From e734d068090399168ca382e67e7d98794098bf5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zilliz Date: Fri, 10 May 2019 23:43:44 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 01/15] Update CMakeLists.txt Former-commit-id: 846f7f0401519246676ff1385677da1c4a07a521 --- cpp/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +- cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt | 1 - 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt index 34fc75f792..8f3f9e30dc 100644 --- a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ include_directories(${VECWISE_THIRD_PARTY_BUILD}/include) link_directories(${CMAKE_CURRRENT_BINARY_DIR}) link_directories(${VECWISE_THIRD_PARTY_BUILD}/lib) - +link_directories(${VECWISE_THIRD_PARTY_BUILD}/lib64) #execute_process(COMMAND bash # WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party) diff --git a/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt index f1a23c5c0d..a777503731 100644 --- a/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ set(server_libs libyaml-cpp.a libboost_system.a libboost_filesystem.a - pthread libsnappy.a libbz2.a libz.a From b48988b0f65ea047e687886c443eff430edb2e25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jinhai Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 19:34:44 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/15] Add SLA/License/Privacy document Former-commit-id: 0fb74db140c186d3d3b154d16d4466546188f73f --- docs/ | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/ | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/ | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 216 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/ create mode 100644 docs/ create mode 100644 docs/ diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fae6a112b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +#软件许可协议 +###前言 +下载或使用本协议随附的软件前,请仔细阅读条款和条件(下称“协议”)。使用软件或点击“我接受 (I ACCEPT)”按钮或类似的按钮,即表示您同意仅在遵循本协议条款和条件的前提下使用软件。您保证您至少年满十八周岁,并且您拥有签署合同的法定能力。如果您代表任何公司、组织或其他实体签署本协议,则 (A) 本协议中所称“您”同时亦指该公司、组织或实体;并且 (B) 您声明并保证您拥有约束该公司、组织或实体接受本协议所规定条款和条件的授权。“贵方”和“客户”亦指您。 + +您对软件的使用明确以您接受本协议的条款和条件为前提。如果您不同意本协议的条款和条件,则不得安装或使用软件。 + +###定义 +“许可软件” 指的是仅以目标代码形式呈现的 Zilliz 专有软件程序和 Zilliz 依据本协议提供的软件更新。 + +“知识产权” 指依据任何司法管辖区法律产生的专利、版权、商业秘密、商标或任何种类或性质的其他类似知识产权,包括任何所谓的“道德权利”。 + +“软件更新” 指 Zilliz 依据支持和维护服务协议向其客户广泛提供的有关许可软件和第三方软件的新版本、漏洞修复或补丁或配置数据变更。 + +“服务” 指 Zilliz 依据本协议的条款向客户提供的服务,包括支持和专业服务,明确限于直接与客户对软件的使用有关的服务,且明确排除任何其他服务。 + +“许可期限” 指自生效日起,到软件许可日结束时为止。 + +“支持” 指 Zilliz 依据本协议条款,向用户提供有关软件的支持和维护服务,包括任何更新、不定、增强和漏洞修复。 + +“授权用户” 指在遵循本协议中限制的前提下,被授权代表您使用许可软件的贵方员工和顾问。 + +###交付和支持 +对于在线试用版许可证, Zilliz 将在客户履行注册和资格认证程序后,立即交付软件使用令牌并安排用户在合适的时间试用软件。 + +对于离线试用版许可证, Zilliz 将在客户履行注册和资格认证程序且提供安装系统硬件信息后,立即交付软件以及任何适用的许可证密钥。 + +###许可 +对于在线试用版许可证,在您履行本协议的前提下,Zilliz 向您授予有限、非排他性、不可转让的许可证(无再许可权),期限为 Zilliz 与您商定的其他期限,从向您提供许可软件的试用版之日起计算,您可凭此许可证您可以试用 Zilliz 为您提供的 MegaSearch 软件。您在任何时候都不得将许可软件用于任何业务的经营。您不得(并且亦不得允许任何第三方)将任何许可软件用于任何基准测试目的,或应用服务提供商目的、分时或服务部目的,或者任何除本协议所设想的贵方内部评估目的以外的任何目的。Zilliz 可能会自行酌定延长期限。在原期限以后继续使用许可软件,即表示您同意在新期限内继续遵循本协议的条款。 + +对于离线试用版许可证,在您履行本协议的前提下,Zilliz 向您授予有限、非排他性、不可转让的许可证(无再许可权),期限为 Zilliz 与您书面商定的其他期限,从向您提供许可软件的试用版之日起计算,您可凭此许可证在您拥有或控制的且与 Zilliz 协商后,指定的设备上安装和使用仅以目标代码形式呈现的许可软件,但仅限您在内部评估软件之用。您在任何时候都不得将许可软件用于任何业务的经营。您不得(并且亦不得允许任何第三方)将任何许可软件用于任何基准测试目的,或应用服务提供商目的、分时或服务部目的,或者任何除本协议所设想的贵方内部评估目的以外的任何目的。Zilliz 可能会自行酌定延长期限。在原期限以后继续使用许可软件,即表示您同意在新期限内继续遵循本协议的条款。 + +###限制 +您不得(并且亦不得允许或鼓励任何第三方)全部或部分复制、分发、编制衍生作品、公开展示或公开演示许可软件,或为任何第三方使用或向任何第三方提供许可软件,或代表任何第三方使用许可软件。除非且仅限在适用的法律或第三方许可证不允许此类限制的情况下,您不得(并且亦不得允许任何第三方):(a) 对许可软件或与许可软件有关的任何其他应用程序、软件、文档或数据,或其中任何部分进行反向工程、反编译、反汇编或企图通过其他方式发现源代码、目标代码或底层结构、理念或算法;(b) 干扰或绕过许可软件的任何功能,包括但不限于任何旨在监控您遵守本协议情况的许可证密钥;(c) 出让、出售、出租、许可、再许可或以其他方式转让或企图转让许可软件的权利;(d) 以不符合本协议以及所有适用法律法规(包括但不限于任何适用的隐私、数据保护和知识产权法律)的方式使用任何许可软件;或者 (e) 篡改或删除许可软件上或其中出现的任何版权、商标、专利或其他专有权利通告或标签。您必须在本协议终止或到期后卸载并删除许可软件。您接受许可软件可包含导致许可软件在期限结束时不能正常使用的自动终止功能。 + +###所有权 +Zilliz 自行(及其许可人(如有))保留与许可软件有关的所有知识产权。许可软件的所有增强、衍生作品和修改,以及您或任何第三方提供的与许可软件有关的任何建议、理念、增强请求、反馈、推荐或其他信息,包括其中所有知识产权,均转让给 Zilliz。您保留您用于许可软件的所有您的保密信息和数据的所有权,并且除依据本协议提供服务这一唯一目的而使用数据外,您的保密信息或数据(下称“您的数据”)的权利并未转移或转让给 Zilliz。许可软件仅被许可,本协议的任何内容均不得解释或阐释为转让或出售 Zilliz 对许可软件的所有权。任何一方均不得质疑对方的知识产权。您不得质疑或造成第三方质疑 Zilliz 知识产权的有效性或强制性。 + +###保密 + +#####保密信息 +指一方披露给另一方(“接收方”)且任何一方都将合理预期或认为属于保密或专有信息的,该方拥有权利的任何保密或专有知识、信息、材料或商业秘密,包括但不限于以各种介质形式呈现(包括但不限于口头、书面和电子数据形式)的与业务方法、产品、服务、财务、客户和潜在客户、供应商、定价和费率、成本、费用、营销、技术、财产、规范、人员或组织有关的信息。Zilliz 的保密信息包括所有许可软件、文档以及与之有关的任何其他技术信息。 + +#####保密 +各接收方:(i) 应对对方(“披露方”)披露的所有保密信息严格保密;(ii) 除因本协议而需要知晓该信息并且受严格程度不低于本协议条款的书面保密义务约束的接收方人员外,未经披露方书面同意不得向任何第三方披露、传播、分发或传输此类保密信息; (iii) 除为了履行其在本协议下的义务的唯一目的外,不得使用该保密信息;并且 (iv) 应当至少以接收方保护类似性质的自有保密信息所采取的相同注意程度保护保密信息,以防止对该保密信息的未经授权的访问、使用、传播或发布,但在任何情况下都不得低于合理的注意程度。接收方如获知该保密信息被未经授权访问、使用、传播或发布,应立即书面通知披露方。 + +#####强制披露 +在事先书面通知披露方(在法律允许的范围内)后,接收方可以在以下范围内披露披露方的保密信息:(i) 应法律法规要求予以披露;(ii) 应法院或其他政府机构裁定要求予以披露。接收方同意协助披露方(由披露方承担费用)采取一切正当的手段,以限制或阻止披露该保密信息,以及取得对所披露的任何信息的保密待遇。 + +#####材料的归还 +本协议终止或到期时,或者披露方提前提出书面请求时,接收方将立即(根据披露方的选择)归还或销毁其持有、保管或控制的从披露方收到的所有保密信息(包括所有副本)。应披露方请求,在归还或销毁后,接收方应以书面形式证明已经完成归还或销毁。 + +#####例外 +保密信息不包含接收方有书面证据证明属于下列任何情况的信息:(i) 接收方已经知晓或后来从第三方收到且不存在保密限制的;或者 (ii) 已经公开或非因接收方过错行为而被公开的。 + +#####隐私政策 +您自行负责发布并维护一份充分提供所有声明的隐私政策,并取得与使用许可软件以及其他方式相关的收集、使用和披露数据的所有同意,并且将赔偿并使 Zilliz 免受因违反前述条款而导致或引发的损害。您在本协议下不会向 Zilliz 提供任何个人身份识别信息。您对您的数据负责,并且您有义务备份您的所有数据,以防止在使用许可软件之前、期间和之后发生丢失。Zilliz 不对您的数据丢失负责。 + +###期限与终止 + +#####期限 +本协议从向您提供许可软件之日起,至期限终止之间持续有效。 + +#####终止 +Zilliz 可以随时自行酌定向您发出通知后终止本协议。 + +###您的责任 +您自行负责您的数据的开发、内容、操作、维护和使用。例如,您自行负责下列方面: + +- 您的数据的技术操作,包括确保您对任何服务的调用兼容该服务当时使用的 API。 +- 您的数据对第三方可接受使用政策和法律的遵守。 +- 与您的数据有关任何索赔。 +- 正确受理和处理任何主张您的数据违反其权利的人向您(或您的任何关联人)发出的通知,包括依据《数字千年版权法》发出的通知。 + +您负责恰当配置和使用许可软件,自行采取措施维护您的数据的恰当安全性、保护和备份。此类措施可能包括使用加密技术来保护您的数据以防止未经授权的访问,以及定期存档您的数据。 + +默认情况下,许可软件在提供时将没有主机或网络,这意味着您必须选择要安装软件的主机和网络,并且您自行负责恰当管理、限制和监控相关访问权限和访问控制。 + +许可软件生成的登录凭据和私有密钥仅供您指定的主机使用,您不得向任何其他实体或个人出售、转让或再许可,您不得在任何除了您指定主机外的主机上使用该秘钥。 + +您承认您应当为您的数据实施恰当的保护机制。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..36fbffd175 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +#隐私政策 + +我们重视保护您的私人信息。本隐私声明适用于 Zilliz (上海赜睿信息科技有限公司)拥有和经营的任何网站和产品对数据的收集和使用。使用 Zilliz 的网站和产品即表示您同意本声明所述的数据实践。 + +###个人信息的收集 +Zilliz 可能会收集您的个人身份识别信息,例如: + +- 姓名 +- 地址 +- 电子邮件地址 +- 电话号码 +- IP 地址 +- 您访问网站的日期和时间 + +请注意,如果您直接通过 Zilliz 的公开消息平台披露个人身份识别信息或个人敏感数据,此信息可能会被其他人收集和使用。 + +Zilliz 建议您查阅从 Zilliz 链接的网站的隐私声明,以了解这些网站如何收集、使用和共享您的信息。 Zilliz 不对除 Zilliz 以外其他公司或网站的隐私声明或其他内容负责。 + + +###个人信息的使用 +为运营其网站和交付您请求的服务, Zilliz 收集和使用您的个人信息。 + +Zilliz 可能使用您的身份识别信息来为您介绍 Zilliz 及其关联公司提供的其他产品或服务。此外,Zilliz还可能邀请您参加调查,以了解您对当前服务或可能提供的新服务的意见。 + +Zilliz 不会将您的信息出售、出租或出赁给第三方。 + +Zilliz 可能会与受信任的合作伙伴共享您的信息,以帮助执行统计分析、向您发送电子邮件或寄送信件、提供客户支持或安排交付。除向 Zilliz 提供上述服务之外,所有此类第三方均不得出于其他目的使用您的个人信息,且必须维护您信息的机密性。 + +Zilliz 可能会跟踪用户在 Zilliz 访问的网站和网页,以确定最受欢迎的 Zilliz 服务。此数据用于在 Zilliz 根据客户行为所揭示的客户特定兴趣领域来为其提供定制内容和广告。 + +Zilliz 将在不通知您的情况下披露您的个人信息,但仅限于依据法律要求或有充分理由相信披露信息是以下情况所必要:(a) 遵循法令或遵循适用于 Zilliz 或网站的法律程序;(b) 维护和保护 Zilliz 的权利或财产;以及 (c) 在紧急情况下保护 Zilliz 用户或公众的人身安全。 + +###自动收集的信息 + +Zilliz 可能会自动收集您计算机硬件和软件的相关信息。此信息可能包括:IP 地址、浏览器类型、域名、访问时间以及进站前链接网站的地址。此信息用于运营服务、维护服务质量以及提供关于 Zilliz 网站使用情况的一般统计信息。 +COOKIE 的使用 + +Zilliz 网站可能会使用“Cookie”来帮助您个性化自己的在线体验。Cookie 是网页服务器放置在您硬盘上的一个文本文件。Cookie 不能用于运行程序或向您的计算机发送病毒。分配给您的 Cookie 是唯一的,只能由向您发布 Cookie 的域中的 Web 服务器阅读。 + +使用 Cookie 的主要目的之一是提供方便的功能,为您节约时间。使用 Cookie 的目的是告诉 Web 服务器您回到了某个特定的页面。例如,如果您个性化了 Zilliz 页面,或者注册了 Zilliz 网站或服务,Cookie 可帮助 Zilliz 在您再次访问时重新调用您的具体信息。这可以简化您输入个人信息的过程,例如账单地址、收货地址等等。当您再次访问相同的 Zilliz 网站时,可检索您以前提供的信息,以便您轻松使用您自定义的 Zilliz 功能。您可以接受或拒绝 Cookie。大多数 Web 浏览器会自动接受 Cookie,但您通常可以通过修改浏览器设置来拒绝 Cookie。如果您选择拒绝 Cookie,您可能无法真正体验您所访问 Zilliz 服务或网站的交互功能。 +个人信息的安全 + +###儿童 + +Zilliz 不会在知情的情况下收集十三岁以下儿童的个人身份识别信息。如果您未满十三周岁,您必须取得您父母或监护人的允许方可使用本网站。 +对本声明的修订 + +Zilliz 将不时根据公司和客户的反馈更新本隐私声明。Zilliz 建议您定期查阅本声明,或通过如下地址申请本政策的副本,从而了解 Zilliz 如何保护您的信息。 +联系信息 + +Zilliz 欢迎您就本隐私声明提出问题或意见。如果您认为 Zilliz 未遵守本声明,或者需要请求修改 Zilliz 持有的您的个人身份识别信息,或者需要行使有关我们如何收集和处理您的个人身份识别信息的选择权,请通过以下方式联系 Zilliz: + +Zilliz + +上海徐汇区桂箐路69号桂箐园28栋6C + +电子邮件地址 + +我们将依据相关数据隐私法律的规定,在系统能力范围内,尽商业上合理的努力响应请求。 + +2019 年 5 月 15 日生效 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8260d7e109 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +#MegaSearch SLA + +###1. 引言 +本 MegaSearch 服务级别协议(以下简称“服务级别协议”)由 Zilliz 制定。如果我们未能达到和保持本服务级别协议中说明的每种服务的服务级别,则您有资格获得月度服务费用的部分服务费抵扣。在您的协议期间,这些条款都不会做任何变动。如果续展订购,则在续订期限开始时实行的本服务级别协议的版本将适用于整个续订期限。如果对本服务级别协议有任何重大不利变更,我们应至少提前九十(90)天进行通知。 + +###2. 服务内容 +MegaSearch 服务基于强大的GPU芯片和大规模并行算法,提供针对特征向量和多维度数据的联合查询。用户可以通过调用 MegaSearch 提供的API或者SDK将 MegaSearch 无缝对接到自己的AI预测业务上。 + +###3. 定义 +3.1 “服务” 指的是 Zilliz 根据本协议向开发者提供的付费服务(未付费情况,不适用于本协议) + +3.2 “索赔” 指客户根据本服务级别协议向Zilliz提交的、有关尚未达到某个服务级别以及客户可获得的服务费抵扣的索赔。 + +3.3 “客户” 指签订本协议的机构。 + +3.4 “客户支持” 指 Zilliz 可由此为客户提供帮助以解决服务问题的服务。 + +3.5 “错误代码”用于指示某项操作出现了问题,例如,5xx 范围内的 HTTP 状态代码。 + +3.6 “事件” 表示导致无法达到服务级别的任何情况。 + +3.7 “管理界面” 指由 Zilliz 提供的 web 界面,客户可以通过该界面来管理 MegaSearch 服务。 + +3.8 “预览版” 指提供用来获得客户反馈的服务或软件的预览版、测试版或其他预发行版。 + +3.9 “服务费抵扣” 表示针对受影响的服务已经证实的服务索赔,返还给客户的月度服务费用的百分比。 + +3.10 “服务级别”指定世纪互联选择遵守并据此衡量其所提供的每种服务的服务级别的标准,具体如下所述。 + +3.11 “服务资源”指某个服务内可供使用的单独资源。 + +3.12 “成功代码”用于指示某项操作已经成功,例如,2xx 范围内的 HTTP 状态代码。 + +3.13 “支持时段”指支持某个服务功能或者支持与某个单独产品或服务兼容的时间范围。 + +###4. 服务赔偿 +####4.1 赔偿范围 + +因 MegaSearch 设计缺陷导致用户所购买的服务无法正常使用,Zilliz 将对不可用时间进行赔偿,但不包括以下原因所导致的服务不可用时间: + +4.1.1 Zilliz 预先通知用户后进行系统维护所引起的,包括割接、维修、升级和模拟故障演练。 + +4.1.2 用户的应用程序或数据信息受到黑客攻击而引起的。 + +4.1.3 用户维护不当或保密不当致使数据、口令、密码等丢失或泄漏所引起的。 + +4.1.4 用户的疏忽或由用户授权的操作所引起的。 + +4.1.5 不可抗力以及意外事件引起的。 + +4.1.6 其他非 Zilliz 原因所造成的不可用。 + +####4.2 服务费抵扣 + +4.2.1 针对所描述的每一种服务,下文介绍了服务费抵扣的金额和计算方法。 + +4.2.2 服务费抵扣是客户针对未能达到任何服务级别的唯一且排他性的救济。 + +4.2.3 在任何情况下,任何帐单月份内提供的与特定服务或服务资源相关的服务费抵扣都不得超过客户在该帐单月份内用于该服务或服务资源(如果有)的月度服务费用。 + +####4.3 赔偿方案 + +4.3.1 “最大可用分钟数” 是指在一个帐单月份期间,用户可用 MegaSearch 的总分钟数。 + +4.3.2 “停机时间” 是指在一个账单月份期间,MegaSearch 的总累计分钟数。当在某一分钟内,客户所有试图与 MegaSearch 建立连接的连续尝试均失败,则将会视该分钟内该数据库不可用。 + +4.3.4 每月正常服务时间百分比计算公式: 每月正常服务时间百分比 % = (最大可用分钟数 − 停机时间) ÷ 最大可用分钟数 + +4.3.5 以下服务级别和服务费抵扣适用于客户对 MegaSearch 服务的使用: + +| 每月正常服务时间百分比 | 服务费抵扣 | +| ---- | ---- | +| <99.9% | 10% | +| <99% | 25% | + From 541c2ecc3d286caea70a557e0b3723204e83343e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jinhai Date: Tue, 14 May 2019 11:54:43 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 04/15] Update Documents Former-commit-id: b03de7c17c53dad9aa471eccc3841a2d0e4bd410 --- cpp/src/license/License.cpp | 14 -------------- cpp/src/license/License.h | 16 ---------------- 2 files changed, 30 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/License.cpp delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/License.h diff --git a/cpp/src/license/License.cpp b/cpp/src/license/License.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index cad684bc10..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/License.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -#include "License.h" - -namespace zilliz { -namespace vecwise { -namespace server { - -ServerError -LicenseValidate(const std::string& path) { - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -} -} -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/License.h b/cpp/src/license/License.h deleted file mode 100644 index cf4888b07b..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/License.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -#pragma once - -#include "utils/Error.h" - -namespace zilliz { -namespace vecwise { -namespace server { - -ServerError -LicenseValidate(const std::string& path); - -} -} -} - - From 7aea1dbccc1e387d1b279b3b30c4b65140e265cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jinhai Date: Tue, 14 May 2019 11:54:43 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 05/15] Update Documents Former-commit-id: 66643e729c7f190d38e460c903b874e5a1c64aa6 --- cpp/src/license/License.cpp | 14 -------------- cpp/src/license/License.h | 16 ---------------- docs/ | 32 ++++++++++++++++---------------- docs/ | 20 +++++++++++--------- docs/ | 16 ++++++++-------- 5 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/License.cpp delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/License.h diff --git a/cpp/src/license/License.cpp b/cpp/src/license/License.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index cad684bc10..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/License.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -#include "License.h" - -namespace zilliz { -namespace vecwise { -namespace server { - -ServerError -LicenseValidate(const std::string& path) { - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -} -} -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/License.h b/cpp/src/license/License.h deleted file mode 100644 index cf4888b07b..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/License.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -#pragma once - -#include "utils/Error.h" - -namespace zilliz { -namespace vecwise { -namespace server { - -ServerError -LicenseValidate(const std::string& path); - -} -} -} - - diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index fae6a112b5..ff9817d5aa 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -#软件许可协议 -###前言 +# 软件许可协议 +### 前言 下载或使用本协议随附的软件前,请仔细阅读条款和条件(下称“协议”)。使用软件或点击“我接受 (I ACCEPT)”按钮或类似的按钮,即表示您同意仅在遵循本协议条款和条件的前提下使用软件。您保证您至少年满十八周岁,并且您拥有签署合同的法定能力。如果您代表任何公司、组织或其他实体签署本协议,则 (A) 本协议中所称“您”同时亦指该公司、组织或实体;并且 (B) 您声明并保证您拥有约束该公司、组织或实体接受本协议所规定条款和条件的授权。“贵方”和“客户”亦指您。 您对软件的使用明确以您接受本协议的条款和条件为前提。如果您不同意本协议的条款和条件,则不得安装或使用软件。 -###定义 +### 定义 “许可软件” 指的是仅以目标代码形式呈现的 Zilliz 专有软件程序和 Zilliz 依据本协议提供的软件更新。 “知识产权” 指依据任何司法管辖区法律产生的专利、版权、商业秘密、商标或任何种类或性质的其他类似知识产权,包括任何所谓的“道德权利”。 @@ -19,45 +19,45 @@ “授权用户” 指在遵循本协议中限制的前提下,被授权代表您使用许可软件的贵方员工和顾问。 -###交付和支持 +### 交付和支持 对于在线试用版许可证, Zilliz 将在客户履行注册和资格认证程序后,立即交付软件使用令牌并安排用户在合适的时间试用软件。 对于离线试用版许可证, Zilliz 将在客户履行注册和资格认证程序且提供安装系统硬件信息后,立即交付软件以及任何适用的许可证密钥。 -###许可 +### 许可 对于在线试用版许可证,在您履行本协议的前提下,Zilliz 向您授予有限、非排他性、不可转让的许可证(无再许可权),期限为 Zilliz 与您商定的其他期限,从向您提供许可软件的试用版之日起计算,您可凭此许可证您可以试用 Zilliz 为您提供的 MegaSearch 软件。您在任何时候都不得将许可软件用于任何业务的经营。您不得(并且亦不得允许任何第三方)将任何许可软件用于任何基准测试目的,或应用服务提供商目的、分时或服务部目的,或者任何除本协议所设想的贵方内部评估目的以外的任何目的。Zilliz 可能会自行酌定延长期限。在原期限以后继续使用许可软件,即表示您同意在新期限内继续遵循本协议的条款。 对于离线试用版许可证,在您履行本协议的前提下,Zilliz 向您授予有限、非排他性、不可转让的许可证(无再许可权),期限为 Zilliz 与您书面商定的其他期限,从向您提供许可软件的试用版之日起计算,您可凭此许可证在您拥有或控制的且与 Zilliz 协商后,指定的设备上安装和使用仅以目标代码形式呈现的许可软件,但仅限您在内部评估软件之用。您在任何时候都不得将许可软件用于任何业务的经营。您不得(并且亦不得允许任何第三方)将任何许可软件用于任何基准测试目的,或应用服务提供商目的、分时或服务部目的,或者任何除本协议所设想的贵方内部评估目的以外的任何目的。Zilliz 可能会自行酌定延长期限。在原期限以后继续使用许可软件,即表示您同意在新期限内继续遵循本协议的条款。 -###限制 +### 限制 您不得(并且亦不得允许或鼓励任何第三方)全部或部分复制、分发、编制衍生作品、公开展示或公开演示许可软件,或为任何第三方使用或向任何第三方提供许可软件,或代表任何第三方使用许可软件。除非且仅限在适用的法律或第三方许可证不允许此类限制的情况下,您不得(并且亦不得允许任何第三方):(a) 对许可软件或与许可软件有关的任何其他应用程序、软件、文档或数据,或其中任何部分进行反向工程、反编译、反汇编或企图通过其他方式发现源代码、目标代码或底层结构、理念或算法;(b) 干扰或绕过许可软件的任何功能,包括但不限于任何旨在监控您遵守本协议情况的许可证密钥;(c) 出让、出售、出租、许可、再许可或以其他方式转让或企图转让许可软件的权利;(d) 以不符合本协议以及所有适用法律法规(包括但不限于任何适用的隐私、数据保护和知识产权法律)的方式使用任何许可软件;或者 (e) 篡改或删除许可软件上或其中出现的任何版权、商标、专利或其他专有权利通告或标签。您必须在本协议终止或到期后卸载并删除许可软件。您接受许可软件可包含导致许可软件在期限结束时不能正常使用的自动终止功能。 -###所有权 +### 所有权 Zilliz 自行(及其许可人(如有))保留与许可软件有关的所有知识产权。许可软件的所有增强、衍生作品和修改,以及您或任何第三方提供的与许可软件有关的任何建议、理念、增强请求、反馈、推荐或其他信息,包括其中所有知识产权,均转让给 Zilliz。您保留您用于许可软件的所有您的保密信息和数据的所有权,并且除依据本协议提供服务这一唯一目的而使用数据外,您的保密信息或数据(下称“您的数据”)的权利并未转移或转让给 Zilliz。许可软件仅被许可,本协议的任何内容均不得解释或阐释为转让或出售 Zilliz 对许可软件的所有权。任何一方均不得质疑对方的知识产权。您不得质疑或造成第三方质疑 Zilliz 知识产权的有效性或强制性。 -###保密 +### 保密 -#####保密信息 +##### 保密信息 指一方披露给另一方(“接收方”)且任何一方都将合理预期或认为属于保密或专有信息的,该方拥有权利的任何保密或专有知识、信息、材料或商业秘密,包括但不限于以各种介质形式呈现(包括但不限于口头、书面和电子数据形式)的与业务方法、产品、服务、财务、客户和潜在客户、供应商、定价和费率、成本、费用、营销、技术、财产、规范、人员或组织有关的信息。Zilliz 的保密信息包括所有许可软件、文档以及与之有关的任何其他技术信息。 -#####保密 +##### 保密 各接收方:(i) 应对对方(“披露方”)披露的所有保密信息严格保密;(ii) 除因本协议而需要知晓该信息并且受严格程度不低于本协议条款的书面保密义务约束的接收方人员外,未经披露方书面同意不得向任何第三方披露、传播、分发或传输此类保密信息; (iii) 除为了履行其在本协议下的义务的唯一目的外,不得使用该保密信息;并且 (iv) 应当至少以接收方保护类似性质的自有保密信息所采取的相同注意程度保护保密信息,以防止对该保密信息的未经授权的访问、使用、传播或发布,但在任何情况下都不得低于合理的注意程度。接收方如获知该保密信息被未经授权访问、使用、传播或发布,应立即书面通知披露方。 -#####强制披露 +##### 强制披露 在事先书面通知披露方(在法律允许的范围内)后,接收方可以在以下范围内披露披露方的保密信息:(i) 应法律法规要求予以披露;(ii) 应法院或其他政府机构裁定要求予以披露。接收方同意协助披露方(由披露方承担费用)采取一切正当的手段,以限制或阻止披露该保密信息,以及取得对所披露的任何信息的保密待遇。 -#####材料的归还 +##### 材料的归还 本协议终止或到期时,或者披露方提前提出书面请求时,接收方将立即(根据披露方的选择)归还或销毁其持有、保管或控制的从披露方收到的所有保密信息(包括所有副本)。应披露方请求,在归还或销毁后,接收方应以书面形式证明已经完成归还或销毁。 -#####例外 +##### 例外 保密信息不包含接收方有书面证据证明属于下列任何情况的信息:(i) 接收方已经知晓或后来从第三方收到且不存在保密限制的;或者 (ii) 已经公开或非因接收方过错行为而被公开的。 -#####隐私政策 +##### 隐私政策 您自行负责发布并维护一份充分提供所有声明的隐私政策,并取得与使用许可软件以及其他方式相关的收集、使用和披露数据的所有同意,并且将赔偿并使 Zilliz 免受因违反前述条款而导致或引发的损害。您在本协议下不会向 Zilliz 提供任何个人身份识别信息。您对您的数据负责,并且您有义务备份您的所有数据,以防止在使用许可软件之前、期间和之后发生丢失。Zilliz 不对您的数据丢失负责。 -###期限与终止 +### 期限与终止 -#####期限 +##### 期限 本协议从向您提供许可软件之日起,至期限终止之间持续有效。 #####终止 diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 36fbffd175..ee8cb5b57d 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -#隐私政策 +# 隐私政策 我们重视保护您的私人信息。本隐私声明适用于 Zilliz (上海赜睿信息科技有限公司)拥有和经营的任何网站和产品对数据的收集和使用。使用 Zilliz 的网站和产品即表示您同意本声明所述的数据实践。 -###个人信息的收集 +### 个人信息的收集 Zilliz 可能会收集您的个人身份识别信息,例如: - 姓名 @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Zilliz 可能会收集您的个人身份识别信息,例如: Zilliz 建议您查阅从 Zilliz 链接的网站的隐私声明,以了解这些网站如何收集、使用和共享您的信息。 Zilliz 不对除 Zilliz 以外其他公司或网站的隐私声明或其他内容负责。 -###个人信息的使用 +### 个人信息的使用 为运营其网站和交付您请求的服务, Zilliz 收集和使用您的个人信息。 Zilliz 可能使用您的身份识别信息来为您介绍 Zilliz 及其关联公司提供的其他产品或服务。此外,Zilliz还可能邀请您参加调查,以了解您对当前服务或可能提供的新服务的意见。 @@ -30,23 +30,25 @@ Zilliz 可能会跟踪用户在 Zilliz 访问的网站和网页,以确定最 Zilliz 将在不通知您的情况下披露您的个人信息,但仅限于依据法律要求或有充分理由相信披露信息是以下情况所必要:(a) 遵循法令或遵循适用于 Zilliz 或网站的法律程序;(b) 维护和保护 Zilliz 的权利或财产;以及 (c) 在紧急情况下保护 Zilliz 用户或公众的人身安全。 -###自动收集的信息 +### 自动收集的信息 Zilliz 可能会自动收集您计算机硬件和软件的相关信息。此信息可能包括:IP 地址、浏览器类型、域名、访问时间以及进站前链接网站的地址。此信息用于运营服务、维护服务质量以及提供关于 Zilliz 网站使用情况的一般统计信息。 -COOKIE 的使用 + +### COOKIE 的使用 Zilliz 网站可能会使用“Cookie”来帮助您个性化自己的在线体验。Cookie 是网页服务器放置在您硬盘上的一个文本文件。Cookie 不能用于运行程序或向您的计算机发送病毒。分配给您的 Cookie 是唯一的,只能由向您发布 Cookie 的域中的 Web 服务器阅读。 使用 Cookie 的主要目的之一是提供方便的功能,为您节约时间。使用 Cookie 的目的是告诉 Web 服务器您回到了某个特定的页面。例如,如果您个性化了 Zilliz 页面,或者注册了 Zilliz 网站或服务,Cookie 可帮助 Zilliz 在您再次访问时重新调用您的具体信息。这可以简化您输入个人信息的过程,例如账单地址、收货地址等等。当您再次访问相同的 Zilliz 网站时,可检索您以前提供的信息,以便您轻松使用您自定义的 Zilliz 功能。您可以接受或拒绝 Cookie。大多数 Web 浏览器会自动接受 Cookie,但您通常可以通过修改浏览器设置来拒绝 Cookie。如果您选择拒绝 Cookie,您可能无法真正体验您所访问 Zilliz 服务或网站的交互功能。 -个人信息的安全 -###儿童 +### 儿童 Zilliz 不会在知情的情况下收集十三岁以下儿童的个人身份识别信息。如果您未满十三周岁,您必须取得您父母或监护人的允许方可使用本网站。 -对本声明的修订 + +### 对本声明的修订 Zilliz 将不时根据公司和客户的反馈更新本隐私声明。Zilliz 建议您定期查阅本声明,或通过如下地址申请本政策的副本,从而了解 Zilliz 如何保护您的信息。 -联系信息 + +#### 联系信息 Zilliz 欢迎您就本隐私声明提出问题或意见。如果您认为 Zilliz 未遵守本声明,或者需要请求修改 Zilliz 持有的您的个人身份识别信息,或者需要行使有关我们如何收集和处理您的个人身份识别信息的选择权,请通过以下方式联系 Zilliz: diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 8260d7e109..dc5c41a12f 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ -#MegaSearch SLA +# MegaSearch SLA -###1. 引言 +### 1. 引言 本 MegaSearch 服务级别协议(以下简称“服务级别协议”)由 Zilliz 制定。如果我们未能达到和保持本服务级别协议中说明的每种服务的服务级别,则您有资格获得月度服务费用的部分服务费抵扣。在您的协议期间,这些条款都不会做任何变动。如果续展订购,则在续订期限开始时实行的本服务级别协议的版本将适用于整个续订期限。如果对本服务级别协议有任何重大不利变更,我们应至少提前九十(90)天进行通知。 -###2. 服务内容 +### 2. 服务内容 MegaSearch 服务基于强大的GPU芯片和大规模并行算法,提供针对特征向量和多维度数据的联合查询。用户可以通过调用 MegaSearch 提供的API或者SDK将 MegaSearch 无缝对接到自己的AI预测业务上。 -###3. 定义 +### 3. 定义 3.1 “服务” 指的是 Zilliz 根据本协议向开发者提供的付费服务(未付费情况,不适用于本协议) 3.2 “索赔” 指客户根据本服务级别协议向Zilliz提交的、有关尚未达到某个服务级别以及客户可获得的服务费抵扣的索赔。 @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ MegaSearch 服务基于强大的GPU芯片和大规模并行算法,提供针对 3.13 “支持时段”指支持某个服务功能或者支持与某个单独产品或服务兼容的时间范围。 -###4. 服务赔偿 -####4.1 赔偿范围 +### 4. 服务赔偿 +#### 4.1 赔偿范围 因 MegaSearch 设计缺陷导致用户所购买的服务无法正常使用,Zilliz 将对不可用时间进行赔偿,但不包括以下原因所导致的服务不可用时间: @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ MegaSearch 服务基于强大的GPU芯片和大规模并行算法,提供针对 4.1.6 其他非 Zilliz 原因所造成的不可用。 -####4.2 服务费抵扣 +#### 4.2 服务费抵扣 4.2.1 针对所描述的每一种服务,下文介绍了服务费抵扣的金额和计算方法。 @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ MegaSearch 服务基于强大的GPU芯片和大规模并行算法,提供针对 4.2.3 在任何情况下,任何帐单月份内提供的与特定服务或服务资源相关的服务费抵扣都不得超过客户在该帐单月份内用于该服务或服务资源(如果有)的月度服务费用。 -####4.3 赔偿方案 +#### 4.3 赔偿方案 4.3.1 “最大可用分钟数” 是指在一个帐单月份期间,用户可用 MegaSearch 的总分钟数。 From ab410524d82c4e109f743498b73f749c7399a9b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jinhai Date: Tue, 14 May 2019 12:03:29 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 06/15] Update Documents Former-commit-id: 767d5cb36006aa1d01e254d175665a27294e349f --- docs/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index ff9817d5aa..5a8bbedba3 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ Zilliz 自行(及其许可人(如有))保留与许可软件有关的所 ##### 期限 本协议从向您提供许可软件之日起,至期限终止之间持续有效。 -#####终止 +##### 终止 Zilliz 可以随时自行酌定向您发出通知后终止本协议。 -###您的责任 +### 您的责任 您自行负责您的数据的开发、内容、操作、维护和使用。例如,您自行负责下列方面: - 您的数据的技术操作,包括确保您对任何服务的调用兼容该服务当时使用的 API。 From c7ba2112bb27fbc4e4d144154ebfc0640060a83b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "yangwei.yao" Date: Sat, 11 May 2019 14:08:30 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 07/15] 05.11 Former-commit-id: 22e7d5214db47ac228d50989b01e3a5e71a719d4 --- cpp/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +- cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h | 133 +++++++ cpp/src/license/License.cpp | 371 +++++++++++++++++++ cpp/src/license/License.h | 81 ++++ cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp | 51 +++ cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp | 31 ++ cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp | 2 +- cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp | 284 ++++++++++++++ cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h | 68 ++++ cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp | 13 + cpp/src/utils/Error.h | 1 + cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt | 22 +- cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp | 174 ++++++++- 13 files changed, 1218 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/License.cpp create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/License.h create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp diff --git a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt index e6f65de454..d249baf1c3 100644 --- a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ link_directories(${VECWISE_THIRD_PARTY_BUILD}/lib64) # WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/third_party) add_subdirectory(src) -add_subdirectory(test_client) +#add_subdirectory(test_client) if (BUILD_UNIT_TEST) add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/unittest) diff --git a/cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h b/cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4074cc0758 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +// +// Created by zilliz on 19-5-10. +// + +#ifndef VECWISE_ENGINE_BOOSTARCHIVE_H +#define VECWISE_ENGINE_BOOSTARCHIVE_H +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +using std::list; +using std::ifstream; +using std::ofstream; +using std::string; +using std::map; + +template +class BoostArchive +{ +public: + typedef T entity_type; + typedef boost::archive::binary_iarchive InputArchive; + typedef boost::archive::binary_oarchive OutputArchive; + + BoostArchive(const string & archive_file_path) + : _file_path_name(archive_file_path) + , _p_ofs(NULL) + , _p_output_archive(NULL) + , _entity_nums(0) + { + load_arvhive_info(); + } + ~BoostArchive() + { + close_output(); + } + //存储一个对象,序列化 + void store(const entity_type & entity); + + //反序列化, 提取所有对象 + bool restore(list & entitys); + + size_t size() const + { + return _entity_nums; + } + +private: + void save_archive_info() //保存已序列化的对象个数信息 + { + ofstream ofs; +,std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); + if (ofs.is_open()) + { + ofs << _entity_nums; + } + ofs.close(); + } + + void load_arvhive_info()//读取已序列化的对象个数信息 + { + ifstream ifs; +,std::ios_base::in); + if (ifs.is_open() && !ifs.eof()) + { + int enity_num = 0; + ifs >> enity_num; + _entity_nums = enity_num; + } + ifs.close(); + } + + string get_archive_info_file_path() + { + return "/tmp/vecwise_engine.meta"; + } + + void close_output() + { + if (NULL != _p_output_archive) + { + delete _p_output_archive; + _p_output_archive = NULL; + save_archive_info(); + } + if (NULL != _p_ofs) + { + delete _p_ofs; + _p_ofs = NULL; + } + } + +private: + size_t _entity_nums; + string _file_path_name; + ofstream * _p_ofs; + OutputArchive * _p_output_archive; +}; + +template +bool BoostArchive::restore( list & entitys ) +{ + close_output(); + load_arvhive_info(); + ifstream ifs(_file_path_name); + if (ifs) + { + InputArchive ia(ifs); + for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < _entity_nums; ++cnt) + { + entity_type entity; + ia & entity; + entitys.push_back(entity); + } + return true; + } + return false; +} + +template +void BoostArchive::store( const entity_type & entity ) +{ + if (NULL == _p_output_archive) + { + _p_ofs = new ofstream(_file_path_name); + _p_output_archive = new OutputArchive(*_p_ofs); + } + (*_p_output_archive) & entity; + ++_entity_nums; +} +#endif //VECWISE_ENGINE_BOOSTARCHIVE_H diff --git a/cpp/src/license/License.cpp b/cpp/src/license/License.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..193a322e50 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/License.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +#include "License.h" + +namespace zilliz { +namespace vecwise { +namespace server { + +ServerError +LicenseSave(const std::string& path,const int& deviceCount,const std::vector& shas) +{ + std::ofstream file(path); + + boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); + oa << deviceCount; + for(int i=0;i& shas) +{ + std::ifstream file(path); + + boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); + ia >> deviceCount; + std::string sha; + for(int i=0;i> sha; + shas.push_back(sha); + } + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +Licensefileread(const std::string& path) +{ + std::ifstream fileread; +,std::ios::in); + if(!fileread) + { + printf("Can't open file\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + fileread.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +Licensefileread (const std::string& path,std::ifstream& fileread){ +,std::ios::in); + if(!fileread) + { + printf("Can't open file\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +Licensefilewrite (const std::string& path,std::ofstream& filewrite) { +,std::ios::out); + if(!filewrite) + { + printf("Can't write file\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseGetCount(int &deviceCount) +{ + nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit(); + if (NVML_SUCCESS != result) + { + printf("Failed to initialize NVML: %s\n", nvmlErrorString(result)); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + cudaError_t error_id = cudaGetDeviceCount(&deviceCount); + if (error_id != cudaSuccess) + { + printf("cudaGetDeviceCount returned %d\n-> %s\n", (int)error_id, cudaGetErrorString(error_id)); + printf("Result = FAIL\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseGetuuid(int& deviceCount, std::vector& uuids) +{ + nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit(); + if (NVML_SUCCESS != result) + { + printf("Failed to initialize NVML: %s\n", nvmlErrorString(result)); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + cudaError_t error_id = cudaGetDeviceCount(&deviceCount); + if (error_id != cudaSuccess) + { + printf("cudaGetDeviceCount returned %d\n-> %s\n", (int)error_id, cudaGetErrorString(error_id)); + printf("Result = FAIL\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + + if (deviceCount == 0) + { + printf("There are no available device(s) that support CUDA\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + + for (int dev = 0; dev < deviceCount; ++dev) + { + nvmlDevice_t device; + result = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(dev, &device); + printf("device id: %d\n", dev); + if (NVML_SUCCESS != result) + { + printf("Failed to get handle for device %i: %s\n", dev, nvmlErrorString(result)); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + + char* uuid = (char*)malloc(80); + unsigned int length = 80; + nvmlReturn_t err = nvmlDeviceGetUUID(device, uuid, length); + if(err != NVML_SUCCESS) { + printf("nvmlDeviceGetUUID error: %d\n", err); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + + printf("\n device: %d, uuid = %s \n", dev, uuid); + uuids.push_back(std::string(uuid)); + free(uuid); + uuid = NULL; + } + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseGetuuidmd5(const int& deviceCount,std::vector& uuids,std::vector& md5s) +{ + MD5_CTX ctx; + unsigned char outmd[16]; + char temp[2]; + std::string md5=""; + for(int dev=0;dev& uuids,std::vector& shas) +{ + SHA256_CTX ctx; + unsigned char outmd[32]; + char temp[2]; + std::string sha=""; + for(int dev=0;dev uuids; + LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); + std::vector shas; + LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,shas); + + + int deviceCountcheck; + std::vector shascheck; + LicenseLoad(path,deviceCountcheck,shascheck); + + if(deviceCount!=deviceCountcheck) + { + printf("deviceCount is wrong\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + for(int i=0;i> filemd5; + ia >> last_time; + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseIntegritycheck(const std::string& path,const std::string& path2) + { + std::string filemd5; + LicenseGetfilemd5(path,filemd5); + time_t last_time; + LicenseGetfiletime(path,last_time); + + time_t last_timecheck; + std::string filemd5check; + LicensefileLoad(path2,filemd5check,last_timecheck); + + if(filemd5!=filemd5check) + { + printf("This file has been modified\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + if(last_time!=last_timecheck) + { + printf("last_time is wrong\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + + return SERVER_SUCCESS; + } + +ServerError +LicenseValidate(const std::string& path) { + + + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + + + +} +} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/License.h b/cpp/src/license/License.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6f67edb6f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/License.h @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "utils/Error.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp" +#include "boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + + +namespace zilliz { +namespace vecwise { +namespace server { + + +ServerError +LicenseSave(const std::string& path,const int& deviceCount,const std::vector& shas); + +ServerError +LicenseLoad(const std::string& path,int& deviceCount,std::vector& shas); + +ServerError +Licensefileread (const std::string& path,std::ifstream& fileread); + +ServerError +Licensefilewrite (const std::string& path,std::ofstream& filewrite); + +ServerError +LicenseGetuuid(int& deviceCount, std::vector& uuids); + +ServerError +LicenseGetuuidmd5(const int& deviceCount,std::vector& uuids,std::vector& md5s); + +ServerError +LicenseGetfilemd5(const std::string& path,std::string& filemd5); + +ServerError +LicenseGetuuidsha(const int& deviceCount,std::vector& uuids,std::vector& shas); + +ServerError +LicenseIntegritycheck(const std::string& path,const std::string& path2); + +ServerError +LicenseGetfiletime(const std::string& path,time_t& last_time); + +ServerError +LicenseLegalitycheck(const std::string& path); + +ServerError +LicensefileSave(const std::string& path,const std::string& path2); + +ServerError +LicensefileLoad(const std::string& path2,std::string& filemd5,time_t& last_time); + + +ServerError +LicenseGetfilesize(const std::string& path,off_t& file_size); + +ServerError +LicenseValidate(const std::string& path); + +ServerError +Licensefileread(const std::string& path); + +ServerError +LicenseGetCount(int &deviceCount); +} +} +} + + diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7683fae24c --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +// +// Created by zilliz on 19-5-11. +// + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "utils/Error.h" +#include "license/License.h" +#include "license/LicensePublic.h" + +using namespace zilliz::vecwise; + +//TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { +// +// std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.sha"; +// std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; +// std::cout << "This is create licenseTime " << std::endl; +// +// server::ServerError err; +// int deviceCount=0; +// +// std::vector shas; +// err = server::LicenseLoad(path1,deviceCount,shas); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// std::map uuidEncryption; +// std::cout<< "deviceCount : " << deviceCount << std::endl; +// for(int i=0;i> RemainingTime ; +// +// err = server::LiSave(path2,deviceCount,uuidEncryption,RemainingTime); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// int64_t RemainingTimecheck; +// std::map uuidEncryptioncheck; +// int deviceCountcheck; +// err = server::LiLoad(path2,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTimecheck); +// +// printf("\n deviceCountcheck = %d\n",deviceCountcheck); +// std::cout<< "RemainingTimecheck: " << RemainingTimecheck<< std::endl; +// std::cout<< "success" << std::endl; +// +//} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93179ba75a --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// +// Created by zilliz on 19-5-11. +// +#include +#include + +#include "utils/Error.h" +#include "license/License.h" +using namespace zilliz::vecwise; + +// +//TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { +// +// std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.sha"; +// std::cout << "This is create uuidshafile " << std::endl; +// +// server::ServerError err; +// int deviceCount=0; +// std::vector uuids; +// +// err = server::LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// std::vector shas; +// err = server::LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,shas); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// err = server::LicenseSave(path1,deviceCount,shas); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +//} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp index f82e948c30..278c132962 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #include - int main() { std::cout << "This is license generator" << std::endl; + return 0; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6534674476 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +// +// Created by zilliz on 19-5-10. +// + +#include "LicensePublic.h" +#include "license/License.h" +//#include "BoostArchive.h" +#define RTime 100 + +using std::string; +using std::map; +namespace zilliz { +namespace vecwise { +namespace server { + +// GET /tmp/vecwise_engine.license +class Licensedata1 +{ +public: + Licensedata1() + :_deviceCount(0) + ,_RemainingTime(RTime) + {} + + Licensedata1(const int& deviceCount,const map& uuidEncryption) + :_deviceCount(deviceCount) + ,_uuidEncryption(uuidEncryption) + ,_RemainingTime(RTime) + {} + + Licensedata1(const int& deviceCount,const map& uuidEncryption,const int64_t& RemainingTime) + :_deviceCount(deviceCount) + ,_uuidEncryption(uuidEncryption) + ,_RemainingTime(RemainingTime) + {} + + int GetdeviceCount() + { + return _deviceCount; + } + map GetuuidEncryption() + { + return _uuidEncryption; + } + int64_t GetRemainingTime() + { + return _RemainingTime; + } + +private: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + template + void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) + { + ar & _deviceCount; + ar & _uuidEncryption; + ar & _RemainingTime; + } + +public: + int _deviceCount; + map _uuidEncryption; + int64_t _RemainingTime; +}; + + +class STLlicensedata +{ +private: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + template + void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) + { + ar & m_licensedata; + } + +public: + Licensedata1* m_licensedata; +}; + + +ServerError +LiSave(const string& path,const int& deviceCount,const map& uuidEncryption) +{ + std::ofstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); + oa.register_type(); + STLlicensedata stllicensedata; + + Licensedata1 *p = new Licensedata1(deviceCount,uuidEncryption); + stllicensedata.m_licensedata = p; + oa << stllicensedata; + + delete p; + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LiSave(const string& path,const int& deviceCount,const map& uuidEncryption, const int64_t& RemainingTime) +{ + std::ofstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); + oa.register_type(); + STLlicensedata stllicensedata; + + Licensedata1 *p = new Licensedata1(deviceCount,uuidEncryption,RemainingTime); + stllicensedata.m_licensedata = p; + oa << stllicensedata; + + delete p; + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LiLoad(const string& path,int& deviceCount,map& uuidEncryption,int64_t& RemainingTime) +{ + std::ifstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); + ia.register_type(); + STLlicensedata stllicensedata; + ia >> stllicensedata; + deviceCount = stllicensedata.m_licensedata->GetdeviceCount(); + uuidEncryption = stllicensedata.m_licensedata->GetuuidEncryption(); + RemainingTime = stllicensedata.m_licensedata->GetRemainingTime(); + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + + +// GET /tmp/vecwise_engine2.license + +class Licensefiledata +{ +public: + Licensefiledata() + :_update_time(0) + ,_file_size(0) + ,_filemd5("") + {} + + Licensefiledata(const time_t& update_time,const off_t& file_size,const string& filemd5) + :_update_time(update_time) + ,_file_size(file_size) + ,_filemd5(filemd5) + {} + + time_t Getupdate_time() + { + return _update_time; + } + off_t Getfile_size() + { + return _file_size; + } + string Getfilemd5() + { + return _filemd5; + } + +private: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + template + void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) + { + ar & _update_time; + ar & _file_size; + ar & _filemd5; + } + +public: + time_t _update_time; + off_t _file_size; + string _filemd5; +}; + + +class STLlicensefiledata +{ +private: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + template + void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) + { + ar & m_licensefiledata; + } + +public: + Licensefiledata* m_licensefiledata; +}; + + +ServerError +LifileSave(const string& path,const time_t& update_time,const off_t& file_size,const string& filemd5) +{ + std::ofstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); + oa.register_type(); + STLlicensefiledata stllicensefiledata; + + Licensefiledata *p = new Licensefiledata(update_time,file_size,filemd5); + stllicensefiledata.m_licensefiledata = p; + oa << stllicensefiledata; + + delete p; + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LifileLoad(const string& path,time_t& update_time,off_t& file_size,string& filemd5) + { + std::ifstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); + ia.register_type(); + STLlicensefiledata stllicensefiledata; + ia >> stllicensefiledata; + update_time = stllicensefiledata.m_licensefiledata->Getupdate_time(); + file_size = stllicensefiledata.m_licensefiledata->Getfile_size(); + filemd5 = stllicensefiledata.m_licensefiledata->Getfilemd5(); + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; + } + + +void Alterfile(const string &path1, const string &path2 ,const boost::system::error_code &ec, boost::asio::deadline_timer* pt) +{ + int deviceCount; + map uuidEncryption; + int64_t RemainingTime; + LiLoad(path1,deviceCount,uuidEncryption,RemainingTime); + + std::cout<< "RemainingTime: " << RemainingTime < uuidEncryptioncheck; + int64_t RemainingTimecheck; + LiLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTimecheck); + + std::cout<< "RemainingTimecheck: " << RemainingTimecheck <expires_at(pt->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::hours(1)) ; + pt->async_wait(boost::bind(Alterfile,path1,path2, boost::asio::placeholders::error, pt)); + +} +void Runtime(const string &path1, const string &path2 ) +{ + boost::asio::io_service io; + boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::hours(1)); + t.async_wait(boost::bind(Alterfile,path1,path2, boost::asio::placeholders::error, &t)); +; + return;; +} + +} +} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea2e439d99 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +// +// Created by zilliz on 19-5-10. +// + +#pragma once + +#include "utils/Error.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace zilliz { +namespace vecwise { +namespace server { + +class BoostArchive; +class Licensedata1; + + +class Licensefiledata; +class STLlicensefiledata; + + +ServerError +LiSave(const std::string& path,const int& deviceCount,const std::map& uuidEncryption); + +ServerError +LiLoad(const std::string& path,int& deviceCount,std::map& uuidEncryption,int64_t& RemainingTime); + +ServerError +LifileSave(const std::string& path,const time_t& update_time,const off_t& file_size,const std::string& filemd5); + +ServerError +LifileLoad(const std::string& path,time_t& update_time,off_t& file_size,std::string& filemd5); + +ServerError +LiSave(const std::string& path,const int& deviceCount,const std::map& uuidEncryption, const int64_t& RemainingTime); + +void Alterfile(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2 ,const boost::system::error_code &ec, boost::asio::deadline_timer* pt); +void Runtime(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2 ); + +// void Print(const boost::system::error_code &ec,boost::asio::deadline_timer* pt, int * pcount ); +// void Run(); + +} +} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..660fd5fa0c --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// +// Created by zilliz on 19-5-11. +// +#include +#include +#include + +#include "utils/Error.h" +#include "license/License.h" +#include "license/LicensePublic.h" +using namespace zilliz::vecwise; + + diff --git a/cpp/src/utils/Error.h b/cpp/src/utils/Error.h index 83da0cea9f..88e697ec2e 100644 --- a/cpp/src/utils/Error.h +++ b/cpp/src/utils/Error.h @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ constexpr ServerError SERVER_INVALID_ARGUMENT = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x004); constexpr ServerError SERVER_FILE_NOT_FOUND = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x005); constexpr ServerError SERVER_NOT_IMPLEMENT = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x006); constexpr ServerError SERVER_BLOCKING_QUEUE_EMPTY = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x007); +constexpr ServerError SERVER_LICENSE_VALIDATION_FAIL = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x008); class ServerException : public std::exception { public: diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt index dd742d66fe..92eef5d556 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt @@ -11,34 +11,32 @@ aux_source_directory(../../src/cache cache_srcs) aux_source_directory(../../src/wrapper wrapper_src) include_directories(/usr/local/cuda/include) -link_directories("/usr/local/cuda/lib64") +link_directories(/usr/local/cuda) +link_directories(/usr/local/cuda/lib64) +link_directories(/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu) +link_directories(/usr/lib/nvidia-415) set(require_files - ../../src/server/ServerConfig.cpp - ../../src/utils/CommonUtil.cpp - ../../src/utils/TimeRecorder.cpp ../../src/license/License.cpp - ) + ../../src/license/LicensePublic.cpp + ../../src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp + ) set(db_test_src - ${unittest_srcs} - ${config_files} - ${cache_srcs} - ${db_srcs} - ${wrapper_src} ${require_files} license_tests.cpp) cuda_add_executable(license_test ${db_test_src}) set(db_libs - faiss + nvidia-ml cudart cublas - sqlite3 boost_system boost_filesystem lz4 + crypto + boost_serialization ) target_link_libraries(license_test ${unittest_libs} ${db_libs}) diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp index 798160f671..4ee6898dd9 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp @@ -5,12 +5,184 @@ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "license/License.h" +#include "license/LicensePublic.h" #include "utils/Error.h" + using namespace zilliz::vecwise; TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { + std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; - server::ServerError err = server::LicenseValidate(path1); + std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; + std::cout << "This is run " << std::endl; + + server::ServerError err; + + err = server::Licensefileread(path1); + if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) + { + exit(1); + } + + int deviceCount=0; + std::vector uuids; + + err = server::LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + std::vector shas; + err = server::LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,shas); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + err = server::LicenseSave(path1,deviceCount,shas); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + } + +//TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { +// std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; +// std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; +// +// server::ServerError err; +// server::Runtime(path1,path2); + + +// time_t update_time; +// off_t file_size; +// std::string filemd5; +// +// time_t update_timecheck; +// off_t file_sizecheck; +// std::string filemd5check; +// +// err = server::LicenseGetfiletime(path1,update_time); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// err = server::LicenseGetfilesize(path1,file_size); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// err = server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path1,filemd5); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// err = server::LifileSave(path2,update_time,file_size,filemd5); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// err = server::LifileLoad(path2,update_timecheck,file_sizecheck,filemd5check); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// +// std::cout<< "update_time : " << update_time < uuids; +// +// deviceCount = 2; +// uuids.push_back("121"); +// uuids.push_back("324"); +// err = server::LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// printf("\n deviceCount = %d\n",deviceCount); +// +// std::vector uuidmd5s; +// err = server::LicenseGetuuidmd5(deviceCount,uuids,uuidmd5s); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// printf(" md5s \n"); +// for(int i=0;i uuidshas; +// err = server::LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,uuidshas); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// std::map uuidEncryption; +// for(int i=0;i uuidEncryptioncheck; +// err = server::LiLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTime); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// printf("----- checking ----\n"); +// printf("\n deviceCount = %d\n",deviceCountcheck); +// for(auto it : uuidEncryptioncheck) +// { +// std::cout<< "uuidshas : " << it.second << std::endl; +// } +// std::cout<< "RemainingTime :" << RemainingTime << std::endl; +// +// printf(" shas \n"); +// for(int i=0;i uuidshascheck; +// +// err = server::LicenseLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidshascheck); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// std::cout<<" deviceCountcheck :" << deviceCountcheck << std::endl; +// std::cout<<" uuidshascheck :" << uuidshascheck[0] << std::endl; +// +// +// std::string filemd5; +// err = server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path1,filemd5); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// std::cout<<" filemd5 :" << filemd5 << std::endl; +// +// err= server::LicensefileSave(path1,path2); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// time_t last_timecheck; +// std::string filemd5check; +// err= server::LicensefileLoad(path2,filemd5check,last_timecheck); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// std::cout<<" filemd5check :" << filemd5check << std::endl; +// +// time_t last_time; +// err = server::LicenseGetfiletime(path1,last_time); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// std::cout<<" last_time : " << last_time << std::endl; +// std::cout<<" last_timecheck :" << last_timecheck << std::endl; +// +// err = server::LicenseIntegritycheck(path1,path2); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + +//} From 5eb854b1b6217887250fb0c406fea15a6ead52b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "yangwei.yao" Date: Sat, 11 May 2019 15:13:36 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 08/15] license_run Former-commit-id: dbfbeafc516f45c89cf2b693f40ac19abf903df3 --- cpp/src/license/License.cpp | 2 +- cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp | 34 +++++++++--- cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++- cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h | 32 ++++++++--- cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp | 29 +++++++++- cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp | 32 ++++++----- 6 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/cpp/src/license/License.cpp b/cpp/src/license/License.cpp index 193a322e50..eb6c563e4f 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/License.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/License.cpp @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Licensefileread(const std::string& path),std::ios::in); if(!fileread) { - printf("Can't open file\n"); + printf("NO License\n"); return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; } fileread.close(); diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp index 7683fae24c..0c2f951511 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp @@ -12,10 +12,14 @@ using namespace zilliz::vecwise; + + //TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { // // std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.sha"; // std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; +// std::string path3 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; +// // std::cout << "This is create licenseTime " << std::endl; // // server::ServerError err; @@ -39,13 +43,29 @@ using namespace zilliz::vecwise; // err = server::LiSave(path2,deviceCount,uuidEncryption,RemainingTime); // ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); // -// int64_t RemainingTimecheck; -// std::map uuidEncryptioncheck; -// int deviceCountcheck; -// err = server::LiLoad(path2,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTimecheck); +//// int64_t RemainingTimecheck; +//// std::map uuidEncryptioncheck; +//// int deviceCountcheck; +//// err = server::LiLoad(path2,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTimecheck); +//// +//// printf("\n deviceCountcheck = %d\n",deviceCountcheck); +//// std::cout<< "RemainingTimecheck: " << RemainingTimecheck<< std::endl; +// +// time_t update_time; +// off_t file_size; +// std::string filemd5; +// +// server::LicenseGetfiletime(path2,update_time); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// server::LicenseGetfilesize(path2,file_size); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path2,filemd5); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// +// err = server::LifileSave(path3,update_time,file_size,filemd5); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); // -// printf("\n deviceCountcheck = %d\n",deviceCountcheck); -// std::cout<< "RemainingTimecheck: " << RemainingTimecheck<< std::endl; // std::cout<< "success" << std::endl; // -//} \ No newline at end of file +//} diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp index 6534674476..632b4cb73d 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp @@ -223,6 +223,78 @@ LifileLoad(const string& path,time_t& update_time,off_t& file_size,string& filem return SERVER_SUCCESS; } +ServerError +LicenseLegality_check(const std::string& path) +{ + int deviceCount; + std::vector uuids; + LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); + + std::vector shas; + LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,shas); + + + int deviceCountcheck; + std::map uuidEncryption; + int64_t RemainingTime; + LiLoad(path,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryption,RemainingTime); + + if(deviceCount!=deviceCountcheck) + { + printf("deviceCount is wrong\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + for(int i=0;i& uuidEncryption, const int64_t& RemainingTime); -void Alterfile(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2 ,const boost::system::error_code &ec, boost::asio::deadline_timer* pt); -void Runtime(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2 ); +ServerError +LicenseIntegrity_check(const std::string& path,const std::string& path2); + +ServerError +LicenseLegality_check(const std::string& path); + +void +Alterfile(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2 ,const boost::system::error_code &ec, boost::asio::deadline_timer* pt); + +void +Runtime(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2 ); + + + -// void Print(const boost::system::error_code &ec,boost::asio::deadline_timer* pt, int * pcount ); -// void Run(); } } diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp index 660fd5fa0c..a059d2f7e2 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp @@ -10,4 +10,31 @@ #include "license/LicensePublic.h" using namespace zilliz::vecwise; - +//TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { +// +// std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; +// std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; +// std::cout << "This is run " << std::endl; +// +// server::ServerError err; +// +// err = server::Licensefileread(path1); +// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) +// { +// exit(1); +// } +// err = server::LicenseIntegrity_check(path1,path2); +// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) +// { +// std::cout << "Integrity_check is wrong " << std::endl; +// exit(1); +// } +// err = server::LicenseLegality_check(path1); +// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) +// { +// std::cout << "Legality_check is wrong " << std::endl; +// exit(1); +// } +// std::cout << " runing " << std::endl; +// server::Runtime(path1,path2); +//} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp index 4ee6898dd9..3da698c1d1 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp @@ -24,22 +24,26 @@ TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { { exit(1); } - - int deviceCount=0; - std::vector uuids; - - err = server::LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - std::vector shas; - err = server::LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,shas); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - err = server::LicenseSave(path1,deviceCount,shas); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - + err = server::LicenseIntegrity_check(path1,path2); + if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) + { + std::cout << "Integrity_check is wrong " << std::endl; + exit(1); + } + err = server::LicenseLegality_check(path1); + if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) + { + std::cout << "Legality_check is wrong " << std::endl; + exit(1); + } + std::cout << " runing " << std::endl; + server::Runtime(path1,path2); } + + + + //TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { // std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; // std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; From 06dd990b189240df64829fb5c720a68af4a755c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jinhai Date: Sat, 11 May 2019 20:58:11 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 09/15] Refactor code Former-commit-id: 31caf05ec1b75d9cd1de476104cdc0abf62acedd --- cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt | 17 +- cpp/src/license/GPUInfoFile.h | 69 ++++ cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp | 6 + cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h | 74 ++++ cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp | 244 +++++++++++++ cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h | 71 ++++ cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h | 72 ++++ cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt | 14 +- .../license/license_library_tests.cpp | 134 +++++++ cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp | 343 +++++++++--------- 10 files changed, 862 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-) create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/GPUInfoFile.h create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h create mode 100644 cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp diff --git a/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt index 8b02188979..8fab8929cb 100644 --- a/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ aux_source_directory(db db_files) aux_source_directory(wrapper wrapper_files) set(license_check_files - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/License.cpp + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/LicenseLibrary.h ) set(service_files @@ -28,6 +29,12 @@ set(vecwise_engine_src ${wrapper_files} ) +set(license_generator_src + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp) + +set(get_sys_info_src + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/GetSysInfo.cpp) + include_directories(/usr/include) include_directories(/usr/local/cuda/include) @@ -65,7 +72,6 @@ add_executable(vecwise_server ${server_files} ${utils_files} ${service_files} - ${license_check_files} ${VECWISE_THIRD_PARTY_BUILD}/include/ ) @@ -87,9 +93,10 @@ set(server_libs target_link_libraries(vecwise_server ${server_libs}) -set(license_generator_src - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp) - add_executable(license_generator ${license_generator_src}) +<<<<<<< b84d32553f910adf71e4ee069889e1d9fdd8a09f install(TARGETS vecwise_server DESTINATION bin) +======= +add_executable(get_sys_info ${get_sys_info_src}) +>>>>>>> Refactor code diff --git a/cpp/src/license/GPUInfoFile.h b/cpp/src/license/GPUInfoFile.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d22765bd71 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/GPUInfoFile.h @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/******************************************************************************* + * Copyright 上海赜睿信息科技有限公司(Zilliz) - All Rights Reserved + * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. + * Proprietary and confidential. + ******************************************************************************/ +#pragma once + +#include +#include +#include + + +class GPUInfoFile { + public: + GPUInfoFile() = default; + + GPUInfoFile(const int &device_count, const std::map &uuid_encryption_map) + : device_count_(device_count), uuid_encryption_map_(uuid_encryption_map) {} + + int get_device_count() { + return device_count_; + } + std::map &get_uuid_encryption_map() { + return uuid_encryption_map_; + } + + + public: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + + template + void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { + ar & device_count_; + ar & uuid_encryption_map_; + } + + public: + int device_count_ = 0; + std::map uuid_encryption_map_; +}; + +class SerializedGPUInfoFile { + public: + ~SerializedGPUInfoFile() { + if (gpu_info_file_ != nullptr) { + delete (gpu_info_file_); + gpu_info_file_ = nullptr; + } + } + + void + set_gpu_info_file(GPUInfoFile *gpu_info_file) { + gpu_info_file_ = gpu_info_file; + } + + GPUInfoFile *get_gpu_info_file() { + return gpu_info_file_; + } + private: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + + template + void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { + ar & gpu_info_file_; + } + + private: + GPUInfoFile *gpu_info_file_ = nullptr; +}; diff --git a/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp b/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c35b89864 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#include + +int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { + std::cout << "GetSysInfo" << std::endl; + return 0; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..322cea8b85 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/******************************************************************************* + * Copyright 上海赜睿信息科技有限公司(Zilliz) - All Rights Reserved + * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. + * Proprietary and confidential. + ******************************************************************************/ +#pragma once + + +#include +#include +#include + +class LicenseFile { + public: + LicenseFile() = default; + + LicenseFile(const int &device_count, const std::map &uuid_encryption_map, const int64_t &remaining_hour) + : device_count_(device_count), uuid_encryption_map_(uuid_encryption_map), remaining_hour_(remaining_hour) {} + + int get_device_count() { + return device_count_; + } + std::map &get_uuid_encryption_map() { + return uuid_encryption_map_; + } + int64_t get_remaining_hour() { + return remaining_hour_; + } + + public: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + + template + void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { + ar & device_count_; + ar & uuid_encryption_map_; + ar & remaining_hour_; + } + + public: + int device_count_ = 0; + std::map uuid_encryption_map_; + int64_t remaining_hour_ = 0; +}; + +class SerializedLicenseFile { + public: + ~SerializedLicenseFile() { + if(license_file_ != nullptr) { + delete(license_file_); + license_file_ = nullptr; + } + } + + void + set_license_file(LicenseFile* license_file) { + license_file_ = license_file; + } + + LicenseFile* get_license_file() { + return license_file_; + } + private: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + + template + void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { + ar & license_file_; + } + + private: + LicenseFile *license_file_ = nullptr; +}; + diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e757caa4b --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Copyright 上海赜睿信息科技有限公司(Zilliz) - All Rights Reserved +// Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. +// Proprietary and confidential. +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#include "LicenseLibrary.h" +#include "utils/Log.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +//#include +//#include +#include + + +namespace zilliz { +namespace vecwise { +namespace server { + +constexpr int LicenseLibrary::sha256_length_; + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(int &device_count) { + nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit(); + if (NVML_SUCCESS != result) { + printf("Failed to initialize NVML: %s\n", nvmlErrorString(result)); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + cudaError_t error_id = cudaGetDeviceCount(&device_count); + if (error_id != cudaSuccess) { + printf("cudaGetDeviceCount returned %d\n-> %s\n", (int) error_id, cudaGetErrorString(error_id)); + printf("Result = FAIL\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GetUUID(int device_count, std::vector &uuid_array) { + if (device_count == 0) { + printf("There are no available device(s) that support CUDA\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + + for (int dev = 0; dev < device_count; ++dev) { + nvmlDevice_t device; + nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(dev, &device); + if (NVML_SUCCESS != result) { + printf("Failed to get handle for device %i: %s\n", dev, nvmlErrorString(result)); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + + char uuid[80]; + unsigned int length = 80; + nvmlReturn_t err = nvmlDeviceGetUUID(device, uuid, length); + if (err != NVML_SUCCESS) { + printf("nvmlDeviceGetUUID error: %d\n", err); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + + uuid_array.emplace_back(uuid); + } + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDMD5(int device_count, + std::vector &uuid_array, + std::vector &md5_array) { + MD5_CTX ctx; + unsigned char outmd[16]; + char temp[2]; + std::string md5; + for (int dev = 0; dev < device_count; ++dev) { + md5.clear(); + memset(outmd, 0, sizeof(outmd)); + MD5_Init(&ctx); + MD5_Update(&ctx, uuid_array[dev].c_str(), uuid_array[dev].size()); + MD5_Final(outmd, &ctx); + for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + std::snprintf(temp, 2, "%02X", outmd[i]); + md5 += temp; + } + md5_array.push_back(md5); + } + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(const int &device_count, + std::vector &uuid_array, + std::vector &sha_array) { + SHA256_CTX ctx; + unsigned char outmd[sha256_length_]; + char temp[2]; + std::string sha; + for (int dev = 0; dev < device_count; ++dev) { + sha.clear(); + memset(outmd, 0, sizeof(outmd)); + SHA256_Init(&ctx); + SHA256_Update(&ctx, uuid_array[dev].c_str(), uuid_array[dev].size()); + SHA256_Final(outmd, &ctx); + for (int i = 0; i < sha256_length_; ++i) { + std::snprintf(temp, 2, "%02X", outmd[i]); + sha += temp; + } + sha_array.push_back(sha); + } + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +// Part 2: Handle License File +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(const std::string &path, + int device_count, + const std::map &uuid_encrption_map, + int64_t remaining_hour) { + + std::ofstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); + oa.register_type(); + + SerializedLicenseFile serialized_license_file; + + serialized_license_file.set_license_file(new LicenseFile(device_count, uuid_encrption_map, remaining_hour)); + oa << serialized_license_file; + + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, + int &device_count, + std::map &uuid_encrption_map, + int64_t &remaining_hour) { + std::ifstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); + ia.register_type(); + + SerializedLicenseFile serialized_license_file; + ia >> serialized_license_file; + + device_count = serialized_license_file.get_license_file()->get_device_count(); + uuid_encrption_map = serialized_license_file.get_license_file()->get_uuid_encryption_map(); + remaining_hour = serialized_license_file.get_license_file()->get_remaining_hour(); + + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::SecretFileSerialization(const std::string &path, + const time_t &update_time, + const off_t &file_size, + const std::string &file_md5) { + std::ofstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); + oa.register_type(); + + SerializedSecretFile serialized_secret_file; + + serialized_secret_file.set_secret_file(new SecretFile(update_time, file_size, file_md5)); + oa << serialized_secret_file; + + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, + time_t &update_time, + off_t &file_size, + std::string &file_md5) { + std::ifstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); + ia.register_type(); + SerializedSecretFile serialized_secret_file; + + ia >> serialized_secret_file; + update_time = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_update_time(); + file_size = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_file_size(); + file_md5 = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_file_md5(); + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +// Part 3: File attribute: UpdateTime Time/ Size/ MD5 +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(const std::string& path, time_t& update_time, off_t& file_size) { + struct stat buf; + int err_no = stat(path.c_str(), &buf); + if(err_no != 0) + { + std::cout << strerror(err_no) << std::endl; + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + + update_time =buf.st_mtime; + file_size =buf.st_size; + + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(const std::string &path, std::string &filemd5) { + filemd5.clear(); + + std::ifstream file(path.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary); + if (!file) { + return -1; + } + + MD5_CTX md5Context; + MD5_Init(&md5Context); + + char buf[1024 * 16]; + while (file.good()) { +, sizeof(buf)); + MD5_Update(&md5Context, buf, file.gcount()); + } + + unsigned char result[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; + MD5_Final(result, &md5Context); + + char hex[35]; + memset(hex, 0, sizeof(hex)); + for (int i = 0; i < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++i) { + sprintf(hex + i * 2, "%02X", result[i]); + } + hex[32] = '\0'; + filemd5 = std::string(hex); + + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +} +} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d284bd4561 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "LicenseFile.h" +#include "SecretFile.h" + +#include "utils/Error.h" + +#include +#include + + +namespace zilliz { +namespace vecwise { +namespace server { + +class LicenseLibrary { + public: + // Part 1: Get GPU Info + static ServerError + GetDeviceCount(int &device_count); + + static ServerError + GetUUID(int device_count, std::vector &uuid_array); + + static ServerError + GetUUIDMD5(int device_count, std::vector &uuid_array, std::vector &md5_array); + + + static ServerError + GetUUIDSHA256(const int &device_count, + std::vector &uuid_array, + std::vector &sha_array); + + // Part 2: Handle License File + static ServerError + LicenseFileSerialization(const std::string &path, + int device_count, + const std::map &uuid_encrption_map, int64_t remaining_hour); + + static ServerError + LicenseFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, + int &device_count, + std::map &uuid_encrption_map, + int64_t &remaining_hour); + + static ServerError + SecretFileSerialization(const std::string &path, + const time_t &update_time, + const off_t &file_size, + const std::string &file_md5); + + static ServerError + SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size, std::string &file_md5); + + // Part 3: File attribute: UpdateTime Time/ Size/ MD5 + static ServerError + GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size); + + static ServerError + GetFileMD5(const std::string &path, std::string &filemd5); + + // Part 4: GPU Info File Serialization/Deserialization + + private: + static constexpr int sha256_length_ = 32; +}; + + +} +} +} diff --git a/cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h b/cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08f196a5b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/******************************************************************************* + * Copyright 上海赜睿信息科技有限公司(Zilliz) - All Rights Reserved + * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. + * Proprietary and confidential. + ******************************************************************************/ +#pragma once +#include + +class SecretFile { + public: + SecretFile() = default; + + SecretFile(const time_t &update_time, const off_t &file_size, const std::string &file_md5) + : update_time_(update_time), file_size_(file_size), file_md5_(file_md5) {} + + time_t get_update_time() { + return update_time_; + } + off_t get_file_size() { + return file_size_; + } + std::string get_file_md5() { + return file_md5_; + } + + private: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + + template + void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { + ar & update_time_; + ar & file_size_; + ar & file_md5_; + } + + public: + time_t update_time_ = 0; + off_t file_size_ = 0; + std::string file_md5_; +}; + +class SerializedSecretFile { + public: + ~SerializedSecretFile() { + if(secret_file_ != nullptr) { + delete secret_file_; + secret_file_ = nullptr; + } + } + + void + set_secret_file(SecretFile* secret_file) { + secret_file_ = secret_file; + } + + SecretFile* get_secret_file() { + return secret_file_; + } + + private: + friend class boost::serialization::access; + + template + void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { + ar & secret_file_; + } + + private: + SecretFile *secret_file_ = nullptr; +}; + + diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt index 92eef5d556..2d2ed15fc7 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt @@ -15,16 +15,20 @@ link_directories(/usr/local/cuda) link_directories(/usr/local/cuda/lib64) link_directories(/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu) link_directories(/usr/lib/nvidia-415) +link_directories(/usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/stubs/) set(require_files - ../../src/license/License.cpp - ../../src/license/LicensePublic.cpp - ../../src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp + ../../src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp +# ../../src/license/License.cpp +# ../../src/license/LicensePublic.cpp +# ../../src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp ) set(db_test_src - ${require_files} - license_tests.cpp) + +# license_tests.cpp + license_library_tests.cpp + ${require_files}) cuda_add_executable(license_test ${db_test_src}) diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb8b10b8b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +/******************************************************************************* + * Copyright 上海赜睿信息科技有限公司(Zilliz) - All Rights Reserved + * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. + * Proprietary and confidential. + ******************************************************************************/ + + +#include "utils/Log.h" +#include "license/LicenseLibrary.h" +#include "utils/Error.h" + +#include + + +using namespace zilliz::vecwise; + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GPU_INFO_TEST) { + + int device_count = 0; + server::ServerError err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(device_count); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + std::cout << "Device Count: " << device_count << std::endl; + + std::vector uuid_array; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + for (long i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + std::cout << "Device Id: " << i << ", UUID: " << uuid_array[i] << std::endl; + } + + std::vector uuid_md5_array; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDMD5(device_count, uuid_array, uuid_md5_array); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + for (long i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + std::cout << "Device Id: " << i << ", UUID: " << uuid_array[i] << ", UUID_MD5: " << uuid_md5_array[i] + << std::endl; + } + + std::vector uuid_sha256_array; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, uuid_sha256_array); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + for (long i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + std::cout << "Device Id: " << i << ", UUID: " << uuid_array[i] << ", UUID_SHA256: " + << uuid_sha256_array[i] << std::endl; + } +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, LICENSE_FILE_TEST) { + + // 1. Get Device Count + int device_count = 0; + server::ServerError err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(device_count); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 2. Get All GPU UUID + std::vector uuid_array; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 3. Get UUID SHA256 + std::vector uuid_sha256_array; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, uuid_sha256_array); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 4. Set a file name + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); + + // 5. Provide remaining hour + int64_t remaining_hour = 2 * 365 * 24; + + // 6. Generate GPU ID map with GPU UUID + std::map uuid_encrption_map; + for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + uuid_encrption_map[i] = uuid_sha256_array[i]; + } + + // 7. Generate License File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encrption_map, + remaining_hour); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 8. Define output var + int output_device_count = 0; + std::map output_uuid_encrption_map; + int64_t output_remaining_hour = 0; + + // 9. Read License File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, + output_device_count, + output_uuid_encrption_map, + output_remaining_hour); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + ASSERT_EQ(device_count, output_device_count); + ASSERT_EQ(remaining_hour, output_remaining_hour); + for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + ASSERT_EQ(uuid_encrption_map[i], output_uuid_encrption_map[i]); + } + + // 10. Get License File Attribute + time_t update_time; + off_t file_size; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 11. Get License File MD5 + std::string file_md5; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 12. Generate Secret File + std::string secret_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.secret"); + err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, update_time, file_size, file_md5); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 13. Define output var + time_t output_update_time; + off_t output_file_size; + std::string output_file_md5; + + // 14. Read License File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, + output_update_time, + output_file_size, + output_file_md5); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + ASSERT_EQ(update_time, output_update_time); + ASSERT_EQ(file_size, output_file_size); + ASSERT_EQ(file_md5, output_file_md5); + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp index 3da698c1d1..e67352cde6 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ // Proprietary and confidential. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include +#include #include "license/License.h" #include "license/LicensePublic.h" #include "utils/Error.h" @@ -11,182 +12,180 @@ using namespace zilliz::vecwise; -TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { - - std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; - std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; - std::cout << "This is run " << std::endl; - - server::ServerError err; - - err = server::Licensefileread(path1); - if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) - { - exit(1); - } - err = server::LicenseIntegrity_check(path1,path2); - if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) - { - std::cout << "Integrity_check is wrong " << std::endl; - exit(1); - } - err = server::LicenseLegality_check(path1); - if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) - { - std::cout << "Legality_check is wrong " << std::endl; - exit(1); - } - std::cout << " runing " << std::endl; - server::Runtime(path1,path2); -} - - - - - //TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { + // std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; // std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; +// std::cout << "This is run " << std::endl; // // server::ServerError err; +// +// err = server::Licensefileread(path1); +// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) +// { +// exit(1); +// } +// err = server::LicenseIntegrity_check(path1,path2); +// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) +// { +// std::cout << "Integrity_check is wrong " << std::endl; +// exit(1); +// } +// err = server::LicenseLegality_check(path1); +// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) +// { +// std::cout << "Legality_check is wrong " << std::endl; +// exit(1); +// } +// std::cout << " runing " << std::endl; // server::Runtime(path1,path2); - - -// time_t update_time; -// off_t file_size; -// std::string filemd5; -// -// time_t update_timecheck; -// off_t file_sizecheck; -// std::string filemd5check; -// -// err = server::LicenseGetfiletime(path1,update_time); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// err = server::LicenseGetfilesize(path1,file_size); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// err = server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path1,filemd5); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// err = server::LifileSave(path2,update_time,file_size,filemd5); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// err = server::LifileLoad(path2,update_timecheck,file_sizecheck,filemd5check); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// -// std::cout<< "update_time : " << update_time < uuids; -// -// deviceCount = 2; -// uuids.push_back("121"); -// uuids.push_back("324"); -// err = server::LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// printf("\n deviceCount = %d\n",deviceCount); -// -// std::vector uuidmd5s; -// err = server::LicenseGetuuidmd5(deviceCount,uuids,uuidmd5s); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// printf(" md5s \n"); -// for(int i=0;i uuidshas; -// err = server::LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,uuidshas); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// std::map uuidEncryption; -// for(int i=0;i uuidEncryptioncheck; -// err = server::LiLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTime); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// printf("----- checking ----\n"); -// printf("\n deviceCount = %d\n",deviceCountcheck); -// for(auto it : uuidEncryptioncheck) -// { -// std::cout<< "uuidshas : " << it.second << std::endl; -// } -// std::cout<< "RemainingTime :" << RemainingTime << std::endl; -// -// printf(" shas \n"); -// for(int i=0;i uuidshascheck; -// -// err = server::LicenseLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidshascheck); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// std::cout<<" deviceCountcheck :" << deviceCountcheck << std::endl; -// std::cout<<" uuidshascheck :" << uuidshascheck[0] << std::endl; -// -// -// std::string filemd5; -// err = server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path1,filemd5); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// std::cout<<" filemd5 :" << filemd5 << std::endl; -// -// err= server::LicensefileSave(path1,path2); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// time_t last_timecheck; -// std::string filemd5check; -// err= server::LicensefileLoad(path2,filemd5check,last_timecheck); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// std::cout<<" filemd5check :" << filemd5check << std::endl; -// -// time_t last_time; -// err = server::LicenseGetfiletime(path1,last_time); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// std::cout<<" last_time : " << last_time << std::endl; -// std::cout<<" last_timecheck :" << last_timecheck << std::endl; -// -// err = server::LicenseIntegritycheck(path1,path2); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - //} + + + + + +TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { + std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; + std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; + + server::ServerError err; + server::Runtime(path1,path2); + + + time_t update_time; + off_t file_size; + std::string filemd5; + + time_t update_timecheck; + off_t file_sizecheck; + std::string filemd5check; + + err = server::LicenseGetfiletime(path1,update_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + err = server::LicenseGetfilesize(path1,file_size); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + err = server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path1,filemd5); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + err = server::LifileSave(path2,update_time,file_size,filemd5); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + err = server::LifileLoad(path2,update_timecheck,file_sizecheck,filemd5check); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + + std::cout<< "update_time : " << update_time < uuids; + + deviceCount = 2; + uuids.push_back("121"); + uuids.push_back("324"); + err = server::LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + printf("\n deviceCount = %d\n",deviceCount); + + std::vector uuidmd5s; + err = server::LicenseGetuuidmd5(deviceCount,uuids,uuidmd5s); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + printf(" md5s \n"); + for(int i=0;i uuidshas; + err = server::LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,uuidshas); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + std::map uuidEncryption; + for(int i=0;i uuidEncryptioncheck; +// err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(path1, deviceCountcheck, uuidEncryptioncheck, RemainingTime); + err = server::LiLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTime); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + printf("----- checking ----\n"); + printf("\n deviceCount = %d\n",deviceCountcheck); + for(auto it : uuidEncryptioncheck) + { + std::cout<< "uuidshas : " << it.second << std::endl; + } + std::cout<< "RemainingTime :" << RemainingTime << std::endl; + + printf(" shas \n"); + for(int i=0;i uuidshascheck; + + err = server::LicenseLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidshascheck); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + std::cout<<" deviceCountcheck :" << deviceCountcheck << std::endl; + std::cout<<" uuidshascheck :" << uuidshascheck[0] << std::endl; + + + err = server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path1,filemd5); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + std::cout<<" filemd5 :" << filemd5 << std::endl; + + err= server::LicensefileSave(path1,path2); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + time_t last_timecheck; + err= server::LicensefileLoad(path2,filemd5check,last_timecheck); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + std::cout<<" filemd5check :" << filemd5check << std::endl; + + time_t last_time; + err = server::LicenseGetfiletime(path1,last_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + std::cout<<" last_time : " << last_time << std::endl; + std::cout<<" last_timecheck :" << last_timecheck << std::endl; + + err = server::LicenseIntegritycheck(path1,path2); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + +} From 128bc2b42015e35487c7f0db06730dd07f0eba30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "yangwei.yao" Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 16:17:18 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 10/15] Refactor Former-commit-id: 5c57d9054cae1e468a5795b928ecab4d18c1d4af --- cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp | 2 + cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp | 173 +++++++++++++++++- cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h | 33 ++++ cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h | 36 ++-- cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp | 2 + .../license/license_library_tests.cpp | 166 ++++++++++++++++- 6 files changed, 381 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp index 93179ba75a..597adb2cfc 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ #include "utils/Error.h" #include "license/License.h" + + using namespace zilliz::vecwise; // diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp index 6e757caa4b..f9cf6808d7 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp @@ -24,6 +24,18 @@ namespace server { constexpr int LicenseLibrary::sha256_length_; +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::OpenFile(const std::string &path) { + std::ifstream fileread; +, std::ios::in); + if (!fileread) { + std::cout << path << " does not exist" << std::endl; + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + fileread.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + ServerError LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(int &device_count) { nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit(); @@ -139,6 +151,7 @@ LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, int &device_count, std::map &uuid_encrption_map, int64_t &remaining_hour) { + OpenFile(path); std::ifstream file(path); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); ia.register_type(); @@ -177,6 +190,7 @@ LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size, std::string &file_md5) { + OpenFile(path); std::ifstream file(path); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); ia.register_type(); @@ -192,23 +206,26 @@ LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, // Part 3: File attribute: UpdateTime Time/ Size/ MD5 ServerError -LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(const std::string& path, time_t& update_time, off_t& file_size) { +LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size) { + + OpenFile(path); struct stat buf; int err_no = stat(path.c_str(), &buf); - if(err_no != 0) - { + if (err_no != 0) { std::cout << strerror(err_no) << std::endl; - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; } - update_time =buf.st_mtime; - file_size =buf.st_size; + update_time = buf.st_mtime; + file_size = buf.st_size; return SERVER_SUCCESS; } ServerError LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(const std::string &path, std::string &filemd5) { + + OpenFile(path); filemd5.clear(); std::ifstream file(path.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary); @@ -238,6 +255,150 @@ LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(const std::string &path, std::string &filemd5) { return SERVER_SUCCESS; } +// Part 4: GPU Info File Serialization/Deserialization +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileSerialization(const std::string &path, + int device_count, + const std::map &uuid_encrption_map) { + std::ofstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); + oa.register_type(); + + SerializedGPUInfoFile serialized_gpu_info_file; + + serialized_gpu_info_file.set_gpu_info_file(new GPUInfoFile(device_count, uuid_encrption_map)); + oa << serialized_gpu_info_file; + + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, + int &device_count, + std::map &uuid_encrption_map) { + OpenFile(path); + std::ifstream file(path); + boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); + ia.register_type(); + + SerializedGPUInfoFile serialized_gpu_info_file; + ia >> serialized_gpu_info_file; + + device_count = serialized_gpu_info_file.get_gpu_info_file()->get_device_count(); + uuid_encrption_map = serialized_gpu_info_file.get_gpu_info_file()->get_uuid_encryption_map(); + + file.close(); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +// Part 5: Integrity check and Legality check +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { + + std::string file_md5; + GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); + time_t update_time; + off_t file_size; + GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); + + std::string output_file_md5; + time_t output_update_time; + off_t output_file_size; + SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, output_update_time, output_file_size, output_file_md5); + if (file_md5 != output_file_md5) { + printf("License file has been modified\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + if (update_time != output_update_time) { + printf("update_time is wrong\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + if (file_size != output_file_size) { + printf("file_size is wrong\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + std::cout << "Integrity Check Success" << std::endl; + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path) { + + int device_count; + GetDeviceCount(device_count); + std::vector uuid_array; + GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); + + std::vector sha_array; + GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, sha_array); + + int output_device_count; + std::map uuid_encryption_map; + int64_t remaining_time; + LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, output_device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); + + if (device_count != output_device_count) { + printf("device_count is wrong\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + if (sha_array[i] != uuid_encryption_map[i]) { + printf("uuid_encryption_map %d is wrong\n", i); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + } + if (remaining_time <= 0) { + printf("License expired\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + std::cout << "Legality Check Success" << std::endl; + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +// Part 6: Timer +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, + const std::string &secret_file_path, + const boost::system::error_code &ec, + boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt) { + int device_count; + std::map uuid_encryption_map; + int64_t remaining_time; + LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); + + std::cout << "remaining_time: " << remaining_time << std::endl; + + if (remaining_time <= 0) { + std::cout << "License expired" << std::endl; + exit(1); + } + --remaining_time; + LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); + + time_t update_time; + off_t file_size; + GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); + std::string file_md5; + GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); + SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, update_time, file_size, file_md5); + + pt->expires_at(pt->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::hours(1)); + pt->async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, secret_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, pt)); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { + + OpenFile(license_file_path); + OpenFile(secret_file_path); + boost::asio::io_service io; + boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::hours(1)); + t.async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, secret_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, &t)); + std::cout << "Timing begins" << std::endl; +; + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} } } diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h index d284bd4561..da79a4770d 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h @@ -2,9 +2,14 @@ #include "LicenseFile.h" #include "SecretFile.h" +#include "GPUInfoFile.h" #include "utils/Error.h" +#include +#include +#include + #include #include @@ -15,6 +20,8 @@ namespace server { class LicenseLibrary { public: + static ServerError + OpenFile(const std::string &path); // Part 1: Get GPU Info static ServerError GetDeviceCount(int &device_count); @@ -60,6 +67,32 @@ class LicenseLibrary { GetFileMD5(const std::string &path, std::string &filemd5); // Part 4: GPU Info File Serialization/Deserialization + static ServerError + GPUinfoFileSerialization(const std::string &path, + int device_count, + const std::map &uuid_encrption_map); + static ServerError + GPUinfoFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, + int &device_count, + std::map &uuid_encrption_map); + + // Part 5: Integrity check and Legality check + static ServerError + IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); + + static ServerError + LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path); + + // Part 6: Timer + static ServerError + AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, + const std::string &secret_file_path, + const boost::system::error_code &ec, + boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt); + + static ServerError + StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); + private: static constexpr int sha256_length_ = 32; diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h index 394dc808c8..a40b6266c5 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h @@ -30,53 +30,57 @@ #include #include + namespace zilliz { namespace vecwise { namespace server { class -BoostArchive; + BoostArchive; class -Licensedata1; + Licensedata1; class -Licensefiledata; + Licensefiledata; class -STLlicensefiledata; + STLlicensefiledata; ServerError -LiSave(const std::string& path,const int& deviceCount,const std::map& uuidEncryption); +LiSave(const std::string &path, const int &deviceCount, const std::map &uuidEncryption); ServerError -LiLoad(const std::string& path,int& deviceCount,std::map& uuidEncryption,int64_t& RemainingTime); +LiLoad(const std::string &path, int &deviceCount, std::map &uuidEncryption, int64_t &RemainingTime); ServerError -LifileSave(const std::string& path,const time_t& update_time,const off_t& file_size,const std::string& filemd5); +LifileSave(const std::string &path, const time_t &update_time, const off_t &file_size, const std::string &filemd5); ServerError -LifileLoad(const std::string& path,time_t& update_time,off_t& file_size,std::string& filemd5); +LifileLoad(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size, std::string &filemd5); ServerError -LiSave(const std::string& path,const int& deviceCount,const std::map& uuidEncryption, const int64_t& RemainingTime); +LiSave(const std::string &path, + const int &deviceCount, + const std::map &uuidEncryption, + const int64_t &RemainingTime); ServerError -LicenseIntegrity_check(const std::string& path,const std::string& path2); +LicenseIntegrity_check(const std::string &path, const std::string &path2); ServerError -LicenseLegality_check(const std::string& path); +LicenseLegality_check(const std::string &path); void -Alterfile(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2 ,const boost::system::error_code &ec, boost::asio::deadline_timer* pt); +Alterfile(const std::string &path1, + const std::string &path2, + const boost::system::error_code &ec, + boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt); void -Runtime(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2 ); - - - +Runtime(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2); } diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp index a059d2f7e2..93c6c463b0 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ #include "utils/Error.h" #include "license/License.h" #include "license/LicensePublic.h" + + using namespace zilliz::vecwise; //TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp index eb8b10b8b9..ddce463d9a 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, LICENSE_FILE_TEST) { err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, uuid_sha256_array); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + // 4. Set a file name std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); @@ -74,19 +75,44 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, LICENSE_FILE_TEST) { uuid_encrption_map[i] = uuid_sha256_array[i]; } - // 7. Generate License File + // 7.GPU_info File + std::string GPU_info_file_path("/tmp/"); + + + // 8. Generate GPU_info File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileSerialization(GPU_info_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encrption_map); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 9. Define output var + int output_info_device_count = 0; + std::map output_info_uuid_encrption_map; + + // 10. Read GPU_info File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(GPU_info_file_path, + output_info_device_count, + output_info_uuid_encrption_map); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + ASSERT_EQ(device_count, output_info_device_count); + for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + ASSERT_EQ(uuid_encrption_map[i], output_info_uuid_encrption_map[i]); + } + + // 11. Generate License File err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encrption_map, remaining_hour); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - // 8. Define output var + // 12. Define output var int output_device_count = 0; std::map output_uuid_encrption_map; - int64_t output_remaining_hour = 0; + int64_t output_remaining_hour; - // 9. Read License File + // 13. Read License File err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, output_device_count, output_uuid_encrption_map, @@ -99,28 +125,28 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, LICENSE_FILE_TEST) { ASSERT_EQ(uuid_encrption_map[i], output_uuid_encrption_map[i]); } - // 10. Get License File Attribute + // 14. Get License File Attribute time_t update_time; off_t file_size; err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - // 11. Get License File MD5 + // 15. Get License File MD5 std::string file_md5; err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - // 12. Generate Secret File + // 16. Generate Secret File std::string secret_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.secret"); err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, update_time, file_size, file_md5); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - // 13. Define output var + // 17. Define output var time_t output_update_time; off_t output_file_size; std::string output_file_md5; - // 14. Read License File + // 18. Read License File err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, output_update_time, output_file_size, @@ -131,4 +157,126 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, LICENSE_FILE_TEST) { ASSERT_EQ(file_size, output_file_size); ASSERT_EQ(file_md5, output_file_md5); + // 19. Integrity check and Legality check + err = server::LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(license_file_path, secret_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, Timer_TEST) { + + server::ServerError err; + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); + std::string secret_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.secret"); + + // 19. Integrity check and Legality check + err = server::LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(license_file_path, secret_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 20. Start counting down + err = server::LicenseLibrary::StartCountingDown(license_file_path, secret_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_GPU_INFO_FILE) { + + // 1. Get Device Count + int device_count = 0; + server::ServerError err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(device_count); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 2. Get All GPU UUID + std::vector uuid_array; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 3. Get UUID SHA256 + std::vector uuid_sha256_array; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, uuid_sha256_array); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 4. Generate GPU ID map with GPU UUID + std::map uuid_encrption_map; + for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + uuid_encrption_map[i] = uuid_sha256_array[i]; + } + + // 5.GPU_info File + std::string GPU_info_file_path("/tmp/"); + + // 6. Generate GPU_info File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileSerialization(GPU_info_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encrption_map); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + std::cout << "Generate GPU_info File Success" << std::endl; +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_LICENSE_FILE) { + + server::ServerError err; + // 1.GPU_info File + std::string GPU_info_file_path("/tmp/"); + + // 2. License File + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); + + // 3. Define output var + int output_info_device_count = 0; + std::map output_info_uuid_encrption_map; + + // 4. Read GPU_info File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(GPU_info_file_path, + output_info_device_count, + output_info_uuid_encrption_map); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 5. Enter time + int64_t remaining_hour = 5; + std::cout << "Please enter the authorization time (hours)" << std::endl; +// std::cin >> remaining_hour; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, + output_info_device_count, + output_info_uuid_encrption_map, + remaining_hour); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + std::cout << "Generate License File Success" << std::endl; + +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_SECRET_FILE) { + + server::ServerError err; + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); + std::string secret_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.secret"); + + // 14. Get License File Attribute + time_t update_time; + off_t file_size; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 15. Get License File MD5 + std::string file_md5; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 16. Generate Secret File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, update_time, file_size, file_md5); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + std::cout << "Generate Secret File Success" << std::endl; +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, CIN_TEST) { + int a; + std::cin >> a; + std::cout << 2 * a << std::endl; } \ No newline at end of file From 7c512bf75219f6aed02df327c4d41485049722d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jinhai Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 20:28:10 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 11/15] Update on license check Former-commit-id: ef039b5663e0a68c1dfdea7244de4d2e7e16c10e --- cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp | 47 ++- cpp/src/license/License.cpp | 371 ------------------ cpp/src/license/License.h | 81 ---- cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp | 29 ++ cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h | 14 + cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp | 2 +- cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp | 2 +- cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp | 47 ++- cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h | 6 +- cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp | 2 +- cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp | 2 +- cpp/src/server/Server.cpp | 2 +- cpp/src/utils/Error.h | 1 + .../license/license_library_tests.cpp | 12 + cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp | 2 +- 15 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 478 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/License.cpp delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/License.h create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp create mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h diff --git a/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp b/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp index 9c35b89864..added44360 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp @@ -1,6 +1,51 @@ #include +#include +#include + +// Not provide path: current work path will be used and + +void +print_usage(const std::string &app_name) { + printf("\n Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n\n", app_name.c_str()); + printf(" Options:\n"); + printf(" -h --help Print this help\n"); + printf(" -d --sysinfo filename Generate system info file as given name\n"); + printf("\n"); +} int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { - std::cout << "GetSysInfo" << std::endl; + std::string app_name = argv[0]; + if(argc != 1 && argc != 3) { + print_usage(app_name); + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } + + static struct option long_options[] = {{"system_info", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, + {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, + {NULL, 0, 0, 0}}; + int value = 0; + int option_index = 0; + std::string system_info_filename = "./"; + while ((value = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:h", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { + switch (value) { + case 'd': { + char *system_info_filename_ptr = strdup(optarg); + system_info_filename = system_info_filename_ptr; + free(system_info_filename_ptr); +// printf("Generate system info file: %s\n", system_info_filename.c_str()); + break; + } + case 'h': + print_usage(app_name); + return EXIT_SUCCESS; + case '?': + print_usage(app_name); + return EXIT_FAILURE; + default: + print_usage(app_name); + break; + } + } + return 0; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/License.cpp b/cpp/src/license/License.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index eb6c563e4f..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/License.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,371 +0,0 @@ -#include "License.h" - -namespace zilliz { -namespace vecwise { -namespace server { - -ServerError -LicenseSave(const std::string& path,const int& deviceCount,const std::vector& shas) -{ - std::ofstream file(path); - - boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); - oa << deviceCount; - for(int i=0;i& shas) -{ - std::ifstream file(path); - - boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); - ia >> deviceCount; - std::string sha; - for(int i=0;i> sha; - shas.push_back(sha); - } - file.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -Licensefileread(const std::string& path) -{ - std::ifstream fileread; -,std::ios::in); - if(!fileread) - { - printf("NO License\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - fileread.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -Licensefileread (const std::string& path,std::ifstream& fileread){ -,std::ios::in); - if(!fileread) - { - printf("Can't open file\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -Licensefilewrite (const std::string& path,std::ofstream& filewrite) { -,std::ios::out); - if(!filewrite) - { - printf("Can't write file\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LicenseGetCount(int &deviceCount) -{ - nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit(); - if (NVML_SUCCESS != result) - { - printf("Failed to initialize NVML: %s\n", nvmlErrorString(result)); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - cudaError_t error_id = cudaGetDeviceCount(&deviceCount); - if (error_id != cudaSuccess) - { - printf("cudaGetDeviceCount returned %d\n-> %s\n", (int)error_id, cudaGetErrorString(error_id)); - printf("Result = FAIL\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LicenseGetuuid(int& deviceCount, std::vector& uuids) -{ - nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit(); - if (NVML_SUCCESS != result) - { - printf("Failed to initialize NVML: %s\n", nvmlErrorString(result)); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - cudaError_t error_id = cudaGetDeviceCount(&deviceCount); - if (error_id != cudaSuccess) - { - printf("cudaGetDeviceCount returned %d\n-> %s\n", (int)error_id, cudaGetErrorString(error_id)); - printf("Result = FAIL\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - - if (deviceCount == 0) - { - printf("There are no available device(s) that support CUDA\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - - for (int dev = 0; dev < deviceCount; ++dev) - { - nvmlDevice_t device; - result = nvmlDeviceGetHandleByIndex(dev, &device); - printf("device id: %d\n", dev); - if (NVML_SUCCESS != result) - { - printf("Failed to get handle for device %i: %s\n", dev, nvmlErrorString(result)); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - - char* uuid = (char*)malloc(80); - unsigned int length = 80; - nvmlReturn_t err = nvmlDeviceGetUUID(device, uuid, length); - if(err != NVML_SUCCESS) { - printf("nvmlDeviceGetUUID error: %d\n", err); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - - printf("\n device: %d, uuid = %s \n", dev, uuid); - uuids.push_back(std::string(uuid)); - free(uuid); - uuid = NULL; - } - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LicenseGetuuidmd5(const int& deviceCount,std::vector& uuids,std::vector& md5s) -{ - MD5_CTX ctx; - unsigned char outmd[16]; - char temp[2]; - std::string md5=""; - for(int dev=0;dev& uuids,std::vector& shas) -{ - SHA256_CTX ctx; - unsigned char outmd[32]; - char temp[2]; - std::string sha=""; - for(int dev=0;dev uuids; - LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); - std::vector shas; - LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,shas); - - - int deviceCountcheck; - std::vector shascheck; - LicenseLoad(path,deviceCountcheck,shascheck); - - if(deviceCount!=deviceCountcheck) - { - printf("deviceCount is wrong\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - for(int i=0;i> filemd5; - ia >> last_time; - file.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LicenseIntegritycheck(const std::string& path,const std::string& path2) - { - std::string filemd5; - LicenseGetfilemd5(path,filemd5); - time_t last_time; - LicenseGetfiletime(path,last_time); - - time_t last_timecheck; - std::string filemd5check; - LicensefileLoad(path2,filemd5check,last_timecheck); - - if(filemd5!=filemd5check) - { - printf("This file has been modified\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - if(last_time!=last_timecheck) - { - printf("last_time is wrong\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - - return SERVER_SUCCESS; - } - -ServerError -LicenseValidate(const std::string& path) { - - - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - - - -} -} -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/License.h b/cpp/src/license/License.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6f67edb6f1..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/License.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -#pragma once - -#include "utils/Error.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include "boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp" -#include "boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp" - -#include -#include -#include -#include - - -namespace zilliz { -namespace vecwise { -namespace server { - - -ServerError -LicenseSave(const std::string& path,const int& deviceCount,const std::vector& shas); - -ServerError -LicenseLoad(const std::string& path,int& deviceCount,std::vector& shas); - -ServerError -Licensefileread (const std::string& path,std::ifstream& fileread); - -ServerError -Licensefilewrite (const std::string& path,std::ofstream& filewrite); - -ServerError -LicenseGetuuid(int& deviceCount, std::vector& uuids); - -ServerError -LicenseGetuuidmd5(const int& deviceCount,std::vector& uuids,std::vector& md5s); - -ServerError -LicenseGetfilemd5(const std::string& path,std::string& filemd5); - -ServerError -LicenseGetuuidsha(const int& deviceCount,std::vector& uuids,std::vector& shas); - -ServerError -LicenseIntegritycheck(const std::string& path,const std::string& path2); - -ServerError -LicenseGetfiletime(const std::string& path,time_t& last_time); - -ServerError -LicenseLegalitycheck(const std::string& path); - -ServerError -LicensefileSave(const std::string& path,const std::string& path2); - -ServerError -LicensefileLoad(const std::string& path2,std::string& filemd5,time_t& last_time); - - -ServerError -LicenseGetfilesize(const std::string& path,off_t& file_size); - -ServerError -LicenseValidate(const std::string& path); - -ServerError -Licensefileread(const std::string& path); - -ServerError -LicenseGetCount(int &deviceCount); -} -} -} - - diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1566f4e951 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#include "LicenseCheck.h" + +namespace zilliz { +namespace vecwise { +namespace server { + +class LicenseCheck { + public: + static LicenseCheck& + GetInstance() { + static LicenseCheck instance; + return instance; + } + + ServerError + Check(); + + ServerError + PeriodicUpdate(); + + private: + LicenseCheck() {}; + + +}; + +} +} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4078a45e4c --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#pragma once + +#include "utils/Error.h" + +namespace zilliz { +namespace vecwise { +namespace server { + + +} +} +} + + diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp index 0c2f951511..f14d6bb7a5 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ #include #include "utils/Error.h" -#include "license/License.h" +#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" #include "license/LicensePublic.h" using namespace zilliz::vecwise; diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp index 597adb2cfc..9476c89bd7 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ #include #include "utils/Error.h" -#include "license/License.h" +#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" using namespace zilliz::vecwise; diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp index f9cf6808d7..237f1679b8 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp @@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ #include //#include //#include +#include #include +#include namespace zilliz { @@ -24,18 +26,23 @@ namespace server { constexpr int LicenseLibrary::sha256_length_; -ServerError -LicenseLibrary::OpenFile(const std::string &path) { - std::ifstream fileread; -, std::ios::in); - if (!fileread) { - std::cout << path << " does not exist" << std::endl; - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +bool +LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(const std::string& path) { + + boost::system::error_code error; + auto file_status = boost::filesystem::status(path, error); + if (error) { + return false; } - fileread.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; + + if (!boost::filesystem::exists(file_status)) { + return false; + } + + return !boost::filesystem::is_directory(file_status); } + ServerError LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(int &device_count) { nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit(); @@ -151,7 +158,8 @@ LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, int &device_count, std::map &uuid_encrption_map, int64_t &remaining_hour) { - OpenFile(path); + if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + std::ifstream file(path); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); ia.register_type(); @@ -190,7 +198,8 @@ LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size, std::string &file_md5) { - OpenFile(path); + if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + std::ifstream file(path); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); ia.register_type(); @@ -208,7 +217,8 @@ LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, ServerError LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size) { - OpenFile(path); + if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + struct stat buf; int err_no = stat(path.c_str(), &buf); if (err_no != 0) { @@ -225,7 +235,8 @@ LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(const std::string &path, time_t &update ServerError LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(const std::string &path, std::string &filemd5) { - OpenFile(path); + if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + filemd5.clear(); std::ifstream file(path.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary); @@ -276,7 +287,8 @@ ServerError LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, int &device_count, std::map &uuid_encrption_map) { - OpenFile(path); + if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + std::ifstream file(path); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); ia.register_type(); @@ -317,7 +329,7 @@ LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std:: printf("file_size is wrong\n"); return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; } - std::cout << "Integrity Check Success" << std::endl; + return SERVER_SUCCESS; } @@ -390,8 +402,9 @@ LicenseLibrary::AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, ServerError LicenseLibrary::StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { - OpenFile(license_file_path); - OpenFile(secret_file_path); + if(!IsFileExistent(license_file_path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + if(!IsFileExistent(secret_file_path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + boost::asio::io_service io; boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::hours(1)); t.async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, secret_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, &t)); diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h index da79a4770d..dd78c221ad 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h @@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ namespace server { class LicenseLibrary { public: - static ServerError - OpenFile(const std::string &path); + // Part 0: File check + static bool + IsFileExistent(const std::string& path); + // Part 1: Get GPU Info static ServerError GetDeviceCount(int &device_count); diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp index 632b4cb73d..186c502ac1 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ // #include "LicensePublic.h" -#include "license/License.h" +#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" //#include "BoostArchive.h" #define RTime 100 diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp index 93c6c463b0..dd06a64540 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #include #include "utils/Error.h" -#include "license/License.h" +#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" #include "license/LicensePublic.h" diff --git a/cpp/src/server/Server.cpp b/cpp/src/server/Server.cpp index 930c29fac9..876771fafd 100644 --- a/cpp/src/server/Server.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/server/Server.cpp @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ #include "utils/Log.h" #include "utils/SignalUtil.h" #include "utils/TimeRecorder.h" -#include "license/License.h" +#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" #include #include diff --git a/cpp/src/utils/Error.h b/cpp/src/utils/Error.h index 88e697ec2e..8684f8607f 100644 --- a/cpp/src/utils/Error.h +++ b/cpp/src/utils/Error.h @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ constexpr ServerError SERVER_FILE_NOT_FOUND = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x005); constexpr ServerError SERVER_NOT_IMPLEMENT = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x006); constexpr ServerError SERVER_BLOCKING_QUEUE_EMPTY = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x007); constexpr ServerError SERVER_LICENSE_VALIDATION_FAIL = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x008); +constexpr ServerError SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST = ToGlobalServerErrorCode(0x009); class ServerException : public std::exception { public: diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp index ddce463d9a..c990467f44 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp @@ -14,6 +14,18 @@ using namespace zilliz::vecwise; +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, FILE_EXISTENT_TEST) { + + std::string hosts_file = "/etc/hosts"; + ASSERT_EQ(server::LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(hosts_file), true); + + std::string no_exist_file = "/temp/asdaasd"; + ASSERT_EQ(server::LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(no_exist_file), false); + + std::string directory = "/tmp"; + ASSERT_EQ(server::LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(directory), false); +} + TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GPU_INFO_TEST) { int device_count = 0; diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp index e67352cde6..cff0beeb35 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include -#include "license/License.h" +#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" #include "license/LicensePublic.h" #include "utils/Error.h" From 384b9b8af2f43f50f4f6e76a89f1a0ae1fbfd210 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "yangwei.yao" Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 20:38:20 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 12/15] 1 Former-commit-id: 3642cd8f4089038eade6857854d1d1b42c5eceb8 --- cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp | 10 ++-------- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp index c990467f44..ec9ee9fac0 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ #include "utils/Error.h" #include - +#include using namespace zilliz::vecwise; @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_LICENSE_FILE) { ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); // 5. Enter time - int64_t remaining_hour = 5; + int64_t remaining_hour = 24*7 ; std::cout << "Please enter the authorization time (hours)" << std::endl; // std::cin >> remaining_hour; err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, @@ -286,9 +286,3 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_SECRET_FILE) { std::cout << "Generate Secret File Success" << std::endl; } - -TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, CIN_TEST) { - int a; - std::cin >> a; - std::cout << 2 * a << std::endl; -} \ No newline at end of file From 35eeae6f080eb4b09edd0c82c48ad7c5233c823e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "yangwei.yao" Date: Tue, 14 May 2019 20:13:24 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 13/15] license check is vaild Former-commit-id: 7381ad310d5b554c99f1f19f7fc460b33c36659f --- cpp/CMakeLists.txt | 4 + cpp/conf/server_config.yaml | 3 + cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt | 56 ++- cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h | 133 ------- cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp | 58 ++- cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp | 135 ++++++- cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h | 36 ++ cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp | 71 ---- cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp | 33 -- cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h | 32 +- cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp | 136 ++++++- cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp | 353 +++++++++-------- cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h | 64 ++-- cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp | 357 ------------------ cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h | 88 ----- cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp | 42 --- cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h | 72 ---- cpp/src/server/Server.cpp | 21 +- cpp/src/server/ServerConfig.h | 3 + cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt | 7 +- cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp | 68 ++++ .../license/license_library_tests.cpp | 171 +++++---- 22 files changed, 842 insertions(+), 1101 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp delete mode 100644 cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h create mode 100644 cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp diff --git a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt index d249baf1c3..d5dbdcc05e 100644 --- a/cpp/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/CMakeLists.txt @@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ endif () if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -O3 -fPIC -DELPP_THREAD_SAFE") + if (GPU_VERSION STREQUAL "ON") + set(ENABLE_LICENSE "ON") + add_definitions("-DENABLE_LICENSE") + endif () else() set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -O0 -g -fPIC -DELPP_THREAD_SAFE") endif() diff --git a/cpp/conf/server_config.yaml b/cpp/conf/server_config.yaml index d91161830b..cd66e0efb5 100644 --- a/cpp/conf/server_config.yaml +++ b/cpp/conf/server_config.yaml @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ db_config: db_flush_interval: 5 #unit: second idmapper_max_open_file: 128 +license_config: + license_path: "/tmp/megasearch/abc.license" + log_config: global: format: "%datetime | %level | %logger | %msg" diff --git a/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt index 8fab8929cb..61918b562b 100644 --- a/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt @@ -12,8 +12,13 @@ aux_source_directory(db db_files) aux_source_directory(wrapper wrapper_files) set(license_check_files - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/LicenseLibrary.h + license/LicenseLibrary.cpp + license/LicenseCheck.cpp + ) + +set(license_generator_src + license/LicenseGenerator.cpp + license/LicenseLibrary.cpp ) set(service_files @@ -29,11 +34,8 @@ set(vecwise_engine_src ${wrapper_files} ) -set(license_generator_src - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp) - set(get_sys_info_src - ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/license/GetSysInfo.cpp) + license/GetSysInfo.cpp) include_directories(/usr/include) include_directories(/usr/local/cuda/include) @@ -60,13 +62,32 @@ else() libgfortran.a libquadmath.a libsqlite3.a - ) + ) endif () -cuda_add_library(vecwise_engine STATIC ${vecwise_engine_src}) +if (ENABLE_LICENSE STREQUAL "ON") + link_directories(/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs) + link_directories(/usr/local/cuda/lib64) + set(license_libs + nvidia-ml + libboost_system.a + libboost_filesystem.a + libboost_serialization.a + crypto + cudart + cublas + ) +endif () + +cuda_add_library(vecwise_engine STATIC ${vecwise_engine_src}) target_link_libraries(vecwise_engine ${engine_libs}) +if (ENABLE_LICENSE STREQUAL "ON") + add_library(vecwise_license STATIC ${license_check_files}) + target_link_libraries(vecwise_license ${license_libs}) +endif () + add_executable(vecwise_server ${config_files} ${server_files} @@ -91,12 +112,17 @@ set(server_libs dl ) -target_link_libraries(vecwise_server ${server_libs}) +if (ENABLE_LICENSE STREQUAL "ON") + target_link_libraries(vecwise_server ${server_libs} vecwise_license) +else () + target_link_libraries(vecwise_server ${server_libs}) +endif() -add_executable(license_generator ${license_generator_src}) -<<<<<<< b84d32553f910adf71e4ee069889e1d9fdd8a09f +if (ENABLE_LICENSE STREQUAL "ON") + add_executable(license_generator ${license_generator_src}) + add_executable(get_sys_info ${get_sys_info_src}) + target_link_libraries(get_sys_info ${license_libs} vecwise_license) + target_link_libraries(license_generator ${license_libs}) +endif () -install(TARGETS vecwise_server DESTINATION bin) -======= -add_executable(get_sys_info ${get_sys_info_src}) ->>>>>>> Refactor code +install(TARGETS vecwise_server DESTINATION bin) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h b/cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h deleted file mode 100644 index 4074cc0758..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/BoostArchive.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ -// -// Created by zilliz on 19-5-10. -// - -#ifndef VECWISE_ENGINE_BOOSTARCHIVE_H -#define VECWISE_ENGINE_BOOSTARCHIVE_H -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -using std::list; -using std::ifstream; -using std::ofstream; -using std::string; -using std::map; - -template -class BoostArchive -{ -public: - typedef T entity_type; - typedef boost::archive::binary_iarchive InputArchive; - typedef boost::archive::binary_oarchive OutputArchive; - - BoostArchive(const string & archive_file_path) - : _file_path_name(archive_file_path) - , _p_ofs(NULL) - , _p_output_archive(NULL) - , _entity_nums(0) - { - load_arvhive_info(); - } - ~BoostArchive() - { - close_output(); - } - //存储一个对象,序列化 - void store(const entity_type & entity); - - //反序列化, 提取所有对象 - bool restore(list & entitys); - - size_t size() const - { - return _entity_nums; - } - -private: - void save_archive_info() //保存已序列化的对象个数信息 - { - ofstream ofs; -,std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); - if (ofs.is_open()) - { - ofs << _entity_nums; - } - ofs.close(); - } - - void load_arvhive_info()//读取已序列化的对象个数信息 - { - ifstream ifs; -,std::ios_base::in); - if (ifs.is_open() && !ifs.eof()) - { - int enity_num = 0; - ifs >> enity_num; - _entity_nums = enity_num; - } - ifs.close(); - } - - string get_archive_info_file_path() - { - return "/tmp/vecwise_engine.meta"; - } - - void close_output() - { - if (NULL != _p_output_archive) - { - delete _p_output_archive; - _p_output_archive = NULL; - save_archive_info(); - } - if (NULL != _p_ofs) - { - delete _p_ofs; - _p_ofs = NULL; - } - } - -private: - size_t _entity_nums; - string _file_path_name; - ofstream * _p_ofs; - OutputArchive * _p_output_archive; -}; - -template -bool BoostArchive::restore( list & entitys ) -{ - close_output(); - load_arvhive_info(); - ifstream ifs(_file_path_name); - if (ifs) - { - InputArchive ia(ifs); - for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < _entity_nums; ++cnt) - { - entity_type entity; - ia & entity; - entitys.push_back(entity); - } - return true; - } - return false; -} - -template -void BoostArchive::store( const entity_type & entity ) -{ - if (NULL == _p_output_archive) - { - _p_ofs = new ofstream(_file_path_name); - _p_output_archive = new OutputArchive(*_p_ofs); - } - (*_p_output_archive) & entity; - ++_entity_nums; -} -#endif //VECWISE_ENGINE_BOOSTARCHIVE_H diff --git a/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp b/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp index added44360..4ddf671485 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp @@ -1,51 +1,83 @@ + +#include "utils/Log.h" +#include "LicenseLibrary.h" +#include "utils/Error.h" + #include #include #include - // Not provide path: current work path will be used and +using namespace zilliz::vecwise; void print_usage(const std::string &app_name) { printf("\n Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n\n", app_name.c_str()); printf(" Options:\n"); printf(" -h --help Print this help\n"); - printf(" -d --sysinfo filename Generate system info file as given name\n"); + printf(" -s --sysinfo filename Generate system info file as given name\n"); printf("\n"); } -int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string app_name = argv[0]; - if(argc != 1 && argc != 3) { + if (argc != 1 && argc != 3) { print_usage(app_name); return EXIT_FAILURE; } - static struct option long_options[] = {{"system_info", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, + static struct option long_options[] = {{"system_info", required_argument, 0, 's'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {NULL, 0, 0, 0}}; int value = 0; int option_index = 0; std::string system_info_filename = "./"; - while ((value = getopt_long(argc, argv, "d:h", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { + while ((value = getopt_long(argc, argv, "s:h", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (value) { - case 'd': { + case 's': { char *system_info_filename_ptr = strdup(optarg); system_info_filename = system_info_filename_ptr; free(system_info_filename_ptr); // printf("Generate system info file: %s\n", system_info_filename.c_str()); break; } - case 'h': - print_usage(app_name); + case 'h':print_usage(app_name); return EXIT_SUCCESS; - case '?': - print_usage(app_name); + case '?':print_usage(app_name); return EXIT_FAILURE; - default: - print_usage(app_name); + default:print_usage(app_name); break; } } + int device_count = 0; + server::ServerError err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(device_count); + if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; + + // 2. Get All GPU UUID + std::vector uuid_array; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); + if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; + + // 3. Get UUID SHA256 + std::vector uuid_sha256_array; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, uuid_sha256_array); + if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; + + // 4. Generate GPU ID map with GPU UUID + std::map uuid_encrption_map; + for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + uuid_encrption_map[i] = uuid_sha256_array[i]; + } + + + // 6. Generate GPU_info File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileSerialization(system_info_filename, + device_count, + uuid_encrption_map); + if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; + + printf("Generate GPU_info File Success\n"); + + return 0; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp index 1566f4e951..7c3e4a30de 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp @@ -1,28 +1,137 @@ #include "LicenseCheck.h" +#include +#include +#include +//#include +//#include +#include +#include +#include + namespace zilliz { namespace vecwise { namespace server { -class LicenseCheck { - public: - static LicenseCheck& - GetInstance() { - static LicenseCheck instance; - return instance; + +//ServerError +//LicenseCheck::IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { +// +// std::string file_md5; +// LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); +// time_t update_time; +// off_t file_size; +// LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); +// time_t system_time; +// LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(system_time); +// +// std::string output_file_md5; +// time_t output_update_time; +// off_t output_file_size; +// time_t output_starting_time; +// time_t output_end_time; +// LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, +// output_update_time, +// output_file_size, +// output_starting_time, +// output_end_time, +// output_file_md5); +// if (file_md5 != output_file_md5) { +// printf("License file has been modified\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// if (update_time != output_update_time) { +// printf("update_time is wrong\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// if (file_size != output_file_size) { +// printf("file_size is wrong\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// if (system_time < output_starting_time || system_time > output_end_time) { +// printf("License expired\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// return SERVER_SUCCESS; +//} + +// Part 1: Legality check + +ServerError +LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path) { + + int device_count; + LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(device_count); + std::vector uuid_array; + LicenseLibrary::GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); + + std::vector sha_array; + LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, sha_array); + + int output_device_count; + std::map uuid_encryption_map; + time_t starting_time; + time_t end_time; + ServerError err = LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, + output_device_count, + uuid_encryption_map, + starting_time, + end_time); + if(err !=SERVER_SUCCESS) + { + printf("License check error: 01\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; } + time_t system_time; + LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(system_time); - ServerError - Check(); + if (device_count != output_device_count) { + printf("License check error: 02\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + if (sha_array[i] != uuid_encryption_map[i]) { + printf("License check error: 03\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + } + if (system_time < starting_time || system_time > end_time) { + printf("License check error: 04\n"); + return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; + } + printf("Legality Check Success\n"); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} - ServerError - PeriodicUpdate(); +// Part 2: Timing check license - private: - LicenseCheck() {}; +ServerError +LicenseCheck::AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, + const boost::system::error_code &ec, + boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt) { + ServerError err = LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + if(err!=SERVER_SUCCESS) + { + exit(1); + } + printf("---runing---\n"); + pt->expires_at(pt->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::hours(1)); + pt->async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, pt)); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; -}; +} + +ServerError +LicenseCheck::StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path) { + + if (!LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(license_file_path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + boost::asio::io_service io; + boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::hours(1)); + t.async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, &t)); +; + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} } } diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h index 4078a45e4c..e3c5b3ac32 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h @@ -1,11 +1,47 @@ #pragma once #include "utils/Error.h" +#include "LicenseLibrary.h" + +#include +#include +#include + namespace zilliz { namespace vecwise { namespace server { +class LicenseCheck { + public: + static LicenseCheck & + GetInstance() { + static LicenseCheck instance; + return instance; + }; + +// static ServerError +// IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); + + // Part 1: Legality check + static ServerError + LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path); + + + // Part 2: Timing check license + static ServerError + AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, + const boost::system::error_code &ec, + boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt); + + + static ServerError + StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path); + + private: + + +}; } } diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index f14d6bb7a5..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateTime.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -// -// Created by zilliz on 19-5-11. -// - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "utils/Error.h" -#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" -#include "license/LicensePublic.h" - -using namespace zilliz::vecwise; - - - -//TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { -// -// std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.sha"; -// std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; -// std::string path3 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; -// -// std::cout << "This is create licenseTime " << std::endl; -// -// server::ServerError err; -// int deviceCount=0; -// -// std::vector shas; -// err = server::LicenseLoad(path1,deviceCount,shas); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// std::map uuidEncryption; -// std::cout<< "deviceCount : " << deviceCount << std::endl; -// for(int i=0;i> RemainingTime ; -// -// err = server::LiSave(path2,deviceCount,uuidEncryption,RemainingTime); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -//// int64_t RemainingTimecheck; -//// std::map uuidEncryptioncheck; -//// int deviceCountcheck; -//// err = server::LiLoad(path2,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTimecheck); -//// -//// printf("\n deviceCountcheck = %d\n",deviceCountcheck); -//// std::cout<< "RemainingTimecheck: " << RemainingTimecheck<< std::endl; -// -// time_t update_time; -// off_t file_size; -// std::string filemd5; -// -// server::LicenseGetfiletime(path2,update_time); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// server::LicenseGetfilesize(path2,file_size); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path2,filemd5); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// -// err = server::LifileSave(path3,update_time,file_size,filemd5); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// std::cout<< "success" << std::endl; -// -//} diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 9476c89bd7..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -// -// Created by zilliz on 19-5-11. -// -#include -#include - -#include "utils/Error.h" -#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" - - -using namespace zilliz::vecwise; - -// -//TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { -// -// std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.sha"; -// std::cout << "This is create uuidshafile " << std::endl; -// -// server::ServerError err; -// int deviceCount=0; -// std::vector uuids; -// -// err = server::LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// std::vector shas; -// err = server::LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,shas); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// err = server::LicenseSave(path1,deviceCount,shas); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -//} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h index 322cea8b85..bf076b0d68 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseFile.h @@ -10,12 +10,19 @@ #include #include + class LicenseFile { public: LicenseFile() = default; - LicenseFile(const int &device_count, const std::map &uuid_encryption_map, const int64_t &remaining_hour) - : device_count_(device_count), uuid_encryption_map_(uuid_encryption_map), remaining_hour_(remaining_hour) {} + LicenseFile(const int &device_count, + const std::map &uuid_encryption_map, + const time_t &starting_time, + const time_t &end_time) + : device_count_(device_count), + uuid_encryption_map_(uuid_encryption_map), + starting_time_(starting_time), + end_time_(end_time) {} int get_device_count() { return device_count_; @@ -23,8 +30,11 @@ class LicenseFile { std::map &get_uuid_encryption_map() { return uuid_encryption_map_; } - int64_t get_remaining_hour() { - return remaining_hour_; + time_t get_starting_time() { + return starting_time_; + } + time_t get_end_time() { + return end_time_; } public: @@ -34,30 +44,32 @@ class LicenseFile { void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & device_count_; ar & uuid_encryption_map_; - ar & remaining_hour_; + ar & starting_time_; + ar & end_time_; } public: int device_count_ = 0; std::map uuid_encryption_map_; - int64_t remaining_hour_ = 0; + time_t starting_time_ = 0; + time_t end_time_ = 0; }; class SerializedLicenseFile { public: ~SerializedLicenseFile() { - if(license_file_ != nullptr) { - delete(license_file_); + if (license_file_ != nullptr) { + delete (license_file_); license_file_ = nullptr; } } void - set_license_file(LicenseFile* license_file) { + set_license_file(LicenseFile *license_file) { license_file_ = license_file; } - LicenseFile* get_license_file() { + LicenseFile *get_license_file() { return license_file_; } private: diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp index 278c132962..2160c916ad 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp @@ -1,6 +1,136 @@ + #include -int main() { - std::cout << "This is license generator" << std::endl; +#include +#include + +#include "utils/Log.h" +#include "license/LicenseLibrary.h" +#include "utils/Error.h" + + +using namespace zilliz::vecwise; +// Not provide path: current work path will be used and + +void +print_usage(const std::string &app_name) { + printf("\n Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n\n", app_name.c_str()); + printf(" Options:\n"); + printf(" -h --help Print this help\n"); + printf(" -s --sysinfo filename sysinfo file location\n"); + printf(" -l --license filename Generate license file as given name\n"); + printf(" -b --starting time Set start time Similar to year-month-day\n"); + printf(" -e --end time Set end time Similar to year-month-day \n"); + printf("\n"); +} + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { + std::string app_name = argv[0]; +// if (argc != 1 && argc != 3) { +// print_usage(app_name); +// return EXIT_FAILURE; +// } + static struct option long_options[] = {{"system_info", required_argument, 0, 's'}, + {"license", optional_argument, 0, 'l'}, + {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, + {"starting_time", required_argument, 0, 'b'}, + {"end_time", required_argument, 0, 'e'}, + {NULL, 0, 0, 0}}; + server::ServerError err; + int value = 0; + int option_index = 0; + std::string system_info_filename = "./"; + std::string license_filename = "./system.license"; + char *string_starting_time = NULL; + char *string_end_time = NULL; + time_t starting_time = 0; + time_t end_time = 0; + int flag_s = 1; + int flag_b = 1; + int flag_e = 1; + while ((value = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hl:s:b:e:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { + switch (value) { + case 's': { + flag_s = 0; + system_info_filename = (std::string) (optarg); +// char *system_info_filename_ptr = strdup(optarg); +// system_info_filename = system_info_filename_ptr; +// free(system_info_filename_ptr); +// printf("Generate system info file: %s\n", system_info_filename.c_str()); + break; + } + case 'b': { + flag_b = 0; + string_starting_time = optarg; +// char *time = strdup(optarg); +// err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(time, starting_time); +// if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; +// free(time); + break; + } + case 'e': { + flag_e = 0; + string_end_time = optarg; +// char *time = strdup(optarg); +// err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(time, end_time); +// if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; +// free(time); + break; + } + case 'l': { + license_filename = (std::string) (optarg); +// char *system_info_filename_ptr = strdup(optarg); +// license_filename = system_info_filename_ptr; +// free(system_info_filename_ptr); + break; + } + case 'h':print_usage(app_name); + return EXIT_SUCCESS; + case '?':print_usage(app_name); + return EXIT_FAILURE; + default:print_usage(app_name); + break; + } + + } + if (flag_s) { + printf("Error: sysinfo file location must be entered\n"); + return 1; + } + if (flag_b) { + printf("Error: start time must be entered\n"); + return 1; + } + if (flag_e) { + printf("Error: end time must be entered\n"); + return 1; + } + + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(string_starting_time, starting_time); + if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; + + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(string_end_time, end_time); + if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; + + + int output_info_device_count = 0; + std::map output_info_uuid_encrption_map; + + + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(system_info_filename, + output_info_device_count, + output_info_uuid_encrption_map); + if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; + + + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_filename, + output_info_device_count, + output_info_uuid_encrption_map, + starting_time, + end_time); + if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; + + + printf("Generate License File Success\n"); return 0; -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp index 237f1679b8..f891ed113d 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ namespace server { constexpr int LicenseLibrary::sha256_length_; bool -LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(const std::string& path) { +LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(const std::string &path) { boost::system::error_code error; auto file_status = boost::filesystem::status(path, error); @@ -133,12 +133,19 @@ LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(const int &device_count, return SERVER_SUCCESS; } +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(time_t &system_time) { + system_time = time(NULL); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; +} + // Part 2: Handle License File ServerError LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(const std::string &path, int device_count, const std::map &uuid_encrption_map, - int64_t remaining_hour) { + time_t starting_time, + time_t end_time) { std::ofstream file(path); boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); @@ -146,7 +153,10 @@ LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(const std::string &path, SerializedLicenseFile serialized_license_file; - serialized_license_file.set_license_file(new LicenseFile(device_count, uuid_encrption_map, remaining_hour)); + serialized_license_file.set_license_file(new LicenseFile(device_count, + uuid_encrption_map, + starting_time, + end_time)); oa << serialized_license_file; file.close(); @@ -157,9 +167,9 @@ ServerError LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, int &device_count, std::map &uuid_encrption_map, - int64_t &remaining_hour) { - if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; - + time_t &starting_time, + time_t &end_time) { + if (!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; std::ifstream file(path); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); ia.register_type(); @@ -169,55 +179,62 @@ LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, device_count = serialized_license_file.get_license_file()->get_device_count(); uuid_encrption_map = serialized_license_file.get_license_file()->get_uuid_encryption_map(); - remaining_hour = serialized_license_file.get_license_file()->get_remaining_hour(); + starting_time = serialized_license_file.get_license_file()->get_starting_time(); + end_time = serialized_license_file.get_license_file()->get_end_time(); file.close(); return SERVER_SUCCESS; } -ServerError -LicenseLibrary::SecretFileSerialization(const std::string &path, - const time_t &update_time, - const off_t &file_size, - const std::string &file_md5) { - std::ofstream file(path); - boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); - oa.register_type(); - - SerializedSecretFile serialized_secret_file; - - serialized_secret_file.set_secret_file(new SecretFile(update_time, file_size, file_md5)); - oa << serialized_secret_file; - - file.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, - time_t &update_time, - off_t &file_size, - std::string &file_md5) { - if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; - - std::ifstream file(path); - boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); - ia.register_type(); - SerializedSecretFile serialized_secret_file; - - ia >> serialized_secret_file; - update_time = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_update_time(); - file_size = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_file_size(); - file_md5 = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_file_md5(); - file.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} +//ServerError +//LicenseLibrary::SecretFileSerialization(const std::string &path, +// const time_t &update_time, +// const off_t &file_size, +// const time_t &starting_time, +// const time_t &end_time, +// const std::string &file_md5) { +// std::ofstream file(path); +// boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); +// oa.register_type(); +// +// SerializedSecretFile serialized_secret_file; +// +// serialized_secret_file.set_secret_file(new SecretFile(update_time, file_size, starting_time, end_time, file_md5)); +// oa << serialized_secret_file; +// +// file.close(); +// return SERVER_SUCCESS; +//} +// +//ServerError +//LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, +// time_t &update_time, +// off_t &file_size, +// time_t &starting_time, +// time_t &end_time, +// std::string &file_md5) { +// if (!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; +// +// std::ifstream file(path); +// boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); +// ia.register_type(); +// SerializedSecretFile serialized_secret_file; +// +// ia >> serialized_secret_file; +// update_time = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_update_time(); +// file_size = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_file_size(); +// starting_time = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_starting_time(); +// end_time = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_end_time(); +// file_md5 = serialized_secret_file.get_secret_file()->get_file_md5(); +// file.close(); +// return SERVER_SUCCESS; +//} // Part 3: File attribute: UpdateTime Time/ Size/ MD5 ServerError LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size) { - if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + if (!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; struct stat buf; int err_no = stat(path.c_str(), &buf); @@ -235,7 +252,7 @@ LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(const std::string &path, time_t &update ServerError LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(const std::string &path, std::string &filemd5) { - if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + if (!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; filemd5.clear(); @@ -287,7 +304,7 @@ ServerError LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, int &device_count, std::map &uuid_encrption_map) { - if(!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; + if (!IsFileExistent(path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; std::ifstream file(path); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); @@ -303,115 +320,143 @@ LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, return SERVER_SUCCESS; } +ServerError +LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(char *cha, time_t &data_time) { + tm tm_; + int year, month, day; + sscanf(cha, "%d-%d-%d", &year, &month, &day); + tm_.tm_year = year - 1900; + tm_.tm_mon = month - 1; + tm_.tm_mday = day; + tm_.tm_hour = 0; + tm_.tm_min = 0; + tm_.tm_sec = 0; + tm_.tm_isdst = 0; + data_time = mktime(&tm_); + return SERVER_SUCCESS; + +} // Part 5: Integrity check and Legality check -ServerError -LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { +//ServerError +//LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { +// +// std::string file_md5; +// GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); +// time_t update_time; +// off_t file_size; +// GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); +// time_t system_time; +// GetSystemTime(system_time); +// +// std::string output_file_md5; +// time_t output_update_time; +// off_t output_file_size; +// time_t output_starting_time; +// time_t output_end_time; +// SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, +// output_update_time, +// output_file_size, +// output_starting_time, +// output_end_time, +// output_file_md5); +// if (file_md5 != output_file_md5) { +// printf("License file has been modified\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// if (update_time != output_update_time) { +// printf("update_time is wrong\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// if (file_size != output_file_size) { +// printf("file_size is wrong\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// if (system_time < output_starting_time || system_time > output_end_time) { +// printf("License expired\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// return SERVER_SUCCESS; +//} +// +//ServerError +//LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path) { +// +// int device_count; +// GetDeviceCount(device_count); +// std::vector uuid_array; +// GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); +// +// std::vector sha_array; +// GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, sha_array); +// +// int output_device_count; +// std::map uuid_encryption_map; +// int64_t remaining_time; +// LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, output_device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); +// +// if (device_count != output_device_count) { +// printf("device_count is wrong\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { +// if (sha_array[i] != uuid_encryption_map[i]) { +// printf("uuid_encryption_map %d is wrong\n", i); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// } +// if (remaining_time <= 0) { +// printf("License expired\n"); +// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; +// } +// std::cout << "Legality Check Success" << std::endl; +// return SERVER_SUCCESS; +//} - std::string file_md5; - GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); - time_t update_time; - off_t file_size; - GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); - - std::string output_file_md5; - time_t output_update_time; - off_t output_file_size; - SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, output_update_time, output_file_size, output_file_md5); - if (file_md5 != output_file_md5) { - printf("License file has been modified\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - if (update_time != output_update_time) { - printf("update_time is wrong\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - if (file_size != output_file_size) { - printf("file_size is wrong\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path) { - - int device_count; - GetDeviceCount(device_count); - std::vector uuid_array; - GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); - - std::vector sha_array; - GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, sha_array); - - int output_device_count; - std::map uuid_encryption_map; - int64_t remaining_time; - LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, output_device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); - - if (device_count != output_device_count) { - printf("device_count is wrong\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { - if (sha_array[i] != uuid_encryption_map[i]) { - printf("uuid_encryption_map %d is wrong\n", i); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - } - if (remaining_time <= 0) { - printf("License expired\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - std::cout << "Legality Check Success" << std::endl; - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -// Part 6: Timer -ServerError -LicenseLibrary::AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, - const std::string &secret_file_path, - const boost::system::error_code &ec, - boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt) { - int device_count; - std::map uuid_encryption_map; - int64_t remaining_time; - LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); - - std::cout << "remaining_time: " << remaining_time << std::endl; - - if (remaining_time <= 0) { - std::cout << "License expired" << std::endl; - exit(1); - } - --remaining_time; - LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); - - time_t update_time; - off_t file_size; - GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); - std::string file_md5; - GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); - SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, update_time, file_size, file_md5); - - pt->expires_at(pt->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::hours(1)); - pt->async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, secret_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, pt)); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LicenseLibrary::StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { - - if(!IsFileExistent(license_file_path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; - if(!IsFileExistent(secret_file_path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; - - boost::asio::io_service io; - boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::hours(1)); - t.async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, secret_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, &t)); - std::cout << "Timing begins" << std::endl; -; - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} +//// Part 6: Timer +//ServerError +//LicenseLibrary::AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, +// const std::string &secret_file_path, +// const boost::system::error_code &ec, +// boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt) { +// int device_count; +// std::map uuid_encryption_map; +// int64_t remaining_time; +// LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); +// +// std::cout << "remaining_time: " << remaining_time << std::endl; +// +// if (remaining_time <= 0) { +// std::cout << "License expired" << std::endl; +// exit(1); +// } +// --remaining_time; +// LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); +// +// time_t update_time; +// off_t file_size; +// GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); +// std::string file_md5; +// GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); +// SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, update_time, file_size, file_md5); +// +// pt->expires_at(pt->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::hours(1)); +// pt->async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, secret_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, pt)); +// return SERVER_SUCCESS; +//} +// +//ServerError +//LicenseLibrary::StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { +// +// if (!IsFileExistent(license_file_path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; +// if (!IsFileExistent(secret_file_path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; +// +// boost::asio::io_service io; +// boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::hours(1)); +// t.async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, secret_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, &t)); +// std::cout << "Timing begins" << std::endl; +//; +// return SERVER_SUCCESS; +//} } } diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h index dd78c221ad..3fd27a41c6 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ #pragma once #include "LicenseFile.h" -#include "SecretFile.h" #include "GPUInfoFile.h" #include "utils/Error.h" @@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ #include #include +#include namespace zilliz { @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class LicenseLibrary { public: // Part 0: File check static bool - IsFileExistent(const std::string& path); + IsFileExistent(const std::string &path); // Part 1: Get GPU Info static ServerError @@ -40,26 +40,39 @@ class LicenseLibrary { std::vector &uuid_array, std::vector &sha_array); + static ServerError + GetSystemTime(time_t &system_time); + // Part 2: Handle License File static ServerError LicenseFileSerialization(const std::string &path, int device_count, - const std::map &uuid_encrption_map, int64_t remaining_hour); + const std::map &uuid_encrption_map, + time_t starting_time, + time_t end_time); static ServerError LicenseFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, int &device_count, std::map &uuid_encrption_map, - int64_t &remaining_hour); + time_t &starting_time, + time_t &end_time); - static ServerError - SecretFileSerialization(const std::string &path, - const time_t &update_time, - const off_t &file_size, - const std::string &file_md5); - - static ServerError - SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size, std::string &file_md5); +// static ServerError +// SecretFileSerialization(const std::string &path, +// const time_t &update_time, +// const off_t &file_size, +// const time_t &starting_time, +// const time_t &end_time, +// const std::string &file_md5); +// +// static ServerError +// SecretFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, +// time_t &update_time, +// off_t &file_size, +// time_t &starting_time, +// time_t &end_time, +// std::string &file_md5); // Part 3: File attribute: UpdateTime Time/ Size/ MD5 static ServerError @@ -78,22 +91,25 @@ class LicenseLibrary { int &device_count, std::map &uuid_encrption_map); - // Part 5: Integrity check and Legality check static ServerError - IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); + GetDateTime(char *cha, time_t &data_time); - static ServerError - LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path); + // Part 5: Integrity check and Legality check +// static ServerError +// IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); +// +// static ServerError +// LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path); // Part 6: Timer - static ServerError - AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, - const std::string &secret_file_path, - const boost::system::error_code &ec, - boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt); - - static ServerError - StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); +// static ServerError +// AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, +// const std::string &secret_file_path, +// const boost::system::error_code &ec, +// boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt); +// +// static ServerError +// StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); private: diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 186c502ac1..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,357 +0,0 @@ -// -// Created by zilliz on 19-5-10. -// - -#include "LicensePublic.h" -#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" -//#include "BoostArchive.h" -#define RTime 100 - -using std::string; -using std::map; -namespace zilliz { -namespace vecwise { -namespace server { - -// GET /tmp/vecwise_engine.license -class Licensedata1 -{ -public: - Licensedata1() - :_deviceCount(0) - ,_RemainingTime(RTime) - {} - - Licensedata1(const int& deviceCount,const map& uuidEncryption) - :_deviceCount(deviceCount) - ,_uuidEncryption(uuidEncryption) - ,_RemainingTime(RTime) - {} - - Licensedata1(const int& deviceCount,const map& uuidEncryption,const int64_t& RemainingTime) - :_deviceCount(deviceCount) - ,_uuidEncryption(uuidEncryption) - ,_RemainingTime(RemainingTime) - {} - - int GetdeviceCount() - { - return _deviceCount; - } - map GetuuidEncryption() - { - return _uuidEncryption; - } - int64_t GetRemainingTime() - { - return _RemainingTime; - } - -private: - friend class boost::serialization::access; - template - void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) - { - ar & _deviceCount; - ar & _uuidEncryption; - ar & _RemainingTime; - } - -public: - int _deviceCount; - map _uuidEncryption; - int64_t _RemainingTime; -}; - - -class STLlicensedata -{ -private: - friend class boost::serialization::access; - template - void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) - { - ar & m_licensedata; - } - -public: - Licensedata1* m_licensedata; -}; - - -ServerError -LiSave(const string& path,const int& deviceCount,const map& uuidEncryption) -{ - std::ofstream file(path); - boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); - oa.register_type(); - STLlicensedata stllicensedata; - - Licensedata1 *p = new Licensedata1(deviceCount,uuidEncryption); - stllicensedata.m_licensedata = p; - oa << stllicensedata; - - delete p; - file.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LiSave(const string& path,const int& deviceCount,const map& uuidEncryption, const int64_t& RemainingTime) -{ - std::ofstream file(path); - boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); - oa.register_type(); - STLlicensedata stllicensedata; - - Licensedata1 *p = new Licensedata1(deviceCount,uuidEncryption,RemainingTime); - stllicensedata.m_licensedata = p; - oa << stllicensedata; - - delete p; - file.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LiLoad(const string& path,int& deviceCount,map& uuidEncryption,int64_t& RemainingTime) -{ - std::ifstream file(path); - boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); - ia.register_type(); - STLlicensedata stllicensedata; - ia >> stllicensedata; - deviceCount = stllicensedata.m_licensedata->GetdeviceCount(); - uuidEncryption = stllicensedata.m_licensedata->GetuuidEncryption(); - RemainingTime = stllicensedata.m_licensedata->GetRemainingTime(); - file.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - - -// GET /tmp/vecwise_engine2.license - -class Licensefiledata -{ -public: - Licensefiledata() - :_update_time(0) - ,_file_size(0) - ,_filemd5("") - {} - - Licensefiledata(const time_t& update_time,const off_t& file_size,const string& filemd5) - :_update_time(update_time) - ,_file_size(file_size) - ,_filemd5(filemd5) - {} - - time_t Getupdate_time() - { - return _update_time; - } - off_t Getfile_size() - { - return _file_size; - } - string Getfilemd5() - { - return _filemd5; - } - -private: - friend class boost::serialization::access; - template - void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) - { - ar & _update_time; - ar & _file_size; - ar & _filemd5; - } - -public: - time_t _update_time; - off_t _file_size; - string _filemd5; -}; - - -class STLlicensefiledata -{ -private: - friend class boost::serialization::access; - template - void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) - { - ar & m_licensefiledata; - } - -public: - Licensefiledata* m_licensefiledata; -}; - - -ServerError -LifileSave(const string& path,const time_t& update_time,const off_t& file_size,const string& filemd5) -{ - std::ofstream file(path); - boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file); - oa.register_type(); - STLlicensefiledata stllicensefiledata; - - Licensefiledata *p = new Licensefiledata(update_time,file_size,filemd5); - stllicensefiledata.m_licensefiledata = p; - oa << stllicensefiledata; - - delete p; - file.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; -} - -ServerError -LifileLoad(const string& path,time_t& update_time,off_t& file_size,string& filemd5) - { - std::ifstream file(path); - boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(file); - ia.register_type(); - STLlicensefiledata stllicensefiledata; - ia >> stllicensefiledata; - update_time = stllicensefiledata.m_licensefiledata->Getupdate_time(); - file_size = stllicensefiledata.m_licensefiledata->Getfile_size(); - filemd5 = stllicensefiledata.m_licensefiledata->Getfilemd5(); - file.close(); - return SERVER_SUCCESS; - } - -ServerError -LicenseLegality_check(const std::string& path) -{ - int deviceCount; - std::vector uuids; - LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); - - std::vector shas; - LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,shas); - - - int deviceCountcheck; - std::map uuidEncryption; - int64_t RemainingTime; - LiLoad(path,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryption,RemainingTime); - - if(deviceCount!=deviceCountcheck) - { - printf("deviceCount is wrong\n"); - return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; - } - for(int i=0;i uuidEncryption; - int64_t RemainingTime; - LiLoad(path1,deviceCount,uuidEncryption,RemainingTime); - - std::cout<< "RemainingTime: " << RemainingTime < uuidEncryptioncheck; - int64_t RemainingTimecheck; - LiLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTimecheck); - - std::cout<< "RemainingTimecheck: " << RemainingTimecheck <expires_at(pt->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::hours(1)) ; - pt->async_wait(boost::bind(Alterfile,path1,path2, boost::asio::placeholders::error, pt)); - -} -void Runtime(const string &path1, const string &path2 ) -{ - boost::asio::io_service io; - boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::hours(1)); - t.async_wait(boost::bind(Alterfile,path1,path2, boost::asio::placeholders::error, &t)); -; - return;; -} - -} -} -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h b/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h deleted file mode 100644 index a40b6266c5..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicensePublic.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -// -// Created by zilliz on 19-5-10. -// - -#pragma once - -#include "utils/Error.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include - - -namespace zilliz { -namespace vecwise { -namespace server { - -class - BoostArchive; - -class - Licensedata1; - - -class - Licensefiledata; - -class - STLlicensefiledata; - - -ServerError -LiSave(const std::string &path, const int &deviceCount, const std::map &uuidEncryption); - -ServerError -LiLoad(const std::string &path, int &deviceCount, std::map &uuidEncryption, int64_t &RemainingTime); - -ServerError -LifileSave(const std::string &path, const time_t &update_time, const off_t &file_size, const std::string &filemd5); - -ServerError -LifileLoad(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size, std::string &filemd5); - -ServerError -LiSave(const std::string &path, - const int &deviceCount, - const std::map &uuidEncryption, - const int64_t &RemainingTime); - -ServerError -LicenseIntegrity_check(const std::string &path, const std::string &path2); - -ServerError -LicenseLegality_check(const std::string &path); - -void -Alterfile(const std::string &path1, - const std::string &path2, - const boost::system::error_code &ec, - boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt); - -void -Runtime(const std::string &path1, const std::string &path2); - - -} -} -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index dd06a64540..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseRun.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -// -// Created by zilliz on 19-5-11. -// -#include -#include -#include - -#include "utils/Error.h" -#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" -#include "license/LicensePublic.h" - - -using namespace zilliz::vecwise; - -//TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { -// -// std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; -// std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; -// std::cout << "This is run " << std::endl; -// -// server::ServerError err; -// -// err = server::Licensefileread(path1); -// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) -// { -// exit(1); -// } -// err = server::LicenseIntegrity_check(path1,path2); -// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) -// { -// std::cout << "Integrity_check is wrong " << std::endl; -// exit(1); -// } -// err = server::LicenseLegality_check(path1); -// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) -// { -// std::cout << "Legality_check is wrong " << std::endl; -// exit(1); -// } -// std::cout << " runing " << std::endl; -// server::Runtime(path1,path2); -//} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h b/cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h deleted file mode 100644 index 08f196a5b3..0000000000 --- a/cpp/src/license/SecretFile.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -/******************************************************************************* - * Copyright 上海赜睿信息科技有限公司(Zilliz) - All Rights Reserved - * Unauthorized copying of this file, via any medium is strictly prohibited. - * Proprietary and confidential. - ******************************************************************************/ -#pragma once -#include - -class SecretFile { - public: - SecretFile() = default; - - SecretFile(const time_t &update_time, const off_t &file_size, const std::string &file_md5) - : update_time_(update_time), file_size_(file_size), file_md5_(file_md5) {} - - time_t get_update_time() { - return update_time_; - } - off_t get_file_size() { - return file_size_; - } - std::string get_file_md5() { - return file_md5_; - } - - private: - friend class boost::serialization::access; - - template - void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { - ar & update_time_; - ar & file_size_; - ar & file_md5_; - } - - public: - time_t update_time_ = 0; - off_t file_size_ = 0; - std::string file_md5_; -}; - -class SerializedSecretFile { - public: - ~SerializedSecretFile() { - if(secret_file_ != nullptr) { - delete secret_file_; - secret_file_ = nullptr; - } - } - - void - set_secret_file(SecretFile* secret_file) { - secret_file_ = secret_file; - } - - SecretFile* get_secret_file() { - return secret_file_; - } - - private: - friend class boost::serialization::access; - - template - void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { - ar & secret_file_; - } - - private: - SecretFile *secret_file_ = nullptr; -}; - - diff --git a/cpp/src/server/Server.cpp b/cpp/src/server/Server.cpp index 876771fafd..8c79c5a215 100644 --- a/cpp/src/server/Server.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/server/Server.cpp @@ -133,12 +133,6 @@ Server::Daemonize() { int Server::Start() { - std::string license_file_path = "/tmp/vecwise.license"; - if(LicenseValidate(license_file_path) != SERVER_SUCCESS) { - SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "License check failed"; - return 1; - } - if (daemonized_) { Daemonize(); } @@ -157,6 +151,21 @@ Server::Start() { //print config into console and log config.PrintAll(); +#ifdef ENABLE_LICENSE + ConfigNode license_config = config.GetConfig(CONFIG_LICENSE); + std::string license_file_path = license_config.GetValue(CONFIG_LICENSE_PATH); + SERVER_LOG_INFO << "License path: " << license_file_path; + if(server::LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(license_file_path) != SERVER_SUCCESS) { + SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "License check failed"; + exit(1); + } + + if(server::LicenseCheck::StartCountingDown(license_file_path) != SERVER_SUCCESS) { + SERVER_LOG_ERROR << "License counter start error"; + exit(1); + } +#endif + // Handle Signal signal(SIGINT, SignalUtil::HandleSignal); signal(SIGHUP, SignalUtil::HandleSignal); diff --git a/cpp/src/server/ServerConfig.h b/cpp/src/server/ServerConfig.h index b8c5ae8c19..d840077e15 100644 --- a/cpp/src/server/ServerConfig.h +++ b/cpp/src/server/ServerConfig.h @@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ static const std::string CONFIG_CACHE = "cache_config"; static const std::string CONFIG_CPU_CACHE_CAPACITY = "cpu_cache_capacity"; static const std::string CONFIG_GPU_CACHE_CAPACITY = "gpu_cache_capacity"; +static const std::string CONFIG_LICENSE = "license_config"; +static const std::string CONFIG_LICENSE_PATH = "license_path"; + class ServerConfig { public: static ServerConfig &GetInstance(); diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt index 2d2ed15fc7..cc7e5ba930 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt @@ -19,15 +19,18 @@ link_directories(/usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/stubs/) set(require_files ../../src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp + ../../src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp # ../../src/license/License.cpp -# ../../src/license/LicensePublic.cpp -# ../../src/license/LicenseCreateuuidshafile.cpp ) + set(db_test_src # license_tests.cpp license_library_tests.cpp + license_check_test.cpp + + ${require_files}) cuda_add_executable(license_test ${db_test_src}) diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f47afff357 --- /dev/null +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +// +// Created by zilliz on 19-5-13. +// + +#include "utils/Log.h" +#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" +#include "utils/Error.h" + +#include +#include + + +using namespace zilliz::vecwise; + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, CHECK_TEST) { + + server::ServerError err; + + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch/abc.license"); + + + int device_count; + std::map uuid_encryption_map; +// +// err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(sys_info_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// std::cout << " device_count: " << device_count << std::endl; +// for (int i = 0; i < device_count; i++) { +// std::cout << " uuid_encryption_map: " << i << " " << uuid_encryption_map[i] << std::endl; +// } +// + time_t starting_time; + time_t end_time; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encryption_map, + starting_time, + end_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// std::cout << "device_count: " << device_count << std::endl; +// for (int i = 0; i < device_count; i++) { +// std::cout << " uuid_encryption_map: " << i << " " << uuid_encryption_map[i] << std::endl; +// } +// std::cout << "starting_time: " << starting_time << std::endl; +// std::cout << "end_time: " << end_time << std::endl; + + + time_t system_time; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(system_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + system_time+=111100; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encryption_map, + system_time, + end_time); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + // 19. Legality check + err = server::LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 20. Start counting down + +// err = server::LicenseCheck::StartCountingDown(license_file_path); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +} diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp index ec9ee9fac0..0f4e84a947 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ #include #include + using namespace zilliz::vecwise; TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, FILE_EXISTENT_TEST) { @@ -55,6 +56,12 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GPU_INFO_TEST) { std::cout << "Device Id: " << i << ", UUID: " << uuid_array[i] << ", UUID_SHA256: " << uuid_sha256_array[i] << std::endl; } + + time_t systemtime; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(systemtime); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + std::cout << "System Time: " << systemtime << std::endl; + } TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, LICENSE_FILE_TEST) { @@ -112,27 +119,40 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, LICENSE_FILE_TEST) { ASSERT_EQ(uuid_encrption_map[i], output_info_uuid_encrption_map[i]); } + + // 16. Get System Time/starting_time ans End Time + time_t starting_time; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(starting_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + time_t end_time; + end_time = starting_time + (long) (60 * 60 * 24 * 7); + // 11. Generate License File err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encrption_map, - remaining_hour); + starting_time, + end_time); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); // 12. Define output var int output_device_count = 0; std::map output_uuid_encrption_map; - int64_t output_remaining_hour; + time_t output_starting_time; + time_t output_end_time; // 13. Read License File err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, output_device_count, output_uuid_encrption_map, - output_remaining_hour); + output_starting_time, + output_end_time); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ(device_count, output_device_count); - ASSERT_EQ(remaining_hour, output_remaining_hour); + ASSERT_EQ(starting_time, output_starting_time); + ASSERT_EQ(end_time, output_end_time); + for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(uuid_encrption_map[i], output_uuid_encrption_map[i]); } @@ -148,53 +168,49 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, LICENSE_FILE_TEST) { err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 16. Generate Secret File - std::string secret_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.secret"); - err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, update_time, file_size, file_md5); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// std::string secret_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.secret"); +// err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, +// update_time, +// file_size, +// starting_time, +// end_time, +// file_md5); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); // 17. Define output var - time_t output_update_time; - off_t output_file_size; - std::string output_file_md5; +// time_t output_update_time; +// off_t output_file_size; +// time_t output_starting_time; +// time_t output_end_time; +// std::string output_file_md5; // 18. Read License File - err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, - output_update_time, - output_file_size, - output_file_md5); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - ASSERT_EQ(update_time, output_update_time); - ASSERT_EQ(file_size, output_file_size); - ASSERT_EQ(file_md5, output_file_md5); +// err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, +// output_update_time, +// output_file_size, +// output_starting_time, +// output_end_time, +// output_file_md5); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// ASSERT_EQ(update_time, output_update_time); +// ASSERT_EQ(file_size, output_file_size); +// ASSERT_EQ(starting_time, output_starting_time); +// ASSERT_EQ(end_time, output_end_time); +// ASSERT_EQ(file_md5, output_file_md5); // 19. Integrity check and Legality check - err = server::LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(license_file_path, secret_file_path); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - err = server::LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// err = server::LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(license_file_path, secret_file_path); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +// +// err = server::LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); +// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); } -TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, Timer_TEST) { - - server::ServerError err; - std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); - std::string secret_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.secret"); - - // 19. Integrity check and Legality check - err = server::LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(license_file_path, secret_file_path); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - err = server::LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - // 20. Start counting down - err = server::LicenseLibrary::StartCountingDown(license_file_path, secret_file_path); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -} TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_GPU_INFO_FILE) { @@ -250,39 +266,64 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_LICENSE_FILE) { output_info_uuid_encrption_map); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - // 5. Enter time - int64_t remaining_hour = 24*7 ; - std::cout << "Please enter the authorization time (hours)" << std::endl; -// std::cin >> remaining_hour; + time_t system_time; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(system_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + time_t starting_time = system_time; + time_t end_time = system_time + (long) (60 * 60 * 24 * 7); + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, output_info_device_count, output_info_uuid_encrption_map, - remaining_hour); + starting_time, + end_time); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); std::cout << "Generate License File Success" << std::endl; } -TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_SECRET_FILE) { - +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_DATA_TIME) { server::ServerError err; - std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); - std::string secret_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.secret"); - - // 14. Get License File Attribute - time_t update_time; - off_t file_size; - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); + char * a ="2018-03-06"; + time_t pp; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(a,pp); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + std::cout << pp < Date: Wed, 15 May 2019 10:46:06 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 14/15] unit test Former-commit-id: 3806f1d475b2dd1259fe48a013f01389f8975e5c --- cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp | 8 +- cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp | 41 --- cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h | 2 - cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp | 19 +- cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp | 126 +------- cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h | 17 -- cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt | 2 - cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp | 164 +++++++++-- .../license/license_library_tests.cpp | 277 +++++------------- cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp | 191 ------------ 10 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 616 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 cpp/unittest/license/license_tests.cpp diff --git a/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp b/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp index 4ddf671485..bc4b43c1d3 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/GetSysInfo.cpp @@ -53,24 +53,24 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { server::ServerError err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(device_count); if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; - // 2. Get All GPU UUID + // 1. Get All GPU UUID std::vector uuid_array; err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; - // 3. Get UUID SHA256 + // 2. Get UUID SHA256 std::vector uuid_sha256_array; err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, uuid_sha256_array); if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; - // 4. Generate GPU ID map with GPU UUID + // 3. Generate GPU ID map with GPU UUID std::map uuid_encrption_map; for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { uuid_encrption_map[i] = uuid_sha256_array[i]; } - // 6. Generate GPU_info File + // 4. Generate GPU_info File err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileSerialization(system_info_filename, device_count, uuid_encrption_map); diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp index 7c3e4a30de..ca8fb4f930 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp @@ -14,47 +14,6 @@ namespace vecwise { namespace server { -//ServerError -//LicenseCheck::IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { -// -// std::string file_md5; -// LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); -// time_t update_time; -// off_t file_size; -// LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); -// time_t system_time; -// LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(system_time); -// -// std::string output_file_md5; -// time_t output_update_time; -// off_t output_file_size; -// time_t output_starting_time; -// time_t output_end_time; -// LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, -// output_update_time, -// output_file_size, -// output_starting_time, -// output_end_time, -// output_file_md5); -// if (file_md5 != output_file_md5) { -// printf("License file has been modified\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// if (update_time != output_update_time) { -// printf("update_time is wrong\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// if (file_size != output_file_size) { -// printf("file_size is wrong\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// if (system_time < output_starting_time || system_time > output_end_time) { -// printf("License expired\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// return SERVER_SUCCESS; -//} - // Part 1: Legality check ServerError diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h index e3c5b3ac32..9a22f57f5a 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseCheck.h @@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ class LicenseCheck { return instance; }; -// static ServerError -// IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); // Part 1: Legality check static ServerError diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp index 2160c916ad..c837337a2f 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseGenerator.cpp @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ print_usage(const std::string &app_name) { printf(" -h --help Print this help\n"); printf(" -s --sysinfo filename sysinfo file location\n"); printf(" -l --license filename Generate license file as given name\n"); - printf(" -b --starting time Set start time Similar to year-month-day\n"); - printf(" -e --end time Set end time Similar to year-month-day \n"); + printf(" -b --starting time Set start time (format: YYYY-MM-DD)\n"); + printf(" -e --end time Set end time (format: YYYY-MM-DD)\n"); printf("\n"); } @@ -52,35 +52,20 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { case 's': { flag_s = 0; system_info_filename = (std::string) (optarg); -// char *system_info_filename_ptr = strdup(optarg); -// system_info_filename = system_info_filename_ptr; -// free(system_info_filename_ptr); -// printf("Generate system info file: %s\n", system_info_filename.c_str()); break; } case 'b': { flag_b = 0; string_starting_time = optarg; -// char *time = strdup(optarg); -// err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(time, starting_time); -// if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; -// free(time); break; } case 'e': { flag_e = 0; string_end_time = optarg; -// char *time = strdup(optarg); -// err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(time, end_time); -// if (err != server::SERVER_SUCCESS) return -1; -// free(time); break; } case 'l': { license_filename = (std::string) (optarg); -// char *system_info_filename_ptr = strdup(optarg); -// license_filename = system_info_filename_ptr; -// free(system_info_filename_ptr); break; } case 'h':print_usage(app_name); diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp index f891ed113d..669810552e 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ namespace server { constexpr int LicenseLibrary::sha256_length_; +// Part 0: File check bool LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(const std::string &path) { @@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(const std::string &path) { return !boost::filesystem::is_directory(file_status); } - +// Part 1: Get GPU Info ServerError LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(int &device_count) { nvmlReturn_t result = nvmlInit(); @@ -230,6 +231,8 @@ LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(const std::string &path, // return SERVER_SUCCESS; //} + + // Part 3: File attribute: UpdateTime Time/ Size/ MD5 ServerError LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(const std::string &path, time_t &update_time, off_t &file_size) { @@ -336,127 +339,6 @@ LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(char *cha, time_t &data_time) { return SERVER_SUCCESS; } -// Part 5: Integrity check and Legality check -//ServerError -//LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { -// -// std::string file_md5; -// GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); -// time_t update_time; -// off_t file_size; -// GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); -// time_t system_time; -// GetSystemTime(system_time); -// -// std::string output_file_md5; -// time_t output_update_time; -// off_t output_file_size; -// time_t output_starting_time; -// time_t output_end_time; -// SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, -// output_update_time, -// output_file_size, -// output_starting_time, -// output_end_time, -// output_file_md5); -// if (file_md5 != output_file_md5) { -// printf("License file has been modified\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// if (update_time != output_update_time) { -// printf("update_time is wrong\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// if (file_size != output_file_size) { -// printf("file_size is wrong\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// if (system_time < output_starting_time || system_time > output_end_time) { -// printf("License expired\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// return SERVER_SUCCESS; -//} -// -//ServerError -//LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path) { -// -// int device_count; -// GetDeviceCount(device_count); -// std::vector uuid_array; -// GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); -// -// std::vector sha_array; -// GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, sha_array); -// -// int output_device_count; -// std::map uuid_encryption_map; -// int64_t remaining_time; -// LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, output_device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); -// -// if (device_count != output_device_count) { -// printf("device_count is wrong\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { -// if (sha_array[i] != uuid_encryption_map[i]) { -// printf("uuid_encryption_map %d is wrong\n", i); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// } -// if (remaining_time <= 0) { -// printf("License expired\n"); -// return SERVER_UNEXPECTED_ERROR; -// } -// std::cout << "Legality Check Success" << std::endl; -// return SERVER_SUCCESS; -//} - -//// Part 6: Timer -//ServerError -//LicenseLibrary::AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, -// const std::string &secret_file_path, -// const boost::system::error_code &ec, -// boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt) { -// int device_count; -// std::map uuid_encryption_map; -// int64_t remaining_time; -// LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); -// -// std::cout << "remaining_time: " << remaining_time << std::endl; -// -// if (remaining_time <= 0) { -// std::cout << "License expired" << std::endl; -// exit(1); -// } -// --remaining_time; -// LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, remaining_time); -// -// time_t update_time; -// off_t file_size; -// GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); -// std::string file_md5; -// GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); -// SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, update_time, file_size, file_md5); -// -// pt->expires_at(pt->expires_at() + boost::posix_time::hours(1)); -// pt->async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, secret_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, pt)); -// return SERVER_SUCCESS; -//} -// -//ServerError -//LicenseLibrary::StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path) { -// -// if (!IsFileExistent(license_file_path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; -// if (!IsFileExistent(secret_file_path)) return SERVER_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_EXIST; -// -// boost::asio::io_service io; -// boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::hours(1)); -// t.async_wait(boost::bind(AlterFile, license_file_path, secret_file_path, boost::asio::placeholders::error, &t)); -// std::cout << "Timing begins" << std::endl; -//; -// return SERVER_SUCCESS; -//} } } diff --git a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h index 3fd27a41c6..a4202b1a0b 100644 --- a/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h +++ b/cpp/src/license/LicenseLibrary.h @@ -94,23 +94,6 @@ class LicenseLibrary { static ServerError GetDateTime(char *cha, time_t &data_time); - // Part 5: Integrity check and Legality check -// static ServerError -// IntegrityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); -// -// static ServerError -// LegalityCheck(const std::string &license_file_path); - - // Part 6: Timer -// static ServerError -// AlterFile(const std::string &license_file_path, -// const std::string &secret_file_path, -// const boost::system::error_code &ec, -// boost::asio::deadline_timer *pt); -// -// static ServerError -// StartCountingDown(const std::string &license_file_path, const std::string &secret_file_path); - private: static constexpr int sha256_length_ = 32; diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt b/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt index cc7e5ba930..55509c195c 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/CMakeLists.txt @@ -20,13 +20,11 @@ link_directories(/usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/stubs/) set(require_files ../../src/license/LicenseLibrary.cpp ../../src/license/LicenseCheck.cpp -# ../../src/license/License.cpp ) set(db_test_src -# license_tests.cpp license_library_tests.cpp license_check_test.cpp diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp index f47afff357..75a8b65010 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_check_test.cpp @@ -14,55 +14,171 @@ using namespace zilliz::vecwise; TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, CHECK_TEST) { - server::ServerError err; + server::ServerError err; + // 1. Set license file name std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch/abc.license"); + // 2. Legality check + err = server::LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, CHECK_ERROR1_TEST){ + + server::ServerError err; + // 1. Set license file name + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch/abc"); + + // 2. Legality check + err = server::LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, CHECK_ERROR2_TEST){ + + server::ServerError err; + // 1. Set license file name + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch/abc.license"); + + // 2. Define output var int device_count; std::map uuid_encryption_map; -// -// err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(sys_info_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// std::cout << " device_count: " << device_count << std::endl; -// for (int i = 0; i < device_count; i++) { -// std::cout << " uuid_encryption_map: " << i << " " << uuid_encryption_map[i] << std::endl; -// } -// time_t starting_time; time_t end_time; + + // 3. Read License File err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, starting_time, end_time); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// std::cout << "device_count: " << device_count << std::endl; -// for (int i = 0; i < device_count; i++) { -// std::cout << " uuid_encryption_map: " << i << " " << uuid_encryption_map[i] << std::endl; -// } -// std::cout << "starting_time: " << starting_time << std::endl; -// std::cout << "end_time: " << end_time << std::endl; + // 4. Change device count + ++device_count; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encryption_map, + starting_time, + end_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + // 5. Legality check + err = server::LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, CHECK_ERROR3_TEST){ + + server::ServerError err; + // 1. Set license file name + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch/abc.license"); + + // 2. Define output var + int device_count; + std::map uuid_encryption_map; + time_t starting_time; + time_t end_time; + + // 3. Read License File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encryption_map, + starting_time, + end_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 4. Change device count + if(device_count) uuid_encryption_map[0]+="u"; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encryption_map, + starting_time, + end_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 5. Legality check + err = server::LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +} + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, CHECK_ERROR4_1_TEST){ + + server::ServerError err; + // 1. Set license file name + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch/abc.license"); + + // 2. Define output var + int device_count; + std::map uuid_encryption_map; + time_t starting_time; + time_t end_time; + + // 3. Read License File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encryption_map, + starting_time, + end_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 4. Change starting time time_t system_time; err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(system_time); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - system_time+=111100; + system_time+=60*60*24; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, device_count, uuid_encryption_map, system_time, end_time); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - // 19. Legality check - err = server::LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - // 20. Start counting down - -// err = server::LicenseCheck::StartCountingDown(license_file_path); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + // 5. Legality check + err = server::LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); } + +TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, CHECK_ERROR4_2_TEST){ + + server::ServerError err; + // 1. Set license file name + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch/abc.license"); + + // 2. Define output var + int device_count; + std::map uuid_encryption_map; + time_t starting_time; + time_t end_time; + + // 3. Read License File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encryption_map, + starting_time, + end_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 4. Change end time + time_t system_time; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(system_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + system_time-=100; + + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, + device_count, + uuid_encryption_map, + starting_time, + system_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 5. Legality check + err = server::LicenseCheck::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); +} + diff --git a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp index 0f4e84a947..f47ce5a43f 100644 --- a/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp +++ b/cpp/unittest/license/license_library_tests.cpp @@ -66,153 +66,10 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GPU_INFO_TEST) { TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, LICENSE_FILE_TEST) { - // 1. Get Device Count - int device_count = 0; - server::ServerError err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDeviceCount(device_count); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - // 2. Get All GPU UUID - std::vector uuid_array; - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUID(device_count, uuid_array); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - // 3. Get UUID SHA256 - std::vector uuid_sha256_array; - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetUUIDSHA256(device_count, uuid_array, uuid_sha256_array); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - - // 4. Set a file name - std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); - - // 5. Provide remaining hour - int64_t remaining_hour = 2 * 365 * 24; - - // 6. Generate GPU ID map with GPU UUID - std::map uuid_encrption_map; - for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { - uuid_encrption_map[i] = uuid_sha256_array[i]; - } - - // 7.GPU_info File - std::string GPU_info_file_path("/tmp/"); - - - // 8. Generate GPU_info File - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileSerialization(GPU_info_file_path, - device_count, - uuid_encrption_map); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - // 9. Define output var - int output_info_device_count = 0; - std::map output_info_uuid_encrption_map; - - // 10. Read GPU_info File - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(GPU_info_file_path, - output_info_device_count, - output_info_uuid_encrption_map); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - ASSERT_EQ(device_count, output_info_device_count); - for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { - ASSERT_EQ(uuid_encrption_map[i], output_info_uuid_encrption_map[i]); - } - - - // 16. Get System Time/starting_time ans End Time - time_t starting_time; - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(starting_time); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - time_t end_time; - end_time = starting_time + (long) (60 * 60 * 24 * 7); - - // 11. Generate License File - err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, - device_count, - uuid_encrption_map, - starting_time, - end_time); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - // 12. Define output var - int output_device_count = 0; - std::map output_uuid_encrption_map; - time_t output_starting_time; - time_t output_end_time; - - // 13. Read License File - err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, - output_device_count, - output_uuid_encrption_map, - output_starting_time, - output_end_time); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - ASSERT_EQ(device_count, output_device_count); - ASSERT_EQ(starting_time, output_starting_time); - ASSERT_EQ(end_time, output_end_time); - - for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { - ASSERT_EQ(uuid_encrption_map[i], output_uuid_encrption_map[i]); - } - - // 14. Get License File Attribute - time_t update_time; - off_t file_size; - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileUpdateTimeAndSize(license_file_path, update_time, file_size); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - // 15. Get License File MD5 - std::string file_md5; - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetFileMD5(license_file_path, file_md5); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - - - // 16. Generate Secret File -// std::string secret_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.secret"); -// err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileSerialization(secret_file_path, -// update_time, -// file_size, -// starting_time, -// end_time, -// file_md5); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - // 17. Define output var -// time_t output_update_time; -// off_t output_file_size; -// time_t output_starting_time; -// time_t output_end_time; -// std::string output_file_md5; - - // 18. Read License File -// err = server::LicenseLibrary::SecretFileDeserialization(secret_file_path, -// output_update_time, -// output_file_size, -// output_starting_time, -// output_end_time, -// output_file_md5); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// ASSERT_EQ(update_time, output_update_time); -// ASSERT_EQ(file_size, output_file_size); -// ASSERT_EQ(starting_time, output_starting_time); -// ASSERT_EQ(end_time, output_end_time); -// ASSERT_EQ(file_md5, output_file_md5); - - // 19. Integrity check and Legality check -// err = server::LicenseLibrary::IntegrityCheck(license_file_path, secret_file_path); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); -// -// err = server::LicenseLibrary::LegalityCheck(license_file_path); -// ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - -} - - -TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_GPU_INFO_FILE) { + // 0. File check + std::string test("/tmp/a.test"); + bool is = server::LicenseLibrary::IsFileExistent(test); + ASSERT_EQ(is, false); // 1. Get Device Count int device_count = 0; @@ -238,85 +95,91 @@ TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_GPU_INFO_FILE) { // 5.GPU_info File std::string GPU_info_file_path("/tmp/"); + // 6. Generate GPU_info File err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileSerialization(GPU_info_file_path, device_count, uuid_encrption_map); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - std::cout << "Generate GPU_info File Success" << std::endl; -} - -TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_LICENSE_FILE) { - - server::ServerError err; - // 1.GPU_info File - std::string GPU_info_file_path("/tmp/"); - - // 2. License File - std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); - - // 3. Define output var + // 7. Define output var int output_info_device_count = 0; std::map output_info_uuid_encrption_map; - // 4. Read GPU_info File + // 8. Read GPU_info File err = server::LicenseLibrary::GPUinfoFileDeserialization(GPU_info_file_path, output_info_device_count, output_info_uuid_encrption_map); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - time_t system_time; - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(system_time); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - time_t starting_time = system_time; - time_t end_time = system_time + (long) (60 * 60 * 24 * 7); + ASSERT_EQ(device_count, output_info_device_count); + for (int i = 0; i < device_count; ++i) { + ASSERT_EQ(uuid_encrption_map[i], output_info_uuid_encrption_map[i]); + } + // 9. Set license file name + std::string license_file_path("/tmp/megasearch.license"); + + // 10. Get System Time/starting_time ans End Time + time_t sysyem_time; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetSystemTime(sysyem_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 11.GetDateTime + time_t starting_time; + time_t end_time; + char *string_starting_time = "2019-05-10"; + char *string_end_time = "2022-05-10"; + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(string_starting_time, starting_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(string_end_time, end_time); + ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); + + // 12. Generate License File err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileSerialization(license_file_path, - output_info_device_count, - output_info_uuid_encrption_map, + device_count, + uuid_encrption_map, starting_time, end_time); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - std::cout << "Generate License File Success" << std::endl; -} + // 13. Define output var + int output_device_count = 0; + std::map output_uuid_encrption_map; + time_t output_starting_time; + time_t output_end_time; -TEST(LicenseLibraryTest, GET_DATA_TIME) { - server::ServerError err; - char * a ="2018-03-06"; - time_t pp; - err = server::LicenseLibrary::GetDateTime(a,pp); + // 14. Read License File + err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(license_file_path, + output_device_count, + output_uuid_encrption_map, + output_starting_time, + output_end_time); ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - std::cout << pp < -#include -#include "license/LicenseCheck.h" -#include "license/LicensePublic.h" -#include "utils/Error.h" - - -using namespace zilliz::vecwise; - -//TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { - -// std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; -// std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; -// std::cout << "This is run " << std::endl; -// -// server::ServerError err; -// -// err = server::Licensefileread(path1); -// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) -// { -// exit(1); -// } -// err = server::LicenseIntegrity_check(path1,path2); -// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) -// { -// std::cout << "Integrity_check is wrong " << std::endl; -// exit(1); -// } -// err = server::LicenseLegality_check(path1); -// if(err!=server::SERVER_SUCCESS) -// { -// std::cout << "Legality_check is wrong " << std::endl; -// exit(1); -// } -// std::cout << " runing " << std::endl; -// server::Runtime(path1,path2); -//} - - - - - -TEST(LicenseTest, LICENSE_TEST) { - std::string path1 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine.license"; - std::string path2 = "/tmp/vecwise_engine2.license"; - - server::ServerError err; - server::Runtime(path1,path2); - - - time_t update_time; - off_t file_size; - std::string filemd5; - - time_t update_timecheck; - off_t file_sizecheck; - std::string filemd5check; - - err = server::LicenseGetfiletime(path1,update_time); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - err = server::LicenseGetfilesize(path1,file_size); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - err = server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path1,filemd5); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - err = server::LifileSave(path2,update_time,file_size,filemd5); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - err = server::LifileLoad(path2,update_timecheck,file_sizecheck,filemd5check); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - - std::cout<< "update_time : " << update_time < uuids; - - deviceCount = 2; - uuids.push_back("121"); - uuids.push_back("324"); - err = server::LicenseGetuuid(deviceCount,uuids); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - printf("\n deviceCount = %d\n",deviceCount); - - std::vector uuidmd5s; - err = server::LicenseGetuuidmd5(deviceCount,uuids,uuidmd5s); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - printf(" md5s \n"); - for(int i=0;i uuidshas; - err = server::LicenseGetuuidsha(deviceCount,uuids,uuidshas); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - std::map uuidEncryption; - for(int i=0;i uuidEncryptioncheck; -// err = server::LicenseLibrary::LicenseFileDeserialization(path1, deviceCountcheck, uuidEncryptioncheck, RemainingTime); - err = server::LiLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidEncryptioncheck,RemainingTime); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - printf("----- checking ----\n"); - printf("\n deviceCount = %d\n",deviceCountcheck); - for(auto it : uuidEncryptioncheck) - { - std::cout<< "uuidshas : " << it.second << std::endl; - } - std::cout<< "RemainingTime :" << RemainingTime << std::endl; - - printf(" shas \n"); - for(int i=0;i uuidshascheck; - - err = server::LicenseLoad(path1,deviceCountcheck,uuidshascheck); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - std::cout<<" deviceCountcheck :" << deviceCountcheck << std::endl; - std::cout<<" uuidshascheck :" << uuidshascheck[0] << std::endl; - - - err = server::LicenseGetfilemd5(path1,filemd5); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - std::cout<<" filemd5 :" << filemd5 << std::endl; - - err= server::LicensefileSave(path1,path2); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - time_t last_timecheck; - err= server::LicensefileLoad(path2,filemd5check,last_timecheck); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - std::cout<<" filemd5check :" << filemd5check << std::endl; - - time_t last_time; - err = server::LicenseGetfiletime(path1,last_time); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - - std::cout<<" last_time : " << last_time << std::endl; - std::cout<<" last_timecheck :" << last_timecheck << std::endl; - - err = server::LicenseIntegritycheck(path1,path2); - ASSERT_EQ(err, server::SERVER_SUCCESS); - -}