See [Milvus install guide](https://www.milvus.io/docs/install_milvus.md) to install Milvus using Docker. To install Milvus from source code, see [build from source](INSTALL.md).
-### Try example programs
-Try an example program with Milvus using [Python](https://www.milvus.io/docs/example_code.md), [Java](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus-sdk-java/tree/master/examples), [Go](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus-sdk-go/tree/master/examples), or [C++ example code](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/tree/master/sdk/examples).
-## Supported clients
-- [Go](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus-sdk-go)
-- [Python](https://github.com/milvus-io/pymilvus)
-- [Java](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus-sdk-java)
-- [C++](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/tree/1.x/sdk)
-- [RESTful API](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/tree/1.x/core/src/server/web_impl)
-- [Node.js](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@arkie-ai/milvus-client) (Contributed by [arkie](https://www.arkie.cn/))
-## Application scenarios
-You can use Milvus to build intelligent systems in a variety of AI application scenarios. See [Milvus Scenarios](https://milvus.io/scenarios) for live demos. You can also see [Milvus Bootcamp](https://github.com/milvus-io/bootcamp) for detailed solutions and application scenarios.
-## Benchmark
-See our [test reports](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/tree/master/docs) for more information about performance benchmarking of different indexes in Milvus.
-## Roadmap
-To learn what's coming up soon in Milvus, read our [Roadmap](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/milestones).
-It is a Work in Progress, and is subject to reasonable adjustments when necessary. And we greatly appreciate any comments/requirements/suggestions regarding Milvus' roadmap.:clap:
-## Contribution guidelines
-Contributions are welcomed and greatly appreciated. Please read our [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for detailed contribution workflow. This project adheres to the [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) of Milvus. You must abide by this code to participate.
-We use [GitHub issues](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/issues) to track issues and bugs. For general questions and public discussions, please join our community.
-## Join our community
-:heart: To connect with other users and contributors, you can join our [Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/milvusio/shared_invite/zt-e0u4qu3k-bI2GDNys3ZqX1YCJ9OM~GQ).
-See our [community](https://github.com/milvus-io/community) repository to learn more about our governance and access more community resources.
-## Resources
-- [Milvus.io](https://www.milvus.io)
-- [Milvus FAQ](https://www.milvus.io/docs/faq/operational_faq.md)
-- [Milvus Medium](https://medium.com/@milvusio)
-- [Milvus CSDN](https://zilliz.blog.csdn.net/)
-- [Milvus Twitter](https://twitter.com/milvusio)
-- [Milvus Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/io.milvus.5)
-- [Milvus design docs](DESIGN.md)
+Take a quick look at our demos!
+Milvus is an AI-infused database geared towards (embedding) vector similarity search. Milvus is dedicated to lowering the bar for unstructured data search and providing a consistent user experience regardless of users' deployment environment.
+Milvus was released under the open-source Apache License 2.0 in October 2019. It is currently an incubation-stage project under [LF AI & Data Foundation](https://lfaidata.foundation/).
+- **Functionality-level Autoscaling**
+With the main functionalities implemented equivalent among nodes, Milvus is able to autoscale at the functionality level, providing the foundation for a more efficient resource scheduling.
+- **Hybrid Search**
+In addition to vectors, basic numeric types, such as boolean, integer, floating-point number, etc, are introduced in Milvus. Search for data from hybrid fields are now supported in the Milvus collection.
+- **Combined Data Storage**
+Milvus has reinforced its support for both streaming and batch data persistence and for the adaptation of alternative message/storage engines, in response to users' increasing demand for high database throughput.
+- **Multiple Indexes in a Single Field**
+Milvus now supports multiple indexes in a single vector filed, and it decouples indexing from querying. Users are allowed to maintain multiple indexes simultaneously and switch flexibly among them according to their needs.
+> **IMPORTANT** The master branch is for the development of Milvus v2.0. On March 9th, 2021, we released Milvus v1.0 which is our first stable version of Milvus with long-term support. To try out Milvus v1.0, switch to [branch 1.0](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/tree/1.0).
+## Getting Started
+### To install a Milvus stand-alone
+See [Install Milvus Standalone]().
+### To install a Milvus cluster
+See [Install Milvus Cluster]().
+### Demos
+- [Image Search](https://zilliz.com/milvus-demos): Images made searchable. Instantaneously return the most similar images from a massive database.
+- [Chatbots](https://zilliz.com/milvus-demos): Interactive digital customer service that saves users time and businesses money.
+- [Chemical Structure Search](https://zilliz.com/milvus-demos): Blazing fast similarity search, substructure search, or superstructure search for a specified molecule.
+## Contributing
+Contributions to Milvus are welcome from everyone. See [Guidelines for Contributing](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow. See our [community repository](https://github.com/milvus-io/community) to learn about our governance and access more community resources.
+## Documentation
+### Milvus Docs
+For documentation about Milvus, see [Milvus Docs](https://milvus.io/docs/overview.md).
+### SDK
+The implemented SDK and its API document are listed below:
+- [Python](https://github.com/milvus-io/pymilvus/tree/1.x)
+### Recommended Articles
+- [What is an embedding vector? Why and how does it contribute to the development of Machine Learning?](https://milvus.io/docs/v1.0.0/vector.md)
+- [What types of vector index does Milvus support? Which should I choose?](https://milvus.io/docs/v1.0.0/index.md)
+- [How does Milvus compare the distance between vectors?](https://milvus.io/docs/v1.0.0/metric.md)
+- You can learn more in [Milvus Server Configurations](https://milvus.io/docs/v1.0.0/milvus_config.md).
+## Contact
+Join the Milvus community on [Slack Channel](https://join.slack.com/t/milvusio/shared_invite/zt-e0u4qu3k-bI2GDNys3ZqX1YCJ9OM~GQ) to share your suggestions, advice, and questions with our engineer team. You can also ask for help at our [FAQ page](https://milvus.io/docs/v1.0.0/performance_faq.md).
+You can subscribe to our mailing lists at:
+- [Milvus Technical Steering Committee](https://lists.lfai.foundation/g/milvus-tsc)
+- [Milvus Technical Discussions](https://lists.lfai.foundation/g/milvus-technical-discuss)
+- [Milvus Announcement](https://lists.lfai.foundation/g/milvus-announce)
+and follow us on social media:
+- [Milvus Medium](https://medium.com/@milvusio)
+- [Milvus CSDN](https://zilliz.blog.csdn.net/)
+- [Milvus Twitter](https://twitter.com/milvusio)
+- [Milvus Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/io.milvus.5)
## License
-[Apache License 2.0](LICENSE)
+Milvus is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. View a copy of the [License file](https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/blob/master/LICENSE).
+## Acknowledgments
+Milvus adopts dependencies from the following:
+- Thank [FAISS](https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss) for the excellent search library.
+- Thank [etcd](https://github.com/coreos/etcd) for providing some great open-source tools.
+- Thank [Pulsar](https://github.com/apache/pulsar) for its great distributed information pub/sub platform.
+- Thank [RocksDB](https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb) for the powerful storage engines.