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// Licensed to the LF AI & Data foundation under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package importutil
import (
const (
JSONFileExt = ".json"
NumpyFileExt = ".npy"
// supposed size of a single block, to control a binlog file size, the max biglog file size is no more than 2*SingleBlockSize
SingleBlockSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024 // 16MB
// this limitation is to avoid this OOM risk:
// for column-based file, we read all its data into memory, if user input a large file, the read() method may
// cost extra memory and lear to OOM.
MaxFileSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 16GB
// this limitation is to avoid this OOM risk:
// simetimes system segment max size is a large number, a single segment fields data might cause OOM.
// flush the segment when its data reach this limitation, let the compaction to compact it later.
MaxSegmentSizeInMemory = 512 * 1024 * 1024 // 512MB
// this limitation is to avoid this OOM risk:
// if the shard number is a large number, although single segment size is small, but there are lot of in-memory segments,
// the total memory size might cause OOM.
// TODO: make it configurable.
MaxTotalSizeInMemory = 6 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 6GB
// keywords of import task informations
FailedReason = "failed_reason"
Files = "files"
CollectionName = "collection"
PartitionName = "partition"
PersistTimeCost = "persist_cost"
// ReportImportAttempts is the maximum # of attempts to retry when import fails.
var ReportImportAttempts uint = 10
type ImportFlushFunc func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardID int) error
type AssignSegmentFunc func(shardID int) (int64, string, error)
type CreateBinlogsFunc func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, segmentID int64) ([]*datapb.FieldBinlog, []*datapb.FieldBinlog, error)
type SaveSegmentFunc func(fieldsInsert []*datapb.FieldBinlog, fieldsStats []*datapb.FieldBinlog, segmentID int64, targetChName string, rowCount int64) error
type WorkingSegment struct {
segmentID int64 // segment ID
shardID int // shard id
targetChName string // target dml channel
rowCount int64 // accumulate row count
memSize int // total memory size of all binlogs
fieldsInsert []*datapb.FieldBinlog // persisted binlogs
fieldsStats []*datapb.FieldBinlog // stats of persisted binlogs
type ImportWrapper struct {
ctx context.Context // for canceling parse process
cancel context.CancelFunc // for canceling parse process
collectionSchema *schemapb.CollectionSchema // collection schema
shardNum int32 // sharding number of the collection
segmentSize int64 // maximum size of a segment(unit:byte) defined by dataCoord.segment.maxSize (milvus.yml)
rowIDAllocator *allocator.IDAllocator // autoid allocator
chunkManager storage.ChunkManager
assignSegmentFunc AssignSegmentFunc // function to prepare a new segment
createBinlogsFunc CreateBinlogsFunc // function to create binlog for a segment
saveSegmentFunc SaveSegmentFunc // function to persist a segment
importResult *rootcoordpb.ImportResult // import result
reportFunc func(res *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) error // report import state to rootcoord
reportImportAttempts uint // attempts count if report function get error
workingSegments map[int]*WorkingSegment // a map shard id to working segments
func NewImportWrapper(ctx context.Context, collectionSchema *schemapb.CollectionSchema, shardNum int32, segmentSize int64,
idAlloc *allocator.IDAllocator, cm storage.ChunkManager, importResult *rootcoordpb.ImportResult,
reportFunc func(res *rootcoordpb.ImportResult) error) *ImportWrapper {
if collectionSchema == nil {
log.Error("import wrapper: collection schema is nil")
return nil
// ignore the RowID field and Timestamp field
realSchema := &schemapb.CollectionSchema{
Name: collectionSchema.GetName(),
Description: collectionSchema.GetDescription(),
AutoID: collectionSchema.GetAutoID(),
Fields: make([]*schemapb.FieldSchema, 0),
for i := 0; i < len(collectionSchema.Fields); i++ {
schema := collectionSchema.Fields[i]
if schema.GetName() == common.RowIDFieldName || schema.GetName() == common.TimeStampFieldName {
realSchema.Fields = append(realSchema.Fields, schema)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
wrapper := &ImportWrapper{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
collectionSchema: realSchema,
shardNum: shardNum,
segmentSize: segmentSize,
rowIDAllocator: idAlloc,
chunkManager: cm,
importResult: importResult,
reportFunc: reportFunc,
reportImportAttempts: ReportImportAttempts,
workingSegments: make(map[int]*WorkingSegment),
return wrapper
func (p *ImportWrapper) SetCallbackFunctions(assignSegmentFunc AssignSegmentFunc, createBinlogsFunc CreateBinlogsFunc, saveSegmentFunc SaveSegmentFunc) error {
if assignSegmentFunc == nil {
log.Error("import wrapper: callback function AssignSegmentFunc is nil")
return fmt.Errorf("callback function AssignSegmentFunc is nil")
if createBinlogsFunc == nil {
log.Error("import wrapper: callback function CreateBinlogsFunc is nil")
return fmt.Errorf("callback function CreateBinlogsFunc is nil")
if saveSegmentFunc == nil {
log.Error("import wrapper: callback function SaveSegmentFunc is nil")
return fmt.Errorf("callback function SaveSegmentFunc is nil")
p.assignSegmentFunc = assignSegmentFunc
p.createBinlogsFunc = createBinlogsFunc
p.saveSegmentFunc = saveSegmentFunc
return nil
// Cancel method can be used to cancel parse process
func (p *ImportWrapper) Cancel() error {
return nil
// fileValidation verify the input paths
// if all the files are json type, return true
// if all the files are numpy type, return false, and not allow duplicate file name
func (p *ImportWrapper) fileValidation(filePaths []string) (bool, error) {
// use this map to check duplicate file name(only for numpy file)
fileNames := make(map[string]struct{})
totalSize := int64(0)
rowBased := false
for i := 0; i < len(filePaths); i++ {
filePath := filePaths[i]
name, fileType := GetFileNameAndExt(filePath)
// only allow json file or numpy file
if fileType != JSONFileExt && fileType != NumpyFileExt {
log.Error("import wrapper: unsupported file type", zap.String("filePath", filePath))
return false, fmt.Errorf("unsupported file type: '%s'", filePath)
// we use the first file to determine row-based or column-based
if i == 0 && fileType == JSONFileExt {
rowBased = true
// check file type
// row-based only support json type, column-based only support numpy type
if rowBased {
if fileType != JSONFileExt {
log.Error("import wrapper: unsupported file type for row-based mode", zap.String("filePath", filePath))
return rowBased, fmt.Errorf("unsupported file type for row-based mode: '%s'", filePath)
} else {
if fileType != NumpyFileExt {
log.Error("import wrapper: unsupported file type for column-based mode", zap.String("filePath", filePath))
return rowBased, fmt.Errorf("unsupported file type for column-based mode: '%s'", filePath)
// check dupliate file
_, ok := fileNames[name]
if ok {
log.Error("import wrapper: duplicate file name", zap.String("filePath", filePath))
return rowBased, fmt.Errorf("duplicate file: '%s'", filePath)
fileNames[name] = struct{}{}
// check file size, single file size cannot exceed MaxFileSize
size, err := p.chunkManager.Size(p.ctx, filePath)
if err != nil {
log.Error("import wrapper: failed to get file size", zap.String("filePath", filePath), zap.Error(err))
return rowBased, fmt.Errorf("failed to get file size of '%s', error:%w", filePath, err)
// empty file
if size == 0 {
log.Error("import wrapper: file size is zero", zap.String("filePath", filePath))
return rowBased, fmt.Errorf("the file '%s' size is zero", filePath)
if size > MaxFileSize {
log.Error("import wrapper: file size exceeds the maximum size", zap.String("filePath", filePath),
zap.Int64("fileSize", size), zap.Int64("MaxFileSize", MaxFileSize))
return rowBased, fmt.Errorf("the file '%s' size exceeds the maximum size: %d bytes", filePath, MaxFileSize)
totalSize += size
return rowBased, nil
// Import is the entry of import operation
// filePath and rowBased are from ImportTask
// if onlyValidate is true, this process only do validation, no data generated, flushFunc will not be called
func (p *ImportWrapper) Import(filePaths []string, options ImportOptions) error {
log.Info("import wrapper: begin import", zap.Any("filePaths", filePaths), zap.Any("options", options))
// data restore function to import milvus native binlog files(for backup/restore tools)
// the backup/restore tool provide two paths for a partition, the first path is binlog path, the second is deltalog path
if options.IsBackup && p.isBinlogImport(filePaths) {
return p.doBinlogImport(filePaths, options.TsStartPoint, options.TsEndPoint)
// normal logic for import general data files
rowBased, err := p.fileValidation(filePaths)
if err != nil {
return err
tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("Import task")
if rowBased {
// parse and consume row-based files
// for row-based files, the JSONRowConsumer will generate autoid for primary key, and split rows into segments
// according to shard number, so the flushFunc will be called in the JSONRowConsumer
for i := 0; i < len(filePaths); i++ {
filePath := filePaths[i]
_, fileType := GetFileNameAndExt(filePath)
log.Info("import wrapper: row-based file ", zap.Any("filePath", filePath), zap.Any("fileType", fileType))
if fileType == JSONFileExt {
err = p.parseRowBasedJSON(filePath, options.OnlyValidate)
if err != nil {
log.Error("import wrapper: failed to parse row-based json file", zap.Error(err), zap.String("filePath", filePath))
return err
} // no need to check else, since the fileValidation() already do this
// trigger gc after each file finished
} else {
// parse and consume column-based files(currently support numpy)
// for column-based files, the NumpyParser will generate autoid for primary key, and split rows into segments
// according to shard number, so the flushFunc will be called in the NumpyParser
flushFunc := func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardID int) error {
printFieldsDataInfo(fields, "import wrapper: prepare to flush binlog data", filePaths)
return p.flushFunc(fields, shardID)
parser, err := NewNumpyParser(p.ctx, p.collectionSchema, p.rowIDAllocator, p.shardNum, SingleBlockSize, p.chunkManager, flushFunc)
if err != nil {
return err
err = parser.Parse(filePaths)
if err != nil {
return err
p.importResult.AutoIds = append(p.importResult.AutoIds, parser.IDRange()...)
// trigger after parse finished
return p.reportPersisted(p.reportImportAttempts, tr)
// reportPersisted notify the rootcoord to mark the task state to be ImportPersisted
func (p *ImportWrapper) reportPersisted(reportAttempts uint, tr *timerecord.TimeRecorder) error {
// force close all segments
err := p.closeAllWorkingSegments()
if err != nil {
return err
if tr != nil {
ts := tr.Elapse("persist finished").Seconds()
p.importResult.Infos = append(p.importResult.Infos,
&commonpb.KeyValuePair{Key: PersistTimeCost, Value: strconv.FormatFloat(ts, 'f', 2, 64)})
// report file process state
p.importResult.State = commonpb.ImportState_ImportPersisted
log.Info("import wrapper: report import result", zap.Any("importResult", p.importResult))
// persist state task is valuable, retry more times in case fail this task only because of network error
reportErr := retry.Do(p.ctx, func() error {
return p.reportFunc(p.importResult)
}, retry.Attempts(reportAttempts))
if reportErr != nil {
log.Warn("import wrapper: fail to report import state to RootCoord", zap.Error(reportErr))
return reportErr
return nil
// isBinlogImport is to judge whether it is binlog import operation
// For internal usage by the restore tool:
// This tool exports data from a milvus service, and call bulkload interface to import native data into another milvus service.
// This tool provides two paths: one is insert log path of a partition,the other is delta log path of this partition.
// This method checks the filePaths, if the file paths is exist and not a file, we say it is native import.
func (p *ImportWrapper) isBinlogImport(filePaths []string) bool {
// must contains the insert log path, and the delta log path is optional to be empty string
if len(filePaths) != 2 {
log.Info("import wrapper: paths count is not 2, not binlog import", zap.Int("len", len(filePaths)))
return false
checkFunc := func(filePath string) bool {
// contains file extension, is not a path
_, fileType := GetFileNameAndExt(filePath)
if len(fileType) != 0 {
log.Info("import wrapper: not a path, not binlog import", zap.String("filePath", filePath), zap.String("fileType", fileType))
return false
return true
// the first path is insert log path
filePath := filePaths[0]
if len(filePath) == 0 {
log.Info("import wrapper: the first path is empty string, not binlog import")
return false
if !checkFunc(filePath) {
return false
// the second path is delta log path
filePath = filePaths[1]
if len(filePath) > 0 && !checkFunc(filePath) {
return false
log.Info("import wrapper: do binlog import")
return true
// doBinlogImport is the entry of binlog import operation
func (p *ImportWrapper) doBinlogImport(filePaths []string, tsStartPoint uint64, tsEndPoint uint64) error {
tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("Import task")
flushFunc := func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardID int) error {
printFieldsDataInfo(fields, "import wrapper: prepare to flush binlog data", filePaths)
return p.flushFunc(fields, shardID)
parser, err := NewBinlogParser(p.ctx, p.collectionSchema, p.shardNum, SingleBlockSize, p.chunkManager, flushFunc,
tsStartPoint, tsEndPoint)
if err != nil {
return err
err = parser.Parse(filePaths)
if err != nil {
return err
return p.reportPersisted(p.reportImportAttempts, tr)
// parseRowBasedJSON is the entry of row-based json import operation
func (p *ImportWrapper) parseRowBasedJSON(filePath string, onlyValidate bool) error {
tr := timerecord.NewTimeRecorder("json row-based parser: " + filePath)
// for minio storage, chunkManager will download file into local memory
// for local storage, chunkManager open the file directly
file, err := p.chunkManager.Reader(p.ctx, filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
// parse file
reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
parser := NewJSONParser(p.ctx, p.collectionSchema)
// if only validate, we input a empty flushFunc so that the consumer do nothing but only validation.
var flushFunc ImportFlushFunc
if onlyValidate {
flushFunc = func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardID int) error {
return nil
} else {
flushFunc = func(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardID int) error {
var filePaths = []string{filePath}
printFieldsDataInfo(fields, "import wrapper: prepare to flush binlogs", filePaths)
return p.flushFunc(fields, shardID)
consumer, err := NewJSONRowConsumer(p.collectionSchema, p.rowIDAllocator, p.shardNum, SingleBlockSize, flushFunc)
if err != nil {
return err
err = parser.ParseRows(reader, consumer)
if err != nil {
return err
// for row-based files, auto-id is generated within JSONRowConsumer
p.importResult.AutoIds = append(p.importResult.AutoIds, consumer.IDRange()...)
return nil
// flushFunc is the callback function for parsers generate segment and save binlog files
func (p *ImportWrapper) flushFunc(fields map[storage.FieldID]storage.FieldData, shardID int) error {
// if fields data is empty, do nothing
var rowNum int
memSize := 0
for _, field := range fields {
rowNum = field.RowNum()
memSize += field.GetMemorySize()
if rowNum <= 0 {
log.Warn("import wrapper: fields data is empty", zap.Int("shardID", shardID))
return nil
// if there is no segment for this shard, create a new one
// if the segment exists and its size almost exceed segmentSize, close it and create a new one
var segment *WorkingSegment
segment, ok := p.workingSegments[shardID]
if ok {
// the segment already exists, check its size, if the size exceeds(or almost) segmentSize, close the segment
if int64(segment.memSize)+int64(memSize) >= p.segmentSize {
err := p.closeWorkingSegment(segment)
if err != nil {
return err
segment = nil
p.workingSegments[shardID] = nil
if segment == nil {
// create a new segment
segID, channelName, err := p.assignSegmentFunc(shardID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("import wrapper: failed to assign a new segment", zap.Error(err), zap.Int("shardID", shardID))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to assign a new segment for shard id %d, error: %w", shardID, err)
segment = &WorkingSegment{
segmentID: segID,
shardID: shardID,
targetChName: channelName,
rowCount: int64(0),
memSize: 0,
fieldsInsert: make([]*datapb.FieldBinlog, 0),
fieldsStats: make([]*datapb.FieldBinlog, 0),
p.workingSegments[shardID] = segment
// save binlogs
fieldsInsert, fieldsStats, err := p.createBinlogsFunc(fields, segment.segmentID)
if err != nil {
log.Error("import wrapper: failed to save binlogs", zap.Error(err), zap.Int("shardID", shardID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.segmentID), zap.String("targetChannel", segment.targetChName))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save binlogs, shard id %d, segment id %d, channel '%s', error: %w",
shardID, segment.segmentID, segment.targetChName, err)
segment.fieldsInsert = append(segment.fieldsInsert, fieldsInsert...)
segment.fieldsStats = append(segment.fieldsStats, fieldsStats...)
segment.rowCount += int64(rowNum)
segment.memSize += memSize
return nil
// closeWorkingSegment marks a segment to be sealed
func (p *ImportWrapper) closeWorkingSegment(segment *WorkingSegment) error {
log.Info("import wrapper: adding segment to the correct DataNode flow graph and saving binlog paths",
zap.Int("shardID", segment.shardID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.segmentID),
zap.String("targetChannel", segment.targetChName),
zap.Int64("rowCount", segment.rowCount),
zap.Int("insertLogCount", len(segment.fieldsInsert)),
zap.Int("statsLogCount", len(segment.fieldsStats)))
err := p.saveSegmentFunc(segment.fieldsInsert, segment.fieldsStats, segment.segmentID, segment.targetChName, segment.rowCount)
if err != nil {
log.Error("import wrapper: failed to seal segment",
zap.Int("shardID", segment.shardID),
zap.Int64("segmentID", segment.segmentID),
zap.String("targetChannel", segment.targetChName))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to seal segment, shard id %d, segment id %d, channel '%s', error: %w",
segment.shardID, segment.segmentID, segment.targetChName, err)
return nil
// closeAllWorkingSegments mark all segments to be sealed at the end of import operation
func (p *ImportWrapper) closeAllWorkingSegments() error {
for _, segment := range p.workingSegments {
err := p.closeWorkingSegment(segment)
if err != nil {
return err
p.workingSegments = make(map[int]*WorkingSegment)
return nil