#89 code format

Former-commit-id: ced158f26d9c18e38c7afb84ad17fdb6f9057259
yudong.cai 2019-10-24 10:56:12 +08:00
parent d3d6077eb2
commit 65b46de1ac
1 changed files with 136 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -17,28 +17,28 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <faiss/AutoTune.h>
#include <faiss/Index.h>
#include <faiss/IndexIVF.h>
#include <faiss/gpu/StandardGpuResources.h>
#include <faiss/gpu/GpuAutoTune.h>
#include <faiss/gpu/GpuIndexFlat.h>
#include <faiss/gpu/StandardGpuResources.h>
#include <faiss/index_io.h>
#include <faiss/utils.h>
#include <hdf5.h>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
* To run this test, please download the HDF5 from
@ -46,29 +46,27 @@
* and install it to /usr/local/hdf5 .
double elapsed() {
elapsed() {
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec * 1e-6;
void* hdf5_read(const char *file_name,
const char *dataset_name,
H5T_class_t dataset_class,
size_t &d_out,
size_t &n_out) {
hid_t file, dataset, datatype, dataspace, memspace;
H5T_class_t t_class; /* data type class */
H5T_order_t order; /* data order */
size_t size; /* size of the data element stored in file */
hsize_t dimsm[3]; /* memory space dimensions */
hsize_t dims_out[2]; /* dataset dimensions */
hsize_t count[2]; /* size of the hyperslab in the file */
hsize_t offset[2]; /* hyperslab offset in the file */
hsize_t count_out[3]; /* size of the hyperslab in memory */
hsize_t offset_out[3]; /* hyperslab offset in memory */
int rank;
void* data_out; /* output buffer */
hdf5_read(const char* file_name, const char* dataset_name, H5T_class_t dataset_class, size_t& d_out, size_t& n_out) {
hid_t file, dataset, datatype, dataspace, memspace;
H5T_class_t t_class; /* data type class */
H5T_order_t order; /* data order */
size_t size; /* size of the data element stored in file */
hsize_t dimsm[3]; /* memory space dimensions */
hsize_t dims_out[2]; /* dataset dimensions */
hsize_t count[2]; /* size of the hyperslab in the file */
hsize_t offset[2]; /* hyperslab offset in the file */
hsize_t count_out[3]; /* size of the hyperslab in memory */
hsize_t offset_out[3]; /* hyperslab offset in memory */
int rank;
void* data_out; /* output buffer */
/* Open the file and the dataset. */
file = H5Fopen(file_name, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT);
@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ void* hdf5_read(const char *file_name,
* Get datatype and dataspace handles and then query
* dataset class, order, size, rank and dimensions.
datatype = H5Dget_type(dataset); /* datatype handle */
datatype = H5Dget_type(dataset); /* datatype handle */
t_class = H5Tget_class(datatype);
assert(t_class == dataset_class || !"Illegal dataset class type");
@ -95,11 +93,11 @@ void* hdf5_read(const char *file_name,
size = H5Tget_size(datatype);
size = H5Tget_size(datatype);
printf("Data size is %d \n", (int)size);
dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset); /* dataspace handle */
rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
dataspace = H5Dget_space(dataset); /* dataspace handle */
rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dataspace);
H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataspace, dims_out, NULL);
n_out = dims_out[0];
d_out = dims_out[1];
@ -107,8 +105,8 @@ void* hdf5_read(const char *file_name,
/* Define hyperslab in the dataset. */
offset[0] = offset[1] = 0;
count[0] = dims_out[0];
count[1] = dims_out[1];
count[0] = dims_out[0];
count[1] = dims_out[1];
H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, count, NULL);
/* Define the memory dataspace. */
@ -119,9 +117,9 @@ void* hdf5_read(const char *file_name,
/* Define memory hyperslab. */
offset_out[0] = offset_out[1] = offset_out[2] = 0;
count_out[0] = dims_out[0];
count_out[1] = dims_out[1];
count_out[2] = 1;
count_out[0] = dims_out[0];
count_out[1] = dims_out[1];
count_out[2] = 1;
H5Sselect_hyperslab(memspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset_out, NULL, count_out, NULL);
/* Read data from hyperslab in the file into the hyperslab in memory and display. */
@ -149,30 +147,31 @@ void* hdf5_read(const char *file_name,
return data_out;
std::string get_index_file_name(const std::string& ann_test_name,
const std::string& index_key,
int32_t data_loops) {
get_index_file_name(const std::string& ann_test_name, const std::string& index_key, int32_t data_loops) {
size_t pos = index_key.find_first_of(',', 0);
std::string file_name = ann_test_name;
file_name = file_name + "_" + index_key.substr(0, pos) + "_" + index_key.substr(pos+1);
file_name = file_name + "_" + index_key.substr(0, pos) + "_" + index_key.substr(pos + 1);
file_name = file_name + "_" + std::to_string(data_loops) + ".index";
return file_name;
bool parse_ann_test_name(const std::string& ann_test_name,
size_t &dim,
faiss::MetricType &metric_type) {
parse_ann_test_name(const std::string& ann_test_name, size_t& dim, faiss::MetricType& metric_type) {
size_t pos1, pos2;
if (ann_test_name.empty()) return false;
if (ann_test_name.empty())
return false;
pos1 = ann_test_name.find_first_of('-', 0);
if (pos1 == std::string::npos) return false;
if (pos1 == std::string::npos)
return false;
pos2 = ann_test_name.find_first_of('-', pos1 + 1);
if (pos2 == std::string::npos) return false;
if (pos2 == std::string::npos)
return false;
dim = std::stoi(ann_test_name.substr(pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1));
std::string metric_str = ann_test_name.substr(pos2+1);
dim = std::stoi(ann_test_name.substr(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 - 1));
std::string metric_str = ann_test_name.substr(pos2 + 1);
if (metric_str == "angular") {
metric_type = faiss::METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT;
} else if (metric_str == "euclidean") {
@ -184,10 +183,9 @@ bool parse_ann_test_name(const std::string& ann_test_name,
return true;
void test_ann_hdf5(const std::string& ann_test_name,
const std::string& index_key,
int32_t index_add_loops,
const std::vector<size_t>& nprobes) {
test_ann_hdf5(const std::string& ann_test_name, const std::string& index_key, int32_t index_add_loops,
const std::vector<size_t>& nprobes) {
double t0 = elapsed();
const std::string ann_file_name = ann_test_name + ".hdf5";
@ -200,77 +198,74 @@ void test_ann_hdf5(const std::string& ann_test_name,
faiss::Index * index;
faiss::Index* index;
size_t d;
std::string index_file_name = get_index_file_name(ann_test_name, index_key, index_add_loops);
try {
index = faiss::read_index(index_file_name.c_str());
d = dim;
catch (...) {
} catch (...) {
printf("Cannot read index file: %s\n", index_file_name.c_str());
printf ("[%.3f s] Loading train set\n", elapsed() - t0);
printf("[%.3f s] Loading train set\n", elapsed() - t0);
size_t nb;
float *xb = (float*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "train", H5T_FLOAT, d, nb);
float* xb = (float*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "train", H5T_FLOAT, d, nb);
assert(d == dim || !"dataset does not have correct dimension");
printf ("[%.3f s] Preparing index \"%s\" d=%ld\n",
elapsed() - t0, index_key.c_str(), d);
printf("[%.3f s] Preparing index \"%s\" d=%ld\n", elapsed() - t0, index_key.c_str(), d);
index = faiss::index_factory(d, index_key.c_str(), metric_type);
printf ("[%.3f s] Training on %ld vectors\n", elapsed() - t0, nb);
printf("[%.3f s] Training on %ld vectors\n", elapsed() - t0, nb);
index->train(nb, xb);
printf ("[%.3f s] Loading database\n", elapsed() - t0);
printf("[%.3f s] Loading database\n", elapsed() - t0);
// add index multiple times to get ~1G data set
for (int i = 0; i < index_add_loops; i++) {
printf ("[%.3f s] Indexing database, size %ld*%ld\n", elapsed() - t0, nb, d);
printf("[%.3f s] Indexing database, size %ld*%ld\n", elapsed() - t0, nb, d);
index->add(nb, xb);
faiss::write_index(index, index_file_name.c_str());
delete [] xb;
delete[] xb;
size_t nq;
float *xq;
float* xq;
printf ("[%.3f s] Loading queries\n", elapsed() - t0);
printf("[%.3f s] Loading queries\n", elapsed() - t0);
size_t d2;
xq = (float*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "test", H5T_FLOAT, d2, nq);
assert(d == d2 || !"query does not have same dimension as train set");
size_t k; // nb of results per query in the GT
faiss::Index::idx_t *gt; // nq * k matrix of ground-truth nearest-neighbors
size_t k; // nb of results per query in the GT
faiss::Index::idx_t* gt; // nq * k matrix of ground-truth nearest-neighbors
printf ("[%.3f s] Loading ground truth for %ld queries\n", elapsed() - t0, nq);
printf("[%.3f s] Loading ground truth for %ld queries\n", elapsed() - t0, nq);
// load ground-truth and convert int to long
size_t nq2;
int *gt_int = (int*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "neighbors", H5T_INTEGER, k, nq2);
int* gt_int = (int*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "neighbors", H5T_INTEGER, k, nq2);
assert(nq2 == nq || !"incorrect nb of ground truth entries");
gt = new faiss::Index::idx_t[k * nq];
for(int i = 0; i < k * nq; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < k * nq; i++) {
gt[i] = gt_int[i];
delete [] gt_int;
delete[] gt_int;
for (auto nprobe : nprobes) {
faiss::ParameterSpace params;
printf ("[%.3f s] Setting parameter configuration 'nprobe=%lu' on index\n", elapsed() - t0, nprobe);
printf("[%.3f s] Setting parameter configuration 'nprobe=%lu' on index\n", elapsed() - t0, nprobe);
std::string nprobe_str = "nprobe=" + std::to_string(nprobe);
params.set_index_parameters(index, nprobe_str.c_str());
@ -278,13 +273,13 @@ void test_ann_hdf5(const std::string& ann_test_name,
// output buffers
#if 1
const size_t NQ = 1000, K = 1000;
faiss::Index::idx_t *I = new faiss::Index::idx_t[NQ * K];
float *D = new float[NQ * K];
faiss::Index::idx_t* I = new faiss::Index::idx_t[NQ * K];
float* D = new float[NQ * K];
printf ("\n%s | %s | nprobe=%lu\n", ann_test_name.c_str(), index_key.c_str(), nprobe);
printf ("============================================================================================\n");
for (size_t t_nq = 10; t_nq <= NQ; t_nq *= 10) { // nq = {10, 100, 1000}
for (size_t t_k = 100; t_k <= K; t_k *= 10) { // k = {100, 1000}
printf("\n%s | %s | nprobe=%lu\n", ann_test_name.c_str(), index_key.c_str(), nprobe);
for (size_t t_nq = 10; t_nq <= NQ; t_nq *= 10) { // nq = {10, 100, 1000}
for (size_t t_k = 100; t_k <= K; t_k *= 10) { // k = {100, 1000}
faiss::indexIVF_stats.quantization_time = 0.0;
faiss::indexIVF_stats.search_time = 0.0;
@ -301,7 +296,7 @@ void test_ann_hdf5(const std::string& ann_test_name,
// consider: each result replicates DATA_LOOPS times
for (int j_c = 0; j_c < k; j_c++) {
int r_c = I[i * t_k + j_c];
for (int j_g = 0; j_g < k/index_add_loops; j_g++) {
for (int j_g = 0; j_g < k / index_add_loops; j_g++) {
if (gt[i * k + j_g] == r_c) {
@ -309,33 +304,34 @@ void test_ann_hdf5(const std::string& ann_test_name,
printf("nq = %4ld, k = %4ld, elapse = %fs (quant = %fs, search = %fs), R@ = %.4f\n",
t_nq, t_k, (t_end - t_start),
faiss::indexIVF_stats.quantization_time / 1000,
faiss::indexIVF_stats.search_time / 1000,
(hit / float(t_nq * k / index_add_loops)));
printf("nq = %4ld, k = %4ld, elapse = %fs (quant = %fs, search = %fs), R@ = %.4f\n", t_nq, t_k,
(t_end - t_start), faiss::indexIVF_stats.quantization_time / 1000,
faiss::indexIVF_stats.search_time / 1000, (hit / float(t_nq * k / index_add_loops)));
printf ("============================================================================================\n");
printf ("[%.3f s] Perform a search on %ld queries\n", elapsed() - t0, nq);
printf("[%.3f s] Perform a search on %ld queries\n", elapsed() - t0, nq);
faiss::Index::idx_t *I = new faiss::Index::idx_t[nq * k];
float *D = new float[nq * k];
faiss::Index::idx_t* I = new faiss::Index::idx_t[nq * k];
float* D = new float[nq * k];
index->search(nq, xq, k, D, I);
printf ("[%.3f s] Compute recalls\n", elapsed() - t0);
printf("[%.3f s] Compute recalls\n", elapsed() - t0);
// evaluate result by hand.
int n_1 = 0, n_10 = 0, n_100 = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < nq; i++) {
int gt_nn = gt[i * k];
for(int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
if (I[i * k + j] == gt_nn) {
if(j < 1) n_1++;
if(j < 10) n_10++;
if(j < 100) n_100++;
if (j < 1)
if (j < 10)
if (j < 100)
@ -344,21 +340,20 @@ void test_ann_hdf5(const std::string& ann_test_name,
printf("R@100 = %.4f\n", n_100 / float(nq));
printf ("[%.3f s] Search test done\n\n", elapsed() - t0);
printf("[%.3f s] Search test done\n\n", elapsed() - t0);
delete [] I;
delete [] D;
delete[] I;
delete[] D;
delete [] xq;
delete [] gt;
delete[] xq;
delete[] gt;
delete index;
void test_ivfsq8h_gpu(const std::string& ann_test_name,
int32_t index_add_loops,
const std::vector<size_t>& nprobes){
test_ivfsq8h_gpu(const std::string& ann_test_name, int32_t index_add_loops, const std::vector<size_t>& nprobes) {
double t0 = elapsed();
const std::string ann_file_name = ann_test_name + ".hdf5";
@ -380,44 +375,43 @@ void test_ivfsq8h_gpu(const std::string& ann_test_name,
size_t d;
std::string index_file_name = get_index_file_name(ann_test_name, index_key, index_add_loops);
try {
cpu_index = faiss::read_index(index_file_name.c_str());
d = dim;
catch (...){
} catch (...) {
printf("Cannot read index file: %s\n", index_file_name.c_str());
printf ("[%.3f s] Loading train set\n", elapsed() - t0);
printf("[%.3f s] Loading train set\n", elapsed() - t0);
size_t nb;
float *xb = (float*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "train", H5T_FLOAT, d, nb);
size_t nb;
float* xb = (float*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "train", H5T_FLOAT, d, nb);
assert(d == dim || !"dataset does not have correct dimension");
printf ("[%.3f s] Preparing index \"%s\" d=%ld\n", elapsed() - t0, index_key.c_str(), d);
printf("[%.3f s] Preparing index \"%s\" d=%ld\n", elapsed() - t0, index_key.c_str(), d);
faiss::Index *ori_index = faiss::index_factory(d, index_key.c_str(), metric_type);
faiss::Index* ori_index = faiss::index_factory(d, index_key.c_str(), metric_type);
auto device_index = faiss::gpu::index_cpu_to_gpu(&res, 0, ori_index);
printf ("[%.3f s] Training on %ld vectors\n", elapsed() - t0, nb);
printf("[%.3f s] Training on %ld vectors\n", elapsed() - t0, nb);
device_index->train(nb, xb);
printf ("[%.3f s] Loading database\n", elapsed() - t0);
printf("[%.3f s] Loading database\n", elapsed() - t0);
for (int i = 0; i < index_add_loops; i++) {
printf ("[%.3f s] Indexing database, size %ld*%ld\n", elapsed() - t0, nb, d);
printf("[%.3f s] Indexing database, size %ld*%ld\n", elapsed() - t0, nb, d);
device_index->add(nb, xb);
cpu_index = faiss::gpu::index_gpu_to_cpu(device_index);
faiss::write_index(cpu_index, index_file_name.c_str());
delete []xb;
delete[] xb;
faiss::IndexIVF *cpu_ivf_index = dynamic_cast<faiss::IndexIVF*>(cpu_index);
if(cpu_ivf_index != nullptr) {
faiss::IndexIVF* cpu_ivf_index = dynamic_cast<faiss::IndexIVF*>(cpu_index);
if (cpu_ivf_index != nullptr) {
@ -433,9 +427,9 @@ void test_ivfsq8h_gpu(const std::string& ann_test_name,
delete index;
size_t nq;
float *xq;
float* xq;
printf ("[%.3f s] Loading queries\n", elapsed() - t0);
printf("[%.3f s] Loading queries\n", elapsed() - t0);
size_t d2;
xq = (float*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "test", H5T_FLOAT, d2, nq);
@ -443,42 +437,41 @@ void test_ivfsq8h_gpu(const std::string& ann_test_name,
size_t k;
faiss::Index::idx_t *gt;
faiss::Index::idx_t* gt;
printf ("[%.3f s] Loading ground truth for %ld queries\n", elapsed() - t0, nq);
printf("[%.3f s] Loading ground truth for %ld queries\n", elapsed() - t0, nq);
size_t nq2;
int *gt_int = (int*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "neighbors", H5T_INTEGER, k, nq2);
int* gt_int = (int*)hdf5_read(ann_file_name.c_str(), "neighbors", H5T_INTEGER, k, nq2);
assert(nq2 == nq || !"incorrect nb of ground truth entries");
gt = new faiss::Index::idx_t[k * nq];
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < k * nq; ++i) {
gt[i] = gt_int[i];
delete []gt_int;
delete[] gt_int;
for (auto nprobe : nprobes){
printf ("[%.3f s] Setting parameter configuration 'nprobe=%lu' on index\n",
elapsed() - t0, nprobe);
for (auto nprobe : nprobes) {
printf("[%.3f s] Setting parameter configuration 'nprobe=%lu' on index\n", elapsed() - t0, nprobe);
auto ivf_index = dynamic_cast<faiss::IndexIVF *>(cpu_index);
auto ivf_index = dynamic_cast<faiss::IndexIVF*>(cpu_index);
ivf_index->nprobe = nprobe;
auto is_gpu_flat_index = dynamic_cast<faiss::gpu::GpuIndexFlat*>(ivf_index->quantizer);
if(is_gpu_flat_index == nullptr) {
if (is_gpu_flat_index == nullptr) {
delete ivf_index->quantizer;
ivf_index->quantizer = index_composition.quantizer;
const size_t NQ = 1000, K = 1000;
long *I = new faiss::Index::idx_t[NQ * K];
float *D = new float[NQ * K];
long* I = new faiss::Index::idx_t[NQ * K];
float* D = new float[NQ * K];
printf ("\n%s | %s-gpu | nprobe=%lu\n", ann_test_name.c_str(), index_key.c_str(), nprobe);
printf ("============================================================================================\n");
for (size_t t_nq = 10; t_nq <= NQ; t_nq *= 10) { // nq = {10, 100, 1000}
for (size_t t_k = 100; t_k <= K; t_k *= 10) { // k = {100, 1000}
printf("\n%s | %s-gpu | nprobe=%lu\n", ann_test_name.c_str(), index_key.c_str(), nprobe);
for (size_t t_nq = 10; t_nq <= NQ; t_nq *= 10) { // nq = {10, 100, 1000}
for (size_t t_k = 100; t_k <= K; t_k *= 10) { // k = {100, 1000}
faiss::indexIVF_stats.quantization_time = 0.0;
faiss::indexIVF_stats.search_time = 0.0;
@ -495,7 +488,7 @@ void test_ivfsq8h_gpu(const std::string& ann_test_name,
// consider: each result replicates DATA_LOOPS times
for (unsigned long j_c = 0; j_c < k; j_c++) {
int r_c = I[i * t_k + j_c];
for (unsigned long j_g = 0; j_g < k/index_add_loops; j_g++) {
for (unsigned long j_g = 0; j_g < k / index_add_loops; j_g++) {
if (gt[i * k + j_g] == r_c) {
@ -503,23 +496,21 @@ void test_ivfsq8h_gpu(const std::string& ann_test_name,
printf("nq = %4ld, k = %4ld, elapse = %fs (quant = %fs, search = %fs), R@ = %.4f\n",
t_nq, t_k, (t_end - t_start),
faiss::indexIVF_stats.quantization_time / 1000,
faiss::indexIVF_stats.search_time / 1000,
(hit / float(t_nq * k / index_add_loops)));
printf("nq = %4ld, k = %4ld, elapse = %fs (quant = %fs, search = %fs), R@ = %.4f\n", t_nq, t_k,
(t_end - t_start), faiss::indexIVF_stats.quantization_time / 1000,
faiss::indexIVF_stats.search_time / 1000, (hit / float(t_nq * k / index_add_loops)));
printf ("============================================================================================\n");
printf ("[%.3f s] Search test done\n\n", elapsed() - t0);
printf("[%.3f s] Search test done\n\n", elapsed() - t0);
delete [] I;
delete [] D;
delete[] I;
delete[] D;
delete [] xq;
delete [] gt;
delete[] xq;
delete[] gt;
delete cpu_index;
@ -536,21 +527,20 @@ void test_ivfsq8h_gpu(const std::string& ann_test_name,
* MNIST 784 60,000 10,000 100 Euclidean HDF5 (217MB)
* NYTimes 256 290,000 10,000 100 Angular HDF5 (301MB)
* SIFT 128 1,000,000 10,000 100 Euclidean HDF5 (501MB)
test_ann_hdf5("sift-128-euclidean", "IVF4096,Flat", 2, {8, 128});
test_ann_hdf5("sift-128-euclidean", "IVF16384,SQ8", 2, {8, 128});
test_ann_hdf5("sift-128-euclidean", "IVF4096,Flat", 2, {8, 128});
test_ann_hdf5("sift-128-euclidean", "IVF16384,SQ8", 2, {8, 128});
test_ann_hdf5("sift-128-euclidean", "IVF16384,SQ8Hybrid", 2, {8, 128});
test_ivfsq8h_gpu("sift-128-euclidean", 2, {8, 128});
test_ann_hdf5("glove-200-angular", "IVF4096,Flat", 1, {8, 128});
test_ann_hdf5("glove-200-angular", "IVF16384,SQ8", 1, {8, 128});
test_ann_hdf5("glove-200-angular", "IVF4096,Flat", 1, {8, 128});
test_ann_hdf5("glove-200-angular", "IVF16384,SQ8", 1, {8, 128});
test_ann_hdf5("glove-200-angular", "IVF16384,SQ8Hybrid", 1, {8, 128});
test_ivfsq8h_gpu("glove-200-angular", 1, {8, 128});