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// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Zilliz. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
// is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
// or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package datanode
import (
func TestFlowGraph_DDNode_newDDNode(te *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
inCollID UniqueID
inFlushedSegs []UniqueID
inFlushedChannelTs Timestamp
inUnFlushedSegID UniqueID
inUnFlushedChannelTs Timestamp
description string
{UniqueID(1), []UniqueID{100, 101, 102}, 666666, 200, 666666,
"Input VchannelInfo with 3 flushed segs and 1 unflushed seg"},
{UniqueID(2), []UniqueID{103}, 666666, 200, 666666,
"Input VchannelInfo with 1 flushed seg and 1 unflushed seg"},
{UniqueID(3), []UniqueID{}, 666666, 200, 666666,
"Input VchannelInfo with 0 flushed segs and 1 unflushed seg"},
{UniqueID(3), []UniqueID{104}, 666666, 0, 0,
"Input VchannelInfo with 1 flushed seg and empty unflushed seg"},
for _, test := range tests {
te.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
di := &datapb.SegmentInfo{}
if test.inUnFlushedSegID != 0 {
di.ID = test.inUnFlushedSegID
di.DmlPosition = &internalpb.MsgPosition{Timestamp: test.inUnFlushedChannelTs}
fi := []*datapb.SegmentInfo{}
for _, id := range test.inFlushedSegs {
s := &datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: id}
fi = append(fi, s)
ddNode := newDDNode(
make(chan UniqueID),
FlushedSegments: fi,
UnflushedSegments: []*datapb.SegmentInfo{di},
flushedSegIDs := make([]int64, 0)
for _, seg := range ddNode.flushedSegments {
flushedSegIDs = append(flushedSegIDs, seg.ID)
assert.Equal(t, "ddNode", ddNode.Name())
assert.Equal(t, test.inCollID, ddNode.collectionID)
assert.Equal(t, len(test.inFlushedSegs), len(ddNode.flushedSegments))
assert.ElementsMatch(t, test.inFlushedSegs, flushedSegIDs)
si, ok := ddNode.segID2SegInfo.Load(test.inUnFlushedSegID)
assert.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, test.inUnFlushedSegID, si.(*datapb.SegmentInfo).GetID())
assert.Equal(t, test.inUnFlushedChannelTs, si.(*datapb.SegmentInfo).GetDmlPosition().GetTimestamp())
func TestFlowGraph_DDNode_Operate(to *testing.T) {
to.Run("Test DDNode Operate DropCollection Msg", func(te *testing.T) {
// invalid inputs
invalidInTests := []struct {
in []Msg
description string
"Invalid input length == 0"},
{[]Msg{&flowGraphMsg{}, &flowGraphMsg{}, &flowGraphMsg{}},
"Invalid input length == 3"},
"Invalid input length == 1 but input message is not msgStreamMsg"},
for _, test := range invalidInTests {
te.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
ddn := ddNode{}
rt := ddn.Operate(
assert.Empty(t, rt)
// valid inputs
tests := []struct {
ddnClearSignal chan UniqueID
ddnCollID UniqueID
msgCollID UniqueID
expectedChlen int
description string
{make(chan UniqueID, 1), 1, 1, 1,
"DropCollectionMsg collID == ddNode collID"},
{make(chan UniqueID, 1), 1, 2, 0,
"DropCollectionMsg collID != ddNode collID"},
for _, test := range tests {
te.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
ddn := ddNode{
clearSignal: test.ddnClearSignal,
collectionID: test.ddnCollID,
var dropCollMsg msgstream.TsMsg = &msgstream.DropCollectionMsg{
DropCollectionRequest: internalpb.DropCollectionRequest{
Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_DropCollection},
CollectionID: test.msgCollID,
tsMessages := []msgstream.TsMsg{dropCollMsg}
var msgStreamMsg Msg = flowgraph.GenerateMsgStreamMsg(tsMessages, 0, 0, nil, nil)
rt := ddn.Operate([]Msg{msgStreamMsg})
assert.Equal(t, test.expectedChlen, len(test.ddnClearSignal))
if test.ddnCollID == test.msgCollID {
assert.Empty(t, rt)
} else {
assert.NotEmpty(t, rt)
to.Run("Test DDNode Operate Insert Msg", func(te *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
ddnCollID UniqueID
inMsgCollID UniqueID
MsgEndTs Timestamp
threshold Timestamp
ddnFlushedSegment UniqueID
inMsgSegID UniqueID
expectedRtLen int
description string
{1, 1, 2000, 3000, 100, 100, 0,
"MsgEndTs(2000) < threshold(3000), inMsgSegID(100) IN ddnFlushedSeg {100}"},
{1, 1, 2000, 3000, 100, 200, 1,
"MsgEndTs(2000) < threshold(3000), inMsgSegID(200) NOT IN ddnFlushedSeg {100}"},
{1, 1, 4000, 3000, 100, 101, 1,
"Seg 101, MsgEndTs(4000) > FilterThreshold(3000)"},
{1, 1, 4000, 3000, 100, 200, 1,
"Seg 200, MsgEndTs(4000) > FilterThreshold(3000)"},
{1, 2, 4000, 3000, 100, 100, 0,
"inMsgCollID(2) != ddnCollID"},
for _, test := range tests {
te.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
fs := &datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: test.ddnFlushedSegment}
// Prepare ddNode states
ddn := ddNode{
flushedSegments: []*datapb.SegmentInfo{fs},
collectionID: test.ddnCollID,
FilterThreshold = test.threshold
// Prepare insert messages
var iMsg msgstream.TsMsg = &msgstream.InsertMsg{
BaseMsg: msgstream.BaseMsg{EndTimestamp: test.MsgEndTs},
InsertRequest: internalpb.InsertRequest{
Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_Insert},
CollectionID: test.inMsgCollID,
SegmentID: test.inMsgSegID,
tsMessages := []msgstream.TsMsg{iMsg}
var msgStreamMsg Msg = flowgraph.GenerateMsgStreamMsg(tsMessages, 0, 0, nil, nil)
// Test
rt := ddn.Operate([]Msg{msgStreamMsg})
assert.Equal(t, test.expectedRtLen, len(rt[0].(*flowGraphMsg).insertMessages))
to.Run("Test DDNode Operate Delete Msg", func(te *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
ddnCollID UniqueID
inMsgCollID UniqueID
MsgEndTs Timestamp
expectedRtLen int
description string
{1, 1, 2000, 1, "normal"},
{1, 2, 4000, 0, "inMsgCollID(2) != ddnCollID"},
for _, test := range tests {
te.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
// Prepare ddNode states
ddn := ddNode{
collectionID: test.ddnCollID,
// Prepare delete messages
var dMsg msgstream.TsMsg = &msgstream.DeleteMsg{
BaseMsg: msgstream.BaseMsg{EndTimestamp: test.MsgEndTs},
DeleteRequest: internalpb.DeleteRequest{
Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_Delete},
CollectionID: test.inMsgCollID,
tsMessages := []msgstream.TsMsg{dMsg}
var msgStreamMsg Msg = flowgraph.GenerateMsgStreamMsg(tsMessages, 0, 0, nil, nil)
// Test
rt := ddn.Operate([]Msg{msgStreamMsg})
assert.Equal(t, test.expectedRtLen, len(rt[0].(*flowGraphMsg).deleteMessages))
func TestFlowGraph_DDNode_filterMessages(te *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
ddnFlushedSegments []UniqueID
ddnSegID2Ts map[UniqueID]Timestamp
inMsgSegID UniqueID
inMsgSegEntTs Timestamp
expectedOut bool
description string
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, map[UniqueID]Timestamp{4: 1000, 5: 2000}, 1, 1500, true,
"Seg 1 in flushedSegs {1, 2, 3}"},
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, map[UniqueID]Timestamp{4: 1000, 5: 2000}, 2, 1500, true,
"Seg 2 in flushedSegs {1, 2, 3}"},
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, map[UniqueID]Timestamp{4: 1000, 5: 2000}, 3, 1500, true,
"Seg 3 in flushedSegs {1, 2, 3}"},
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, map[UniqueID]Timestamp{4: 1000, 5: 2000}, 4, 1500, false,
"Seg 4, inMsgSegEntTs(1500) > SegCheckPoint(1000)"},
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, map[UniqueID]Timestamp{4: 1000, 5: 2000}, 4, 500, true,
"Seg 4, inMsgSegEntTs(500) <= SegCheckPoint(1000)"},
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, map[UniqueID]Timestamp{4: 1000, 5: 2000}, 4, 1000, true,
"Seg 4 inMsgSegEntTs(1000) <= SegCheckPoint(1000)"},
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, map[UniqueID]Timestamp{4: 1000, 5: 2000}, 5, 1500, true,
"Seg 5 inMsgSegEntTs(1500) <= SegCheckPoint(2000)"},
for _, test := range tests {
te.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
fs := []*datapb.SegmentInfo{}
for _, id := range test.ddnFlushedSegments {
s := &datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: id}
fs = append(fs, s)
// Prepare ddNode states
ddn := ddNode{
flushedSegments: fs,
for k, v := range test.ddnSegID2Ts {
ddn.segID2SegInfo.Store(k, &datapb.SegmentInfo{DmlPosition: &internalpb.MsgPosition{Timestamp: v}})
// Prepare insert messages
var iMsg = &msgstream.InsertMsg{
BaseMsg: msgstream.BaseMsg{EndTimestamp: test.inMsgSegEntTs},
InsertRequest: internalpb.InsertRequest{
Base: &commonpb.MsgBase{MsgType: commonpb.MsgType_Insert},
SegmentID: test.inMsgSegID,
// Test
rt := ddn.filterFlushedSegmentInsertMessages(iMsg)
assert.Equal(t, test.expectedOut, rt)
si, ok := ddn.segID2SegInfo.Load(iMsg.GetSegmentID())
if !rt {
assert.False(t, ok)
assert.Nil(t, si)
func TestFlowGraph_DDNode_isFlushed(te *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
influshedSegment []UniqueID
inSeg UniqueID
expectedOut bool
description string
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, 1, true,
"Input seg 1 in flushedSegs{1, 2, 3}"},
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, 2, true,
"Input seg 2 in flushedSegs{1, 2, 3}"},
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, 3, true,
"Input seg 3 in flushedSegs{1, 2, 3}"},
{[]UniqueID{1, 2, 3}, 4, false,
"Input seg 4 not in flushedSegs{1, 2, 3}"},
{[]UniqueID{}, 5, false,
"Input seg 5, no flushedSegs {}"},
for _, test := range tests {
te.Run(test.description, func(t *testing.T) {
fs := []*datapb.SegmentInfo{}
for _, id := range test.influshedSegment {
s := &datapb.SegmentInfo{ID: id}
fs = append(fs, s)
ddn := &ddNode{flushedSegments: fs}
assert.Equal(t, test.expectedOut, ddn.isFlushed(test.inSeg))